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MMiidd YYeeaarr RReevviieeww

DDeevveellooppmmeenntt PPrroojjeeccttss ffuunnddeedd bbyy

TThhee AAssiiaann DDeevveellooppmmeenntt BBaannkk

As at 16th June 2011

Department of Foreign Aid and Budget Monitoring

Ministry of Finance and Planning Tower 5, Level 15

Central Bank Building

Colombo 1

Sri Lanka

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB

Table of Contents



Summary I-II

Abbreviations III

Road and Ports Sector

1. Colombo Port Expansion Project (L 2319-SRI) 1-2

2. Eastern and North Central Provincial Road Project (L 2546-SRI) 3-4

3. Local Government Infrastructure Improvement Project (L 2201- SRI) 5-6

4. National Highways Sector Project (L2217-SRI) 7-8

5. Northern Road Connectivity Project (National Road- L2639 SRI) 9-10

6. Northern Road Connectivity Project (Provincial Roads – L2640 SRI) 11-12

7. Southern Transport Development Project (L 1711/L2413 SRI) 13-15

8. TA Loan for Road Project Preparatory Facility (L2080 SRI) 16-17

Power Sector

9. Clean Energy and Access Improvement Project (L2518/2519-SRI) 18-21

10. Sustainable Power Sector Project (L2733/2734 SRI) 22-24

Water Supply and Urban Development Sector

11. Dry Zone Urban Water and Sanitation Project (L2477 SRI) 25-27

12. Greater Colombo Wastewater Management Project (L2557/2558 SRI) 28-29

13. Jaffna and Kilinochchi Water Supply and Sanitation Project (L2710/2711 SRI) 30-31

14. Secondary Towns and Rural Community Based Water Supply and Sanitation

Project (L 1993/2275/2276 SRI) 32-33

Education Sector

15. Education for Knowledge Society Project (L2371 SRI) 34-35

16. Technical Education Development Project (L2197 SRI) 36

Finance and Banking Sector

17. Fiscal Management Efficiency Project ( L2624 SRI) 37

18. Fiscal Management Reform Programme (L2131/ 2132 SRI) 38-39

19. Small and Medium Enterprise Regional Development Project (L2381 SRI) 40-41

North and East Development Sector

20. Conflict Affected Region Emergency Project (L2626 SRI) 42-36

21. North East Community Restoration Development Project II SL (L2618 SRI) 47-48

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB Summary

Sector Summary

Foreign GoSL

1 Road and Ports 8 928.36 24,420.98 4,504.50

2 Power 2 281.38 4,750.00 4.00

3 Water Supply and Urban Development 4 407.83 3,365.00 2,250.00

4 Education 2 86.14 2,477.00 394.25

5 Finance and Banking 3 170.00 1,880.00 93.00

6 North and East Development * 2 162.80 5,380.00 803.00

Total 21 2,036.51 42,272.98 8,048.75

Allocation 2011 (Rs.Mn)Total number

of ProjectsSector Loan Amount

US$ Mn


* Since a significant investment has been committed to North and East development, a separate sector has

been dedicated to these projects.

Progress Report

Name of the Projects Loan Amount

US$ Mn Foreign GoSL

1 Colombo Port Expansion Project (L 2319-SRI) 300.00 8,440.00 465.00

2 Eastern and North Central Provincial Road Project (L 2546-SRI) 71.72 2,011.48 276.50

3 Local Government Infrastructure Improvement Project (L 2201- SRI) 50.00 941.00 284.00

4 National Highways Sector Project (L2217-SRI) 150.00 4,900.00 2,100.00

5 Northern Road connectivity Project (National Road- L2639 SRI) 130.00 5,000.00 550.00

6 Northern Road Connectivity Project (Provincial Roads – L2640 SRI) 25.42 586.00 86.00

7 Southern Transport Development project (L 1711/L2413 SRI) 186.22 2,000.00 613.00

8 TA Loan for Road Project Preparatory Facility (L2080 SRI) 15.00 542.50 130.00

Sub Total 928.36 24,420.98 4,504.50

Power Sector

9 Clean Energy and Access Improvement Project (L2518/2519-SRI) 161.38 4,250.00 -

10 Sustainable Power Sector Project (L2733/2734 SRI) 120.00 500.00 4.00

Sub Total 281.38 4,750.00 4.00

11 Dry Zone Urban Water and Sanitation Project (L2477 SRI) 85.00 400.00 200.00

12 Greater Colombo Wastewater Management Project (L2557/2558 SRI) 100.33 615.00 120.00


Jaffna and Kilinochchi Water Supply and Sanitation Project

(L2710/2711 SRI) 90.00 250.00 50.00


Secondary Towns and Rural Community Based Water Supply and

Sanitation Project (L 1993/2275/2276 SRI) 132.50 2,100.00 1,880.00

Sub Total 407.83 3,365.00 2,250.00

15 Education for Knowledge Society Project (L2371 SRI) 65.00 1,867.00 294.25

16 Technical Education Development Project (L2197 SRI) 21.14 610.00 100.00

Sub Total 86.14 2,477.00 394.25

17 Fiscal Management Efficiency Project ( L2624 SRI) 50.00 800.00 40.00

18 Fiscal Management Reform Programme (L2131/ 2132 SRI) 70.00 630.00 50.00


Small and Medium Enterprise Regional Development Project (L2381

SRI) 50.00 450.00 3.00

Sub Total 170.00 1,880.00 93.00

20 Conflict Affected Region Emergency Project (L2626 SRI) 150.00 4,800.00 613.00


North East Community Restoration Development project II SL (L2618

SRI) 12.80 580.00 190.00

Sub Total 162.80 5,380.00 803.00

Total 2,036.51 42,272.98 8,048.75


Finance and Banking Sector

North and East Development Sector

Project Summary

Allocation 2011

Road and Ports Sector

Water Supply and Urban Development Sector

Education Sector

Development Projects funded by ADB


Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB III


ADB - Asian Development Bank

BOT - Build Operate Transfer

CEA - Central Environmental Authority

CMC - Colombo Municipal Council

CoTs - Colleges of Technology

DAB - Dispute Adjudication Board

DBD - Draft Bid Document

DTET - Department of Technical Education and Training

FBU - Function Business Units

FMEP - Fiscal Management Efficiency Project

GOSL - Government of Sri Lanka

IDC - Institutional Development Consultant

ICB - International Competitive Bidding

IRD - Inland Revenue Department

ITMIS - Integrated Treasury Management Information System

MOT - Ministry of Transport

MLGPC - Ministry of Local Government and Provincial Council

M&E - Monitoring and Evaluation

NHDA -National Housing Development Authority

NHSP - National Highways Sector Project

NPRDD - Northern Provincial Road Development Department

PCC - Provincial Coordinating Committee

PD - Project Director

RAMIS - Revenue Administration and Management Information System

RDA - Road Development Authority

RSC - Regional Service Centre

SLIATE - Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced Technological Education

SLPA - Sri Lanka Ports Authority

SMERDP - Small and Medium Enterprise Regional Development Project

Univotec - University of Vocational Technology

Road and Ports Sector

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 1

Road and Ports Sector

Ministry : Ports and Highways

Project Name : L2319- Colombo Port Expansion Project

Reporting Date : 31st May 2011

Project Director : Mr. Susantha Abeysiriwardana

1. Loan Utilization US $ Mn.





Closing Date


Disbursement to date

% of


Un-disbursed Amount







2. Financial Progress 2011

Expenditure- (Rs.Mn) Disbursement – (US $ Mn.)

Allocation -2011 Rs.Mn.

Expenditure up to May 2011


Targeted Disbursement

Actual Disbursement as at May 2011

Foreign GOSL Foreign GOSL







3. Overall Progress









1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q


' mill


L2319: Disbursement Progress

Projections Actual

Overall Physical Progress is 65%

a). Main Break Water – Completed up to Ch 3880 with Core loc units (up to level

+3.5m LWOST). Further length of 1000m (up to Ch. 4880) completed by Quarry Run

without Core loc units.

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 2

Road and Ports Sector

4. Agreed Action Plan

Major Issues/Problems Agreed Actions

Responsible Agency

Tracking Indicator

Cost overrun in Brake-Water construction component: the total cost overrun is US$ 25.188 Mn. due to oil price escalation and unexpected variations.

To assess the final value of the cost overrun after assessing the final cost to completion of the project.


