merry's first book of puzzles

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  • 8/14/2019 Merry's First Book of Puzzles





  • 8/14/2019 Merry's First Book of Puzzles


    Republished by

    The Pencil Puzzle Connection

    Treasures Beyond Measure 2009

  • 8/14/2019 Merry's First Book of Puzzles


  • 8/14/2019 Merry's First Book of Puzzles


  • 8/14/2019 Merry's First Book of Puzzles


    PEEFAOE.ri^HE innumerable readers of Merry's Museum will here meet"^ with many familiar faces, lighted up by pleasant smiles, and

    the same old jovial laughter that greeted them in the oldenOur motto is that of our noble State" Excelsior I" Our readerssee that we have not buried the talents of our contributors iabut seek to bring them out into the bright day : For Genius

    like the lamp ef Aladdinneeds constant polishing to bring out itsand full effect.

    Our object has been to instruct by smilesnot frowns; to cheerdear hearts of the young girlhood and boyhood ; to strew flowers

    the necessary thorns of existence. In a word, we try in theseto make the sad happy^the happy still happier.

    Hence, pure fun will be found as beautiful in these pages, as hoa*ey amid the flowers of Hybla.

    Robert Merry.

  • 8/14/2019 Merry's First Book of Puzzles


    Robert Merry to his friendsA kindly greeting sends,

    With a general assortment of questionalConundrums, Charades,Puzzles, Riddles of all shades.And Rebuses, as aids

    To intellectual and social digestion.

    If the young Merry hostAcquaintance should boast.

    Or kindred, or authorship pat.With some of our jokes.We confess('tis no hoax)To amuse other folks,

    We have riddled the Museum "Chat.**Now we beg you will show.If you happen to know.

    Why the Editor, painstaking soul ?Is like the cold stormWhich, in climates bright andwarm.Where gallinippers swarm.

    Come shivering down from the pole t

  • 8/14/2019 Merry's First Book of Puzzles



  • 8/14/2019 Merry's First Book of Puzzles




    6 merey's book of puzzles.3. Who prolongs his work to as great a length as pod-

    Bible, and still completes it in time ?4. Why are young ladies like arrows 15. Why is a philanthropist like an old horse ? *6. How can five persons divide five eggs, so that eachman shall receive one, and still one remain in the dish!7. How many soft-boiled eggs could the giant Goliaheat upon an empty stomach ?8. What fishes have their eyes nearest together ?9. Two fathers have each a square of land. One father

    divides his so as to reserve to himself one-fourth in thoform of a square ; thus

    Tr:e other father divides his so as to reserve to himself,one-fourth in the form of a triangle ; thus ]

  • 8/14/2019 Merry's First Book of Puzzles



  • 8/14/2019 Merry's First Book of Puzzles


    8 merry's book of puzzles. i12. TVhat is that wliich is often brought to table, often

    cut, but never eaten ? f13. Mv first is four-sixths of a step that is long,My second is a person of state ;My whole is a thing that is known to be wrong,And is a strong symptom of hate.14. Why are your nose and chin always at variance?15. "Without my first you can not stand,My second beauteous fair command ;

    Together I attend your will,And am your humble servant still.16. "Why ought a fisherman to be very wealthy?17. Why is a man in debt like a misty morning ?18. Who was the first that bore arms ?19. There is a word of seven letters ; the first two re-

    fers to man, the first three refers to woman, the first foursignifies a great man, the seven a great woman.

    20. I am a word of five letters. Take away my first^and I am the name of what adorns the estate of many ofthe nobility of England. Take away my first and second,and I am tlie name of a place where all the world wasonce congregated. Take away my last, and I am thename of a bear.rifrJ mineral. Take away my two last,and I am the name of a fashionable place of resort. Iam small in stature, but capable of doing a great deal ofmischief, as I once did in London in the year 1666.

