methods for the specification and verification of business...

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Methods for the specification and verification of business processes

MPB (6 cfu, 295AA)

Roberto Bruni

09 - Petri nets properties




Free Choice Nets (book, optional reading)

We give a formal account of some key properties of Petri nets

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Petri nets: behavioural properties


Properties of Petri nets


We describe, in an informal way, some of the properties of Petri nets that can play an important

role in the verification of business processes

Liveness Deadlock-freedom

Boundedness Cyclicity (also Reversibility)



A transition t is live, if from any reachable marking M another marking M’ can be reached

where t is enabled

In other words, at any point in time of the computation, we cannot exclude that t will fire

in the future

A Petri net is live if all of its transitions are live

Liveness illustrated



Liveness illustrated


M0 M

For any reachable marking M

Liveness illustrated


M0 M

Can we find a way to enable t?

For any reachable marking M

Liveness illustrated


M0 M

Can we find a way to enable t?

For any reachable marking M


Liveness illustrated


M0 M

Can we find a way to enable t?

For any reachable marking M


Liveness, formally


(P, T, F,M0)

⌅t ⇤ T, ⌅M ⇤ [M0 ⌃, ⇧M � ⇤ [M ⌃, M � t�⇥

Liveness: pay attention!


Liveness should not be confused with the following property:

"starting from the initial marking M0 it is possible to reach a marking M that enables t"

(this property just ensures that t is not "dead" in M0)

Liveness: example


Which transitions are live? Which are not? Is the net live?

Marked place


Given a marking M

We say that a place p is marked (in M) if M(p) > 0

(i.e., there is a token in p in the marking M)

We say that p is unmarked if M(p) = 0

(i.e., there is no token in p in the marking M)

Live place, intuitively


A place p is live

if every time it becomes unmarked

there is still the possibility to be marked in the future

(or if it is always marked)

Live place


Definition: Let (P, T, F,M0) be a net system.

A place p � P is live if ⇥M � [M0 ⌅. ⇤M � � [M ⌅.M �(p) > 0

Place liveness


Definition:A net system (P, T, F,M0) is place-live if every place p � P is live

Liveness implies place-liveness


Proposition: Live systems are also place-live

Liveness implies place-liveness


Proposition: Live systems are also place-live

Take any p and any t ⇤ •p ⌅ p•

Let M ⇤ [M0 ⇧

By liveness: there is M �,M �� ⇤ [M ⇧ s.t. M � t�⇥ M ��

Then M �(p) > 0 or M ��(p) > 0

Dead nodes, intuitively


Given a marking M

A transition t is dead at M if t will never be enabled in the future

(i.e., t is not enabled in any marking reachable from M)

A place p is dead at M if p will never be marked in the future

(i.e., there is no token in p in any marking reachable from M)

Dead nodes


Definition: Let (P, T, F ) be a net system.

A transition t ⇤ T is dead at M if ⇧M � ⇤ [M ⌃.M � ⌅ t�⇥

A place p ⇤ P is dead at M if ⇧M � ⇤ [M ⌃.M �(p) = 0

Some obvious facts


If a system is not live, it must have a transition dead at some reachable marking

If a system is not place-live, it must have a place dead at some reachable marking

If a place / transition is dead at M, then it remains dead at any marking reachable from M

(the set of dead nodes can only increase during a run)

Every transition in the pre- or post-set of a dead place is also dead



A Petri net is deadlock free, if every reachable marking enables some transition

In other words, we are guaranteed that at any point in time of the computation, some

transition can be fired

Deadlock-freedom illustrated



Deadlock-freedom illustrated


M0 M

For any reachable marking M

Deadlock-freedom illustrated


M0 M

Can we fire some transition?

For any reachable marking M

Deadlock-freedom illustrated


M0 M

Can we fire some transition?

For any reachable marking M


Deadlock freedom, formally


(P, T, F,M0)

⌅M ⇤ [M0 ⌃, ⇧t ⇤ T, Mt�⇥

Deadlock-freedom: example


Is the net deadlock-free?

Question time


Does liveness imply deadlock-freedom? (Can you exhibit a live Petri net that is not deadlock-free?)

Does deadlock-freedom imply liveness? (Can you exhibit a deadlock-free net that is not live?)

Liveness implies deadlock freedom


Lemma If (P, T, F,M0) is live, then it is deadlock-free

Liveness implies deadlock freedom


Lemma If (P, T, F,M0) is live, then it is deadlock-free

By contradiction, let M ⇤ [M0 ⌃, with M ⌅⇥

Let t ⇤ T (T cannot be empty).

By liveness, ⇧M � ⇤ [M ⌃ with M � t�⇥ .

Since M is dead, [M ⌃ = {M }.Therefore M = M � t�⇥, which is absurd.



