mergedcontrast10and90 - - congress/1961 -...

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USAF Hillorocol Arch•ve'

~~~:se~t~:~. Alo 36112

H745 - 3 '7 10038 42


.,_Zjllt.JCil" J'rin4/YV/($J.6

Unident1ticd Pl.JiJ2& ObJects

!D-B (Col-1 W7=)

-ro -t::


1 . OD 30 IO'I'edler 1961 Dr, J. Al.leD. ByDek, eooe\IJ.taDt to the UFO proJect, &Del MIIJar Robert J . FrieM, D-B, appeared 011 tbe w~ state tlhinnity TV :prcsraa "Scarchli&bt" (WUBi--Detroit). 'l'b.e procraa vas 1• oon-4uato4 ao an 1ntcn1ev t4 the pe.rt1ci.Jl81lts ecmeerniDI tbo ll'nited States Air Porco ' • un1c!eDt1t:Se4 t~ obJects FOF'8II• ADotbor abov, conducted 1D the DUlDOl' ot the M1l&e Wal.lD.ce iDterriov, was put OD tape tor •bovina oa. or about 15 Februa.ey' 1962. MI.Jor Col.elan, BAFOI·3c, coordinated the appearuco at Air J'orco persormel on these JXl"'OZ'alllll• The procrem reacbed

aUdienca ot approd&toly 100,000 people,

R~prdiD& tbe prOJ!OOed Cooareastoml bev1Q& OD tho U3AP LfP('I prosraa, or ColemD, SAPOI-Jc, advised MaJor P'r1eD4, 'l'D-B, tbat Cooareu ma.n

Earth at& ted to _.. Ricbard Slavak;r 1 Science l.d.itar o:t tbe "'ev York Varld­Teles:raa• 1 thnt the boariaC VOUl.d DOt be held. !t'be 0'\'e.ats ...tUch le4 to llr, Sl&~ ccmtactin& Cc:asreasan Iart.h liU'e a R017 written 'tV the re­porter about l5 l crr.l:er 1961. ccmeernt.a& uro•o aDd the sroat amcu:rt at •U vb1cb rewlted. AI. a result at the 1D41cate4 p.lbllc iatareet. 1 Mr. Sl&n~ coatacted *Jar c~. BAJ'OI•3c, aD1 lllJor Domld 1. Ke)'boe ot tbe ktlODLl Ilmtstip.tiClDS Cc::caittee on Aerial PbeDCDI!m, a priT&te tiPO FO'W• *Jor Col.eai.D presouted tbe Foree rt.ev, aDd MaJer ~ &biaed t.» :reporter at the propoeed hearia&· 11r, Blan.Q< then cODtacted coacre•~ Barth aD4 ,... a4riaed b)' that VCIZ"'tlV' that be vould DOt be • JlU't ot Jlt.,1cr ~' • eheall e~ to 41acredit the \.bited stat .. Air Foree, aDd tbllt tbere wu.l4 be DO beui.a8•

ROBm'l" J . J'Rmll) MaJor, USAJ' Ch.1e1', Aerial Pbencmom Grou}l

,__ c c w -c


TD-0 (TD· E/MaJor Frlend/w /69216)

Consroonlonal. Ccaaittee statt Member Vioit

To -e

:.! v Alr, 196!

1 . Mr . R1ebar4 P. Biuee, etaf't ~~ember ~ the Houae Seience and Alltro­aauttea C~ttee (CongreaiDII&D. OYerton BrookD1 Lo\lia i&Da, Cbainan), V1atte4 the Poreip. Tecimology Dlrtaion on 14 and 15 Auaust 1961. 'l'be == ::~~~:u::!~;: :~=b~,::::r= .1:::r~a:1~: ~~. subJ ect vhlch to ocheduled to take place earJ.7 in 1962 ,

2 . ProJoct B1ue Book (tJli'O) baa been an netl ve Air Parce pr oJect atnco ~ 1947. Tho objeetlvea ot tho project are to determine J (a) It unidontitied tl¥1Ds object s are a threat to t he eecurit)' or tbe United Btatoa, ( b) U azq nev, unique, or reYol utionary technical or oc1cn­t 1t 1c a~cte or devel~nts are involved in t he phcnc.tna, &lid (c ) to 14ent1t'y .m/or ellpl.aln all sigbtJ.nsa. 'l'be 4.1reet1Yel vbicb are applicable to t b1a progra.m are AFR 200-2 dated 1a. Septellbttr 1959 and. J MAP lit6D elated Pebru&I'J' 1959, P"l'D l"efiPOllS1bU1t1ee, defined. in pe.racraph lt.c at AlB 2CK)-2, require analyah aDd enl.uation ~ report s ot •1&bt!D&8 t4 unidentified 1"l.71ns objects and a...erall monitorship or the ~- 'l'be Of'f'ice ot Intcm.t1on, artlce ot the' r4 the Air rorce, 1a re5p()Da1ble tor roleui.lla: 1ator-.t1on oa. • i&ht­i.ap aDd t or azmterio& publlc: eorrespcm4eace reprdias uro •a . 't'be Otf'ic:e at Leg1alat1Ye Lia1aon is responsible tor b&n4l.1ng a.Ll. C~oe­ioual iater .. ta 1n tbe prosrac.

3. Hr. Kine. vu tborougb.l.y brid'ed on our ~tbod ot coDduc:tine tbc proga and at the Air Force and GoYermrot-vide taeillties vbicb bator been used to provide data and/or aaaiet with tlMt anal.yfHII. Be alao v1dte4 acme at tacilltiea ot the Aeronautical. Bysteu Divinion \&.ic:h have been uaed. to support the progr-am. Dr . J. Allen R,)'nclt1 Director ot the Dearborn Obeervatory1 Borthveatern Ubiver o1ty1 con­sultant to ProJect Blue Book (UP0) 1 vaa present and aallisted vitb tbo brletiDS at Nl'. Hines .

4 . Ht- . H1noa indicated that Congressional iDte"'st !n tbe UPO prognoza resulted troa prcaaures ot undiscl osed sources vbicb ven brol.\&bt to bear on Coa,gres.-.n John v. Mc:Con:aclt, ltLaaac:busett a (MaJority Leader) . Diacussio,.. rnsul.ted 1n the collective opinion that MaJor Donald I . le)'boe 1 U. B. ~ine Carps Retired, and preaent Director ~ tbe llationa.l lnvestiptioa. C~ttee at Aerial Pbcnca!na, a printe UP'O orp.Diu.tion, vaa probably beb1.n4 tbe effort. 'l'hia op1n1on is aubataati.ated b;y tblt

tact• tbat *.jor le1b0e vas beb.1D4 :pl'WrtOI.W ettort• vbJ.cb re.u.J.te4 ill COII&r ... dOD&l brieti.D.p duriJ2.I Av,auat 1958 aDd .J\iq 1960J tbat Felellt IICAP Utuw.ture u:rae:• tbe lll!laben to vrite to their Con,po.•-n aDd tbat then be a beariD8 oa. W O' •J aDd tbat MaJor I:Q"boe bu, on b1a -.JQ" te~ilion aDd n41o appearance. , epoken out tor C0114P"811-ional bear1D,p .

5 . It we 1Ddic::ate4 tbat CoQFea-.n J oeepll z . Jartb, JlinDeeot.a, \till be tbe ebai.n:lazl at tbc bee1ng. 'l!bG bcartn,g will laat ~tely tin dql, tour 4Q• tor telftaoo.r ct vit.Deacee aDd tile J.ut 4Q tor an ueeuth-. aeadon. 'l'be Air Foree will be required t o prO't14a vit­oe•H•, aD4 1 •ucae•t tbat Dr . J. Allen JtJDek and. MaJor Robert J, 7rtea4 bo ~ the penoas qpoilltcl. to atteDd. nr. Jr;ywk 11 t be pro.1eet eouultant &Dil MaJor 7rteD4 b tbe pr .. eDt ehiet r4 t be Aerial. J'beocaeu ln.nch.

