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Protist, Vol. 170, 328–348, xx 2019 online date 28 May 2019


Metabolic Consequences of CobalaminScarcity in the Diatom Thalassiosirapseudonana as Revealed ThroughMetabolomics

Katherine R. Heal, Natalie A. Kellogg, Laura T. Carlson,Regina M. Lionheart, and Anitra E. Ingalls1

School of Oceanography, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195, USA

Submitted November 6, 2018; Accepted May 19, 2019Monitoring Editor: Chris Bowler

Diatoms perform an estimated 20% of global photosynthesis, form the base of the marine food web,and sequester carbon into the deep ocean through the biological pump. In some areas of the ocean,diatom growth is limited by the micronutrient cobalamin (vitamin B12), yet the biochemical ramificationsof cobalamin limitation are not well understood. In a laboratory setting, we grew the diatom Thalas-siosira pseudonana under replete and low cobalamin conditions to elucidate changes in metabolitepools. Using metabolomics, we show that the diatom experienced a metabolic cascade under cobal-amin limitation that affected the central methionine cycle, transsulfuration pathway, and composition ofosmolyte pools. In T. pseudonana, 5’-methylthioadenosine decreased under low cobalamin conditions,suggesting a disruption in the diatom’s polyamine biosynthesis. Furthermore, two acylcarnitines accu-mulated under low cobalamin, suggesting the limited use of an adenosylcobalamin-dependent enzyme,methylmalonyl CoA mutase. Overall, these changes in metabolite pools yield insight into the metabolic

consequences of cobalamin limitation in diatoms and suggest that cobalamin availability may haveconsequences for microbial interactions that are based on metabolite production by phytoplankton.© 2019 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

Key words: Cobalamin; diatoms; metabolomics.


Cobalamin (vitamin B12) is an organic micronutrientthat can shape and control primary productivity inmarine ecosystems. Over half of surveyed speciesof eukaryotic algae require an exogenous sourceof the compound (Croft et al. 2006), which is pro-duced through a biosynthetic pathway of over two

Corresponding author.-mail (A.E. Ingalls).

dozen steps by a select cohort of bacteria andarchaea (Warren et al. 2002). In the ocean, Thau-marachaeota and certain lineages of heterotrophicbacteria are thought to be the main producers ofcobalamin (Doxey et al. 2014; Heal et al. 2017),while the majority of cyanobacteria produce pseu-docobalamin, a closely related compound that isless bioavailable to eukaryotic phytoplankton (Healet al. 2017; Helliwell et al. 2016). Though few directmeasurements of oceanic cobalamin exist, pertur-bation experiments of natural populations suggest© 2019 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

Cobalamin Scarcity in the Diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana 329

that the scarcity of cobalamin in the marine envi-ronment can control which phytoplankton speciesthrive (Bertrand et al. 2007, 2015; Browning et al.2017; Sanudo-Wilhelmy et al. 2006).

Cobalamin is used in a wide variety of enzymesthat can shape dependencies in marine microbes(Bertrand et al. 2015; Romine et al. 2017). Ineukaryotic algae, the dependency on exogenouscobalamin, or cobalamin auxotrophy, appears toarise from the compound’s role as a cofactorin the methylcobalamin (Me-cobalamin) depen-dent methionine synthase (MetH) (Bertrand andAllen 2012; Helliwell et al. 2011), a key enzymein the synthesis and regeneration of methioninevia a methyl transfer from methyltetrahydrofolate(Banerjee et al. 2003). Some algae also havea cobalamin-independent isoform of the enzyme,MetE (Bertrand and Allen 2012; Helliwell et al.2011); MetE performs the same function as MetH,but much less efficiently and without the use ofcobalamin as its catalytic center (Bertrand et al.2013; Gonzalez et al. 1992). The current under-standing of cobalamin dependence in algae hingeson the presence of MetE — that is, if algaehave only MetH, they are dependent on exoge-nous cobalamin, but if algae have both MetEand MetH they can switch between enzymesand can grow without cobalamin, even in caseswhere algae harbor other cobalamin-dependentenzymes (Bertrand and Allen 2012; Helliwell et al.2011). Both algae that require exogenous cobal-amin and those that can grow without cobalamincan grow over a wide range of cobalamin concen-trations (Croft et al. 2005; Droop 1968; Provasoliand Carlucci 1974; Tang et al. 2010), and pre-vious studies have elucidated the transcriptionaland translational response that model diatomshave to cobalamin scarcity (Bertrand and Allen2012; Bertrand et al. 2012, 2013; Helliwell et al.2011). These analyses have revealed strategiesdiatoms employ to reduce cellular demand forcobalamin, increase cobalamin acquisition from theenvironment, and manage reduced functionalityof cobalamin-dependent enzymes (Bertrand andAllen 2012; Bertrand et al. 2012, 2013).

One study revealed that the important methyldonor, S-adenosyl methionine (SAM), is depletedin diatom cells grown under cobalamin limitation(Heal et al. 2017), but no study has attemptedto look at the whole-cell metabolic consequenceof cobalamin depletion in algae to date. Spe-cific hypotheses deduced from transcriptionalchanges include a decrease in the osmoreg-ulators dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) andglycine betaine (GBT), an imbalance in the

methionine cycle, and changes in polyaminebiosynthesis (Bertrand and Allen 2012), which allhave yet to be validated on the metabolite level.Beyond these hypotheses, all sequenced diatomscode for an adenosylcobalamin-dependent enzyme(methylmalonyl-CoA mutase, MCM) (Bertrand andAllen 2012; Helliwell et al. 2011), but it is unclearif cobalamin availability affects diatom metabolismthrough decreased efficiency of this enzyme. Fur-thermore, it is not clear if or how algae copewith the accumulation of toxic compounds like S-adenosyl homocysteine (SAH) and homocysteineas seen in a cobalamin-stressed green alga (Croftet al. 2005). Transcriptomic and proteomic analyseshave provided valuable insight into cobalamin limi-tation in diatoms, though there are likely additionalmetabolic consequences that are regulated post-translationally which can be unmasked by directmetabolite measurements.

In this study, we used targeted and untargetedmetabolomics to explore the metabolic conse-quences that cobalamin scarcity has on the centricdiatom Thalassiosira pseudonana. This diatomhas an absolute requirement for cobalamin (Croftet al. 2005; Provasoli and Carlucci 1974), doesnot code for the cobalamin-independent MetE(Bertrand and Allen 2012; Helliwell et al. 2011),and has been well studied on the transcript andprotein level (Bertrand and Allen 2012). In our tar-geted approach, we obtain relative abundances(among samples) of known primary metaboliteslike amino acids, osmolytes, and methionine cycleintermediates (Boysen et al. 2018). In untargetedmetabolomics, we hope to gain a holistic under-standing of both known and unknown metabolitepools and how they change under different con-ditions. Using a batch culture approach, we grewT. pseudonana under replete cobalamin and lowcobalamin conditions and in both low and saturatinglight to differentiate metabolite pools that changeddue to growth rate changes and those that changeddue to cobalamin limitation. These experimentsprovide us the foundation we need to understandhow these important primary producers experienceand cope with cobalamin limitation in laboratory andnatural settings.


