n o v e m b e r, 2015 the...

Post on 09-Mar-2021






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N O V E M B E R, 2015

The official newsletter of Middletown United Methodist Church

Middletown United Methodist Church, 924 Middletown ‐Lincroft Road, Middletown, NJ 07748

Of ice: (732) 671 ‐0707 * Parsonage: (732) 671 ‐0489

Pastor Derrick L. Doherty * Email : derrick@middletownumcnj .org

Jeanne Turro, Church Of ice * Email : jeanne@middletownumcnj .org


2 Pastor’s Message 4 MDO Preschool Page 6 “Stop Hunger Now” Event 8 Three Miracles 10 50th Anniversary Recap 11 November, 2015 Calendar 12 Church Announcements


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SundaySchool  ‐  9:30am 

TraditionalWorshipService  ‐  10:30am 

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In Our Church Family...

Dear Friends,

Today as I write this letter to you many wonderful things are twirling through the air. We have just completed our 2015 Annual Church Conference. (My pastor’s report is enclosed later in this newsletter, please take time to read through the entire report.) Halloween, Thanksgiving, Advent and Christmas preparations are already happening for the life of our church. People are busy, this day, getting ready for the coming weekends celebrations of our church’s 50th Anniversary! By the time you read this our huge 50th Anniversary celebration will have already passed, I hope you were able to join the celebrations.

We are living in a wonderful time within the life of the Middletown United Methodist Church. Our church is currently exploring a new vision/purpose statement, exploring a new resource the conference has made available called ‘Team Vital,’ looking at new ways to reach out into the community, and much more.

Hebrews 13.8 reminds us of the wonderful truth that “Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and forever.” For over 50 years now, our church has continued to connect, grow, and share, Jesus Christ within the Bayshore area of Monmouth County and literally around the world. We will continue to do just that and our leadership is intentionally looking for ways to improve how we connect, grow, and share. Friends, we serve a wonderful God who has remained the same throughout the centuries. It is our cultures and contexts that continue to change around us. As such, we the church must adjust how we connect, grow, and share Jesus with our culture. These truly are exciting times.

I look forward to continuing this journey with you and seeing you soon at worship.

Peace and God’s blessings. In Christ,

Rev. Derrick L. Doherty Middletown United Methodist Church, Pastor

Middletown United Methodist Church Annual Church Conference

Pastor’s Report October 10, 2015

As I look back over the past year, I am amazed at how God has used us to bring about God’s peace, justice, grace, and mercy. I strongly believe that, as we are preparing to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Middletown United Methodist Church, our best and greatest years of impact for the Kingdom of God are still in front of us. We are living in exciting times within the life of our church. People are coming to know the Lord, lives are being changed, justice is being named, and God’s grace is flowing.

This year, 2015, is a year that we are going to look back on as a time when the radical transformation within the life of our church started. In my opinion, 2015 marks when we moved out of ‘survival mode.’ ‘Survival mode’ is the mindset a church is in when: the utilities cannot be paid, mission obligations cannot be fully supported, worship attendance is steadily decreasing, and more ministries are shutting down than starting up. In 2015, thanks to everyone’s commitment to the work of God through Middletown UMC, all bills have been paid in full, all of our ministry obligations have been fulfilled, our worship attendance has stabilized (understanding that people have moved out of the area and new families have joined the fellowship), and while some ministries have shut down, new ones are starting up (Harvest Festival, Goodness Now, Stop Hunger Now, Groups).

It seems to me that nearing the end of 2015, Middletown UMC has moved into a ‘wondering




In Our Church Family... for the grocery store of your choice at face value and, since we purchase the cards at a 5% discount from the stores, we are able to donate 5% of your purchase to Aslan. Gift cards are sold monthly in the narthex between services on the first Sunday of every month and we sell cards for Shoprite, ACME, Stop & Shop and A & P/Pathmark. Since many people will be doing holiday food shopping just before Thanksgiving, we will also be selling gift cards on Sunday, Nov. 22nd. Stop by & give us a try!!!

