media a2 evaluation 2

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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2. How effective is the combination of your main

product and ancillary texts?By Jamie Smith


• The titles we used (Coming Soon and Contingency Plan) had three different colours but weren’t exactly colourful. We used grey, white and black to fit the genre of an crime action film. We kept the same font throughout the three products which was called Bebas Neue, this was found on Through keeping the same style we were able to create a strong brand identity in the three products. When looking at the magazine cover (We used the Empire magazine) you can see that we didn’t stick to a small standard convention on the Empire magazine which was the font isn’t usually that of the of brand identity but Empire normally uses their own style of font. But this didn’t worry us to much as we wanted to keep a strong brand identity.


• When looking at the poster, magazine and teaser trailer we used two main props. These were the assault rifle and the white mask. This was on purpose due to the fact that these are the types of props that you would expect to see in a crime action movie when you stick to the conventions of this genre. The assault rifle can be seen in the poster as it is the prop closest to the camera as my character is looking down the sight of the gun directly at the camera. The mask is also very obvious in the poster as you don’t see my face but you see the mask. On the magazine the gun plays a big part as it slightly covers up the letter M, whereas the mask doesn’t play such an important role as it’s on top of my head not covering my face.

• We also added two other props you expect to see in a crime action movie which are the suit and the gloves, although these aren’t as important as the gun and mask. We also found that the 4 props contrast quite well colour wise (black gun and suit along with the white mask and gloves) this can be seen mainly in use on the poster.


• The character in all 3 products stays the same (me), this is so the brand can be easily identified by the main character. The 3 products use different personas of the main character, the teaser trailer shows a serious main character as he is preparing for the main part of the film, robbing the nightclub. The poster shows an angry main character as he looks like he is about to shoot someone. The magazine shows a cocky main character as it’s mainly the actor on the magazine shown for an interview about the upcoming film.

Target Audience

• We aimed to make all three of our products targeted at an older audience although the certificate would probably be either a 15 or 18 (probably an 18) Our personal target audience was 17+ Males who tend to watch action/ spy films. We wanted to stick to the standard conventions of a action movie by using the props that the audience would associate with an action movie (Guns/mask/suits etc.).

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