Growth Rates

We grew T. pseudonana under both saturat-ing (120 �mol photons m−2 sec−1) and low light(50 �mol photons m−2 sec−1) conditions with low

330 K.R. Heal et al.

Table 1. Experimental conditions and growth rates (�) for T. pseudonana under the four experimentalconditions.

Treatment Light level (�molphotons m−2 sec-1)


� ± sd(day−1)


Saturating light, replete cobalamin 120 200 0.66 ± 0.01 9Saturating light, low cobalamin 120 1 0.41 ± 0.09 9Low light, replete cobalamin 50 200 0.58 ± 0.04 9Low light, low cobalamin 50 1 0.30 ± 0.07 9

(1 pM) or replete (200 pM) cobalamin (control).Concentrations for low and replete cobalamin con-ditions were based on previous work (Bertrandet al. 2012; Heal et al. 2017). Cobalamin was pro-vided as hydroxocobalamin (OH-cobalamin) in allexperiments. Compared to the cobalamin repletecontrol, the growth rate of T. pseudonana waslowered by 38% and 48% under low cobalaminwhen grown in saturating and low light, respec-tively (p < 0.001, Table 1 and Fig. 1). The low lightconditions also lowered the growth rate 12% and28% (p = 0.01) under replete and low cobalamin,respectively (Table 1 and Fig. 1).

Targeted Metabolomics

We obtained relative concentrations for com-pounds where the amount of a compound canbe compared between samples, but the abso-lute concentration is not known. We detected 72metabolites in T. pseudonana with our targetedapproach (Supplementary Material Table S1). Toassess if our metabolomics approach could dis-cern between the tested experimental conditions,we performed a two-dimensional non-metric mul-tidimensional scaling (NMDS) analysis. Using therelative concentrations that resulted from our tar-geted analysis, an NMDS ordination resulted ina low stress value (<0.1, Fig. 2). The non-metricapproach was successfully able to discern lowlight from saturating light treatments as well aslow cobalamin from replete cobalamin treatments(Table 2). Compounds that significantly contributedto the NMDS plot are reported in Supplemen-tary Material Table S2. Of the targeted metabolitesthat we observed, 36% showed a significant differ-ence in abundance between cobalamin treatmentsunder both light regimes in T. pseudonana (p < 0.05,Table 3 and Fig. 3).

Untargeted Metabolomics

A targeted approach to metabolomics is inher-ently biased as the only data acquired are on aset of prescribed compounds chosen by the ana-

Figure 1. Growth curves of T. pseudonana (A) underthe four experimental conditions. Cells grown undersaturating light were harvested at grey arrow, cellsgrown under low light were harvested at black arrow.RFU = relative fluorescence units, error bars are stan-dard deviation and are often smaller than the markers(n = 9 for all pre-harvest time points, n = 3 for post-harvest time points). (B) Average growth rate withstandard deviation for T. pseudonana, n = 9. Growthrates were significantly different between all treat-ments (t-test, p < 0.05).

lyst. On the contrary, an untargeted approach isonly biased towards compounds that are detectableusing the analytical method chosen. Untargetedmetabolomics yields areas of peaks that corre-

Cobalamin Scarcity in the Diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana 331

Figure 2. Results from NMDS analysis in targeted and untargeted data show clear differentiation betweentreatments. (A) Locations of the samples in NMDS space for 75 targeted compounds (stress = 0.026). (B) Thesame analysis on the 500 largest mass features from the untargeted analysis (stress = 0.083), p values <0.05for both. Markers are biological replicates of each of the treatments.

Table 2. Results from ANOSIM analysis. ANOSIMstatistic and p values are given for differentiatingmetabolomes depending on light or cobalamin in thetargeted and untargeted analyses, with p values.

Variable ANOSIM Statistic p Analysis

Light 0.602 0.003 TargetedCobalamin 0.507 0.006 TargetedLight 0.380 0.008 UntargetedCobalamin 0.685 0.004 Untargeted

Table 3. Summarized results of targeted and untar-geted metabolomics analyses. Percent of the massfeatures or compounds that showed a difference(p < 0.05 between the cobalamin treatments).

Analysis QualityMassFeatures

% of MassFeatures withCobalamin Signal

Untargeted 1674 2.81Targeted 71 36.51

spond to single mass and retention time pairs,these peaks are referred to as mass features. Whileeach compound may correspond to several massfeatures (due to natural isotopes or adduct forma-tion), each mass feature generally corresponds to

only one compound. Similar to our targeted analy-ses, several mass features displayed a differentialresponse under cobalamin limitation and our mul-tivariate approach yielded similar results to thetargeted analyses (Fig. 2; Table 2).

A major bottleneck in metabolomics researchis the identification of detected mass features.Challenges remain because there are outstand-ing gaps in metabolic pathways, existing databaseshave insufficient coverage in fragmentation spectra(MS2), and absolute identification relies on authen-tic standards which can be prohibitively expensiveor commercially unavailable (Sumner et al. 2007).We focused our identification efforts on qualitymass features that showed a univariate responseto cobalamin limitation, and we used the rank-ing system outlined in Sumner et al. (2007). Thisranking system matches to a compound’s exactmass to charge (m/z), fragmentation, and retentiontime (and combinations thereof, when possible).As previously noted (Johnson et al. 2016), thesestringent guidelines yield a small subset of identifi-able metabolites from an untargeted metabolomicsanalysis, but we can expect to see improvementsin this yield in the future as metabolomics analysesbecome more common and the databases improve.

Using automated approaches, we were able toidentify or putatively identify 1–2% of the qualitymass features in T. pseudonana (Supplementary



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Table 4. Mass features with significant differences between cobalamin treatments that were detected in our untargeted analysis (p < 0.05).Identification annotations with compound names and ions (in brackets) observed. Identification confidence based on the rating from Sumneret al. (2007), where confidence level 1 is unequivocal and verified with standards, level 2 is putative and supported by a match based on MS2

and m/z, level 3 should be considered a possible match based on m/z in the KEGG database, and level 4 yielded no helpful matches. Log2(fold change) between cobalamin treatments under saturating light (SL), or low light (LL). Many adducts of mass features in this list also showedsignificant differences between treatments which are not repeated here, see Supplemental Table 4 for full results including those adducts withannotations. RT = retention time. **The isomers isobutrylcarnitine and butyrlcarnitine are indistinguishable in our analysis, so this mass featuremay be either compound or a combined signal from both.

