measuring financial inclusion in paraguay · pdf file · 2017-08-22financial...

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  • Technical Note


    Assessment of

    Financial Inclusion

    in Paraguay

    October 2014


  • 2014 International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank

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    This work is a product of the staff of The World Bank with external contributions. The findings, interpretations, and conclusions

    expressed in this work do not necessarily reflect the views of The World Bank, its Board of Executive Directors, or the

    governments they represent.

    The World Bank does not guarantee the accuracy of the data included in this work. The boundaries, colors, denominations,

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    The material in this work is subject to copyright. Because The World Bank encourages dissemination of its knowledge, this

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    Any queries on rights and licenses, including subsidiary rights, should be addressed to the Office of the Publisher, The World

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  • Acronyms

    ADEFI: Asociacin de Financieras (Association of finance companies)

    AFD: Agencia Financiera de Desarrollo

    AML: Anti-Money Laundering

    ANDE: Administracin Nacional de Electricidad (National Administration of Electricity)

    ASOBAN: Asociacin de Bancos (Association of banks)

    ATM: Automatic Teller Machine

    BCP: Banco Central de Paraguay

    BNF: Banco Nacional de Fomento

    CAH: Crdito Agrcola de Habilitacin

    CCT: Conditional Cash Transfer

    CDA: Certificado de depsito de ahorro (Certificate of Deposit)

    CENCOPAN: Central de Cooperativas del rea Nacional Ltda.

    CNV: Comisin Nacional de Valores (Securities Commission)

    CONATEL: Comisin Nacional de Telecomunicaciones (National Telecomunication Commission)

    CONPACOOP: Confederacin Paraguaya de Cooperativas (Paraguayan Confederation of Cooperatives)

    Co-op: Cooperative

    DGEEC: Direccin General de Estadstica, Encuestas y Censos (National Statistic, Surveys, and Census Office)

    DNCP: Direccin Nacional de Contrataciones Pblicas (National Procurement Office)

    EIF: Encuesta sobre Inclusin Financiera (Survey on Financial Inclusion)

    E-money: Electronic money

    EMPES: Entidades de medio de pago electrnico (Companies that provide electronic payments)

    EPH: Encuesta Permanente de Hogares (National Household Survey)

    FAS: Financial Access Survey

    FSAP: Financial Sector Assessment Program

    G2P: Government to Person

    IFC: International Finance Company

  • IMF: International Monetary Fund

    INCOOP: Instituto Nacional de Cooperativismo (National Institute of Cooperativism)

    INMU: Instituto Nacional de Mutuales (National Institute of Mutuals)

    IPS: Instituto de Previsin Social (Paraguayan Social Security Institute)

    KYC: Know Your Client

    LAC: Latin America and the Caribbean

    MFI: Microfinance Institution

    MNO: Mobile Network Operator

    MSMEs: Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises

    NGO: Non-Governmental Organization

    NPL: Non-performing loans

    NSA: Nuestra Seora de la Asuncin

    OTC: Over-the-counter

    ROSCA: Rotating Savings and Credit Association

    RUC: Registro nico del Contribuyente (Business registration)

    SEPRELAD: Secretara de Prevencin de Lavado de Dinero o Bienes (Secretary for the Prevention of Money Laundering)

    SME: Small and medium enterprises

    Exchange rate: 1 USD=4,280 Gs.(September 2014)

  • Acknowledgements

    This technical note was prepared by Celina Lee under the supervision of Jane Hwang. Overall guidance was provided by

    Alfonso Garcia Mora (Sector Manager, Finance & Markets Group, Latin America and the Caribbean).

    The team thanks Yoko Doi, David Grace, Maria Cristina Heisecke Paredes, Mariana Paredes, Doug Randall, Dante Mossi

    and Javier Suarez for their substantive comments during various stages of this project. Korotoumou Ouattara, Gunhild Berg

    and Leyla Castillo also provided invaluable insights to this technical note.

    The team gratefully acknowledges the Paraguayan authorities, including the Banco Central, Ministerio de Hacienda, Instituto

    Nacional de Cooperativismo and Secretara Tcnica de Planificacin, for their cooperation and collaboration throughout the


    Finally, the team is particularly appreciative of the financial sector community in Paraguay who generously gave their time

    and views through extensive meetings and discussions to provide their information and perspective of the financial sector in


  • Paraguay Supply Side Technical Note 2014

    Table of Contents

    Executive Summary ............................................................................................... 1

    Introduction ......................................................................................................... 5

    Landscape ........................................................................................................ 7

    Savings ............................................................................................................. 33

    Credit ............................................................................................................... 33

    Payments and Transfers .................................................................................. 33

    Insurance ......................................................................................................... 33

    Summary of Recommendations ..................................................................... 33

    References ........................................................................................................... 72

    Annex A ................................................................................................................ 73

    Annex B ............................................................................................................... 82

    Annex C ............................................................................................................... 82

  • Paraguay Supply Side Technical Note 2014 | 1

    Executive Summary

    Note: Number of formal accounts held by cooperatives is the number of cooperative members. Not all members necessarily have accounts.

    This technical note presents the findings of a supply-

    side study of financial services in Paraguay. This note,

    together with two other technical notes (on the demand-

    side and on the legal-side), will help inform the

    Paraguayan national financial inclusion strategy. This

    study covers the current status of financial sector overall,

    products and services (savings, credit, payments, and

    1 Throughout this note, unless otherwise noted, banks or the banking sector refers to both banks and finance companies as a general category.

    insurance), and service providers, focusing mostly on

    formal providers, and to a lesser extent, semi-formal and

    informal service providers.

    The Paraguayan financial sector has experienced

    continued growth in recent years. Outstanding bank

    (and finance company1) loans represent 39% of GDP in

    2014, up from 12% in 20042. Bank deposits represent

    2 Source: Current data from BCP, based on current performing loans as of April 2014 and 2013 GDP. 2004 data from International Monetary Fund

  • Paraguay Supply Side Technical Note 2014

    | 2

    42.6% of GDP in 2014, up from 24% in 2004.3 There are

    208 bank deposit accounts and 202 bank borrowers per

    1,000 adults4. There are 10.25 bank branches and 23.31

    bank ATMs per 100,000 adults.5 Outstanding cooperative

    loans represent 8% of GDP6. Cooperative deposits

    represent 6% of GDP7. There are 291 members of savings

    and credit cooperatives per 1,000 adults8.

    There is a diverse set of entities providing financial

    services in Paraguay. The formal financial institutions

    are banks, finance companies and cooperatives with

    savings and credit as their main activity. Semi-formal is

    defined as companies that are properly authorized to

    conduct business, but are not actively supervised from a

    financial perspective. Semi-formal players include casas

    de credito, prepaid medicine, etc. Informal players are

    those that are not legally recognized as any type of

    business or organization. While anecdotal evidence

    suggests that the semi-formal and informal sectors are in

    fact playing a consequential role in Paraguay, this

    technical note does not concentrate much on them mainly

    because data on the size and impact of this sector is still

    limited. More in-depth research in this area would be


    There are 16 banks, 12 finance companies, and 330

    cooperatives whose primary business is saving and

    credit, and an additional 120 other cooperatives that

    provides financial services as a secondary activity

    operating in the country. Cooperatives hold


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