mission statement saints peter and paul byzantine catholic ... jan. 22.pdf · mission statement...

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Mission Statement

Saints Peter and Paul Byzantine Catholic Parish is a member of the

Byzantine Catholic Metropolitan Church of Pittsburgh who through the Holy

Spirit is called to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ. As a community and

family, we grow in faith and in the image and likeness of God by dedicating

ourselves to welcoming, celebrating and caring for all of God’s people.

Mysteries of Initiation (Baptism, Chrismation & Eucharist): Must be a registered, active,

supporting member of the parish family. Pre-baptism instructions are required. Contact Fr.

Simeon to schedule.

Mystery of Crowning: Must be a registered, active, supporting member of the parish family.

Must meet with Fr. Simeon before setting date and reserving your banquet hall. Pre-Cana

program is required and three sessions with Fr. Simeon. The ceremony will be celebrated

according to the prescription of the liturgical book of the Byzantine rite.

Mystery of Reconciliation: Celebrated Saturdays, 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM and upon request.

Mystery of Anointing: Celebrated upon request. Ideally celebrated in Church the Sunday

before undergoing any surgical or other medical procedure.

Visitation of the Sick: The parishioners confined to their homes or nursing homes due to

health reasons are visited monthly. Also, persons who are hospitalized are visited when Fr.

Simeon is notified. It especially is important that a family member contact Fr. Simeon

whenever a loved-one is hospitalized.

Funerals: Families of the deceased or the funeral director must contact Fr. Simeon before

setting and publishing the day and time of the funeral.

Parish Membership: We welcome anyone to become a parishioner of Sts. Peter and Paul

Parish. Only those who are registered are considered members of the Parish. When one

registers to become a parish member they assume the responsibility of rendering

stewardship of time, talent and treasure to this parish family. Worship at this parish is

always expected. Registration is done only through the pastor by appointment. The Parish

Office should be notified as soon as possible of any change of address within the Parish as

well as one’s leaving.

Godparent/Sponsor Letters: Must be a registered, active, supporting member of the


Rectory Office Hours: Sister Barbara is in the Parish office from 10 AM – 2 PM Monday,

Wednesday and Friday. Father Simeon is available on other days and times by



In blessed repose, grant rest to your departed servant + Sylvia Siska who has

recently fallen asleep in the Lord. Please remember her and her family in your


LAST WEEK: (for those who have not yet picked up their 2017 Contribution Envelopes).

The 2017 Contribution Envelopes are in the Social Hall. After Sunday,

January 22nd, you will have to pick them up from the Parish Office during office

hours. If there is any name or address correction, if you are unable to locate your

envelopes, or if you wish a set of envelopes, please call the office, or drop a note

in the collection basket. This year all envelope numbers were reassigned due to

the number of deaths and relocation of former parishioners. Please discard

your old envelopes at the end of 2016. If you want proper credit for your

contributions, you must use the envelopes you were assigned for the year 2017.

NEWLY SANCTIFIED JORDAN WATER On the Feast of Theophany we celebrated the Great Sanctification of Water.

The dispenser containing the newly sanctified water is located by the Belvedere Ave.

entrance. You are encouraged to take some water home for your sanctification. HOW QUICKLY WE FORGET …




(PP) Divine Liturgy Attendance weekend of 15 January:

5:00 PM: 77; 11:00 AM: 99

Our return to the Lord for all He has given us: . . . . . . . . . . . . $3,624.25

(SM) Divine Liturgy Attendance weekend of 15 January:

24 from St. Michael; 13 from St. Peter & Paul

Our return to the Lord for all He has given us: . . . . . . . . . . $455.00

Sun. Jan. 22 ECF CLASSES TODAY. 9:30 AM – 10:45 AM. Attendance has

been very poor these past two months. Parents, please continue your

responsibility in getting your children to religious education classes and to the

Divine Liturgy. You are your children’s primary educators. If God is important in

your life, it will rub off into the lives of your children…if, not, that also will be

communicated and absorbed. Remember, they need to grow up knowing one

another and feeling that they are a part of our parish family. They are our

precious gifts – new life in the community of God’s worshippers.

Mon. Jan. 23 Church Cleaning Party – 9:00 AM to Noon – Many hands make

light work…We can use your help!

Mon. Feb. 6 Ladies Guild Anniversary Dinner Meeting – 5:30 PM at Buena

Vista Restaurant. Come and enjoy the camaraderie.

2017 PRAYER INTENTIONS OF POPE FRANCIS: (taken from The Worldwide Prayer Network). January Intention: “Christian Unity”. Let us join our prayer with the prayer of Pope Francis, “that all may be ONE”. ALL SOULS REMEMBRANCE … (submission clarification)

During our Liturgical Year our Byzantine Church remembers its faithful

departed in a special way on 5 All Souls Saturdays. The first All Souls Saturday is 18

February 2017. There is an envelope in your offertory box for these All Souls

Remembrances. If you wish to have your loved ones remembered by name on these

special days, please submit the names, printed, with an offering in the envelope by

February 5th so that the names can be organized. If you have submitted the names

of your deceased family members previously, you do not need to resubmit them…just

submit any additional names. If there are no additions, and you want your loved ones

to be remembered by name, just write “NO CHANGES” on your envelope, put your

offering in the envelope, and drop the envelope in the collection basket. Thank you

for your prompt attention.