Robin Smith


Holiday Giving Opportunities through MUMC

The spirit of holiday giving is fast approaching and the ministries team is sponsoring several programs to help you brighten up the holiday of those less fortunate.

The Aslan Christmas Tree will be in the narthex the weeks of Nov. 15th and 22th. Ornaments with the name, age and wish list of a child will be available for you to adopt. Gifts should be in the range of $30-$35 and should be returned to the church in by early December. Last year MUMC adopted 70 children and we are planning to adopt the same number of children this year. If you would like to sponsor a child but are not able to shop for your child, monetary donations are welcome and our “thrifty shoppers” will take care of the shopping. ASLAN is so grateful every year for the overwhelming support they get from our congregation to this program!

The Community Outreach Group (COG) is once

again requesting $25 gift cards for grocery stores and department stores that they can give to the low income, working families that they serve in the Middletown area. By giving the families gift cards, it allows them the joy and dignity to purchase their own gifts for their family. We are hoping to donate $1000 worth of gift cards from our church. Grocery store cards can be purchased through the gleanings program and then COG and Aslan will both benefit from your purchase. This collection will be ongoing

Continued on Page 5.)

mode,’ which is good! It is my perspective that we are seeking who and what God wants us to become, just as the Israelites left Egypt and then ‘wondered’ in the wilderness while they were assessing who they were. A couple months ago, the Church Council formed a task force to explore the possibilities of a new mission/purpose statement for our church. The job of the task force is almost complete. When a new mission/purpose statement is adopted it will help us to climb ‘Mt. Abrarim’ as Moses did (Numbers 27.12) and give us a perspective of ‘where we are going.’ The Nominations and Leadership Development Committee is also assessing if our current organizational structure is the best structure for who we are today.

Friends, these are exciting times. Times of 50 children attending VBS, times of a growing youth ministry, times of increased praise band membership, times of 75% of people worshiping being actively engaged in ministry. We have had 50 wonderful years of ministry and God has a plan for many, many more impactful years. I am excited and humbled to be the pastor of such a dynamic church during this time!!!

Respectfully, humbly, and excitedly submitted, Rev. Derrick L. Doherty

Middletown United Methodist Church, Pastor

Gleanings Program Holiday Update

“When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the very edges of your field or gather the

gleanings of your harvest. Leave them for the poor and the alien. I am the Lord your God.”

--- Leviticus 23: 22

How were we able to donate over $41,000 to Aslan Youth Ministries without spending a penny of the church’s or congregation’s money? This has been possible through the gleanings program which has been in existence in our church since 1993. Aslan Youth Ministries provides mentoring programs for low income, minority children through tutoring, bible study and special youth events. They also have an active ministry in Haiti.

Through the MUMC Gleanings program you can support Aslan’s programs by purchasing gift cards




MDO Preschool would like to thank all those who donated crafts and snack items to the Preschool. The amount of supplies received was WONDERFUL and TRULY appreciated! Thank you for your generosity and support as we continue through another great year.

Thank you,

Our MDO Preschool has had a wonderful start to their school year. The children have settled in and the staff is busy making their days full with an exciting and educational curriculum. And the best news is that their enrollment is increasing. We are truly blessed to have Liz as our new director and a wonderful staff.

October is Fire Prevention month and so they had a special visitor…Pastor Derrick/Fireman Derrick.

And he brought the firetruck! The children are always excited to see a REAL fireman and the truck was icing on the cake. They tried on the fireman gear and were able to sit on the truck. What a special day for all of the children.

Of course October is also about Halloween…and they have not forgotten that. They talked about pumpkins and will have the opportunity to wear their costumes to school for their Halloween parade. A special time for the children and a great photo-op for the parents.

