method of vaccination and others - · ★ lp with expenses. ★there may be...

Post on 08-Jan-2020






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Type of Preventive Vaccination

Method of Vaccination and others

Haemophilus Influenza Type B (Hib) ※ Doses will vary based

on when the child started

receiving vaccinations

Initial dose (first time): 3 total doses (until turning 1 year old); leave 27 days or more in between doses (※)

Booster dose: 1 dose; wait at least 7 months after having the 3rd vaccination ★ A booster shot will be administered 27 days after your last vaccination if your child is over

1 year old and did not complete the initial dose ※ 20 days or more if deemed necessary by a doctor

Initial dose (first time): 2 total doses (until turning 1 year old); leave 27 days or more in between doses (※)

Booster dose: 1 dose; wait at least 7 months after having the 2nd vaccination ★ A booster shot will be administered 27 days after your last vaccination if your child is over

1 year old and did not complete the initial dose. ※ 20 days or more if deemed necessary by a doctor

Complete after 1 dose


Pneumococcus ※ Doses will vary based

on when the child started

receiving vaccinations

Initial dose (first time): 3 total doses (until turning 1 year old); leave 27 days or more in between doses Booster dose: receive 1 dose in between the ages of 1 year ~ 1 year and 3 months; leave 60 days or more in between after your 3rd vaccination ★ 2nd and 3rd doses for the initial dose will not be administered for children

over 2 years old (booster dose may be administered) ★ If the 2nd dose for the initial dose was administered to children over 1 year old, the 3rd

dose will not be administered (booster doses may be administered)

Initial dose (first time): 2 total doses (until turning 1 year old); leave 27 days or more in between doses Booster dose: receive 1 dose after turning 1 year old; leave 60 days or more in between after your 2nd vaccination ★ 2nd dose for the initial dose will not be administered for children over 2 years old

(booster dose may be administered)

2 doses; leave 60 days or more in between doses

Complete after 1 dose

Hepatitis Type B Age group: Infants that have not reached 1 year of age (the standard vaccination age is 2 to 9 months old); 3 total doses ( leave 27 days or more in between the first 2 doses, and 139 days or more after the first dose for the third dose)

BCG Age group: Infants that have not reached 1 year of age (the standard vaccination age is 5 to 8 months old); Number of doses: 1 dose DPT-IPV Quadruple Vaccine,

(Diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus and

inactivated polio vaccine), 1st Cycle

Age Group: Infants between 3 months and 90 months; receive 3 doses (leave 20 days and 56 days in between) and 1 booster dose approximately one year after the first 3 doses.

Inactivated Vaccine

Please throughly read “Our Children’s Health and Vaccination Form” and the back of medical vaccination forms. Have your child’s vaccination administered when he/she is in good health. The guardian (mother or father) should accompany the child for vaccinations. A letter of proxy/power of attorney “ininjou” is needed in the case someone else brings the child. Preventive vaccinations are administered at your primary care facilities. (Visit the Ota City website, etc. for information on medical facilities that administer vaccinations) Please fill in the medical vaccination form “Yobou Sesshu Yoshinhyou” correctly and bring your Mother & Child Health Record Book “Boshi Kenkou Techou.” A barcode (sticker or print) that shows the individual’s “personal number(Atena Bangou)” is required along with medical vaccination forms. If you do not have a medical vaccination form, please contact your nearest health hoken center. For those using medical facilities outside of our network, an application must be filled out beforehand, so please contact a medical facility or health hoken center.

★ Preventive vaccination methods and medical vaccination forms may change in the case there are revisions to the Preventive Vaccination Law. Please make sure to check for such changes on the “Kouhou Ota” or Ota City website for further notices.

Preventive Vaccinations for Infants and Toddlers

The highlighted portions ■ / ■ indicate the eligible age groups for children. Please consider your child’s health and of any illnesses spreading when coming in for your child’s vaccination. Please consult with your primary care physician for scheduling appointments, and on details concerning which order your child should take each vaccination.

