mine 2011 the game has changed jason burkitt mine africa 26 september 2011

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Mine 2011The game has changed

Jason Burkitt

Mine Africa26 September 2011



The new game

• The game has changed in the mining industry

• Demand continues to be stoked by growth in the emerging markets

• Supply challenging – declining grades and new mines in remote locations

• Cost base of the industry has changed to a new level, leading to sustained higher commodity prices

• Over $300 billion capex announced by the Top 40 – 1/3 in 2011

• Shift in the industry to the emerging markets

• Increased focus by governments and stakeholders

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Spectacular results

•Market capitalisation up 26%

•Revenue up 32% - greater than $435 billion

•Profits $110 billion

•Cash reserves over $100 billion

•Net debt down to 8%

•Total assets approaching $1 trillion

•Margins improve, but not at record levels, as cost pressures continue

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We are also seeing…

• The new era bringing a changing face to the industry

• Vertical integration upstream led by the steel industry

• Private Equity and Sovereign Wealth Funds

• State Owned Enterprises entering through funding and off-take agreements

• Stakeholder management is increasingly critical

• Political attention on the distribution of benefits

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Top 10 miners’ market capitalisation

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• A clear break in the industry with Top 3 stepping out

• 26% Growth in market capitalisation of the Top 40

• Market capitalisation of number 4o increased from $6.5 billion to $11.0 billion in 2010

Source : Capital IQ


TSR – a shift to Emerging Markets

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• Continued growth in emerging markets

• Strong economic position compared to developed economies is driving demand

Source : Bloomberg, PwC analysis


2010 four year TSR – Top 10 by market cap*

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* Showing Top 9 as Coal India listed in October 2010

Source : Bloomberg, PwC analysis


A view from the top

•Higher level of confidence than seen in several years

•Belief in the emerging markets story

•Drive for organic growth – building is better than buying

• A battle for talent to support growth plans

•Resource nationalism a greater challenge

•More complex industry with greater number of stakeholders

•Search for innovation and technological advantages

The game has changed

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Market evolution - 9 year trends

• A record year by many measures

• ROE up to 22% but well below highs – expensive equity and cost pressures

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Source : PwC analysis


Market evolution - 9 year trends

• Composition of Top 40 shifting to emerging markets

• Additional new players on the horizon (e.g. traders, IPOs)

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Source : PwC analysis


Income statement for the Top 40

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•Revenue - price increases and 5% rise in production driving growth

•The cost curve has moved higher

•Record net profit of $110 billion – up 156%

  2010 2009

  $ billion $ billion

Revenue 435 330

Operating expenses (246) (220)

Adjusted EBITDA* 189 110

Net profit 110 43

*EBITDA adjusted to exclude impairment charges


Commodity prices

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• Significant price rises across most commodities

• Iron ore prices have risen dramatically

• Copper and gold reaching new highs

Source : AME, PwC analysis



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• 5% increases after a period of decline

• Reflection of positive impact of large capital projects

• 35 year mine life for the Top 40 based on current production

Source : PwC analysis


Revenue by commodity

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• Four major commodities drive revenue

• Iron ore share up from 15% to 20% of total revenue

• China is the major customer of the industry

Source : PwC analysis


Returns from mining – risk vs reward

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• Returns to miners carries the most risk, with it comes the most potential reward

• Employees payments rising steadily, despite fluctuations in the market

• Government share has experienced significant growth, primarily a fixed return

Source : PwC analysis


Capital projects are back

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• Greater focus on organic growth

• Major capital projects come online pushing production up 5%

• $300 billion of future projects announced - $120 billion in 2011

Source : PwC analysis


Cash flow for the Top 40

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•Operating cash flows back above$100 billion

•85% of net investing cash flow into organic growth – sustaining and development capex

•For every $1 revenue, 18 cents invested back into the business. In 2007 was 40 cents. Average over nine years is 26 cents

•Capital raisings replaced by distributions to shareholders

 $ billion 2010   2009

Cash flows related to operating activities 137 86

Cash flows related to investing activities (79) (77)

Cash flows related to financing activities (35) 8  

Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 105   81


Balance sheet for the Top 40

• Net debt down to $46 billion – 8% gearing

• Borrowings only 16% of total assets – industry funded by equity

• Cash increased 30% to $105 billion

• Almost $1 trillion of assets

• Net assets as a percentage of market capitalisation remains stable

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$ billion 2010 2009

Cash 105 81

Total Assets 943 798

Borrowings 151 163

Total liabilities 387 357

Equity 556 441



•Demand fuelled by emerging markets

•Supply challenges remain and will continue

•Mining high on the political agenda

…the game has changed

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Mine 2011The game has changed

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