    21. Spell eye-water four letters.

  • 8/14/2019 Merry's First Book of Puzzles


    merry's book of puzzles


  • 8/14/2019 Merry's First Book of Puzzles


    10 meeby's book of puzzles.27. If a fender cost six dollars, what will a ton of coal

    come to ?28. What word is that to which if yoa add a syllable,it will make it shorter ?29. My first is a very uncomfortable state,

    In cold weather it mostly abounds.My second's an instrument formed of hard steel,That will cause the stout foe to stagger and reel,And when used, is a symptom of hate.My whole is an author of greatest renown,Whose fame to the last day of time will go down.

    80. What is the longest and yet the shortest thing inthe world ; the swiftest and yet the slowest ; the mostdivisible and the most extended ; the least valued andthe most regretted ; without which nothing can be donewhich devours every thing, however small, and yet giveslife and spirits to every object, however great?

    31, My first is found in every house.From wintry winds it guards.

    My second is the highest foundIn every pack of cards.My whole, a Scottish chief, is praisedBy ballad, bard, and storv,Who for his country gave his life,And, dying, fell with glory.

    32. Why are handsome women like bread ?83. Why is an avaricious man like one with a shortmemory?

  • 8/14/2019 Merry's First Book of Puzzles


    hobby's book of pi/zzles. 11

  • 8/14/2019 Merry's First Book of Puzzles


    Id38. Why is a parish bell like a good story f39. What belongs to yourself, yet is used by others

    more tliau yourself ?40. In camps about the centre I appear

    In smiling meadows seen throughout the year;The silent angler views me in the streams,And all must trace me in their morning dreams yFirst in the mob conspicuous I stand.Proud of the lead, and ever in command.

    41. The head of a whale is six feet long ; his tail is aslong as his head and half his body, and his body is halfof his whole length. How long is the whale ?

    42. A hundred stones are placed, in a straight line, ayard distant from each other. How many yards must aperson walk, who undertakes to pick them up, and placethem in a basket stationed one yard from the lirst stone 1

    43. My first is a part of the day,My last a conductor of light.My whole to take measure of time,Is useful by day and by night.

    44. I am a word of three syllables, each of which is aword ; my first is an article in common use ; my second,an animal of uncommon intelligence ; my third, thoughnot an animal, is used in carrying burdens. My wholeis a useful art.

    45. There was a man who was not born,His father was not born before him,He did not live, he did not die.

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  • 8/14/2019 Merry's First Book of Puzzles


    14 meeet's book of puzzles.60. My first is a letter commanding to wed,

    Or to lift your sole till it reaches your headNothing worth as a whole, it is plain to all menThat divided in halves, it is equal to tenMy second, though nothing, compared to the other,Is worth more as a partner than its double-faced brother;It moans and it sighs, and when joined to my first,Pronounces the doom of the sinner accursed.My third, you will find his whole value dependsOn the worth and position of neighbors and friends,And, when both the other two following fair,Changes doom to desire, and a curse to a prayer.My fourth, though it formeth no part of a hundred,Shows where it can justly and evenly be sundered;'Tis found in the elements everywhere present,'Tis found in all seasons, unploisant or pleasant,'Tis the chief of all lands, and yet can not waitOn continent, hemisphere, empire, or state.Though ne'er in Great Britain suspected to lower^'Tis the heart of each quarter of that mighty powerIt always belonged to the animal race.In the mineral kingdom they gave it a place,A.nd, being impartial, they could not deny,The vegetable order its virtue to tryAnd yet, since creation, it never was knownIn beast, bird, or fish, root, branch, stem, or stone.My whole you'll find growing in pasture and barns,Or grown in coats, carpets,warm blankets, and yarns.In England, in Saxony, France, and old Wales,And in sundry more places it always prevails.

  • 8/14/2019 Merry's First Book of Puzzles




    mm iMPuLiitf'S^m I ^B^iiilliiitiliiii!1 1 I iKiili iili!il!!li!!l

    II ilfii

  • 8/14/2019 Merry's First Book of Puzzles


    16 mekky's book of puzzles.53. What is that which is invisible, but never out of

    Bight ?54:. When is a boat like a knife ? .

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