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Brain Building

Franz Joseph Gall (1758-1828)

Major Areas of the Brain

Self-regulation, problem

solving, goal setting,

social cognition

Vision and perceptionSensory motor perception,

spatial abilities

Hearing, language,

memory, social -

emotional function

Brain Growth





18 MONTHS 800

3 YEARS OLD 1100

ADULT 1300 - 1400


Frontal Lobes for Behavioral Control,

Birth - 21

Age: 4 years

age years


Age: 4 years

age years


Age: 5 years

Magneto EEG

PLoS Biology March 2005 | Volume 3 ,

Issue 3 e79

Action Observation and Acquired Motor Skills: An fMRI

Study with Expert Dancers

Cerebral Cortex August 2005;15:1243--1249

‘Who needs a referee? How incorrect

basketball actions are automatically

detected by basketball players’ brain’

The influence of expertise on brain activation of the action

observation network during anticipation of tennis and volley


The influence of expertise on brain

activation of the action observation

network during anticipation of

tennis and volley ballserves

The influence of expertise on brain activation of the action observation

network during anticipation of tennis and volleyballserves

2013 January 31

102 professional( premier league,;

French rugby league, National NHL

hokey league)

173 elite amatour athletes

173 students

2013 January 31

Mirror Neuron neonate


Circadian clocks: regulators of endocrine and metabolic rhythms

Journal of Endocrinology (2007) 195, 187–198

Circadian variation in sports performance

Sports Med. 1996 Apr;21(4):292-312

Rectal temperature


Circadian rhythm in core temperature, peak (Ppeak) and mean (Pmean)

powers during the Wingate test, and maximal power (Pmax) during the

force velocity test.

Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research 2012

Temperature Pmean(W . Kg-1)

Ppeack (W . Kg-1) Pmax (W . Kg-1)

Circadian rhythms in exercise performance: Implications for

hormonal and muscular adaptation

Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2011) 10, 600-606

Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2011) 10, 600-606

Circadian rhythms in exercise performance: Implications for

hormonal and muscular adaptation


Sleep variability in adolescence is associated with

altered brain development

Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 14 (2015) 16–22

NIH Curriculum Supplement Series 2003

It’s Practice, with Sleep, that Makes Perfect: Implications of Sleep-

Dependent Learning and Plasticity for Skill Performance

Clin Sports Med 24 (2005) 301– 317

Daytime naps and motor skill learning

Sleep It Out



Most sports slept under 7 hours

Nocturnal sleep time in each sport



(in preparation)

Napping habit in each sport

Most athletes tended to nap frequently

long shortSame order as Nocturnal sleep time(pt.)

Lack of Sleep Can Lower Testosterone

– Lack of sleep directly impacts learning and fine motor


– Not sleeping makes it more difficult to pay attention,

concentrate and process information.

– Slower reaction times mean it’s harder to get out of the

way of a defender.

– The cardiovascular function reduces with lack of sleep.

– Soft tissues like muscles do not have a chance to heal

properly without adequate sleep.

– Lack of sleep increases the amount of hormones in

the body, which extends recovery time.

Vitamin (?) D

Factors that Influence the

Cutaneous Synthesis and

DietarySources of Vitamin D

Arch Biochem Biophys. 2007 , 460(2): 213–217

Pigmentation and Vitamin D Metabolism in Caucasians:

Low Vitamin D Serum Levels in Fair Skin Types in the UK

PLoS One. 2009 Aug 3;4(8):e6477.


testosteron progesteron

estradiol cortisol


vitamine D3

Vitamin D3 and brain development

Ventricular enlargement in the brains of vitamin D3 deplete neonates

Representative examples of control (A) and vitamin D3 deplete (B) brain

sections,Bar = 1mm.

Neuroscience. 2003;118(3):641-53

High Prevalence of Hypovitaminosis D Status

in Patients With Early Parkinson Disease

Arch Neurol. 2011;68(3):314-319

J Clin Endocrinol Metab, January 2014,


Maternal Antenatal Vitamin D Status

and Offspring Muscle Development:

Findings From the Southampton

Women’s Survey

Athletic Performance and Vitamin D

Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 2009

Bob Beamon

m 8.90 (+ 55 cm)

Hypovitaminosis D Myopathy Without Biochemical Signs of

Osteomalacic Bone Involvement

Calcified Tissue International

2000, 66:419-424

Parade GW, Otto H. [Effect of sunlamp on performance.]