Log2 (fold change)

m/z RT (min) Column,polarity

SL LL Best ID [ion] Confidence Evidence

385.1288 10.55 HILIC, + 3.364 3.248 S-adenosyl homocysteine [M+H] 1 m/z, RT, standard218.1386 6.97 HILIC, + 2.021 3.808 Propionyl-L-carnitine [M+H] 1 m/z, MS2, RT, standard175.1189 18.42 HILIC, + 1.796 0.779 Arginine [M+H] 1 m/z, RT, standard205.0973 1.95 RP, + 1.377 1.411 Tryptophan [M+H] 1 m/z, RT, standard584.3941 6.23 HILIC, + 1.318 0.671 4144.102 7.3 HILIC, + 1.215 1.506 Proline betaine [M+H] 1 m/z, RT, standard147.0996 2.38 RP, + 1.104 1.320 4149.1093 2.37 RP, + 1.081 1.317 4166.1387 2.37 RP, + 1.078 1.280 4166.1359 2.37 RP, + 1.075 1.334 4149.1121 2.37 RP, + 1.030 1.416 4182.0813 0.99 RP, + 0.990 1.228 Tyrosine [M+H] 1 m/z, RT, standard133.0608 11.37 HILIC, + 0.904 0.695 Asparagine [M+H] 1 m/z, RT, standard278.1611 6.24 HILIC, + 0.897 0.786 4562.4104 9.46 HILIC, + 0.885 0.849 4138.0548 6.22 HILIC, + 0.871 1.092 Homarine [M+H] 1 m/z, RT, standard188.0706 8.28 HILIC, + 0.819 0.972 Tryptophan [M-OH+H] 1 m/z, RT, standard370.1628 1.07 RP, + 0.811 1.283 4366.0511 9.39 HILIC, + 0.809 1.225 4


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Table 4 (Continued)

Log2 (fold change)

m/z RT (min) Column,polarity

SL LL Best ID [ion] Confidence Evidence

116.3942 9.46 HILIC, + 0.742 0.419 4232.1544 1.36 RP, + 0.643 1.381 (iso)Butyryl carnitine [M+H]** 1 m/z, MS2, RT, standard247.0577 10.24 HILIC, + 0.455 1.189 4148.0603 11.94 HILIC, + −0.897 −0.367 Glutamic acid [M+H] 1 m/z, RT, standard490.7438 2.26 RP, + −1.005 −0.743 4339.2279 0.92 RP, + −1.102 −0.705 4613.1596 0.91 RP, + −1.188 −1.331 Glutathione disulfide [M+H] 1 m/z, MS2, RT, standard364.0651 13.83 HILIC, + −1.436 −0.680 GMP [M+H] 1 m/z, RT, standard120.0657 11.3 HILIC, + −1.452 −0.851 Homoserine [M+H] 1 m/z, RT, standard187.1229 6.26 HILIC, + −1.469 −2.231 Calligonine [M+H] 3 m/z155.0012 8.14 HILIC, − −1.601 −1.251 4258.11 11.47 HILIC, + −1.679 −0.763 Glycerophosphocholine [M+H] 1 m/z, MS2, RT, standard298.0969 2.13 RP, + −1.817 −0.802 MTA [M+H] 1 m/z, MS2, RT, standard309.0438 9.85 HILIC, − −2.073 −2.178 4275.1026 0.84 RP, + −2.470 −2.183 4178.0715 7.91 HILIC, − −2.623 −1.922 4278.5725 0.9 RP, + −2.697 −1.884 4116.0707 7.9 HILIC, − −4.543 −2.004 Glycine betaine [M-H] 1 m/z, RT, standard

334 K.R. Heal et al.

Figure 3. Results from the analyses for targeted (A) and untargeted (B) metabolomics analysis. In (A), everycompound detected with the targeted analysis is depicted as a dot; light blue compounds are significantly differ-ent between cobalamin treatments in either saturating or low light conditions, blue compounds are significantlydifferent under both light conditions or when light treatments are pooled (p < 0.05). Y-axis is log2(average peaksize of cobalamin limited treatments / average peak size of replete cobalamin treatments). X-axis is averagepeak area of compound after adjustment and normalization; note that x-axis is log scaled. Specific compoundsdiscussed in text are labeled. In (B), colors and location of dots are same as in panel (A), but each dot rep-resents a mass feature. *These compounds were only detected in replete cobalamin conditions, therefore thefold change and univariate statistics were calculated against an estimate of the analytical blank and representa lower limit fold change.

Material Table S3). With a more manual approach(described in methods section), we identified alarger percentage (47%) of the mass featuresthat showed a response to cobalamin limitation(Table 4). Many of the mass features we identi-fied matched those in our targeted analysis, andthe change in pool size of these compounds undercobalamin limitation matched the signal from thetargeted results. Compounds explicitly discussedin this manuscript were putatively identified withm/z and MS2 and validated with a newly purchasedstandard or matched to a standard in our exist-ing targeted analysis (Boysen et al. 2018), and aretherefore unequivocally identified.

Changes in Specific Metabolite Pools

Cobalamins. We provided cobalamin to the diatomcultures in the form of OH-cobalamin as it is themajor form of cobalamin we have observed dis-

solved in seawater (Heal et al. 2014). This oxidizedform of cobalamin must be enzymatically convertedto either adenosylcobalamin (Ado-cobalamin) ormethylcobalamin (Me-cobalamin) before it can beused as a cofactor. We observed that underreplete cobalamin, intracellular OH-cobalamin andAdo-cobalamin concentrations were higher for T.pseudonana when provided with more cobalamin(Fig. 3; Supplementary Material Table S1).

Methionine Cycle. Many of the compounds withsignificant differences between cobalamin treat-ments in T. pseudonana can be tied directly tochanges in the methionine cycle. This phenomenonhas been previously hypothesized because cobal-amin is used as the catalytic center in themethionine synthase (MetH) enzyme in these algae(Bertrand and Allen 2012; Bertrand et al. 2012;Croft et al. 2006). In the low cobalamin treat-ments, we see that T. pseudonana experienced amajor change in metabolite pools in the methion-

Cobalamin Scarcity in the Diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana 335

Figure 4. Normalized peak areas of methionine (A),SAM (B), and SAH (C) in T. pseudonana, summarizedby each of the growing conditions. Error bars are stan-dard deviation with n = 3 of biological replicates. Allthese data were obtained in our targeted analysis.

ine cycle compared to cobalamin replete controls(Fig. 4). Methionine and SAM decreased whileSAH increased in cobalamin-deprived T. pseudo-nana cells (Figs 3, 4, and 5). In the low cobalamin

treatments, cystathionine was on average 42 timesmore abundant compared to cobalamin-repletecells (p = 0.02, Figs 3, 5, and 6). Although previ-ous studies have suggested that the folate cycle inalgae may also be affected by cobalamin availabil-ity due to its link to the methionine cycle at MetH(Bertrand and Allen 2012; Bertrand et al. 2012;Croft et al. 2006), we were not able to detect anyfolates in this study to support or refute this hypoth-esis.

Compatible solutes. Compatible solutes, orosmolytes, are compounds in a cell’s cytosol thatmaintain osmotic pressure (Brown 1976) and areknown to play other roles in cells (Yancey 2005).Many compounds that are commonly describedas compatible solutes changed under low cobal-amin conditions in T. pseudonana. We observed onaverage 12 times less dimethylsulfoniopropionate(DMSP) under low cobalamin (p = 0.02 under satu-rating light, p = 0.04 under low light, Figs 3 and 7).Glycine betaine (GBT) also decreased in low cobal-amin treatments compared to cobalamin repletecontrols (on average 11 times less GBT undercobalamin limitation, p = 0.02 under saturating light,p = 0.007 under low light, Figs 3 and 8). Com-pounds related to GBT also decreased undercobalamin limitation (Fig. 8), while compounds thatmay act as replacements for compatible solutesincreased under cobalamin limitation in T. pseudo-nana (Fig. 9).

