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M e r c e d e s C o l l e g e

Dear Parents, Staff and Students of the Mercedes College Community,

WelcomeThe Spirit of IntercolLast weekend we competed against St Ignatius College in the fifth Intercol. Unfortunately for the first time we were unable to take the honours but I must say I have never been more proud of our College. The number of our supporters at St Ignatius was phenomenal, at the end there were as many of the Mercedes community as from the home College.

Although the results did not go our way the day was made special because of so many extraordinary efforts from our students. Throughout Intercol I move from game to game and thus rarely have the opportunity to witness any one match from start to finish but what I saw were Mercedes students playing to the best of their abilities in a real spirit of fair play.

As usual there were some great highlights, none better than the wonderful effort of our Netball girls who were playing higher ranked teams but played the game of their lives. Sadly our Open A team lost by the closest of margins and our Open B team lost in overtime. Both our Football teams fought back from being well down to almost snatch victory. Our Soccer teams played with great spirit and but for a heartbreaking loss in a penalty shoot- out in the Open B game we would have had a clean sweep of the boys’ events. The basketballers played as well as they have all year but came up against some very good opposition. As usual the Cross Country team excelled and we wish them well at the Australian Schools Championships at Nowra this weekend. The debaters tried hard and presented some relevant arguments in their event but came across an opposition of the highest quality.

Special individual efforts abounded throughout Intercol but in particular I must congratulate Ella Moloney on her amazing save in the Open A Girls’ Soccer, Taylor Renshaw for his wonderful speech at the end of the Open A Basketball game and Alistair Cameron on his amazing win in the Open A Chess competition. The most incredible result for the day came from our Hockey team which bounced back from a 10 nil loss in Intercol 2008 to win 8 – 1 this year. Well done to all who represented the College with such great distinction.

In conclusion, I congratulate St Ignatius on their success and for their hospitality on the day and look forward to hosting Intercol 2010.

2010 Student LeadersOver the last week our prospective Student Leaders for next year have been undergoing a rigorous process which will eventually result in four of the applicants being elected as Student Leaders. Applicants present a written statement and have an interview with a panel which comprises staff and current Student Leaders. From this a shortlist is drawn up and these students are invited to make a speech at a Year 6 to Year 11 Assembly after which a voting process is conducted.

I am always impressed by the quality of the applicants and this year is no exception. I congratulate all students who have put themselves forward. Each has presented with distinction and done themselves, their families and their College proud.

Thank YouOther than our Open A Boys’ Soccer team which has qualified for the Semi Finals of the Knockout Competition, Intercol represents the end of the winter sport season. I sincerely thank all staff, parents and Old Scholars who have taken up positions of responsibility and have thus enabled our teams to compete so well throughout the season. Your efforts are greatly appreciated.

Yours sincerely

Peter DawPrincipal

From the Principal Issue No 12 - 28 August, 2009

COMING EVENTSAUGUST 31 Year 8 Camp 1 MurraylandsSEPTEMBER1-2 Year 8 Camp 1 Murraylands1 Year 11 Sem 2 Learning Reviews2-4 Year 8 Camp 2 Murraylands

2 Year 10-11 Drama Excursion3 Year 2-5 Music Concert8-9 Year 10 Retreat9 Orientation Walk10 Photos- New Reception Class and Family Photos11 Student Free Day

Mercedes College NewsletterPage 2 Mercedes College Newsletter

From the Junior School

French in the Junior SchoolWhat a delight it was to experience the enthusiasm and wealth of skills and knowledge at our recent French Assembly. I used to be at a loss to understand why I was unable to understand and speak another language with some competency. I realise now that I started language learning much too late and that the curriculum and delivery was to say the least, a tad dry.

Our Junior School students are so fortunate to be able to learn French from a highly professional and passionate language teacher who incorporates a range of contemporary pedagogical practices and highly enjoyable activities to inspire them and enable them to develop competency and confidence. The assembly was certainly testament to this. Congratulations Mademoiselle Reed!

Year 3 Energy DaysThe Year 3 students have been inquiring into a Unit of Inquiry with the central idea, our environment provides us with natural energy which we use in many different ways. Students have been collecting and analysing data, at home and school, to see how they can conserve energy. They presented their findings in a variety of ways to determine environmentally conscious classes and to see what could be done a little better!

Working with their classroom teachers and Mr Mark McNamara, t h e s t u d e n t s participated in two Energy Days. They worked in small groups and undertook hands-on activities to learn about wind power, heating and electrical circuits. They also went on a tour of the College to learn about the College’s response to environmental initiatives.

The PYP inquiry approach employed has enabled students to explore and demonstrate their knowledge, skills and understandings about energy in meaningful ways. It is paramount in our view that students engage in rich learning about issues that impact on the global community. They have become more responsible users of reusable and renewable energy, in choosing more environmentally sound options in order for a better future for all of us.

R-7 Fun RunThe recent Fun Run was certainly a fun way to highlight fitness as a community. It was wonderful to see the enthusiasm and spirit of the event, and the way in which students encouraged each other to strive that bit harder.

The Fun Run also provided the opportunity to raise money for various groups and communities. Many of our fundraising activities throughout the year support charities such as Caritas and Catholic Charities that provide much needed financial support and outreach. The Fun Run this year enabled classes to discuss and select a charity that held particular importance to

A Friday thought

A recent announcement that Christian churches are to broadcast a number of advertisements focussing on the person of Jesus has brought predictable responses. Even in our land where free speech is asserted as fundamental, there are still some who, while defending the right, object when faith-based messages are proclaimed.

But the responses to the announcement made me reflect on my own. In particular, the way in which I, and others who name themselves as Christians, at times think twice about ‘Jesus talk’. Part of the problem is that some ‘foot in the door’ evangelicals have made people shy away from religion and from open discussion about Jesus. In these days it is not the ‘done thing’ in ‘nice’ society to talk about him – except on Christmas Day! This awareness raises the question of whether we now speak about him in a way which makes him seem inaccessible or irrelevant to everyday life? We then perhaps need to ask whether we comfortably communicate his significance in providing the ultimate meaning for each of us? Do we take appropriate opportunities to mention the importance of Jesus in everyday life? True, it’s risky because even speaking of Jesus in polite conversation runs the risk of being

proclaimed a crank and rather irrelevant to ‘real’ concerns in our world.

Yet, if we say we are Christians, if we do have our children baptised and brought along for the sacraments, if we do reflect at funerals that as Christians we have reason to believe in a life after death, then doesn’t it follow that this Christianity which we proclaim should have a greater significance in our awareness and conversation than society accords it? Perhaps in reaction to those well-meaning Christians who would badger ‘non-believers’ into sometimes sullen silence, we have been overly cautious about being too up-front about our faith. But at the end of the day it’s either true or it’s not – and if our faith proclaims that it’s true, then it follows that, while still being sensitive to the beliefs of others, we can still acknowledge our own faith, our own source of meaning, both for this life and the next.

So, perhaps the new media references to Jesus are a challenge to all of us to think about the way in which we approach discussion about him. He is, after all, central to the lives we lead as Christians.

Peter WilliamsDirector of Mission

Mercedes College Newsletter Mercedes College Newsletter Page 3

From the Junior School

French in the Junior SchoolWhat a delight it was to experience the enthusiasm and wealth of skills and knowledge at our recent French Assembly. I used to be at a loss to understand why I was unable to understand and speak another language with some competency. I realise now that I started language learning much too late and that the curriculum and delivery was to say the least, a tad dry.

Our Junior School students are so fortunate to be able to learn French from a highly professional and passionate language teacher who incorporates a range of contemporary pedagogical practices and highly enjoyable activities to inspire them and enable them to develop competency and confidence. The assembly was certainly testament to this. Congratulations Mademoiselle Reed!

Year 3 Energy DaysThe Year 3 students have been inquiring into a Unit of Inquiry with the central idea, our environment provides us with natural energy which we use in many different ways. Students have been collecting and analysing data, at home and school, to see how they can conserve energy. They presented their findings in a variety of ways to determine environmentally conscious classes and to see what could be done a little better!

Working with their classroom teachers and Mr Mark McNamara, t h e s t u d e n t s participated in two Energy Days. They worked in small groups and undertook hands-on activities to learn about wind power, heating and electrical circuits. They also went on a tour of the College to learn about the College’s response to environmental initiatives.

The PYP inquiry approach employed has enabled students to explore and demonstrate their knowledge, skills and understandings about energy in meaningful ways. It is paramount in our view that students engage in rich learning about issues that impact on the global community. They have become more responsible users of reusable and renewable energy, in choosing more environmentally sound options in order for a better future for all of us.

R-7 Fun RunThe recent Fun Run was certainly a fun way to highlight fitness as a community. It was wonderful to see the enthusiasm and spirit of the event, and the way in which students encouraged each other to strive that bit harder.

