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Welcome to the June 2011 Edition of the Visionary

Meet the St. Luke’s

StaffSenior Pastor

Dr. Andy Hurst

Associate Pastor / Lead Pastor SLSWRev. Matt Wolfington

Associate Pastor / Congregational CareRev. Don Kinder

Director of Music MinistriesDr. Andy Coward

Director of Christian Education - CentralSara Lattimore

Director of Youth and Recreational Ministries

Jon Matthews

Youth Ministries InternMaggie Guillot

Director of ChildcareJennifer Thomason

Business Manager / BookkeeperFlorence Ann McVay

Senior Office Assistant - CentralShalah Smith

Office Assistant - Central & SouthwestSherry Galvan

Praise and Worship Leader - SouthwestRobert Baldree

Director of PreschoolDee Riebel

Director of Parent’s Day OutVicki Davidson

Custodial / Maintenance DirectorCurtis Borland

CustodiansVeronica Orosco

Joe Ortiz

ChefAlphonza Duvall

Parish NursesSherilyn Pharr &Linda McMurry

SecurityFrank Anderson

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A M e s s a g e Fr o m O ur Sen ior Pas tor

Continued on Next Page...

“Why I Am A Methodist?”As I interact with folks around Lubbock and beyond, I always find some interesting

assumptions about what it means to be a Methodist. Some of those assumptions are encouraging and positive; others derogatory and demeaning. John Wesley said the following about what it means to be a Methodist:

A Methodist is one who has “the love of God shed abroad in his heart by the Holy Ghost given unto him;” one who “loves the Lord his God with all his heart, and with all his soul, and with all his mind, and with all his strength. God is the joy of his heart, and the desire of his soul; which is constantly crying out, “Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee! My God and my all! Thou art the strength of my heart, and my portion for ever!”

If that’s what it means to be a Methodist, I want to be one! What about you? In this article I give seven foundational reasons why I feel called to be a Methodist Christian.

• LegACy •The Methodist church has been a powerful vessel of bringing about god’s purposes and establishing god’s Kingdom in the world for the last 250 years. Persons, institutions, whole nations, and people groups have been both formed and transformed because of the presence and influence of the Methodist church. We have been at our best when Jesus is front and center and at our worst when other agendas have caused us to go running down various life-sucking rabbit trails.

In my own life, the Methodist church is where I first heard the goodnews of Jesus, where I first gave my life to Christ, where my mama played piano, where my daddy served in leadership, where I attended life saving and life transforming church camps, where I was discipled in college, where I was married, where I was trained and sent forth in ministry, where I have raised my family to love and serve god.

• ConneCTIon •As Methodist Christians we are a part of a world wide movement that is daily meeting the real physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual needs of persons all over our globe. When the earthquake hit Japan on March 11th, we were there. When tornados horrifically ripped through our Southern states on April 27th, we were there. In August of 2005 when Katrina slammed into the gulf Coast, we were there. The great news is not just that we were there in 2005, we are still there in 2011 long after other groups have come and gone. our commitment to the long haul and our commitment to the wholistic well being of those in need is a powerful and purposeful example of the love of Christ in our world today. The truth is we can do far more together in unity than we can ever do on our own. In a day when independent churches, home groups, and autonomous Christianity is ever on the rise, we are joined and connected together in a com-mon purpose of sharing the love of Christ with a hurting and broken world. on my dream list this month is a list of the “apportionments” that our church has been asked to share. If you, your family, your SS class or small group would like to invest in one of these life changing ministries, just let me know.

• WhoLISTIC hoLIneSS •one of the most unique and profound emphasis of Methodism is our commitment to both social and spiri-tual holiness. John Wesley patterned both personally and in his organization of Methodist groups that we are called both to a right relationship with god and a right relationship with others. holiness is about our spiritual disciplines and it is also about how we love, serve, and forgive one another and this world in which we live. We are called to passionately love and worship god and to passionately and purposefully make a difference in this world. Wesley believed like James that “faith without works” is dead, and Wesley believed like Paul that “works without faith” is never enough. god’s Spirit is out to form and transform us both within and without. Who we are in relationship with god has everything to do with who we are in relationship with one another and vice versa. Wesleyan scholar, Richard heitzenrater says that Wesley’s goal was a Methodism that moved “beyond a lifeless, formalized religion to one worthy of god, and that is love—love of god and love of neighbor, seated in the heart and showing its fruits in virtue and happiness.”