Finalize the decision by 31 August 2011

BOT Agreement has not been signed for the engagement of the Terminal Operator

Expedite the AG’s clearance for the draft agreements.


31 July 2011

SLPA’s decision is pending for the construction of a wave wall from change 0 to 1,500m.

SLPA to confirm the decision.

SLPA 31 August 2011

b). Secondary Break Water – Completed Overall progress of 27%.

c). Rerouting of Submarine Pipeline – Laying of New Pipeline and the Removing of

Abundant Pipeline 100% completed.

d). Reclamation of 16.57million meter cubes completed out of 17.7 million meter cubes.

e). Wave Wall Construction – Completed to full height (to 3rd lift) 1070m from ch.1500 to ch. 2570.

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 3

Road and Ports Sector

Ministry : Local Government and Provincial Councils

Project Name : L2546-Eastern and North Central Provincial Road Project

Reporting Date : 31st May 2011

Project Director : Mr. J.A. Jayaratne

1. Loan Utilization US $ Mn.

Loan Amount Effective Date

Closing Date Cumulative Disbursement

to date

% of Utilization

Un-disbursed Amount

ADB-71.72 13.11.2009 30.06.2014 26.20 36.53 45.52

2. Financial Progress 2011

Expenditure- (Rs.Mn) Disbursement – (US $ Mn.)

Allocation -2011 Rs.Mn.

Expenditure up to May 2011


Targeted Disbursement

Actual Disbursement as at May -2011

Foreign GOSL Foreign GOSL 17.8

4.30 2011.48 276.50 320.86 42.48

3. Overall Progress






1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q




L2546: Contract Awards Progress

Projections Actual






1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q




L2546: Disbursement Progress

Projections Actual

Overall progress of the project is about 40%. Special review meeting was held at the Ministry of Local Government and Provincial Councils to review the poor performing contracts (Activities) and the respective contractors were advised to accelerate the progress.

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 4

Road and Ports Sector

4. Agreed Action Plan

Major Issues/Problems Agreed Actions

Responsible Agency

Tracking Indicator

Method of financing for additional rectifying work for flood damages has not been finalized.

North Central Province - around Rs.375 Mn

Eastern Province – around Rs.275 Mn

PMU to seek formal TEC and PCC approval for the contract variations.


To submit PCC approval to ADB by 15 August 2011.

Low Disbursement Progress

2011 Projections Achievements

Disb $17 million $4million

Q2` $11 million $4million

Expedite the submission of bills and withdrawal Applications to ADB.


Achieve at least 60% of the target by 30 September 2011.

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 5

Road and Ports Sector

Ministry : Local Government and Provincial Councils

Project Name : L2201-Local Government Infrastructure Improvement Project

Reporting Date : 31st May 2011

Project Director : Mr. Lal Induruwage

1. Loan Utilization US $ Mn.

Loan Amount

Effective Date

Closing Date

Cumulative Disbursement

to date

% of Utilization

Un-disbursed Amount

50.00 30.06.2006 30.04.2012 24.92 49.86 25.07

2. Financial Progresses 2011

Expenditure- (Rs.Mn) Disbursement – (US $ Mn.)

Allocation -2011 (Rs.Mn).

Expenditure up to May 2011 (Rs.Mn.)

Targeted Disbursement

Actual Disbursement as at May -2011

Foreign GOSL Foreign GOSL

941.00 284.00 370.00 114.00 14.00 5.47

3. Overall Progress







1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q


' mill


L2201: Contract Awards Progress

Projections Actual





1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q





L2201: Disbursement Progress

Projections Actual

The Project progress is satisfactory. No major issues. Out of 185 contract packages 114 has been completed. 71 contracts are in progress.

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 6

Road and Ports Sector

4. Agreed Action Plan

Major Issues/Problems Agreed Actions

Responsible Agency

Tracking Indicator

Audit Opinion on 2010 and 2009 are unqualified

ADB reminded EA to include a separate opinion on the compliance with the financial covenants of LA ERD /SLRM to coordinate with AG’s department for expedite the submission


25 July 2011

Proposed Local Government Enhancement Project

Expedite the Project readiness for the next project

1.ERD’s confirmation for the Aide Memo 2. EA to confirm the list of lagging local authorities. 3. Endorsement of the safeguard documents

1.ERD 2. EA 3. ERD

15 July 2011 15 July 2011 15 July 2011

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 7

Road and Ports Sector

Ministry : Ports and Highways

Project Name : L2217- National Highways Sector Project

Reporting Date : 31st May 2011

Project Director : Mr. W. K. Kodituwakku

1. Loan Utilization US $ Mn.

Loan Amount Effective Date

Closing Date Cumulative Disbursement

to date

% of Utilization

Un-disbursed Amount

ADB-150.00 20.02.2007 31.03.2012 87.16 58.11 62.84

2. Financial Progress 2011

Expenditure- (Rs.Mn) Disbursement – (US $ Mn.)

Allocation -2011 Rs.Mn.

Expenditure up to May 2011


Targeted Disbursement

Actual Disbursement as at May -2011

Foreign GOSL Foreign GOSL 38

11.10 (Contractors have claimed the work done in first three months only)

4900 2100 968.23 458.97

3. Overall Progress







1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q


' mill


L2217: Contract Awards Progress

Projections Actual






1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q


' mill


L2217: Disbursement Progress

Projections Actual

The ICB-04 project is substantially completed. ICB-01 & ICB-02 projects are on schedule and ICB-03 project is behind the schedule. The physical progress of each road as at the end of May, 2011 is as follows. 1. Puttalam-Nochchiyagama road – 70.06% 2. Udatenna-Mahiyanganaya road – 64.06% 3. Nuwaraeliya - Badulla road – 63.89% 4. Habarana - Kantale road – 100%

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 8

Road and Ports Sector

4. Agreed Action Plan

Major Issues/Problems Agreed Actions

Responsible Agency

Tracking Indicator

Land acquisitions in Hali-Ela and Badulla DS divisions got delayed due to the delay in receiving Valuation Reports from the Department of Valuation.

PD should closely coordinate with the Valuation Department to get the report within an acceptable time frame.


31 July 2011

RDA/NHSP/ICB 03 Contractor’s performance are very slow.

RDA should monitor the progress of the Contractor.


Project cannot be completed within the present completion date.

ADB to approve the ERD’s request for loan extended.

ADB 31 July 2011

Low Disbursement Progress

2011 Projections Achievements

Disb $38million $11million

Expedite the submission of bills and withdrawal Applications to ADB.

PMU/RDA Achieve at least 60% of the target by 30 September 2011

Additional Financing Loans

Project Readiness Criteria

Land Acquisition

1. Continue with the independent monitoring

2. RDA to propose required budgetary provisions for-compensations.


15 August 2011

Establishment of Road Maintenance National Trust Fund

ERD should send a letter to Secretary / Highways asking the current status of the Fund and report to ADB

ERD/MOH 15th August 2011

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 9

Road and Ports Sector

Ministry : Ports and Highways

Project Name : L 2639- Northern Road Connectivity Project

(National Roads Component)

Reporting Date : 20th June 2011

Project Director : S. Chandrapalan

1. Loan Utilization US $ Mn.

Loan Amount Effective Date

Closing Date Cumulative Disbursement

to date

% of Utilization

Un-disbursed Amount

ADB-130.00 22.10.2010 30.12.2015 0.45 0.35 129.55

2. Financial Progress 2011

Expenditure- (Rs.Mn) Disbursement – (US $ Mn.)

Allocation -2011 Rs.Mn.

Expenditure up to 20th June 2011


Targeted Disbursement

Actual Disbursement as of 20th June -2011

Foreign GOSL Foreign GOSL 12.00

0.10 5000.00 550.00 27.48 0.00

3. Overall Progress

Procurement of Civil Work Contracts – All the following Contract Packages have been awarded.