【Live Vaccines】 Measles-Rubella Combined (MR), BCG,

Measles, Rubella, Varicella, Mumps

Leave at least 27 days open in between

Live Vaccine

Inactivated Vaccine

20 years

19 years

18 years

17 years

16 years

15 years

14 years

13 years

12 years

11 years

10 years

9 years 8 years 7 years 6 years 5 years 4 years 3 years 2 years 1 year

3 doses

In between the ages of 2 to 7 months


In between the ages of 1 to 5 years old

In between

the ages of 2


7 months


In between the ages of

7 to 12 months old

In between the

ages of 7 to

12 months old

In between the ages of 1 to 2 years old

In between the ages of 2 to 5 years old

8 months

5 months

3 months

2 months

1 dose

3 doses

3 doses

2 doses

2 doses









When Receiving a Vaccination!

2019 Fiscal Year (April 1, 2019 ~ March 31, 2020)

Live Vaccine

Intervals between Vaccinations when Receiving Different Types

2 doses

1 dose

1 dose

3 doses Booster dose

【Inactivated Vaccinations】 Haemophilis Influenza Type B (Hib), Pediatric

Pneumococcus, Hepatitis Type B, Quadruple Vaccine (DPT-IPV), Japanese Encephalitis (JE), Inactive Polio

Vaccine (IPV),Diphtheria-Tetanus Combined (DT), Human Papillomavirus infection (HPV)

Leave at least 6 days open in between



Type of Preventive Vaccination

Method of Vaccination and others

Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV)

Age Group: infants between 3 to 90 months. Receive 3 doses (leave 20 to 56 days in between) and 1 booster dose approximately one year after the first 3 doses (Attention) Not required if he/she has received the DPT-IPV Quadruple Vaccine, which includes Inactivated Polio Vaccine.

Measles-Rubella Combined (MR), 1st Cycle Age Group: infants between 12 and 24 months Number of Doses: 1

Varicella (Chicken pox) Age Group: infants between 12 and 36 months; receive 2 doses (leave 3 or more months in between)

Japanese Encephalitis, 1st Cycle

Age Group: infants between 6 to 90 months (standard vaccination age is 3 to 5 years old);

receive 2 doses (leave 6 to 28 days in between) and 1 dose one year after the first 2 doses.

Measles-Rubella Combined (MR), 2nd Cycle

Age Group: 1 year before their first year of elementary school (born between 4/2/2013 and 4/1/2014)

Number of Doses: 1

8 months

5 months

3 months

2 months

20 years

19 years

18 years

17 years

16 years

15 years

14 years

13 years

12 years

11 years

10 years

9 years 8 years 7 years 6 years 5 years 4 years 3 years 2 years 1 year

3 doses Booster dose





2 doses

The highlighted ■ / ■ portions indicate the vaccination period stipulated in the Preventive Vaccination Law. Please try and have your child’s vaccination administered during the ■ highlighted portions as much as possible.

Preventive Vaccinations for Students

The highlighted portions ■ / ■ in the table below indicate the eligible age groups for students. Please consider your child’s health and of any illnesses spreading and consult with your primary care physician for scheduling appointments, and on details concerning which order your child should take each vaccination.

Type of Preventive Vaccination Method of Vaccination and Others

Japanese Encephalitis 2nd Cycle Age Group: students between 9 and under 13 years of age Number of Doses: 1

Diphtheria-Tetanus Combined (DT), 2nd Cycle Age Group: students between 11 and under 13 years of age Number of Doses: 1

Human Papillomavirus Infection (Preventive Vaccine for Uterine Cervical Cancer)

Age Group: female students in their 1st year of junior high to 1st year of high school Vaccination periods will differ based on the type of vaccine ① Cervarix: 3 total doses – wait 1 month after the 1st dose; 3rd dose taken 6 months after the 1st dose ② Gardasil: 3 total doses – wait 2 months after the 1st dose; 3rd dose taken 6 months after the 1st dose

