mie maintenance cmms software

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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Preventive maintenance, asset management, and inventory control are common aspects plant maintenance software. Preventive plant maintenance software keeps track of preventive maintenance inspections. This software feature includes step-by-step instructions, check-lists, a list of required materials, and other details that are important for preventive maintenance. MIE Maintenance is designed to assist plant maintenance workers by tracking equipment, property specifications, warranty information, repair information, service contracts, spare parts, purchase dates and expected lifetime.


MIE Maintenance is

FREEfor up to 25 pieces of equipment and


$49.00for up to 100 pieces of equipment and


$499.00for a site license with no asset limitation.

Information Technology Solutions

MIE Solutionsht tp : / /www.mie-so lu t ions.com

MIE Maintenance is a preventive maintenance, asset

tracking, and maintenance requisition system designed to

meet most any industries objectives of quality. This

software helps companies in asset intensive industries

maintain their investments by managing these assets.

MIE Maintenance handles both maintenance requests

and predefined maintenance tasks to notify your

maintenance teams to accept, approve and perform work.

Maintenance request can be denied or approved. Once a

maintenance request is approved a work order is created

to perform the work. All the work can be logged into MIE

Maintenance for historical reporting and costing.

Preventive maintenance, asset management, and

inventory control are common aspects plant

maintenance software. Preventive plant maintenance

software keeps track of preventive maintenance

inspections. This software feature includes step-by-

step instructions, check-lists, a list of required

materials, and other details that are important for

preventive maintenance. MIE Maintenance is

designed to assist plant maintenance workers by

tracking equipment, property specifications, warranty

information, repair information, service contracts,

spare parts, purchase dates and expected lifetime.

S ch e d u le s

Preventive Maintenance



and manages maintenance


Work Orders

Are easily created.


work history, inventory and

maintenance costs.

Asse ts

are managed in a single

system accessible by

anyone in the organization.

Work Cente rs

Machines, Departments,

Sites, Locations and types

are all 100% user definable.

MIE Solutions, Inc.Manufacturing Information Exchange Solutions, Inc.

MIE Maintenance

MIE Solutions, Inc.Manufacturing Information Exchange Solutions, Inc.

MIE Maintenance

S imp le To G e t S t a r t e d

MIE Maintenance has a

sample database which can

be used as a starting point to

your implementation. You can

actually try all the functionality

because the software is Free

for up to 25 assets.

Mul t i User

MIE Maintenance is multiuser

and is not licensed as a per

user application. A site

license allows any number of

employee's to work with the


S Q L S e rve r Da t a b a se

MIE Maintenance runs on the

standard SQL server

database which is fast and

flexible. The server

installation will create and

update the database without

any scripts or database

management skills.

Lower costs of doing business by removing error prone paper system.

Manage all your assets in a easy to use interface.

Quickly find assets, design preventive maintenance schedules.

Integrated Maintenance request requisition system.

Full integration with windows applications.

Integrated with the MIE Trak ERP System.

Screenshots, Features and Benefits

Adding Up the Benefits S E RV I CE S AVA I L A B L E

Technical Support

Installation and Setup

Application Support

12872 Valley View St, #8

Garden Grove, CA 92845

Phone 714.786.6230

Fax 562.679.1248


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