6 . ler' • .Jiineo• 1Ddtcated be w.a taTOrab4' iaqprused vith our baDdliDB ot the procra~~ , l invited hill to call on ua t or aey f'uture a n 1Rance vb.tch be mtgbt need in pr(!'p&X'1Jl8 t or the lu!art.ns. l al.eo indieatlfd tbat it vae 4ea1rable to have Ill'. ll;ynek IDA Ms.Jor J'rielld meet with Coasreuman lC&rtb. »J>ior to the beari.ns:, a rtev with vb1eh Kr". lli.nca rea41}¥ concurred.

\HTIIl R J . P IEUCE lh iradin G~r11~r• l. USAF r""'""'"d~r

COOlDINAriON I TD·Ec._j-4;~~~~~~~--IDAT', (/' 7 ~/ ~~:E'-e;~~~W~E::::::;,...'IIi'TE /8 t)-r '"J ' 1.;


£ongrrss of tf)r l!lnitrb &tarrs J,Joutt or ~tprtltnl41hltl



Major Robert J . Friend Chief, Aeriel Phenomena Foreign Technical Director F?TD Wright Patterson Air Force Base Dayton, Ohio

- . . .. ,.u,.,u.. ....

........... _ ... __ · - ~-.. - ...... ...... .................... -. ...... . ............. --. .......... . ' COMMITTEE ON SCIENCE AND ASTRONAUTICS



w ... n,..._ __ _

-. .... - •. --·---·-.. - ....... ~ -··-~-. -........."'" .. _"··· ....... c. ___ ,._

------·-··· August 21, 1961

~lajor Robert J . Fr iend Chief, Aerie! Phenomena Foreign Technical Director FFTD Wright Patterson Air Force Base Dayton, Ohio

Dear Bob :

We have finally returned from the wars to home base . The trip back was a bit wearisome and accomplished under considerab le tension since

.... . .... IIU: ••• -.- .. - ... ..-.. -. -.

my youngster developed a splendid case of tonsillitis which d r ove his temperature to 103 and better. A.s you can imagine this can be quite trying, but fortunately we found a Doctor who promptly shot the little lad in that well known area with penicillin. This did the j ob and he is now as chirpy as a squirrel .

Please accept my thanks, Bob, for your unstinting assistance and help during my stay in Dayton.

I have not as yet had an opportunity to discuss Mr . Karth the results of my trip, but I am certain t hat previous decisions have not been changed . Today the Chairman confirmed his previous decision that no hearings will be held on UFOS during thi s session of Congress a nd no specific date can be o r wi ll be set f or next year . For this I am s ure both you and I breathe a deep sigh of relief. However, as you can imagine , the "plantiffs' have begun their clamor, stimulated by notices in the press o f our committee ' s interest in UFOs .

If anything new develops I shall let you know.

• 1D-E / MaJor Friend/ vv/69216


l . !-11:'. Richard P. Rines, ata..~ lJC.aber ot the Houae Sc1euco ODd­DGUt1ca COIID1ttee, Yi81ted tbe Forei(pl Technology D1v181on1 Air Paree Sy.t o=a Ce&:lill.Dd, llri&bt -Pat.t eruoc. Ail' 1'orco Buae, Ohio, on .1.4 and 15 JUJo< l96l .

3· 'l'hcre wer e DO deficiencies indicated, aor vu a..ey corrective a ct i on tllkon or rocallll!ndod .

- 7/(.J J -/o-c/ mlA.RI) B. WDI Coloael, USAJ' Deputy t or Sc:i an4~Dt·

DATE /~7 6/





UNIT ItO ~TATIC~ AI" .. O ... C&

.... I.NT•~ATTICIUON AI " ... O .. CIC ••oot. 0•"0

Deputies and Staff Office Chiefs

" . , ·-~,.,

~ .. """"" l l ~UG \9i\

The followinr, individuals will visit. For ei gn Tcchnolocy Divi s ion durine tho period 1L - 18 August. 1961:


ni:.ARD, J ames W. GS - lL OUVAI.L, Cor j on L. GS -1 ) STANFORD, Fl oyd D. Capt ltiNJo~ , Richard

I.-·' .. I. / PA;,tr', SCHWA's '+"i_

Captain , USAF Security Officer

Washincton, D . C.

1-lashinGton, D.C. \·lashineton , n.c. Congress of U. S .


'11}- 0 'J'U-D TJJ-0 TD - l:.

F'Ml COtlT/,C'I'

Nr. Herman

"' · Horman Hr . ll crnLan Maj. Friend


14-15 14-15 14-15 14-15

• • TO: Colonel 'lllynn

SUbJ : Congressional Invest.igat.ion of tne 1»'0 1:-ograc

1. At approxill:at.e 1515 hours 31 July U- onel Hulllns of Af"U: !) . 9-r.,fl' called Project. Blue Hook office report!C that he had been in •o /

tS".rC!{ IJ ., ' contact with Col onel Bolf/liS office, Lt asot9 concerning

Congressional Coero~~<it tee i fl'l'est.igat.ion ~ t.he Air Force tWO Progra~~; .

He further stated that. a staff investift or for t.he House ~ctence

and Astronautics Corr.!l'.it.tee (Congress~~;&L._,)yert.on Br ooks, Los Ange les ,

Chai Hr Dick Hine s , was going to !\~it F'lD ln a Lout. a week t.o

10 days~~Co?. ~ :~gest.ed tnat!E;) prepare for nis visi t..

Col . Mullins was given Ma jor Friends i"""'e phone nwtl>er, and vas

going to give :tSA:;~~ Col . Bolln41as ll -!l.s fe lt t.hat it would be

,;uch to our advantage to have H.aj o r FriltlnU at. F'JD when Kr. Hi nes

ukes his vtsit..


2. To : AfCIN-4X -4X2

\ 3 . From: TD-B

5. Li s t of Visito rs

Rank Name Job Title

echnical Anht.ant, Ht C on

6 , Purpose of Vi s it :

• I l . Dalfl

) A.ugua\.

O rgan ization

O.t.&Ued bri•rt.n& on t.M operat ion o! tM Air f orce UFO Proarac

7 , Arriva l B. De a rture

1 ,.. ~.ccurl t y

Place Time Date VIa Tim e Date VIa

P'ID boo l.J.A,,. 61 I '"'" 9. Bil le ting Requirements


I l eo~• I

10. Office of Primary Intere st I l l. Project Office r Hlce Ext Home Phone J.t.. · • Robert. J. Priond 69216 A c;_7 '2QQ

12. Meeting Location

"""' · 626 14. REMARKS:

\ 13 . Proposed Age nda Attached YesL_No

• Ht nu vUl bit &rrty·ln&; f roG ColoraOo pr lllil:li, olor ado . Moue of on 1• u.nla\olon,

IS . Name, Grade & Tit le o f Inl ll at l ng Office r 116 . Signature