1. CP 1- Rehabilitation / Improvements to A009 Road from Dambulla to Thonigala (74+650 Km – 98+000 Km)

2. CP 2- Rehabilitation / Improvements to A009 Road from Thonigala to Galkulama

(98+000 Km– 122+170 Km)

3. CP 3 - Rehabilitation / Improvements to A020 Road from Anuradapura to Rambewa

(0+000 Km – 14+500 Km )






1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q


' mill


L2639: Contract Awards Progress

Projections Actual





1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q






L2639: Disbursement Progress

Projections Actual

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 10

Road and Ports Sector

4. CP 4 - Rehabilitation / Improvements to A032 Road from Navathkuli to Kerativu

Jetty ( 0+000 km - 17+400 km)

5. CP 5 - Rehabilitation / Improvements to B268 Road from Manipay to Kaithady ( 0+000 km - 14+020 km)

6. CP 6 -Rehabilitation / Improvements to B437 Road from Vallai to Araly ( 0+000 km - 27+400 km)

7. CP 7 - Rehabilitation / Improvements to section of Mankulam Mullaitivu Road A034

from 0+ 000 km - 13 +000 km

8. CP 8 - Rehabilitation / Improvements to section of Mankulam Mullaitivu Road A034

from 13+000km - 24+000km

9. CP 9 - Rehabilitation / Improvements to section of Mankulam Mullaitivu Road A034

from 24+000 km - 38+500km

10. CP 10 - Rehabilitation / Improvements to section of Mankulam Mullaitivu Road

A034 from 38+500km - 49+100 km

Contract Agreements were signed for CP 1 and CP 10 during the month of May, 2011. Procurement of Project Implementation Consultants - Contract awarded and Contract agreement was signed on 27.05.2011.

4. Major Issues /Problems

Major Issues/Problems Agreed Actions

Responsible Agency

Tracking Indicator

Supervision consultancy firm has replaced the team leader.

EA to issue a letter of concern to the firm.

EA 31 July 2011

Low performance of contract awards and disbursements.

2011 Projections Achievements

CA $70 million $5 million

Disb $ 5 million $0million

Send the signed contracts to ADB.

Expedite the disbursement to achieve the targets for this year.


31 July 2011

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 11

Road and Ports Sector

Ministry : Local Government and Provincial Councils

Project Name : L2640- Northern Road Connectivity Project

(Provincial Roads Component)

Reporting Date : 20th June 2011

Project Director : T. Sivarajalingam

1. Loan Utilization US $ Mn.

Loan Amount Effective Date

Closing Date Cumulative Disbursement

to date

% of Utilization

Un-disbursed Amount

ADB-25.42 22.10.2010 30.12.2015 2.5 9.83 22.92

2. Financial Progresses 2011

Expenditure- (Rs.Mn) Disbursement – (US $ Mn.)

Allocation -2011 Rs.Mn.

Expenditure up to 20th June 2011


Targeted Disbursement

Actual Disbursement as at 20th June -2011

Foreign GOSL Foreign GOSL 4.4 0.5 586.00 86.00 39.98 0.23

3. Overall Progress







1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q





L2640: Disbursement Progress

Projections Actual

All the six contract packages were awarded. The physical progress of each road package was 5% and the financial progress was about 1% as at end of May, 2011.

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 12

Road and Ports Sector

4. Agreed Action Plan

Major Issues/Problems Agreed Actions

Responsible Agency

Tracking Indicator

No Environmental or Social Officer for the Project Implementation Unit. (Road Development Department, Northern Provincial Council)

Request to be made to the Department of Management Services.

PMU 31 July 2011

Additional works (cost around Rs. 90 Mn) involved in the Package NP 02

Cutting additional number of Trees

Possible increase in the quantities of sub base and structures, due to condition of the sub base and inaccuracy of the estimates.

Necessary approvals should be obtained for additional financing early.

PMU 31 July 2011

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 13

Road and Ports Sector

Ministry : Ports and Highways

Reporting Date : 12.06.2011

Project Name : L1711/L2413-Southern Transport Development Project

Project Director : Mr. V.V.D.N. Chandrasiri

1.Loan Utilization US $ Mn.

Loan Amount Effective Date

Closing Date Cumulative Disbursement

to date

% of Utilization

Un-disbursed Amount

ADB 1711 - 96.22 30.10.2002 31.12.2010 96.22 100.00 0.00

ADB 2413 - 90.00 13.06.2008 31.12.2011 54.87 60.97 35.13

2 Financial Progresses 2011

Expenditure- (Rs.Mn) Disbursement – (US $ Mn.)

Allocation -2011 Rs.Mn.

Expenditure up to May 2011


Targeted Disbursement

Actual Disbursement as at May -2011

Foreign GOSL Foreign GOSL 23.00

4.87 2000 613 635.7 167.4

3. Overall Progress







1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q





L2413: Contract Awrds Progress

Projections Actual







1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q


' mill


L2413: Disbursement Progress

Projections Actual

In 2006, the government decided to upgrade the two lane highway to a four lane highway and this proposal was accepted by ADB. To accommodate this change of scope and the cost overrun, ADB processed a supplementary loan (L2413) for STDP in 2008. However, at the same time, the civil work contract in L2413 was limited only to the section from Kurundugahahathakma to Pinnaduwa (30km length). As such, the balance work in the section from Pinnaduwa to Matara (Godagama), which is about 30 km) and the Galle Port

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 14

Road and Ports Sector

4. Agreed Action Plan

Major Issues/Problems Agreed Actions

Responsible Agency

Tracking Indicator

Delay in payment of compensation to newly affected people due to design and slope changes

Complete the compensation payments by 30 June 2012. Progress to be reviewed at monthly Project Coordinate Committee meeting. Keep the key staff of Land Unit of STDP-PMU until the completion of compensation payments



Complete 100% of compensation by 30 June 2012.

Dispute on contract variations for Rs. 3 Billion has not been settled. The award of ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) arbitration is expected in September 2011. (There is a risk of under utilization of the ADB funds by the loan closure)

RDA and ADB to review carefully the cost to completion and submit alternative proposal after the award of arbitration to ensure ADB funds are utilize within the loan closure.


Submit the proposal by 14 October 2011.

Low performance of disbursements.

2011 Projections Achievements

Disb $23 million $5 million

Expedite the submission of bills and withdrawal Applications to ADB before September 2011. .


Achieve at least 60% of the target by 30 September 2011.

Access Road were to be financed by the GOSL. The GOSL has secured the financial assistance from the Export and Import Bank of China for the completion of balance works. Civil works of the ADB financed section has been completed and the substantial completion certificate was issued on 19 April 2011. RDA has extended contracts of both the Management Consultant and the construction supervision consultant up to 31 December 2011. The procurement of road safety equipment is in progress and to be completed by 30 November 2011.

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 15

Road and Ports Sector

5. Major Covenants Not Complied with:

Covenant Agreed Policy Actions

Responsible Agency

Tracking Indicator

Motor Traffic (Amendment) Bill to be to be placed before Parliament by 30 September 2008.

This act consists of two main sections. The first section pertains to the issue of driving licenses and registration of vehicles.

The Section-2 is on administrative matters and penalties.

The section-1 was presented to the Parliament in October 2008 October and was passed. The Section 2 is still at the Legal Draftsman's Department (LDD) for clearance.

As an alternative, the Ministry of Transport and the Ministry of Ports and Highways (MOPH) are to introduce new regulations to the existing motor traffic act for operating of the Southern Expressway. Decision on charging of toll fee should be in place before commencement of operations.


The Gazette notification introducing new regulations are to be published by 31 July 2011.

Upon completion of Project, the Borrower shall endeavor to establish proposed Expressway Authority, subject to relevant approvals of Parliament, to ensure that suitable arrangements are made for operation and maintenance of the Project Highway.

As an interim measure RDA has established Expressway Management Unit. The Government will enhance the capacity of the Expressway Management Unit by providing adequate staff, authority and financial resources.


Express way Management Unit is fully functional by 31 July 2011.

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 16

Road and Ports Sector

Ministry : Ports and Highways

Project Name : L 2080- TA Loan for Road Project Preparatory Facility

Reporting Date : 31st May 2011

Project Director : S. Chandrapalan

1. Loan Utilization US $ Mn.

Loan Amount Effective Date

Closing Date Cumulative Disbursement

to date

% of Utilization

Un-disbursed Amount

ADB-15.00 15.09.2004 30.06.2012 10.03 66.87 4.97

2. Financial Progress 2011

Expenditure- (Rs.Mn) Disbursement – (US $ Mn.)

Allocation -2011 Rs.Mn.

Expenditure up to May 2011


Targeted Disbursement

Actual Disbursement as at May -2011

Foreign GOSL Foreign GOSL 0.35

0.73 542.50 130.00 72.50 33.65

3. Overall Progress






1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q


' mill


L2080: Contract Awards Progress

Projections Actual







1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q





L2080: Disbursement Progress

Projections Actual

Overall Progress as at 31st May as follows.

