michael bailey at wp-brighton 2011 - responsive web design with wordpress

Post on 14-Jun-2015






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ResponsiveWeb Design &DevelopmentWith WordPress.

Hello.I’m Michael Bailey.thisisdeliberate.co.uk

ResponsiveWeb Design &DevelopmentWith WordPress.

What isresponsive web design & development?

“The primary design principle underlying the Web’s usefulness and growth is universality… That means [content] should be accessible from any kind of hardware that can connect to the Internet: stationary or mobile, small screen or large.”

Long live the Web: A call for Continued Open Standards and Neutrality.

(Sir Tim Berners Lee - Scientific American)

A brief history of publishing.

Hand. Print. Web.

A flexible canvas.

Fixed. Fixed. Flexible.


“The control which designers know in the print medium, and often desire in the web medium, is simply a function of the printed page. We should embrace the fact that the web doesn't have the same constraints, and design for this flexibility.”

The Dao of Web Design.

(John Allsopp - A List Apart)

What don’t we know?Speed.Capability.Size.

What don’t we know?Speed.Capability.Size.What do we know?The Content?

Fluid Grids.Flexible Images.

Media Queries.Responsive Images.

Kick Ass?

WordPress 2011.

Fit to scale - Trent Walton.http://trentwalton.com/2011/05/10/fit-to-scale/

.Long live the Web: A call for Continued Open Standards and Neutrality - Sir Tim Berners Lee - Scientific American.


A Dao of Web Design – John Allsopp.http://www.alistapart.com/articles/dao/

.Responsive Web Design – Ethan Marcotte.


Responsive Images: Experimenting with Context-Aware Image Sizing.http://filamentgroup.com/lab/responsive_images_experimenting_with_context_aware_image_sizing/

.A fabulous set of links related to Responsive Web design from Jeremy Keith.


A great presentation from Sara Cannon including some excellent examples of responsive WordPress websites.http://sara-cannon.com/blog/2011/08/13/responsive-web-design-slides-from-wcsf/

Thank youthisisdeliberate.co.uk

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