Japanese Encephalitis Relief System ※This relief system is for individuals who missed their vaccinations due to suspended vaccination recommendations

Relief System 1st cycle ① Age Group: individuals under 20 years old born between 4/2/1995 ~ 4/1/2007 who have not completed the 1st cycle ★ administer the remaining doses left out of the 3 doses from the 1st cycle, leaving 6 or more days in between each dose (if you have not received any yet leave 6 months or more in between the 2nd and 3rd dose)

Relief System 1st Cycle ② Age Group: individuals 9 to 12 years old born between 4/2/2007 ~ 10/1/2009 who have not completed the 1st cycle ★ administer the remaining doses left out of the 3 doses from the 1st cycle, leaving 6 or more days in between each dose (if you have not received any yet leave 6 months or more in between the 2nd and 3rd dose)

Relief System 2nd Cycle Age Group: individuals 13 to 19 years old born between 4/2/1995 ~ 4/1/2007 who have completed the 1st cycle, Number of Doses: 1

*Please read the Japanese Encephalitis Relief System below as well

20 years

19 years

18 years

17 years

16 years

15 years

14 years

13 years

12 years

11 years

10 years

9 years 8 years 7 years 6 years 5 years 4 years 3 years 2 years 1 year

8 months

5 months

3 months

2 months

3 doses

*Due to current national policies, we refrain from giving positive encouragement. We will gladly explain and help you with any future policies shown.

1 dose

1 dose

1 dose

1 dose

The highlighted ■ / ■ portions indicate the vaccination period stipulated in the Preventive Vaccination Law. Please try and have your child’s vaccination administered during the ■ highlighted portions as much as possible. ★If you are not able to receive vaccinations within the specified inoculation periods, please have them administered as soon as your circumstances allow. ★For those in the middle of their DPT vaccinations, please consult your primary care physician. ★When receiving the Measles-Rubella Combined (MR) vaccination, you may choose either receiving a Measles-only or Rubella-only vaccination instead. ★The maximum age indicated in each age group refers to the last day before their next birthday (e.g. 9 to 12 years old = up until the day before their 13th birthday) ★Please be aware that, vaccinations administered outside of their inoculation period will not be covered by public funds to help with expenses. ★There may be changes to the vaccination forms or vaccination methods in the case there are revisions to the Preventive Vaccination Law. Please make sure to check for such changes at the “Kouhou Ota (Ota public information paper)” or Ota City website for notices.

♦ Eligible Persons: children between age of 1 and 4 years old, and have an address registered in Ota on the day of vaccination. However, children who already caught mumps do not apply.

♦ Subsidy Amount: 3000 yen ♦ Number of Subsidy: Once per person ♦ Payment Responsibility: difference between the vaccination price (set at medical facility) and subsidy amount received.

♦ Method of Vaccination: Please bring a barcode sticker and your Mother and Child Health Record book “Boshi Kenkou Techo.” And fill in “medical vaccination form for mumps” in a medical facility.

♦ Facilities Conducted at: designated medical facilities within Ota

♦ Eligible Persons: individuals who have an address registered in Ota on the day of vaccination and apply to all of the following below. Ladies who are having or planning to have a baby (or their husband/partner) Husband/partner of pregnant woman

However, the following individuals below do not apply Those who have clearly caught rubella in the past Those that have already had 2 doses of the rubella vaccination women who are pregnant or possibly pregnant

♦ Subsidy Duration: April 1st 2019~ March 31st 2020 ♦ Subsidy Amount: Rubella vaccination 3000 yen; Measles-Rubella Combine (MR) 5000 yen ♦Number of Subsidized: Once per person ♦ Payment Responsibility: difference between the vaccination price (set at medical facility) and subsidy amount received

♦ Method of Vaccination: apply at a health hoken center beforehand; bring your “Ota Rubella Vaccination form (Adult)” to your medical facility

♦ Facilities Conducted at: designated medical facilities within Ota (Those vaccinating outside need to consult with a health hoken center beforehand.)