One of the special times at MDO is Children’s Bible Story Time and this year they will begin the week of October 26th. Very special volunteers will come in once a week and share a special time with the children. Pastor Derrick will start first followed by the rest of our volunteers; Heather Gaal, Sandy Whitten, Janet McNear, Barbara Meyer, and Linda Rowse. We thank our volunteers and know that their lives will be blessed with their time with the children.




In Our Church Ministries…


 through November and early December. Look for the donation box in the narthex.

Thanks for sharing the holiday spirit with those less fortunate through these special programs!

Robin Smith



Calling All Family Promise Volunteers & Interested Volunteers!

There will be an experienced volunteer update session December 6, 2015 after each of the two morning services in Fellowship Hall or the double classroom, depending on our size. The Family Promise board recommends we do one once a year, and it's been a while, so please make every effort to join us for about a half an hour of discussion and updates.

Anyone who is not already a trained volunteer, please come out and see what we're all about. The tail end of the discussion will include information and training for anyone who hasn't been through it yet. Our next hosting week will be that following week, so it's a great time to get in the holiday spirit and see how to give to other needy families right here through our home church. Feel free to call us with any questions.

Peace, Joyce Johnson, 908.433.6898

Nanci Illingworth, 732.671.6382 MUMC FP Coordinator



CROP Walk Update

We did it! We turned in over 160 pounds of peanut butter and at least 15 pounds of rice, beans and other foods!! Thank you!! At least 22 hardy souls made the 5 mile walk!! Thank you!! And our church team turned in at least $1320! This is wonderful support—showing that our church family IS aware of hunger in our area and our world and we ARE doing something about it! If you brought peanut butter or supported our team with a donation, thank

you! We are not done—the CROP Hunger Walk may be over but we have not fed everyone who is hungry or given shelter to everyone who is cold. We still have more to do but we have done a good job for the CROP Hunger Walk!

Dianne Thompson, Coordinator




Pastor Derrick is speaking on More is Not Always Better. His worship theme will end on Commitment Sunday, November 22. You will receive a commitment card in the mail in mid-November and you’ll be asked to bring it to services on 11/22 to make your personal commitment to God through the Middletown United Methodist Church.

Maybe you are wondering about the time and talent commitments—what might that look like? Possibilities include being in the bell choir—if you can count, you can play a bell! Set up or clean up after coffee hour! Be a substitute teacher for Sunday School—or offer to co-teach the nursey class that we’d like to start! There are weeds that could be pulled around the church—there doesn’t need to be a group to do that sort of work if you’d like to do that. Treat boxes for students away at school will be put together in November—you could supply something.

Goodness Now could use support—if you’d like to




In Our Church Ministries…    

donate 36 of something for the backpacks. Singers are always welcome in the choir—maybe for Advent or Lent, you’d give it a try? Support the teams that come to work on Sandy Relief—brownies would be great! Or maybe you’d like to raise a hammer yourself?

Family Promise can use meals, overnight hosts, set-up and break-down help, evening hosts—takes your time, not just your money. If you aren’t sure of what talents you have, Pastor Derrick has offered to share a cup of coffee to help you discern your talents. Much of the work of the church is just that—work! Give your time and energy as well as your funds since many things cannot be done without YOU!

Dianne Thompson, Stewardship Committee


“Stop Hunger Now” Event

Saturday, November 14, 2015, 9am – 12pm

Did you know that “Hunger kills more people each year than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined?” Our church is joining forces with other local churches and Lions Club members to alleviate this crisis. You are invited to a fun event sponsored by Stop Hunger Now being held right here on Saturday, November 14.

We will have space for up to 80 men, women and

children to gather from 9am – 12 Noon and package 10,000+ meals for those in need. The food is sent to national and international areas that have experienced a disaster or other situation which prevents food, etc. from getting to people that desperately need it. For more information on Stop Hunger Now, see Please stop by the table in the Narthex to sign up. You can contact Phil Welch, 732-747-5032 or, for more information. See our full-page flyer on page 7. This event was inspired by MUMC’s 50th anniversary celebration.

