michael and dulce murphy in moscow · michael murphy michael murphy is co-founder and chairman of...

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Michael and Dulce Murphyin Moscow

Moscow, 2009


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Scenes about Michael and Dulce Murphy’s last visit on October 2007

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Scenes about Michael and Dulce Murphy’s last visit on October 2007

Michael Murphy spoke at Stanislav Grof’s lecture at the psychological department of the Moscow State University and at the Institute of Philosophy RAS. Also Michael was meeting with representatives of business and political élite.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Scenes about Michael and Dulce Murphy’s last visit on October 2007

Michael Murphy spoke at Stanislav Grof’s lecture at the psychological department of the Moscow State University and at the Institute of Philosophy RAS. Also Michael was meeting with representatives of business and political élite.


Thursday, September 3, 2009

Events Programme

This visit of Michael and Dulce Murphy in Moscow is special.

It forestalls the 17th International Transpersonal that will be hold on June 23-27, 2010

The Conference will present a comprehensive overview of the forty years of the transpersonal psychology.

Within the bounds of Michael and Dulce Murphy’s visit organization of cultural multigenre event is planned which includes joint press-conference with Stanislav Grof, speeches of Russian friends of Michael and Dulce Murphy and also festival of transpersonal art in Center of Stas Namin.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Events Program

October 16, 2009

Arriving of to Moscow Dulce and Michael Murphy

October 26, 2009

14.30-17.30 – lecture at the psychological department of the MSU

October 27, 2009

Meeting with organizing committee of the 17th International Transpersonal Conference in the LOFT Center

October 29, 2009

14.30-17.30 – lecture at the Institute of Philosophy RAS

November 4, 2009

10.00-13.00 – VIP-seminar in Center of Stas Namin, Pt.1, Stanislav Grof “Cosmic Game” 13.00-15.00 – Lunch with Eduart Salagaev and TV leaders15.00-18.00 – VIP-seminar in Center of Stas Namin, Pt.2, Michael Murphy “«Extraordinary human capacities as a future of human race. Experience of Esalen Institute.»18.30-21.00 – Dinner with participants of VIP-seminar

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Places for meetings and events

Center of Stas Namin (9, building 33, Krymsky val str.)

Institute of Philosophy RAS (14, Volhonka str.)

Psychological department of the MSU (11, building 5, Mokhovaya Str.)

Loft Center (6, Udaltsova str.)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Masterpiece of Michael Murphy, book “Future of the body: Explorations Into the Further Evolution Of Human Nature” was just published by “Ripol Classic”

“Since “Varieties of religious experience” of William James there was no such an inspiring research of extraordinary capacities of human body. “

«Murphy accomplished a feat when he collected and classified data and results of more than 10000 researches which prove possibility of human body to transform and probably are sign of coming next evolution process level.

«The book” Future of the body” is a great selection of data that helps reader to understand that our capacities are not discovered. And this book can be a “bible” if transpersonal paradigm.

«Michael Murphy emphasized a level of human capacities that are outside of our bravest fantasies.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Michael Murphy

Michael Murphy is co-founder and Chairman of the Board of the Esalen Institute, and author of four novels: Golf in the Kingdom, The Kingdom of Shivas Irons, Jacob Atabet, and An End to Ordinary History. His latest nonfiction work is God and the Evolving Universe co-authored with James Redfield and Sylvia Timbers. Other nonfiction work includes In the Zone, an anthology of extraordinary sports experiences, co-authored with Rhea White, and The Life We Are Given, a book about transformative practice, co-authored with George Leonard. .

1980s, he helped organize Esalen's pioneering Soviet-American Exchange Program, which became a premiere vehicle for citizen-to-citizen relations between Russians and Americans. In 1990, Boris Yeltsin's first visit to America was initiated by Esalen -- a trip that contributed to Yeltsin's change of heart regarding the United Sates and capitalism and that became part of ending the Cold War. Most recently, Murphy's and George Leonard's Integral Transformative Practices (ITP) program has been researched by Stanford Medical School. It has been concluded that the participants' in Stanford's ITP research made measurable and considerable gains in IQ.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Michael MurphyOther nonfiction work includes: The Physical and Psychological Effects of Meditation, co-authored with Steve Donovan; and The Future of the Body, a study of human nature's capacities for transformation.

Golf in the Kingdom is still a best seller, 37 years after it was published. It has spawned the formation of The Shivas Irons Society, a non-profit organization with members in the 50 states and 20 countries.

Murphy graduated from Stanford University and lived for a year and a half at the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry, India. In 1962, with Richard Price, he started the Esalen Institute in Big Sur,CA.

