microsoft-nokia deal (1)

Post on 04-Jun-2018






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  • 8/13/2019 Microsoft-Nokia Deal (1)


    Microsoft-Nokia Deal

    Prepared By: Group-C10

    12022 Akash T. K

    12050 Sriraksha S.

    12096 Rajyaguru Omkar

    12121Abhishek Agarwalla12166 Pappu Yadav

  • 8/13/2019 Microsoft-Nokia Deal (1)



    Founded by Frederick K Idestams in 1865 Mobile devices with services and software

    Enable people to experience music, navigation,video, television, imaging, games, business mobilityand more.

    By 1998 Nokia became the worlds biggest mobilemanufacturer

    In 2005 Nokia reached the landmark of selling overone billion phone

    In 2010 Smart phone competition hit the giant In 2013 Microsoft acquired Nokia phone business

  • 8/13/2019 Microsoft-Nokia Deal (1)



    Founded by Bill Gates and Paul

    Allen in Albuquerque in 1975

    Develops, manufactures, licenses, and

    supports a wide range of software products

    for computing devices

    Recent Activity

    On May 10, 2011, It acquired Skype

    Communications, for US $8.5 billion

    Sept 3, 2013Microsoft acquires Nokia for

    $7.2 billion

  • 8/13/2019 Microsoft-Nokia Deal (1)


    Microsofts need to acquire Nokia

    Nokia had plans of using the android operatingsystem for its Lumia

    In order for the windows phone to see its survival inmarket, Microsoft had to ensure Nokias survival

    Transaction cost

    Eliminating duplication

    Logistics, Manufacturing and Supply Chain

    Talent acquisition

  • 8/13/2019 Microsoft-Nokia Deal (1)


    Pre-NegotiationCurrent Resources

    Nokia Largest distribution network

    Strong brand image

    Good R&D skills

    Diversified business units.

    Microsoft Financial strength

    huge customer database from its diversified product portfolio


    Both the companies share the common goal of increasing the

    sales of their products and market share In the second quarter of 2013, Nokia shipped just 7.4 million

    Windows Phones compared with 31.2 million iPhones and 185million Android smartphones

    Increasing the sales of Windows smartphone from theefficiencies that should flow from the integration of hardware

    and software

  • 8/13/2019 Microsoft-Nokia Deal (1)


    Interest and needs

    Microsoft Faster innovation

    Increased synergies Unified branding and marketing.

    Nokia Accretive earnings

    Strengthening its financial position

    A solid basis for future investment in its continuing businesses.


    Microsoft has few alternatives given its almost completereliance on Nokia for Windows Phone devices. Other

    possibilities for Microsoft could be:- Developing their own hardware devices. Approaching other hardware makers to sell windows platform


    Nokia can also explore other possibilities, including thepossibility selling all, or part, or itself to other interested


  • 8/13/2019 Microsoft-Nokia Deal (1)


    Negotiation Style

    Collaborative as the deal will create a win-winsituation for both buyer and seller and is beneficialfor both the parties

    Market share and profitability is expected to boost

    up for both the companies Stephen Elop, Nokias chief executive, will step

    down to become head of the mobile phonebusiness at Microsoft

    Around 32,000 employees would transfer toMicrosoft, a new data centre servicing Microsoftconsumers would be built in Finland, with aninvestment of $250m over the next few years

  • 8/13/2019 Microsoft-Nokia Deal (1)


    Key reason behind the deal: Nokiadeveloping Android smartphones

    Why Nokia as a best choice?

    Penetrating from software to hardware

    Acquiring nonsmartphones unit


    Nokia will continue to be a company

    Government Policies

  • 8/13/2019 Microsoft-Nokia Deal (1)



  • 8/13/2019 Microsoft-Nokia Deal (1)



    It is known that Microsoft will makeavailable to Nokia about1.5 billion($1.97bn) in financing in the form ofthree payments of500 million ($659m)

    from overseas resources. Nokia shareholders are expected to vote

    on the deal in an extraordinary generalmeeting on November 19 this year.

    Any further information from the Nokiaside can be known after that only. ThusZOPA can be known after furtherinformation is declared

  • 8/13/2019 Microsoft-Nokia Deal (1)



    BATNA is seen as a safety net for theMicrosoft in case of the deal with Nokiafails, we need to look at what are thebest alternatives available for the

    Microsoft considering the currentsituation.

    According to Bloomberg, Microsofts

    operating systems unit head TerryMyerson approached HTC about usingthe Windows Phone OS as an alternativeoption on handsets that traditionally use

    Google's Android.

  • 8/13/2019 Microsoft-Nokia Deal (1)



    In this case we can see may be HTCaltogether a new company in target forMicro

    Very hard to know the true BATNA forthe company as the parameter of thecompany to choose the company to

    buy or acquire requires considerationof lots of parameters. But this is highlyunlikely.

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