Phil Welch



The Women’s Fellowship is preparing to send care packages off to our youth who are away in school. But we need your help.

If your child is in college, serving in the military or just far from home, please send us their address so we can include them in our mailing. We want our youth to know, even though they are far away they are in our hearts and prayers.

You may send the addresses to Carolyn Hooper at or you may put them in my mailbox. The packages will be sent the beginning of December.

Carolyn Hooper



February 19-21, 2016

The Women’s Retreat is planned for February 19th, 20th & 21st.. It may seem far away but will be here before you know it. There is a signup sheet is on the women’s

bulletin board. Please sign up at which time a $50.00 deposit is due.

The checks should be made out to MUMC with retreat in the memo. Please give them to me or put

(Continued on Page 8.)




In Our Church Family…    





Church Announcements…    

them in my mailbox.

As always, the retreat will be a wonderful time of fellowship, fun and spiritual renewal. If you would like to help with the planning, please let me know at

Carolyn Hooper



Visiting the Holy Lands and walking where Jesus, the disciples, and the other people of the Scriptures walked can literally turn our understanding of the Scripture from a ‘black-n-white TV set’ to a ‘color TV set’ possibly even HD!

Pastor Derrick is in the beginning stages of organizing a Pilgrimage to the Holy Lands in 2017. Please email Jeanne Turro ( if you would like more information.

Three Miracles

Our United Methodist Conference was given a challenge 2 years ago to raise funds for 1) a Future with Hope (to help those who suffered damage from Super Storm Sandy), 2) No More Malaria (nets to protect children and adults from malaria-carrying mosquitoes), and 3) a mission of each church’s choosing.

Many of us (27 families in our congregation) have made a 3 year commitment to this challenge. More families have pledged to just Goodness Now, our church’s mission. IT IS STILL IMPORTANT to follow through on these pledges! We have a wonderful opportunity to show God’s love in our state, our world and our own little corner through these 3 Miracles!! If you need more information on the 3 Miracles and how YOU can contribute, please see Dianne Thompson or Mel Hooper.

Dianne Thompson


Women’s Fellowship will be meeting on Saturday, November 7th at 8:30. We will begin with breakfast and fellowship followed by a short meeting of those events coming up. We will also will begin

dismantling our displays that we put up for the 50th anniversary. There is a signup sheet on the women’s bulletin board so we know how many to plan for. Hope to see you there.

50th Anniversary Song

In honor of our 50th Anniversary, an original song was created. The lyrics were written by Stacey Lebitz and the music was written by Rich Bennett. The song with lyrics are on Page 9.

Thank you Stacey and Rich, for creating this wonderful piece of music to help us celebrate our 50th Anniversary!!!

Advent Small Groups

In the past, some of you have expressed an interest in leading a small group. And some of you, Tricia and I think, would make wonderful small group leaders. It is my hope that during the coming Advent Season, you might be interested in leading a small group. Please think and pray about leading a small group this Advent Season --- it’s only for five weeks.

For the season of Advent, these small groups will be meeting weekly, gathering for prayer, Scripture readings and reflecting, and focusing on building each other up within the faith. Our hope is that within each group we find each other, and those wonderful places where our faith and the Scriptures become reality as we apply them in our daily lives. During the season of Advent, the Worship Theme and My Bible Study will be based on “The Journey” by Adam Hamilton. I think it would be wonderful to have some small groups during this time helping people prepare for Christmas using the same theme. There are WONDERFUL resources for this study!

(Continued on Page10.)




In Our Church Family…    





In Our Church Family…    

As I have been putting things together for the Bible Study, I will be leading, and the Worship Themes - I purposely have not been using all the material that is available. There is a wonderful Daily Devotional Book and DVD. This book, and the DVD, could be a wonderful place for a small group to gather around.

The small groups could meet at the Church, individual homes, local diners, Starbucks, wherever! The time and place that the group meets would be up to you as the group leader. If you think your group will need child care, the Church with figure that out for you. Right now, be in prayer about leading a small group. Please take a couple of days to think and pray about this.

