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MLC MasterKey Business Super

Insurance Guide

Category G members

This Insurance Guide is for MLC MasterKey Business Super Insured Members who were transferred

into the MLC Super Fund from The Universal Super Scheme on 1 July 2016 and who

(a) became Insured Members on or after 1 July 2013 in new Employer Plans commencing on or after

1 July 2013 where the Participating Employer has not requested a tailored insurance design.

(b) became Insured Members on or after 29 November 2013 in an existing Employer Plan which

commenced on or before 30 June 2013 where the Participating Employer has not requested a

tailored insurance design.

(c) as at 28 November 2013:

� did not have cover, and had never elected to cease their cover, under the Master Policy; and

� were employees of a Participating Employer; and

� were upgraded to both Death and TPD cover on or after 29 November 2013.

(d) as at 28 November 2013:

� had Death-only cover under the P1002 Policy; and

� were employees of an Employer as defined under the P1002 Policy; and

� were provided TPD Cover under the MLC Master Policy on or after 29 November 2013.

(e) are employees of a former Participating Employer in The Employee Retirement Plan (TERP) and

who became Insured Members on or after 25 May 2013 where the Employer has not requested

a tailored insurance design.

Preparation date Preparation date Preparation date Preparation date 30 September 2016

Issued by the Trustee Issued by the Trustee Issued by the Trustee Issued by the Trustee NULIS Nominees (Australia) Limited ABN ABN ABN ABN 80 008 515 633 AFSL AFSL AFSL AFSL 236465

The The The The InsurerInsurerInsurerInsurer MLC Limited ABNABNABNABN 90 000 000 402 AFSLAFSLAFSLAFSL 230694

The FundThe FundThe FundThe Fund MLC Super Fund ABNABNABNABN 70 732 426 024


This guide gives you information about the insurance available

through your super.

A financial adviser can help you decide if this insurance is right for


Important information

The information in this document is general information only and doesn’t take into account your

objectives, financial situation or individual needs. Because of that, before acting on this information,

you should consider its appropriateness, having regards to your objectives, financial situation and

needs. For more information please contact us, speak with your financial adviser or go to the online

copy of this document on

Information in this document may change from time to time. Updates in relation to information that

are not materially adverse may be made available on but you may not be directly

notified of these updates. You may, however, obtain a paper copy of these change communications

on request free of charge by contacting us.

Please read the latest applicable Product Disclosure Statement and any incorporated materials

before making any decision about a product.

Neither NAB, nor any of its related bodies corporate guarantees or accepts liability in respect of the

insurance cover offered in MLC MasterKey Business Super.

An interest issued by NULIS Nominees (Australia) Limited in the Fund does not represent a deposit or

liability with NAB or other related bodies corporate of NAB.

Any statement made by a third party or based on a statement made by a third party in this

document has been included in the form and context in which it appears with the consent of the

third party, which has not been withdrawn as at the date of this document.

References to in the online copy of this document link directly to the additional

information available.



Insurance with MLC Limited 4

Insurance you select yourself 8

Death insurance 11

Death and TPD insurance 13

Income Protection insurance 19

Insurance – the details 29

Definitions 35

For more information please contact us, speak with your financial adviser or go to the online copy of

this document on

MLC Master Policy

You can find specific details about the terms and conditions of your insurance in the MLC

Master Policy.

A copy of the MLC Master Policy is available by contacting us.

MLC Limited (Insurer) is the insurer

and receives your insurance

premiums. We can change the

insurer at any time if we believe this

is in the best interests of members.

The information in this Insurance

Guide forms part of the

MLC MasterKey Business Super

Product Disclosure Statement dated

30 September 2016. Together with

the Fee Definitions Flyer and

Investment Menu, these documents

should be considered before making

a decision about whether to acquire

or continue to hold the product.

They are available at

Proposed sale of MLC Limited

In 2015 the NAB Group announced a plan to sell 80% of its insurance business (MLC Limited) to

Nippon Life Insurance Company. The planned sale has not been finalised at this stage. It is

proposed this sale will take place on a date between 1 October 2016 and 31 December 2016.

There are no changes to the insurance benefits, terms and conditions detailed in the PDS and in this

document as a result of the proposed sale. In the future, should your benefits or terms and

conditions change, we'll notify you as required by law.


Insurance with MLC Limited

With over 125 years of insurance experience in Australia, insurance with MLC Limited provides long-

term, sustainable insurance to customers

Worldwide insurance

Your insurance travels with you, which means you’re covered 24 hours a day anywhere in the world.

However, some additional limits apply to Income Protection benefits if you are not continuously

resident in an Approved Country – see the Definitions section for details.

Affordable insurance

Insurance through super may be tax effective for you and may be a more affordable way for you to

take care of your beneficiaries.

MLC MasterKey Business Super Insurance

When you joined MLC MasterKey Business Super, you were automatically provided with insurance,

subject to certain conditions.

This can include Death and Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD) insurance, and Income

Protection insurance.

You can apply for a different level or type of insurance, or change or cancel it at any time.

MLC Lifestage insurance

MLC Lifestage insurance provides a combination of Death and TPD insurance designed to cater to

your needs through different life stages. You’ll have more insurance when you’re younger, when

you’re most likely to have a high mortgage or children at home, and lower insurance when you’re

older and most likely to be financially secure.

MLC Lifestage sums insured are increased each year on 1 July, by Average Weekly Ordinary Time

Earnings (AWOTE). The latest MLC Lifestage sum insured amounts and standard premiums are

available on

If you hold MLC Lifestage insurance, we’ll adjust your level of insurance each year based on your age

as at your next birthday and each year we’ll confirm your level of insurance and premiums paid on

your Annual statement.

Your actual sum insured amount and premium is shown in your Welcome Kit.

Your cover

You can see your premiums paid and insurance cover at any time by going to and

logging in to view your account online.


Insurance eligibility

Making sure you’re eligible

To be eligible for Automatic Cover, on your Commencement Date you must have been:

� an Employee of a Participating Employer;

� an Australian Resident;

� aged between the Minimum Insurable Age and Maximum Insurable Age;

� meet such other eligibility conditions as may be listed in the Master Policy or agreed to

between the Trustee and the Insurer from time to time; and

� At Work.

