mitosis analogy project...phase of mitosis. one complete set of chromosomes on each side of the...

Post on 25-Sep-2020






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Mitosis Analogy Project

By: Adam Vrba and Adam Merbah

Comparing Mitosis to Soccer

In this project we decided to do our analogy comparing soccer and



❖ Prophase is the first phase of Mitosis. It’s easily

recognized when you know the acronym PMAT. The p

which stands for Prophase.

❖ The process separates the duplicated genetic material

carried inside the nucleus. The proteins contained in

the nucleus, known as chromatin, condenses.

Prophase Analogy

❖Prophase in this case linking with soccer is how the there are two of each position. There are two center midfielders and two center backs. Throughout the game the players are milling apart. The chromosomes represent the players.


❖The action of the spindle fibers pullingthe X chromosomes intoa single line across the middle of the cell.


❖Metaphase in this case is linking with soccer because when the two teams get pulled apart representing them walking to the center. The chromosomes which are the players are being pulled into a line in the middle. Each on separate sides.


❖The spindle fibers begin to shorten. This pulls the centromere apart, allowing the sister chromatids to go to opposite poles of the cell.

❖Once separated, each sister chromatid is

a chromosome.

Anaphase Analogy

❖Anaphase is linking to soccer because it’s the phase where the twin chromosomes feel comfortable leaving each other. The chromosomes being the players and having lined up in the middle separate and walk on their side of the field.


Telophase is the final unofficial phase of Mitosis.

One complete set of chromosomes on each side of the cell.

A nucleolus appears in eachnucleus, now there is a nuclei in one cell, and the cell starts to divide.

Telophase Analogy

• Telophase is linking with Mitosis because it represents when the game begins in soccer and the players start to scramble onto each side of the field.

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