media audience research front cover analysis

Post on 22-May-2015






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Masthead: Rolling stones magazine follows the simple conventions of any magazine. The masthead is positioned at the top of the page and covers the whole width of the page. Additionally, as the masthead has the largest font on the cover and uses a different style of writing to the simplistic style headings on the cover, it stands out and draws attention to the buyer. The masthead is written in bold and in white unlike the headings which are written in black therefore standing out. However, as the masthead is on a white background it is not ‘in your face’ like some other magazine titles.

Bar code: This issue of ‘Rolling stone’ has not followed the simple conventions of a magazine fully as it does not have a bar code, and therefore appears less realistic.

Main image: The main image on the cover shows the variety of ‘Rolling stone’ magazine. The name ‘Rolling stone’ typically suggesting rock and roll genre has been adapted into a magazine welcoming a variety of genres. Using Eminem as the cover image shows the modern appreciation of rap music. The headphones Eminem is wearing in the image also reflects the connotations of modern music.

Graphics: The same colours white, blue, black and yellow are used on this cover not only for the headings but on the image as well. Another colour, red, is only shown once where ‘Eminem’ is written in bold indicating who the main story of the issue is about.

Mode of address: The mode of address used on this cover is informal. ‘Dirty white boy rap’ indicates not just what Eminem’s music is supposedly but using the word ‘dirty’ implies is it rebellious. The headings on the cover are written simplistically and are easy for anybody to understand.

Cover line


Masthead: This masthead is written in black and in bold and therefore stands out from the simplistic white background. However, due to the main story of the issue ‘Nirvana’ the issue is therefore directing its audience at Nirvana fans rather than fans of the magazine. The masthead follows magazine conventions by being placed at the top of the page however is only on the left hand side as the main image is dominating the cover.

Cover image: The main image on this cover, Kurt Cobain, the front man of Nirvana is dominating the cover. Only two headings on the cover are not referring to the main story. The image used of Kurt Cobain shows him with his head to the side. This also shows that the issue is direct at Nirvana fans because as the image isn’t really clear, only audiences interested in the band would be likely to know who the image was of.

Bar code: This magazine follows the codes and conventions of a regular magazine as it includes a barcode indicating its price and date of issue.

Graphics: This cover has a small image in the top right hand corner showing another story involved in the issue. The main story however ‘Nirvana’ is written very clearly at the bottom of the page in bright yellow therefore standing out and catching the readers eye. The main story heading is written in the iconic style of the band and shows the magazines commitment to the bands in their magazines more than the money they are making from selling it.

Masthead: The masthead is big and bold drawing attention to the reader, it is following simple magazine connotations by being placed at the top centre of the page. The colour purple stands out from the dull background colours.Main image: The

main image on this cover is not typical of a magazine, instead of being one image of a person it is a group of people positioned differently and unusually. This interests the reader and makes them want to find out more about the different choice of image.

Graphics: The headings on the cover are all written in the same simple font and in the colour black possibly to show the laid back and uncomplicated feel of the magazine.

Mode of address: Other than the titles of artists and bands and of course the masthead there are no other words written on the cover showing the mode of address to be simple and ‘straight to the point’.

Masthead: This masthead is written in bold grey and at the top centre of the magazine following the connotations of a regular magazine. However, despite is being eye catching, it is not anymore inviting than the other headings on the cover.

Main image: This main image is of two people as the centre of attention on the cover. Even though using more than one person for the cover image is not typically following magazine codes and conventions the artists used in the image are the main story of the issue and stand out on the cover.

Bar code: This follows conventions and codes of a magazine showing price and date of issue.

Mode of address: ‘Biggest’ is a buzz word making the reader feel like it is reading the best possible magazine for their music genre. Using the words ‘Man’ and ‘Rookie’ of the year underneath the two artists shows that the magazine have the most respected artists on their cover inviting fans to read more.

Graphics: The whole cover only uses the colours red, grey and black. The magazine uses red for the headings that it most wants its readers to see.

Masthead: The masthead is red and bold standing out from the white background. The masthead is at the top of the magazine following magazine codes and conventions however is at the left rather than the most common, centre.

Main image: Instead of using one main image, 3 different images of the same artist have been used next to one another. This therefore still focuses on the main story and artist of the issue however has adapted the connotations and codes of a magazine and used more than one image.

Bar code: Bar code followed the simple codes and conventions of a magazine showing price and date of issue.