Prayerfully consider leading a small group this Advent Season. Then please let me know the direction you receive from God. I promise you --- it will change your life! Thank you for praying and thinking about this opportunity.

Peace and God’s Blessings, In Christ,

Pastor Derrick L. Doherty, KCC

It all started last spring. A group from the congregation met to begin discussions about how do you celebrate 50 years of the church. At the time, it seemed like a daunting task but it couldn’t come and go without some recognition. Finding a date was our first big task. There was so much going on right around that time but we finally found a date squeezed in between everything else. Before we knew it people were stepping up to take on the many jobs… invitations had to be designed, names and addresses had to be gathered, where do we

hold the lunch, who would provide lunch, how many should we plan on….the list grew.

Before you knew it the celebration was planned and the excitement grew. The women gathered pictures, tons of pictures. Stacey Lebitz and Lori Crandall thought the Trustees would handle the history and a time line grew. Picture boards were assembled with all of the different groups within the church. Pictures of our church family was assembled to go on the wall. Thank you gifts were put together by a trusty group of women with the help of Nanci Illingworth, Linda Patterson, Linda Rowse, Eleanor Collier, Esther Lynn Ciprich, Joan Noble, and Sandy Errickson. The beautiful center pieces were designed by Maria Welch. Wendy Sadowski spent hour’s running back and forth ordering the food and cake. Bob Scapicio and Pastor wrote the letters to former pastors and others who should be invited. Andrea Jacobs and ministries team decided on a mission project for the day.

Fran Scapicio and Nadine Hinds ironed tablecloths and with the help of Barbara Meyer, Anette Zelinsky and Denise Goudsward assembled all of the table settings. Debbie Vincent gave us a wonderful idea to carry our celebration forward with Christmas balls signed by all of our church family. Flowers were ordered and purchased thanks to Jeanne Turro and Janet Ferrara. Tables and chairs were set thanks to Frank.

The responses started to come it and our church family started to sign up to attend. Laurel Cline made sure everyone had a name tag. We were thrilled when our first Pastor Wayne Conrad and his wife, Sue wanted to join us for the day. The worship service was planned with the help of our worship team and pastor.

The day arrived and old friends and new started to pour in through our doors. What joy to see those familiar faces and to be able to greet them with warm hugs and some tears. The service of celebration was more than we could hope for. Everyone was there, the choir, the praise band, the Babcock bell choir and then we were given a wonderful gift of an anniversary song written by Stacey Lebitz and Rich Bennett! All of us participated in the mission…packing bags for the Keyport Ministerium Food Pantry…103 bags were packed! Thanks to all who donated food…so much food.

The lunch was the perfect time…enjoying delicious food and catching up with old friends. Time was given for some to share their experiences at MUMC. We could not have asked for a more perfect time. And clean up, as always everyone pitched in, thanks to Joanne Haffeman, Fran Scapicio, Denise Goudsward and so many more.

(Continued on Page 12.)

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa45 1 2 3 4 5 6 746 8 9 10 11 12 13 1447 15 16 17 18 19 20 2148 22 23 24 25 26 27 2849 29 30

November 2015Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

49 1 2 3 4 550 6 7 8 9 10 11 1251 13 14 15 16 17 18 1952 20 21 22 23 24 25 261 27 28 29 30 31

