
Post on 16-May-2015






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Mind-Mapping Visual brain storming for creative clarity

What the heck is mind-mapping?

Mind-mapping is a technique based upon the principle that free flowing radial thinking falls in line with the way our brains naturally follow thought and make connections

“A mind map is a diagram used to visually outline information. A mind map is often created around a single word or text, placed in the center, to which associated ideas, words and concepts are added. Major categories radiate from a central node, and lesser categories are sub-branches of larger branches.[1] Categories can represent words, ideas, tasks, or other items related to a central key word or idea.” 1

1. Mind Map wikipedia entry, retrieved from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mind_map, January 26, 2014

The next slide shows an example of a mind-map I made for one of my creative projects- the Dioramapod series.

Traditional Outline vs. Mind-map


Dioramampod Outside

Ceramic Pods






Other Materials


Ways mind-mapping may allow for more creative brainstorming

Traditional Outline



Difficult to make connections between separate headings and topics

Mind Map

Non-linear/ radial

Contains text and images

Allows for connections between multiple topics and headings

So what are the rules for mind-mapping?

There are no rules! (but here are some suggestions) Start with a central theme, this can be as general as

Senior Project or as detailed as an ending for my film Now, without pausing too long, write down several finer

categories radially branching from your center:Film, Performance, Game or surprising, happy, tragic

Continue refining by radiating outwards as ideas come to you. Don’t edit. Some of the spurs or branches may continue for several “generations” while others might remain branchless

Doodling; you’re doodling ideas using text and imagery while not thinking about it too hard

Color can be fun; Play with letting the imagery become the main force behind your decisions

Mind-mapping Examples

How to Mind Map, unkown, retrieved from http://iqmatrix.com/academic-genius/ January 26, 2014

Hand Drawn Shakespeare, unknown author, retrieved from http://www.mind-mapping.co.uk/mind-maps-examples.htm January 26, 2014

De-clutter Mind Map, Paul Foreman, 2008, retrieved from http://www.mindmapinspiration.com/de-clutter-mind-map-paul-foreman/ January 26, 2014

Summer Mind Map, 2013, Trixy Sweetvittles

ITWV Mind Map, 2010, Trixy Sweetvittles

Homework due 02/06

Create three mind maps that relate to your senior project

The maps can be broad and general or fine and detailed or both

Create the maps by hand-paper, pens, markers, pencils, paint

Scan or digitally photograph your maps and upload to your class Wiki by 2pm 02/06. Please capture a high quality image so we can see it well. The down-shooters in SCB 204 should work well for this.

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