Michael is one of the most outstanding and active leaders for his more than fifty-year involvement in the human potential movement. He speaks at conferences and other events, and consults on organizational change. Murphy and his work have been profiled in the New Yorker and featured in many magazines and journals worldwide.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Dulce Murthy

Dulce Murphy is a founder and was a director of the Esalen Institute Soviet American Exchange Program that began in 1980. She then became the president and executive director of The Russian-American Center (TRAC) in San Francisco, a continuation of the same program. For the past twenty-eight years she has been on the cutting edge of non-governmental Russian-American relations. In the spring of 2004, The Russian-American Center changed its name to Track II: An Institute for Citizen Diplomacy, that expands its mandate as a non-profit organization to include other countries, teaming up with our Russian colleagues to that end. Track-two diplomacy involves non-governmental individuals and groups that aim to fill the moral and intellectual voids of official peacemaking leadership. Track two’s major goal is to re-humanize relations that are dysfunctional, working to make relationships better.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Esalen Institute

Esalen also serves as a groundbreaking research site. Preparatory work for The Future of the Body began in 1977 through the building of an archive that includes more than 10,000 studies of exceptional functioning, which has been donated to the Stanford University Medical School. Fritz Perls, the founder of Gestalt Therapy; Gregory Bateson, the eminent anthropologist; Stan Grof, the pioneering research psychiatrist, and other scholars, therapists, and researchers have spent many years in residence at Esalen.

The Esalen Institute was founded in 1962 on a place of Indian settlement. Esalen is alternative educational center devoted to the exploration of what Aldous Huxley called the "human potential," the world of unrealized human capacities that lies beyond the imagination.

Esalen activity had significant influence on forming “Movements of third millennium”, “Movements of new therapy”, humanistic and transpersonal psychology and other directions of heterodox science. And even today Esalen is popular as a place of birth of new trends of psychology.

Esalen Institute is the world's most famous growth center. About 10,000 people from many parts of the world participate in approximately 400 seminars each year at Esalen's Big Sur facility. The institute is a non-profit organization.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Soviet/Russian-Esalen Calloboration


Esalen visited the Soviet Union during the US boycotted Olympic games and gave speeches prior to the Olympics in Tbilisi, Georgia on human potentialities and possibilities for Soviet-American cooperation in various fields


Pioneered the first spacebridges, allowing Soviet and American citizens to speak directly with one another via satellite communication. These spacebridges inspired subsequent satellite teleconferences between Soviets and Americans, including an ongoing Congress-to-Supreme Soviet teleconference.


Initiated the Erik Erikson Symposia on the political psychology of Soviet-American relations with career diplomat Joseph Montville and psychologists Erik and Joan Erikson. The Erikson meetings resulted in a special edition of the quarterly journal Political Psychology entitled “A Notebook on the Psychology of the US-Soviet Relationship,” Joseph Montville was editor.

Co-sponsored a conference entitled “Faces of the Enemy.” Speakers, including Sam Keen, Ashley Montagu, Robert Bly, and Soviet diplomat Valentin Berezhkov, discussed the psychology and politics of enmity, propaganda, and projection

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Signed one of the first agreements between an American private-sector group and the USSR Ministry of Health.


Co-produced a spacebridge on Chernobyl and Three Mile Island.


Hosted Academician Abel Aganbegyan for his first visit to the United States as one of Gorbachev’s chief economic advisors. This led to the development of a management-training program in Moscow with senior executives from across the Soviet Union.

Hosted a second delegation of eminent Soviet writers who toured the United States and met with Susan Sontag, Norman Mailer, Kurt Vonnegut, and other American writers.


Coordinated, in conjunction with the United States-based International Center for Economic Growth and Moscow State University, a conference entitled “Entrepreneurship in the World Economy.”

Hosted Boris Yeltsin on his first trip to the United States. Esalen arranged meetings for Mr. Yeltsin with President Bush, former President Ronald Reagan, and many leaders in business and government.

Soviet/Russian-Esalen Calloboration

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Sponsored the first Russian-American conference on psychoneuroimmunology (PNI), an interdisciplinary field concerned with the relationship between psychological processes and the functioning of the immune system. This conference led to productive Russian-American collaborative research in the field and to a follow-up conference, held in 1991 at Leningrad's Institute for Experimental Medicine.


Hosted a major conference at Stanford University, entitled “Toward the Further Reaches of Sport Psychology,” where prominent coaches, athletes, and sport psychologists from the CIS and the United States discussed current trends in theoretical and applied sport psychology.


Sponsored an ethnic conflict resolution conference in Washington, DC to influence the political climate in Russia. Civil liberties and civil rights in a democratic society were addressed.


Continued to work with Chernobyl Children's Project. With assistance from TRAC, children from the areas affected by the 1986 Chernobyl disaster and American peers worked together to develop new skills, confidence, and lasting personal relationships.

Soviet/Russian-Esalen Calloboration

Thursday, September 3, 2009


naugurated the First Benefit Conference week entitled Russian-American Dialogues at Esalen Institute.

Published the first in a series of monographs entitled Future Scenarios On Russian-American Relations. These scenarios highlight the risks and opportunities inherent in possible post Cold War outcomes for Russia and the United States.