5’-methylthioadenosine. In T. pseudonana, 5’-methylthioadenosine (MTA) was less abundantin cells grown under low cobalamin conditions(Fig. 10, p = 0.02). We detected MTA in our untar-geted analysis and confirmed its identity withcommercial standards.

Acylcarnitines. Our untargeted analysis revealedthat two acylcarninites, propionylcarnitine andbutyrylcarnitine, accumulated in cells that weregrown with low cobalamin (Fig. 11). This increasewas statistically significant for both molecules(p < 0.05).

Broad patterns in metabolite pools. Severalother compounds showed a univariate responseto cobalamin in T. pseudonana (Fig. 3; Table 4).The concentrations of many amino acids wereaffected by low cobalamin conditions: glutamineand glutamic acid concentrations were roughlyhalved while tyrosine, asparagine, and tryptophanincreased (p < 0.05 for all, Fig. 3; Table 4, andSupplementary Material Table S1). Interestingly,both purine nucleosides showed changes undercobalamin limitation, though in opposite direc-tions (guanosine accumulated while adenosinedecreased).

336 K.R. Heal et al.

Figure 5. Changes in the methionine cycle and related pathways as observed in metabolite concentrations.Log2(fold change) in metabolite concentrations are shown between cobalamin treatments in low light (LL) andsaturating light (SL) conditions and T. pseudonana as noted in the key. Significant differences in concentrationsbetween cobalamin treatments in individual light treatments are designated with an asterisk (n = 3, p < 0.05).Reactions with corresponding enzymes that are well described in diatoms are shown in black, with less certainpathways in grey; note that the methionine salvage pathway consists of multiple enzymes (dashed arrow).


Intracellular Cobalamins

The Ado-cobalamin form of cobalamin has beenpreviously observed in T. pseudonana cultures(Heal et al. 2017), but has not been well explained.Here we observed Ado-cobalamin in T. pseudo-nana that were supplied only OH-cobalamin. Thisimplies that the diatoms enzymatically added theadenosyl ligand; the gene encoding the enzymefor the adenosylation of cobalamin (cob(I)yrinicacid a,c-diamide adenosyltransferase) has beenidentified in all sequenced diatom genomes(Helliwell et al. 2011). We only observed OH- and

Ado-cobalamin under replete cobalamin (Fig. 3;Supplementary Material Table S1). We did notobserve Me-cobalamin in any of our samples. Thisis likely due to limits in our analytical detection withthe method used here; in previous work from ourgroup we were able to detect Me-cobalamin in T.pseudonana using a more sensitive analysis (Healet al. 2017). Since Ado-cobalamin is not thought tobe an intermediate to Me-cobalamin use and regen-eration (Banerjee et al. 2003), our data suggestthat T. pseudonana use Ado-cobalamin for anotherfunction. The most likely candidate for this is as acofactor for MCM, which has been identified in allsequenced diatom genomes (Bertrand and Allen2012; Helliwell et al. 2011).

Cobalamin Scarcity in the Diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana 337

Figure 6. Normalized peak areas of cystathionine inT. pseudonana summarized by each of the growingconditions (labeled the same as Fig. 4). Error bars arestandard deviation with n = 3 of biological replicates.We detected cystathionine in our targeted analysis.

Disruption of the Methionine Cycle

The methionine cycle showed obvious changesunder low cobalamin conditions in T. pseudonana(Figs 3, 4, and 5). SAM likely only follows ATP in thevariety and number of cellular reactions in which itserves as a cofactor (Lu 2000). SAM is a methy-lating agent for a wide variety of reactions in bothprimary and secondary metabolism, including DNAmethylation (affecting gene expression) and osmo-protectant biosynthesis (Roje 2006). Once SAMhas donated its methyl group during a methylationreaction, the resulting compound (SAH) must bere-methylated via homocysteine and then methion-ine in the central methionine cycle (Fig. 5). SAMdepletion has been hypothesized to be a majorconsequence of cobalamin limitation in diatoms bytranscriptomic and proteomic inference (Bertrandand Allen 2012; Bertrand et al. 2012), and a

Figure 7. Normalized peak areas of DMSP summarized by each of the growing conditions (labeled the sameas Fig. 4). Inset shows the structure of DMSP and its connection to the methionine cycle, where it is directlyderived from methionine and is methylated via SAM (red methyl group). Error bars are standard deviation withn = 3 of biological replicates. We detected DMSP in our targeted analysis.

Figure 8. Normalized peak areas of choline (A), GBT (B), and glycerophosphocholine (C) summarized by eachof the growing conditions (labeled the same as Fig. 4), with structures. In each structure, the red methyl groupsare likely directly from SAM. Error bars are standard deviation with n = 3 of biological replicates. Data shownfor GBT and DMSP are from our targeted analysis; glycerophosphocholine was detected in our untargetedanalysis.

338 K.R. Heal et al.

Figure 9. Normalized peak areas of homarine (A) and proline betaine (B) summarized by each of the growingconditions (labeled the same as Fig. 4), with structures in insets. Error bars are standard deviation with n = 3of biological replicates. These compounds were detected in our untargeted analysis.

Figure 10. Normalized peak areas of MTA, summa-rized by each of the growing conditions (labeled thesame as Fig. 4). Error bars are standard deviation withn = 3 of biological replicates. MTA was detected in ouruntargeted analysis.

recent study showed that this metabolite is lessabundant in cobalamin-limited T. pseudonana cells(Heal et al. 2017). We also found that SAMwas generally less abundant under low cobal-amin conditions in T. pseudonana (on average, 4times less SAM under cobalamin limited conditions,Figs 3, 4, and 5), though the relationship was notstatistically robust in a strict univariate comparisonbetween treatments due to high variability (p = 0.1).SAM significantly contributed to the NMDS resultsof T. pseudonana’s metabolome (p = 0.006, Sup-plementary Material Table S3), indicating that thecompound plays a significant role in driving dif-ferences between the experimental treatments wetested.

We detected changes in the size of the poolsof two other metabolites in the central methioninecycle. Methionine and SAH both showed signifi-

Figure 11. Normalized peak areas of propionylcarni-tine (A) and butyrylcarnitine (B), summarized by eachof the growing conditions (labeled the same as Fig. 1,with structures). Error bars are standard deviation withn = 3 of biological replicates. We detected these com-pounds in our untargeted analysis and confirmed thestructures with authentic standards.

Cobalamin Scarcity in the Diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana 339

cant differences between cobalamin treatments inT. pseudonana (p = 0.04, p < 0.001, respectively),where SAH was 10 times more abundant andmethionine 10 times less abundant under cobal-amin limitation (Figs 3, 4, and 5).

