middle adulthood - kirkwood community college · middle adulthood biosocial development age range:...

Post on 23-Jul-2018






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Middle Adulthood

Biosocial Development

Age range: approx. 36-64

Primary and Secondary Aging

Primary Aging: age-related changes that

inevitably take place in a person as time

goes by (genetic differences vary its timing)

Secondary Aging: age-related changes that

take place as a consequence of a person’s

behavior or a society’s failure to eliminate

unhealthy conditions.

Secondary Aging

Many diseases and chronic conditons:

– Skin cancer

– Arthritis

– Diabetes

– Heart disease

– All common as we grow old but influenced by habits such as drinking, smoking, eating, and exercising.

Good News!

Many aspects of secondary aging can be

slowed or even reversed by a change in

behavior before first signs appear, drugs,

surgical interventions, or modern medicine

However, most age related changes occur

in both types primary and secondary.

Looking Old

Age related visible changes include:– Gray and thinning hair

– Drier and more wrinkled skin

– Weakened stomach muscles

– Fat settles in various body parts: upper arms, buttocks, abdomen, eyelids, chin

– Loss of connective tissue results in loss of height

*All inevitable but can develop sooner based on diet, lack of exercise, smoking, drinking, and exposure to extremes

The Senses

Eyes: lenses of the eye become less elastic and the cornea becomes flatter resulting in need for reading glasses

Taste, smell, and touch become less sharp

Hearing: Men’s hearing declines twice as fast as women’s. By 65, most men are hard of hearing.

Secondary aging makes a difference: exposure to loud noises (traffic, music, construction)

Vital Body Systems

Reduction of organ reserve capacity in lungs,

heart, digestive system, etc. continue to decline

Resulting in more vulnerability to chronic disease

and death, if severe stress

Increased immunity to the common cold and flu

because of multiple exposures but lengthier

recovery period needed for illness.


Flu shots are recommended, flu not more likely but impact more debilitating

Autoimmune diseases (lupus and arthritis) more destructive

Since 1940, US death rates for Middle Age has been cut in half.

Has much to do with modern medicine and preventative care

Sexual-Reproductive System

Level of sex hormones gradually decreases

Menopause: In women, between 42-58 (avg. 51) ovulation and menstruation stop because of decrease in production of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone

Dated one year after last menstrual period

Age depends on genes, cigarette smoking and malnutrition, increases chance of earlier Age of Onset


Perimenopause: three years before and three years after last period– resulting in shorter cycles

– then erratic timing of periods

– duration variable

– ovulation unpredictable

Health Risks due to decreased estrogen:

Osteoporosis: loss of bone calcium (brittle bones)

Coronary Heart Disease: fat deposits in arteries


Symptoms: – Vasomotor Instability: temporary disruption in the body’s

homeostatic mechanism that constricts or dilates the blood vessels that maintain body temp.

– causes hot flashes (feeling hot) and hot flushes (looking hot)

– Low estrogen: causes drier skin, less vaginal lubrication, loss of some breast tissue, mood changes (indirectly)

Long term use of Hormone Replacement Therapy increases risk of heart disease, stroke, breast cancer

NO Male Menopause

Gradual decrease in sperm production, sperm motility, and testosterone with age

But no male menopause.

However, anxiety increases of impotence concerns, testosterone levels dip with stress

Levels of testosterone correlate with levels of sexual desire and speed of sexual responsiveness

Increase in use of Viagra and Levitra

Measuring Health

Mortality: number of deaths each year per 1,000 members in a given population– In US, in 2000: 8.7

Morbidity: Incidence of Illness

– Acute and chronic, emotional and physical

Disability: long term difficulty in performing normal activities of daily life (physical, mental or emotional condition)

In US, 1 in 5 Middle Aged Persons is Disabled

Vitality: How healthy and energetic: physically, intellectually, and socially an individual feels

Health Habits

Tobacco: ¼ of middle aged adults are smokers

– In 1970, half of all adults smoked

– Lung cancer death rates are down 20%

– Increases in other diseases

– Decreases in lung capacity, cognitive functioning

– Worldwide, the incidence of tobacco related illnesses is increasing


Adults who drink alcohol in moderation tend to live longer (no more than two servings per day) than those who never drink due to decrease in coronary heart disease– Alcohol increases supple of HDL (HDL reduces LDL)

– Reduce tension and aid in digestion

Not in moderation: stresses heart and stomach, destroys brain cells, increases osteoporosis decreases fertility, increases cancer, cirrhsis of the liver


Excess pounds bring poorer health

Overweight 40 y.o. lose 3 years

Obese 40 y.o lose 7 years

In 2000, 65% of adults were overweight (BMI: above 25)

Best way to lose weight: Exercise

Ethnic Variations

Community Support and Quality of Healthcare

(related to income and education)

Ethnicity: African Americans, Native Americans,

Whites, Hispanic Americans, and Asian Americans

Causes: Genetic Risks, Healthcare behaviors,

and Social Context (stress and poverty)

Variations in Health

Due to Community Support and Quality of

Healthcare (related to income and education)

Ethnicity: powerful influence on health

– African Americans, Native Americans, European

Americans, Hispanic Americans, Asian Americans

Influenced by genetic risks, health care behaviors, and

social context factors such as stress and poverty

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