If you are employed in an Occupation that the Insurer classifies as ‘Not Insurable’, you will not be

eligible for insurance. The latest Occupation ratings guide for insurance is available on

When we provide you with insurance we assume you’re eligible for it. So, we’ll automatically deduct

premiums from your account unless you tell us you’re not eligible. If you don’t have enough money

in your super account to deduct your insurance premiums as at the first premium due date to occur

after 130 days of your Commencement Date, or at any subsequent premium due date, and the

outstanding premiums are not paid within 30 days of the premium due date, we’ll cancel your


If you make a claim and you weren’t eligible, your claim will be declined and all premiums refunded.

If your cover is terminated due to non-payment of premiums, you may apply for your cover to be

reinstated. The Insurer may, at its discretion, reinstate cover on such terms as it determines subject

to underwriting.

Commencement of Cover

Notwithstanding anything else in this Insurance Guide, Automatic Cover will not commence in

respect of an eligible member before:

(a) the Trustee receives your nomination for cover; and

(b) the Fund, or the Previous Fund prior to 30 June 2016, receives a superannuation

contribution in respect of you.

Late Joined Members whose cover commenced on or after 1 July 2016

If you were a Late Joined Member whose cover commenced on or after 1 July 2016, you will have

been automatically accepted for New Events Cover that commenced on your Commencement Date

if, within 130 days of your Commencement Date:

� your nomination is received by the Insurer; and

� a contribution for you was received by the Previous Fund prior to 30 June 2016, or by the



In such case your cover will be automatically upgraded to include cover for Pre-Existing Conditions

effective from the date that you have been Employed continuously for 24 months after your

Commencement Date.

However, if your nomination is not received within 130 days of your Commencement Date then:

� New Events Cover will commence on the date your nomination is received by the Trustee;


� cover will automatically be upgraded to include cover for Pre-Existing Conditions effective

from the date that you have been Employed continuously for 24 months after the date your

nomination was received by the Trustee.

If a contribution for you is not received by the Fund, or the Previous Fund prior to 30 June 2016,

within 130 days of your Commencement Date, you will not be eligible for Automatic Cover. In such

circumstances, you can apply for cover and provide Evidence of Insurability. Cover will only be

provided if your application is accepted by the Insurer, and shall be subject to any additional terms

and conditions that apply to underwritten cover.

Members other than Late Joined Members whose cover commenced on or after 1 July 2016

For eligible members other than Late Joined Members whose cover commenced on or after 1 July

2016, you will have been automatically accepted for Automatic Cover which commenced on your

Commencement Date if:

� you were At Work on your Commencement Date;

� your nomination is received by the Trustee within 130 days of your Commencement Date;


� a superannuation contribution is received for you by the Fund, or the Previous Fund prior to

30 June 2016, within 130 days of your Commencement Date.

If, as a result of the MySuper upgrade on 29 November 2013 you were either:

� provided with new Death and TPD cover;

� upgraded from Death cover only to Death and TPD cover; or

� upgraded to have an increased amount of TPD cover,

the 'At Work' eligibility requirement will not apply to you in relation to the new or increased cover

that was provided to you on 29 November 2013 as part of the upgrade.

For cover other than cover provided as part of the MySuper upgrade as described above, if you were

not At Work on your Commencement Date, you will have been automatically accepted for New

Events Cover that commenced on your Commencement Date if, within 130 days of your

Commencement Date:

� your nomination is received by the Insurer; and

� a contribution is received for you by the Fund, or the Previous Fund prior to 30 June 2016.


In such case your cover will be automatically upgraded to include cover for Pre-Existing Conditions

effective from the date that you have been At Work continuously for 60 consecutive days after your

Commencement Date.

If your nomination is received by the Insurer more than 130 days after your Commencement Date

but a contribution is received for you by the Fund, or the Previous Fund prior to 30 June 2016, within

that 130 day period, you will have been automatically accepted for New Events Cover which

commenced on your Commencement Date. In such circumstances your cover will be automatically

upgraded to include cover for Pre-Existing Conditions effective from the date that you have been

Employed continuously for:

� if your cover commenced before 5 December 2014, 12 months after your Commencement

Date; or

� if your cover commenced on or after 5 December 2014, 24 months after your

Commencement Date.

New Employer Plans

Where a new Employer Plan was established on or after 1 July 2016, the Automatic Cover for the

first two Insured Members of that Plan will be limited to New Events Cover until certain conditions

are met. Please contact us if you require further details.

Automatic Acceptance Limit

A limit applies to the amount of Automatic Cover that can be provided in the Plan, known as the

Automatic Acceptance Limit. Cover in respect of initial or increased Cover in excess of any

Automatic Acceptance Limit will commence on the date MLC gives the Policy Holder written

acceptance of the excess Cover.

Insurance definitions

Some words in insurance have specific meanings such as Illness. You can see more about these

terms in the Definitions section.


Insurance you select yourself

Everybody has different needs and insurance is no exception.

That’s why we help you create an insurance solution to suit you and your family’s needs.

You can choose to apply for or change your:

• Death insurance

• Death and TPD insurance, and

• Income Protection insurance.

Your application for cover will be subject to you providing Evidence of Insurability and acceptance by

the Insurer, who may set such terms and conditions and request information as it reasonably

requires, where:

� you are applying for a Sum Insured or a Monthly Benefit in excess of any applicable

Automatic Acceptance Limit or Forward Underwriting Limit, or outside of the benefit

formula previously agreed to by the Insurer (or where no Automatic Acceptance Limit

applies); or

� you are applying for cover or an increase in cover as a Family Insured Member or as a

Spouse Insured Member; or

� for an increase in Cover, your cover would otherwise automatically increase as a result of an

increase in salary or Sum Insured of more than 30% (or such other percentage nominated

from time to time by the Insurer) in any 12 month period; or

� where the Trustee (on request by your Employer or you) applies by written notice to the

Insurer for an increase in your Sum Insured; or

� you are applying for a Sum Insured or an increase to a Sum Insured in excess of Historical

Maximum Benefit Limits; or

� you are not eligible for Automatic Cover, or are only eligible for New Events Cover; or

� you are not an Australian Resident; or

� your cover under the Master Policy has lapsed and for whom an application for

reinstatement of cover is made; or

� you do not otherwise conform to the eligibility conditions in the Master Policy or as agreed

to between the Trustee and the Insurer from time to time.

How much insurance do you need?

While nobody likes to dwell on the negatives, without enough insurance you could put your, and

your families, lifestyle at risk.