Rubella Vaccination Subsidy for Adults Mumps Vaccination Subsidy

Location Apr. 2019 May June July Aug. Sept.

Ota-Shi Hoken Center 23 (Tue.) 28 (Tue.) 25 (Tue.) 23 (Tue.) 27 (Tue.) 25 (Wed.) 24 (Wed.) 29 (Wed.) 26 (Wed.) 24 (Wed.) 28 (Wed.) 26 (Thu.) 26 (Fri.) 30 (Thu.) 28 (Fri.) 25 (Thu.) 30 (Fri.) 27 (Fri.)

Ojima Hoken Center 26 (Fri.) 22 (Wed.) 27 (Thu). 25 (Thu.) 29 (Thu.) 25 (Wed.) Nitta Hoken Center 24 (Wed.) 24 (Fri.) 26 (Wed). 23 (Tue.) 30 (Fri.) 19 (Thu.)

Yabuzukahonmachi Hoken Center 25 (Thu.) 30 (Thu). 20 (Thu.) 18 (Thu.) 22 (Thu.) 26 (Thu.) Infants born in: Dec.2018 Jan. 2019 Feb. 2019 Mar. 2019 Apr. 2019 May 2019

Location Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.2020 Feb. Mar.

Ota-Shi Hoken Center 23 (Wed.) 26 (Tue.) 24 (Tue.) 28 (Tue.) 25 (Tue.) 25 (Wed.) 24 (Thu.) 27 (Wed.) 25 (Wed.) 29 (Wed.) 26 (Wed.) 26 (Thu.) 25 (Fri.) 28 (Thu.) 26 (Thu.) 30 (Thu.) 28 (Fri.) 27 (Fri.)

Ojima Hoken Center 31 (Thu.) 28 (Thu.) 25 (Wed.) 31 (Fri.) 20 (Thu.) 25 (Wed.) Nitta Hoken Center 23 (Wed.) 26 (Tue.) 24 (Tue.) 28 (Tue.) 26 (Wed.) 24 (Tue.)

Yabuzukahonmachi Hoken Center 24 (Thu.) 21 (Thu.) 19 (Thu.) 30 (Thu.) 27 (Thu.) 19 (Thu.) Infants born in June 2019 July 2019 Aug. 2019 Sept.2019 Oct. 2019 Nov. 2019

You can have a consultation with a midwife about your concerns and worries relating to your pregnancy and nursing. Open hours: weekdays from 9:00am ~4:30pm(closed on Sat., Sun., public holidays, Year-End & New Year holidays) Eligible Persons: expectant and recent mothers, residing in Ota Location: Ota Hoken Center(by telephone or visit the center)

Reception hours: 1:00pm ~1:15pm (ends at 3:45pm) Things to bring: Mother and Child Health Record Book (Boshi Kenkou Techo), writing utensils

Date May 23 (Thu.)

July 4 (Thu.)

Sept. 12 (Thu.)

Nov. 7 (Thu.)

Jan. 23 (Thu.)

Mar. 19 (Thu.)

Location Ojima Hoken Center

Expected Due Date

Sept./Oct Nov./Dec. Jan./Feb. Mar./Apr. May/June July/Aug.

Accepting Applications From

May 9 (Thu.)

June 20 (Thu.)

Aug. 29 (Thu.)

Oct. 24 (Thu.)

Jan. 9 (Thu.)

Mar. 5 (Thu.)

●Reception hours: 9:30am~10:00am ●Content: weaning food, prepare and practice tooth-brushing ●Things to bring: Mother & Child Health Record Book “Boshi Kenkou Techo” and the application form. Location Apr. 2019 May June July Aug. Sept.

Ota-Shi Hoken Center 15 (Mon.) 17 (Fri.) 3 (Mon.) 29 (Mon.) 26 (Mon.) 24 (Tue.) 19 (Fri.) 20 (Mon.) 4 (Tue.) 30 (Tue.) 27 (Tue.) 25 (Wed.)