22 JANUARY 2017



Apostle Timothy. The Holy Venerable-Martyr Anastasius

the Persian.

(Vigil Liturgy) 5:00 PM +Anna Sudik – Patricia Sudik & family

(SM) 8:30 AM +Neal Verity – Sue & Michael Johnson

(PP) 11:00 AM +Mike Yurtin – Bruce & Kathy White

Monday 23 January Holy Martyr Clement, Bishop of Ancyra. Holy Martyr

Agathangel. Commemorationof the 6th Ecumenical


No Divine Liturgy

Tuesday 24 January Venerable Mother Xenia of Rome.

(Chapel) 8:30 AM +Victor Byers – Aunt Palma Kamer

Wednesday 25 January Holy Father Gregory the Theologian, Archbishop of


(Chapel) 8:30 AM +Sandra Slyk – Dominic Marchese family

Thursday 26 January Venerable Father Xenophon and his wife, Mary. Holy Father

Joseph, Archbishop of Thessalonica.

(Chapel) 8:30 AM +Mary Sohayda – daughter, Georgia Cassidy

Friday 27 January Translation of the relics of our Holy Father John Chrysostom

No Divine Liturgy

Saturday 28 January Venerable Father Ephrem the Syrian, Bishop of Nineveh.

Venerable Father Isaac the Syrian, Bishop of Nineveh.

(Vigil Liturgy) 5:00 PM +Michael Hoso – Hoso family


SUNDAY OF ZACCHAEUS. Translation of the relics of the

Bishop and Martyr Ignatius of Antioch.

(SM) 8:30 AM +Ronald Ferrance – Trudy Vasco

(PP) 11:00 AM +Phyllis Eggens – Phil & Chris Vargo


Have you ever encountered a once in a life-time

opportunity you knew you could not pass up? Such a

moment came for a blind and destitute man, named

Bartimaeus. He was determined to get near the one person

who could meet his need. He knew who Jesus was and

had heard of his fame for healing, but until now had no

means of making contact with the Son of David, a clear

reference and title for the Messiah.

It took a lot of "guts" and persistence for

Bartimaeus to get the attention of Jesus over the din of a

noisy throng who crowded around Jesus as he made his way out of town. Why was

the crowd annoyed with the blind man's persistent shouts? He was disturbing their

peace and interrupting Jesus' discourse. It was common for a rabbi to teach as he

walked with others. Jesus was on his way to celebrate the Passover in Jerusalem

and a band of pilgrims followed him. When the crowd tried to silence the blind

man he overpowered them with his emotional outburst and thus caught the

attention of Jesus.

This incident reveals something important about how God interacts with us.

The blind man was determined to get Jesus' attention and he was persistent in the

face of opposition. Jesus could have ignored or rebuffed him because he was

disturbing his talk and his audience. Jesus showed that acting was more important

than talking. This man was in desperate need and Jesus was ready, not only to

empathize with his suffering, but to relieve it as well.

A great speaker can command attention and respect, but a man or woman

with a helping hand and a big heart is loved more. Jesus commends Bartimaeus for

recognizing who he is with the eyes of faith and grants him physical sight as well.

Do you recognize your need for God's healing grace and do you seek Jesus out,

like Bartimaeus, with persistent faith and trust in his goodness and mercy?

"Lord, may I never fail to recognize my need for your grace. Help me to

take advantage of the opportunities you give me to seek your presence daily and to

listen attentively to your word."


Many years ago, there were three young boys who loved to sing. Two of

them had very good voices, but the third boy had a voice that, in his own words,

sounded like a “squeaking door hinge.” This made him very sad because although

he loved to sing, he knew that his voice did not mix well with the voices of his two


Instead of feeling sorry for himself, the young boy found another way to

make music. His grandfather had given him a pocketknife and had taught him

how to whittle and carve. The young boy carved a flute and learned how to play it.

He also became skilled at carving other things. Soon, his skills came to one of the

finest makers of musical instruments in the land who offered him a job as an

apprentice. In time, the young boy became known around the world for the beauty

and precision of his musical instruments, especially his violins. Today, the

Stradivarius violin, made by Antonio Stradivari, is considered to be one of the

most beautiful musical instruments on earth.

Each one of us are instruments of God. That is, we are designed and hand-

made by God for a specific purpose and plan. We might want to sing, but God

may intend for us to carve. Our task in life is to allow God to lead us to the path

which is the right one for us. What is God’s plan for you?

Attentive to the Word Thirty-sixth Sunday after Pentecost

Lk. 18: 36 – 43

Tone 3 Pages 135 - 137

Tone 5 pg.141 - 142

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