The Fun Run also provided the opportunity to raise money for various groups and communities. Many of our fundraising activities throughout the year support charities such as Caritas and Catholic Charities that provide much needed financial support and outreach. The Fun Run this year enabled classes to discuss and select a charity that held particular importance to

them. Many of these directly related to their Units of Inquiry and thus, have enabled action, a vital component of the International Baccalaureate philosophy. The action component of the PYP involves students undertaking purposeful, responsible service to others as a result of their learning. For example Year 2, as a result of learning about child labour have chosen to support Save the Children and Year 5 wanted to help save threatened animals and have chosen to support the Australian Orang-utan Fund.

Thank you to all staff directly involved in the organisation of this successful event, and in particular, Mr Jeffrey Wray.

Induction Day and Class ListsIn preparation for Induction Day, which will take place on Friday 6 November, Class Teachers will soon commence the complex task of student placements. This process involves teachers meeting regularly leading up to Induction Day to ensure that a range of criteria are met. Some of these include balance of gender, mixed ability groupings, combinations of students who are most likely to work well together, and supportive friendships. Teachers make informed decisions based on their observations and the data they have collected over the year, and often previous years. In partnership with parents, we work toward providing the best educational outcomes for all our students.

Please notify me in writing, including by email, should you have a specific

request for your child/children. ( I ask you to include the educational reasons for your request in order for it to be considered. As staff placements for 2009 are not finalised, and may not be until late in the year, I would ask that you do not request specific teachers. Please note that requests for placements should not be made to class teachers. Where possible, we will endeavour to meet requests, and may contact you for further discussion. Once classes are finalised for Induction Day, no changes will be possible.

Junior School Dates to RememberAugust28 Book Week AssemblySeptember2 National Reading Day / IPSHA Poetry Competition 3 Years 2-5 Music Concert – Capri Theatre 7:00pm Year 1 Zoo Mobile10 Family Photos – New Reception Class Photograph11 Pupil Free Day17 Junior School Musical 7:00pm 21 International Day of Peace Prayer Service 22 Yr 5 Parent Meeting23 Fun Run Assembly R-2 Movies with Buddies24 Special Person’s Day25 Mercy Day, End of Term 3, 12:30pm

Julie HannAssistant Principal, Head of Junior School

proclaimed a crank and rather irrelevant to ‘real’ concerns in our world.

Yet, if we say we are Christians, if we do have our children baptised and brought along for the sacraments, if we do reflect at funerals that as Christians we have reason to believe in a life after death, then doesn’t it follow that this Christianity which we proclaim should have a greater significance in our awareness and conversation than society accords it? Perhaps in reaction to those well-meaning Christians who would badger ‘non-believers’ into sometimes sullen silence, we have been overly cautious about being too up-front about our faith. But at the end of the day it’s either true or it’s not – and if our faith proclaims that it’s true, then it follows that, while still being sensitive to the beliefs of others, we can still acknowledge our own faith, our own source of meaning, both for this life and the next.

So, perhaps the new media references to Jesus are a challenge to all of us to think about the way in which we approach discussion about him. He is, after all, central to the lives we lead as Christians.

Peter WilliamsDirector of Mission

Mercedes College NewsletterPage 4 Mercedes College Newsletter

Junior School Assembly Awards

Congratulations and well done to the following students for receiving Learner Profile, PYP Attitude and Action Awards at our Junior School Assembly on Friday 21 August 2009.

Angus Garland, Simon Brookes, Alex Diamond, Azriel •Poskey-Miles, Caitlin Prentice, Callum Richards and Michael Davey for demonstrating that they are CommunicatorsAlexander Knight, Hugo Lauder, Madeline Jordan for •demonstrating that they are PrincipledMatthew Daniell for demonstrating • BalanceArcher Plate for demonstrating • RespectSophie Jordan, Cathy Diamond and Joa Poskey-Miles for •being Risk-TakersKali Mezic, Aidan Lloyd and Anthony Colangelo for •demonstrating CommitmentNed Baulderstone for taking • ActionAndrea Rizos and Anthony Rositano for demonstrating that •they are InquirersElla Haseldine for demonstrating • Creativity Slade Hollway and Tom Schilling for being • KnowledgeableMatthew Garrand, Lucy Traynor, Kate Henderson and •Terry Koumi for being CaringLizzie George, Kelsey Dekens and Raine Hardman for •demonstrating EnthusiasmAinsleigh Howard and Briony Pierson for demonstrating •IndependenceJoshua Cecere, Helen Pavloudis, Connor Frazer-Jones, •Fynn Darby, Kayne Tilbrook and Michael Cacas for being Thinkers

Isabella Raphael for being • Reflective.

Shane MurphyJunior School and PYP Coordinator/Year 3

Junior School French Day

On Friday 14 August the Junior School students celebrated their learning of French by participating in the annual French Day (La Journée Française).

The day began with a French Assembly where classes performed songs, poems and plays in French. After a French prayer, the Year 5 classes sang “Le Lion S’Endort Ce Soir” (“The Lion Sleeps Tonight) using streamers as jungle leaves. The second act involved Year 4 students performing plays about shopping. Afterwards, the Reception classes enthusiastically sang a song about colours “Leon le Caméléon”. The Year 2 students demonstrated their understanding of impressionism by performing in a play where Claude Monet was interviewed by Oprah Winfrey! The fifth act was Year 1 reciting a poem about a strange hat. To finish off the Year 3 classes sang and danced to an aerobics song and some French Poetry C o m p e t i t i o n Winners recited their poems. Bravo to all students involved!

For the rest of the day, the lessons in the Junior School had a French focus. There were some great activities happening in all classrooms: ROR painted pictures of the Eiffel Tower, RJM and RTP created a French Flag collage, Year 1 wrote postcards about visiting Paris with Babar, Year 2 made French flags, Year 3MM played French bingo, Year 3HI did a French body parts and colours activity, Year 4NBR did French cooking, Year 4TB did a Maths

addition puzzle in French and Year 5 used “Google Maps” to look at the city of Paris and find famous monuments.

At Recess time children (and teachers!) ate pain au chocolat from a French bakery, miam!

Children were encouraged to bring something “French” from home to show the class. There were berets, perfume bottles, French books, postcards, food wrappers – even a half eaten baguette! Délicieuse!

At Lunchtime the Year 3-5 Pétanque Competition began. It was very popular, and with over 50 teams entered, the competition is still going on!

The R-2 children entered a French Colouring Competition where there was a prize for the best student from each class. The winners were: Harriet Milne (ROR), Kelsey Dekens (RTP), Jack Ianniello (RJM), Jaidan Juanta (1KQ), Noah Hubner-Booth (1EM), Daniel Young (2LS) and Alicia Mathews (2MW).

Year 3 and Year 5 students participated in a French Quiz which was won by Fabian Wightman (3HI), Alex Gray (3MM), Jordan Dekens (5BS) and Alexander Diamond (5SS).

The Year 4 classes entered a Drawing Competition where they were asked to draw a famous French monument. It was won by Katrina Cao (4NBR), Harrison Cole (4TBR) and Jacqueline Harris (4TBR).

Overall it was a great day of celebrating le Français! Bravo les enfants!

Belinda ReedJunior School French Teacher

From the Middle School

Book WeekBook Week took place from Monday 24 until Friday 28 August. The theme of this year’s Book Week was ‘Book Safari’. The Macquarie Dictionary defines ‘safari’ as: a journey; an expedition, especially for hunting and a holiday tour which may entail some camping out and a degree of adventurousness. According to most sources, the word came into the English language from Arabic and Swahili sources, thus the strong connection to hunting in Africa. This theme offered students an opportunity to explore the exotic adventures that books can take them on, to be adventurous in their reading and to use books as an enjoyable part of their educational journey. Our thanks go to Ms Annie Hall and the library staff for their hours and hours of preparation, to the many people from outside Mercedes College who visited our school during this week to work with our students and to the volunteers from within our community who also assisted with Book Week activities.

Year 9 RetreatOur Year 9 Retreats were blessed with wonderful weather and proved to be a terrific opportunity for the Year 9 students to reflect upon their lives. The theme of the retreat was “Growing up wisely” and the day’s activities required the students to examine their lives in four parts: Being Grateful; Being Self-Aware; Being Forgiving and Being Committed. Below are some thoughts of the day from a few of our Year 9 students.

As we became closer to God we became close to ourselves. We embarked on a journey of self discovery, but we were never alone, and that’s what I realise is what I took from the Retreat. We have to always allow a spot in our lives for gratitude, commitment, forgiveness and most importantly self awareness. As we travel through life we hit bumps in the road and sometimes we forget who we are or what we are about. I thank Mr Hamilton, for choosing these particular topics, I think as teenagers we need just that little bit of guidance for a few years and the Retreat really brought this understanding to a lot of us. I know now that I always have people who love me but I will never have more people looking after me than I do right now.

Jessica Lee (9RL)

I enjoyed getting away from all the stress of school and having a day with other people in my year. I enjoyed doing activities and being in groups with people I wouldn’t usually be with. I enjoyed the activities we did as well.