Dr. Andy hurstSenior Pastor

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Page 2

Andy’s Dream ListThis month, I want to ask you to pray about helping us make a difference for Christ in and through the United Methodist Church. If you, your family, your Sunday school class or small group would like to invest in these ministries, please let me know. The list below is our share of Connectional Ministries and Missions:

...Continued from Page 1 A Message from Our Senior Pastor• eMPhASIS on gRACe •god’s amazing grace is at the heart of the Methodist movement. grace is the unconditional, un-earned love of god that accepts us where we are and takes us where we need to be. god’s preve-nient, initiating grace goes with us from the time of our conception to the time of our conversion and beyond. This grace that goes before is what gives all Christians the ability to say yes to god. god’s justifying grace is the grace that saves us and claims us as his child. This justifying grace makes it “” we’ve never sinned. We are made new by Christ, in Christ, and for Christ. god’s sanctify-ing grace is the forming and shaping grace of god that is working in us via god’s holy Spirit to make us day by day more and more like Jesus. our Methodist view of grace is dynamic. If god’s grace is alive and working in us, if we are intention-ally planting ourselves in the means and streams of god’s grace (spiritual disciplines), god will keep working in our lives. I love to pray Philippians 1:6---“Jesus we are confident of this, that he who began a good work in us that he will bring that work to completion today, tomorrow, and forever.”

• RADICAL CoMMITMenT To MAKIng DISCIPLeS •The mission statement of the United Methodist Church is the mission of the church of all ages and all generations as given by our Lord Jesus, himself. our mission is to “go and Make Disciples!” our mission is not to be crazy busy with church programming, our mission is not to fill the pews with bodies, our mission is not to build buildings, our mission is not even to go and make Methodist. our mission is to go and make disciples, fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ every where in any way that we can.

• TheoLogICAL VIeWPoInT •United Methodist Christians are Christ-centered and orthodox in our beliefs. We affirm the foun-dational and essential truths that the Church of Jesus Christ has been committed to for centuries. We utilize the Wesleyan pyramid when determining right and wrong, what’s of god and not of god. The Wesleyan pyramid says there are four sources for truth: reason, experience, tradition, and god’s Word which is the apex of the pyramid and our primary source of truth. We believe indeed, that All Scripture is given by Inspiration of god; and herein are we distinguished from Jews, Turks and Infidels. We believe this written Word of god to be the only and Sufficient Rule, both of Christian Faith and Practice. John Wesley

• CALLeD •There is nothing in me that thinks that the Methodist way is the only way, but it is a great way of fol-lowing hard after Jesus. Mr. Wesley taught us that we are to aim at unity in the Body of Christ. Two oft quoted Wesley statements in this regard: 1. “In essentials unity, in non-essentials freedom, in all things charity.” 2. “If your heart is as my heart, then give me your hand.”

I am a Methodist because when I was 17 years old god clearly called me to give my life to him and to serve him in this his church! There are so many options and alternatives to where and how folks worship Jesus and connect to one another nowadays, but few of those options offer what we do as Methodists. It’s time for us to celebrate who god has called us to be and not to settle for who we too often are content to be.

your fellow follower of Jesus who is thankful to be a Methodist,



















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St. Lukes Southwesthosts its First Ever

Vacation Bible School...

Come be a part of it!

July 11th-14th5:30-8:00pm

Snack Supper Provided

Register or visit the church offices, but hurry! Registration will close after we have

200 kids signed up!!

Donated Items Needed:Empty Clear Plastic Bottles with Lids

Volunteers Still Needed:Class Leaders

Preschool Recreation LeadersAdult Appreciation Leader

(Afternoon of July 10th Only)&

Decoration Helpers

ContaCt: alysia smith • aCsmith8302@yahoo.Com

With all the fun of vacations, sleeping late, swimming, lake

adventures and visiting family and theme parks, we must all remember that god is with us where ever we go.

Psalm 1391you have searched me, LoRD, and you know me. 2 you know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar. 3 you discern my going out and my lying down; you are familiar with all my ways. 4 Before a word is on my tongue you, LoRD, know it completely. 5 you hem me in behind and before, and you lay your hand upon me. 6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me, too lofty for me to attain. 7 Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? 8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. 9 If I rise on the wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, 10 even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast. 11 If I say, “Surely the darkness will hide me and the light become night around me,” 12 even the darkness will not be dark to you; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to you.

It is not just a fact that we live with; there should be a response to this joy of God’s presence in our lives.

