media shot by shot teaser trailer recreation

Post on 06-Jan-2017






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Singular clip showing the cinema/film age restrictions for the movie, duration of 3 seconds. Fades into black after being shown.

Singular clip showing Company Ident of a releasing company involved in the distribution of the film. Duration of the clips lasts 1 and a ½ seconds, moving straight into the next ident. Non diegetic music track begins to play – guitar sounding track, quite upbeat.

Singular clip showing Company Ident of a production company, with similar design to the other ident. Duration of the clip lasts 1 second, and fades into black. Non diegetic guitar music track playing in background.

Close up shot showing the location of a high school, with a duration lasting a portion of a second. Shot positioned to particularly just show the title ‘high school’ instead of the specific school. Non diegetic music track still playing in the background, with diegetic school bell ringing over the top. Muffled talking diegetic ambient noises travelling through the background.

Mid shot of students walking around a campus of a school, natural lighting showing setting and time of day. This clip lasts for a fraction of a second, and the movement seems to be either unbalanced or tracking the movement of the students. Non diegetic music still playing in background, with diegetic ambient noises of students talking. The diegetic bell ringing is fading, but still there in the clip.

Mid shot again of students walking around in school, lasting a fraction of a second. Non diegetic music track seems to of got quieter, and the diegetic bell noise has faded. The diegetic ambient talking is still present in the scene. The framing of the shot seems quite close to the student, making it seem busy and crowded.

Mid shot at a worms eye view angle from the floor, of lots of students walking in a hallway. The clip lasts for a fraction of a second and the non diegetic music track has faded out a little, giving a wispy sound. The diegetic ambient noise of chatter is still present in this clip.

Hand held camera shot, mid close up of a blonde girl and her female friends. Duration is half a second, and the camera angle is higher than eyes view. The acoustic guitar/piano non diegetic soundtrack has come back with a bit more volume, and an additional drum beat.

Mid shot of group of girls, angled from the side. The duration of the clip lasts ½ a second, and is the introduction to a non diegetic voice over of the main character. The non diegetic music soundtrack continues to play in the background, with the voice over saying in this clip: “my name is…” before the shot changes.

This close up hand held shot, is shaky with natural movement as the main character operates the camera showing herself and her friend in the background. The clip lasts a second and continues with the non diegetic background music, and the non diegetic voice over – saying: “Avery Keller”, finishing the sentence from before.

This close up hand held shot, shows the girl alone in her bedroom, and moves the non diegetic voiceover into the diegetic speaking of this shot. The shot lasts 1 second, with the non diegetic background music continuing and her diegetic speaking with the phrase “I’m just your normal teenage girl”.

This is a close up shot of the girl, hand held again, of her smiling and laughing towards the camera. The shot lasts ½ a second, with the soundtrack still playing and a diegetic laugh from the girl.

This is a close up, hand held shot of the girl again in her bedroom. The clip lasts 3 seconds before fading into a white clip with writing on. The soundtrack has continued in the background and in the clip she says in diegetic dialogue: “living out the high school dream”.

This interval board has a cream background, with simplistic black and white coloured font and a rectangular red box covering the word ‘knows’. The sentence reads out: “A GIRL EVERYONE KNOWS”. It shows with one second, still with the continuing diegetic background music.

Quick flash shot, a fraction of a second long. Mid shot, hand held of some boys in the hall way. Non diegetic music soundtrack playing in the background, with diegetic speech of “hey, hi” in the clip.

Mid close up, hand held shot of two boys passing in the hallway. Fraction of a second long, with ambient diegetic background noise of chatter, and diegetic speech of “what’s up” coming from the girl; the non diegetic music sound track continues to play through this clip.

Long shot, moving due to hand held camera, of two girls walking towards the camera and passing on it’s side. Duration lasts 2 seconds, and the non diegetic soundtrack plays throughout. There is use of diegetic dialogue between the two girls and the girl holding the camera: “hey girls”, “hi, like your shirt”, “thank you”, accompanied with some diegetic ambient chatter sounds in the background.

Interval board, with white background, black and like font – like the previous board, it also has a red rectangle surrounding the word “follows”. The statement reads: “A GIRL EVERYONE FOLLOWS”. This clip is shown for 1 and a ½ seconds, with the non diegetic background track playing throughout.