1. Package 1- Feasibility Studies and Detailed Engineering Design of National

Highways 1500 km – Contract was terminated.

2. Package 2- Feasibility Studies and Detailed Engineering Design of Provincial

Roads 2400 km - Completed

3. Package IB - Feasibility Study and Detailed Engineering Design of 351.34 km of

National highways under Variation of Package II - Completed

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 17

Road and Ports Sector

4. Agreed Action Plan

Major Issues/Problems Agreed Actions

Responsible Agency

Tracking Indicator

A. Preparation of 2nd additional financing of NHSP and 1st additional financing of NRCP (National Roads)

Agreement by MLGPC to utilize its current contract through variation


By 11/July/2011

Draft Negotiated Contract Variation (for ADB no objection)

RDA By 29/July/2011

ADB provide no objection and RDA issue notice to proceed

ADB By 03/Aug/2011

Commencement of Additional Services

RDA, Consultant

By 08/Aug/2011

B. Project Concept for ADB pipeline assistance for 2013-14

NPD (MOFP) to provide guidance for specific project proposal in 2013-2014, including RDA proposal (already sent to NPD) regarding potential expressway system in Colombo Metro Area


As soon as possible

C. Commencement of Preparation for Project Concepts in 2013-2014

Upon NPD’s advice, commence preparation of the agreed project concepts for 2013-2014 – by utilizing L2080’s remaining uncommitted funds


As soon as possible

4. Package 1 C - Feasibility Study of 600 Km of National Highways – Completed

5. Package V - Feasibility Studies and Detailed Design of A009 Road (156.60km) and

National Highways in Jaffna Peninsula (110.08km) National Highways Variation

No 01 of Package 1C – Completed

6. Package V-A - Northern Road Connectivity Project – Completed 7. Contract Variation : Feasibility Study and Detailed Design of 250 km of Provincial

Roads in Jaffna District – Completed 8. Consultancy Contract for Feasibility Study and Detailed Design of 400 Km of

Provincial Roads in Killinochchi & Mullaitivu Districts. – In progress

9. Package VB - Review of Feasibility Studies and Detailed Engineering Design of

Southern Link Roads – Completed

10. Package VII-Detailed engineering designs for Greater Colombo Urban Transport

Development Project – Project suspended.

Power Sector

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 18

Power Sector

Ministry : Power and Energy

Project Name : L2518-2519-Clean Energy and Access Improvement Project

Reporting Date : 16th June 2011

1. Loan Utilization US $ Mn.

Loan Amount Effective Date

Closing Date

Cumulative Disbursement

to date

% of Utilization

Un-disbursed Amount

135 (2518-SRI)

26.38 (2919-SRI)

09.02. 2010 09.02.2010

30.11.2013 30.09.2013





127.13 25.05

161.38 (Total) 9.2 5.7 152.18

2. Financial Progress 2011

Expenditure- (Rs.Mn) Disbursement – (US $ Mn.)

Allocation -2011 Rs.Mn.

Expenditure up to June 2011


Targeted Disbursement

Actual Disbursed as at June -2011

Foreign GOSL(CEB) Foreign GOSL 21.00 4.72









1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q


' mill


L2518: Contract Awards Progress

Projections Actual






1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q





L2518: Disbursement Progress

Projections Actual

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 19

Power Sector

3. Overall Progress

Part 1 & 5-National System Control Center & SCADA - $25 million $ 1.7 million

Consultancy- Consultants advised Ceylon Electricity Board on the requests received by the prospective bidders for clarifications. Package A (National System Control Centre and installation of Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition System –SCADA): Addendum 04 was issued. Preparation for the bid opening and bid evaluation is in progress. Package B (Replacement of earth wire with optical ground wires): Bidding was closed on the 11th of May, 2011 and the received Bids are being evaluated by the TEC. Part 2A: Transmission System Strengthening - Transmission Lines Project $8 million Way leaves approval and Clearing / Compensation works.

Major parts of way leave Assessment works are completed. Way leaves clearing estimation and compensation works are in progress.

Construction Works (i) Engineering Design work is in progress. (61% completed)

(ii) Procurement of material is being processed. (49% completed)

(iii) Construction activities such as Tower Pegging out, Soil Testing &

Foundation works are in Progress. (6% completed)

(iv) Overall progress of 30%is achieved.

Part 2 B- Transmission System Strengthening Grid Substation Project Lot A-1(Augmentation of existing Grid substations at Kurunegala, resulting capacity addition): Approval of Technical Evaluation Committee & Cabinet Approval Procurement Committee has been received for the revised bidding documents. Lot A-2(Construction of new Grid Substations at Maho, Naula & pallekele and Augmentation of existing Grid Substations at Galle, Habarana, Matara, Panadura & Puttalum, resulting capacity addition.) : Awarded the contract and an advanced payment was made.

Lot A-3 (Horana & Veyangoda) changed the Part 3 (Distribution Substation Augmentation Project)

Contract Signed and an advanced payment paid to the Contractor. Works has been commenced from July 1, 2011. $ 1.1 million already disbursed $0.74 million planned

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 20

Power Sector

Part 4-Demand Side Management for Municipal Street Lighting Construction of lamp line and procurement of street lamp fittings are going on.

Part 6-Augmentation of Grid Substation for Absorption of Renewable Energy - Phase II

(Increase the mini hydro absorption capacity of the Seethawake, ,Balangoda, Badulla, Nuwara Eliya, Ukuwela, Mahiyangana grid substation from 175MW to 350MW and augmentation of above grid substation) Design works-18% completed 21% Procurement -5% completed 3% Construction works-2% completed 5% Overall Progress- of the Project -6% Expected $7.5 million Part 7 -Transmission System Strengthening Eastern Province Project overall planned $5.6 million Lot A (Augmentation of existing 132/33Kv Grid Substation at Ampara GSS Valachchenai): Advance Payment was made. Design Approvals are in progress Lot B (Construction of 132 kv Double Circuit Transmission Line From Habarana Grid Substation to Valachchenai Grid substation ): Profile Surveying and Contractor submission for Design Approvals of Transmission Line in progress Wayleave clearing within private lands completed 90% Physical Overal Progress Lot A - 0.5% 3.4% Physical Overal Progress Lot B - 15.1% 17%

Part 8-Rural Household Connection Hambantota, Ampara Consultation is in progress. Selection a financial provider

4. Agreed Action Plan

Major Issues/Problems Agreed Actions

Responsible Agency

Tracking Indicator

The need for a Central Project management Unit was highlighted for proper coordination

To discuss with CEB,GM ADB

Delays in Procurement under Part 4: Demand-Side Management for Municipal Street Lighting

Submit the TEC report for approval of relevant IS packages to ADB.

CEB 31 July 2011

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 21

Power Sector

Submission of revised draft bidding documents for two new/separated lots of original Lot A-1 of Part 2B

Submit the CAPC approved Revised Bid documents to ADB.

CEB No specific date

Delay in submission of formal request from CEB to ADB to include feeders connecting primary substations of Part 3 to the grid to the project scope (due on 1 April 2011)

Expedite the submission of formal request.

CEB 31 July 2011

Audit Accounts Reports- Delay in submitting of audited project accounts and financial statements.

Timely submission of audited project accounts and financial statements is required.

CEB/LECO 30 September 2011

5. Major Covenants Not Complied with:

Covenant Agreed Policy Actions

Responsible Agency

Tracking Indicator

Delay in Submission of a report on delegating all power and authority to Function Business Units to the CEB’s Board approval (was due on 31 March 2011)

Expedite the submission CEB 31 July 2011

Delay in agreement reach between CEB and Function Business units (FBU) on targets for 2011 key performance indicators (was due on 31 March 2011)

Expedite the discussions and agree the targets

CEB 31 July 2011

Delay in submission of an implementation plan to ADB on Ceylon Electricity Board’s Corporate Plan consistent with 2011 key performance indicator targets (due on 30 June 2011)

Expedite the submission CEB 31 July 2011

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 22

Power Sector

Ministry : Power and Energy

Project Name : L2733/L2734- Sustainable Power Sector Support II Project

Reporting Date : 31st May 2011

1. Loan Utilization US $ Mn

Loan Amount Effective Date

Closing Date Cumulative Disbursement

to date

% of Utilization

Un-disbursed Amount

120 Still not effective

30.04.2014 -



2. Financial Progress 2011

Expenditure- (Rs.Mn) Disbursement – (US $ Mn.)

