mind map and moodboard

Post on 14-May-2015






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Inspirational Images

One image I have found to be a huge inspiration for my work is thisone, by Maureen Gubia. It is a portrait, with white and blue oil paint over the top. I like that the added oil paint to this photograph because it adds texture, and an element of surrealism to in image. I would like to use her idea of adding oil paint to a photograph for my work.

Another piece I have found particularly inspiring is this one, by Sebastiaan Bremer. Sebastiaan has added tiny dots of white paint, alongside some water colours to his photograph. I like his technique of adding small white dots to an image as you can create beautiful interesting patterns to a photograph without over powering the original image. I also really like that he used some water colours on it, as it adds a pop of colour, but also I sort of destroyed look to the image which I think is interesting. I would quite like to experiment with doing Sebastiaan’s method of using tiny white dots to create patterns in my own work. I may try adding some water colour as well to give it another texture and a destroyed feel.

A third image that I have found interesting is again by Maureen Gubia. I love that in this image you cannot tell exactly what it is. It looks perhaps like some clear plastic, though it looks beautiful and unusual. I like that it is not a photograph of anything in particular but the pattern is really nice. The pattern almost looks accidental because there are so many glitches in the image. In my work I will perhaps consider photographing unusual objects to make interesting patterns.

My final inspirational image, by Maureen Gubia is this one. I love the glitching in the image, though there is not too much so you can see the original image clearly. I like that the colours are mainly black and white. I also like the unusual pattern in white edited over the top of the image. It could be white paint though it looks more like it has been edited in digitally. I like the look of the patterns Maureen has edited onto her photograph, however I would probably use white paint instead of using digital methods.

There are many different phobias in existence, so there could be any number of things that relate to fear. I have chosen the images that relate to things I want to portray in my own art. Firstly, I have included an image of a person falling into deep water. In my own art I would like to convey the message of “throwing yourself in at the deep end”. This refers to doing things that you might not otherwise do because of the fears you have. Secondly I have included an image of a skull. I think that many people in the world have fears about death, and I think that images of skulls have connotations of death. In my work I plan on portraying death to my audience my painting bones onto my photographs. My final image I have included is of the universe. I have included this because of the uncommon phobia called Apeirophobia, which is the fear of infinity. Often people who suffer from this phobia are afraid of the universe. I like the idea of using this to inspire my work will be interesting as it is such an unusual phobia, and one that I think I will be able to portray well.

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