meal plan.docx

Post on 01-Jun-2018






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  • 8/9/2019 MEAL PLAN.docx



    What is BalancedDiet

    What It Is

    Balanced Diet is a food preparation which provides complete nutrients as well assupplies carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and ber in their normalproportions. It is the basis for all diet modi cations.

    Some Tips Eat 3 meals a day instead of fre uent ones or eatin! between meals. Establish a re!ular eatin! habit. Eat a heavy brea"fast, a moderate lunch, and a li!ht supper. Eat food of the ri!ht "ind, at the ri!ht time and interval, in the ri!ht

    amount, and in the ri!ht condition of mind #eatin! in a rela$edatmosphere is ideal%.

    &ave at least a '(hour interval between meals for di!estion to bee)cient. *ast meal of the day should be ta"en at least 3 hours beforesleepin!.

    Eat more fresh fruits instead of rich desserts. Eat at least one servin! of dar" !reen leafy ve!etables a day. Eat more unre ned, unprocessed foods. +void tea, co ee, alcoholic and carbonated bevera!es #soft drin"s%. Drin" at least - !lasses of water a day between meals. Include a variety of foods each meal.
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    andesal with cheese



    Lunch 7e!etarian


    Boiled malun!!ay

    2npolished rice


    Supper 6hili beans

    2npolished rice

    5resh bu"o

    Day 1

    Breakfast Banana

    Potato-egg omelet

    Whole wheat bread with margarine

    Unpolished rice

    Soy co ee with milk

    Potato-!gg "melet


    18 "ilo medium(si9e potatoes,peeled, diced

    1 cup oil for deep fryin!

    18 piece medium(si9e redpepper, chopped

    18 piece medium(si9e onion,chopped

    1 clove !arlic, minced
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    3 e!!s, well beaten

    alt to taste


    Boil potatoes until almost coo"ed. Drain.

    ;i$ all in!redients well, e$cept oil.

    5ry in small individual servin!s or in a bi!!er si9e to be cut later.

    lace on an absorbent material such as table nap"in or cheese clothto reduce fat.

    erve hot with sauce or "etchup.

    4ood for - persons. 1 slice per servin!.

    Whole wheat bread with mar!arine

    2npolished rice

    oy co ee with mil"

    Unpolished rice

    2npolished rice is a hi!h( berener!y food. It is also a richsource of B comple$ vitamins.2npolished rice, also called brownrice or pinawa, is recommendedbecause it is rich in 7itamin B andber. &owever, unpolished ricere uires more water.

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    $#nch Tokwa adobo

    Sa#teed s%#ash and string beans

    Unpolished rice

    Baked& boiled or fried n#ts

    Tokwa adobo

    Ingredients 38: "ilo to"wa #hard

    soybean curd%, sliced ordiced

    1 cup ve!etable oil fordeep fryin!

    18: cup calamansi #lemon% 0uice

    1 head !arlic, minced 1 bay leaf tablespoons soy sauce 1 tablespoon cream of

    mushroom powder #optional% alt to taste

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    ;arinate to"wa in calamansi 0uice, !arlic, bay leaf, soy sauce, salt,and cream of mushroom powder overni!ht. Drain.

    5ry to"wa to desired brownin!. erve hot.4ood for - persons. 1 slice or 18 cup diced per servin!.

    Sa#teed s%#ash and string beans


    1 medium bundle or 3cups strin! beans, cut into1(inch len!th

    1 cup s uash, cut intomedium(si9e strips

    1 cup !luten, cut into

    medium(si9e strips, fried 18 piece medium(si9eonion, sliced

    1 clove !arlic, minced 1 tablespoon ve!etable oil alt to taste 18 cup water


    aute !arlic and onion. +dd strin! beans, s uash and 18 cup water. 6oo" until strin! beans and s uash are sli!htly tender. #Do not

    overcoo" to preserve bri!ht color.% eason with salt. 4arnish with fried !luten strips. erve hot.

    4ood for - persons. 18 cup per servin!.

    Unpolished rice
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    S#pper 'inataang (egemeat

    Unpolished rice

    )resh pineapple

    Ginataang Vegemeat (Vegetarian Meat)Ingredients

    38: "ilo ve!emeat, cubed, sli!htlyfried, drained

    tablespoons !arlic, minced 1 small piece !in!er, cut into

    small strips 1 small bay leaf 1 tablespoon ve!etable oil

    18 cup thic" coconut mil" alt to taste

    Proced#re 6ombine all in!redients e$cept coconut mil". immer until li uid is reduced a little. +dd coconut mil". Boil for to 3 minutes more. erve hot.
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    4ood for - persons. 18 cup per servin!.*ote+ If ve!etarian meat #ve!emeat% is not available, substitute sh.Unpolished rice Fresh pineapple
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    Boiled !amote ("#eet $otato)

    Ingredients 1 small piece sweet potato

    #18 of 11 cm lon! by : 18cm or 18 cup% per servin!

    Proced#re Boil camote.

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    $#nch weet(and(sour !luten Boiled camote tops 2npolished rice Ba"ed, boiled or fried nuts

    "#eet and "o'r Gl'ten

    Ingredients 38: "ilo !luten, sliced, fried

    Sa#ce 1 18 cups water 18 medium(si9e carrot, cut

    into owerettes 18 cup pineapple tidbits tablespoons cornstarch 1 tablespoon su!ar 1 18 tablespoon soy sauce : pieces medium(si9e calamansi #lemon% alt to taste

    Proced#re ;i$ cornstarch, su!ar, soy sauce, calamansi 0uice, and water in a

    saucepan until smooth. 6oo" over medium re. +dd salt to taste. tir until boilin!. +dd carrots and pineapple and coo" until half done. +dd !luten and coo" for ' minutes more. erve hot.