December 2015November 2015


Nov 1 2 3 4 5 6 79:00am 10:00am

Contemporary10:30am Traditional12:00pm 5:00pm *Boy

Scout Court of Hono7:00pm 8:30pm God Sq

9:30am 2:30pm MDO Closed for Fall Recess

7:00pm 9:00pm Bible Fellowship

9:30am 2:30pm MDO Closed for Fall Recess

9:30am 2:30pm MDO Closed for Fall Recess

9:30am 2:30pm MDO Closed for Fall Recess

6:30pm 7:30pm Bell Choir

7:30pm 8:30pm Choir

9:30am 2:30pm MDO Closed for Fall Recess

8:30am 10:30am Women's Breakfast


8 9 10 11 12 13 149:00am 10:00am

Contemporary10:30am 11:30am

Traditional12:00pm 2:00pm Confir7:00pm 8:30pm God Sq

9:30am 2:30pm MDO Re-opens

6:30pm 7:30pm Finance Meeting

7:00pm 9:00pm Bible F7:30pm 8:30pm Trustee

9:30am MDO7:00pm 8:00pm

Program Committees

9:30am 2:30pm MDO12:00pm 2:00pm

Stewardship Team

9:30am 2:30pm MDO6:30pm 7:30pm Bell

Choir7:30pm 8:30pm Choir

9:30am 2:30pm MDO 9:00am 12:00pm Stop Hunger Now Meeting (MUMC Fellowship hall)


15 16 17 18 19 20 219:00am 10:00am

Contemporary10:30am 11:30am

Traditional7:00pm 8:30pm God

Squad (Youth Group

9:30am 2:30pm MDO7:00pm 9:00pm Bible

Fellowship7:30pm 8:30pm Church


9:30am 2:30pm MDO11:00am 12:00pm

Pastor's Bible Study7:00pm 8:00pm

Pastor's Bible Study

9:30am 2:30pm MDO 9:30am 2:30pm MDO 9:30am 2:30pm MDO


22 23 24 25 26 27 289:00am 10:00am

Contemporary10:30am 11:30am

Traditional5:00pm 7:00pm Confir7:00pm 8:30pm God Sq

9:30am 2:30pm MDO7:00pm 9:00pm Bible


9:30am 2:30pm MDO7:00pm 8:00pm

Thanksgiving Community Service (King of Kings Church)

9:30am 2:30pm MDO CLOSED

9:00am Thanksgiving Day

9:30am 2:30pm MDO CLOSED

12:00pm 2:00pm MDO CLOSED


29 30 Dec 1 2 3 4 59:00am 10:00am

Contemporary9:45am 10:45am Panca10:30am 11:30am Tradi6:00pm 8:00pm Advent7:00pm 8:30pm God Sq

9:30am 2:30pm MDO Re-opens

10:00am 12:00pm MDO Board Meeting

7:00pm 9:00pm Bible Fellowship

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa49 1 2 3 4 550 6 7 8 9 10 11 1251 13 14 15 16 17 18 1952 20 21 22 23 24 25 261 27 28 29 30 31

December 2015Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa

1 1 22 3 4 5 6 7 8 93 10 11 12 13 14 15 164 17 18 19 20 21 22 235 24 25 26 27 28 29 306 31

January 2016December 2015


Nov 29 30 Dec 1 2 3 4 5


6 7 8 9 10 11 123:00pm 5:00pm Family

Promise Volunteer Sessions (MUMC - inFellowship Hall after 9 & 10:30 service)

11:00am 1:00pm *Conference DisasterResponse team (Rev.Chris MillerMUMC Room #110)


13 14 15 16 17 18 19


20 21 22 23 24 25 265:00pm 7:00pm

Confirmation Session #6


27 28 29 30 31 Jan 1, 16 2

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday




Church Announcements…    

Thanks to the youth for taking down all of the tables and chairs…ugh! If I have forgotten anyone, my apologies.

God has certainly blessed this church. With His faith in us He created a church filled with warmth, commitment, friendships and a sense of community. None of this would have been possible without Him and all of you.

With thanks, Carolyn Hooper

Middletown UMC Prayer List As of October 25, 2015

“Lord in your mercy, we lift these prayers up to you.”