Allocation -2011 Rs.Mn.

Expenditure up to May 2011


Targeted Disbursement

Actual Disbursement as at May -2011

Foreign GOSL(CEB) Foreign GOSL -

- 500 4 - -

3. Overall Progress

Part 1A -New Galle Power Transmission Development Project Grid Substation Lot A1 – (Construction of 3x31.5MVA, 132/33Kv Grid Substation at Galle) Bid Closed and opened on 25th May 2011. Technical Evaluation is in progress. Grid Substation Lot A2 – (Installation of 40 MvAr Breaker Switch Capacitor Banks. At Ambalangoda 10 MvAr, at Aniyakanda 10 MVAr and at Katunayake 20 MvAr) Bid documents of preparation are in progress by Transmission Design branch. Transmission line Lot B – (40 Km transmission line From Ambalangoda to Galle) Bids were opened on 04th May 2011. Technical Evaluation report submitted to CAPC. Part 1B - North East Power Transmission Development Project Approval received from SCAPC and ADB to advertise the Bid Documents. Advertisements for Bids of Lot A, Lot B and Lot C were published on 21st February 2011. Pre bid meetings and site visits were conducted for lot A, Lot B & Lot C. Bids of Lot A, Lot B & Lot C opened on 25th May, 4th May & 27th April 2011. Evaluation works of Lot B & C is going on.

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 23

Power Sector

4. Agreed Action Plan

Covenant Agreed Policy Actions

Responsible Agency

Tracking Indicator

ADB Approval is pending for Lot B TEC report (Sent to 24 June 2011)

Expedite the ADB response ADB

ADB concurrence is pending for Bidding doc for Lot A2- (Sent on 4 July 2011)

Expedite the ADB response 31 July 2011

Part 2 - Expansion of Rural Electrification and Distribution System Improvement Package 3 is under evaluation. Tender advertised on 10-03-2011 and closed on 11-05-2011 Under Package 3, conductors and accessories, insulators, vehicles, distribution transformers, pole hardware and gantries will be procured. Package 4 - Tender advertised on 10-03-2011 and will be opened on 06-06-2011. Under Package 4, Medium Voltage, Low Voltage materials, Auto Reclosures and Load Break Switches will be procured. Package 5-Tender was advertised on 19.05.2011 and will be opened on 22.06.2011 Under Package 5 Concrete Poles will be procured. Part 3 - Moragolla Hydro Power Project (Detailed Engineering Design) Evaluation of Expression of Interest for short listing and draft Request for Proposals evaluation is being done by the Cabinet Appointed Consultation Committee. Part 4 - Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Part I –Tea Estate Micro- Hydro Rehabilitation and Repowering Pilot Project Draft agreement was sent to ADB. Sites have been finalized. Part II-Training of Energy Auditors Consultant to be appointed by ADB. Par III-Energy Efficient Lighting Project will be commenced on 04th July. Part IV-Energy Appliance Testing Laboratory Consultant to be appointed by ADB.

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 24

Power Sector

Part 1B - North East Power Transmission Development Project

ADB concurrence is pending for Lot C- TEC

Expedite the ADB response ADB

Loan effectiveness is pending

Expedite the legal clearances

ERD 31 August 2011

Part 3 ADB approval is pending for submission 01

Expedite the ADB response


31 July 2011

Water Supply and Urban

Development Sector

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 25

Water Supply and Urban Development Sector

Ministry : Water Supply and Drainage

Project Name : L2477- Dry Zone Urban Water and Sanitation Project

Reporting Date : 31st May 2011

Project Director : Mr. J R B Nadurana

1. Loan Utilization US $ Mn.

Loan Amount Effective

Date Closing Date

Cumulative Disbursement

to date

% of Utilization

Un-disbursed Amount

ADB - 85.00 Loan: 59.78 Grant: 25.22

13.11.2009 30.06 2014 0.095 0.11 84.91

2. Financial Progress 2011

Expenditure- (Rs.Mn) Disbursement – (US $ Mn.)

Allocation -2011 Rs.Mn.

Expenditure up to May 2011


Targeted Disbursement

Actual Disbursement ( as at May -2011)

Foreign GOSL Foreign GOSL 1.94 0

400 200 51.68 41.62

3. Overall Progress

Completed Tasks:

1. Land acquisition is completed in 21 sites out of 23, in Vavuniya, Mannar, Chilaw, and Puttalam, other than Peru Aru and Mannar septage treatment plant site.





1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q


' mill


L2477: Contract Awards Progress

Projections Actual







1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q


' mill


L2477: Disbursement Progress

Projections Actual

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 26

Water Supply and Urban Development Sector

2. Environmental Clearances received for all sites other than treatment plant site and septage site at Chilaw, Peru Aru reservoir site, Mannar septage treatment plant site and water treatment plant site at Bingiriya.

3. Population Surveys completed. 4. Topographical Surveys underway. 5. Flow measurements (1 year data) completed. 6. Water quality measurements (1 year data) completed.

Ongoing Tasks:

1. Ninety percent (90%) of geo technical surveys have been completed. 2. Eighty percent (80%) of ground water investigation has been completed. 3. All designs are in progress. 4. About 47% of construction of Regional Service Centre (RSC) Building ( North) is


4. Agreed Action Plan

Major Issues/Problems Agreed Actions

Responsible Agency

Tracking Indicator

Change in three (03) sites identified at the appraisal stage (Septage sites in Chilaw, Puttalam and Mannar) resulting delay in land acquisition and required studies.

i) Chilaw Septage Site: IEE for the septage site to be submitted to ADB.

ii) Puttalam Septage Site: The Urban Council to clear the land of solid waste and hand it over to NWSDB.

iii) Mannar Septage Site: Consultant to submit the revised IEE by end

NWSDB UC, Puttalam

31 August 2011 31 July 2011 October 2011.

Protests by farmers on Peru Aru (Vavuniya) reservoir site.

NWSDB to have proper community consultation.

NWSDB to propose a resettlement plan after completing the government survey.

NWSDB to come with alternatives for this sub project.

NWSDB DS, Vavuniya

31 August 2011 October 2011

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 27

Water Supply and Urban Development Sector

SMEC consultant's staff leaving for other projects.

NWSDB to ensure that Consultants find suitable replacement. NWSDB to officially communicate to SMEC on the issue.

NWSDB 31 July 2011

Delay in awarding of Mannar Transmission Line contract due to difference in opinion by the TEC and the ADB.

NWSDB to send the revised cabinet decision to ADB.

NWSDB 25 July 2011

2010 Audited Project Accounts is due on 30 June 2011

NWSDB to coordinate with AG’s Department to expedite the submission.


31 July 2011

Project activities will not be able to complete within the present loan closing date.

NWSDB to submit the required time extension with a condition to complete the project activities within the existing project cost.

NWSDB 31 August 2011

Major Covenants Not Complied with (Partly Complied)

Covenant Agreed Policy Actions

Responsible Agency

Tracking Indicator

At the latest by 30 Jun 2009, Sri Lanka's Cabinet shall have approved (i) the Water Supply Policy; and (ii) the Sanitation Policy.

1. Water Supply policy was approved on 3 March, 2010.

2. Sanitation Policy has been revised based on public comments received and will be submitted to cabinet

NWSDB August 2011

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 28

Water Supply and Urban Development Sector

Ministry : Water Supply and Drainage

Project Name : L1993/L2275/L2276 -Secondary Towns and Rural Community

Based Water Supply and Sanitation Project

Reporting Date : 31st May 2011

Project Director : Mr. Hapuarachchi

1. Loan Utilization US $ Mn.

Loan Amount Effective Date Closing Date Cumulative Disbursement

to date

% of Utilization

Un-disbursed Amount

ADB- 132.5

Loan No: 1193 SRI – 21.11.2003, 2276 SRI – 14.03.2007, 2275 SRI – 28.08.2007

Loan No: 1193 SRI – 30.09.2011, 2276 SRI – 30.06.2012, 2275 SRI – 30.06.2012

119.19 89.95 13.24

2. Financial Progress 2011

Expenditure- (Rs.Mn) Disbursement US$ mn

Allocation -2011 Rs.Mn.

Expenditure up to May 2011 (Rs.Mn.)

