media evaluation part 1

Post on 24-May-2015






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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Section A – music video

Firstly I think my media music video has developed exactly how I wanted it to be. I developed my music video by looking at existing products already on the market. I looked through a selection of past music videos on Youtube, this allowed me to see how the artists are portrayed, how themselves are portrayed through the camera shots in their music video, also it allowed me to see what camera shots are used the most, and different effects which are used.

These existing products which I looked at help me to decide that I wanted my music video both narrative and performance based, majority of the music video is performance based however parts of the music video relate to the lyrics which shows the narrative. I used typical conventions of a performance music video in my video, these included close ups, long shots as well as close ups of the instruments. I targeted my music video at older adults this was because of the music genre, ‘Folk/Country’, as well as this I did also try to follow the conventions of mainstream music videos so it can be relatable to a wide range of audiences as well as my chosen target audience.

Throughout my music video, I have kept in in the mind the initial ideas on how I wanted to portray the band of my music video, I wanted the audience to engage with the band. The main person who is portrayed in my video is the woman ‘Hayley’ who is singing the song, she speaks about a man who she was with in her lyrics ‘He took my hand and we walked on the sand..’ , this can be seen in the print screens below.

The bands targeted audience is aimed for the older generation this is because of the type of music they play/ there genre, within my music video I wanted to represent the band (performance side) and also I wanted to show what they were singing about (the narrative) Even though my music video is mainly performance based, I think the lyrics still get the message across that this is a love song, and has the conventions of existing products already on the market.

Overall I think the music video is challenging conventions of existing products as well as love songs and the typical conventions of a performance music video, this allows my band to be seen as they intend to in the song. In terms of challenging forms of existing media products I feel my music video did that, for example in this video seen in the photos below (Lau – Ghosts) the band is seen in close ups, long and media shots as well as instrument close ups.

My Band has also been represented like this in my music video with the use of lots of close ups, long shots and medium shots as well as close ups of the instruments they are playing which can also been seen in the video above by Lau..

I have made the music video based on my own, original ideas and some ideas from existing music videos which I have looked at, I think all of the shots in my video go well with the music and the fit together nicely. Lastly I feel that I have used and challenged the conventions used in existing media products ways, I believe that my music video fits its correct genre.

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Section B – Auxiliary Products

Firstly I think my Auxillary Products have developed exactly how I wanted them be. On my digipak The front cover includes a photograph of the band with their instruments, with the name of the band and also the genre of music they are, I kept the house style the same throughout the digipak using the same font 'Nyala' and colours blue, red, black and white. The inside of my DigiPak, folds out into three panels with the left side holding the disc, the middle has a photograph of the band and the right side holds a bonus feature booklet that has the song lyrics inside. These covers for the digipak all have the same concept which are; the same colour scheme the font is also the same, as well as the pictures of the band where all taken in the same location.

I developed my music video by looking at existing products already on the market. I looked through a selection of music album adverts, this allowed me to see how the artists are portrayed in the adverts, and how things are laid out on the advert, these existing products which I looked at helped me to decide how I wanted my advert to look exactly.

As you can see from the image on the left, I used inspiration for my advert from existing music album adverts. On the left is ‘Olly Murs’ album advert, this inspired me to use the same sort of concepts within my advert such as the way it is laid out and quite simple with not to much text on the page except from the important date and website address. I feel my advert is very strong and bold and gives the point across, I think it is very eye-catching and does connect to my music video as well as digipak. First I think you can tell this relates to the music video because it is very British this is because of the faded union jack background, also it says ‘Includes the #1 single undertow’ which is the song the music video I made is for.

I wanted a direct link between the advert that I had created and the digipak, which is why I decided to use the same colour scheme and the same sort of design with the union jack flag which had also been used on the inside of the digipak.

Overall I feel my advert is very strong and does include all the typical magazine advert conventions, I think it does connect well to my music video and Digipack, especially the digipak as they are quite similar. The advert I believe does give the point across and includes all the correct information which people want to know/ people would see on a typical magazine advert.

This is the front cover/ back cover of my digipak, this auxiliary product developed exactly how I wanted it to be. The front cover includes a photograph of the band with their instruments, on this photograph is the name of the band with also there genre at the bottom of the photograph. As this bands music is different styles I wrote ‘Britgrass, Britishish Pop, Hillbillystyle’ as this is how there music sounds, also i thought it was good to write that below as people may see the album and not know exactly what genre they are and how there music sounds.

When I was producing my auxillary products, I wanted there to be link between them and my music video, so that potential audiences would know that both the two relate to one another, and as well after seeing the music video the audience would be able to Identify the digipak straight away because of the link between them all.

I made this digipak on photoshop, I kept the house style the same throughout the digipak using the same font 'Nyala' and the colours blue, red, black and white. I wanted to incorporate the same colour because my auxillary products would then be linked together and this is what I wanted to do, as well as this because the band are very British and one member of the band has a double bass with the union jack flag on it, I wanted to incorporate these colours into my auxillary products because they are often used for that genre of music but yet are slightly different. I feel using these colours made the text, font and also the colour stand out very well.

The inside of my DigiPak, folds out into three panels with the left side holding the disc, the middle has a photograph of the band and the right side holds a bonus feature booklet that has the song lyrics inside. These covers for the digipak all have the same concept which are; the same colour scheme the font is also the same, as well as the pictures of the band where all taken in the same location.

There is a link between my digipak and advert, although I didn’t use the same font all the way throughout my advert, there is still a connection between them through the colours and the union jack flag, I did this so that the audience/ fans would recognise the digipak and promotional advert and see the connection between them both and the music video.

I think that I have created a direct link between my auxillary products and music video, I think I have accomplished this by using the same sort of outlook within the genre and connected them with the bands unique genre. I feel that I have created a strong awareness for the band and there music, these products would easily be identified by consumers of the folk/ Britgrass genre.

As well as this I believe after the audience/fan view the music video they would easily identify the promotional advert and digipak and see the connection between them and know they were made for that band. I think I have made a strong connection between the three and they all fit well together as well as the genre.

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