media presentation

Post on 30-Jun-2015






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The genre of this film is a psychological thriller/horror.The trailer begins cheery with the upbeat music and the expectations of a fun road trip happening, The audience can quickly identify that its not that kind of genre and is in fact a thriller/horror this is shown when the music changes to a heavy, airy noises making the atmosphere appear more chilling.I believe that the target audience for this film is between the ages of 15-30, mixed gender, as the film certificate is a 15, but the main characters are in their early to mid twenties, this means that they can appeal to a wider range of ages who can relate to the characters in the film more. It targets the audience well as it seems a realistic scenario of a group of friends going on a trip together, to unwind, making it all the more scarier for the audience when things start going wrong.

The trailer lasts for 2 minutes 26 seconds and has about 111 shots in it most of them are edited quick cut shots so that it doesn’t give away too much of the film plot, the filming focuses quite a lot on close up camera angles to show the expressions of the characters faces and the importance of certain objects, another camera shot that is used a lot is the tracking shot which follows the campervan into the woods and the hawk flying into the grid, I think both of these shots and camera angles are commonly used in most trailers as they like to keep the filming at a quick pace so that it gives enough information away but keeps you wanting more which is why I think that trailers are a effective promotional device for films, as the audience becomes curious as to how the story unravels and how the characters get into that sort of situation.The transition that is used mostly in this trailer is fade into a black screen effect to the sound of a heartbeat making it feel like its you experiencing it with them as you can hear the heartbeat speeding up when confronted with fear which you wouldn’t normally hear in a film trailer, I also think that adding to black screen between certain shots makes it more frightening for the audience as it leaves you wondering what’s going to happen next.

The diegetic sound is mainly speech for example one of the main female characters says “It doesn’t even show up on the GPS” this shows the remoteness of the cabin and that they are unable to communicate outside the woods, showing that they will be truly on their own once they enter the woods.Another bit of dialogue that I think is important in this trailer is the old man at the petrol station who says to them “getting back is your concern” suggesting that once they arrive there they will be trapped, once they’ve left he speaks on the phone saying “The lambs have passed through the gate, they’ve come to the killing floor” I believe this is a good technique to use as it bridges the two places together, this is also the first clue that the audience receives about it being a horror as it shows that the characters remain clueless as to what is going to unfold ahead.When the killings start happening the main male character says “ we have to stay together” you then see some sort of mist coming through the vents he then changes his mind and says “we should split up” this shows that they have complete control over them like their puppets and want them to be as vulnerable as possible. There isn’t much diegetic sounds only the exaggerated sound of the hawk squawking and flying into the grid and the explosion in the empathising the fact that once again they’re trapped and that the people are controlling their fait.

The is quite a lot of non-diegetic music used in this trailer to emphasis certain things that are happening. Such as the beats between different shots which sounds like a piano to reinforce the chilling feel to the film, there is also a low boom sound now and again when something big is about to happen. They also use quite a lot of weird alien like sounds making the audience unsure of what could be lurking in the woods. The trailer represents the characters and their relationships as being a group of friends that just want to get away and have some fun together, you can tell that the characters Jules and Curt are a couple and seem to be your average popular couple he seems very much into sports and she has got the looks and attitude. The character Dana seems to be quite an intelligent this is shown by the fact that she is the only female in the final shot of the trailer suggesting that she could be the only survivor. The final character is Marty he acts like the dull one of the group who just speaks nonsense and does drugs but once again he is the only male in the final shot which could suggest that there is more about him.

The narrative of this film trailer is that a group of friends go on a holiday in a cabin, to try and get away from every day life and relax , unfortunately things don’t go quite to plan and they end up being trapped there, being controlled by people in a office who are treating it like a sick killing game. What this reveals about the film plot is that one by one the characters are going to be targeted and killed off, it also reveals that there could be two survivors Marty and Dana who out smart the people controlling them by surviving this is suggested by the fact that they are the only ones in the final scenes.

The trailer creates a code of enigma as your left wondering how it started and who are the ones committing the murders and why, as an audience as well you begin the question if there will be any survivors and if so who? This is the same as other film that I have researched like “The House At the end of the street” which creates the similar sort of mystery over what is causing the murders and how did it happen. The trailer uses titles a lot to communicate to the audience such as between certain scenes it says “you think you know the story, you think you know the place, think again!” this suggests that things aren't what they seem in the cabin and you as an audience are the only ones that are meant to know that, even though there is no voiceover in this trailer, I believe that can be quite effective as there are no interruptions and you can just watch the trailer in full but still know what going on with the describing sentences. The heading at the end of the trailer has kept with the theme throughout of red background with white writing which seems to be a conventional colour in horror films as red usually represents the blood of the victims in the film.

The trailer establishes the mood and expectations of this film as being fearful for the characters in this film and hoping that they will escape, the expectations are that there will be a lot of murders and that there will be some chase scenes in there. The codes and conventions in this film are that their in the woods in the cabin which is used in quite a lot of horror films but the difference about this film is that they are controlled by people who can make them do what they want and can choose how they die.

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