Close up, hand held shot of the girl in her bedroom. She starts to talk to the camera in this clip, with diegetic dialogue she begins: “I have my four best friends”. The non diegetic background music plays throughout the background, as the angle she is holding the camera at almost looks up towards her. The clip has a duration of a second.

Mid close up, hand held shot of the girl’s (Avery’s) four best friends in the school hall, it is filmed as everyone moves backwards as the girls move forwards. The non diegetic background music continues to play, as the diegetic speech travels over the clip saying: “Maddie, Tessa, Caitlin, Emily”. The duration of the clip is 2 seconds long.

A slanted angle mid shot clip, of Avery’s four best friends sitting on a window ledge. It lasts less than a second, and is accompanied by the non diegetic background music and diegetic speech of the girls saying: “hi”.

This mid close up, lasts less than ½ a second, showing Avery and a couple of her friends out to eat and laughing. The non diegetic background music is still playing, and there is diegetic speech which has been carried over from another scene saying: “and they’re”.

This mid close up again is very short, probably less than ½ second, showing Avery’s four best friends. There is diegetic dialogue from Avery continuing the sentence from the previous shot. The non diegetic sound track continues to play in the background, as the diegetic speech says: “super fun”.

This interval board shows for a second, fading into another clip. It has a white background, with a simplistic black and white font and a red rectangle surrounding the word ‘admires’. The whole sentence reads: “A GIRL EVERYONE ADMIRES”.

These two clips are part of the same shot, but I’ve taken two screen shots to show the use of movement. This is a mid close up, filmed through hand held camera, in a bathroom of Avery doing her make up with her friends. The non diegetic soundtrack continues but begins to fade, as there is diegetic speech saying: “this is our girl time, because we never have enough time because we are always running late”. The clip lasts 4 seconds long, and is the indicating to a change in mood and tone to the teaser trailer.

This is a mid close up, filmed on a hand held camera. It is filmed at a slightly slanted angle, showing someone coming into the bathroom and one the girls kicking them out. It lasts 3 seconds, and has a very faded version of the non diegetic soundtrack in the background, and diegetic speech of: “get out”, and diegetic noise of girls laughing.

This is the turning point of the teaser trailer. It is a mid close up, filmed on a hand held camera, still recording the girls in the bathroom. The non diegetic background music from all of the previous clips has stopped, and a new soundtrack has started which begins with the sound of Avery’s voice echoing and a deep bass sound. There is diegetic speech before this and during saying: “usually no one comes in (be)cause the kinda know”. As she says that, there is an editing effect which makes the screen dark, contrasting all the blacks and whites of the image. This clip lasts for 1 and a ½ seconds.

Interval board, shown for a second. It has a white background, with black and white writing which reads: “THERES A TIME”, with ‘time’ surrounded by a red rectangular box. The new non diegetic sound track, with sinister one toned music plays over the top.

This shot is filmed from a camera attached to a body, it is at a slanted angle and is more of an establishing shot, showing the setting of the stairs/corridor. It lasts for 2 seconds, whilst moving round to the right and then changes into a slightly different clip.

This also is filmed from a camera attached to the body, showing Avery coming up to a girl and being horrible. It lasts for 3 seconds, and involves the no diegetic dark soundtrack and diegetic speech from Avery saying: “where do you think you’re going?”. There is also muffled ambient diegetic noise from the movement of the camera.

This is a mid close up filming a girl talking to camera man, with hand held movement. It lasts 2 seconds, and has the same non diegetic music continuing from previously. Diegetic speech occurs over the top – from the boy: “is everything okay?”, and in reply from the girl: “I just want to go home”.

This is a clip 2 second clip filmed from an attached camera to the body, slightly slanted upwards, showing a mid shot of the corridor before getting nudged by Avery and the picture jolting to focus on her. The non diegetic soundtrack continues, as there is diegetic speech from Avery: “bitch”. Before the image fades it has an editing effect of contrast the deep blacks and whites from the image.