Ruby McNamara (9LV)

The part of the Retreat that I enjoyed was making the gratitude posters. I enjoyed this because I was working with my friends.

Robert deRosa (9LV)

What I enjoyed about the Retreat: the seemingly thunderous silence that exists outside of school, the muffins, the relaxation, the weather and Ms Vilanova’s piano playing.

Louisa Edwards (9LV)

I thoroughly enjoyed the Retreat because it is a chance to meet and get to know people in your year that you wouldn’t normally talk to at school. It is about taking a risk and getting to know new people.

Aden O’Sullivan (9LV)

The Year 9 Retreat was very interesting and I had a lot of fun. I enjoyed having a day to reflect and do activities with people I don’t usually talk to.

Eliza van den Brink (9LV)

OPEN COUNCIL MEETINGMonday, 21 September 2009 at 6:00pm

in the Carmel Bourke Library

The Mercedes College Council wish to extend to you a personal invitation to attend the forthcoming Open Council

Meeting to be held in the Carmel Bourke Library on Monday 21 September 2009 at 6:00pm.

At this meeting the Mercedes College Council will conduct the usual business including reports from the various Standing

Committees and the Principal’s Report on Operations.

After the formal meeting, Mr Peter Daw, Principal will discuss the directions of the College. Refreshments will be

served after the close of meeting.

Please RSVP to Shauna Allen or Tel: 8372 3218 by Monday 14 September 2009.

Mercedes College Newsletter Mercedes College Newsletter Page 5

Thank you to Mr Peter Williams and Mr Ian Hamilton who did a wonderful job in organising the Retreat activities and booklets, and to the Year 9 Religious Education teachers who helped run these events.

InterCollegiateThe annual InterCollegiate started on Wednesday 19 August (Cross-Country) and continued onto Friday 21 (Debating and Chess) and Saturday 22 August with various sporting events at St Ignatius College. There was an atmosphere of friendly and respectful competition maintained throughout these activities and it was pleasing to see our students giving their all representing Mercedes College. I would like to congratulate all of the Middle School students who played in games against St Ignatius during our InterCollegiate weekend, as well as thanking the coaches, staff, parents and families for their wonderful support at these competitions. Special thanks must go to Mr Bill Gaynor, Ms Carol Guirguis, Mr Matt Smith, and their counterparts at St Ignatius, for the time and effort that they invested to ensure that the day ran smoothly.

The InterCollegiate Competition is the culmination for many of our winter sports competitions; consequently this is an opportune time to thank the many staff, Old Collegians, parents and friends of the College who have assisted with teams throughout the Term 2/3 competitions. We could not run these teams without their assistance and our students benefit greatly from their willingness to share their time and expertise. Thanks also to the students for their wonderful and enthusiastic participation throughout the winter season.

Student Free DayStudents and parents are reminded of the Student Free Day that takes place on 11 September. This staff professional development day is held during the Royal Adelaide Show and thus represents a perfect opportunity for students to attend the Show. I would ask that parents support the school by ensuring that students do not attend the Show during school hours on any of the preceding days. Thank you in anticipation of your support.

Paul WadsworthAssistant Principal, Head of Middle School

For the rest of the day, the lessons in the Junior School had a French focus. There were some great activities happening in all classrooms: ROR painted pictures of the Eiffel Tower, RJM and RTP created a French Flag collage, Year 1 wrote postcards about visiting Paris with Babar, Year 2 made French flags, Year 3MM played French bingo, Year 3HI did a French body parts and colours activity, Year 4NBR did French cooking, Year 4TB did a Maths

addition puzzle in French and Year 5 used “Google Maps” to look at the city of Paris and find famous monuments.

At Recess time children (and teachers!) ate pain au chocolat from a French bakery, miam!

Children were encouraged to bring something “French” from home to show the class. There were berets, perfume bottles, French books, postcards, food wrappers – even a half eaten baguette! Délicieuse!

At Lunchtime the Year 3-5 Pétanque Competition began. It was very popular, and with over 50 teams entered, the competition is still going on!

The R-2 children entered a French Colouring Competition where there was a prize for the best student from each class. The winners were: Harriet Milne (ROR), Kelsey Dekens (RTP), Jack Ianniello (RJM), Jaidan Juanta (1KQ), Noah Hubner-Booth (1EM), Daniel Young (2LS) and Alicia Mathews (2MW).

Year 3 and Year 5 students participated in a French Quiz which was won by Fabian Wightman (3HI), Alex Gray (3MM), Jordan Dekens (5BS) and Alexander Diamond (5SS).

The Year 4 classes entered a Drawing Competition where they were asked to draw a famous French monument. It was won by Katrina Cao (4NBR), Harrison Cole (4TBR) and Jacqueline Harris (4TBR).

Overall it was a great day of celebrating le Français! Bravo les enfants!

Belinda ReedJunior School French Teacher

From the Middle School

Book WeekBook Week took place from Monday 24 until Friday 28 August. The theme of this year’s Book Week was ‘Book Safari’. The Macquarie Dictionary defines ‘safari’ as: a journey; an expedition, especially for hunting and a holiday tour which may entail some camping out and a degree of adventurousness. According to most sources, the word came into the English language from Arabic and Swahili sources, thus the strong connection to hunting in Africa. This theme offered students an opportunity to explore the exotic adventures that books can take them on, to be adventurous in their reading and to use books as an enjoyable part of their educational journey. Our thanks go to Ms Annie Hall and the library staff for their hours and hours of preparation, to the many people from outside Mercedes College who visited our school during this week to work with our students and to the volunteers from within our community who also assisted with Book Week activities.

Year 9 RetreatOur Year 9 Retreats were blessed with wonderful weather and proved to be a terrific opportunity for the Year 9 students to reflect upon their lives. The theme of the retreat was “Growing up wisely” and the day’s activities required the students to examine their lives in four parts: Being Grateful; Being Self-Aware; Being Forgiving and Being Committed. Below are some thoughts of the day from a few of our Year 9 students.

As we became closer to God we became close to ourselves. We embarked on a journey of self discovery, but we were never alone, and that’s what I realise is what I took from the Retreat. We have to always allow a spot in our lives for gratitude, commitment, forgiveness and most importantly self awareness. As we travel through life we hit bumps in the road and sometimes we forget who we are or what we are about. I thank Mr Hamilton, for choosing these particular topics, I think as teenagers we need just that little bit of guidance for a few years and the Retreat really brought this understanding to a lot of us. I know now that I always have people who love me but I will never have more people looking after me than I do right now.

Jessica Lee (9RL)

I enjoyed getting away from all the stress of school and having a day with other people in my year. I enjoyed doing activities and being in groups with people I wouldn’t usually be with. I enjoyed the activities we did as well.

Ruby McNamara (9LV)

The part of the Retreat that I enjoyed was making the gratitude posters. I enjoyed this because I was working with my friends.

Robert deRosa (9LV)

What I enjoyed about the Retreat: the seemingly thunderous silence that exists outside of school, the muffins, the relaxation, the weather and Ms Vilanova’s piano playing.

Louisa Edwards (9LV)

I thoroughly enjoyed the Retreat because it is a chance to meet and get to know people in your year that you wouldn’t normally talk to at school. It is about taking a risk and getting to know new people.

Aden O’Sullivan (9LV)

The Year 9 Retreat was very interesting and I had a lot of fun. I enjoyed having a day to reflect and do activities with people I don’t usually talk to.

Eliza van den Brink (9LV)

Year 8 LunchWHEN: Thursday 10 September

WHERE: Edinburgh Hotel – Mitcham11:30am for 12:00pm

RSVP: Friday 4 SeptemberCONTACT: Barbara Ward: 0439 876 478

Denise Bergamin: 0402 099

PHOTO DAY On Thursday 10 September 2009 Advance Photography

will be returning to the College to photograph the NEW RECEPTION CLASS as well as take FAMILY

PHOTOGRAPHS. If you are interested in booking a session for the Family

Photographs, please collect an envelope from Strathspey and ensure that you book in a time slot with Anne Watson to

confirm your placement. If you have any questions regarding Photo Day please do

not hesitate to contact me on 8372 3200 or via email

Alessandra Miles

Coordinator of Special Projects

Mercedes College NewsletterPage 6 Mercedes College Newsletter

From the Senior School

The Senior School Academic Assembly on Friday 21 August was an inspiring occasion where we were given the opportunity to recognise the achievements of our students. We congratulate the following students who received a certificate acknowledging their academic efforts throughout Semester 1 - 2009. Year 12 Academic Awards

