measuring content marketing: the smart & simple way

Post on 01-Nov-2014






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Marcus' slides from his talk on 'measuring content marketing' at Content Marketing Association's February 2014 breakfast meeting. For more information see


Measuring Content Marketing(the smart and simple way)

“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don't know which half.” – John Wanamaker

If we continue at this rate, a lot of time & money will be wasted on crap content.

Measuring content marketing is not hard, when you know what to measure.

People who want to get better know three things

1. What they did today that worked2. What they did today that didn’t work3. What they should change tomorrow

What to measure: what you want

For me:1. Enquiries through the website 2. Links / traffic 3. Email subscribers

Ask yourself – what are the three most important things from content?

Don’t measure anything ‘because you can’. Measure what makes a difference.

How do we measure this?

(will provide you with 95% of the answers you need, if you ask the right questions)

Tracking downloads, email signups & enquiries from content with GA goals & event tracking

Tracking downloads, email signups & enquiries from content with GA goals & event tracking

Tracking content link generation

Tracking social performance

Using these tools, I know…

• What worked• What didn’t work

• What content was profitable / unprofitable• What I should focus on tomorrow

Start with questions, create goals from those questions,then seek tools / data that provide the answers.

Do not underestimate simple solutions.

Thank You

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