Changes in the Transsulfuration Pathway

Two intermediates in the methionine cycle, SAHand homocysteine, are potentially cytotoxic com-pounds due to their affinity for methyl groups, highreducing power, and structural similarity to SAM orproteinogenic amino acids (Hoffman et al. 1980;Jakubowski 2004; Roe et al. 2002; Selhub 1999).To our knowledge, no mechanisms have been pro-posed to cope with or prevent the buildup of thesemetabolites during cobalamin limitation in diatoms.We were unable to detect homocysteine in anysamples; this is likely due to metabolite insta-bility or considerable matrix effects confoundingthe instrumental signal. However, using differentmethodologies, others have shown that homocys-teine builds up under cobalamin limitation in a greenalgae (Croft et al. 2005), humans (Allen et al. 1993),and rats (Stabler et al. 1997) indicating this is acommon consequence of cobalamin limitation incobalamin dependent organisms.

In humans, a major consequence of cobalaminlimitation is an increase in the traffic of metabolitesthrough the transsulfuration pathway (the metabolicpathway that converts homocysteine to cysteineand vice versa) that results in an accumulation ofcystathionine (Hannibal et al. 2016; Stabler et al.1993) (Fig. 5). Of the targeted metabolites weobserved in this experiment, the sulfur-containingcystathionine was the most drastically affected bycobalamin availability, increasing greatly under lowcobalamin (Figs 3, 5, and 6). Others have attemptedto uncover the exact enzymology of the transsulfu-ration pathway through a phylogenetic analysis in T.pseudonana, but these attempts were unsuccess-ful due to the high sequence similarity and commoncofactor binding sites in the four enzymes involvedin cystathionine synthesis and lysis (cystathionine-ˇ-synthase, cystathionine-ˇ-lyase, cystathionine-�-synthase, and cystathionine-�-lyase) and highdivergence from characterized enzymes (Bromkeand Hesse 2015). Several sequences in T. pseudo-nana and other diatom genomes have highsequence similarity to characterized enzymes inthe transsulfuration pathway (Bromke and Hesse2015), so it is plausible that diatoms have the abil-ity to move molecules both directions through thetranssulfuration pathway, but without experimentalverification, we are unable to reliably distinguish or

identify these genes. Regardless of the particulardirection of metabolite traffic, our data suggest thateither more cystathionine is produced or less cys-tathionine is converted to cysteine or homocysteineunder cobalamin limitation. We propose that thischange in the transsulfuration traffic is a strategy toprevent or cope with the accumulation of homocys-teine and SAH under cobalamin limitation.

In other eukaryotes, the activity of at least one ofthe enzymes in the transsulfuration pathway is reg-ulated allosterically. Specifically, the production ofcystathionine from homocysteine via cystathionine-ˇ-synthase depends on the concentration of smallmetabolites in the methionine cycle (Banerjee et al.2003; Finkelstein et al. 1975). The regulation ofthe other enzymes in the transsulfuration pathwayis less understood, but if they are also regulatedallosterically, it may explain why previous studieshave not observed a change in the transcrip-tion or translation of genes in the transsulfurationpathway in diatoms as a result of cobalamin limi-tation. Detecting the differential abundance of thiscompound in T. pseudonana under low cobalamindemonstrates the power of measuring metabolitesin concert with transcriptomic and proteomic stud-ies when investigating the physiological responsesand adaptations of these important organisms.

Depletion of Major Osmolyte Pools

Two of T. pseudonana’s abundant pools ofosmolytes, DMSP and GBT, are greatly reducedunder cobalamin scarcity (Figs 3, 7, and 8).Osmolytes present as large pools of polar com-pounds that algae use to balance osmotic pressurein a saline environment; in T. pseudonana, DMSPand GBT are two of the three largest peakswe observed in the targeted analyses, indicatingthey are very abundant molecules and support-ing their role as osmolytes. This observation isconsistent with other published metabolomes ofT. pseudonana (Kujawinski et al. 2017). Thoughthe biosynthetic pathway for DMSP is not fullyelucidated in diatoms (Curson et al. 2018), ithas been shown that DMSP biosynthesis usesmethionine as a starting material and a methylgroup from SAM (Fig. 7). Thus, DMSP pro-duction essentially removes methionine from themethionine cycle (Gage et al. 1997). Our worksuggests that cobalamin availability affects DMSPproduction in T. pseudonana, as this compounddramatically decreases under cobalamin limitation(Figs 3 and 7). Like previous work (Kettles et al.2014), we see a change in intracellular DMSPunder the different light regimes, where cultures

340 K.R. Heal et al.

grown under saturating light had more DMSP whencompared to low light cultures. This supports theosmolyte’s alternate roles as an antioxidant or inthe storage of excess carbon and sulfur (Kettleset al. 2014; Stefels 2000). Due to our experimen-tal design, we cannot rule out that the change weobserved in DMSP between cobalamin treatmentsis due to changes in growth rate as the patternfollowed growth rate changes. DMSP is the precur-sor for the climatically important gas dimethylsulfide(Andreae and Raemdonck 1983), and our resultssuggest that cobalamin status may be a key factorin controlling DMSP production in algae.

We also observed a dramatic decrease of GBTunder low cobalamin conditions (Figs 3 and 8),supporting former conjectures that GBT productionin diatoms depends on the presence of copi-ous amounts of SAM (Bertrand and Allen 2012),which is true for other organisms (Kurepin et al.2015). In higher plants, GBT is synthesized fromcholine, which receives three methyl groups fromthree SAM molecules (Summers and Weretilnyk1993; Stekol et al. 1958). Choline is also lessabundant in T. pseudonana under cobalamin lim-itation, though not to such a dramatic degreeas GBT (on average two times less abundant,p = 0.049 under saturating light, p = 0.041 underlow light, Fig. 8, Supplementary Material TableS1). We detected another choline derivative, glyc-erophosphocholine, in our untargeted analysis; thiscompound also decreased under cobalamin limita-tion (Fig. 8, Table 4). Interestingly, choline and GBTwere also affected by the different light regimes,which may point to other biochemical roles for thesecompounds in diatoms. In our targeted analysis,we did not see an obvious replacement for GBTand DMSP in the osmolyte pools of T. pseudonanaunder low cobalamin conditions, but our untargetedanalysis revealed that two other possible osmolytes(homarine and proline betaine) increased under lowcobalamin conditions (Fig. 9). Both DMSP and GBThave been proposed as important energy and car-bon sources for heterotrophic bacteria living amongalgae in the surface ocean due to the high concen-trations of these molecules in algal biomass (Kieneet al. 2000; Sun et al. 2011). Furthermore, DMSPavailability has been shown to change the metabo-lite pools within marine heterotrophs (Johnsonet al. 2016). Cobalamin availability clearly influ-ences which osmolyte pools diatoms produce andtherefore provide to a wider community. In this way,cobalamin availability may change which membersof the heterotrophic community can thrive, even ifthose organisms are not directly reliant on cobal-amin.

The diversity and distribution of osmolytesamong organisms is an outstanding area ofresearch in evolutionary and molecular biology,and this work reveals new insight regarding therole of cobalamin availability on the osmolyte suiteproduced by algae. The apparent dependenciesof GBT and DMSP on SAM and methionine putextra strain on the methionine cycle (and there-fore demand more cobalamin) compared to usingSAM-independent osmolytes like small carbohy-drates or amino acids like proline. The pervasiveuse of GBT and DMSP in diatoms despite thisSAM dependency suggest that these compoundsact as superior chemical osmolytes or have func-tions beyond osmoprotection. For instance, DMSPhas been linked with antioxidant capacity and pre-dation defense (Yancey 2005). Another possibilityis that there has been little evolutionary pressurefor cobalamin-dependent organisms like T. pseudo-nana to use SAM-independent osmolytes becausethere has been a consistent source of cobalamin tothese organisms (i.e. from a persistent cobalaminproducing bacterial partner (Croft et al. 2005)); thisis supported by the likely loss of the metE geneand subsequent cobalamin dependence proposedby others (Helliwell et al. 2015).