Targeted Disbursement

Rs. Million

Actual Disbursement as at May -2011


GOSL Foreign

GOSL FA 875.0 GOSL 785.0

FA 119.19 GOSL 80.22

2100.0 1880.0 503.15 1118.44







1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q


$' m



L1993: Disbursement Progress

Projections Actual






1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q






L2275: Disbursement Progress

Projections Actual






1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q






L2275: Disbursement Progress

Projections Actual

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 29

Water Supply and Urban Development Sector

3. Overall Progress 4. Agreed Action Plan

Major Issues/Problems Agreed Actions

Responsible Agency

Tracking Indicator

Delay in ADB approval for award of the contract for Muttur head works.

Expedite the approval for the procurement.

ADB Approve the TEC recommendation by 10 September 2011.

ADB decision is pending for the PMU’s request for extension of loan No.1993 SRI to finance the project management and supervision consultancy costs related to Loan No: 2275 and 2276 as there are no provisions in the mentioned loans.

EA to submit the information on contract savings and detailed budget on project management and supervision consultancy.

PMU By 25 July 2011 PMU submits the information on contract savings and supervision consultancy budget.

Low Disbursement Progress

2011 Projections Achievements

Disb $5 million $.7million

Expedite the submission of bills and withdrawal Applications to ADB.


Achieve at least 60% of the target by 30 September 2011.

Urban Contracts: 1. Batticaloa – Unnichchai Tank, Batticaloa hospital sewerage treatment plant, storm water

drainage system and sanitation facilities are 100% completed. About 95% of other constructions related to these sub-projects are also completed.

2. Polonnaruwa – 77% of Head works of urban water supply and 99.5 % of towers and distribution system have been completed. All planned sanitation sub-projects have been completed.

3. Muthur – About 86% water towers, treated water transmission and distribution system have been completed. Storm water drainage system and 100% of sanitation projects have been completed.

4. Hambantota – About 99% of Intake, raw-water main, water treatment plant, treated water main, towers and distribution lines are constructed. 100% of treated water transmission lines and sanitation subprojects are completed. A temporary salinity barrier is being constructed (20% completed).

Rural Contracts: 1. Batticaloa – All water supply and sanitation schemes are completed. 2. Polonnaruwa & Anuradhapura – About 99% schemes are completed.

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 30

Water Supply and Urban Development Sector

Ministry : Water Supply and Drainage

Project Name : L2710/2711-Jaffna and Kilinochchi Water Supply and Sanitation

Reporting Date : 15 June 2011

Project Director : Mr. Barathidasan

1. Loan Utilization US $ Mn.

Loan Amount Effective Date

Closing Date Cumulative Disbursement

to date

% of Utilization

Un-disbursed Amount

ADB- 90.0 (AFD – 48.0)

06.05.2011 14.08.2017 0 0 90.0 (48.0)

2 Financial Progress 2011

Expenditure- (Rs.Mn) Disbursement – (US $ Mn.)

Allocation -2011 Rs.Mn.

Expenditure up to March 2005


Targeted Disbursement

Actual Disbursement as at March -2005

Foreign GOSL Foreign GOSL 2.73 0

250 50 0 5.4

4. Overall Progress

1. Recruitment of Consultants (two consultancies): EOI received for Project

Engineering & Institutional Consultancy (PEIC) are being evaluated. Recruitment

is due on 1st Quarter 2012. The EOI is being drafted for consultancy for

Community based Rural Water Supply and Sanitation sub-projects. Recruitment is

due in August 2011.

2. Advance pipe laying activities across roads are being processed ( at tender-calling

stage). Hume pipes were laid across A-9 road at 22 locations in Jaffna Municipal

Area for future distribution main. Memorandum of Understanding for the road

crossing and laying of pipes on RDA roads is ready to sign.

3. Environmental clearance process is on-schedule.

4. Land acquisition process is at various stages ( on-schedule).

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 31

Water Supply and Urban Development Sector

4. Agreed Action Plan

Major Issues/Problems Agreed Actions

Responsible Agency

Tracking Indicator

Delay in signing the grant agreement (No. 9154) for rural Community water supply.

Expedite the matter. ERD and ADB

25 July 2011

Delay in signing of AFD co-financing agreement

Expedite the clearances from AG’s Department.

ERD 15 August 2011

Delay in receiving the revised PAM from ADB

Expedite the matter. ADB 25 July 2011

The cost of IA’s (PID-NP) proposal for design and supervision consultants for Iranamadu headwork is much higher than the provisions made in the PAM.

ADB to assess the IA’s request and expedite the decision.

ADB 25 July 2011

Provisions made in the PAM for incremental expenditure is inadequate for irrigation component.

IA to submit a detail requirement with a budget for ADB’s assessment.

IA (Provincial Irrigation Department-NP)

25 July 2011

Method of payment for RDA for road crossing works has not been finalized.

ADB to expedite the decision.

ADB 31 July 2011

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 32

Water Supply and Urban Development Sector

Ministry : Local Government and Provincial Councils

Project Name : L2557/L2558- Greater Colombo Wastewater Management Project

Reporting Date : 20 June 2011

Project Director : Ms. Kumudini Samarasinghe

1. Loan Utilization US $ Mn.

Loan Amount Effective Date

Closing Date Cumulative Disbursement

to date

% of Utilization

Un-disbursed Amount

ADB- 100.33 09.04.2010 30.06.2015 1.58 0.016 98.85

2 Financial Progress 2011

Expenditure- (Rs.Mn) Disbursement – (US $ Mn.)

Allocation -2011 Rs.Mn.

Expenditure up to May 2011


Targeted Disbursement

Actual Disbursement as at May-2011

Foreign GOSL Foreign GOSL 5.5 0.35

615 120 9.93 0.15

3. Overall Progress Major Issues/ Problems

4. Agreed Action Plan








1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q


' mill


L2558: Contract Awards Progress

Projections Actual






1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q






L2558: Disbursement Progress

Projections Actual

1. Capacity Development Technical Assistance support is ongoing.

2. Design Supervision and Management consultant (DSC) was mobilized from 21st March

2011. Institutional Development consultant (IDC) was mobilized from 10th January 2011.

3. The planning and investigation work of the sewerage rehabilitation is in progress.

4. Analysis on Change Management support to Colombo Municipal Council (CMC) is in


5. Procurement of office renovation and furniture and equipment for PMU has been

completed for current requirement and procurement of sewer cleaning equipment for

CMC, is in progress.

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 33

Water Supply and Urban Development Sector

Major Issues/Problems Agreed Actions

Responsible Agency

Tracking Indicator

Signing of agreement on cross boundary flow for wastewater discharged by NWSDB

Executing Ministries (M/ WS&D and M/LG&PC) should coordinate with relevant agencies to resolve the operational issues and management of sewerage pumping stations at NHDA owned housing schemes in the city


31 August 2011

Agreement between CMC and Central Environmental Authority (CEA) on phase out implementation program to meet CEA’s Standards on discharges

Expedite the matter. PMU 31 August 2011

ADB may not be able to Fund for the 3year operating and maintenance

1. PMU to expedite the implementation 2. PMU to incorporate for the clauses for O&M as originally designed.


Low Disbursement Progress

2011 Projections Achievements

Disb $1.7 million $0.3million

Expedite the submission of bills and withdrawal Applications to ADB.


Achieve at least 60% of the target by 30 September 2011.

Education Sector

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 34

Education Sector

Ministry : Education

Project Name : L2371- Education for Knowledge Society Project

Reporting Date : 31st May 2011

Project Director : Mr. Anura Dissanayaka

1. Loan Utilization US $ Mn.

Loan Amount

Effective Date Closing Date Cumulative

Disbursement to date

% of Utilization

Un-disbursed Amount

65.00 07 .03.2008 30 .06 2013 25.70 38 38.85

2. Financial Progresses 2011

Expenditure- (Rs.Mn) Disbursement – (US $ Mn.)

Allocation -2011 (Rs.Mn).

Expenditure up to May 2011 (Rs.Mn.)

Targeted Disbursement

Actual Disbursement as at May -2011

Foreign GOSL Foreign GOSL

1867.00 294.25 1343.41 25.55 12.19 7.05

3. Overall Progress






1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q


' mill


L2371: Contract Awards Progress

Projections Actual





1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q






L2371: Disbursement Progress

Projections Actual

01. Secondary School Development Programme – Estimates for new civil works constructions and repairs works have been prepared for 87 schools. Construction works of 21 schools have been completed and 10 Schools were opened for students.