Yr 11 Academic Awards

Yr 10 Academic and Commendation AwardsArnold, Sophie – Commendation - Art•Aucone, Jonathon – Commendation - PE•Bajger, Jessica – Commendation – RE, Science•Barone, Tania – Academic•Burns, Gemma – Commendation - Film•Byrne, Madolyn – Commendation - Humanities•Cameron, Joshua – Commendation - French•Cernev, Thomas – Commendation – French B Advanced, Science•Clancey, Troy – Commendation - French•Collins, Hamish – Commendation - Film•Cooper, Adam – Commendation - Humanities•Crago, Lauren - Academic•Crocker, Luke - Academic•Dasilva, Andrea - Academic•Davis, Nicholas – Commendation - English, French B Advanced•De Barros Lopes, Aisha – Commendation - French•Doe, Jessica – Commendation - PE•Dowling, Nicholas – Commendation – Humanities, Mathematics, •Music, ScienceEdwards, Luke - Academic•Francis, Naomi - Academic•Galouzis, Jake – Commendation - French•

Gaynor, Mia – Commendation – French Stage 1 (Yr 11)•Gillespie, Amber – Commendation – English, Humanities•Greenstreet, Jessica - Academic•Hamman, Charne – Commendation - Mathematics•Hoile, Laura - Academic•Jaccarini, Madeleine – Commendation – RE, Design, Science•Kedzior, Sophie – Commendation - Humanities•Klavins, Bernadette - Academic•Kourou, Stefan – Commendation - Mathematics•Lambert, Ruby – Commendation - French•MacDonald, Jenna – Commendation – Culture and Literacy, Design•Mackenzie, Marisa - Academic•Manolakis, Nikki – Commendation - Drama•Martin, Meg – Commendation – French B Advanced•Maxted, Jason - Academic•McCarthy, Rebecca – Commendation – RE, Drama, English, •French Stage 1 (Yr 11), MathematicsMcEvoy, Gabriella – Commendation – RE, Mathematics, PE•McRae, Lachlan - Academic•Mead, Alexander – Commendation – English, Humanities, •MathematicsMurray, Erin - Academic•Nairn, Louise – Commendation – English, French•Pommey, Etienne – Commendation – French B Advanced•Rajic, Emma - Academic•Raphael, Elliot – Commendation - English•Saad, Sarah – Commendation - Mathematics•Schemeczko, Alexandra – Commendation - Film•Sideris, Jordan - Academic•Simpson, Helen – Commendation - Humanities•Slee, Christopher – Commendation – Film, French B Advanced, •Humanities, ScienceSmales, Yan Yan - Academic•Speranzini, Cristiano – Commendation – English•Stewart, Amy - Academic•Stratfold, Jessica – Commendation – Indonesian, PE•Tamblyn, Renee – Commendation – Art, English, French, Science•Venn, James – Commendation - Music•Wardleworth, Eleanor - Academic•Weber, Joshua – Commendation – English, Humanities, Mathematics, •PE, ScienceWeber, Tess – Commendation - French•Wilson-Beddoe, Natasha - Academic•Yeoh, Li-Sheng – Academic•

Alessandra Miles and John Brazzatti Co-Acting Assistant Principal, Head of Senior School

Learning Assistance Programme

We had some visitors to the LAP Room and the College recently. This is not an unusual event as we often have visitors from other schools come to see how our LAP Programme operates. These visitors were different. The Catchlove children, Remy, Matthew and Daniel do not attend Mercedes College, but they are part of the extended LAP and College family. They had travelled quite a distance to come and see us – and the reason was very special indeed.

Ms Cathy Cronin has a very special relationship with Remy, who is now a Year 5 Open Access College student. They both log into the virtual classroom, Centra, and spend time with each other every week. They have been doing this now for three years and have become firm friends. Cathy and Remy have met face to face on a number of occasions now and the whole family are regular guests at the end-of-year LAP Mass at the Monastery.

But this visit was for very special for Matthew Catchlove. He is in Year 2 and has all his lessons through the School of the Air. He has been part of LAP for the first time this year and his special volunteer is our own William Gloster, a Year 12 student. Thursday Lesson 1 is their special time together and William and Matthew have shared many conversations, stories and drawings through the computer.

William was kind enough to give up two of his precious free lessons to come and meet Matthew. Matthew was dancing up and down on the spot waiting for William to arrive. They had not seen each other on the computer screen as the web cams always had some sort of problem.

When William walked into the LAP Room, Matthew ran and took a flying leap into William’s arms. The cameras were rolling to capture this special moment in time. William took Matthew on a tour of the school and to the Year 12 study to meet some friends. They sat down together and read a book and put plans in place for the next time they met on Centra. Mrs Julie Hann came to meet our long distance students. Thank you, Julie.

As the family were packing up to leave, Matthew’s dad told William that they had recently borrowed a book from the Open Access College library for Matthew. They were delighted to read the name “William Gloster” on the inside cover. William had spent most of his Primary years learning through the Open Access College. He understands the isolation of living in a remote area. He understands how important it is to have a special mate to talk with. He is making a difference to the life of a little boy whose school experience is so different from what we all know at the College.

William went back to class and the family gathered up their belongings to begin their long drive home. Everyone was smiling – and Cathy and I were quite emotional – as usual.

Just another day in LAP.

Penny Penhall OAM and Cathy CroninLAP Management Team

Astrauskas, Lauren -IBBarone, Michael - SACEBatty, Sarah - SACEBrookes, Peter - SACEBrowne, Brendan - SACEDoherty, Marcus - SACEGordon, Thomas - SACEGore, Jessica - IBGray, Emily - SACEHallahan, James - SACEHarvey, Eliza - IBHill, Rosie - SACEHughes, Harrison - SACEKalampattel, Rahul - IBKavaleros, James - SACE

Koh, (Anna) Min Hyung - IBKyprianou, Margaret - SACELindsay, Bridget - SACELorenzetti, Melissa - IBMaher, Nicholas - SACEManos, Georgina – IBMacDonald, Paige - SACEMiller, Thomas - IBRitson, Felix - SACEShigapova, Dasha - IBSperou, Holly - SACE Stewart, Laura - SACESymes, Brigid - IBTrnovsky, Bridget - SACE

Banks, Ciaran - IBBrassil-Hedger, Alexis - SACECampbell, Claire - SACEChi, Yun Hao - SACEChoudhry, Subbuh - IBCrocker, Matthew - IBD’Alessandro, Ellen - SACEDe Silva, Jade - SACEDoan, (Mymy) Vinh Bao Ngoc - SACEFang, (Evas) Peng - IBFogarty, Todd - SACEGannon, Elly - SACEGawlik, Anna - SACEGloster, William - SACEHoile, Amy - SACEJansons, Alyse - IBKedzior, Alexander - SACELane, David - IBLiang, Yanni - SACELiew, Jaime - IB

Mackle, Daniel - SACEMaxted, Caitlin - SACEMiller, Angus – SACEMiller, Stephen - SACEMitchell, Montana - IBNemer, Natalie - SACEO’Callaghan, Paul - SACEPennino, Sofia - SACEReardon, Elysha - SACESaha, Nishanth - SACESchemeczko, Lara - IBShanahan, Ella - IBSheridan, Alexander - SACESoeffky, Claire – SACETaeuber, Hayley - SACEThompson, Valerie - IBUmlauf, Phoebe - SACEVan Den Brink, Isabel - SACEWardleworth, Madeline - SACEWoodland, Alexandra - IB

Mercedes College Golf Umbrellas for SaleDon’t miss out on getting one of the new MercedesCollege Golf Umbrellas. A limited number are forsale at the Strathspey Reception desk for only $25.

Ideal for watching Saturday morning sport and supportingyour child’s school at the same time! Why not

get one for each car? Hurry while stocks last, beforethe next downpour!

Mercedes College Newsletter Mercedes College Newsletter Page 7

Gaynor, Mia – Commendation – French Stage 1 (Yr 11)•Gillespie, Amber – Commendation – English, Humanities•Greenstreet, Jessica - Academic•Hamman, Charne – Commendation - Mathematics•Hoile, Laura - Academic•Jaccarini, Madeleine – Commendation – RE, Design, Science•Kedzior, Sophie – Commendation - Humanities•Klavins, Bernadette - Academic•Kourou, Stefan – Commendation - Mathematics•Lambert, Ruby – Commendation - French•MacDonald, Jenna – Commendation – Culture and Literacy, Design•Mackenzie, Marisa - Academic•Manolakis, Nikki – Commendation - Drama•Martin, Meg – Commendation – French B Advanced•Maxted, Jason - Academic•McCarthy, Rebecca – Commendation – RE, Drama, English, •French Stage 1 (Yr 11), MathematicsMcEvoy, Gabriella – Commendation – RE, Mathematics, PE•McRae, Lachlan - Academic•Mead, Alexander – Commendation – English, Humanities, •MathematicsMurray, Erin - Academic•Nairn, Louise – Commendation – English, French•Pommey, Etienne – Commendation – French B Advanced•Rajic, Emma - Academic•Raphael, Elliot – Commendation - English•Saad, Sarah – Commendation - Mathematics•Schemeczko, Alexandra – Commendation - Film•Sideris, Jordan - Academic•Simpson, Helen – Commendation - Humanities•Slee, Christopher – Commendation – Film, French B Advanced, •Humanities, ScienceSmales, Yan Yan - Academic•Speranzini, Cristiano – Commendation – English•Stewart, Amy - Academic•Stratfold, Jessica – Commendation – Indonesian, PE•Tamblyn, Renee – Commendation – Art, English, French, Science•Venn, James – Commendation - Music•Wardleworth, Eleanor - Academic•Weber, Joshua – Commendation – English, Humanities, Mathematics, •PE, ScienceWeber, Tess – Commendation - French•Wilson-Beddoe, Natasha - Academic•Yeoh, Li-Sheng – Academic•

Alessandra Miles and John Brazzatti Co-Acting Assistant Principal, Head of Senior School

Learning Assistance Programme

We had some visitors to the LAP Room and the College recently. This is not an unusual event as we often have visitors from other schools come to see how our LAP Programme operates. These visitors were different. The Catchlove children, Remy, Matthew and Daniel do not attend Mercedes College, but they are part of the extended LAP and College family. They had travelled quite a distance to come and see us – and the reason was very special indeed.