Your Plan adviser can go through the types of insurance on offer, and assess how much you may

need. Alternatively, an insurance calculator is available on

Then you can get on with enjoying life, rather than worrying about what may or may not happen.


Family matters

If members of your family join your Plan they can also take advantage of:

• Death insurance

• Death and TPD insurance, and

• Income Protection insurance.

Please see the How to Guide at to find out more.

How much insurance can you apply for?

Insurance type You can apply for up to

Death Unlimited. The maximum benefit limit for Terminal Illness is $3 million.

Death and TPD Unlimited Death insurance and up to a maximum of $5 million of TPD

insurance. The maximum benefit limit for Terminal Illness is $3 million.

Income Protection Generally up to 75% of the first $40,000 Monthly Income, and up to 50%

of the next $40,000 of your Monthly Income.

The maximum you can apply for includes any existing policies you have, including the insurance

provided through your account in the Fund.

Insurance consolidation

You can apply to consolidate any existing insurance cover held by you through another

superannuation fund or issued by another insurer (Existing Insurance Cover) with your insurance

cover in MLC MasterKey Business Super. To do this, you can access the Consolidate your insurance

form available on

Any application for consolidation of cover is subject to underwriting and you may be required to

provide medical or other insurability evidence as part of your application.

You must meet all of the following requirements to be eligible to apply for consolidation of

insurance cover:

� your Existing Insurance Cover must have been in place for at least 12 months,

� you must be age 55 or younger at the date your insurance consolidation application is

completed and dated,

� you must be At Work on:

� the date the insurance consolidation application is completed and dated, and

� the day immediately preceding the day the transferred insurance cover is due to start in

MLC MasterKey Business Super,

� you must not be eligible for, must not have received, and must not be applying for a total

and permanent disablement or disability type benefit, permanent or temporary incapacity

benefit, terminal illness benefit or a salary continuance benefit under any workers'

compensation scheme, superannuation fund or insurance policy.

If your insurance consolidation application is accepted by us and the Insurer, the following special

conditions will apply together with any other conditions as notified to you from time to time:

� you must cancel your Existing Insurance Cover immediately after the transferred cover is



� in the event you fail to cancel your Existing Insurance Cover, any benefit in relation to the

transferred cover that would otherwise have become payable by the Insurer will be reduced

by the amount that represents the benefit payable under the Existing Insurance Cover, and

� the same premium loadings and exclusions, if any, that applied to your Existing Insurance

Cover will apply to the transferred cover.

Replacing your existing insurance

Before you consider cancelling any insurance, you need to make sure your insurance will be right for

you. Please wait for us to confirm you're insured before you cancel any other existing insurance

arrangements you may have.


Death insurance

Helps your family pay their expenses when you can’t be there.

How does it work?

This insurance pays a lump sum to your beneficiaries if you die, or to you if you’re diagnosed with a

Terminal Illness.

If we pay a Terminal Illness benefit to you, your Death insurance will reduce by the amount of the

payment. Where your Death insurance is greater than the amount of the Terminal Illness benefit

paid, the residual Death insurance will continue, and your ongoing premiums will reduce


The amount of your benefit will be determined on the relevant Date of Claim.


To be eligible for this insurance, you must be between ages 15 and 69.

Death (including Terminal Illness) insurance ends at age 70.

When benefits won’t be paid


For all insurance or increases to insurance commencing on and from 5 December 2014 (except

Automatic Cover or automatic increases to cover):

� No Death Benefit is payable where the death is due to suicide within the first 24 months of

starting or reinstating your insurance.

� No part of an increase to a Death Benefit is payable where the death is due to suicide within

the first 24 months after the commencement of the increased cover.

� No Terminal Illness Benefit is payable where the Terminal Illness is due to any intentionally

self-inflicted injury within the first 24 months of starting or reinstating your insurance.

� No part of an increase to a Terminal Illness Benefit is payable where the Terminal Illness is

due to self-inflicted injury within the first 24 months after the commencement of the

increased cover.

For insurance that commenced between 1 April 2009 and 4 December 2014 (except Automatic


� No Death Benefit is payable where the death is due to suicide within the first 13 months of

starting or reinstating insurance.

� No part of an increase to a Death Benefit is payable where the death is due to suicide within

the first 13 months after the commencement of the increased cover.

� No Terminal Illness Benefit is payable where the Terminal Illness is due to any intentionally

self-inflicted injury.


Pre-existing Conditions

For all cover or increases to cover commencing on or after 5 December 2014:

No benefit will be payable for death or Terminal Illness caused directly or indirectly by any Pre-

existing Condition if, prior to the most recent date you became insured under the Master Policy you

were paid, or were entitled to be paid, a TPD or Terminal Illness benefit from the Insurer or another

superannuation fund or insurer.


Death and Total and Permanent Disablement (TPD)


Gives you financial security for the unexpected.

How does it work?

This insurance pays a lump sum if you die, are diagnosed with a Terminal Illness or become Totally

and Permanently Disabled.

If we pay a Terminal Illness benefit to you, your Death and TPD insurance will each reduce by the

amount of the payment. Where your Death or TPD insurance is greater than the amount of the

Terminal Illness benefit paid, the residual insurance will continue, and your ongoing premiums will

reduce accordingly.

If we pay a TPD benefit to you, your Death insurance will reduce by the amount of the payment.

Where your Death insurance is greater than the amount of the TPD benefit paid, the residual Death

insurance will continue, and your ongoing premiums will reduce accordingly.

Your TPD Benefit or Terminal Illness Benefit can't exceed the amount of your Death Benefit, except

where you hold MLC Lifestage insurance or as otherwise agreed by the Insurer.

The amount of your benefit will be determined on the relevant Date of Claim.


To be eligible for this insurance, you must be between ages 15 and 69 for death cover and between

the ages of 15 and 64 for TPD cover. You can apply for TPD Cover to be provided until age 70,

subject to the Insurer's approval.

Your insurance may end earlier depending on the arrangements of your Plan.

If you are age 65 or over, you will only be eligible for a TPD Benefit if you satisfy the 'Activities of

Daily Living' definition of TPD (see page [XX] for details).

Eligible occupations

A TPD benefit is only payable if:

� on the last working day prior to your Date of Claim, you were not working in an Uninsurable

Occupation; or

� on the day prior to the Date of Claim, you were a 'Homemaker' or unemployed.