Ojima Hoken Center 23 (Tue.) ― ― 26 (Fri.) ― ― Nitta Hoken Center ― 22 (Wed.) ―. ― 9 (Fri.) ―

Yabuzukahonmachi Hoken Center ― ― 7 (Fri.) ― ― 4 (Wed.) Infants born in Sept. 2018 Oct. 2018 Nov. 2018 Dec. 2018 Jan. 2019 Feb. 2019

Location Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. 2020 Feb. Mar.

Ota-Shi Hoken Center 21 (Mon.) 6 (Wed.) 6 (Fri.) 24 (Fri.) 7 (Fri.) 23 (Mon.) 23 (Wed.) 22 (Fri.) 9 (Mon.) 27 (Mon.) 10 (Mon.) 24 (Tue.)

Ojima Hoken Center 28 (Mon.) ― ― 22 (Wed.) ― ― Nitta Hoken Center ― 28 (Thu.) ― ― 18 (Tue.) ―

Yabuzukahonmachi Hoken Center ― ― 10 (Tue.) ― ― 16 (Mon.) Infants born in Mar. 2019 Apr. 2019 May 2019 June 2019 July 2019 Aug. 2019

Content: a public health nurse will explain about the infant health exams, preventive vaccinations, and consult child-rearing. Eligibility: families with a baby that have an Ota City address.

Reception hours: 1:00pm ~ 2:00pm

● Health Examination Guide “Kenshin no Goannai” will be sent at the beginning of the month your child turns 10 months old. (The examination will be conduct at a medical facility within the city.)

The Health Examination Guide will be sent before the medical checkup.

If you notice you are pregnant, you should visit a medical facility promptly in order to receive your Mother and Child Health Record Book “Boshi Kenkou Techo” and checkup to ensure a safe, healthy pregnancy and delivery. Content: health consultations for pregnant women, Mother & Child Health Record Book and Pregnancy Health Checkup Medical Questionnaire “Ninpu Kenkou Shinsa Jushinhyou”, and a medical questionnaire for a hearing test for newborns. Open hours: weekdays from 8:30am ~ 5:15pm(closed on Sat., Sun., public holidays, Year-End & New Year holidays) Location: any health hoken center Things to bring: Pregnancy Notification “Ninshin Todokedesho,” Individual Number Notification Card, and I.D .(driver’s license, Resident “Zairyu” Card, etc.)

Mother & Child Health Record Book (Boshi Kenkou Techou) Issuance

Eligible Persons: expectant mothers residing in Ota(husbands may attend as well) Please call and apply at your desired location beforehand (up to 40 people per seminar) ※ 1 time per person for any seminars. ※ Attendance is possible in other months if you are not feeling well in the month specified. Food and Dental Seminars A nutritionist will go over proper eating habits during and after pregnancy, as well as infant nutrition, and a dentist will talk about the expectant mother and child’s teeth: a hygienist will go over brushing

Maternity Seminar A midwife will go over child labour and breastfeeding ●Reception hours: 1:00pm ~1:15pm(ends at 3:45pm) ●Things to bring: Mother and Child Health Record Book “Boshi Kenkou Techo,” writing utensils,

bath towel(dress in comfortable clothes)

Date Apr. 22 (Mon.)

May 15 (Wed.)

June 3 (Mon.)

July 22 (Mon.)

Aug. 1 (Thu.)

Sept. 20 (Fri.)

HC’s Location Ota-Shi Yabuzuka

honmachi Nitta Ota-Shi


honmachi Nitta

Expected Due Date

June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov.

Accepting Applications From

April 8 (Mon.)

April 24 (Wed.)

May 20 (Mon.)

July 8 (Mon.)

July 18 (Thu.)

Sept. 6 (Fri.)

Date Oct. 15 (Tue.)

Nov. 1 (Fri.)

Dec. 18 (Wed.)

Jan. 27 (Mon.)

Feb. 6 (Thu.)

Mar. 12 (Thu.)

HC’s Location Ota-Shi Yabuzuka

honmachi Nitta Ota-Shi


honmachi Nitta

Expected Due Date

Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May

Accepting Applications From

Oct. 1 (Tue.)