~~~~·~i:~~~o~~ta PROTOCO!. ARRANGEMENTS (To be completed by AFCI N-4X) 17 . ATIC Es co rt Office r Offlce Ext. Home Pho ne 18. Courtesy Cu.ll : Does v isitor

I =~ ~fi~c~l~!e1~~gonncl -~ 19. Social Activity

,; t.t. ·,chmont 1 lo J,."JCOI 1? -1

TO - E

HII!:AOQU A ptTf:ptl


U .. IT• o•TAT •• AI. •o•C• • •••HT· ~"TT•••oH " '" •o•cc •••• · o .. oo

Congressional Investigation of the UFO Prot)rwn

General Pierce

= 1. Reference our memo dated 14 July (copy att.ached) information ~o~as rece i ved on 1 August from Lt Colonel Joseph E. Boland , Legislative Liaison Office, Secretary of the Air Force , U1at a congressional inves ­tigati on of the UFO program is defini tely on the books . Mr . Richard Hi nes expects to arrive at WPAFB 0900, 14 AuguGt . . Hines is the Techni cal Aosiotant for the House Committee on Science and A::tronautico . Congressmen John McCormick (Mass . ) , Overton Brooks (r.alif . ), ru1d Joseph Karth (Minn . ) are behind the investigation .

2 . I have alerted Major Friend , the Project Officer on the UFO Procro.m, "'ho is presently on leave , to report back to ilPAFB in time t.o allow at least one - half day for discussion prior to arrival of the Con:mittee . I have also alerted the cootractor, Dr . Hynek, to be prepared to report to WPAFB on the &elected date of reported inveot1gat1on .

3 . I propose to receive Mr . Hines and prov i ded you agree , bring him to '' your office for introduction , and then conduct the dhcussions in my ;.---office .

4 . I propose to conduct the investigatior. along t.he follo,ing lines:

a . 1-'TD exploreo a.ll reports and incidents concerning UFO 1tetr.s . Our objective 18 to get the facts , to analyze these facts, and to explain as clearly as possible t.he results of the &haly~e:.. .

b . We seek no publicity on our part. , nor er:; of any individuals involved in repor ting UFO incidents . As a t:'llltter of fact we try to protect , to the r.~&Xi:num , the i ndividuals concerned .

c . We have funds and pe r sonnel to investigate, on the spot, all i nci dents v hi ch appear to wa rrent such i nvesti gation . We utilize our ovn FTD f'acilitieo, and those of AFSC to make investigat.lons and!>es .

d . We call upon the entire r esourceo of the USAF tO assist in the investigations or UFO incidents . Where a catisfactory explanation cao be found by the local organization or units of the USAF t.hese organizations are utilized to the fullest .

e . We give great consideration for quick reaction to all UFO incidcnto where conditions permit .

f . All public information aspects of the UFO Program are handled by the Secretary or the Air Force , Office of Infonu.t.ion , llq USAF .

5 . I will keep you posted of any further developments .