Zeitschrift fur Klinische Medizin. 1940;137:17–21.

Berlin 1936

Increase of physical effectiveness by Systematic ultraviolet irradiation.

Strahlentherapie. 1952;88:563–566

Effect of ultraviolet rays on reaction time in man

Strahlentherapie. 1956;101(4):623-9

Sports Health. 2012 Nov;4(6):496-501

Sports Health Benefits of Vitamin D

Vitamin D status in a professional American football team

AOSSM Annual Meeting; San Diego,CA; 2011

Annual spring blood tests on New York Giants

showed that 81% had vitamin D deficiency

The National Football League vitamin D blood

average levels was 30.3 ng/mL in white players

and 20.4 ng/mL in the African Americans

High prevalence of vitamin D insufficiency

in athletes and dancers

Clin J Sport Med. 2010 Sep;20(5):368-71

98 athletes and dancers (age, 10-30 years; 53% men)

Vitamin D average blood level =25.3 +/- 8.3 ng/mL

Athletes Vitamin D blood level< 30ng/mL

Dance ( 94% )

Basket ( 94%)

Tae Kwon Do ( 67% )

Vitamin D and the Athlete: Risks, Recommations, and Benefits

Nutrients 2013. 5,1856-1868

Assessment of vitamin D concentration in non-supplemented

professional athletes and healthy adults during the winter

months in the UK: implications for skeletal muscle function

Journal of Sports Sciences, 2012; 1–10

Assessment of vitamin D concentration in non-supplemented professional

athletes and healthy adults during the winter months in the UK: implications for

skeletal muscle function Journal of Sports Sciences, 2012; 1–10

Bench Press Back Squat 10-M Spint

Vertical Jump Height Illinois Agility Test 30-M Sprint

The annual incidence of overuse injuries in track and field athletes is

estimated to be 3.9 per 1000 training hours, with a prevalence of 76%,

and 10-20% of consultations in sports medicine practice are for stress

fractures. Stress fractures are also common among army recruits.

Diagnosis and management of bone stress injuries of the

lower limb in athletes

BMJ 2012;344:e2511

Low levels of Vitamin D associated risk:

•Bone stress fractures

•muscle weakness and discomfort

•Upper respiratory infections

•Increased levels of inflammation markers

•Impairment strength recovery after anterior cruciate ligament


Larson-Meyer DE: Vitamin D and athletes.Curr Sports Med Rep 2010;9:220–226.

Ruohola JP, et al: Association between serum 25(OH)D concentrations and bone stress fractures

in Finnish young men. J Bone Miner Res 2006;21:1483–1488.

Barker T et al: Low vitamin D impairs strength recovery after anterior cruciate ligament surgery.

J Evid Based Complementary Altern Med 2011;16: 201–209

Vitamin D Supplementation in Athletes

Nestle Nutr Inst Workshop Ser. 2013;75:109-21

Jenny and Susanna Kallur

Vitamin D status and biomarkers of inflammation in runners

Open Access Journal of Sports Medicine 2012:3 35–42

The world epidemic of sleep disorders is linked to vitamin D deficiency

Medical Hypotheses 2012

Schematic prepared after results from autoradiograms

J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol 1991;39:283–9

Vitamin D, Race, and Excessive Daytime Sleepiness

J Clin Sleep Med 2012;8(6):693-697.

Prevalence and Clinical Correlates of Vitamin D Inadequacy

among Patients with Chronic Pain

PAIN MEDICINE Volume 9 • Number 8 • 2008

In estate, 5-10 minuti di esposizione

solare tra le 10 e le 15 inducono la

sintesi di 10000 UI di vitamina D3

In summer, 5-10 minutes of exposure to the sun

between 10 am - 3 pm induce 10000 UI of Vitamin D

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