midyear review

Post on 27-Mar-2016






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2nd year at the GSA. Midyear Revier - September 08 - February 09


Design has the potential to make enormous changes to society and the way people think...


Renewable materials


My life - growing up in london, spending a lot of time in Norfolk....

Design has the potential to make enormous changes to society and the way people think...


Renewable materials


My life - growing up in london, spending a lot of time in Norfolk....



White water rafting.


Rock climbing.

Has to take a dose of warfarin twice a day

to prevent potentially fatal blood clots.

Has to fit her medication into her

active life.

Can’t take her dose every 12 hours, must give her body a break from the medication.



White water rafting.


Rock climbing.

Has to take a dose of warfarin twice a day to prevent potentially

fatal blood clots.

Has to fit her medication into her

active life.

Can’t take her dose every 12 hours, must give her body a break from the medication.



Alarmed pill container that tells you what pills to take and when to take them, you’ll never miss a dose


Product in Environment



Alarmed pill container that tells

you what pills to take and when to take them, you’ll never miss a dose


Product in Environment

Technical drawings of one idea. Cardboard

sketch model.

Technical drawings of one idea.Cardboard

sketch model.

A selection of development drawings, demonstrating the different forms I considered.

A selection of development drawings, demonstrating the different forms I considered.


Pills are released into the mouthpiece at the push of a button. The colour of the button

corresponds with that of the pill.

Mouthpiecepills are

released with water here.

Screw fits into the neck of a SIGG



Pills are released into the mouthpiece at the push of a button.

The colour of the button

corresponds with that of the pill.

Mouthpiecepills are

released with water here.

Screw fits into the neck of a SIGG


STORYBOARDEasyPill screws onto your SIGG bottle, and releases your medication into the mouthpiece at the push of a button enabling you to take your pills with water. The alarm tells you exactly when to take your pills.

3 buttons, colour-coordinated to 3 different

strength of pills.

Alarm goes off...

Remove Lid...

Push button to dispense pill into mouthpiece...

Swallow pill with water...

STORYBOARDEasyPill screws onto your SIGG bottle, and releases your medication into the mouthpiece at the push of a button enabling you to take your pills with water. The alarm tells you exactly when to take your pills.

3 buttons, colour-coordinated

to 3 different strength of pills.

Alarm goes off...

Remove Lid...

Push button to dispense pill into mouthpiece...

Swallow pill with water...

Easy as 1 2 3

Press the button to release the pill and drink.

Easy as 1 2 3

Press the buttonto release the pilland drink.

Rhino model of an early design for the ‘Alarm Clock Project’.

Rhino model of an early design for the ‘Alarm Clock Project’.


Screen Shots


Screen Shots

Double Click Box To Play Video

Double Click Box To Play Video

ResearchThis was a group project between 2nd and 3rd year Product Design. Initially we were split into groups to investigate a college around the Glasgow area. I went to Langside College to investigate the on-site careers service.

As a group, our approach was to interview:-people who use the service, to see how they felt it worked.-people who didn’t use the service, to see why not.-the service providers, to see what they think they are delivering to their users.

Personally, I interviewed a member of staff at the Careers Scotland office, a short walk from the college campus. The aim of this interview was to see how the staff saw the service they provide, so we could later compare this to what the service users said.

As we had expected, what the company felt they were providing, and what the users felt they were receiving did not quite match up.

During the trip to London, I visited Live/Work, who told me about user centric design, and taught me the benefit of face to face interviews. This was the key focus in our research, and helped us critique the service in a way that considered everyone involved.

ResearchThis was a group project between 2nd and 3rd year Product Design. Initially we were split into groups to investigate a college around the Glasgow area. I went to Langside College to investigate the on-site careers service.

As a group, our approach was to interview:-people who use the service, to see how they felt it worked.-people who didn’t use the service, to see why not.-the service providers, to see what they think they are delivering to their users.

Personally, I interviewed a member of staff at the Careers Scotland office, a short walk from the college campus. The aim of this interview was to see how the staff saw the service they provide, so we could later compare this to what the service users said.

As we had expected, what the company felt they were providing, and what the users felt they were receiving did not quite match up.

During the trip to London, I visited Live/Work, who told me about user centric design, and taught me the benefit of face to face interviews. This was the key focus in our research, and helped us critique the service in a way that considered everyone involved.

ResultsAs a yeargroup, we compared the information gathered from all 8 colleges, to identify where problems were reoccuring. We also came up with 8 fictional ‘user scenarios’ to explain different problem areas within the system.

When it came to finally presenting the information, we split into groups: - Introduction. - User scenario group. - Opportunities. - Graphics.

Initially I was helping with the user scenarios, and when that work was finished I formatted the graphics for the final presentation to the Skills Development Scotland staff. I learned a great deal about using InDesign, a programme I was farily unfamiliar with prior to this project.

When we presented for a second time at the Skills Development Scotland headquarters, I edited down the 2nd year presentation to collaborate with the 3rd year work.

This project required a great deal of organisation, as there were 24 of us working on one presentation. I learned to delogate and organise the group to ensure we were all working towards the same goal.

ResultsAs a yeargroup, we compared the information gathered from all 8 colleges, to identify where problems were reoccuring. We also came up with 8 fictional ‘user scenarios’ to explain different problem areas within the system.

When it came to finally presenting the information, we split into groups: - Introduction. - User scenario group. - Opportunities. - Graphics.

Initially I was helping with the user scenarios, and when that work was finished I formatted the graphics for the final presentation to the Skills Development Scotland staff. I learned a great deal about using InDesign, a programme I was farily unfamiliar with prior to this project.

When we presented for a second time at the Skills Development Scotland headquarters, I edited down the 2nd year presentation to collaborate with the 3rd year work.

This project required a great deal of organisation, as there were 24 of us working on one presentation. I learned to delogate and organise the group to ensure we were all working towards the same goal.

Double Click To Play The Video

I shared a computer during the Flash workshops. Harriet Roth and I collaborated to make this video. I feel I have got to grips with the basic rules of Flash to the point where i would feel confident creating a simple animation.

Double Click To Play The Video

I shared a computer during the Flash workshops. Harriet Roth and I collaborated to make this video. I feel I have got to grips with the basic rules of Flash to the point where i would feel confident creating a simple animation.

Double Click The Box To Play Video

Double Click The Box To Play Video

Examples of the photographs taken by my machine.

Examples of the photographs taken by my machine.

Coin operated, Mechanical Photobooth:

I wanted to create something mechanical, that made clear to the onlooker exactly what was happening and how the end result (a photograph) was achieved. My starting point was a camera and a cable release, and the challenge I set myself was triggering the cable release using existing everyday objects.

When you insert coins into the cup on the edge of the wheel, the weight is altered and the wheel starts spinning. An aluminium strip attached perpendicular to the spokes contacts the cable release as the coins fall out of the cup and into a jar beside the wheel. The camera captures your expression as you watch the machine in motion.

Coin operated, Mechanical Photobooth:

I wanted to create something mechanical, that made clear to the onlooker exactly what was happening and how the end result (a photograph) was achieved. My starting point was a camera and a cable release, and the challenge I set myself was triggering the cable release using existing everyday objects.

When you insert coins into the cup on the edge of the wheel, the weight is altered and the wheel starts spinning. An aluminium strip attached perpendicular to the spokes contacts the cable release as the coins fall out of the cup and into a jar beside the wheel. The camera captures your expression as you watch the machine in motion.

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