When won’t a benefit be paid?


For all insurance or increases to insurance commencing on and from 5 December 2014 (except

Automatic Cover or automatic increases to cover):

� No Death Benefit is payable where the death is due to suicide within the first 24 months of

starting or reinstating your insurance.

� No part of an increase to a Death Benefit is payable where the death is due to suicide within

the first 24 months after the commencement of the increased cover.

� No Terminal Illness Benefit or TPD Benefit is payable where the Terminal Illness or TPD (as

applicable) is due to any intentionally self-inflicted injury within the first 24 months of

starting or reinstating your insurance.

� No part of an increase to a Terminal Illness Benefit or TPD Benefit is payable where the

Terminal Illness or TPD (as applicable) is due to self-inflicted injury within the first 24 months

after the commencement of the increased cover.

For insurance that commenced between 1 April 2009 and 4 December 2014 (except Automatic


� No Death Benefit is payable where the death is due to suicide within the first 13 months of

starting or reinstating insurance.

� No part of an increase to a Death Benefit is payable where the death is due to suicide within

the first 13 months after the commencement of the increased cover.

� No Terminal Illness Benefit or TPD Benefit is payable where the Terminal Illness or TPD (as

applicable) is due to any intentionally self-inflicted injury.

Pre-existing conditions

For all cover or increases to cover commencing on or after 5 December 2014:

No benefit will be payable for death, TPD or Terminal Illness caused directly or indirectly by any Pre-

existing Condition if, prior to the most recent date you became insured under the Master Policy, you

were paid, or were entitled to be paid, a TPD or Terminal Illness benefit from the Insurer or another

superannuation fund or insurer.

Tapering of TPD Benefits

If your MLC MasterKey Business Super employer has not selected an insurance formula for your plan

under which TPD insurance will remain at the same level after age 61 or the Insurer does not agree

otherwise, the Insurer will reduce your TPD cover beginning from when you attain age 61 by equal

amounts each year until the age your TPD insurance ends. Your employer may have chosen to

remove this reduction or the Insurer may agree in writing that this insurance feature will not apply

to your TPD insurance. If so your TPD insurance will remain at the same level after age 61


Early payment

Where it can be clearly established to the Insurer's satisfaction that you are likely to be Totally and

Permanently Disabled, the Insurer may, at its discretion, pay the TPD Benefit before you are absent

from your Occupation for six consecutive months (see the definition of 'Totally and Permanently

Disabled' for details about when the six month period will apply).


Features of Death insurance and Death & TPD insurance

Terminal Illness benefits

We’ll pay you a Terminal Illness benefit if you’re diagnosed with a Terminal Illness. Your Terminal

Illness benefit is calculated as your Death Benefit less any TPD benefit you may have already

received, up to a maximum of $3 million. Your insurance (consisting of any cover you have for death,

Terminal Illness or TPD) will then be reduced by the amount of this payment. Where your Death or

TPD insurance is greater than the amount of the Terminal Illness benefit paid, the residual insurance

will continue, and your ongoing premiums will reduce accordingly.

You won’t have to repay the Terminal Illness benefit if you live longer than 24 months.

The amount of your Terminal Illness benefit will be determined on the relevant Date of Claim.

Leave of absence/parental leave

You can take up to 24 months’ Leave of Absence from your Employment with or without pay and

keep your insurance on the same terms and conditions as if you had remained in active

Employment, provided:

� you continue to pay your premiums,

� remain employed by your employer,

� continue to be an Insured Member of MLC MasterKey Business Super,

� do not join any armed forces (excluding the Australian Defence Force Reserves not deployed

overseas), and

� comply with the other terms of the Master Policy.

Your employer's approval of your leave must be in writing and be provided to the Insurer on


You can also apply to extend this period by giving us at least 60 days’ notice before your Leave of

Absence ends, which is subject to acceptance by the Insurer, at its discretion.

Any benefit payable will be based on the level of insurance notified to and accepted by the Insurer

before commencement of your Leave of Absence.

If you apply for additional cover while on Leave of Absence, your application will be subject to

underwriting and any additional cover will not commence until the Insurer provides written notice of

acceptance and you return to work.

If you do not return to your employment on or before the nominated return to work date as agreed

with your employer before you went on Leave of Absence and the Insurer has not granted an

extension, your insurance will continue provided premiums continue to be paid. However, your

insurance will be based on your Occupation and employment status immediately prior to the Date of



Interim Accident Insurance

If you apply for Death insurance or an increase in Death insurance and die as a result of, in the

Insurer's opinion, an Injury occurring while your application is being assessed by the Insurer and

within 365 days of the Injury occurring, a lump sum Interim Accident Benefit of the amount you have

applied for will be paid.

If you apply for TPD insurance or an increase in TPD insurance, you will be paid a lump sum Interim

Accident Benefit of the amount you’ve applied for up to a maximum of $3 million if you suffer any of

the following conditions:

� Quadriplegia;

� Major Brain Injury; or

� the total and irreversible inability to perform at least two of the Activities of Daily Living as a

result of an Injury occurring during the period of Interim Accident cover.

You will be covered for an Interim Accident Benefit from the date the Insurer receives a properly

completed application in the required form for the insurance or increase in insurance applied for.

We must also have received superannuation contributions for your benefit for Interim Accident

cover to commence.

Your Interim Accident cover will cease on the earliest of the following events:

� on the Insurer's acceptance or rejection of your application,

� on the withdrawal of your application,

� 180 days from the commencement of your Interim Accident cover,

� the day you cease to be insured (where you already hold insurance) or the day you cease to

meet the eligibility criteria

� the date the Insurer ceases to be liable under the Master Policy.

If your Interim Accident cover is for Death and TPD, you will only be eligible for one Interim Accident

Benefit, whichever is the first you become eligible for. The Insurer will only pay out one Interim

Accident Benefit for any one Accident.

An Interim Accident benefit is not payable in certain circumstances, including:

� for death, Quadriplegia, Major Brain Injury or the total and irreversible inability to perform

at least two of the Activities of Daily Living as a result of an Injury occurring during the

period of Interim Accident cover, arising from an Injury caused by engaging in any

Uninsurable or Special Risk Occupation, pastimes or sports that would not be covered under

the Insurer's normal assessment guidelines,

� if the cover applied for would have been declined under the Insurer's normal assessment


� if the application is for an event or condition that would have been excluded under the

Insurer's normal underwriting process, and

� death, Quadriplegia, Major Brain Injury or the total and irreversible inability to perform at

least two of the Activities of Daily Living as a result of an Injury occurring during the period

of Interim Accident cover, from an Injury occurring prior to the date Interim Accident cover



In addition, the general exclusions in the 'When won't a benefit be paid?' sections above also apply

to Interim Accident cover.