Oct. 18 (Fri.)

Dec. 4 (Wed.)

Jan. 14 (Tue.)

Jan. 23 (Thu.)

Feb. 27 (Thu.)

*HC: Hoken Center 2019年度太田市健康カレンダー(母子の健康)「母子健康手帳の交付・乳幼児健診・太田市子育て世代包括支援センター・妊産婦健康相談・妊娠中のセミナー」・英語版

We will support you throughout your pregnancy and childcare responsibilities. Please feel free to come and consult us about your health during pregnancy and concerns/worries with raising your child.

【1-year-and-6 month-old (18-month-old) Health Examinations】 (The Health Examination Guide will be sent before the medical checkup.)

Reception hours: 1:00pm ~ 2:00pm

Baby Seminars

【Child-Rearing Consultation】 (Please come to the facility directly.)

Content: child-rearing consultation, dental consultation, nutrition consultation, and physical measurements Reception hours: 9:30am ~ 10:30am ●Target: children who are 6 years old or younger Things to bring: Mother & Child Health Record Book “Boshi Kenkou Techo” and bath towel

Consultation with a midwife on breastfeeding Reception hours: 1:00pm ~ 3:00pm Eligible Persons: mothers with an Ota City address wishing to breastfeed their baby

(baby must be under 3 months old) (can attend up to 2 times; priority given to first-timers) Things to bring: Mother & Child Health Record Book “Boshi Kenkou Techou”, bath towel and diapers

Please apply to your desired location by telephone (up to 12 people)

Date Apr. 19 (Fri.) May 29 (Wed.) June 18 (Tue.) July 30 (Tue.)

Hoken Center Location Nitta Ojima Yabuzuka honmachi Nitta

Accepting applications from Apr. 5 (Fri.) May 15 (Wed.) June 4 (Tue.) July 16(Tue.)

Date Aug. 26 (Mon.) Sept. 30 (Mon.) Oct. 24 (Thu.) Nov. 22 (Fri.)

Hoken Center Location Ojima Yabuzuka honmachi Nitta Ojima

Accepting applications from

Aug. 13 (Tue.) Sept. 17 (Tue.) Oct. 10 (Thu.) Nov. 8 (Fri.)

Date Dec. 17 (Tue.) Jan. 30 (Thu.) Feb. 28 (Fri.) Mar. 17 (Tue.)

Hoken Center Location Yabuzuka honmachi Nitta Ojima

Yabuzuka honmachi

Accepting applications from

Dec. 3 (Tue.) Jan. 16 (Thu.) Feb. 14 (Fri.) Mar. 3 (Tue.)

Consultation on Breastfeeding

【2-year-old Dental Examinations】 (The Health Examination Guide will be sent before the medical checkup.)

Reception hours: 9:00am ~ 10:00am

For those receiving infertility treatments (specific/special infertility treatments and other types of infertility treatments) and treatments for recurrent miscarriages will be partially subsidized. The details about eligible individuals, amount of subsidy, application method, and others are on the Ota-Shi website, or visit/call Hoken Health Centers for further information.

Location Apr. 2019 May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.2020 Feb. Mar.

Ota-Shi Hoken Center

16 (Tue.) 8 (Wed.) 4 (Tue.) 2 (Tue.) 6 (Tue.) 4 (Wed.) 2 (Wed.) 6 (Wed.) 3 (Tue.) 8 (Wed.) 4 (Tue.) 3 (Tue.)

17 (Wed.) 9 (Thu.) 5 (Wed.) 3 (Wed.) 7 (Wed.) 5 (Thu.) 3 (Thu.) 7 (Thu.) 4 (Wed.) 9 (Thu.) 5 (Wed.) 4 (Wed.)

18 (Thu.) 10 (Fri.) 6 (Thu.) 4 (Thu.) 8 (Thu.) 6 (Fri.) 4 (Fri.) 8 (Fri.) 5 (Thu.) 10 (Fri.) 6 (Thu.) 5 (Thu.)