Depletion of MTA

In T. pseudonana, 5’-methylthioadenosine (MTA)was about half as abundant in cells in lowcobalamin conditions (Fig. 10). This compoundis a sulfur-containing nucleoside that is pro-duced from SAM (via decarboxylated- SAM) duringpolyamine biosynthesis in a two-step process(Fig. 5). We found that diatoms have proteinsthat are closely related to characterized adeno-sylmethionine decarboxylase in Homo sapiens(Supplementary Material Table S4, Fig. S1), andthe second MTA-producing step has been exper-imentally verified in T. pseudonana (Knott et al.2007). Polyamines are likely essential for growthof all organisms and are the building blocks of longchain polyamines that diatoms use to build their sil-ica frustules (Michael 2011; Kröger et al. 2000).Due to the high demand that polyamine biosyn-thesis has for SAM, others have hypothesizedthat polyamine biosynthesis could be disruptedby cobalamin stress (Bertrand et al. 2012), andour observed decrease in MTA corroborates thishypothesis. Unfortunately, our LC–MS analysisdoes not yield quality data on polyamines, sowe cannot measure these molecules using ourmetabolomics approach. In other organisms, MTAis recycled back to methionine via the methionine

Cobalamin Scarcity in the Diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana 341

salvage pathway (Albers 2009) (Fig. 5); unfortu-nately the salvage pathway is poorly characterizedin diatoms and our attempts to identify genes asso-ciated with this pathway were not fruitful due to highdivergence from characterized enzymes. Thus, it isalso possible that the observed change of MTA is aresult of an increased efficiency of the methioninesalvage pathway.

Accumulation of Acylcarnitines

In T. pseudonana, propionylcarnitine showed a sim-ilar pattern as SAH, with the cultures grown underlow cobalamin having nearly seven times morepropionylcarnitine than cobalamin-replete cultures(Fig. 11). Accumulation of propionylcarnitine hasbeen observed in cobalamin deficient mammals(Brass and Stabler 1988; Sarafoglou et al. 2011),and is used as a diagnostic for cobalamin defi-ciency in newborn humans (Hannibal et al. 2016;Sarafoglou et al. 2011). We also observed anincrease in butyrylcarnitine under cobalamin lim-itation; an increase in this compound has alsobeen observed in cobalamin-deficient animals to a

Figure 12. Accumulation of propionylcarnitine andour proposed mechanism in relation to MCMdecreased efficiency based on Hannibal et al. (2016).Log2(fold change) in metabolite concentrations areshown between cobalamin treatments in saturatinglight (SL) and low light (LL) conditions as noted inthe key. The enzymatic conversion that is cobalamin-dependent methylmalonyl-CoA mutase (MCM) isstarred.

lesser extent than a concurrent increase in propi-onylcarnitine (Kelmer et al. 2007), similar to whatwe observed (Fig. 11). In mammals, the produc-tion of acylcarnitines (like propionylcarnitine andbutyrylcarnitine) is a method for liberating Coen-zyme A (CoA) from acyl-CoAs when cells cannotuse these particular acyl-CoAs. Previous workhas hypothesized that increased propionylcarnitineobserved under cobalamin limitation is a result ofthe inability to process propionyl- or methylmalonyl-CoA through the cobalamin-dependent enzymeMCM (Hannibal et al. 2016) (Fig. 12). There isstrong genomic evidence for this pathway in T.pseudonana and other sequenced diatoms. Inparticular, we found that diatoms encode genesfor two enzymes beyond MCM, propionyl CoAcarboxylase and carnitine palmitoyl transferasethat could explain the increased propionylcarni-tine under low cobalamin (Fig. 12, SupplementaryMaterial Figs S2 and S3). Some eukaryotic phyto-plankton encode MCM in their genomes, includingT. pseudonana (Bertrand and Allen 2012; Helliwellet al. 2011), though the presence of MCM in diatomgenomes does not result in an absolute cobal-amin requirement — for instance, the model diatomPhaeodactylum tricornutum codes for and tran-scribes the enzyme, but can thrive in the absenceof cobalamin (Bertrand et al. 2013; Maheswari et al.2010). Overall, the role and importance of MCM inphytoplankton remains unclear, but our data sug-gest that T. pseudonana uses MCM and experiencea decreased efficiency of the pathway under cobal-amin limitation.


Our work demonstrates that metabolite pools indiatoms are affected by the availability of cobal-amin. Many of the changes we observed couldbe directly linked to the role that cobalaminplays as a coenzyme in Me-cobalamin depen-dent methionine synthase (MetH), including animbalanced methionine cycle, altered transsulfu-ration activity, and rearrangement of osmolytepools. Our untargeted approach revealed that twoacylcarnitines increased under cobalamin limita-tion, which we propose to be directly linked to adecreased function of the Ado-cobalamin depen-dent methylmalonyl-CoA mutase (MCM). In areasof the ocean, diatoms experience ephemeral orsustained cobalamin scarcity, and this work eluci-dates how the availability of this organic micronu-trient has far reaching metabolic consequences forthese important marine primary producers.

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Culture maintenance: Thalassiosira pseudonana CCMP1335was acquired from National Center for Marine Algae and Micro-biota (NCMA, and maintained at 13 ◦C witha 12 hr light:dark cycle (light levels reported in Table 1) in 50 mLcombusted borosilicate tubes with 35 mL filter sterilized artifi-cial seawater media (41 g instant ocean salts in 1 L MilliQ waterwith f/2 nutrients added, except cobalamin). T. pseudonana wasmaintained in 1 pM OH-cobalamin (a concentration known tolimit its growth (Bertrand et al. 2013; Heal et al. 2017)) for at least4 transfers on maintenance media before starting the experi-ment and could not be maintained without additional cobalamin.The starter culture and media was tested for bacterial contami-nation via marine purity test broth (Saito et al. 2002) at the startof the experiment. Though test broths are not wholly reliableindicators of axenicity, we did not detect a bacterial signal usinga particle counter (see below) for our cell counts, supportinga lack of contamination by bacteria. Since our metabolomicsanalysis is a direct measurement, it is unlikely that the bulkmetabolite signals could be coming from any other source thanfrom the diatoms themselves.

Experimental conditions: Using a single inoculum, weinoculated nine 35 mL cultures under four conditions: repletecobalamin, saturating light; replete cobalamin, low light; lowcobalamin, saturating light; low cobalamin, low light. For allmedia, we also prepared a media blank (un-inoculated mediatreated the same as the samples). Light was manipulatedusing a neutral density photographic lighting film (Lee Filters,Burbank, CA, USA), and photosynthetically available radiation(PAR) was measured with a LI-250A Light Meter (LI-COR Bio-sciences, Lincoln, NE, USA). Light levels were defined as lowand saturating based on previous work (Stramski et al. 2002).Light levels and initial cobalamin concentrations for each treat-ment and organism are given in Table 1.