The Interim Accident Certificate is available in the How to Guide on

Increases without medical evidence

From ages 15 to 64 you can apply to increase your Death and TPD insurance without further medical

evidence, subject to acceptance by the Insurer, when you:

� adopt or have a child

� get married or divorced

� complete your first undergraduate degree at an Australian Government-recognised


� have a dependent child who starts secondary school for the first time

� are granted a loan from a financial institution for your first ever purchase of a principal place

of residence,

� are granted an increased loan from a financial institution to renovate your principal place of


� lose a spouse through death, or

� become a carer for the first time,

referred to as a 'Specific Life Event'.

The increase can be up to 25% of your original insurance amount, but it can’t be more than $200,000

(or such other limit set by the Insurer from time to time). To apply for the increase, you must

complete and return the 'Increases without medical evidence' form available on,

together with evidence acceptable to the Insurer of the Specific Life Event.

You must also apply within 90 days of the event occurring. You can only use this feature once in any

12-month period, and up to three times in total. The Insurer may reject an application or reduce the

amount applied for to the extent it exceeds the limit on the increase in insurance that can be

obtained using this feature or would increase your insurance beyond $1 million (or such other

amount as the Insurer may agree). No automatic increases in cover (other than under the Specific

Life Event feature) will apply from the date a Specific Life Event increase becomes effective.


Income Protection insurance

Helps you concentrate on getting better, without worrying about bills.

How does it work?

This insurance provides a monthly benefit of up to 75% of your Monthly Income while you’re Totally

Disabled or Partially Disabled.

If you are engaged in Permanent Full Time Employment or Permanent Part Time Employment, you

or your employer can choose a Benefit Period of:

� two years

� five years, or

� age 65,

or as agreed by the Insurer.

If you’re engaged in Fixed-term Contract Employment and have a:

� two or five-year Benefit Period, as selected or agreed by the Insurer, your Benefit Period will

end of the earlier of:

� the end of your 2 year or 5 year Benefit Period (as applicable),

� the end of your contracted period of employment last agreed with the employer before

the date of the event leading to a claim for the benefit, or

� you attaining the age of 65;

� Benefit Period until age 65, as selected or agreed by the Insurer, your Benefit Period will end

on the later of:

� 2 years, and

� the expiry of your contracted period of employment last agreed with the employer

before the date of the event leading to a claim for the benefit,

but subject to the maximum insurance age of 65.

You can also choose from a range of Waiting Periods, being the period that you are Totally Disabled

or Partially Disabled during which no Total Disability or Partial Disability Benefits are payable. The

Waiting Period starts on the Date of Claim and requires the Insured Member to be Totally Disabled

for at least 14 consecutive days from the start of the Waiting Period.

Waiting Periods include 30, 60 and 90 days, and you can also choose a waiting period of 180 days if

you have a Benefit Period of 5 years or to age 65.

A Total Disability Benefit is only payable in the event you were in Covered Employment on the last

working day prior to the Date of Claim, were Totally Disabled for the first 14 consecutive days of the

Waiting Period, Totally or Partially Disabled for the remainder of the Waiting Period and Totally

Disabled at the end of the Waiting Period.

A Partial Disability Benefit is only payable in the event you were in Covered Employment on the last

working day prior to the Date of Claim, were Totally Disabled for the first 14 consecutive days of the


Waiting Period, Totally or Partially Disabled for the remainder of the Waiting Period and Totally or

Partially Disabled at the end of the Waiting Period.

An Income Protection Benefit other than a Bereavement Benefit is payable monthly in arrears. An

Income Protection Benefit payable for only part of a month will be payable at a rate of one-thirtieth

of the monthly benefit payable.

An Income Protection Benefit payable in relation to a particular Illness or Injury will cease on expiry

of the Benefit Period applicable to the Insured Member, but only in relation to that Illness or Injury.

You may also have a Superannuation Contribution Benefit, subject to you, the Trustee or your

employer having submitted an application that is acceptable to the Insurer. A Superannuation

Contribution Benefit provides an additional benefit paid into your MLC MasterKey Business Super

account or another complying superannuation fund of your choice, while you’re Totally Disabled or

Partially Disabled.

Maximum monthly benefit payable

The maximum monthly benefit payable to you is the lesser of the following:

� up to 75% of the first $40,000 of your Monthly Income, and up to 50% of the next $40,000 of

your Monthly Income; and

� the insured percentage of your Monthly Income (which may not exceed 75%)

If you have a Superannuation Contribution Benefit, an additional amount may be paid into your

super account, up to a maximum of 15% of your Monthly Income.

The maximum monthly benefit payable is subject to an overall total maximum benefit of $50,000

per month for the first two years of your Benefit Period, including any Superannuation Contributions


If your benefit payment continues beyond two years, the overall total maximum benefit payable is

$30,000 per month for the remaining Benefit Period including any Superannuation Contribution


Total Disability Benefit

If your Date of Claim is prior to 1 July 2016, the Total Disability Benefit will be your monthly benefit.

If your Date of Claim is on or after 1 July 2016, the Total Disability Benefit will be the lesser of your

monthly benefit or 1/12th of your Pre-Disability Income in the 12 months prior to your Total


A Total Disability Benefit will commence from the expiration of the Waiting Period.


Partial Disability Benefit

The Partial Disability Benefit will be calculated using the following formula:

(Monthly Income – Actual Monthly Income)

x monthly benefit Monthly Income

A Partial Disability Benefit will commence at the latest of the expiration of the Waiting Period or the

date you cease to be Totally Disabled if you are Partially Disabled at that date.

Making sure you’re eligible

To be eligible for Income Protection insurance you must be between ages 15 and 64 and must not be

engaged in Excluded Employment.

To be eligible for an Income Protection Benefit, you must be:

� engaged in Covered Employment, and

� not engaged in Excluded Employment,

on the last working day prior to the Date of Claim.

Income Protection insurance ends at age 65.

When will benefits be reduced?