02. Professional Development/ Quality Development programs are in progress.

03. Providing ICT facilities- Civil works have been completed in 2000 schools.

04. Upgrading of Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced Technological Education (SLIATE) is in progress.

05. HIV/ AIDS and Health Education Program are in Progress.

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 35

Education Sector

4. Agreed Action Alan

Major Issues/Problems Agreed Actions

Responsible Agency

Tracking Indicator

$40 million to be disbursed within the remaining two years of period.

PMU to submit a detailed implementation plan, with cash flow, indicating how all activities will be finished.

PMU 31 July 2011

Inadequate budgetary provisions

PMU to request a supplementary budget supported by a detail cash flow forecast for the project.

PMU 31 July 2011

There is no progress under the SLIATE component.

ADB to discuss the matter during MTR and to take a decision together with ERD on this component.


Slow disbursement progress in the Grant Component.

PMU to expedite the activities ADB to discuss the matter during the MTR and consider the MoE’s request to allocate funds from Fill component to siphon program.


Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 36

Education Sector

Ministry : Youth Affairs and Skill Development

Project Name : L2197- Technical Education Development Project

Reporting Date : 30 June 2011

Project Director : Mr. Hector Hemachandra

1. Loan Utilization US $ Mn.

Loan Amount

Effective Date

Closing Date

Cumulative Disbursement

to date

% of Utilization

Un-disbursed Amount

21.14 19 .04.2006 31.08.2011 17.20 80 3.93

2. Financial Progresses 2011

Expenditure- (Rs.Mn) Disbursement – (US $ Mn.)

Allocation -2011 (Rs.Mn).

Expenditure up to May 2011 (Rs.Mn.)

Target Disbursement

Actual Disbursement as at May -2011

Foreign GOSL Foreign GOSL

610 100 271.08 37.90 4.00 3.15

3. Overall Progress

4. Agreed Action Plan

Major Issues/Problems Agreed Actions

Responsible Agency

Tracking Indicator

Delay in recruitment of the cadre of trainees, instructors as well as technical and administrative staff for the Colleges of Technology (CoTs) and the University of Vocational Technology (Univotec).

Complete the recruitment of balance 25 lectures.

MYASD 31 August 2011

Borrower’s Project Completion Report is due for submission.

Submit the report by due date.

PMU 31 August 2011

Project is nearing its completion. Most of the activities have been completed.

Finance and Banking


Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 37

Finance and Banking Sector

Ministry : Finance and Planning

Project Name : L2624- Fiscal Management Efficiency Project

Reporting Date : 31st May 2011

Project Director : Ms. Shaymalee Gunawardana

1. Loan Utilization US $ Mn.

Loan Amount Effective Date

Closing Date Cumulative Disbursement

to date

% of Utilization

Un-disbursed Amount

ADB-50.00 05.07.2010 30.04.2014 1.589 3.18 48.41

2. Financial Progress 2011

Expenditure- (Rs.Mn) Disbursement – (US $ Mn.)

Allocation -2011 Rs.Mn.

Expenditure up to May 2011


Targeted Disbursement

Actual Disbursement as at May -2011

Foreign GOSL Foreign GOSL 5% 800.00 40.00 40.00 17.70

3. Overall Progress

4. Agreed Action Plan

1. Establishment of Revenue Administration and Management Information

System (RAMIS)

The complete set of Bidding Documents for Information System (IS) of RAMIS was compiled and the bid was advertised in February and will be closed on 30th of June 2011.

2. Integrated Treasury Management Information System (ITMIS)

The complete set of Bidding Documents for Information System (IS) of ITMIS was compiled and the bid was advertised on the 13th of May and will be closed on 11th of July 2011.

3. Human Resource Capacity Development

The Academy of Financial Studies, as approved by the Cabinet of Ministers on 02.08.2010 was set up as a state of the art training facility of the Ministry of Finance and Planning.

4. Other

The web pages for the FMEP website have been developed with the contents finalized. The website is hosted at the URL www.fmepsl.org. The website will not only aim at giving the public, information regarding the project activities but will also provide an important interface medium for prospective bidders and other stakeholders to interact with FMEP project.

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 38

Finance and Banking Sector

Ministry : Finance and Planning

Project Name : L2131/L2132-Fiscal Management Reform Project

Reporting Date : 31st May 2011

Project Director : Ms. Shaymalee Gunawardana

1. Loan Utilization US $ Mn.

Loan Amount Effective Date

Closing Date Cumulative Disbursement

to date

% of Utilization

Un-disbursed Amount

70.00 21.04.2004 31.12.2011 54.51 77.87 15.48

2. Financial Progress 2011

Expenditure- (Rs.Mn) Disbursement – (US $ Mn.)

Allocation -2011 Rs.Mn.

Expenditure up to May 2011


Targeted Disbursement

Actual Disbursement as at May -2011

Foreign GOSL Foreign GOSL 0.84% 630.00 50.00 5.31 0.71

3. Overall Progress









1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q


' mill


L2132: Contract Awards Progress

Projections Actual







1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q





L2132: Disbursement Progress

Projections Actual

1. Training Component completed.

2. Phase I – Automation of the Inland Revenue Department (IRD LAN)

The contract for IRD LAN was awarded to Samsung SDS of Korea following competitive bidding process and after relevant approvals from the Cabinet Appointed Procurement Committee (CAPC) and the ADB.

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 39

Finance and Banking Sector

4. Agreed Action Plan

Major Issues/Problems Agreed Actions

Responsible Agency

Tracking Indicator

Contract Variation has not been finalized.

Expedite the process.


31 August 2011

Delay in refurbishment of building for training center

Expedite the process PMU

A loan savings of $3 million anticipated under L2131 and GoSL requested to reallocate the savings to a priority project.

GoSL to send an official request to ADB.


Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 40

Finance and Banking Sector

Ministry : Finance and Planning

Project Name : L2381-Small and Medium Enterprise Regional Development


Reporting Date : 31st May 2011

Project Director : Mr. D.S. Jayaweera

1. Loan Utilization US $ Mn.

Loan Amount Effective Date

Closing Date Cumulative Disbursement

to date

% of Utilization

Un-disbursed Amount

ADB-50.00 08.04.2008 30.09.2011 30.49 61 19.70

2. Financial Progress 2011

Expenditure- (Rs.Mn) Disbursement – (US $ Mn.)

Allocation -2011 Rs.Mn.

Expenditure up to May 2011


Targeted Disbursement

Actual Disbursement as at May -2011

Foreign GOSL Foreign GOSL 18.04 3.88 450.00 3.00 429.57 0.40

3. Overall Progress








1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q


' mill


L2381: Contract Awards Progress

Projections Actual







1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q





L2381: Disbursement Progress

Projections Actual

1,067 loans amounting Rs. 4,953.21mn. have been approved as at the end of 31 Dec. 2010. Out of them 818 loans amounting Rs. 3,242.01mn. have already been released to SMEs.

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 41

Finance and Banking Sector

4. Agreed Action Plan

Major Issues/Problems Agreed Actions

Responsible Agency

Tracking Indicator

Low Disbursement Progress

2011 Projections Achievements

Disb $23 million $8million

Expedite the submission of bills and withdrawal Applications to ADB.


Achieve at least 60% of the target by 30 September 2011.

A loan savings of $6 million anticipated and GOSL requested to reallocate the savings to a priority project.

GOSL to send an official request to ADB.


DMF Performance indicators need to be updated for progress Cluster development Risk Management

To coordinate with other banks to get

the relevant information


31 August 2011

Borrowers PCR is due

To submit prior to loan closure

PMU 30 September 2011

Delay in submission of 2011 APA/AFS from all PCBs (due 30 Jun 2011).

Expedite the submission

PMU 31 July 2011

North and East

Development Sector

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 42

North and East Development Sector

Ministry : Economic Development

Project Name : L2626-Conflict Affected Region Emergency Project

Reporting Date : 20th June 2011

Project Coordinator : Mr. Karunarathne Pallegedara

1. Loan Utilization US $ Mn.

Loan Amount Effective Date

Closing Date Cumulative Disbursement

to date

% of Utilization

Un-disbursed Amount

ADB-150 02.09.2010 30.09.2013 5.99 4 144.01

2 Financial Progress 2011

Expenditure- (Rs.Mn) Disbursement – (US $ Mn.)