Page 4

Summer is here; So is our great God!13 For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. 15 My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place, when I was woven together in the depths of the earth. 16 your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. 17 how precious to me are your thoughts,[a] god! how vast is the sum of them! 18 Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand— when I awake, I am still with you.

At the end of Psalm 139, the writer soberly assesses himself before God, inviting the Lord to examine him and “See if there is any offensive way,” in him. We remind ourselves that God is love, he is our heavenly father who ultimately desires the very best for us. So as we allow God into every corner of our lives, we can trust in Him to lead us in the “ way everlasting.”

19 If only you, god, would slay the wicked! Away from me, you who are bloodthirsty! 20 They speak of you with evil intent; your adversaries misuse your name. 21 Do I not hate those who hate you, LoRD, and abhor those who are in rebellion against you? 22 I have nothing but hatred for them; I count them my enemies. 23 Search me, god, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. 24 See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.

ReverendMatt Wolfington

A M e s s a g e Fr o m Pas tor M at t

adopted?Pastor Matt is working on a special project for a future sermon about inclusiveness in God’s Kingdom. If you are adopted, have adopted children or grandchildren, and are comfortable releasing that information, please contact Pastor Matt: or (806)771.0555

Page 5 Go to and select St. Luke’s United Methodist Church in Lubbock, Texas as your Host Site.

Children’s Sunday school Central Campus

Because of the change in worship and Sunday school time the Children’s Sunday School Schedule has changed...

Central Campus Sunday Morning Schedule:9:30-9:40 Drop off and Check In by Parents in Room 279:40-10:00 Large group Time to include music and the bible story presented in an exciting and relative manner.10:00-10:30 Small group Time, divided by age groups, to participate in age-appropriate discussion, activities, and snack related to the bible story.

SMALL gRoUP RooMS:Preschool (3 & 4 year olds): Room 24

Kindergarten: Room 231st & 2nd grade: Room 263rd - 5th grade: Room 29

Nursery is available for children 6-weeks old to 3-years

Southwest CampusSummer Sunday School at Southwest will be trying something new and exciting! We will be using the Living Inside Out curriculum by group Publishing. The format includes some large group time and small group time. We will make sure to post schedules outside the classrooms but here is the outline of what you and your child can expect each Sunday starting in June and running thru August.

Southwest Campus Sunday Morning Schedule:9:25-9:35 Drop off and Check In by Parents in Small group rooms 9:35-9:40 travel to Large group room (Room TBD)9:40-10:00 Large group Time to include music and the bible story presented in an exciting and relative manner.10:00-10:25 Small group Time, divided by age groups, to participate in age-appropriate discussion, activities, and snack related to the bible story.

SMALL gRoUP RooMS:Preschool (3 & 4 year olds) & Kindergarteners: Room 1

1st -5th graders: Room 5Nursery is available for children 6-weeks old to 3-years

We are always looking for volunteers if you are able to help during the summer by leading a small group of child on an exciting adventure about living our faith 24/7 please

contact Sara Lattimore at : or (806)797-4393 ext 212.

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Youth & Children’s Information

Page 6

Reminder for summer dates!

VBS – Central – June 6th-10thone Way 6/8 –June 13th -17th

one Way 9/12 – June 20th-24th

Senior high Mission Trip – UM Army Wichita Falls, June 26th-July 2nd

VBS – Southwest – July 11th-14th

Junior high Road Trip – July 6th-9thAll youth Mission Trip – July 24th – 30th

We will have an amazing, life changing summer. Any help would be greatly appreciated to help students attend these camps/trips.

Wednesday nights will be in homes this summer! Be on the look out for each location!

have a great June!

Children’s summer Camp registration information:

Summer Camp Registration is still open if you are in the 2nd -12th grade we have a camp for you to attend this summer! 2nd -5th graders contact Sara Lattimore at or 797-4393 regarding registration details and scholarships.

One Way 4-5 for 4th & 5th gradersJune 27th-July1st • $250/person

Lil’ Ceta Camp for Grades 2nd -3rdJuly 6th-8th • 3 days/2 nights • $145/person

Page 7

Moms In TouchThis group meets at St. Luke’s Central, Fridays, 8:30am in Room 13. All moms are invited to participate, and

this group also welcomes prayer requests. For more information, contact:

Courtney Frank, 445-3874 | Moms in Touch on the web:

There will be no Friday Fun night in June, July or August. Stay tuned for what fun we have in store for our next F.U.n. in September 2011!!

where college students dig deep, requench their thirst, and learn about Christ.