Ms Cathy Cronin has a very special relationship with Remy, who is now a Year 5 Open Access College student. They both log into the virtual classroom, Centra, and spend time with each other every week. They have been doing this now for three years and have become firm friends. Cathy and Remy have met face to face on a number of occasions now and the whole family are regular guests at the end-of-year LAP Mass at the Monastery.

But this visit was for very special for Matthew Catchlove. He is in Year 2 and has all his lessons through the School of the Air. He has been part of LAP for the first time this year and his special volunteer is our own William Gloster, a Year 12 student. Thursday Lesson 1 is their special time together and William and Matthew have shared many conversations, stories and drawings through the computer.

William was kind enough to give up two of his precious free lessons to come and meet Matthew. Matthew was dancing up and down on the spot waiting for William to arrive. They had not seen each other on the computer screen as the web cams always had some sort of problem.

When William walked into the LAP Room, Matthew ran and took a flying leap into William’s arms. The cameras were rolling to capture this special moment in time. William took Matthew on a tour of the school and to the Year 12 study to meet some friends. They sat down together and read a book and put plans in place for the next time they met on Centra. Mrs Julie Hann came to meet our long distance students. Thank you, Julie.

As the family were packing up to leave, Matthew’s dad told William that they had recently borrowed a book from the Open Access College library for Matthew. They were delighted to read the name “William Gloster” on the inside cover. William had spent most of his Primary years learning through the Open Access College. He understands the isolation of living in a remote area. He understands how important it is to have a special mate to talk with. He is making a difference to the life of a little boy whose school experience is so different from what we all know at the College.

William went back to class and the family gathered up their belongings to begin their long drive home. Everyone was smiling – and Cathy and I were quite emotional – as usual.

Just another day in LAP.

Penny Penhall OAM and Cathy CroninLAP Management Team

International Student Programme

It has been two weeks of “welcome” for the International Student Programme team. Recently, Old Scholar LIANG Jing (2007) came back to Mercedes to visit her past teachers and old school. Jing, originally from China, is currently studying Nursing at the University of South Australia. Other Old Scholar news comes

to us from France where the Levoir family happily report that Tanguy (2004), is going to Brazil for a 6 month exchange with an Engineering University, Camille (2005) is going to the United States for one year at a Medical University, while her twin Marion (2005), is going to continue her Architecture

course at a University in Grenble, one hour from Lyon. Tiphaine who is now18, will start Medicine in Lyon and Mathieu, now 17, is in his last year of High School in France.

We welcomed many new students over the last two weeks including LEE Jeong Hoon and his sister So Min, from Korea, CHENG Yangje, QIAO Zhihao and HU Qiao Wei all from China, who have started at the Language Centre. French Exchange Student, Anne-Sophie Bourdais has also joined the school for four weeks. We hope she enjoys her time with us.

We bid a sad farewell to French students Cecile Perois (10DB) and Marion Boivin Champeaux (10LC) who after studying at the school for four months, have returned to France. We have enjoyed their presence in our school immensely.

Soon, we look forward to welcoming ZHANG Shengming and ZHANG Zhi Yan both from Shanghai in China. We are not aware of any family tie with these two boys, and we look forward to them joining our school and the Language Centre in the near future.

Leeanne MoriartyCoordinator – ISP Enrolment & Marketing

Mercy Oration

Mercedes College was honoured to host Reverend Tim Costello on the 13 August at the annual Mercy Oration. More than 200 guests listened to Rev Costello talk about his work with Australia’s poor and homeless and also his efforts in ensuring that global poverty is placed on the national agenda. His address was inspirational and insightful and many guests appreciated the opportunity to ask questions and talk to one on one with a man who has dedicated his life to helping the disadvantaged. We thank Reverend Costello for taking the time to visit Adelaide and address the Mercedes College Community.

Mercedes College NewsletterPage 8 Mercedes College Newsletter

News From the MP&FA Last monday evening I had a break from all things Golf, and represented the College at a Parent Focus Group on the topic of Alcohol Education. This workshop was the initiative of the Federation of Catholic School Parent Communities and CESA Drug Education Team. It was a very interesting evening filled with lots of information relevant to the issues we are faced with today.

Exciting Golf News Wow! It’s not every day you get the chance to win a brand new Ford Fiesta just by playing a round of Golf. However, our lucky Mercedes Golfers are fortunate to have that chance. Mr Bill Mulders of Maughan Thiem Mt Barker has generously offered a Ford Fiesta as a Hole in One prize! A large percentage of Hole in One winners are not regular golfers, so if you are considering joining a team, don’t deliberate any longer. Submit your registration form promptly before you miss out on the chance to win a car. (Plus loads of other prizes, a great day out, and the opportunity to support your school community). Golf RaffleWe are aware that not everyone can take a Friday off to play golf or enjoy lunch in the hills. Therefore, raffle tickets will be available for purchase at school prior to the Golf Day. This gives people the opportunity to contribute to the event plus the chance to win some great prizes. Generous SponsorsWe have had an overwhelming response toward sponsorship for the Golf Day. Thanks to the sponsor’s generosity and the Golf Committee’s hard work, this day will be a very successful fundraiser for the College. Your children will benefit from the money raised thanks to the enthusiasm of sponsors and Volunteers. We would especially like to thank the Tagara Group who have enabled us to keep our running costs down and also provide the generous competition prizes as a result of their major donation. Another example of keeping our costs down was from Pan Print who donated the invitations and registration forms that were recently posted to each family. On the day guests will enjoy wines donated by Step Rd, cheese and smallgoods tastings

Family Matters

HomeworkWith half of Term 3 already completed, students across all year levels are now receiving regular homework and many are in the middle of major projects. Some students are experiencing difficulty managing their work load, possibly on top of regular out of school commitments or simply because their organisational and time management skills are still developing.

The primary purposes of homework are to develop student self discipline, initiative and creativity; consolidate learning occurring at school; involve parents in the learning process; enable teachers to assess student’s understanding of work being covered in class; and to establish study habits that can be continued into the final years of schooling and beyond.

These aims apply for home reading tasks for Junior Primary Students through to students in the Senior School. Regular homework practice enables students to develop their skills and confidence as successful learners.

Parents can support the learning undertaken at home by:• Ensuring students have a snack when they return fromschool and some “down time” prior to starting homework (TV watching at this time is not ideal)

•Providingaquietareaforstudentstocompletehomework,whichis as free from distractions as possible, well lit and ventilated

• Checking the School Diary/Planner for homeworkallocated and completed, particularly for Junior and Middle School students. If students have spent the allocated time on homework and have been unable to finish, a note in the diary can be useful feedback for teachers.The information regarding study strategies which is contained in the School Diary/Planner is also a valuable resource for parents and students, covering tips for Homework management and academic success

•Encouraginghomework tobecompletedprior todinner,with the time after dinner being used to complete work, read and revise and have as down time before bed

• Allowing access to internet social networks only afterhomework is complete

•Ensuring there is a balance for students between school,family, sport and social commitments and if necessary, assisting the student to adjust their time allocation

•ParentsofSeniorSchoolstudentscanassistwithresearchtasks, reading draft essays and testing knowledge prior to class tests. Attendance at the after school Study Skills Programme can also be encouraged

• Trying to avoid nagging to get homework done, butproviding the opportunity, space and resources required and encouragement that regular homework is an expectation that you have. Incomplete homework can be followed up between teacher and student. It may only take a lost lunch break to complete unfinished work, for students to learn to use their study time at home effectively!

Adolescence is a time of rapid brain development, however, the last brain functions to fully form are those related to organisation and planning – the executive functions. Students therefore need the assistance of parents and teachers to provide planning tools and strategies which may not necessarily occur naturally for them.

Anne WayCollege Psychologist

Music News from Strathspey and Beyond

Year 11 and 12 Music NightAn outstanding concert and showcase of our current Year 11 and 12 Music students was held last week and the students and the teachers are to be congratulated for all their efforts.