Prove each of the following properties or give some counterexamples

If a system is not place-live, then it is not live

If a system is not live, then it is not place-live

If a system is place-live, then it is deadlock-free

If a system is deadlock-free, then it is place-live



Let k be a natural number

A place p is k-bounded if no reachable marking has more than k tokens in place p

A net is k-bounded if all of its places are k-bounded

In other words, if a net is k-bounded, then k is a capacity constraint that can be imposed over places

without any risk of causing “overflow”

Safe nets


A place p is safe if it is 1-bounded

A net is safe if all of its places are safe

In other words, if the net is safe, then we know that, in any reachable marking, each place

contains one token at most



A place p is bounded if it is k-bounded for some natural number k

A net is bounded if all of its places are bounded

A net is unbounded if it is not bounded

Boundedness, formally


(P, T, F,M0)

⌅k ⇥ N, ⇤M ⇥ [M0 ⇧, ⇤p ⇥ P, M(p) � k

Boundedness: example


Which places are bounded? Is the net bounded?

Which places are safe? Is the net safe?

A puzzle about reachability


Theorem: If a system is... then its reachability graph is finite

Theorem: A system is... iff its reachability graph is finite

(fill the dots and the proofs)

A puzzle about boundedness


Theorem: If a system is k-bounded then any reachable marking contains a number of

tokens less than or equal to …

Theorem: If a system is safe then any reachable marking contains a number of

tokens less than or equal to …

(fill the dots and the proofs)

Cyclicity (aka Reversibility)


A marking M is a home marking if it can be reached from every reachable marking

A net is cyclic (or reversible) if its initial marking is a home marking

Orthogonal properties


Liveness, boundedness and cyclicity are independent of each other

In other words, you can find nets that satisfy any arbitrary combination of the above three properties

(and not the others)



For each of the following nets, say if they are live, deadlock-free, bounded, safe, cyclic



For each of the following nets, say if they are live, deadlock-free, bounded, safe, cyclic

Petri nets: structural properties


Structural properties


All the properties we have seen so far are behavioural (or dynamic)

(i.e. they depend on the initial marking and firing rules)

It is sometimes interesting to connect them to structural properties

(i.e. the shape of the graph representing the net)

This way we can give structural characterization of behavioural properties for a class of nets (computationally less expensive to check)

A matter of terminology


To better reflect the above distinction, it is frequent:

to use the term net system for denoting a Petri net with a given initial marking

(we study behavioural properties of systems)

to use the term net for denoting a Petri net without specifying any initial marking

(we study structural properties of nets)

Paths and circuits


A path of a net (P, T, F ) is a non-empty sequence x1x2...xk such that

(xi, xi+1) 2 F for every 1 i < k

(and we say that it leades from x1 to xk)

A path from x to y is called a circuit if:no element occurs more than once in it and (y, x) 2 F

(since for any x we have (x, x) 62 F , hence a circuit involves at least two nodes)




A net (P,T,F) is weakly connected iff it does not fall into (two or more) unconnected parts

(i.e. no two subnets (P1,T1,F1) and (P2,T2,F2) with disjoint and non-empty sets of elements can be

found that partition (P,T,F))

A weakly connected net is strongly connected iff for every arc (x,y) there is a path from y to x

Connectedness, formally


A net (P, T, F ) is weakly connected if every two nodes x, y satisfy

(x, y) � (F ⇥ F�1)⇥

(i.e. if there is an undirected path from x to y)

It is strongly connected if (x, y) � F ⇥

(here the * denotes the reflexive and transitive closure of a binary relation)

(here the * denotes the reflexive and transitive closure of a binary relation)

A note


In the following we will consider (implicitly) weakly connected nets only

(if they are not, then we can study each of their subsystems separately)

S-systems / S-nets


A Petri net is called S-system if every transition has one input place and one output place

(S comes from Stellen, the German word for place)

This way any synchronization is ruled out

The theory of S-systems is very simple

T-systems / T-nets


A Petri net is called T-system if every place has one input transition and one output transition

This way all choices/conflicts are ruled out

T-systems have been studied extensively since the early Seventies

Interference of conflicts and synch


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Typical situation:

initially t1 and t2 are not in conflict

but when t3 fires they are in conflict (the firing of t3 is not controllable)

How to rule this situation out?

Free-choice nets


The aim is to avoid that a choice between transitions is influenced by the rest of the system

Easiest way: keep places with more than one output transition apart

from transitions with more than one input place

In other words, if (p,t) is an arc, then it means that t is the only output transition of p (no conflict)

OR p is the only input place of t (no synch)

Free-choice systems / nets


But we can study a slightly more general class of nets by requiring a weaker constraint

A Petri net is free-choice if whenever there is an arc (p,t), then there is an arc

from any input place of t to any output transition of p

Question time


Is the net an S-net, a T-net, free-choice?

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