Join the St. Luke’s College Ministry at the hurst home on Tuesday nights, 9PM. 6308 112th Street.

...and Join The Well on Facebook to stay updated!

Please purchase your tickets early and then contact Michelle heath about gathering as a group to attend!!

Ladies Prayer GrouPevery Tuesday Morning 8:30-9:30am Central Room 6

Please join us!For questions contact Vicki at 796-0778 or

Cindy at 795-5937

Fitness Presents...

Temple Fitness is excited to offer FREE Zumba classes! Classes are held every Saturday at 9:00am at the Central campus and Thursdays from 6-7pm at the Southwest Campus!

Please email Debbie Birchfield at

United Methodist Women St. Luke’s United Methodist Women will meet on Tuesday, June 7, 2011 at 9:30 a.m. in the home of Rosie hurd, 3406 96th Street. Julia Cox will present the program “Finding Personal Peace”. All women are invited to attend. Please call Jo Ann Smith, 795-1434 for more information. St. Luke’s UMW are collecting product labels and box tops for education. These labels and box tops help our own St. Luke’s pre-school as well as McCurdy School. For a complete list of eligible products, contact helen Trussell, 795-3977. Labels may be turned in to the church office or to any UMW member. everyone is invited to help with this mission project.

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Page 8

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Despite the cold weather and the grill ban at lo-cal parks, over 100 St. Luke’s members and visitors showed up to enjoy hotdogs, homemade ice cream, a bounce house and lots of fun fellowship. Thank you to Joey Manwarren for the great photos!

Family Picnic Recap

Music Camp is Just Around the Corner!!July 18th thru 21st 9a-12p; July 22nd 9a-1p

6pm Performance on Sunday, July 24th, followed by an ice cream social!

St. Luke’s MailbagSt. Luke’s Family & Friends, This is a note of thanks and gratitude for all of the expressions of love and appreciation shown for Lea oberleas during this period of distress. Many thanks for your presence at the Memorial Service and donations to St. Luke’s UMC and other deserving charities. you all make a very loving family.In Jesus name, Donald oberleas

Laylan & I want to thank the people for keeping us in your prayers during my back surgery in January. The hospital visits from the ministerial staff meant so much to us. I look forward to recovering and being able to come back and worship with our church family.god Bless St. Luke’s UMC! Sue Tipton

how blessed we are to have you all! Thank you for all of your sup-port! May god continue to bless you all! Keep us in your prayers, Drue Coleman, Principal at Maedgen elementary & Maedgen Staff

“You are my servant. I have chosen you and not rejected you. Do not fear for I am with you; do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you…Though you search for your enemies, you will not find them… The poor and the needy search for water, but there is none; their tongues are parched with thirst. But I the Lord will answer them myself”… Isaiah: Chapter 41