The double piano concerto has to be singled out as an outstanding performance - it is the first we have had in this school. Yanni Liang played with her teacher Ms Lucinda Collins from the Conservatorium and the other pianists also performed with a very high standard of musicianship.

Mr Robin Pratt had also achieved a very high standard with his guitar students and provided some very professional accompaniment - he is a real asset to our school. Both he and Mr Adam Hooper are to be congratulated on their achievements. Thank you to all the Senior Music students for your input into this showcase event.

RAH String VisitMrs Jenny Symonds arranged for the violin students to play at the Royal Adelaide Hospital last week as part of their Music Matters Programme. I accompanied this group and I was really impressed at their manners, professionalism and their playing.

It was a delight to see some of the parents there supporting them too and I am sure that their string playing made the day seem brighter for all the people who heard them. Well done to you all.

Capri ConcertOur Junior School Concert is to be held next week at the Capri Theatre on September 3 at 7:00pm. This will be for the students in Year 2 – 5 with some Middle School students in bands also attending.

It is to be hoped that you have bought your tickets from The College Shop. Tickets are $10 for all seats and please don’t miss out on seeing your child perform. Students do not need a seat and it is compulsory for all students. The concert is scheduled to finish around 8:40pm.

Congratulations to: •HarryBaulderstoneforhisrecentCreditinCPMGrade5Piano

•KatrinaCaowhowontheFirstPrizeattheEisteiddfordPianoCompetition in the group for under 12.


Celine Beaton-Smith R-12 Music Coordinator

Mercedes College & SPORTSMED•SA present a Seminar for parents:

Sports Injuries in Adolescents7:30pm – 9:00pm, Wednesday 9 September 2009Mercy Chapel and Lecture Theatre, Mercedes College

WithSPORTSMED•SAPhysiotherapistGlennDods Glenn is an experienced Sports Physiotherapist and a previous international Soccer player who has seen many sporting injuries in adolescents. During his presentation, he will discuss:

• Commonsportinginjuriesinadolescentsandstrategiestoavoidthem• Basicinjurymanagementtechniques• Identifyinginjuriesthatneedmorethanbasicmanagement• Factorsthatincreaseajuniorathlete’ssusceptibilitytoinjuries

Who should attend? Parents, coaches and trainers of junior athletes To RSVP contact or ph; 8372 3200Forinjuryadviceandtreatment,contactSPORTSMED•SA:

Stepney Blackwood Goodwood Henley Beach Morphett Vale 32 Payneham Road 253 Main Road 361 Goodwood Road 225 Military Road 221 Main South RoadStepney Blackwood Westbourne Park Henley Beach Morphett ValeT: 8130 1222 T: 8178 0399 T: 8271 3803 T: 8353 0111 T: 8326 2111

Mercedes College Newsletter Mercedes College Newsletter Page 9

News From the MP&FA Last monday evening I had a break from all things Golf, and represented the College at a Parent Focus Group on the topic of Alcohol Education. This workshop was the initiative of the Federation of Catholic School Parent Communities and CESA Drug Education Team. It was a very interesting evening filled with lots of information relevant to the issues we are faced with today.

Exciting Golf News Wow! It’s not every day you get the chance to win a brand new Ford Fiesta just by playing a round of Golf. However, our lucky Mercedes Golfers are fortunate to have that chance. Mr Bill Mulders of Maughan Thiem Mt Barker has generously offered a Ford Fiesta as a Hole in One prize! A large percentage of Hole in One winners are not regular golfers, so if you are considering joining a team, don’t deliberate any longer. Submit your registration form promptly before you miss out on the chance to win a car. (Plus loads of other prizes, a great day out, and the opportunity to support your school community). Golf RaffleWe are aware that not everyone can take a Friday off to play golf or enjoy lunch in the hills. Therefore, raffle tickets will be available for purchase at school prior to the Golf Day. This gives people the opportunity to contribute to the event plus the chance to win some great prizes. Generous SponsorsWe have had an overwhelming response toward sponsorship for the Golf Day. Thanks to the sponsor’s generosity and the Golf Committee’s hard work, this day will be a very successful fundraiser for the College. Your children will benefit from the money raised thanks to the enthusiasm of sponsors and Volunteers. We would especially like to thank the Tagara Group who have enabled us to keep our running costs down and also provide the generous competition prizes as a result of their major donation. Another example of keeping our costs down was from Pan Print who donated the invitations and registration forms that were recently posted to each family. On the day guests will enjoy wines donated by Step Rd, cheese and smallgoods tastings

by Regency TAFE and morning tea by Banana Blue.

The chance of winning a fabulous prize (even if you’re not at the Golf Day) and many of giveaways have been made possible by the following generous sponsors: Maughan Thiem Mt Barker, AGC Corporate Services, Champion Travel, Mediacom, Adelaide Hills Magazine, Civilex Constructions, Transit Plus P/L, Veolia, Drummond Golf, The Manna & Coco’s Day Spa, Caffe Buongiorno, Armstrong Wines, Fuji Xerox, Programmed Property Service, Mile End Office Furniture, Wavals, C&PA, Scolarest, Angelakis Brothers, Rob McBride, Paul Frazer-Jones, Top Notch Hair, Adelaide Locksmiths, Winston Music, Paul and Rhonda Nemer Tip-Top Dry Cleaners, Interleaves Books, Book Agencies of Adelaide-Campion Books, Sprint Auto, Channel 10, Beach Petroleum, Rossiters Fruit and Veg Unley, Chris McMahon, Hedgerow Flowers, Bucket Car Wash and Messenger Community News.

If you would like to add your name to this illustrious list please contact one of the committee members and we will gladly accept your donation of goods or services. (Jenny Dunstan 0414 860 400, Chris McMahon 0400 031 142, Karen Brien 0400 790 033, Loretta Royal 0439 815 735 or Estee Fiebiger-Briggs at the Development Office, 8372 3266). Help WantedIf you would like to help on the day please contact me, Jenny Dunstan, 0414 860 400. I’m sure all golfers, spectators and helpers will all have fun. SportsMed PresentationAn open invitation is extended to anyone interested in the topic of Managing and Preventing Adolescent Sporting Injuries. Please refer to the attatched flyer for further information. Thank you to the MP&FA Committee members, Helen Scanlon, Liz Watson, Fiona Twizell and Mary Odlum who helped the Development Office serve refreshments at the recent Mercy Oration given by Rev Tim Costello AO.

Jenny DunstanChairperson, MP&FA

0414 860 400

Music News from Strathspey and Beyond

Year 11 and 12 Music NightAn outstanding concert and showcase of our current Year 11 and 12 Music students was held last week and the students and the teachers are to be congratulated for all their efforts.

The double piano concerto has to be singled out as an outstanding performance - it is the first we have had in this school. Yanni Liang played with her teacher Ms Lucinda Collins from the Conservatorium and the other pianists also performed with a very high standard of musicianship.

Mr Robin Pratt had also achieved a very high standard with his guitar students and provided some very professional accompaniment - he is a real asset to our school. Both he and Mr Adam Hooper are to be congratulated on their achievements. Thank you to all the Senior Music students for your input into this showcase event.

RAH String VisitMrs Jenny Symonds arranged for the violin students to play at the Royal Adelaide Hospital last week as part of their Music Matters Programme. I accompanied this group and I was really impressed at their manners, professionalism and their playing.

It was a delight to see some of the parents there supporting them too and I am sure that their string playing made the day seem brighter for all the people who heard them. Well done to you all.

Capri ConcertOur Junior School Concert is to be held next week at the Capri Theatre on September 3 at 7:00pm. This will be for the students in Year 2 – 5 with some Middle School students in bands also attending.

It is to be hoped that you have bought your tickets from The College Shop. Tickets are $10 for all seats and please don’t miss out on seeing your child perform. Students do not need a seat and it is compulsory for all students. The concert is scheduled to finish around 8:40pm.

Congratulations to: •HarryBaulderstoneforhisrecentCreditinCPMGrade5Piano

•KatrinaCaowhowontheFirstPrizeattheEisteiddfordPianoCompetition in the group for under 12.


Celine Beaton-Smith R-12 Music Coordinator

Mercedes College & SPORTSMED•SA present a Seminar for parents:

Sports Injuries in Adolescents7:30pm – 9:00pm, Wednesday 9 September 2009Mercy Chapel and Lecture Theatre, Mercedes College

WithSPORTSMED•SAPhysiotherapistGlennDods Glenn is an experienced Sports Physiotherapist and a previous international Soccer player who has seen many sporting injuries in adolescents. During his presentation, he will discuss:

• Commonsportinginjuriesinadolescentsandstrategiestoavoidthem• Basicinjurymanagementtechniques• Identifyinginjuriesthatneedmorethanbasicmanagement• Factorsthatincreaseajuniorathlete’ssusceptibilitytoinjuries

Who should attend? Parents, coaches and trainers of junior athletes To RSVP contact or ph; 8372 3200Forinjuryadviceandtreatment,contactSPORTSMED•SA:

Stepney Blackwood Goodwood Henley Beach Morphett Vale 32 Payneham Road 253 Main Road 361 Goodwood Road 225 Military Road 221 Main South RoadStepney Blackwood Westbourne Park Henley Beach Morphett ValeT: 8130 1222 T: 8178 0399 T: 8271 3803 T: 8353 0111 T: 8326 2111

Mercedes College NewsletterPage 10 Mercedes College Newsletter

News From the Sports Desk

Girls Sport SACSSGSA Play-off RoundPlay-off Round was held on Saturday 15 August. Some great games were played in the final round, with many teams competing for the premiership in their respective sports.