Healing Joan Andersen’s sisters Carol, eye surgery and Dorothy, hip surgery, nephew Joe, spinal surgery (Joan Andersen)* Baby Gunner and his parents, Bob’s brother (Fran & Bob Scapicio)* Angela Bifulco* Rachel Callender* Marc Coltrain* Ellen, eye surgery* Scott Evenson* Bill Gallagher* Rachael Gaston, emotional* John Gomes, congestive heart failure (Joyce Thompson)* Sue Jester, broken hip (Whittens)* Amy Mills Jengo* Kerry & Tom, giving and receiving kidney* Dan Leng (Kathy Glandt)* Lucille Mentzel (Dianne Thompson)* Hal & Meg Moore* Rose Nowicki (Kathy Glandt)* Allyson & Rob Patterson* Dorothy Salerno (Barbara Lombardi)* Eleanor Semple, massive stroke (Andrea Jacobs)* Bill Sonstrom, knee surgery (Mel Hooper)* Jeanie Tuttle* Sarah, hip and wrist (Debbie Vincent)* Janet, Pat, Tony, leg injuries, Jim Zelinsky, aortic aneurysm, (Zelinskys)*

In Hospital & Rehab Centers Bob’s Uncle Paul (Bob & Fran Scapicio)* Bob Stickle* nephew Scott for fever and breathing problems, and sister-in-law (Annette & Paul Zelinsky)

Families Dealing with Loss Joan Andersen's sister and family* Barney & Thompson families* Corbo family* Edwards family (Zelinskys)* Sue, Eric and Nick Malmi* Dave & Nancy Moore family* Dorothy Roberts, loss of great grandson (Debbie Vincent)* Family & friends of Rose Straineri (Kathy Glandt)* John Sullivan family* Nancy Wagner family

Cancer and Other Diseases Ann, Parkinson’s* Brett Alcoro, Stage 4 cancer (Andrea Jacobs)* Ethan Bifulco, leukemia* Angela Bifulco, loss of eyesight and brain tumors* Bill and Sandy, Parkinson's (Mary Ann Smus)* Frank Blair, Parkinson's (Hoopers)* Bonnie, brain cancer* Keith Brendler, liver* Cindy, breast cancer, Shannon, pancreatic cancer (Joan

Andersen)* Joy Connelly, ovarian cancer (Robin Smith)* Ruth Cummins, Parkinson’s* Dorothy, dementia* Carol Feller, cancer (Tyler & Cameron Jengo)* Don Jengo, cancer* Connie Lopusznick, cancer (Janet McNear)* John Mahony, leukemia* Mary, Lyme's disease (Dianne Thompson)* Matthew Mangola, fibromyalgia* Mike, cancer (Phil Welch)* Michelle Moradian, cancer* Kay Mueller, cancer (Whittens)* co-worker Nan, cancer (Jan Ferrara)* John Pais, cancer (Nanci Illingworth)* Heather Passmore, leukemia* Gerry Phillips, ovarian cancer (Kathy Hessinger)* Susan Russo* Baby Riley, neurological* Debbie Schafer, myeloma* Bob’s Uncle Paul, aorta* Bob Stickle's daughter-in-law Janet, cancer* Suzanne, bipolar disorder* John Sullivan* Jan Tryba, liver cancer* Michael Wagner (Carl Edwards)* Isabelle Ward, leukemia* Baby William, cancer*

Church Ministries Music Ministry* MDO Ministry* Youth Ministry* "The God-Sized, 3-Part, 7-Year Goal"

National The people of South Carolina

Prayers For Our 2015 Confirmands and Mentors

Boys Mentor Kyle Faaland Bill Smith Cameron Jengo Bill Whitten Tyler Jengo Glenn Cummins Montana Kienzlen Mel Hooper Nick Russo Paul Halligan Tom Schuster John Myhrer Girls Mentor Isla Brennan Esther-Lynn Ciprich Carson Fontana Robin Smith Lane Fontana Barbara Meyer Jordan Gilbert Kandis Furlow Jennifer Nilson Sandy Whitten Skylar Shafritz Andrea Jacobs

New Family Contacts!

Megan Brahin & Family Telephone: 732.304.4664


Sheridan Donnellan Email:

Michael & Silvia Eske (More information forthcoming)

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