~ /_,L-.f)~ ..---EilWARD H. WYN!I

Colonel , USAF Deputy For Science and Components



.,,.,, .. ..- ... a yn:•oo" "'" ~<ooo c • •••o:. ow•o

hiiHct: Congreuional Investigation of the 1.JFO Prograc~

, 0 , TDG(General Pierce)


,,)~·. ~<t,~

14 July 1$161

1 . An article appeared in the 3 July 1961 issue of Ncwsweek 1 stating the poaaibility of a congressional investigation of the USAF UFO Program. Contact with the Secretary of Air Force , Legislative Llo.lson Office(SAFLL) reve&lcd that there was no official iofonnation concerning ouch o.n investigation. However , SAFLL pointed out that unof'ficla.lly there were indications that such an inveEtigution \IOuld take place .

2 . Unofficial oourccs (SAFLL) have it that Congrc5sman Jo-,eph E. Karth 1

Minnesota, of the llouoe Science and Astronautico Conun.lttec (Congrcosmo.n Overton Brook , Leo Angeles Chai rman) would bead the inveotiguting t.ewn . The invcotigo.tion to be directed toward determining hov the USAF 1s handling the UFO Program !llld specifically the capo.b111ties of J.'TD in the o.nalysi o and investigation areas.

3· SAFLL's present efforts are directed toward heading off the investi -gation or, 1t it i s to occur, having it take place ln Washinston D. C. vith Dr . J , Allen Hynek , Consultant to the UFO Progra.a and li.aJor Robert J . Firend 1 Aerial Phcnoaena Branch 'ID- E in attendance .

4. I r the investigation is carried out at F'm I inteOO to handle it vi thin tne Deputy unles& otherwise d irected •

...L~~~ ~~l~·u~m ') Deputy fo r Science and Coaponen'ts



Congreaaional Inveatigat1on

2 s JUri 1961 AFCIN·4E (Colonel Wynn )

MaJor Friend contacted Lt . Colonel Tacker, SAF01·3d1 concerning the article about Congreastonal I nvestigation of the Air Force UFO pro­gram.. Colonel Tacker iod1cated that there va s no off'i cial informa­tion on the aubject; however be had contacted the off'i ce or Lt . Colonel Boland, SA.FLL, r egarding the article and vould in:torm ATI C of' an,y information vhicb he received .

I _:;, ij ' Yu~J ~'Vi. :rRIEND

MaJ or , SAF Aer ial Phenomena Branch




Perlsc:oplng the NaHoa H10-k ~·•· 11,. .. -j .. ~

llt•atlllnt•fll •u f 'n'"r

STATf; llf:i'AKT~,,.;,'!i T-Iichind-tiW•H'C II t'' friction Is huildin~ np lwtwecn 5t'l1't' Husl anti his No. 2 m:m, Cht·~kr liuwl<'s. nnsk i~ upsc l hy the fr<.'CWi ll't'l in~ ll<owk•,," !lCIIchant fur guinl.( dircctl}' tu tlu• \\' hi!!• ll umt· wi tl1 h is it\c;l' - itlc:ts th:o l ll u~k ~uuwtinws luo ~n't c•·~·u Sl't'll ,

!l' f:lf' rnUK CIT'Y- Putting Nt·grows into higlo [)ll.'i iS 1111 tht• Nn•• Fruuth •r ll ll,'i pln}'l'tl l1u h w i!lo tho· hop cdtc lun uf tlw Nutiunal t\~S<JCia t iun fu r tin · th lvlml'Ctrucnl uf C:olurl'tl 1\•u tllt •, Tht• Nt\ AC I' hHs lost almu~t ,,., tup IIM ' II us ll.u ­' ';tr<l. Aluug with ib d1.1irm.m, Hul..._• rt \Vc·aver (houshu: d•id), Wt'1 11 :1 ""'mful ,f it~> l11p legal bmins. Now th.._. NAJ\ C I' lll'.l!'l. it rtl:l)' lOS(' an­other : Timr~uod ~ l u r,Jm ll (" h" .tr.,:ut.•d the school-intcgr.t tiun C:l"'' ll(•furc tht• Supremt• Court ) is in the rmmin~ fur" f.._>tl.._•r.t l jnd~t-ship.

1 U O USt: t; I.OAKHOOU -l' l) ing s:mccrs an·

I b:td •. A sp(.'Ci:t]thn-.:·11lan lluui!>L'W"t!11 pwi11 StNIII st:trt a prnl.w ,f Mu nitl l• nt iflcd fl ying objt.octs."" u/fida lc~c for S:t lll't'JS. I t:. flrs t juh will lw tu stud} Air Force Ul-'0 rq)urh (11 hiclt han• Sl~> tcl•.._~i tht'Oric.'J tha t tJtc)' <._UIIle from un t<'r ~p;n.;(•).

Thr lnJdde Stnr;w-

GI-;TTl'SIIUHG, I' A. -l'uhlic ~- ~~!<:nb.tion to ti lt', Ike's intirn:tks imi~t tllo(' funrM'f Prt'Ji· dent is ~h· ing no l~onsidcr:tlkm to pn>JlO.tSa is tha t he run for tl lo(' Senate ur fur the g"' '"-'fll0rsl1ip uf l 'cnnsylwmi:t. Ml·lc'IJ rc m:oin nctivc in public :tf­f:lirs flS a 1\q)ublic:m lc:lth•r ,M S;t)'.~ Olllo(' frit· nd . "hut he wun"t go tl•mu ).(h :muthc•r c:ullp:t ign un· dcr :m y drcumshml~'S nuw l1 111L't'i\':thk•.'"