This year saw the College enter in 17 Netball teams and 6 Soccer squads. The girls have been diligent in their efforts on Saturday mornings, playing in wind, rain and the occasional sunshine, to compete against vigorous competition. Attendance to training this year has been an issue for both sports and it is important for all students to be aware of the commitment they are making to their team for the whole season. I hope to see an improvement in regards to attendance to trainings in Terms 3/4 sport.

8-12 Girls Sport Results

BadmintonThe mixed Badminton team narrowly lost their Play-off game to Blackwood a few weeks back. The team comprising of mainly International Students, has played in the Southern Zone Competition on a Tuesday afternoon. These students have been working under the guidance of Marianne Harding and have shown great improvement over the season.

InterCollegiate CarnivalThe girls’ 2009 InterCollegiate campaign was not as successful as we would have liked. We claimed two of five shields up for grabs for female competitors, with the girls narrowly missing out all five titles. The competitions started the campaign on Wednesday afternoon with a clear win for the Cross Country

girls. On Saturday, the Open A Soccer team won convincingly with a 3-0 win over the St Ignatius A grade side. The Open B Soccer girls narrowly lost, by a 3-2 margin.

Anyone watching the Netball would have to say it was one of the best competitions we have seen in a while at Intercol. The A grade side unfortunately was defeated by two goals, going down 19-17. This team has improved amazingly under the guidance of Mrs Jayne Taeuber over the season. The Open B Netball game was a nail biter with the team going down by five goals in over time, 24 each after the final whistle and 30-25 after extra time.

It was also great to see many Junior teams (teams from Years 8-10) also playing in the InterCollegiate Carnival. Even though these games did not go towards the overall shield count, it is an amazing experience for all students involved. The 10A Netballers had an excellent game against the St Ignatius girls with a narrow win, 21-16. The 9A team trounced their opponents 40-9 and the 8A’s unfortunately went down by five in their game, final score 23-18. To keep the winning streak alive, the Junior A Soccer girls defeated their opponents on Saturday with a 4-0 victory, with a fantastic hat trick by Elizabeth Ward.

The MVP Medal recipients are:Cross County Open Girls – Madeline WardleworthCross County Junior Girls – Georgia HughesOpen A Netball – Alyse JansonsOpen B Netball – Hannah SnellingOpen A Girls Soccer – Katherine EbbsOpen B Girls Soccer – Melissa Lorenzetti

Congratulations to all girls involved. You demonstrated excellent skills, determination and sportsmanship throughout the whole competition and wore your Mercedes College colours with pride. Thank you to all the parents, friends, coaches, officials and community members who helped make this event a truly enjoyable day. We are looking forward to 2010 and hope to take a clean sweep of the girls sports, and reclaim the overall shield once again.

Carol Guirguis8-12 Girls Sport Coordinator

Boys Junior VolleyballThis term, our Volleyball team has made our way up to the top of the ladder in this years winter league competition. We have improved a great deal since last year with the new player Aden O’Sullivan, who has fitted into the team very well. Everyone has improved, Tom Rogers with his skill at spiking, Jahan Emery, who is great with blocks, George Lorenzetti and Oscar Wardleworth with their setting that is the fundamental point in each game and and David Guerin who is a great all-rounder.

A few weeks ago, we were entered into a competition known as the State Schools Cup. By an unfortunate mishap, we were entered into the Division 1 in Under 17s. We were playing teams whose players were in Year 11. Against the odds, we managed to scrape 3rd place, out of 4 teams, which we still thought was an achievement considering the ages of the people we were playing.

We have been entered into another Knockout Competition. Hopefully, this combined with the winter league competition will be enough for us to qualify for the National Competition in Melbourne. We competed last year and it was a fantastic experience.

Thomas Barone

Cross Country Running Report The successes keep rolling in with the Mercedes College runners achieving some outstanding results in two major relay competitions. Firstly, in the prestigious SSSSA 100km Relay where our Junior Team (U16) of Nicholas Davis, Eleanor Wardleworth, Phillip Mundy, Georgia Hughes, Benjamin Tripodi, Malik Mbanza and Alexander Praschifka, not only won but in the process smashed the 2 year record held also by Mercedes College by a whopping 5 minutes. This excellent team took the lead early and slowly extended their lead to win comfortably in 6 hr 51 mins 54 secs ahead of the ever improving St Ignatius College 6 hr 55 mins 48 secs (also ahead of the old record) with St Johns College third in 7 hrs 17 mins 15 secs. The margin from 2nd to 3rd of over 21 mins displays the quality of both the 1st and 2nd teams. The Mercedes Senior Team finished a very strong 2nd behind a classy Aberfoyle Park outfit 6 hrs 42 mins 6 secs to 6 hr 48 mins 40 secs with again St Ignatius College snapping at our heals ahead of our annual InterCollegiate Challenge in third place 6 hrs 54 mins 24 secs. The Senior Team comprised of Matthew Crocker, Ciaran Banks, Madeline Wardleworth, Charlotte Venn, Cameron Clark, Madeleine Favilla and Damien Quick. Mercedes College won the overall shield which combines the results of both age groups, for only the second time. These successes being a testament to the ability, hard working endeavour and the College spirit that these students exhibited on this day. Special thanks to Mr Dan Wardleworth (father of Madeline and Eleanor) for his invaluable assistance and support on the day. The second relay was the very recent ISSA Relays in which Mercedes College students from Junior, Middle and Senior School all did very well including winning three of the six age divisions and being placed in two others. ISSA RelaysHosted by Mercedes College at Waite for the last four years, this event continues to be by far the most well attended and popular ISSA mid week host day. 54teams (totalling 216 participants) competed. Again Mercedes College teams were prominent amongst the results.

ResultsPrimary Girls 4 x 2000m: 1st Mercedes College (A Mason, M Prosser, T Gaynor, A Cheroux) 36.39 2nd Immanual College 37.16.

Primary Boys 4 x 2000m: 6th Mercedes College (J Favilla, A Teicher, W Twizell, O Marshall) 34.51 1st St Peter’s College 31.50. Note: Fastest time Primary Girls 1. A Mason 8.26, 4. M Prosser 9.02 Boys 4th fastest J Favilla 7.50.

Junior Girls 4 x 3000m: 1st Mercedes College (G Hughes, C Venn, M Favilla, E Wardleworth) 42.22 2nd Mercedes College No. 2 (M Gaynor, L Teicher, E Ward, K Prideaux) 51.50.

Junior Boys 4 x 3000m: 1st Mercedes College (N Davis, A Praschifka, D Quick, L Crocker) 41.53 2nd Pulteney Grammar 41.58. Note: Fastest Junior Girls 1. E Wardleworth 10.32, 2. G Hughes 11.01, 3. C Venn 11.42 4. M Favilla 12.06 5. M Gaynor 12.09Fastest Junior Boys 1. N Davis 10.09, 4. L Crocker 10.24Senior Girls 4 x 3000m: 2nd Mercedes College (M Wardleworth, B Symes, E Shanahan, N Francis) 52.40 1st Immanual College 49.57Open Boys 4 x 3000m: 3rd Mercedes College (P Mundy, C Clark, B Tripodi, M Crocker) 40.00 1st St Ignatius College 39.07

Netball Play off round - 15/08/2009Open A Mercedes (31) def SHC 2 (15)

Open B Mercedes (26) def SAC 2 (21)

Open C SHC 6 (26) def Mercedes (15)

Mercedes 2 (12) def Cabra (9)

SHC 7 def Mercedes 3

10A SHC 2 def Mercedes 1 (by 10)

10B SHC 3 (16) def Mercedes 1 (15)

Mercedes 2 (bye)

9A St Michaels 1 (25) def Mercedes 1 (19)

Mercedes 2 (44) def Pulteney (16)

9B Marryatville 3 (37) def Mercedes 1 (25)

Mercedes 2 def NMHS (forfeit)

9C no score submitted

8A Pulteney (20) def Mercedes (17)

8B Mercedes 1 (20) def Cabra 3 (17)

Mercedes 2 (21) def Loreto 3 (20)

8C Pulteney (13) def Mercedes (8)

SoccerSenior SHC 2 (4) def Mercedes 1 (2)

Mercedes 2 (4) def Nazareth (1)

SHC 1 (4) def Mercedes 3 (1)

Junior Marryatville (4) def Mercedes 1 (1)

Loreto 2 (1) def Mercedes 2 (0)

Mercedes College Newsletter Mercedes College Newsletter Page 11

girls. On Saturday, the Open A Soccer team won convincingly with a 3-0 win over the St Ignatius A grade side. The Open B Soccer girls narrowly lost, by a 3-2 margin.

