mindfulness - crystal lake elementary district 47 · sitting still like a frog by eline snel...

Post on 21-May-2020






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Mindfulness: Being Present for yourself & Your Child

Presented by: Shauna Bell, MOT, OTR/LOccupational Therapist & Certified Yoga Calm®

Youth Yoga Instructor

WHat is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is the practice of noticing thoughts, feelings, and sensations in order to support

less reactive or impulsive responses.

“Paying attention in a particular way: on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally.”

Jon Kabat-Zinn

Mindfulness is Purposeful activities to: ★ Respond to stress★ Focus attention★ Manage emotions★ Strengthen the mind and body ★ Awaken self awareness★ Improve connection with others★ Feel rooted with a strong foundation

wHAT mindfulness is not...It is not a religion. Mindfulness can be practiced regardless of spiritual or religious beliefs.

It is not the absence of thought. It is noticing and relating to our thoughts.

It isn't about doing everything slowly. Mindfulness activities often encourage us to slow down to notice. However, a mindful practice is about doing things on purpose, even if sometimes at a fast pace.

It isn't a fix all technique. We learn to relate in a new way to the things that trouble us, rather than trying to make them go away. Having a mindful practice is about re-training our minds so that we can cope with whatever comes our way.

It isn’t about being complacent. Acceptance does not mean agreement. It means acknowledging whatever's going on. We take action to change situations out of compassion and understanding versus reaction and frustration.

Source: http://www.mindfulschools.org/pdf/Mindfulness-What-it-is-and-is-not.pdf

Examples of Mindfulness activities Belly Breathing

Guided Breathing Practice

Body Scans or Guided imagery

Mindful movement (yoga, stretch based exercise, or

walking meditation)

Mindful Eating

Why does mindfulness work?

Studies have shown that mindfulness: ❖ Increases grey matter in the prefrontal cortex (control center for planning, problem solving,

and emotion regulation). ❖ Increases grey matter in the anterior cingulate cortex (associated with self regulation and

cognitive flexibility).❖ It has shown to increase cortical thickness of the hippocampus (governs learning and

memory). ❖ Decreases size of the amygdala (the fight or flight center).❖ Connections between the amygdala and the prefrontal cortex are weakened, allowing for

less reactivity.

It’s a brain thing.

Source: https://www.mindful.org/how-the-brain-changes-when-you-meditate/

WHy consider a mindfulness practice For ourselves and our families?

We feel stressed out.

Our emotions seem to sneak up on us and we have big reactions.

We have big reactions to other’s emotions.

We get distracted. Our minds feel full of chatter.

We are looking for a way to connect with ourselves and others.

We get stressed OUT...It’s normal!!

Sometimes stress has a purpose. It can motivate us to reach our personal & professional goals.

At other times, unexpected things that happen in our lives and world can create unwarranted stressors.

Whether purposeful stress or unwarranted stress, it can seriously interfere with our personal and family life, jobs, and our health.

❏ Feeling like we never have enough time to get things done ❏ Wondering if we have taken on too much ❏ Feeling pressure to be successful for ourselves and others❏ Responding to emotions with conflict at home, work, or school ❏ Worried about our safety and the safety of our loved ones❏ Feeling sick, depressed, anxious or experience other health concerns

Stress can leave us:

Our body is sending signals, Are we noticing?





long/short deep/shallow

breathless slow/fast


butterfly belly lump in your throat,


Energy Level

sleepy/sluggishants in my pants, buzzing/tingly, shaky, wiggly

Still, calm, focused



When stressors arise, our body is designed to send a message so that we can respond. What is your body telling you?

Source: http://gabigarciabooks.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/LTMBActivity-Guide.pdf

Let’s practice. Try IT At Home Too! Tuning into our breath to prepare for or respond to stress can help us not feel stuck or

overwhelmed by the stressors in our lives.

Belly BreathingPlace your hands on your belly.

Bring your attention to your breath. Begin to breathe into your belly.

Notice as your hands move up and down

with each inhale and exhale.

Continue for 1-2 minutes.

Try using a hoberman sphere to guide breath with visual support.

Try breathing in and out through the nose with the lips closed.

This encourages breathe to naturally slow down as it pauses before the exhale.

Helpful Tips:

Source: Gillen, L. & Gillen, J. (2007) Yoga Calm for Children. Portland: Three Pebbles Press, LLC

A mind full of Chatter can cause dysregulation

❏ Thinking about never ending to-do lists❏ Reminding us of its fears, both real and

imaginary❏ Recalling hurtful things that have happened

in the past❏ Judging the present❏ Creating the “what-if” scenarios of the future ❏ Comparing our lives to others ❏ _______________________________________________❏ ________________________________________________

Brain Chatter

➔ Makes it difficult to be present. ➔ Negativity in these thoughts affects

our mood (unhappy, angry, restless, and anxious).

➔ Our ability to concentrate is negatively impacted.

➔ It has a negative impact on our behavior impacting interactions with others.

Our brains are in constant motion.

At any given time our minds are:

Let’s practice. Try IT at Home Too!Mindful movement practices including yoga/stretch based exercise or walking meditation are ways to increase awareness of self, others and the environment around us and can positively support regulation through movement and breath.

USing Positive self talk: “Breathing in, I calm my body. Breathing out, I smile. Dwelling in the present moment, I know this is a wonderful moment.”

~Thich Nhat Hahn

“I am strong. I am in control. I can do it. I can be responsible.”

Mindful Movement yoga SequenceRoots



Chair Twist

One Minute Exploration

Source: Gillen, L. & Gillen, J. (2007) Yoga Calm for Children. Portland: Three Pebbles Press, LLC

We get distracted. Social media, video games, texts, emails, etc. are at

our fingertips via our phones, tablets, and computers instantaneously.