Any Total or Partial Disability Benefit payable will be reduced to the extent you are, during the

period of Total Disability or Partial Disability:

� receiving any regular income (including sick leave but excluding payments made pursuant to

statutory or contractual annual leave accrued prior to the date you ceased working, long

service leave or redundancy entitlements) from your employer;

� receiving payments made under any other similar policies, and

� entitled to payments made under workers’ compensation and/or similar legislation. This

doesn’t include Centrelink payments or benefits at common law, where such benefits are

payable on a periodic basis (whether paid or not).

The reduction will be sufficient to ensure that:

� the Total Disability Benefit or Partial Disability Benefit payable, together with the aggregate

of the other payments or entitlements, will not exceed your insured percentage of Monthly


� the amount the Insurer pays in Total Disability Benefits or Partial Disability Benefits,

together with the aggregate of the other payments or entitlements (including arising under

the Policy other than rehabilitation expenses and Superannuation Contribution Benefits),

will not exceed the amount derived by your Income Protection benefit formula.


Any income from other sources which is in the form of a lump sum or is commuted for a lump sum

will be treated as a monthly amount equivalent to one sixtieth of the lump sum over a period of 60

months, to calculate the reduction in monthly benefits (one twenty-fourth (1/24) over 24 months for

a two year benefit period).

Income from other sources does not include:

� income earned from investments; and

� any lump sum total and permanent disablement benefit.

When your worker's compensation entitlement is in dispute, the Insurer will pay the full amount of

the Total Disability Benefit or the Partial Disability Benefit on a conditional basis until the dispute is

resolved. If you are successful and are declared entitled to workers' compensation benefits, it is a

condition of this insurance cover that:

� you will repay to the Insurer that part of any Total Disability Benefit or Partial Disability

Benefit which would otherwise not have been paid if not for the conditional payment; and

� the Insurer may at any time recover this amount by offsetting it against any amounts that

may subsequently become due in respect of you under the Policy including any TPD Benefit

or Terminal Illness Benefit.

When won’t Income Protection benefits be paid?

Income Protection Benefits won’t be paid to you for Total or Partial Disability due to:

� an intentional self-inflicted Injury or any attempt to commit suicide irrespective of whether

you are sane or insane;

� normal and uncomplicated pregnancy or childbirth;

� any act of war (whether declared or not) or service in armed forces (not including Australian

Defence Force Reserves not employed overseas); or

� any other event or matter in the Policy or notified by the Insurer.

Benefits are available worldwide, however payment is

Pre-existing conditions

Where automatic acceptance applies, if you do not have New Events Cover, the Insurer will pay

Income Protection Benefits for Total Disability resulting from a Pre-existing Condition. Where

applicable, the Insurer will pay Income Protection Benefits in excess of the automatic acceptance

limit provided the Pre-existing Condition has been disclosed to and accepted by the Insurer.

For all cover commencing or increases to cover commencing on or after 5 December 2014:

No Income Protection Benefit will be paid for Total Disability or Partial Disability caused directly or

indirectly by any Pre-existing Condition if prior to the most recent date you became insured under

the Policy, you were paid, or are entitled to be paid, a TPD or Terminal Illness benefit from us or

another superannuation fund or insurer.


When payments cease

Payment of any monthly benefit for Total Disability will end at the earliest of:

� the end of your Benefit Period;

� when you are no longer Totally Disabled;

� when you attain 65 years of age;

� on your death;

� when you are no longer under the regular and continuous care of a Doctor;

� the date there is a failure to provide the Insurer with all requested information and other

evidence reasonably required to assess your claim; or

� you make a fraudulent claim.

Payment of any Partial Disability Benefit will end at the earliest of:

� when you are no longer Partially Disabled;

� the occurrence of any of the events that would cause a monthly benefit for Total Disability

to cease (except the end of your Total Disability); or

you earn a level of income equal to or greater than your Pre-Disability Income that you were earning

immediately prior to the start of your Total Disability or Restricted Monthly Income (whichever is


Overseas Travel

Cover for Income Protection Benefits applies worldwide. However, Income Protection Benefits will

be limited to 12 months if you are not continuously resident in an Approved Country.

The 12 month limited period commences from:

� if you ceased to be continuously resident in an Approved Country after the start of your

Total Disability, the later of the date when you last continuously resided in an Approved

Country and the end of your Waiting Period; or

� if you were not residing in an Approved Country as of the start of your Total Disability, the

end of the Waiting Period.

After the 12 month limited period, no Income Protection Benefits will be payable unless and until

you return to an Approved Country. If you return to an Approved Country and are still Totally or

Partially Disabled, your Income Protection Benefits may be reinstated effective from the date of your

return to the Approved Country and will be payable while you are continuously resident in an

Approved Country.

For two year and five year Benefit Periods, the Benefit Period will only accrue while Income

Protection Benefits are being paid.


Choice of waiting period

You pay a lower premium the longer the Waiting Period. You can select a 30,

60 or 90-day Waiting Period when you apply. You also have the option of a 180-day Waiting Period if

you have a Benefit Period of 5 years or to age 65.

Interim Disability Accident Insurance

If you are eligible for Income Protection insurance and apply for Income Protection insurance or an

increase in Income Protection insurance and suffer a Total Disability which in the Insurer's opinion is

a result of an Injury occurring during the period of interim cover, you will be paid an Interim

Disability Accident Benefit.

You will be covered for an Interim Disability Accident Benefit from the date the Insurer receives a

properly completed personal statement and declaration of health to the earliest of the following


� the date the Insurer gives notice that it accepts (on any terms) or rejects the application;

� the date you that your application for cover (or an increase in cover) is cancelled or


� the date you cease to be eligible for Income Protection insurance;

� the date cover otherwise ceases under the Master Policy; or

� 90 days after the commencement of interim cover.

The Interim Disability Accident Benefit provides a benefit of up to the monthly benefit applied for,

subject to the maximum monthly benefit applicable to Income Protection insurance. For Insured

Members whose cover commenced after 1 April 2009 a maximum of $50,000 per month applies.

The Interim Disability Accident Benefit is payable for as long as the Total Disability continues or to

the end of the Benefit Period, whichever occurs first, subject to a maximum of 2 years.

