media lit #digirev

Post on 06-May-2015






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Session prepared for #MediaLit13



Dr Bex Lewis, Research Fellow in Social Media & Online Learning, CODEC, Durham UniversityDirector, Digital Fingerprint



Image Credit: Stockfresh

"If you want to build a presence in the social media platform, then you need to be


- @unmarketing

Image Credit: Stockfresh

Source: Netcasters

Source: Netcasters

Think you don’t have an online

presence…?… Think Again!

Google Search

Google Images

Search YouTube

“The Long Tail”

Image Credit: InboundNow

“digital media Christian Bex”

“Rebecca Lewis” “Keep Calm”

Addictomatic: “Bex Lewis”

Addictomatic: “drbexl”

So: What might you find?

What does this mean for us?A Disciple is one who, by

following Jesus, grows in their faith in Christ and in so doing models and teaches Christians the precepts of the Bible, prayer, doctrine, relationship, Christian living, service, and worship, to name the main ones.

Gary Collins (Christian Life Coach)If you're a Christian, seeking to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, you'll approach every aspect of your life from this perspective. Your commitment to Christ will impact your marriage, parenting, lifestyle, values, spending, time management, vocation ...

Image Credit: Gary Collins website

#BigBible #Digidisciple Whether as a Christian or a digital explorer, you’re a

newbie or an old hat, a rookie or a bishop (and in the digital sphere, there will be some who fit in all categories), we all have something to contribute to the digital space. The concept of the digital as ‘space’ or a ‘culture’ is important as we come from a perspective in which:

As Christians we live 24/7 for God, in whatever spaces we live in or engage with…

There is no such thing as ‘virtual’ and ‘real’ worlds: only online and offline space/cultures – the connection between the two is different for each individual.

We need to take seriously our Christian presence both online and offline.  Are we the same person, living by the same values in both ‘spaces’?

Who is your audience?

As a minister who IS your audience? Local? Global?

The human audience will always be the most important. In face, the whole point of your SEO plan is to bring in that audience and speak to them, clearly, in their own language (p102)

If you want to get someone to take action, you need to get a commitment first to something small that will activate a persona, and then you need to ask for a commitment to something later (p77)

Who might read it?



‘The kids’

The newspaper

Your worst enemyImage Credit: Stockfresh

Transformed Living…

The reason why some Christians are so constipated, miserable, judgmental, misogynistic, religious and up tight is that they were like that before they became Christians!

Roger Ellis Essence: The Manifesto of Jesus 2012

Luke 6:45 (NIV)

A good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and an evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For the mouth speaks what the heart is full of.

“If an alien visited…”

… and all they had to see was your Facebook page (or other ‘public’ profile).. What would their perception of your life be?

Image: RGB Stock

What Biblical values do we want to see in our (digital) world?

Image Credit: iStockPhoto


Image Credits: Seed Resources/ @digitalfprint

The Fruits of the Spirit: What do they look like online?

Image Credit: Kezi



Human Beings at Machines, not “are machines”

Push/Pull Media…

THINK: Who is my neighbour?What does it mean to ‘love your neighbour’ in a world in which a

‘friend’ might as easily be the kid from down the street you grew up with as a woman in Botswana whom you’ve never seen in person and only know in the context of Facebook status updates, photos, and notes? What is the nature of community at prayer in a compline service tweeted each evening by the cybermonks of a Virtual Abbey? What is the ecclesiological and liturgical significant of worship in various churches across the theological spectrum on the quasi-3D, virtual reality site ‘Second Life’? How can we negotiate spiritual interaction in these contexts without losing sight of basic elements of Christian faith expressed in traditional embodied and geographically located practices of prayer, worship, and compassion towards others?

Tweet if You Heart Jesus, p.xiv

Social Media Surgeries

Carl Medearis

Relax, enjoy your friends. Enjoy their company along with the company of Jesus. Point him out, freely, without fear or intimidation. You’re not responsible to sell him to them. You’re simply saying what you’ve seen. You're not the judge. You’re the witness.

Love our neighbour as ourselves?

“…Out of a commitment to an ideal of Christian relatedness that sees us all as God’s children, each worthy of attention and care.” (p.145)

Where is the balance between conserving our sanity/deeper relationships, and ensuring that all feel valued? What about friendship ‘clearouts’?

The God Slot?

How do you feel about these?

Darren Hill, Seed ResourcesAll these great Bible verses arrive on my feed without any context, background or explanation. As believers we are fine with this, we of course know the context to any text that appears online… don’t we? But what about everyone else? Image Credit: Darren Hill

How do we deal with the things that divide us?

Image Credit: Seed Resources

1 Peter 3:15 (The Message) Be ready to speak up and tell anyone who asks

why you’re living the way you are, and always with the utmost courtesy. Keep a clear conscience before God so that when people throw mud at you, none of it will stick. They’ll end up realizing that they’re the ones who need a bath.

THINK: What does it mean to share graciously?

Image Credit: Seed Resources


Cris Rogers

We need to spend time in his presence and then we will have something to say.


Really important to be aware of…!!

Image Sources, e.g. FREE

Flickr Creative Commons: (3 a week)


Agree a (flexible) Social Media Policy

Image credit: SXC.Hu Don’t overthink. Running through committees, endless drafts and approval processes to get a response out there can cause far more damage than good. As long as you have taken the time to assess the situation and can take a rational, respectful tone in your response, even an awkward response is OK to start with, and buys you time to continue to respond to the problem.

Don’t forget…

Image Credit: Stockfresh

Principles of Good Engagement

•Be interesting

•Be encouraging

•Be active

•Be helpful

•Be authenticHT @vahva

James 2:17

So you see, faith by itself isn't enough. Unless it produces good deeds, it is dead and useless.

New Living Translation (©2007)

Some good advice from @ianaspin: Care for others - genuinely

Know that the world doesn’t revolve around you

Be ‘remarkable’, be different

Earn the right to have others take notice of you

Be grateful if ONE person cares what you’re doing

Have something to say that matters

Do stuff that matters – make an impact

Strive to bring value to everyone you connect with

Be fantastically generous with our time, money, and kindness

Be outrageously committed to making the world better

It’s all about relationships – build & nurture them

Thanks @ianaspin (

To Think Over: What are your 10 online commandments?

Image Credit: FreeBibleImages

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