,,.,.; J(/ I'OHT '' ' I-:111S . 11;1, - Tile aircraft carrier Entc rtJr isc. tin<' 111 put tu S'-' 11 in lkt-.,mhcr. m:t )' ha1•e to he :• s l1ip 11 ithuut :o JM•rt . \ Vith cigl• t a tumlc JXIWCr pbnt.s, the huge sllij l w ill be kt'Jll out uf m.t jor harbnrs h) the N~wy's owu safe!) ruk'5, und ma}' be furl~'tl to :tTlo('hor far from shore ur usc SC.'<.'tmd:tf)' purls.

l\ 'ASI II' IU.E. Tf;,'lt,l '.- llero's the stOr)' behind

,. . .... *" •1~· 1n 11 s.,., . .,,._ p ., , ,,.., ..... .. x ..... rr .. ~t .... .......... ........ ll .. llt,•·

tl 1.1 t llurr) of rml"ll•n and tlt•ni.l l ~ :1 hnu t Suprcnw Cuurt Jmtit-.: ll n~u Hl.t'-'k n• lirin~ :uKI T t·n•x."""· ~ . .._:5 S.•n. Estes Kdau\""-'r n·pl :tcin~ him. T t•n· rM"SSt"t' C:m•. 1\ufurd Ellin).tlun. wl ~t'tl likt• tu IUtlllO" l!!rnsd f In tlw Scnnto· llo(' fttrt• Ms term rom~ uut t lt·~t rt•,~r. s tartt •<l tilt" KPfm>l"t"T to lk :md :o \\'u ~ l •h•).( l un '"'" ·''m"' t u•~•·•l 1\l .td ,"s n:mw intu tl n· • ·T~tnurmill .

Unuudh• - Uuf flu • :\"t•W!II

1' 1-: .tf :l-; t :OHI'S IIQ- S:t r}:t'ITI Sl~tin·r·~ rtocrni t· t•r~ h:o\"<' .t IN'\\' III'.HI:odlt' ; \ Vh.t t :thuul wist·r. ultlt•r I1.11Kis tu l lt·<~tl \lj) tlu· ln\ l furt>t:) of c.t~cr )"1111 11).(\"ulllllk-.:rs? A '~"-'" drh·c is in tllo('WtJrk) tu rotllrl(l "Jl ~m.thlrcM l~.tTKiid.ttt~ frnm ~uch ,;rnu~ as Hu)' s.._,.ut lt•;•dcrs. !>"-"'~ " 'lh::ldlt'n, ·1· 11 C luh ~ IIJ"ll'l"l"i"•h. 11M')" wuu\d, luddent.t ll )'. dr.t" lli~ht• r JM) than tht• )"""~t· r n •t:ruib :nl(l ll tJn ld ~ kip tht• fl•·e-:md-.t· h.,]f-huur ~t•· .:<~!l r>l.­

II O USf; t:I.OA KHOOM - JF K's m:m -on· tlu:­muon prujt'<:l m:t)' h:t\'C to t'OIItjll'-'f uulr" th:111 gntvil)". Dt.•mocmtic Hcp.'t' lll't" Cannon, d•airm.m ,of tl1e House i\ pjllllj)ri,ltions Commil­lt..'t'. a lrcotd )' has :15kt'tl the l>r..."!>idcnt to Sl~.tlt· down tiM! prujt..'CI . c-.t lling it M:t f:ont:.s tic waste ol nMfiM."} .~ !l is .~r~tmwnt : \\'hu t good is .on Amcri­t-:l. n 1111 till' moon if 1\ us~i:ms t .1 l c OltT tl1e t>oort h~

1'1-;.\ 'TA(;O,l ' -A new 1md flt•ndis ltl)' in~cniou~ :mti ·gue rril\,, weapon is bt'in~ lt·~t< ~l by the N:wy. It "~ a drlart..'tl·:tction li(1uld l'XJJ ios ii"C, Mlllil'h'tl frnm :t ll :mit'· lhrnwl.'r-likc gun, that .~•·'-' P-~ intu ru~hol es and bunkc·u. St·t~mds la ter. f.,d h )' ux~· ~l" ll frum tin• ai r. it hluw.~ 1111 witl1 lt ·rrific fun.'t..'.

\\'h1•rr .\r1• Tllf'y :'\' nYI"

11 AIJISO,'¥, ,v.} . - \\"he u the So,•ie t p inceh cl<~'tl tu ~ta f\"<' the \\'estern J'owcrs out o( lkrlin tllirll't·n ycurs ago th is week, m:tn-on -the-spot (or ,\ nM.•rl~u• ~ lilit nry Go\"ef1 Hif Gen. LudnJ Clay liM :though, f;1sl-ta lking. t'\ lfl )'-lmired lrbhrnan.

................................................... . . . Nt'WI \OI"t:ek, July 3, 1961

Ori)t. Frnnk L. llowlcy, t1ltnlll.'lmlcr of the lk."Tiin g.•rrison. Tud.1}'. llu" lt•y. "hum the Hu~­si:ms t'lll'li('(l a~ the ~ u,•:•) t uf ll••rlin- :md \ \'.ost llc•rl irt~'fs l•. •lk'( l :os tl~t.·s.•liuruftllt'irdty. i)l kt• Jlf<''ilknt nf Nt•11 Yurl l ' uill'"it) II•· rctun~t.'<l tu NYL1 (from "l1k l1 lw 11 ,1 ~ !t' ·'dn.ll\ '(1 in 19:!5) in I!J5:!. tlln 't' p•:.r~ aflt'r ],, . lt·ft till' ,\rmy. A for­llll't ut lm.m, :trl ~tmlt • nt (:t t tilt' Surhumlf'), :md :1

hm·M•rn.mufinlt•rn,lliuu.ll n •t)OI\III , II"\\ICI', 1t11W

57. li\'tos h<.'tl' in :o l~•mt· dt ..;t·rilt~'tl h~· hiS "ifc. 1-:ditl!. :·~ ~mltlcllt•·ll gt.O , m .•. '"''"'" ..... -n •• ·y h:ll'{' ,, 17-) t'11T-uld d:tup;htt·t :n11l tllrl"-' \1111' , utlt' :m ,.\ rrn r fir~ ! lit• ) f:ttiuolt'd .11 Furl llr.l\:)t. tiM• utiK·r hno t'lllt'I:C ~ t mlt•nt ~ (:~ t Nl'll , n,• lur.llly). l!mllc) . llhu lt '(I!IK·fir~ t t:mundJI.ITI) into lkr­lin, ritlt-~ hul'li(·h:ot·L "~ ,ft,•n .. ~ I,. I!>S ihlt• :md i) a tirdt•ss world lr:tn•l,·r. llh "ift• ~.• ys uf !lis t• nn­i n~~ a nd guing.• (l~t• jn)l )till lh1d: from " rnunth­ltm)t trip tu ,\frk.• und J~n rupt ·): ~ I t's tlw ~fury uf Ill )' li ft·.-

