mixmag' double page spread analysis

Post on 13-Apr-2017






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3 PAGE LAYOUTUncommonly in this article of mixmag, the double page spread has extended onto a third page. Occasionally other magazines that have done this tend to put an advert on the last page as it makes the advert more memorable because, since magazines are smaller than newspapers, magazine spread can be “digested” in one view because our peripheral vision encompasses the entire spread at normal viewing distance. But from a glance mixmag’s double page spread doesn’t conform to our expectations of an article in a dance music magazine, but on the third page it confirms that it does.

PAGE 1Since in the UK we read from left to right. In the top left hand corner we have the talent/Interviewee’s name. Like mixmag, in the name it doesn’t use correct English so there are no capitals, this could be done to make the interview appear more candid. It adds a more, relaxed and unformal element. This matches the section of background that we see which appears to be showing a blurry, sunny open landscape. Yet, slightly further down to the right the same name is mentioned this time it is in bold and has capitals. It draws the reader's attention to the text underneath it which points out the most interesting point of the article. This is done to encourage the reader read the article in order to get a better understanding. Beneath this is the photographer name and the writer of the article, this is done so that they're accredited for their work so that they can go on to write other articles if this one is a success. The text itself is similar to the way Q has presented it, in large columns of text. It is organised neatly to one side of the page to leave more space for a full image on the following page. The background of the text has a white page behind it, this is so that it doesn’t blend in with the image as the focus will be lost. It shows a distinction between the text and the image.

PAGE 1At the bottom left, there is the page number and dateline. From the magazines I have analysed its common to feature the double page spreads further down in the magazine i.e. pg 70-71 for example. This is done so that the readers either read/flip through the magazine to see previous articles before reaching the end. That way the magazine’s readership increases. We see more of the landscape background, the sun shining on the plant leaves shows us that the photo on the next place was taken in a hot location.

PAGE 2From this page we can see that the photograph has been taken in an exotic location. We see some greenery but more predominantly- buildings. As that is all we can see its suggested that the buildings go on for miles in the distance. This suggests that this is a location with plenty of wealth. The readers are most likely to be interested in gaining more wealth and look up to the more expensive lifestyles. Natural soft lighting is used to present the talent in a more romantic view. On the top of her head, in the lenses of the sunglasses we see a haloesque space between her head and the top of the rim, it adds to her angelic presence. In contrast her make-up and outfit is rather heavy (dark lined eyes and red lipstick), her black top contrasts with the sunny background. Black is a rather secretive and intimidating colour. The black top hides her body while the sunlight brings to light her face. It could be said that she is wearing this to given an impression of elegance, confidence and sophistication. Even more so we see a glimpse of a silver chain around her neck which suggests that she has wealth. She is positioned arms wide open which suggest honesty, trust and security. Aside from the heavier makeup the talent doesn't conform to our expectations of a woman in the music industry, for one she isn’t oversexualised as well as she is slightly older and she doesn't have a striking appearance. It could be said that magazine companies are now aiming to give a more diverse representation of women in the industry. According to the article on the first page, Anja here is a renowned dj and the founder of the record label Mobilee. ‘Room at the top’ is the title at the article and it aims to inspire those readers to achieve the dreams of being apart of the dance music industry because there is ‘room at the top’. As Anja is an example of success she is used for this article. The title is also reinforced as she stands on the top of a roof.

PAGE 3 We understand that this is an extension of the interview on the last two pages because it has the same layout as well as features such as the talent’s name in the left hand corner. In comparison to the previous pages, this page has more of the codes and convention of what we’d expect of a mixmag article. For example pictured: A night club scene, with young enthusiastic ravers, waving there limbs about. We see Anja doing her job and there is plenty of bright lights and smoke. The use of this image symbolises the party life style that mixmag wants it’s readers to be apart of, it feeds into the need to belong. Cleverly, this image has been saved to the end to so that the readers have to flick through the article to get to it. Even more so it could be suggested that it has been formatted this way so that the dance music industry is taken more seriously. It’s not all just partying but as Anja explains on the previous page it’s the work you put into it. We can also say that mixmag wants to separate itself from the rest. It see’s itself as being individual because the music that it follows aren’t copies of previous tracks. Readers are guaranteed to be exposed to new, fresh dance music. In the bottom right hand corner we have mixmag’s website address, this has been done so that readers can learn more about the magazine- it brings them to another media platform that is e-media therefore extending their consumption of mixmag as a brand.

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