    4ood for - persons. 18 to 38: cup per servin!.

    oteC 5ish #with ns and scales% may be substituted for !luten.
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    Boiled !amote ("#eet $otato) ops *ea+es

    Ingredients : small bundles camote

    tops8leaves 1 small onion, cut into

    uarters 18 small !in!er, sliced 18 tablespoon ve!etable oil 3 cup hu!as bi!as #rice

    water% alt to taste

    Proced#re ort camote tops8leaves. Wash thorou!hly. 6oo" !in!er and onion in boilin! hu!as bi!as. +dd tops8leaves and ve!etable oil. eason with salt. erve hot with broth. 4ood for - persons. 1 cup per servin!.

    oteC ;ature leaves are as nutritious and as edible as the tops of youn!leaves

    Unpolished rice Baked& ,oiled or fried n'ts
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    S#pper auteed mon!o beans 2npolished rice 5ruit !ulaman deli!ht

    "a'teed Mongo Beans

    Ingredients cups coo"ed mon!o beans

    #mun! bean, !reen% 1 cup to"wa #tofu%, cut into

    medium(si9e strips, fried 1 tablespoon ve!etable oil

    1 tablespoon !arlic, crushed 1 piece medium(si9e onion,sliced

    18 cup tomatoes, choppednely

    cup hu!as bi!as #rice water% alt to taste

    Proced#re aute !arlic, onion, and tomatoes. +dd boiled mon!o beans and hu!as bi!as. eason with salt. immer for 3 minutes stirrin! while coo"in!. +dd to"wa. 6oo" for another 3 minutes. erve hot.

    4ood for - persons. 18 to 38: cup per servin!.Unpolished rice

    Fr'it G'laman Delight
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    Ingredients 1 bar !ulaman #a!ar% teaspoons honey or molasses

    or 3 tablespoons brown su!ar 18 cup fruit 0uice, unsweetened cups water 5ruits #!rapes, man!oes,

    pineapple, bananas, apples%

    Proced#re Boil !ulaman in water until dissolved.

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    "ala,at (Ginger /le)Ingredients

    1 medium(si9e !in!er : cups water

    Proced#re Wash !in!er thorou!hly. +dd

    to water and boil for 'minutes.

    +dd honey or brown su!ar totaste. erve warm.
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    $#nch 7e!etarian apritada

    Boiled malun!!ay 2npolished rice oymil"

    Vegetarian /pritada /fritadaIngredients

    18 "ilo !luten or ve!emeat,cubed

    1 cup potatoes, cubed, half(fried

    1 medium(si9e carrot, cubed 1 cup peas, canned or fro9en 1 medium(si9e bell pepper,

    s uared 3 se!ments !arlic, crushed 1 medium(si9e onion, sliced 38: cup tomatoes, chopped tablespoons soy sauce tablespoons ve!etable oil

    for sautein! alt to taste 6ornstarch or bread crumbs #optional%

    Proced#re aute !arlic, onion, pepper and tomatoes. 6oo" until tomatoes are well done. +dd soy sauce. immer. +dd !luten, potatoes, carrots, and peas. 6ontinue coo"in! for another ' minutes over low re or until the

    mi$ture is well(blended. +dd li uid then thic"en with cornstarch or bread crumbs, if desired.

    eason with salt.

    4ood for -(? servin!s. 18 cup per servin!.

    Boiled Mal'nggay (-orse .adish *ea+es)
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    Ingredients ? cups malun!!ay leaves, free

    from hard stem - cups water 1 medium(si9ed onion,

    uartered 1 small !in!er, peeled, sliced alt to taste

    Proced#re our water in deep pan. +dd

    onion and !in!er and boil for 'minutes.

    +dd malun!!ay and boil for another 3 minutes. eason with salt.

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    -o# to prepare "oymilk

    5ormulate your own soy mil". Drin" and en0oy itsrefreshin! taste. Hou can be sure of its ualityprotein and 9ero cholesterol.

    Ingredients cup fresh soybeans Water alt to taste u!ar to taste

    Proced#re oa" soybeans in water for at least -


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    S#pper 6hili beans

    2npolished rice 5resh bu"o

    !hili BeansIngredients

    cups red or white "idneybeans, boiled

    cups !luten, !round orchopped

    medium(si9e se!ments!arlic, crushed

    18 medium(si9e onion,chopped

    18 cup bell pepper, chopped pieces tomatoes, sliced 3 to : tablespoons soy sauce 1 cup water tablespoons oil 1 small hot chili or 18: chili powder #if desired%

    Proced#re aute !arlic, onion, pepper and tomatoes. 6oo" until tomatoes are well done. +dd chili or chili powder, soy sauce and !luten. #+dd water if needed.% 6oo" for 3 minutes, stirrin! often. +dd beans. 6ontinue coo"in! for another ' to > minutes over low re.

    4ood for - to ? persons. 18 to 38: cup per servin!.

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    $reparing B'ko 0'ice

    Bu"o #Houn! coconut fruit%

    Proced#re 6ut, slice, !rate or puree bu"o meat. ;i$ with bu"o water #preferably fresh%. o su!ar and mil".

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