II'' A HI: t\#:CK. ' 'A.-Lht . Gt·n . \Vill i1m1 11. Tunucr. the cultll r dlidt'!ll- · , ,n,mLit·r uf th• · m.t,~ i ll' .1irlift th .•t Lt•pt 'll'ii llo.· rlin :1liw d nr in)t tl 1<· o • lt 'll'IHI)O IU!J i lto··~· L.otlo •,holll l ll fl] i<• ,\ ir Fun "t' :nKI tlu" n •' I " ' la nn It\ u l()()..wro·

~::.~·i::~.::::~:~'~,~;;-!1 i~ •,i,: .. :::~ ';:r:.r::·;:i,:·.:r~; :":: : Culuninl. l111ih in lU.. " lw rt' ht· lh·•·~ \\ ill1 his 11lfo·, \ nn. dau~\tf(l' lftl · ~- 111111' , ,"! , {S"u \\'ilti.nn. :!i. ;, ,, tl!lt'lllr, J ~ :! 1. b 11 ~ lnt lo· nt ut tl11• l'niH"r• ih u f \'i ,.,.. ) \ '"''" ! ,t,l..nM~h ·r {hi•

:~~~:~~~~~;i;~:.~,;.~'!r- :~~t.· l,\~·:."l~~~ 'l;:~::~::r.~;:•,:: ~lhunp~ , ,,. .,,,fi,,.•~•.,.kl \ \ ':•r II. .md rl'lin'<l l;" t p ·.lf a fkr ;o P''"""-'-·' \IATS t. hit•f. X11w 5-1. 11< .'~ ,, tliro.'t:IIIT .,,,... - r~ l '-' lllljlilllio '), indntlin t: St·,ohu.m l \\'urld ~'1!>, hut ' llt'loth rnu~t uf hi~ lime "tr)fll).t 111 klfff • runnln)l:,- fhhin~.

j~::d~:~~~::~'!\;' :~~~':~;:1~111i1~~:~. ::1••· ~:urro.'''' lli·r·

Periscoping lhe World

" 'urld " ' hlllp .. r ll

U•' 'ITF.U •' 'ATIO,,'S- llnrkd In the tn;l.'iS of lijtll tt.,. in tim! e~pt•rb' ro•j)lotf un tlh·vr int: up U.N . j)ltSh till the h.tSb uf l"'l" 'l.ttiun, was this wurrl~ulll' f:tct . If 1\t'( \ China, with 650 milliun jk'll llll•, shuultl!Jl' allrni tt t'll 111 ti lt' U.N .. !'eking Wtmld rutc 1111 lt·~s th:m .'1:! pustS-)b murc ti1 ;Lrl the U.S .• U. K., Fr.out"t·, mlt l Cun:td a t.~u uhit~t.-d.

,._. HIS- Cl1arb; dt• C rmllc'$ tronhiL-s with the a rnl)' 111:1)' '"'' he uwr . With :! 1-1 uflicers j:tilt-tl ( 11nd ne;L rl)• J,{l(X) sl;olt'll for JliiTgt· or rc.s-igna· linn ) for taking ll.1rt in tilt• urm> n ... oh in "\ lge· ria. thl• French lo igh l' l1:os IM"-'11 forl'<.-tl to fill Lt.')' Afti("<~n IMill l ~ " itl1 ollil'CI"S taken unt of Algeria })l'l'O'IIISt' uf rigl• t·wiug lt·;ulings.

F. 'III ASSI' HOW- \\ 'o.-stemt'r~ will get thdr first luuk li t Yuri Cag:orin'.~ ~ j)iK1'~hip ne~ t rnu uth. Ti lt' !H,:casi11n; A m:mm H. ttll ;L ir~ l •uw lu he hdd at Tushinu :dt]lllrtjustuntsidc Mll~l.,W. t\nt\IJU UIJe wilt IM.' ' '"' s nrpri.~t'l l if tlw Kro•ml!n shows .,ff the SOCI.IJ(X).JH.llmd -thru~ t llli}sllc th:1 t rllt' kt·ted Gll ):<trin lntnsp;wt•, pins Jmlll• rl :mt no.•w milita ry

· t'( jlllpnwnt. This hnrtlw.lto ' tlisv luy 1\'uuld. ul l'I>III'Sl' , IM' jh• rl nftht: ll':orufowtl'eSU\'l't lk•rlin.

lUpin .. •• I~ 1•n11f'h CO,,'AKHl', ( ; (}1,, '1: -t -llcrc is m nlinmllion th::at J>rnnil'r Sekou Tome is nut so solidly in the Kre mlin c;nnp :t'i m.t)' be tiKmght: l ie if hop­ping n1.1tl at the Smict Union arklutl1er s:ote llite cuunlrit'S fur f:1iling Ill tlclh•e r cumnlt'rtial orders un limo And j)]:ons fur a big lrun·urc dc,·dup-

1111.' 111 Jwre C'.I IJ f ...... 'll dll:t b) ;I ,ll,rtJ\1 \) t> f \\'t·~l EUTilllt'olll il.lllh•l\

I ' I :KI \'1; -111e ~ l lilll'St.' arc 11101 ing to WIMJ murt' uf tlw l\'urii1L--ocl> uut o( \luSt, ow·~ urhil. \ ' bitin~t llt•tls fn•ltttL.l om·~i.t , J:tl);lll, und l ndi:o urc l)t'hl).t ru)':lll) 1~..:: \ nnd d in<"tl here und ut tht· ~;mw tinM' thr,·• l ll·ing urg1--tl to ro:org.mizc tllt'ir th inkiut: l'• ·king's dt•:t th - tu- ti ~­CiiJlila li'b li111·.

