mens smoking jackets

Post on 26-Jul-2015






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Varied Designs Of Mens Smoking Jackets Available In Market

A smoking jacket is a garment which is designed to wear only at the time of smoking. Mens Smoking

Jackets are generally regarded as an outerwear which is generally made up of velvet and finest silks.

These jackets generally comes in different shapes, sizes and colors and they are basically mids thigh

length jackets with a shawl collar and turn up cuffs that are toggle or button fastenings and can simply

be closed by a tie belt. Some of the common notion that revolves round smoking jacket is that it is often

defined as a short robe which is made up of cashmere and printed flannel.

Mens Smoking Jacket gained popularity during the recent times and it evolved for a longer period of

time. These jackets are made up of such quality of materials which tries to absorb the smokes that come

out from a cigar or a pipe and which protects ones cloth from the falling ashes. These clothes are

generally used by men after dinner or at times when they smoke after dinner. The jackets in the

twentieth century gained maximum popularity. At times Mens Smoking Jacket can even be used as a

dinner jacket and they are basically of elegant styles and shapes which help an individual to not only use

it for smoking purpose but to defines ones style statement. On the other hand some European

countries identify a smoking jacket in the name of a tuxedo. These garments are often made up of finest

satins which provide it a modish and classic looks. These jackets often impart a casual style to the

wearer. The jacket often protects other apparels from various odor of smoking. Now a day smoking

jackets often come in the form of a tuxedo which gained popularity during the nineteen fifties. The suit

is basically a three piece suits with an elegant styles which it offers to an individual who wears it.

In the ending line all an individual can say that smoking jackets since its inception has evolved rapidly

and in modern times the jackets are made up of finest quality of silk and velvet with an elegant looks

that every jackets has to offer to its customers and can often be used as a multipurpose outerwear.

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