We monitored growth of these four conditions by relativefluorescence over the course of 12 days, taking chlorophyll afluorescence measurements at approximately 11 a.m. each daywith a Turner Designs model 10-AU fluorometer (in vivo chloro-phyll optical kit). To calculate growth rate, we used days 1–5 forsaturating light treatments of T. pseudonana, and days 3–7 oflow light treatments of T. pseudonana using in vivo fluorescence(n = 9 for each treatment). Using a combusted glass apparatusand gentle vacuum filtration, we harvested two 35 mL culturesonto one 47 mm 0.2 �m PTFE filters when the cultures werein exponential phase (on days noted on Fig. 1), in triplicate.In order to have enough biomass for the metabolite analysis,we harvested on different days for the low and saturating lightconditions. The remaining three cultures were allowed to growout to observe final culture density. Cultures were harvested atapproximately 11 a.m. Throughout exponential growth, we took1 mL samples (fixed with 1% formaldehyde) for cell counts. Weused a Beckman Coulter Z2 Particle Count and Size Analyzer(Beckman Coulter) to measure T. pseudonana densities anddiameters. At each light level, we determined the in vivo fluores-cence versus cell concentration (R2 > 0.9 for all) and convertedour fluorescence at harvest to cell density on filters. Betweentreatments, we did not observe any significant differences in thesize of T. pseudonana, so we used cell counts as a proxy forbiomass for each species for normalization (see data process-ing section).

Metabolite extraction: Filters of samples and media blankswere extracted using a modified Bligh Dyer extraction (Blighand Dyer 1959) as described in detail in Boysen et al. (2018),which resulted in a non-polar organic fraction and a polar aque-ous fraction. In this study, we were interested in the primary

metabolites (not lipids that are retained in the organic fraction)and therefore only analyzed the aqueous fraction. To aid in nor-malization, we added a cocktail of internal standards (listedin Supplementary Material Table S5) before and after extrac-tion.

Data acquisition: To obtain metabolomic data, we sepa-rated compounds using reversed phase (RP) and hydrophilicinteraction liquid chromatography (HILIC), using the exactspecifications as previously described (Boysen et al. 2018).After extraction, samples were run within 24 hours for HILICand within 96 hours for RP; between extraction and analysis,samples were stored at −80 ◦C. We obtained targeted anduntargeted metabolomics data on triple quadrupole (TQS) andQ-Exactive (QE) mass spectrometers (MSs), respectively. Fullscan (non-fragmented mass to charge (m/z)) data acquisitionfrom the QE and all data acquisition from the TQS are describedfully in a previous publication from our group (Boysen et al.2018). Throughout the run, we ran a pooled sample severaltimes in order to monitor signal stability and train normalization.

For the untargeted metabolomics analysis, we collected frag-mentation spectra (MS2) on our pooled samples using datadependent acquisition (DDA). For samples separated via HILIC,separate injections were analyzed in positive and negative ionmodes. MS2 spectra were collected from 50–500 m/z at reso-lution of 30,000 at 200 m/z. For each MS scan, DDA was setto perform on the top five most abundant ions with dynamicexclusion of 20 seconds using a normalized collision induceddissociation at 35 V. For RP, samples were only run in posi-tive mode; DDA was performed in the same manner but with adynamic exclusion time of 10 seconds due to narrower peaksthan in HILIC.

Targeted data processing: Targeted data (from the TQS)were subject to an in-house quality control, blank subtracted,and normalized via best-matched internal standard (B-MIS)normalization (Boysen et al. 2018), using a 20% improvementto the relative standard deviation (RSD) of each mass fea-ture in a pooled sample as a criteria to apply normalization.We arrived at the 20% improvement criteria using tools in theB-MIS normalization package (Boysen et al. 2018). Like ourprevious work (Boysen et al. 2018), we did not normalize anymass features that had a RSDraw of <10% in the raw pooledarea, instead defaulting to the raw area. This normalization pro-cess resulted in adjusted peak areas that minimize obscuringvariation—the non-biological variation inherent to LC–MS anal-yses. We then normalized the adjusted peak areas to cell countsof each biological replicate to account for different amounts ofcellular material on each filter. For subsequent analyses, thenormalized adjusted peak areas were used. For univariate andmultivariate statistical analyses (see sections below), we onlyincluded compounds that were detected in at least two treat-ments. For our targeted analysis, when targeted compoundswere detected in only a subset of the treatments or replicates(or small peaks were removed during the quality control step),we assigned a value for the remaining treatments or replicatesthat represents an upper estimate of how large a peak could bepresent and still remain below our detection limit (3 peak areain blank + 100). This value underwent the same normalization(B-MIS and to cell counts).

Untargeted data processing: Data collected for MSand MS2 from the QE were first converted to .mzXMLusing MSConvert (Chambers et al. 2012) with posi-tive and negative scans processed separately. These rawdata were submitted to the Metabolights data repository( (Haug et al. 2013) and canbe accessed under study ID MTBLS703.

Cobalamin Scarcity in the Diatom Thalassiosira pseudonana 343

For MS data, each fraction (RP, positive scans on HILIC, andnegative scans on HILIC) were processed separately throughXMCS (Benton et al. 2010; Smith et al. 2006; Tautenhahn et al.2008) with parameters optimized via Isotopologue ParameterOptimization (Libiseller et al. 2015) (reported in Supplemen-tary Material Table S6). For each sample, this resulted in a listof peak areas of mass features (peaks with unique retentiontime (RT) and m/z). We filtered out any mass features withan average peak area less than three times larger than themethodological blank or with an average peak size less than100. Next, we normalized for obscuring variation using B-MISnormalization (Boysen et al. 2018), using the same criteria as inour targeted analyses. We calculated the coefficient of variation(CV) of each mass feature in injections of the pooled sam-ple and removed peaks that did not demonstrate accept- ablereplicability (CV > 30%). Next, we identified mass features thatwere likely 13C, 15N, or 34S isotopologues of other mass fea-tures because we did not want to give these compounds extraweight in our statistical analyses. To do this, we searched forexpected differences in m/z and intensity between mass fea-tures for each of the aforementioned isotopes within each threesecond (for RP) or six second (for HILIC) corrected retentiontime window. We excluded these 13C, 15N, or 34S mass fea-tures from downstream analyses. Like in the targeted analysis,we normalized the adjusted peak areas of quality peaks to cellcounts of each replicate to account for different amount of cel-lular material on each filter, and for subsequent analyses, thenormalized adjusted peak areas of the filtered mass featureswere used.

MS2 data processing: For quality mass features, wesearched the .mzXML files collected for DDA analysis for MS2

scans that match the parent m/z (at 0.5 Da tolerance) and reten-tion time (at 10 and 20 second tolerance for RP and HILICchromatography, respectively). The isolation chamber of theQE is low resolution, so it is possible that a parent scan willmatch at 0.5 Da but the fragmentation spectra present is from adifferent parent m/z with the same nominal mass — this is espe-cially problematic for low abundance peaks. Therefore, for eachmatched MS2 scan (at 0.5 Da), we filtered out any scans wherethe parent m/z was not present in the high-resolution fragmen-tation spectra at 0.02 Da tolerance. If multiple scans were found,we summed the scans’ intensities for each fragment across thescans as fragments’ intensities can vary between scans. We fil-tered out peaks that contributed less than 0.5% of the intensityof the most intense fragment.