Ojima Hoken Center 16 (Tue.) 14 (Tue.) 19 (Wed.) 8 (Mon.) 20 (Tue.) 18 (Wed.) 10 (Thu.) 20 (Wed.) 9 (Mon.) 21 (Tue.) 6 (Thu.) 3 (Tue.)

Nitta Hoken Center 12 (Fri.) 9 (Thu.) 11 (Tue.) 19 (Fri.) 23 (Fri.) 3 (Tue.) 11 (Fri.) 11 (Mon.) 6 (Fri.) 10 (Fri.) 12 (Wed.) 2 (Mon.)

Yabuzukahonmachi Hoken Center

11 (Thu.) 10 (Fri.) 14 (Fri.) 5 (Fri.) 2 (Fri.) 5 (Thu.) 8 (Tue.) 12(Tue.) 3(Tue.) 17 (Fri.) 7 (Fri.) 13 (Fri.)

Children born in Nov. 2015 Dec. 2015 Jan. 2016 Feb. 2016 Mar. 2016 Apr. 2016 May 2016 June 2016 July 2016 Aug. 2016 Sept. 2016 Oct. 2016

【3-year-old Health Examinations】 (The Health Examination Guide will be sent before the medical checkup.)

Location Apr. 2019 May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. 2020 Feb. Mar.

Ota-Shi Hoken Center

9 (Tue.) 14 (Tue.) 11 (Tue.) 9 (Tue.) 1 (Thu.) 10 (Tue.) 9 (Wed.) 12 (Tue.) 11 (Wed.) 15 (Wed.) 12 (Wed.) 10 (Tue.) 10 (Wed.) 15 (Wed.) 13 (Thu.) 10 (Wed.) 2 (Fri.) 11 (Wed.) 10 (Thu) 13 (Wed.) 12 (Thu.) 16 (Thu.) 13 (Thu.) 11 (Wed.) 11 (Thu.) 16 (Thu.) 14 (Fri.) 11 (Thu.) 5 (Mon.) 12 (Thu.) 11 (Fri.) 14 (Thu.) 13 (Fri.) 17 (Fri.) 14 (Fri.) 12 (Thu.)

Ojima Hoken Center ― 31 (Fri.) ― ― 7 (Wed.) ― ― 29 (Fri.) ― ― 5 (Wed.) ―

Nitta Hoken Center ― ― 17(Mon.) ― ― 13 (Fri.) ― ― 20 (Fri.) ― ― 4 (Wed.)

Yabuzukahonmachi Hoken Center

18 (Thu.) ― ― 24 (Wed.) ― ― 29 (Tue.) ― 29 (Wed.) ― ―

Children born in Jan. 2017

Feb. 2017

Mar. 2017

Apr. 2017

May 2017

June 2017

July 2017

Aug. 2017

Sept. 2017

Oct. 2017

Nov. 2017

Dec. 2017

Reception hours: 1:00pm ~ 2:00pm

Location Apr. 2019 May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.2020 Feb. Mar.

Ota-Shi HC 12 (Fri.) 27 (Mon.) 27 (Thu.) 8 (Mon.) 29 (Thu.) 9 (Mon.) 8 (Tue.) 15 (Fri.) 23 (Mon.) 14 (Tue.) 17 (Mon.) 13 (Fri.)

Ojima HC 22 (Mon.) 28 (Tue.) 24 (Mon.) 31 (Wed.) 28 (Wed.) 26 (Thu.) 30 (Wed.) 27 (Wed.) 18 (Wed.) 28 (Tue.) 25 (Tue.) 18 (Wed.)

Nitta HC 8 (Mon.) 21 (Tue.) 28 (Fri.) 16 (Tue.) 6 (Tue.) 18 (Wed.) 7 (Mon.) 18 (Mon.) 17 (Tue.) 20 (Mon.) 21 (Fri.) 17 (Tue.)

