media final presentation for thriller

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Mise en scene- The use of facial expression. The woman is clearly seen smiling and enjoying the warmth of the shower, showing she is happy. In comparison, she is shown screaming, mouth open, eyes squinting and eyebrows raised when she is being attacked. She is not happy with what is happening, being murdered is presumably not a pleasurable experience… The comparison in facial expression shows the change in mood of the woman in the shower.

Sound- The non-diegetic music added in effect, which almost works as a sound effect as the killer is stabbing the woman, as each time the killer moves his blade, the music hits a high note.

Psycho (Hitchcock, 1960)

The killer is covered behind the shower curtain and isn’t seen whilst the killing of the woman and we see the person, presumably a man, as a shadow or an outline of a person. This is to make the scene scarier, because the audience does not know who the killer is and it becomes a mystery of who the killer is. The intention is to make it a mystery and to make the scene scarier for the viewer, which it does, in addition to the sound, does.

Camera angles & editing- An ariel shot is used when following the blood of the dead woman into the plug hole, and through the use of editing a graphic-match cut of the plughole transitioning to the eye is played out. This represents her life is being washed away, as of the blood from her body going the drain.


Mise en scene- The positioning of objects and characters is key is setting a scene or giving the thing importance, attention, which the audience are then drawn towards. For example, Benedict Cumberbatch is shown in the centre of the shot when “You”, as the main character is addressed, so the audience realises who the movie is going to be about.

Sound- The music in the background is light but important, nerve racking moments are highlighted by the loud bursts of a deep horn sound. These are synced with the smooth dark transitions which are used, perhaps dark to reflect the type of film being watched or the plot of the film, a movie about the war.The music used isn’t happy music as it reflects what the movie is about, so is quite light and sad, as a lot of lives were lost during the war and the topic, being a true story, isn’t one which can be changed, as if follows what happened in real life, which means it can be quite dark and frightening, conforming to the movie’s theme, thriller.

Despite being a true story, the dark transitions make it spooky and the theme of the movie can be interpreted as a thriller because it seems mysterious and nerve racking.

Mise en scene- -The opening sequence is set in a house, in one part the wife goes down to the cellar to pick up wine and shivers, displacing the audience.-The husband and wife are both dressed very well, either panning to go out soon or have just come back from a major event. -The broken window in the bedroom shocks the audience as they are not expecting this.-The man in the bathroom socks the audience as he is half naked in his pants with bruises and pale tone. He scares the audience

Sound- -We see sound used throughout to create atmosphere and scare the audience.-During the opening credits we hear an eerie drone that develops into a tension building melody.-The scene then cuts to totally to digetic sound, with the wife going down into the cellar to get wine. This scene creates an eerie atmosphere, the natural sounds and odd silence evokes emotion from the audience.-When the wife returns to the living room she engages in light hearted normal dialogue with her husband, lightening and normalising the mood.-However, when they go to the bedroom it falls silent again and we hear eerie sounds creep in when we see the broken glass.-The eerie sounds peak when we see the weird man and when he further goes on to shoot the husband we hear the cutting loud bang of the gun. Displacing the audience.

Camera angles- -We see a shot at the start in the cellar through wine bottles. This creates the effect someone is there watching her, with her.-We also see the couple through the man’s mirrored award. The couple are seen romantically clutching another, providing safety.-Panning shot to the man in the bathroom. It reveals him to the audience slowly, so it doesn’t scare the audience but makes them feel out of place.-Tracking shot in the opposite direction the weird man, going away from the camera to show closure of the scene.

The sixth sense (1999)

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