
Post on 21-Jan-2017






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Alice Ward

Props, Costume & Mise-En-Scene: ThreeSeven

In ThreeSeven our major props being used are the pistol gun (fake) in black, so it looks natural. This gun is to be used to create tension in our two minutes and add the aspect of action genre of creating an aggressive atmosphere; as it does in previous crime films seen such as Legend. The fact that the audience may see teenagers with guns ay come to some sort of shock and may help create awareness of teenager vulnerability in similar areas, alongside sheer entertainment.

Both our characters are wearing similar chosen outfit palettes. Dark colours are being worn to set a dark theme of mysteriousness and mischievousness within each character no matter who is the victim or not. Which also adds to the storyline that we have followed the stereotype that all teenagers are the same (found out in questionnaires asked). We chose to follow the stereotype in both characters because we have otherwise created suspense in not showing HUGZ’ face straight away. We wanted to focus more on expression and how a person can be perceived by their emotion to such brutality in the streets (gun crime).This contrasts following the ‘all teenagers are the same’ stereotype and allows the audience to build a small relationship of maybe sympathy for Patrick Cleary (HUGZ). Linking back to the description of outfits, it mainly consists of tracksuit bottoms, named clothing to create a chav look; which is a word used to describe a young person who follows a crowd by wearing too much branded clothing. Hoodies are a prime costume aspect. Hoodies help hide the characters faces to create suspense and helps the audience create their own character in their head first. This then allows the element of surprise to be used when our character is revealed.

Another prop that could be considered is the energy drink HUGZ buys in the local shop of Tandas. He buys the specific energy drink because it’s, from familiarity, what we know that teenagers drink on a daily basis. Thus adding to characterisation and stereotype that is important for our ThreeSeven area.


The setting of ThreeSeven is in an urban but grunge looking area that is relatively run down (adding a run-down feeling of carelessness in life: like our characters). First of all we shoot in and around B37 as an area within our establishing shots, to familiarise our audience with the scene and what they should expect. We have the typical British weather and the typical British traditionalism of living, including the housing, parks, fields etc. It domesticates the film to our area and how personal our film is. We have chosen to put all of our film in a Hard Light filter that brings vibrancy to our two minutes to keep attraction on the film and setting and adds sharpness on the shots. We’ve also sped up some of the shots to add a snappy and quick action film; to keep up with the audio of upbeat music. The music, also, in grime basic instrumental grime music that sets the stereotypical scene and is up beat We need the upbeat heavy bass grime to create tension, action, and suspense feeling of our film ThreeSeven. And all of this Mise-En-Scene, collectively, does this as well.

We add a homely contrasts when shooting in Patrick’s house. This adds a welcoming homely feeling of how teenagers these days do have good upbringings and welcoming homes, that it may just be a phase and to not judge a book by its cover. It adds to today’s society that is very fake and unpredictable, as it’s always ongoing

Alice Ward

in development through technology and teenager personalities. The lighting is neutral within the home and almost normal, which contrasts the almost chaotic vibrancy outside. There is only little dialogue in the two minutes, where SMILES asks HUGZ about the money that is owed, this snappy conversation builds up t the two minute climax as needed, and help create the plot of the story and what troubles young adults can get into on an everyday basis. We also use a variety of wide/long shots to show the area as round every corner there is a difference added on to every street that, again, adds character to not only the film but to the characters and the whole feeling all in all. Then the contrasts of close ups add a quick and wide switch which adds to action genre, implying more going on in the film.

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