Compound identification: Using the ranking systemoutlined in Sumner et al. (2007), we attempted to identify thequality mass features present in our sample sets. First weremoved any mass features that were plausible contaminantsby searching for common contaminants (Keller et al. 2008).For the remaining mass features, we searched an internaldatabase of standards run in the exact manner on ourinstruments for matches to exact m/z and retention time,yielding an unequivocal identification (confidence level 1);for current list of the standards run in this exact manner see Untargeted MetabolomicsWorkflow/blob/master/Ingalls Lab Standards.csv. For massfeatures without a standard match but with MS2, we searchedagainst the publicly available LC/MS MS2 spectral databases,including MassBank (Horai et al. 2010), Global NaturalProducts Social Molecular Networking (Wang et al. 2016),MetiTree (Vaniya and Fiehn 2015), RIKEN tandem massspectral database (Sawada et al. 2012), and the HumanMetabolome Database (Wishart et al. 2007) (all downloadedfrom on Novem-ber 17, 2017). We searched for spectra with matching parent

m/z and a cosine similarity >0.8 from an ESI spectrum, usingthe same algorithms as MassBank (Horai et al. 2010). Whena compound in the MassBank database matched m/z andMS2, we assigned a putative identification (confidence level 2).For some of these compounds (including all of those explicitlydiscussed in this work), we later obtained standards andupgraded their identification to confidence level 1 by matchingMS2 and retention time. For mass features without confidencelevels 1 or 2 identification, we searched for possible matchesto compounds in the KEGG database (Kanehisa et al. 2016,2017) based only on m/z, these identifications are consideredpossible identification (confidence level 3). For many massfeatures, the aforementioned identification attempts were notfruitful, so we attempted to identify quality mass features thatshowed a univariate response to cobalamin limitation, usinga manual approach with the larger, but not batch-searchableor publicly downloadable, Metlin database (Smith et al. 2005).We searched mass features by m/z (assuming M + H, M + NH4,or M + Na for positive ionization, M−H, M + Cl for negativeionization, at a 5 ppm tolerance) and compared MS2 whenobtained by DDA and available in the database. We assignedputative identifications using the same confidence levels asdiscussed above.

Multivariate statistics: For all multivariate statistics, weused data that were standardized to z -scores for each com-pound or mass feature, where z = (X−�) /�, where z is the z-score, X is the adjusted normalized peak area in each replicate,� is the mean peak area, and � is the standard deviation of thepeak areas across each sample set (for each metabolite, sepa-rated by organism). We employed two multivariate analyses toanalyze changes in the metabolome of T. pseudonana. We useda non-metric dimensional scaling (NMDS) approach (Kruskaland Wish 1978) based on a euclidean distance to analyze differ-ences in the treatments. We selected this non-metric approachdue to our low sample numbers, high variable numbers, and thenon-normal nature of our dataset to avoid overfitting commonin metric approaches of ordination in metabolomics (Saccentiet al. 2013). We assessed dimensionality of the NMDS by exam-ining a scree plot and calculated the probability with a montecarlo permutation. We paired this NMDS with an analysis ofsimilarities (ANOSIM) to determine whether our metabolite datacould distinguish differences between light and cobalamin con-ditions, using 999 permutations. All multivariate statistics wereperformed in R using the vegan package (V2.4-2).

Univariate statistics: We used an unpaired t-test tocompare growth rates between experimental treatments. Fortargeted and untargeted analyses, compounds (from our tar-geted analysis) and mass features (from our untargetedanalysis) were investigated for significant differences betweenlow and replete cobalamin treatments and low and saturatinglight treatments in each organism. For all univariate statisticson metabolomes, we corrected p values for false discoveryrate (Benjamini and Hochberg 1995) and report those cor-rected values throughout the text. We calculated fold changesand p-values (via an unpaired t-test) between low and repletecobalamin treatments (regardless of light status) and low andsaturating light treatments (regardless of cobalamin status,n = 6). Finally, we calculated fold changes and p values betweencobalamin treatments within each light status and between lighttreatments for each cobalamin status (n = 3 for each treatment).For mass features in the untargeted data, we visually exam-ined peaks that had resulted in significant p values betweencobalamin treatments and removed any mass features that didnot have quality peak shapes or integrations from downstreamanalyses.

344 K.R. Heal et al.

Gene searches: To corroborate our metabolomics analysis,we performed a BLASTP (Altschul et al. 1990) search on theT. pseudonana genome models vX (Armbrust et al. 2004)for proteins related to propionylcarnitine metabolism andpolyamine biosynthesis using functionally verified sequencesfrom either Arabadopsis thaliana or Homo sapiens asqueries. To gain an understanding if these pathways werewell distributed among diatoms, we also searched publiclyavailable genome models from Phaeodactylum tricornutum(Bowler et al. 2008), Fragilariopsis cylindrus (Mock et al.2017), Thalassiosira oceanica (Lommer et al. 2012), andPseudo-nitzschia multiseries CLN-47.

For each query protein BLASTP, we searched for potentialorthologs in an in-house, curated protein database of pub-licly available genomes and assembled transcriptomes frommarine eukaryotes available through JGI and the Marine Micro-bial Eukaryote Transcriptome Sequence Project (MMETSP)(Keeling et al. 2014), which has been expanded to includemarine bacterial and archaeal genomes available through NCBI(Groussman et al. 2015). We used an E-value cut off of<1e-15 for our BLASTP search. Sequences were clusteredat >80% sequence identity (Edgar 2010) and a single repre-sentative from each cluster was aligned using mafft E-INS-iv7.407 (Katoh et al. 2002). The resulting alignment was trimmedusing trimAL v1.2 (Capella-Gutíerrez et al. 2009). The mostappropriate substitution models were determined based onthe Akaike information criterion using ProtTest v3.4.2 (Abascalet al. 2005). Phylogeny was inferred with maximum-likelihoodamino acid phylogenetic trees generated using RAxML v8.1.20(Stamatakis 2014). Bootstrap support values were computedusing Booster (Lemoine et al. 2018). Archaeopteryx software(Han and Zmasek 2009) was used to generate graphics. Weidentified conserved domains between putative diatom pro-teins and experimentally verified proteins using Interpro-scansequence search (Jones et al. 2014).


The authors would like to acknowledge E. Arm-brust, B. Durham, R. Lundeen, G. Rocap, R.Groussman, A. Boysen, and J. Young for inputon the experimental design, data analysis, andmanuscript editing. This work was supported bygrants from the Simons Foundation (LS Award ID:385428, A.E.I.; SCOPE Award ID 329108, A.E.I.;Award ID 598819, KRH), NSF OCE-1228770 andOCE-1205232 to A.E.I., NSF GRFP to K.R.H.

Appendix A. Supplementary Data

Supplementary material related to this article canbe found, in the online version, at doi:


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