mk news front page 10th april 2013

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First pictures ofnew £7.5m pool

Full report fromlast night's game

MK’s FAVOURITE Newspaper powered online by 

MK NEWSWednesday, April 10, 2013 | Issue number: 553 |  | £1 where sold

City breaksrecords for businessMILTON Keynes has broken anumber of its own businessrecords in 2012 – according to anew report.

The Duport BusinessConfidence Report reveals aseries of remarkable economicstatistics last year, including arecord number of company formations.

The group say that the reportsignals an MK economy that isdoing well in the face of toughfinancial conditions.

There were a total of 2,725company formations – morethan any other year in thehistory of the city and a13 per cent rise on 2011.

Meanwhile, there were morecompanies started in the city inthe months of October andNovember of 2012 than any other year in MK’s history.

This, combined with a fall incompany closures, led to arecord year for net company growth.

Milton Keynes also broke itsown record for UK company share, reflecting its growing importance in the UK economy.In 2012 Milton Keynes formed0.6 per cent of all UK companies,an improvement on 2011 whenthe city was responsible for 0.5per cent.

 And whi le not record-breaki ng,the good news continued as itemerged that while 1,361 com-

panies had been dissolved, it was 3.3 per cent lower tha n 2011. And 2013 looks set to be just as

successful, with accountancy firm PwC predicting GDPgrowth in the region to reach 1.8per cent, the highest growthoutside Greater London andthe south east.

Managing director of Peter Valaitis said: “MiltonKeynes is becoming a significanteconomic hub, as the reportshows. The number of new com-panies setting up will strength-en the economic base.”

Could you takedown the Titan?KILNFarm Club is challenging peopleto conquer their TitanBurgerto raise money foryoung cancervictim Henry Allen.

Thebeastlyburger containsthree 6ozsteak burgers, cheese,bacon,onion rings andhot chilli, with caramelised onions. All thisisservedon a mountain ofchips.

Competitorsare beingspon-soredto tryandeat thewholedish, withmoneygoing towardsHenry, agedthree,who suffersfromneuroblastoma.

Henry’sparents Dawnand Mark setup theHenryAllen Appeal,andhave already raised £30,000shouldthey need to send himabroadfor treatment which would not be available in the UK.

Thechallengestartsat 7.30pmonSaturday at KilnFarm Club.

Police warning over thefts of car parts

DRIVERS are being warned overincreasing thefts of costly catalyticconverters from cars and vans inMiltonKeynes.

In thelatestincidentsthievesstoleacatalytic converterfrom a Jeep GrandCherokee in a car park in SouthSecond Street last Wednesday. Another theft took place in the early hours of Tuesday April 2 from a

Peugeot Expert van, in a car park inFern Grove, Bletchley.

Catalytic converters, or ‘cats’ astheyare known,are partof a vehicle’sexhaust system and control emis-sions from the engine.

They are stolen because they con-tain precious metals and the thievesare cashing in on rising prices. Thethefts can be very expensive formotorists as ‘cats’ cost £300 or moreeach to replace.

PC Dirk Pym, of Milton Keynes CID,

said: “Following these recent theftsin the Milton Keynes area, we areurging owners of vehicles withcatalytic converters to put them in agarage if they can.

“Industrial estates, car parks, andnew car forecourts are also some of the places that are being targeted, where the more appeali ng vehiclesare parked overnight.

“Vans, 4x4s and trucks are easier totarget due to their height off theground and easy access to the under-

neath of the vehicle.”Crime Reduction Advisor for Milton

Keynes, Ed Allington, has confirmedpolice are still actively investigating the crimes after a string of incidentsin January.

He urged drivers to park vehicles ina way which restricts access under-neath them. Fixing bolts on ‘cats’ canalso be welded shut.

 Wit ness es can ca ll 101 orCrimestoppers anonymously on 0800555 111.


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