III; ' VA-h :t ).' loutt.tJ fronl-tonlno'J iu tiM' ll hu11-Mil"n'li1Jr- ••>hehl"\' S\\'l't'j)!ot :•kt~ f:•d­in~? Dmitri l'ul)-.ii- bus~ u f tlw Jtuni.m n .... puhlk', wu~ t• l....,... ~usl>• :IIIS<!nt from thrt't' rt'l"-'"' .._• rin)t~ ~· f S!wiet hr:b~. l-Ie

;~i~~~~o1·r~ t:~!~1~~~~:~~;~~:~, .'~';u~~~~·i1,7~ls:;.;~ ~inn . :oml I n~! 1\ ,...l.'•~remliu l-(n l.1 llmrking the ~t a rt ~, r tl11• S••vlti·.Y;. ii "m·.

1,0 ,, ' /JO,\ ' - llrit.ilr'Ha ... u~nlra l s """' urc th inking ur :o hl~l·arrit.•r ,_.'OJ.,'l. lu lnc hotlo· " ' h·nst tim~ · 50.()(X).. tunlll'fS .t k.. •nr ~mall t•r ~l.,.lll1111 .mdo.­I )'IX'~. TIM· rc.u«l - u11d lmn-s in an•as likt· S!ou tl ~t·.o~l A~i:1 .... <• l ndi.on Ot.'('.tn 11 ill lu~ thdr u~t.fn l llt'l>) at: tc> Uritislo culunit.~ bt'l,nllC indc(IC!'otlt•nt u.l~i llw.l as Hl'tl Chin.• geb ckllil.'f tu ~·iuingtlr .. ""'nclcar club.

1;.IIIJASSI' HOW-t '''t all cii;H :h,, -c\m dur­ing lnOunt•si.•n ·nt Sularno's Tt'l't.'lll ~Ius­CUll' \'bit. Whilr :iiii.11g .uKI d .ux·lng, SuknnltJ linnl)' rcbufft.'( l lll~•llpls to wo111 him IIlio giv­ing IIJ) U.S. graabll"" DIOt l' t h:m 8500 millinu.

Nr .. -. . !, 1% 1

Al'CII-4!/llaJor Pri eoiJ/vv/6<)216

COQ&reUt onal B'!arin&s (UPO )

AP'Clll-4£ (Colonel Evans )


1 . Oa 17 Hay 1961 MaJor, BA1'0I -3c, cal.led an4 intOI'lled ItO t hat t he pr ueure was on tor a C::OD6r'eui onal heiiU'ing on uni dent1t1ed t l¥1-D« obJect• . Be iDdic:at.ed. t hat it vas tho opi nion ar SAJ'LL that ve vould be betora CongreDa prior t o December 1961 .

2. MaJor Col eman otat ed tbat lllOSt r:rr t he pr eaent. pr euuro VIlli rro. coaareuman Downing ot Vir ginia , as evi denced by a nine page l etter trom t ba Consreuun vh1ch r equires a paragraph by po.ragraph anaver .


• • con:;:;nttcc on Jo:ieph E. KArth 4~ District, t.linneGota CO!LRESS OF T'd!: U:l'IT:D STATES Science and Aotrons.utics


!-:ajar Dor.:'l.l.d E. Keyboe U. S. l·!. C. {Ret. ) Director, li'ICAP 1526 Con:l.ccticut Avenue, N. H. ~':l.Sh1t:15to:t1 Do Co

De>lr Sir:

~s!:Jin3ton, D. C.

August 28, 19!)1 I been micled in thic whole bUGinccG of UFO . Ho~vcr., it \o':lO my belief thllt you, ycur o~Oll.i:tation c.nd othcra like 1 t , c.ctu::t.lly lmd proof th!l.t UFO '£ did in 1"1:l.ct e::iot nnd tm.t you vould be preynred to prove this duril:.\!3 the cO'Jrne of the h~rinc:. And i'Ur"'"..her th!l.t UFO' :I vcre not merely the resul! of' cpace or o:bnocpheric phcno::leoa, but \lt:re e:ratt (of' sortG) fro::! other pl.aneta .

I t;ac cndly di::>O.ppointed c.s :. re:ld y~1.1r proposed plc.n, suas:c:::tio!lS n:ad V1C'Io'P01nto . I cannot help but f'eel e.t'ter so rc:::.dina:, th:l.t your priory if not sole objective, is U> 'be-little ', 1 def:l::e 1

1 'ridicule' (\lith the possible publicity., you sny) c.nd thereby caw.c the U. S. Air Force c::ilinrr:L::::r.:.cnt unless they bo.r<: to you a.nd other:;, a.ll into:r=l­tion you &eck, inc_ludina: such 1llfor:-..:~.t1on ~t my well involve our I:::J.tion ' a security. I too a=~ OP?Osed w ".Jnneces!::lry oecrccy. Hcr..-cvcr, unneccoc.:1ry or unl:o.:.-:nnted secrecy is not.'IU.I!~ r=.orc t."'l.:u!. o. c:~.ttcr of opinion. And co even tho1.:gh you end I are to ouch, ;:e cy veil di&O.Srce on extent nnd content. As e. f'or.::er l!lill tc.ry oft'1cer1 you in your Jud&c~nt and J::noving e.ll the i'::!.cts, in o.ll proOObill t:y vi ~old -troo t.~e publ1c1 knowl edge I wouJ.d not bave co::~.sidcrcd "oecrct . " I re­peat - I oppo::Jed and will continue to oppose un>:o.rr.mted oeereey. At t.~e c:::u:w time I 'olill not oupport a propos! tion Sl:lelling of oour g:ropeo in

Your l etter to Ch:!.ir.::an Zlrooks (1nclud1J:l5 your propoocd plo.n) concerned 1 tccl£ a.l!:r:o::Jt totslly, in JTV opinion, 'W1 th evident diollkc and I!'.:l.l.icloun intent to;."3rd a gre:1t branch ot the millto.ry. In fo.ct it oounded to ::1e like noth1.t:13 oore than cheap oervice rivalry. now I h:J.sten to a.dd th::l.t I could be lo'l'O::J.S, but I have rc.::~.d muy and propoS!l.l:J in ey- da.y and must r.o.y I reco~ze a 11 ttle prejudice and/or d1cl1ke 'When I oee it . It you are not in a. po:Ji tion to "m:lkc o. good C!" th:lt UFO' s are so:::e kind of :foreign cra!'t, I ' m not even interested in holding hca.r:Lng:s . Tais I thO'l..l,ght to be your purpooe . Certo..i~ I ' m

• not intcreoted in ll:::;teoing to lT'..:lldng nccuontiono ( pro.":l'ptcd it ::cctl::l by pact gripes} in open bct;.:~cn you and the Air Force .