Yabuzuka honmachi HC 16 (Tue.) 23 (Thu.) 10 (Mon.) 12 (Fri.) 19 (Mon.) 2 (Mon.) 16 (Wed.) 25 (Mon.) 16 (Mon.) 23 (Thu.) 4 (Tue.) 9 (Mon.)

*HC: Hoken Center

Date Apr. 17 (Wed.)

June 26 (Wed.)

Aug. 21 (Wed.)

Oct. 16 (Wed.)

Dec.4 (Wed.)

Feb. 26 (Wed.)

Hoken Center Location Nitta

Yabuzuka honmachi

Yabuzuka honmachi Nitta Nitta

Yabuzuka honmachi

Expected Due Date

July / Aug. Sept./ Oct. Nov. / Dec. Jan. / Feb. Mar. / Apr. May / June

Accepting Applications


Apr. 3 (Wed.)

June 12 (Wed.)

Aug. 7 (Wed.)

Oct. 2 (Wed.)

Nov. 20 (Wed.)

Feb. 12 (Wed.)

Location Apr. 2019 May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. 2020 Feb. Mar.

Ota-Shi Hoken Center

3 (Wed.) 21 (Tue.) 18 (Tue.) 17 (Wed.) 20 (Tue.) 18 (Wed.) 16 (Wed.) 19 (Tue.) 16 (Mon.) 21 (Tue.) 18 (Tue.) 17 (Tue.)

4 (Thu.) 22 (Wed.) 19 (Wed.) 18 (Thu.) 22 (Thu.) 19 (Thu.) 17 (Thu.) 20 (Wed.) 17 (Tue.) 22 (Wed.) 19 (Wed.) 18 (Wed.)

5 (Fri.) 23 (Thu.) 20 (Thu.) 19 (Fri.) 23 (Fri.) 20 (Fri.) 18 (Fri.) 21 (Thu.) 18 (Wed.) 23 (Thu.) 20 (Thu.) 19 (Thu.)

Ojima Hoken Center 15 (Mon.) 16 (Thu.) 21 (Fri.) 22 (Mon.) 6 (Tue.) 17 (Tue.) 1 (Tue.) 19 (Tue.) 12 (Thu.) 14 (Tue.) 17 (Mon.) 16 (Mon.)

Nitta Hoken Center 9 (Tue.) 13 (Mon.) 13 (Thu.) 17 (Wed.) 21 (Wed.) 9 (Mon.) 17 (Thu.) 14 (Thu.) 10 (Tue.) 15 (Wed.) 13 (Thu.) 9 (Mon.)

Yabuzukahonmachi Hoken Center

23 (Tue.) 17 (Fri.) 25 (Tue.) 9 (Tue.) 9 (Fri.) 10 (Tue.) 18 (Fri.) 15 (Fri.) 13 (Fri) 24 (Fri.) 18 (Tue.) 6 (Fri.)

Children born in Sept. 2017

Oct. 2017

Nov. 2017

Dec. 2017

Jan. 2018

Feb. 2018

Mar. 2018

Apr. 2018

May 2018

June 2018

July 2018

Aug. 2018

Talks about the development of babies and child-rearing with a clinical psychologist.

●Reception Hours: 9:00am ~ 9:30am (ends at 11:10am) ●Things to bring: Mother and Child Health Record Book “Boshi Kenkou Techo” and writing utensils.

Ota-Shi Hoken Center Address:〒373-0851 Ota-Shi Iida-Cho 818 TEL: 0276-46-5115 FAX: 0276-46-5293 Ojima Hoken Center Address:〒370-0421 Ota-Shi Kasukawa-Cho 520 TEL: 0276-52-5200 FAX: 0276-52-5209 Nitta Hoken Center Address:〒370-0313 Ota-Shi Nitta Sorimachi-Cho 879 TEL: 0276-57-2651 FAX: 0276-57-3966 Yabuzukahonmachi Hoken Center Address:〒379-2304 Ota-Shi Obara-Cho 482-1 TEL: 0277-20-4400 FAX: 0277-78-4410


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