Engaging in screen time isn’t inherently bad. It is the content and the time spent that can impede our


The American Academy of Pediatrics new guidelines:★ Be your child’s media mentor ★ Be mindful of the content.

○ Is it mind building or is it mindless? ○ Is it kind or is it violent?

Artificial DistractionWe are both internally and externally distracted.

❏ Thinking forward to something ahead

❏ Regretting something we did

❏ Tuning into someone/something nearby

❏ Noises

❏ Thinking about something we enjoy doing

❏ __________________________________________❏ __________________________________________


Artificial Distraction continued...The blue light emitted from screens interferes with our

body’s ability to make melatonin which inhibits us from reaching a deep sleep.

Why should we be more mindful of this?

Sleep =mental balanceSleep=relaxation and repair of emotional memories

Sleep=metabolization of our food Sleep=muscle repair.

Consider a digital curfew for kids; an hour or two before bedtime so their bodies can start producing more

melatonin. For adults or older kids doing homework on the computer before bed; turn the brightness down or

consider an app that warms up the colors on the screen.

Source: https://sleepfoundation.org/sleep-topics/how-blue-light-affects-kids-sleep

Let’s Practice. Try it at home too! A mindfulness practice can help us shift from distractions. These activities support bringing

one’s attention to the here and now.

Body scan meditation and guided breathing practices

Practice for Adults3 min body scan activity

https://www.mindful.org/a-3-minute-body-scan-meditation-to-cultivate-mindfulness/ A 5-Minute Mindful Breathing Practice to

Restore Your Attention https://www.mindful.org/5-minute-mindful-b


Practice for ChildrenBody Scan Meditation - Mindfulness

For Kids https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ih

wcw_ofuME Body Scan Meditation by GoZen!


Meal time for families can be another area to connect through mindfulness

What is mindful eating?● Listening to our body messages (eating

when our body tells us-stomach growling/low energy)

● Making healthy food choices ● Eating in a calm environment● Eating with others at a set time and a

set place● Considering where foods came from

and who prepared them● Chewing carefully● Listening to your body and stopping

when it is full● Allowing time for proper digestion

What is mindless eating?● Eating what and when our

emotions tell us to (eating because sad, bored, lonely)

● Eating large amounts of foods that are not nutritionally sound

● Eating and multitasking● Eating past full ● Eating at random times and


Let’s practice. Try IT at Home Too!

IS mindfulness a practice for you and your family?

In Reflection…

❏ Am I looking for ways to help my family understand that stress and the accompanied brain chatter are a very normal part of life?

❏ Am I looking for a support tool to guide us in a better understanding of emotions/feelings and guide regulation?

❏ Am I looking for tools for us to be less distracted?❏ Am I looking for ways to build self aware and help my

children notice themselves, others and their environment without judgement but with compassion and care for one another.

❏ Am I looking for more ways to connect with my family?

“When little people are overwhelmed by big emotions, it’s our job to share our calm. Not join their chaos.” LR Knost

Thank you for your participationMy hope for our community is that this presentation provided helpful

information that can be used as a general guide for initiating a mindfulness practice for yourself or with your family should that be something you choose. I hope you find the take home strategies easy to incorporate into your routines to

support awareness, emotional regulation, stress responsiveness, and family connections. There are a vast array of resources out there should you embrace

this as a routine practice with your family.

I have included some additional resources here as a guide:

My contact information is srbell@d47.org

Helpful Books for mindfulness with childrenReady Set R.E.L.A.X by Jeffrey Allen (A Research-Based Program of Relaxation, Learning, and Self-Esteem for Children)

Stress Relief for Kids Taming Your Dragons by Martha Belknap (guided imagery resource)

Listening to My Body by Gabi Garcia (noticing body signals and messages)

Listening with my Heart by Gabi Garcia (noticing what we care about)

Yoga Calm for Children by Lynea Gillen and Jim Gillen (yoga curriculum resource)

Sitting Still Like A Frog by Eline Snel (mindfulness exercises for kids

Goodmorning Yoga by Mariam Gates and Sarah Jane Hinder

Goodnight Yoga by Mariam Gates and Sarah Jane Hinder

A Handful of Quiet by Thich Nhat Hanh

Tools to use in mindfulness practice with children Hoberman sphere used for belly breathing: https://www.amazon.com/Hoberman-Expanding-Mini-Sphere-Toy/dp/B00000GBX8/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&qid=1509859169&sr=8-3&keywords=hoberman+sphere&dpID=61cOJFPHdgL&preST=_SX300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch

Chime used for tune in: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00WSKZD7U/ref=sspa_dk_detail_2?psc=1

Yoga Pretzels Cards: https://www.amazon.com/Yoga-Pretzels-Cards-Tara-Guber/dp/1905236042/ref=sr_1_1?s=musical-instruments&ie=UTF8&qid=1509917832&sr=8-1&keywords=yoga+pretzels

Move Mindfully Card Deck: https://shop.yogacalm.org/product/move-mindfully-card-deck/

Mindful Moment Cards: https://shop.yogacalm.org/product/mindful-moments-cards/

Helpful video resources for practicing with children Yoga Ed on YouTube:

Ages 3-5 (20 min intro lesson and practice) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBko9JPMtHs

Ages 6-8 (20 min intro lesson and practice) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AkB4BOP9As8

Ages 9-10 (20 min lesson and practice) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sM5MGLMNN_E

Ages 11-13 (30 Minute Yoga Class for Kids and Teens)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9XBnftTBmAk Ages 14-18 (30 Minute Yoga Class for Teens)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Ekep9GqvaM

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