Sponsored a summer salon in Moscow at the Kapitsa Dacha (country house) that continued work on the Historical Reflections Project and the Memorial Library of Psychological Literature.


co-sponsored the “Ballet Beyond Borders’ project with the Russian Cultural Fund in Moscow. Leading Russian and American dancers of the San Francisco Ballet toured the former Soviet Union, performing in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Donetsk, Ufa, Kiev, L’viv, Alma Ata, Tallin and Vilnius.


Dedicated the Viatcheslav Luchkov Library of Psychological Literature on September 19 at Moscow State University. The American Ambassador James Collins, the President of Moscow State University, and other prominent Russian academicians spoke at the event.

Soviet/Russian-Esalen Calloboration

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Sponsored its annual conference at Esalen in early October, soon after the September 11th disaster, with a stimulating group of Russians, Americans and Central Asians. The impromptu focus of the conference was “The world as we know it has changed.”


Sponsored a conference at Esalen that was open to interested people outside our project who wanted to meet our Russian and American delegates. These newcomers were encouraged to participate in open discussions, bringing fresh life and new ideas to the table. Current Russian-American issues were discussed, as well as ethnic conflict throughout the world. We continued our pledge to work together to eliminate terrorism, and address Muslim conflicts with the West.


Held a meeting with our Directors and in Moscow at the Literary Gazette Headquarters, September 23-24, 2003. The purpose of the meeting was to assess the state of the US/Russian bilateral relationship. Those in attendance included Vladimir Pozner, Alexander Tsipko, Davlat Khudonazarov, Sergei Kapitsa, Abel Aganbegyan, Valentin Kamenev and Viktor Eryofev from Russia and Dulce Murphy, Michael Murphy, Joseph Montville and Stephan Schwartz from the United States.

Sponsored the third tour of the “Ballet Beyond Borders” project which includes leading Russian dancers and members of The San Francisco Ballet

Soviet/Russian-Esalen Calloboration

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Traveled as a TRACK TWO delegation to Russia with board member Jay Ogilvy, advisor Michael Murphy, and director Dulce Murphy. They met with members of our Russian board of directors, furthered our work with the Luchkov Library of Psychological Literature at Moscow State University, and interviewed over forty people on the future of Russia and China.


Co-sponsored a reunion at Esalen to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the founding of Esalen Institute’s Soviet-American Exchange Program, now TRACK TWO. Citizen Diplomats from America and Russia gathered to reflect on our shared history and on how the lessons we learned during the 1980s and 1990s might be applied to major conflicts today.


Soviet/Russian-Esalen Calloboration

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Friends and Partners

Eduard Sagalaev

Stas Namin

Roman Petrenko, TNT

Svyatoslav Ponomarev

Open World Center

LOFT Centre

Lotos www.ariom.ru


Psychological Department

Of Moscow State University


People to People Russia

Thursday, September 3, 2009


Representatives of governmental bodies, business-elite

Professionals in education including it’s newest branches

Professionals in the field of psychology, psychotherapy

Leading representatives of contemporary art

Progressive parent

Representatives of extreme sports

Wide audience (20 plus), interested in psychology and self-perfection

Number of guests:

November 4 S.Grof’s and M.Murphy’s seminar: - 250 pers Press-lunch – up to 50 pers Business-dinner with partners and sponsors – up to 20 persBusiness-dinner with the heads of Media – up to 30 pers

Thursday, September 3, 2009

What is a transpersonal psychology?

Michael Murphy and Stanislav Grof are founders of transpersonal psychology and International Transpersonal Association.

Transpersonal psychology has appeared as a self-determind field of research at the end of 60th in USA. The founders of this dimension were well-known psychologists, psychotherapists and thinkers: A. Maslow, S.Grof, M.Murphy, S.Krippner etc

Transpersonal psychology is based on integral vision of human in perspective of his spiritual growth, classical and non-classical philosophical anthropology, world spiritual traditions, different ways of self-actualization and psychotherapy such as meditation, Holotropic breathe, physical oriented psychotherapy, art therapy, work with dreams, active imagination, self-hypnosis etc

Transpersonal experience is very powerful healing tool, also is very important for creativity, aesthetic and ethic development.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Planned informational support

Interest to transpersonal psychology and programs of Esalen Insitute in Russia is huge and keeps growing. It proves by fact that many mass-media have placed the information on Stanislav Grof's visit to Moscow in 2007. They published more than 20 interviews and over 100 Internet - resources.Information about his visit appeared on five major TV channels:- 1st channel - Capital- ТНТ- О2ТВ- ТВЦ

The information also appeared in many printed mass media:- “The Russian reporter”- The newspaper "Truth"- “The new newspaper”- Magazine "ИНЕЙТ"- Magazine "Slops“, etc.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Contact information

The Russian side coordinator

Vladimir MaykovAssociation of Transpersonal Psychology and PsychotherapyPhone: +7 903 9685712e-mail: vmaykov@gmail.com

Project management Uconsultancy

Ignatyeva Irina Phone:+7 926 2063308e-mail: ignatieva.irina@gmail.com

Solodovnikova Olga Phone: +7 906 0825314e-mail: olga.solodovnikova@gmail.com

Thursday, September 3, 2009

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