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  • Volume III Issue No.2 March-April 2015

    Missionary Benedictine Sisters of Tutzing, Casa Santo Spirito, 00163 Via dei Bevilacqua 60, Rome Italy

    Wherever the stream flows, it will bring life. (Ez. 47:9c)

    The generalate ap-pointed Sr. Rosann Ocken, the outgoing Prioress of Peramiho, as the new re-gional superior of Jinja, Uganda. She served as pri-oress of Peramiho for two terms. Her first term was from 2006-2012 while her

    second was from 2012-2015. Aside from Sr. Rosanns gift of spiritual leadership she developed the mission in Mjim-wema, Songea, establishing a kindergarten and providing a home for the orphans. She likewise enhanced the various apostolates in Uwemba and Peramiho.

    Sr. Ruth Bartoni-co, the regional superior and junior directress of Jinja, Uganda was elected the new prioress of the Peramiho Priory on March 22 in the presence of Mother Angela Strobel, Prioress General, Sr. Cari-

    dad Choi, General Councilor, and the assembled delegates of the Peramiho Priory Chapter 2015. Sr. Ruth is a certified public accountant by profession and has a masters degree in Reli-gious Studies. Among the posts she held at the Manila Priory were superior, postulant direc-tress, school directress and treasurer.

    Sr. Ruth Sr.Rosann

    By: Sr. Carol Ann Clark, OSB

    IWE Participants with Mother Angela (m), Generalate and Translators

    turn to page 2

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    IFM (from page 2)

    The International Weeks of Encounter consists of 32 Sisters from 13 priories. All were welcomed so graciously by Mo. Angela on April 13 along with prayer for all attendees. Sr. Aqui-nata presented with insightful conferences, pre-sented the cultural, political, and ecclesial con-text of the times in which Benedict wrote the Rule.

    April 21 was a chance for some of the en-counterees to be with the casa community for the launching of the third volume of Sr. Aqui-nata Bckmanns commentary on the Rule of St. Benedict. The launching of her book was held at SantAnselmo.

    On the morning of April 22, the group went to the audience of Pope Francis at St. Pe-ters. That afternoon Sr. Elizabeth Busbach and Sr. Marianne Slodowski celebrated their Golden Jubilee of Profession here at the Casa. Holy Mass was celebrated in a festive liturgy with the Sisters renewing their vows. Program was scheduled on the following evening.

    On April 23 some chosen Sisters gave the group their answers to the questions sent to us before the Encounter. Interspersed throughout the weeks we will be given a chance to share our own answers on how we have carried out particularly two of the four directions of the 12th General Chapter. Each of the priories and regions represented is also sharing a 15-minute power point presentation on its history and how it has led to Evangelization in the NOW. In the evening the whole casa communi-ty and encounterees gathered to present their numbers to the two golden jubilarians.

    MONASTIC FORMATION PROGRAM By: Sr. Josefa Marti nez, OSB turn to page 6







    MFP Participants with Abbot Notker Wolf, OSB (3), Fr. Brendan Thomas (2) & Fr. Mark Butlin from AIM (4),

    Tutzing Srs: Sr. Fides (1), Sr. Adela (5), and Sr. Josefa (6)

    Sr. Aquinata flanked by the sisters of the Casa Commu-nity and encounterees after the launching ceremony

    Golden Jubilarians Sr. Elisabeth and Sr. Marianne

    It was an evening of surprises with lights, cultural dancing, songs in the different lan-guages, many drums, costumes and good cheer. Sr. Elisabeth and Sr. Marianne both were in-volved in the dance, with enlivened spirits. Both gave their gratitude in response for the two days of honoring them in following Christ for fifty years.

    Sr. Hedwig will be our retreat director to our 5-day retreat from May 10-15. The last 6 days of IWE, May 19-25, will be spent in Tutzing.

    Having been here now for two weeks, this encounter with the different priory encounter-ees has helped me to see different ways that they have empowered themselves to the directives of the 12th General Chapter. During these days I have experienced the very richness of our Inter-cultural Congregation, and the joys each can ex-press in her own language.

    I teach the RB in Norfolk, and have now a better view of Benedicts culture and back-ground.

    We say in each of the languages here: thank you and God bless you, to all who planned, executed, spoke, or helped in any way, these weeks of the 2015 IWE.