An Interim Disability Accident Benefit is not payable:

� for an Injury is caused by the Insured Member engaging in an Uninsurable or Special Risk

Occupation pastime or sport that would not be covered under the Insurer's normal

assessment guidelines; or

� where cover would have been declined under the Insurer's normal assessment guidelines; or

� where a claim is lodged for an event or condition that would have been excluded under the

Insurer's normal underwriting process; or

� where the Injury occurs before the person becomes an Eligible Member.

The Insurer will not pay more than one Benefit under this Interim Disability Accident Benefit for any

one Accident to any person.

The Interim Accident Certificate is available in the How to Guide on


Returning to work during the waiting period

Prior to 29 November 2013

You can return to work during the Waiting Period for up to five days at Full Capacity without your

Waiting Period being restarted. Your Waiting Period will be extended by the amount of days you

return to work at Full Capacity. If you return to work for more than five days at Full Capacity, your

Waiting Period will start again. These days don’t have to be consecutive.

On and from 29 November 2013

You can return to work during the Waiting Period, for up to:

� five days if your Waiting Period is not more than 30 days, or

� ten days if your Waiting Period is more than 30 days,

without your Waiting Period being restarted.

Your Waiting Period will be extended by the amount of days you return to work at Full Capacity. If

you return to work at Full Capacity for more than the maximum days above, your Waiting Period will

start again. These days don’t have to be consecutive.

Salary-linked insurance increases

Your insurance may increase in line with any salary increase you receive, by up to 30% within any 12-

month period provided the increase remains within automatic acceptance limits or forward

underwriting limits (where applicable) and the evidence of salary increase is considered sufficient by

the Insurer. The Insurer may not require you to provide Evidence of Insurability.

Where your salary increase exceeds 30% or would otherwise cause the level of Income Protection

Benefits to exceed the automatic acceptance limits or forward underwriting limits (where

applicable), any increase will be subject to underwriting.

Insuring super contributions (Superannuation Contributions Benefits)

You can insure the super contributions your employer makes for you, up to 15% of your Monthly

Income, subject to you, the Trustee or your employer having submitted an application that is

acceptable to the Insurer.

A Superannuation Contribution Benefit provides an additional benefit paid into your MLC MasterKey

Business Super account or another complying superannuation fund of your choice, while you’re

Totally Disabled or Partially Disabled.

The Superannuation Contribution Benefit payable is:

� for Total Disability, an amount equal to the Super Contribution Benefit Percentage of your

Monthly Income; or

� for Partial Disability, an amount equal to the Super Contribution Benefit Percentage of your

Monthly Income less your Actual Monthly Income in that month.

The amount of the Superannuation Contribution Benefit will not exceed:


� 15% of your Monthly Income; or

� the maximum monthly benefit when combined with the Total Disability Benefit.

The Superannuation Contribution Benefit shall cease to be payable when you cease to be entitled to

a Total Disability or Partial Disability Benefit.

CPI-linked benefits

If you have a '5 year' or 'to age 65' Benefit Period and you receive monthly benefits for 12

consecutive months, the monthly benefits will be increased (indexed) annually by the lesser of 5%

and the percentage increase (if any) in the CPI for the previous 12 months. This does not apply for

the two-year Benefit Period.

If Total Disability or Partial Disability Benefits cease to be payable, for the purposes of any future

payments, Total Disability and Partial Disability Benefit entitlements will revert to the original

percentage of Monthly Income or other amount replaced or varied in accordance with the other

clauses of the Master Policy.

Rehabilitation expenses benefit

Where you are being paid a Total Disability or Partial Disability Benefit, where permitted by law, the

Insurer will pay for expenses which are:

� incurred to directly assist you to return to work in a gainful occupation or in undertaking a

vocational retraining program because of your Total or Partial Disability;

� approved in advance in writing by the Insurer; and

� approved by your Doctor,

such as the cost of a formal rehabilitation course or the cost of special equipment such as a

motorised wheelchair to help you return to work.

The Insurer will not pay any money directly or indirectly to you or the Fund, but will pay the

rehabilitation expenses to the service providers directly or provide the rehabilitation services itself.

The maximum amount of rehabilitation expenses payable is six times the monthly benefit (less any

amount that may be claimed from any other source as reimbursement), or such greater amount as

the Insurer determines in its absolute discretion. Evidence of the cost of the rehabilitation program

or other expense will be required.

Bereavement Benefit

If you die whilst in receipt of a Total Disability Benefit or Partial Disability Benefit and no Death

Benefit is payable under this insurance cover, subject to the expiry of the Benefit Period, the Insurer

will pay an amount after the date of death of:

� 3 months of Total Disability Benefits (Benefit Period of 2 or less years or of 5 or less years),


� 6 months of Total Disability Benefits (Benefit Period to age 65).


Recurring disability

Your Waiting Period will not recommence if your Total Disability or Partial Disability recurs within six

months of the date you ceased to be Totally or Partially Disabled due to returning to your usual

Occupation or a different Occupation, provided that the cause of the recurrent Total Disability or

Partial Disability is the same or related to the cause of the original Total Disability. The Policy and

your Income Protection cover must both be in force when the Total or Partial Disability recurs.

Regardless of whether a Total Disability or Partial Disability recurs within the 6 month period, the

same Benefit Period will apply to the entire period of Total Disability and Partial Disability including

the original claim and any recurrent claim where the cause of the recurrent Total Disability or Partial

Disability is the same or related to the cause of the original Total Disability.

If you become an Insured Member after 1 July 2016 and have a 2 or 5 year Income Protection

Benefit Period, once your Benefit Period expires, a new Benefit Period will only commence if:

� you suffer an Injury or Illness which is different to that which caused or contributed to your

Total or Partial Disability in the previous Benefit Period; and

� you returned to Covered Employment prior to the Date of Claim applicable to the new

Benefit Period.

Waiver of premiums

While you receive monthly benefits, you don’t pay any Income Protection insurance premiums. On

cessation of payment of the Total or Partial Disability Benefit, premiums will be charged again unless

your Income Protection cover has ended.

Leave of absence/parental leave

You can take up to 24 months’ Leave of Absence from your Employment with or without pay and

keep your insurance on the same terms and conditions as if you had remained in active

Employment, provided:

� you continue to pay your premiums,

� remain employed by your employer,

� continue to be an Insured Member of MLC MasterKey Business Super,

� do not join any armed forces (excluding the Australian Defence Force Reserves not deployed

overseas), and

� comply with the other terms of the Master Policy.