It 'l·::l.s r.-.y every intention to }'.,:w.::! the Air Force nnd orc~niz:J.tio~s of good r epute, teoti:f'y on difi'e::-cnt dn.y::; :;o o.c to get o.ll the fe.ct::; , Thi c is the custo:n. and the protocol of Co:"<:::sional hcc.ri:lC::; , Ar:.d I r'ight ao.y - I':n not \;'Orried cbout public n.ltlr.::. - I ' r:l. cuch oor.-: co:1.o:erned about cra.ndsta.nd acts of a :r-.bble roustins ~ture \.'here nccu~tions r::J.y be r:Mc T!IA.T COULD:! ' BE Al;SW:RZD BY A::Y0:8 - the Air Force or !:!CAP. It ' s a.propo::; to point out t!>.:1.t u11c!er your plnn you ,;ouldn 't be c.:'lzl:er ir,g r>.n.ny quc!ltiono if c.ny - you ' d ju:::t be the!:! . A:zyonc ca.n r::J.l ~e ::;o::~.eonc else look bo.d unde r these conditions , a.nd I c.t:l not n captive oj' ~Air Force , I assure you . -- - - - - - -

As I have, I suffered e:~tre:ne d.itlappointto.ent I roa.d your plan . Tnllt about secrecy! I n A of your letter to Broolto you propose " th~ Air Force r epre:>ento.tives vill be directed by the nubco:n."!li ttee to answer all of JI.'ICAP officia.lo ' qucotiono in rcgo.rd to opccific UFO :;ighting, reports a nd to ull ph.'lr.ct: of the Air Force investigation. "

Ho,;cvcr, in po.ragraph B ol.' the le-t!~~ 1 ·:~.: 'f':'C•)Osc " ••• o.::ld the NICAP r~prcsentatl ve:s will /lnt:.w~r !'..1ll 7 •!::c~ .>1. fc :· rc•tcc.line; n.o.:nes

(~~~~;:i~d~~;):111,;!t 8 ki~~ f.~~~~!~ .. ~~ :e:,,;?~~~f 'l:~i~/7}~~;1[~~~~~;" is ti'..:!t? You der...<J.nd t heta oer,1 ::1: ::.J.' t;_Ls reti•J!l is to d.ivu.le;e everythin:! to you , FJT :co·; HI TUHl: •!El!.r t g!vc~ "certain details" beca.uoe it iS confideo.tinl rse-:::-et )? OFC.--:rt::!, I l::lY(: a.lso read P<ll"llB::'O.Ph C of ycur proposals •:"!t is·J :· . .;; ., .\l tJ.nt t!'.e Air Force tr.ay withhold ~en sit:lilarl.y7 utere ·.rit.,essl:3 · t::i,;t~!:i O!l thi:. , and also, such r.o.inor ~~ as cille :;ii'ied ra.d!u t.1~: .JL._'.t.J i , aJ.:·croft speeds and other rcle.tivel:r uniJ::G~ort.e.:~.t points r._:t ·n r'.:\l~ :.n tlU3 rr.:1in ques­'tions ~ issue.) (Emphasis r·i{.~)-. -- - -· ------ - ·-- -

Pcrsor.:J.lly I don"t feel I :::leed to c:.u·.:c:-: )!:! t!!.e 3C:tero:>ity equivocated by your lenguage in p.:?.ra.gre:ph :: . :Jcr.Javc::-1 no one inter.::!stcd in justice could r efrain comple tely . First of all, what "1. tneso honestly i nterested in the security or his nation, io going to insist to the Air Force he re:::s.iJ:. a.noeymous? (Or to your orga.nizo.tion for tho.t tr.:ltter) . Secondly, you generously grunt t he Air Force the privileae of vithhol "::-elati vely unimportant points no<: b(;!at1.118 on the main questio:la c.t iss...,c." Vczy (3cncro...,c, indeed. ::: you 1uto1TaO.t:i.ou ·..-:.Uch the Air Force is lteeping sec r et , but dcez not involve national securi ty, I suggeot you release 1 t to the ne'l-.-spapcrn . They ' 11 love it .

Honestly ac.d sioce rcly, I l!'.ake t.llls confessiCnj beforc I r~d received copies of your letter (and terms) to Chai~o Broo:ts, I "'as vi tAlly concerned and i:::r~crested i !:l ·tff>.a.t posi ti vc and fo.ctun.l inforn..:l­tion you hl:Ld on liFO ' s e.nd the assista.,ce you ::li15ht sive to the Cor:::nittee . You dispelled nny hopes I had r el.ative tl:.ercto in the langlla3e heretofor e

cited. I a.l::o eould not overloo:: your la.naunc;c on pace three : "T'ne chief concern or NICAP Boord ne~e:-s n..."ld of'ficiala 1:. the incrc:lcing scc:-ccy dn.!lBcrs - I:oT, at this tin:e, final conclunio:::~.s o.boat the UFO' o. tJndoubted.l.y, I have been !Jisin!'or::c:d on the purpo::.e of NIC\P. I \:'O.s crronoucly led to believe you ho.d :tactual evidence ot ~ ~ o.bout UFO'o:

If I have ncything to say abr·1t it, your term41 conditions and Vill notb'! accepted.

Very t:::uly yours,

Jozeph E. Karth

Uon. Overton BrcokG, Cha.i:r:Jnn Hon . J ohn l·!cCorrr.ack, !I.:J.jori ty Leader SUbcommittee e1etlbers



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