This interval board is shown for 1 and a ½ seconds. It has a white background, with black and white writing that reads: “TO TELL THE TRUTH”. A red rectangle surrounds two words: “the truth”. The non diegetic music track continues to play.

This mid close up, shot from a side view showing a girl walking holding an umbrella, lasts 4 seconds and the camera moves closer to the girl as the clip plays. The non diegetic music is faded slightly into the background, and there is diegetic speech from the boy and girl: boy – “Jess, what happened today?”, girl – “nothing”. There also diegetic heavy breathing noises intertwined with this from the girl.

This is a mid shot filmed from a camera attached to the girls body, shows a boy filming her as they are walking. It lasts a little over a second and plays the non diegetic sound track over the top, as there is diegetic speech from the boy: “did she talk to you today?”. There is also diegetic ambient muffled noises of the camera moving.

This shot filmed from the camera attached to the girls body, is a close up of a group of girls dragging the girl away from her locker in the changing room. It lasts 3 seconds, and whilst the non diegetic music track plays in the background, there is diegetic speech from Avery saying: “guys do you smell anything?” “kinda embarrassing I think we should take care of that”.

This shot from the same scene, is also from the body camera (which could also be called hand held), shows a mid close up of her being dragged into a shower in the changing rooms. It lasts a second, and whilst the non diegetic background music plays, there are diegetic sounds of girls laughing.

This interval board is shown for a second, it has a white background with black and white writing which reads: “AND A TIME”. There is a red rectangle that surrounds the words: ‘a time’. The non diegetic music plays in the background, but gets stronger at this point with more build up in bass and drum beat.

This shot shows a close up of the boy and girl in a bedroom, discussing the use of a camera. The clip lasts 2 seconds, and is filmed from a stationary position. The non diegetic music continues in the background, as the boy starts his diegetic dialogue with: “I went to a little…”.

This short clip is shot from the point of view of a hand held “spy” camera. It lasts a second and shows a shot of the boy and girl. The non diegetic music continues in background, as the boys diegetic dialogue continues through this shot saying: “spy camera store”.

This mid shot, shot from point of view of the camera attached to the girls body (clothing). It shows Avery and her friends in the hall way staring at the girl, and lasts a second long as she walks past. The girl’s speech of diegetic dialogue (from another shot), is layered over this clip and begins to say: “I think it’s too risky”, whilst the non diegetic music plays in the background.

This point of view clip showing a mid close up of Avery and her friends looking over the girl, from the girls hand held attached camera. The angle is slanted upwards and the clip lasts for a second and a ½. The non diegetic music track continues, as the diegetic dialogue from another clip says: “can you imagine what she would do if she found out”. The editing fades this shot into a strong contrast of black and white, before moving to the next clip.

This interval board is shown for a second, it has a white background with black and white writing which reads: “TO SHOW IT”. There is a red rectangle that surrounds the words: ‘show it’. The non diegetic music plays in the background, with more piano that has been introduced.

This shot, which is filmed from a camera on the floor, shows a mid close up of the boy hugging the girl. It lasts ½ a second, and has the non diegetic music playing in the background, with diegetic dialogue from another clip saying “if you disappeared”…

This mid close up from the hand held camera, shows Avery talking very close to the girls body. It is at a slightly slanted low angle, looking up towards Avery. It lasts for a second, as the non diegetic dialogue continues and Avery has diegetic speech continuing from previous shot saying: “the world we be a better place”.

This shot is very quick, about a fraction of a second long, shot hand held from point of view of the girl getting bullied. It shows the group of girls sitting in front of her throwing food at her. It flashes on the screen, with the non diegetic music playing over it.

This clip is a close up of the girls face, as she is sat looking into the distance with a very upset expression. It lasts for 2 seconds, as the girl uses diegetic dialogue to say: “I just don’t know why she hates me so much”. The non diegetic music continues through the background.

These three clips flash quickly from one to the next. In total they all together last a second long. The non diegetic music continues in the background as we are shown three different shots. The first is a hand held mid close up of Avery and her friends, chucking a possession of the girls. The second two are close up shots showing the online hatred the girl is receiving: “nobody likes you”, “you’re so f****** stupid”.

Flashing of clips(to be finished)

Flashing of clips(to be finished)

Ending(to be finished)

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