  • P a g e 3 V o l u m e I I I , I s s u e 2


    The program booklet describes the event as An International Congress for Trainers in Conse-crated Life. The all encompassing theme of the event was: Living in Christ According to the Form of Life

    of the Gospel (Perfectae Caritatis 2) Formed to Consecrated Life in the Heart of

    the Church and of the World This impressive first-time gathering of 'trainers' began with a prayer Vigil on Easter Tuesday, April 7, in one of Rome's hotel-convention centers. Due to an overwhelming in-terest expressed at the first announcement of the

    event, the sponsoring Vatican Office, Congrega-tion for Institutes of Consecrated Life and Societies of Apostolic Life, found it necessary to select by representation of charisms, nations and re-gions. Still, the participants numbered more than 1200 overflowing to several conference halls. The assembly was a striking depiction of the Easter Church today! The Prefect of this Vatican Office, H. E.

    Joo Braz Cardinal de Aviz, introduced the Congress theme by reaffirming Pope Francis Apostolic Letter for the Year of Consecrated Life, "Look back at the past with gratitude, live the present with a passion, and embrace the future with hope." Distinguished religious and lay special-ists in the fields of Scriptures, spirituality, and the human sciences reflected on formation to consecrated life. All the participants were clus-tered into "Easter communities" of ten mem-bers per table to facilitate dialogues. From the opening address to the final prayer, a central message repeated -- formation is continuous; it is a life time of activity. The initial period in consecrated life needs skillful mentoring "to form people to be free and responsible for their own growth, desiring to be formed by the hand of the Father every day of their life."(Presente: Fr. Amedeo Cencini) The congregation mentor/trainer/formator's role is to "assist young adults to learn how to search for God in each moment, in every per-son, in good times and in bad times, in the poor and the weak, even when someone else will gird them and lead them where they do not want to go. (A. Cencini) Each speaker emphasized the centrality of the Trinitarian life, and the knowledge and presence of Christ: to know Christ; to have the same mind as Christ Jesus until Christ is formed in you. The congress ended on April 11 with a Holy Mass at St. Peter's Basilica with H. E Car-dinal de Aviz, Prefect, several hundred concele-brants, and formators. Following the liturgy, the participants streamed through the Basilica to regroup at Paul VI Audience Hall where they greeted Pope Francis and listened to his Fa-therly advice and received his blessing.

    VISIT TO ANGOLA Mother Angela Strobel and Sr. Lumen Gloria Dungca visited the Angolan Region from April 15-20. A general assembly took place for two days where Sr. Timotea Kronschnabl, the prioress of the

    Iberian Priory, Sr. Alice Ferreira, the regional superior of Angola, and the perpetually pro-fessed sisters were present. Two separate meet-ings with the junior sisters, a visit to the Waku-kungu community and the future site of their convent were part of the itinerary.

    General Assembly with M. Angela(1) and Sr. Lumen (2) 2


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    KIM SISTERS Sr. Antonia (Seoul) & Sr. Amata

    KIM SISTERS Sr. Mario, Sr. Pacomia and Sr. Daniela (Rome)

    KIM SISTERS Sr. Victoria (Tutzing) , Sr. Job and Sr. Samuel

    KIM SISTERS Sr.Angelina & Sr. Marina

    LEE SISTERS Sr.Christa & Sr. Agnella

    LEE SISTERS Sr.Gemma & Sr. Benita

    KIM SISTERS Sr. Scholastica & Sr. Pascha

    CHEONG SISTERS Sr.Camilla & Sr. Anna Maria

    CHANG SISTERS +Sr. Dorga (2010) & Sr. Gregoria

    KANG SISTERS Sr.Michele & Sr. Johann

    HA SISTERS +Sr.Andrea (1992)& Sr. Marcella

    CAESAR SISTERS + Sr.Bertwina (2014)

    + Sr. Brigida (Manila 1992)


    PARK SISTERS Sr. Marianne & Sar. Vita

    PARK SISTERS Sr. Maria Petro & Sr. Gertrude

    KANG SISTERS Sr.Virginia & Sr. Lioba (Ndanda)

    KIM SISTERS Sr.Candida & Sr. Cecilia (Daegu)

    IITA SISTERS Sr.Wilhelmine (Tutzing) & Sr. Irene

    KIM SISTERS Sr. Edel & Sr. Salesia

  • V o l u m e I I I , I s s u e 2 P a g e 5


    Ambassador Baker invited us to share about possibilities on how to prevent sexual violence in conflict and how to help the victims as he believed us to be near to the affected peo-ple. His aim is to network with religious in or-der to relieve the plight of those affected. Two of the Sisters had experiences from Democratic Republic of Congo where sexual violence is since many years used systematically. They af-firmed the danger girls and women are facing when they reveal their experience of being raped. Even in

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