Anyone watching the Netball would have to say it was one of the best competitions we have seen in a while at Intercol. The A grade side unfortunately was defeated by two goals, going down 19-17. This team has improved amazingly under the guidance of Mrs Jayne Taeuber over the season. The Open B Netball game was a nail biter with the team going down by five goals in over time, 24 each after the final whistle and 30-25 after extra time.

It was also great to see many Junior teams (teams from Years 8-10) also playing in the InterCollegiate Carnival. Even though these games did not go towards the overall shield count, it is an amazing experience for all students involved. The 10A Netballers had an excellent game against the St Ignatius girls with a narrow win, 21-16. The 9A team trounced their opponents 40-9 and the 8A’s unfortunately went down by five in their game, final score 23-18. To keep the winning streak alive, the Junior A Soccer girls defeated their opponents on Saturday with a 4-0 victory, with a fantastic hat trick by Elizabeth Ward.

The MVP Medal recipients are:Cross County Open Girls – Madeline WardleworthCross County Junior Girls – Georgia HughesOpen A Netball – Alyse JansonsOpen B Netball – Hannah SnellingOpen A Girls Soccer – Katherine EbbsOpen B Girls Soccer – Melissa Lorenzetti

Congratulations to all girls involved. You demonstrated excellent skills, determination and sportsmanship throughout the whole competition and wore your Mercedes College colours with pride. Thank you to all the parents, friends, coaches, officials and community members who helped make this event a truly enjoyable day. We are looking forward to 2010 and hope to take a clean sweep of the girls sports, and reclaim the overall shield once again.

Carol Guirguis8-12 Girls Sport Coordinator

Boys Junior VolleyballThis term, our Volleyball team has made our way up to the top of the ladder in this years winter league competition. We have improved a great deal since last year with the new player Aden O’Sullivan, who has fitted into the team very well. Everyone has improved, Tom Rogers with his skill at spiking, Jahan Emery, who is great with blocks, George Lorenzetti and Oscar Wardleworth with their setting that is the fundamental point in each game and and David Guerin who is a great all-rounder.

A few weeks ago, we were entered into a competition known as the State Schools Cup. By an unfortunate mishap, we were entered into the Division 1 in Under 17s. We were playing teams whose players were in Year 11. Against the odds, we managed to scrape 3rd place, out of 4 teams, which we still thought was an achievement considering the ages of the people we were playing.

We have been entered into another Knockout Competition. Hopefully, this combined with the winter league competition will be enough for us to qualify for the National Competition in Melbourne. We competed last year and it was a fantastic experience.

Thomas Barone

Cross Country Running Report The successes keep rolling in with the Mercedes College runners achieving some outstanding results in two major relay competitions. Firstly, in the prestigious SSSSA 100km Relay where our Junior Team (U16) of Nicholas Davis, Eleanor Wardleworth, Phillip Mundy, Georgia Hughes, Benjamin Tripodi, Malik Mbanza and Alexander Praschifka, not only won but in the process smashed the 2 year record held also by Mercedes College by a whopping 5 minutes. This excellent team took the lead early and slowly extended their lead to win comfortably in 6 hr 51 mins 54 secs ahead of the ever improving St Ignatius College 6 hr 55 mins 48 secs (also ahead of the old record) with St Johns College third in 7 hrs 17 mins 15 secs. The margin from 2nd to 3rd of over 21 mins displays the quality of both the 1st and 2nd teams. The Mercedes Senior Team finished a very strong 2nd behind a classy Aberfoyle Park outfit 6 hrs 42 mins 6 secs to 6 hr 48 mins 40 secs with again St Ignatius College snapping at our heals ahead of our annual InterCollegiate Challenge in third place 6 hrs 54 mins 24 secs. The Senior Team comprised of Matthew Crocker, Ciaran Banks, Madeline Wardleworth, Charlotte Venn, Cameron Clark, Madeleine Favilla and Damien Quick. Mercedes College won the overall shield which combines the results of both age groups, for only the second time. These successes being a testament to the ability, hard working endeavour and the College spirit that these students exhibited on this day. Special thanks to Mr Dan Wardleworth (father of Madeline and Eleanor) for his invaluable assistance and support on the day. The second relay was the very recent ISSA Relays in which Mercedes College students from Junior, Middle and Senior School all did very well including winning three of the six age divisions and being placed in two others. ISSA RelaysHosted by Mercedes College at Waite for the last four years, this event continues to be by far the most well attended and popular ISSA mid week host day. 54teams (totalling 216 participants) competed. Again Mercedes College teams were prominent amongst the results.

ResultsPrimary Girls 4 x 2000m: 1st Mercedes College (A Mason, M Prosser, T Gaynor, A Cheroux) 36.39 2nd Immanual College 37.16.

Primary Boys 4 x 2000m: 6th Mercedes College (J Favilla, A Teicher, W Twizell, O Marshall) 34.51 1st St Peter’s College 31.50. Note: Fastest time Primary Girls 1. A Mason 8.26, 4. M Prosser 9.02 Boys 4th fastest J Favilla 7.50.

Junior Girls 4 x 3000m: 1st Mercedes College (G Hughes, C Venn, M Favilla, E Wardleworth) 42.22 2nd Mercedes College No. 2 (M Gaynor, L Teicher, E Ward, K Prideaux) 51.50.

Junior Boys 4 x 3000m: 1st Mercedes College (N Davis, A Praschifka, D Quick, L Crocker) 41.53 2nd Pulteney Grammar 41.58. Note: Fastest Junior Girls 1. E Wardleworth 10.32, 2. G Hughes 11.01, 3. C Venn 11.42 4. M Favilla 12.06 5. M Gaynor 12.09Fastest Junior Boys 1. N Davis 10.09, 4. L Crocker 10.24Senior Girls 4 x 3000m: 2nd Mercedes College (M Wardleworth, B Symes, E Shanahan, N Francis) 52.40 1st Immanual College 49.57Open Boys 4 x 3000m: 3rd Mercedes College (P Mundy, C Clark, B Tripodi, M Crocker) 40.00 1st St Ignatius College 39.07

Fastest legs Senior Girls 2. M Wardleworth 12.07, 5. B Symes 13.05

Staff Teams: 1st Mercedes Staff (D Russell, T Robinson, P Jarvis, J Wray) 47.02 2nd Pulteney Grammar School 51.16

Gary ZeunerCross Country Coach/Coordinator

First XI FootballMercedes made the long trip out to Golden Grove to face one of the toughest challenges in school sport, last year’s State Champions, Gleeson College. The early stages of the game gave the boys the confidence that they had the ability to match it with their opposition and two goals from striker Paul van Mierle saw Mercedes lead 2-0 at half time. A controversial penalty was given to Gleeson early in the second half and this chance was converted past keeper Nicolas Maher who filled in admirably for our usual keeper. A strong defensive performance after this goal ensured that the score remained the same and Mercedes were able to claim a tremendous victory.

Matt SmithESO PE & Sports Department

Aerobic ChampionsTwo of our Year 9 students were recently involved in Sport Aerobics National Championships held in Adelaide. Their team was victorious, claiming the championship over ten other competing teams. We congratulate both Emily and Samia for these fantastic efforts. Below is a short account of how their team became National Champions. In February this year, our team of 7 girls began training in order to compete in the 2009 School Aerobics Competition. We trained twice a week for 5 ½ hours total. In our routine, we had to include skills such as push-ups, high kicks, straddle jumps, straddle presses and pike presses. The Preliminary Finals were in early June and selected competitors progressed to the State Finals. The State Finals were two weeks after the Preliminary Finals and in that time we had to perfect our routine in order to place at the State Finals. We came 1st at both the Preliminary and State Finals. The judges only take the teams that place 1st or 2nd to the National Titles. The Nationals were held in Adelaide at the Convention Centre. There were ten teams in our section and we came first, becoming National Champions.

Emily Dacombe-Bird 9JM and Samia Turci 9LV

ScorersP. van Mierle (2)

Best PlayersP. TysonJ. ConlonM. Charalambous

Mercedes College NewsletterPage 12

You would have already received your invitation and registration form for the Mercedes College Golf Day.There are limited places and teams are filling up fast!

Hurry to resister your interest today!

We are very pleased to announce the Naming Rights Sponsor:

Tagara Group

Our Major Sponsors are:ScolarestC&PA Step Rd

And some of our Hole Sponsors include:Maugham Thiem, Mile End Office Furniture, Adelaide Hills

Magazine, Programmed Property and Fuji Xerox

Mercedes College Golf Day

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