meta programming

Post on 15-Dec-2014






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Mårten Rånge


Model driven MetaProgrammingUsing Visual Studio & T4

Let’s talk about code

DNRYDo Not Repeat Yourself

Repeating myself

[Serializable]public class AnException : Exception { public AnException (); public AnException (string message); public AnException (string message, Exception exc); protected AnException ( SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context);

[SecurityPermission( SecurityAction.Demand, SerializationFormatter = true)] public override void GetObjectData ( SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)}

Repeating myself

AnException Exception

Repeating myself

[Serializable]public class AnException : Exception { public AnException (); public AnException (string message); public AnException (string message, Exception exc); protected AnException ( SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context);

[SecurityPermission( SecurityAction.Demand, SerializationFormatter = true)] public override void GetObjectData ( SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)}

Repeating myself

public class MyViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged{ public int MyProperty { get { return m_myProperty; } set { m_myProperty = value OnRaisePropertyChanged ("MyProperty") } }

void OnRaisePropertyChanged (string propertyName);}

Repeating myself

int MyProperty

Repeating myself

public class MyViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged{ public int MyProperty { get { return m_myProperty; } set { m_myProperty = value OnRaisePropertyChanged ("MyProperty") } }

void OnRaisePropertyChanged (string propertyName);}

Repeating myself

public static readonly DependencyProperty PreviewWidthProperty = DependencyProperty.Register ( "PreviewWidth", typeof (double), typeof (AccordionPanel), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata (32.0));

public double PreviewWidth{

get { return (double)GetValue (PreviewWidthProperty); }

set { if (PreviewWidth != value)

SetValue (PreviewWidthProperty, value); }


Repeating myself

double PreviewWidth

Repeating myself

public static readonly DependencyProperty PreviewWidthProperty = DependencyProperty.Register ( "PreviewWidth", typeof (double), typeof (AccordionPanel), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata (32.0));

public double PreviewWidth{

get { return (double)GetValue (PreviewWidthProperty); }

set { if (PreviewWidth != value)

SetValue (PreviewWidthProperty, value); }


Deliver maximum business value for minimal cost

Code redundancy increase cost

Longer development timesInconsistent behaviorCostlier maintenance

Stops us from doing the right thing

Tools to reduce redundancy

LoopsMethodsPolymorphismGenericsHigher-order functions

Sometimes they don’t help


MetaProgramming is code that codes

T4 is MetaProgramming

Demo.001Getting started with T4

T4 – ASP/PHP for code

class X{<# for (var iter = 0; iter < 10; ++iter) { #> public int X<#=iter#> = <#=iter#>;<# } #>}

Exceptions revisited

[Serializable]public class AnException : Exception { public AnException (); public AnException (string message); public AnException (string message, Exception exc); protected AnException ( SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context);

[SecurityPermission( SecurityAction.Demand, SerializationFormatter = true)] public override void GetObjectData ( SerializationInfo info, StreamingContext context)}

Exceptions revisited

Exception sample from“The CORRECT Way to Code a Custom Exception Class”

Exceptions revisited

C# lacks constructor forwardingA weakness in the language

Demo.002Generating exception classes

Exceptions revisited

MetaProgramming can combat code redundancy caused by weaknesses in the language

Autobiographical examples

MC68000 – Self modifying codeC/C++ - Higher order macrosC++ - Partial template specialization.NET – System.Reflection.Emit.NET – System.Linq.ExpressionsT-SQL – SELECT * FROM SYS.tables

Visual Studio – T4

Benefits of T4

Simple conceptASP/PHP for code

Easy to debugThe generated code can be debugged just as easy as hand written code

FlexibleT4 can generate any text artifact


Doesn’t affect deployment

Additional resources

Visual Studio Pro2008, 2010 or 2012

T4 Addin

Good T4 Blog

Best practicesThe rule of two

Separate model & template

Separate generated & crafted code

partial class X{ partial void Partial_Y (int q, ref int a); public int Y (int q) { var a = 0; Partial_Y(q, ref a); return a; }}

Demo.003Generating Dependency Properties with T4

DependencyProperties (WPF)

Controls requires DependencyPropertiesDependencyProperty pattern Redundant code

Becomes inconsistentError proneNaming conventionsTakes a long time to writeIs mind-numbingly boring to write

T4 can help

T4 – ASP/PHP for code

class X{<# for (var iter = 0; iter < 10; ++iter) { #> public int X<#=iter#> = <#=iter#>;<# } #>}

T4 saved meMetaProgramming for me

Saves timeImproves qualityPuts the fun back into (meta)programming

Mårten Rånge


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