Mode of address: A pull quote is used from an article featured within the issue above the main heading ‘The Killers’. This draws the reader in to read more. The mode of address is simple, a rhetorical question is used to again invite the reader in. Buzz words ‘preview’ and ‘greatest’ are used at the top of the page allowing NME readers to feel like they are reading the best magazine.

Graphics: The colours red, yellow and white are the main colour used on the cover. The bands featured in the magazines are written in bold font and stand out on the page.

Cover line

Masthead: The masthead is big, bold and at the top centre of the page thus following ideal codes and conventions of a magazine.

Main image: The main image is of band Biffy Clyro who are the main story of the issue. The image is eye catching to the reader as the front man of the band is placed over the masthead. This not only shows the importance of the bands featured to the magazine but the fact that the magazine do not have to show each letter of the masthead indicates it is a well known magazine.

Bar code: This shows price and date of issue, a simple code and convention of most magazines.

Graphics: On this cover, rather than just having one image, there are various other smaller images of other featured bands at the bottom of the cover. The headings for each of the bands are written in bold to allow readers to see from a distance whether their ‘favourite band’ is featured.

Mode of address: ‘Buzz words’ are used a lot on this cover to sound more appealing and catch the consumers eye to buy the magazine. Examples: ‘MASSIVE GIVE AWAY’ ‘FREE!’ and ‘PLUS!’ These are written in bold. This issue have used puns that music fans would acknowledge ‘Unfold the puzzle of life’ and ‘Hayley starts a riot.’ The words ‘puzzle’ and riot’ are the names of these two bands albums.


Masthead: The masthead is written in bold at the top and covers the width of the page. This follows simple codes and conventions of music magazines. The white masthead stands out from the black background appearing eye catching to the consumer.

Bar code: The bar code shows price and date of issue, this is a simple code and convention of any magazine.

Main image: There is one main image covering the whole of the front cover. This is very common for magazines and draws the readers attention to the main artist/band in the issue.

Graphics: The colours white and red are the only colours used on the cover other than the black and white cover image. The colours white and red stand out and inform the reader of what is inside the issue.

Mode of address: The headings on this cover are written simply and are understandable to every consumer. The headings are written for the consumer with particular interest to the bands/artists featured in the issue.

Pull quote

Masthead: This masthead is big and bold and stands out on the cover, it is very eye catching to the reader as the red is highlighted on the black/grey background. The masthead is at the top of the page which is the norm of a magazine however positioned to the left rather than across the width of the page (in the centre.)

Main image: The main image covers the whole of the page which follows the codes and conventions of the magazine norm. The image used is very eye catching and original and uses the same colours as the writing surrounding it.

Graphics: The headings are written in two different fonts depending on which side of the cover they are on. The use of white, red and grey writing co ordinates well with the cover image and the choice of font and size of the main heading ‘Cheryl Cole Rocks’ is very eye catching to the reader.

Mode of address: The mode of address is simple, the headings are not directly addressed at the reader however using the musical pun ‘3 words’ above Cheryl Cole, therefore not only advertising her music but making a clever remark to the title ‘Cheryl Cole Rocks’ thus showing the magazines good relationship with the bands and artists featured.


Masthead: This masthead follows the simple codes and conventions of any magazine by placing it at the top of the page covering the whole width. The masthead is bold and is clear to the consumer.

Main image: The main image is the main attention on the cover, the image is a mid shot of a celebrity however only her shoulders and above are clearly shown.

Bar code: This is a simple code and convention for any magazine showing the price and date of issue.

Graphics: Various different images are used on the cover all using different colours, headings and fonts. This gives the magazine a younger feel as it is appealing to the senses of a younger audience.

Mode of address: The mode of address is persuading and exciting to a younger audience. Example: ‘Amazing pics’ and ‘secrets revealed!’ The magazine appears as a gossip magazine despite the music based title ‘Smash Hits.’

Cover line

Masthead: The masthead is very clear and eye catching to consumers. It follows the codes and conventions of any magazine by being placed at the very top of the page stretching across the whole width of the cover. The use of red on the black and white background looks very appealing.

Main image: The main image takes up the whole cover and does not have any writing, other than the masthead covering it. The image used, like any other magazine shows the main article inside.

Graphics: The headings are written in red and black which are the only colours featured on the cover. The same font is used on each one however in different sizes. A larger font is used for the main titles ‘T.I’ and ‘Mavado.’

Mode of address: A pull quote is used underneath the main heading to give a taster of what is inside to make the consumer want to read more. There is no direct address to the reader, only the main article has information of what is featured within it, every other heading is the name of an artist or band.

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