Sometime ago our church offered a small prayer study called “The Twelve Brave Christians.” During the first week the leader highlighted at least 12 to 14 scriptures that emphasized the Christian’s ability to go to god with everything in our lives. Some examples are “Ask and it shall be given you; seek and you shall find” (Matt. 7:7); “Seek first his Kingdom and his Righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.”(Matt. 6:33); and “Whenever you stand praying, forgive if you have anything against anyone, so that your Father may forgive you.” (Mark 11:25) In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will direct your paths. (Proverbs 3:6) and “Let him ask in faith, not doubting, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea driven and tossed by the wind. The leader of the group asked if there was anything about the material that the group found impressive. Someone replied that he was amazed at how many times Jesus admonishes us to ask him. one of the ladies in the group said: “It is far too simplistic.” her remark disturbed me. I went home both concerned and challenged – concerned for her and her family for I knew there must be a heavy burden upon her much greater than her few words conveyed. Because of the fruitful lives she and her husband lived, I tried to understand her and to know how to pray for her. It would be sometime, however, before I learned that her husband had a incurable disease. It is possible that she had just learned of the diagnosis and was in shock. In this life, there are things we are not supposed to understand for his thoughts are not our thoughts and his ways are not our ways. There are no solutions for some situations and some things are worse than death. here the free will god has given us, natural laws, the fact that bodies wear out, disease, evil and war play a role. god repeatedly uses paradoxes to teach us that our eternal security is far more important than anything on this earth. The Bible teaches that god hears our every prayer and that Jesus constantly intercedes for us. There should be no doubt in our minds that god loves us, and that he will hear the prayers prayed according to his will. We are assured that god is in the business of taking our disasters and disappointments and creating something better for us as we fit into his Kingdom purposes. god commands that there will be “no other gods before him” and that his people will love him with all their might. We must believe that he is able to guide us, to keep us, to comfort us through all our trials. In his book, god’s Smuggler, Brother Andrew gives account after account of god’s protection as he took Bibles into hostile countries. he believes that one of the main requirements for a servant of the Lord is that he be centered completely in Jesus. What does the scripture say about god? god IS love. god is Creator, healer, King, Provider, Father, Counselor, Director, Friend and Life itself. To those he created for his purposes, he is All in All. From the Bible, we have multiple examples of god’s answering the prayers of many of his servants such as Moses, Abraham, Jeremiah and Joshua. each had a close relationship with god and he accomplished mighty things through them. There are instances in the lives of people we have known as well. Awhile back helen Caffey, a high School teacher at Coronado and a Sunday school teacher in this church, was one of several who wrote some personal experience articles to be used on an emmaus Walk. Although helen has finished her earthly race, she gave permission to use her writing again when there was a fit and would be glad this opportunity has presented itself. helen wrote about answered prayers during the final illness of her husband, henry, who suffered a disease for which there was no cure. She called her story, AnD goD WAS TheRe: “My husband got a remission from leukemia after four months at the Morton hospital in Dallas which was connected with the Wadley Research Center. Dr. Sheffield called it a miracle. neither of his doctors had expected him to come home. When school started in the fall, my daughters and henry’s sisters stayed with him while I taught, but on December 18, he took a turn for the worse and was rushed to the hospital. henry had lost his remission, and the doctor warned me that leukemia patients hemorrhage at the end. All of the family began to pray that henry would not die this way. The next day henry’s brother, Dee, and Jack Christian, a long-time friend, stayed with him while I made a short trip to Coronado to instruct my substitute teacher. It was the last day before the Christmas holidays. The Coronado Choir found out that I was there, and at 11:00 A.M. they appeared at my door. Someone led a brief prayer and the choir sang the hallelujah Chorus. how the joy of Christ’s love flooded my soul. nothing had ever sounded so beautiful! Immediately afterward, as I prepared to leave for the hospital, my principal appeared at the door and gravely informed me that I was needed at the hospital. he offered to drive me, but somehow I felt at peace with my sorrow. Dr. Sheffield, Jack and Dee were waiting for me in the hall outside of henry’s room. Dr. Sheffield, who had been praying with me, came forward and hugged me saying, ‘helen, we prayed for a miracle and we got it. henry just floated away with the angels,” henry died at 11: 06 A.M., while I was listening to the celebration of life, god’s word in the hallelujah Chorus. And god Was There.”

Yes, prayer is simple - and then, it is as profound as the Resurrection itself - bringing wonders beyond our ability to conceive! The whole gospel story had to be simple in order for the sheep to find their way to the shepherd.

Holy Moments by Vicki Colwell“I Will Answer”

Page 9

Worship Opportunities

Central: 8:30a.m. Traditional Service

9:30a.m. Sunday School10:45a.m. Blended Worship Service

Southwest:9:30a.m. Sunday School

10:30a.m. Contemporary Service

Contact Information:

Central Location3708 45th Street,

Lubbock, TX 79413806.797.4393

806.797.4395 (fax)office hours: M-F 8:30a-4:30p

Facebook: “St. Luke’s Lubbock”

Southwest Location5805 98th Street

Lubbock, TX 79424806.771.0555

806.771.1912 (fax)office hours : M-F 9:00a-12:00p

Facebook: “St. Luke’s Southwest”

Preschool: 806.797.4396Facebook: “St. Luke’s Preschool”Parent’s Day Out: 806.797.8353

Web: www.stlukeslubbock.orgEmail:

If you would like to have something placed in the

July 2011 issue of The Visionary, contact the

office with all necessary information no later than:

Wednesday, June


Page 10

Debt Reduction Update

St. Luke’s 2011 Income & Expense

Thank you all for allowing me to serve your congregation over the course of the last 22 months. I have enjoyed every moment of my employment at St. Luke’s Lubbock, but I will be leaving my post on June 10th. I will miss all of you that I have had the pleasure of knowing.

god Bless,

Joan henegar

Join noreen Bales & Michelle heath as they delve intoA Women’s Heart: God’s Dwelling Place by Beth Moore

June 1st- August 10th Wednesday evenings 6pm-8pm

Central Campus, Room 34Child Care available upon request

Beth Moore Summer Study

St. Luke’s United Methodist Church 370845thStreet Lubbock,Texas79413


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