Allocation -2011 Rs.Mn.

Expenditure up to May 2011


Targeted Disbursement

Actual Disbursement as at 20th June -2011

Foreign GOSL Foreign GOSL 33.28

0.12 4800 613 84.7 91.85

3. Overall Progress

Component –A

1. Road Development Authority National Roads sub component consists of 02 civil works and 01 consultancy

Design, estimation and other related activities of the civil work completed

Procurement activities of civil contract are in progress.TEC reports are submitted to ADB concurrence

ADB concurrence and Cabinet Approval to be obtained for the contract awarded and contractor is being mobilized.

Financial report of the consultancy has been submitted to ADB for Concurrence.

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 43

North and East Development Sector

2. Provincial Road Development Department –Northern Province This subcomponent consists of 21 Packages (8 Large Local Government Roads, 6 Large Provincial Roads & 7 Small Provincial Road Packages).

Invitation of Bids (IFB) published for 04 Large Packages of MC/UC Roads and evaluation of balance is in progress

Invitation of Bids (IFB) Published for 07 Small Packages of Provincial Roads and evaluation of balance is in progress

3. Provincial Road Development Authority –North Central Province

This sub component consists of 03 contracts

Contractor has mobilized to the sites and work is in progress


1. National Water Supply and Drainage Board This subcomponent consists of 12 contracts

A. Point Pedro Water Supply Scheme This sub component consists of 05 contracts

a. Initial Environmental Examination Completed

b. Social Survey - In Progress

c. Implementation of Civil Works - ADB concurrence to be obtained. d. Supply & Laying of Distribution System -Bid closed on 9th June 2011

e. Implementation of M&E - ADB comments received for DBD

B. Eachchlampattu Water Supply Scheme - This sub component consists of 07 contracts

a. Topographical Survey - Completed

b. Initial Environmental Examination - Negotiation in Progress

c. Social Survey – Expression of Interest (EOI) to be invited again

d. Soil Investigation -Work nearing completion

e. Tower, Transmission Main & Distribution -Document Preparation stage

f. Intake & Treatment Plant -Design stage

g. Mechanical & Electrical works -Design stage

2. Ceylon Electricity Board This sub component consists of 02 contracts

a. Chunnakam Grid Station–Contract awarded and contractor is being mobilized

b. Transmission Line Killinochchi to Chunnakam Contract was awarded on 18.04.2011

Component- C

1. Provincial Department of Irrigation –Northern Province This sub component consist of 27 contracts

a. Contracts for 4 irrigation schemes have been awarded and tenders called for 18 schemes.

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 44

North and East Development Sector

b. Tenders will be called for a further 6 schemes and documents for 11 schemes are presently under preparation.

c. All contracts expected to be awarded by the end of August 2011.

2. Provincial Department of Irrigation –North Central Province This sub component consist of 39 contracts

a. 09 - Initial Environmental Examination completed b. 35 - Design completed c. 35 – Estimation completed d. 03- Packages (09 Tanks) sent to ADB concurrence

3. Ministry of Public Administration and Home Affairs

This sub component consists of 32 contracts a. A total of 22 Civil Work contracts are under Technical Evaluation stage. b. 08 Invitation of Bids (IFB) ready for publication c. 01 Preparation of Draft Bid Document (DBD) in progress d. 01 Design stage (Mullaitivu) e. All Procurement of Civil Work contracts will be completed before the end of August 2011.

Component – D

Ministry of Justice This sub component consists of 03 contracts.

a. Chavakachcheri Court Complex -work commence on 12.01.2011 b. Mallakam Court Complex - work commence on 29.03.2011 c. Kayets Court Complex - work commence on 29.03.2011

Works are in Progress

4. Agreed Action Plan

Major Issues/Problems Agreed Actions

Responsible Agency

Tracking Indicator

Component A : Roads Re-allocation of available funds US$ 12.5 million

EA to send a revised reallocation request including a provision for a mobile laboratory for quality testing.


25 July 2011

There is a risk of delay in quality test reports due to inadequate laboratory facilities

Project to support for a mobile laboratory for quality testing in the proposed fund allocation.

EA/ADB August 2011

Lack of capacity of the contractors

IAs to utilize the provisions made in the BOQs for capacity building programs for contractors.


Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 45

North and East Development Sector

Component B: Water Eachchlampattu ERD approval is pending for IFRC co financing for the funding gap of US$6 million.

Expedite the approval.


31 July 2011

Establish the feasibility of the water source for Eachchalampattu to confirm the water availability.

NWSDB to submit ADB its proposals for course of actions after the flow measurements.

NWSDB August 2011

Point Pedro Present feasibility study ignored the requirement of supplying water to Tsunami housing scheme.

NWSDB to report on the drinking water needs of this housing scheme from the ongoing social survey to ADB.


15 August 2011

Component B – Power IA is not clear on counterpart funding mechanism for the component. ADB approval is pending for CEB’s proposal to utilize the balance funds available under the component for additional works

EA to coordinate with the MOPE to address the issue. ADB to response for the IA’s request.


20 July 2011 30 July 2011

Component C Irrigation There is a need for number of qualified construction supervision consultants. Slow disbursement progress Public Administration Implementation arrangement for construction supervision has not been finalized.

Mobilize adequate supervision staff prior to implementation of subprojects. Expedite the disbursements claims to ADB upon contract awards. IA to submit the CVs of the Building Department’s proposed supervision staff to ADB. Appointment of individual consultants for two major sub projects.


Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 46

North and East Development Sector

Contract awards MOPAHA should award all contracts end September 2011, including, DS building in Mulaitive

Component D Local Authority approval for building plans has not been obtained for the three court houses. Old foundation, suspected to be archeological remains, was found at Chavakachcheri site.

1. Obtain the building plan approval. 2. If the IA is unable to get the clearance for the building from the local authorities, ADB will take action to stop the disbursement after discussing with the GOSL. 1. If the IA is unable to get a clear guidance from Archeological Department that is acceptable to ADB’s safeguard Policy ADB will take action to stop the disbursement after discussing with the GOSL. 2.IA to stop any construction works around the suspected archeological findings, until the site is cleared by Department of Archeology. 3. IA to send ADB and EA, a copy of the Department of Archeology’s initial response on the site. 4. EA to arrange a meeting with Department of Archeology and Secretary to Ministry of Justice (MoJ) to get a clear confirmation on the site.

5. EA to officially inform ADB on the outcome of this meeting.

6. ADB to confirm the funding for the site.


31 July 2011 Immediately 18 July 2011 22 July 2011 25 July 2011 23rd July2011

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 47

North and East Development Sector

Ministry : Economic Development

Project Name : L 2618 - North East Community Restoration and Development Project –II

Supplementary Loan

Reporting Date : 31st May 2011

Project Director : Ms. Ranjani Nadarajapillai

1. Loan Utilization US $ mn.

Loan Amount

Effective Date

Closing Date

Cumulative Disbursement

to date

% of Utilization

Un-disbursed Amount

12.8 02.09.2010 30.09.2012 0.65 5.14 12.15 2. Financial Progress 2011

3. Overall Progress

Expenditure- (Rs. mn) Disbursement – (US $ mn.)

Allocation -2011 (RS.mn).

Expenditure up to May 2011 (Rs. mn.)

Targeted Disbursement

Actual Disbursement as at May -2011

Foreign GOSL Foreign GOSL

580.00 190.00 65.24 12.41 4.5 0.51

No. of sub projects approved by PPCC – 131 Cost: Rs.1290.397 mn No. of sub projects approved by ADB - 106 Cost: Rs. 1149.007 mn No. of sub projects Tender Awarded - 35 Cost: Rs. 513.233 mn

Progress Report

Development Projects funded by ADB 48

North and East Development Sector

4. Agreed Action Plan

Major Issues/Problems Agreed Actions

Responsible Agency

Tracking Indicator

1.Delay in obtaining approvals for proposed new sub projects from ADB

ADB to take remedial actions to avoid delays. PMU to report ADB on pending approval every Friday.


2. Ministry of Economic Development has not approved the sub project proposals for the construction of gravel roads in targeted districts.

PMU to consider the ADB’s proposal to utilize the subjected funds (Rs.50 million) for the other priority sectors within the project scope In consultation with the Ministry .

PMU 20 July 2011

3. Pending approval from ADB for new subprojects for rural electrification.

IA to submit clear rationale for the proposal.

IA 18 July 2011

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