minutes - american concrete institute

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Committee 552 - Cementitious Grouting

Mission: Develop and report information on the selection, design, measurement, and

use of cementitious grouts.

ACI Fall 2014 Convention Washington Hilton Hotel

Washington, D.C.

Tuesday, October 28, 2014 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm


1.0 Call to Order and Welcome Committee 552 Secretary Brian Green, acting as Chair, called the meeting to order at 4:05 pm, welcomed all in attendance, and initiated self-introductions. Due to another committee running late, 552 Acting Chair Rob Lewis asked Brian Green to act on his behalf. The attendance list was passed around and is attached as Exhibit A. 552 Committee members Peter Yen and Mike Ballou absences were excused. The meeting Agenda was previously posted on the Committee website and a hard copy was made available to all in attendance. It is attached as Exhibit B. The following ACI 552 committee members were present: Brian H. Green (Secretary of 552, Acting as Chair) Mohammed Sonebi (Vice-Chair of 552, Acting as Secretary) Jacques Bertrand


Clarissa Ferraris Kevin Foody Robert (Rob) C. Lewis Michael A. Paipal Joe Solomon The following Associate Members were present: Igor De La Varga Brian Jeppsen Joe Thomas The following visitors were present: Raissa Ferron University of Texas at Austin Milton Gomez Aerix Industries Matt Offenberg W. R. Grace and Company Richard Palladino Aerix Industries Philip Sawoszczuk KPM Industries Clint Shimon HB Fuller Tadakazu Shimizu Nippon Steel & Sumikin Cement Co. Jeffrey D. Stokke Surecrete Emilio Garcia Taengua Queen’s University, Belfast TAC contact Fred R. Goodwin was present 2.0 Approval of Minutes – Reno, NV, March 26, 2014

The minutes from the Spring 2014 meeting were reviewed and approved. A motion was made to accept the minutes by Clarissa Ferraris, and seconded. The minutes were approved unanimously. 3.0 Future meetings Spring 2015 – Fountains of Concrete Knowledge April 12-16, Marriott & Kansas City Convention Center, Kansas City, MO Fall 2015 — Constructability November 8-12, Sheraton, Denver, CO 4. ACI Committee 552 Membership Update Secretary Brian Green reported that we have 16 voting members and 4 associate members. Mr. Igor De La Varga, Federal Highway Administration, has joined as an Associate Member and Raissa Ferron will also apply to join as a member.


Jacques Bertrand requested that he would like to drop from Voting Member to Associate Member, as he is extremely busy with his job commitments. 5.0 TAC Updates TAC representative Fred Goodwin noted that he and TAC are concerned with the lack of participation exhibited by members of 552 on the ballots that were issued since the Reno meeting. This lack of participation by the committee causes concern for TAC and prevents the committee from moving forward with the document. Discussion of the problem and possible solutions were as follows: • Problem of voting members not responding to the balloting of three chapters:

Chap. 1 – Introduction, Chap. 5 - Durability, and Chap. 12 – Grout Sustainability. All three ballots failed by their not meeting the ½ rule. This rule stipulates that ½ of the voting members of a committee must participate in the balloting process. They failed simply because members did not vote.

• TAC suggested reviewing the voting membership. Ballot the membership for participation and willingness to participate in future ballots.

• Clarissa Ferraris suggested that the voting members that did not participate in the three ballots be immediately moved to Associate Members of the committee. Associate Members can express views and comment on a ballot, but cannot vote on a ballot. So, their not participating in future balloting does not count against the ½ rule. According to the current ACI 2014 Technical Committee Manual, this action must be decided by the Chair of Committee 552, Peter Yen.

7.0 Update on Grouting Chapter, “Guide on Grouting Materials,” for the ACI Manual of Concrete Practice After the Chair of Committee 552, Peter Yen, updates the voting membership of 552, it was suggested that the 3 chapters that failed will be re-balloted. The authors of each of the previously balloted items should revise these chapters and resubmit them to Secretary Brian Green for re-balloting. 8.0 Technical Presentations There was no technical session on grouting during this convention. The suggested technical session “If That’s What Its Says on the Bag, Why Isn’t it Working?” planned for the ACI Spring 2015, Kansas City Convention was discussed. After much discussion about our supporting this session, no one present would volunteer to make a presentation, so it was decided to cancel the session. Moderator of this session


was 552 Chair Peter Yen. Mr. Yen will be informed of this decision and he will be asked to cancel the session. 9.0 Old Business Rob Lewis will work jointly with Joe Thomas and Kamal Khayat to finish Chapter 2 of the Guide. Acting Chair Brian Green urged visitors and those that had previously shown interest in joining the committee to do so using the ACI website as this was the quickest and preferred method. 10.0 New Business Mohammed Sonebi announced the coming First International Conference on Bio-Based Building Materials” in France (Clermont-Ferrand) sponsored by RILEM and ACI on 21-24 June 2015 and it will be one day course on “Use of polysaccharide and bio-based building materials”. 11.0 Meeting Adjourned Rob Lewis moved to adjourn the meeting. Clarissa seconded. The meeting adjourned at 5:30. Respectfully Submitted, Mohammed Sonebi Vice-Chair Committee 552 Cementitious Grouting Materials Brian H. Green Secretary Committee 552 Cementitious Grouting Materials

Exhibit B

Agenda- ACI 552- Fall 2014-Washington D. C. -Yen October 14, 2014

ACI COMMITTEE 552 Cementitious Grouting

2014 ACI Fall Convention, Washington DC Tuesday, October 28, 2014

4:00 – 5:30 pm

Washington Hilton Hotel – L’Enfant

AGENDA 1.0 Call to Order, Welcome, Introductions of those in Attendance

2.0 Review and Approval of Minutes from Previous Meeting 3.0 Future Meetings

3.1 Spring 2015 – Fountains of Concrete Knowledge

April 12-15, Marriott & Kansas City Convention Center, Kansas City, MO

3.2 Fall 2015 – Constructability

November 8-12, Sheraton; Denver, CO

4.0 Membership List Update

5.0 TAC and ACI Updates from Committee Chair Breakfast

6.0 Report on Grouting Guide for MCP

7.0 Report on Technical Sessions, Spring 2015, Kansas City, MO

8.0 Old Business

9.0 New Business

10.0 Adjourn

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