Your employer's approval of your leave must be in writing and be provided to the Insurer on


You can also apply to extend this period by giving us at least 60 days’ notice before your Leave of

Absence ends, which is subject to acceptance by the Insurer, at its discretion.

Any benefit payable will be based on the Monthly Income notified to and accepted by the Insurer

before commencement of your Leave of Absence.


If you apply for additional cover while on Leave of Absence, your application will be subject to

underwriting and any additional cover will not commence until the Insurer provides written notice of

acceptance and you return to work.

If you do not return to your employment on or before the nominated return to work date as agreed

with your employer before you went on Leave of Absence and the Insurer has not granted an

extension, your insurance will continue provided premiums continue to be paid. However, your

insurance will be based on your Occupation and employment status immediately prior to the Date of


If you suffer a Total Disability and you are entitled to cover whilst on Leave of Absence, the Insurer

will pay a benefit at the rate of your Total Disability Benefit or Partial Disability Benefit as applicable.

Payment of any benefit will start from the later of:

� your nominated return to work date as agreed to by the employer before you go on Leave of

Absence, or the date last agreed to by the employer prior to your Total Disability; and

� the end of the Waiting Period,

and end in accordance with the 'When payments cease' section above.


Insurance – the details

How to apply for increases

Everybody has different needs and insurance is no exception.

That’s why we help you create an insurance solution to suit you and your family’s needs.

You can apply to change your cover. Your application for a change in cover will be subject to you

providing Evidence of Insurability and acceptance by the Insurer, who may set such terms and

conditions and request information as it reasonably requires.

How to apply

To apply for insurance, or to apply to increase your insurance, please log in to your account online,

or complete the Short form insurance application available on

Your financial adviser can help you alter your insurance.

During the application process for new or additional cover, you will be required to provide

information about your occupation, lifestyle, leisure activities and medical history.

We'll let you know if the Insurer has accepted or declined your application, or if the Insurer is only

willing to accept your application subject to special terms and conditions.

Any increase or decrease that has been accepted will take effect from the date of the Insurer's

written acceptance.

You can contact us or your financial adviser to find out what the additional premiums will be.

Cancelling your insurance

If you want to cancel your insurance, please call us on 132 652.

What you need to tell us

It’s important you disclose every matter you know, or could reasonably be expected to know, that

could be relevant to the decision to accept your application. If the Insurer is provided with an

incorrect date of birth, the Insurer may revise the Insured Member's benefits. In the event of any

failure to comply with a duty of disclosure, or a misrepresentation being made to the Insurer, the

Insurer may avoid or vary the Insured Member's cover.

You must also let us know if any of the information you provide changes prior to your application

being accepted (for example you have an Accident) or if your existing insurance is extended, varied

or reinstated. If you don’t, your insurance may not be valid.


About your premium

Premiums are deducted from your account balance in your investment options other than MySuper.

If you have no balance in those investment options, it’s deducted from your balance in MySuper.

Your insurance cover is shown in your Annual Statement each year. You can see your premiums paid

and insurance cover at any time by going to and logging in to view your account online.

It’s calculated based on the type and amount of insurance you have, depending on your individual

circumstances such as age and Occupation.

The latest Occupation ratings guide for insurance is available on

If we ask you to provide evidence of your health, your premium can also be influenced by factors

such as your:

� medical history, and

� lifestyle and leisure activities.

How often do you pay your premiums?

Premiums are deducted monthly from your account.

Will premiums change?

Your premiums may be adjusted for:

� your age

� changes to your insurance, or

� changes in your circumstances, such as changes to your Occupation, or Employment.

The Insurer may also make changes to premium rates, which could increase or decrease your

premiums. We’ll tell you about any material increases to premium rates at least 30 days before they

take effect. Notification of any non-material changes may be made available online on,

but you may not be directly notified of these updates. You may, however, obtain a paper copy of

these change communications on request free of charge.

Fees may be charged if you request a service not currently offered. To the extent that the premiums

do not incorporate any applicable taxes or charges, these taxes and charges may be deducted from

your account in addition to the premiums. The Insurer may change the premium rates at any time in

the event of a change in any government charge, licence fee, tax or other impost that relates directly

to the premiums, sums insured or risks of the Policy and in the event of invasion or outbreak of war.

We may charge members or the Fund generally, with actual or estimated costs of running the Fund.

These may include costs resulting from government legislation or fees that are charged by third



Keep your details up to date

You need to let us know about changes to your personal details, such as a change in your

Occupation within 130 days.

If you don’t notify us within this time, any claims may be declined.

Different TPD definitions may apply and Income Protection cover may change or may cease to be

available if you change your Occupation and/or your working capacity.

If you change from an Insurable Occupation to an Uninsurable Occupation, you may retain your

Death and TPD cover (if any). However, in the event of a claim for TPD, you will be assessed under

the Activities of Daily Living definition.

When your insurance will end

Your insurance will end on the earlier of any of the following events:

� except in respect of a Death Benefit, Interim Accident Benefit or Bereavement Benefit, on

your death

� you’re no longer eligible for insurance

� you don’t have enough funds in your account to cover the cost of insurance as at a premium

due date. You’ll continue to be covered for 30 days after the premium due date as long as

you are a member of the Plan

� you take a Leave of Absence for more than 24 months (or such other period as accepted by

the Insurer) without getting approval for continued insurance or you stop paying premiums

during the period of Leave of Absence

� on the day before you commence duty with any armed services of any country, except for

the Australian Defence Force Reserves not deployed overseas

� you reach the maximum insurable age

� in respect of a Death Benefit, Terminal Illness Benefit, TPD Benefit or Interim Accident

Benefit, the benefit is paid

� when the total of any Terminal Illness Benefit, TPD Benefit or Interim Accident Benefit (for

Quadriplegia, Major Brain Injury or the total and irreversible inability to perform at least two

of the Activities of Daily Living as a result of Injury occurring during the period of interim

cover) is equal to or exceeds your Death cover

� in respect of an Income Protection Benefit payable in relation to a particular Illness or Injury,

on the expiry of the applicable Benefit Period, but only in relation to that Illness or Injury

� you cease to be a member of the Fund

� you cancel your insurance or your insurance or the Master Policy is otherwise cancelled or

terminated for any reason

� any other event or matter referred to in the Master Policy as bringing about the cessation of

cover occurs.

If your Policy or cover is cancelled, the Insurer will only pay a claim if the claimant was an Insured

Member at the date of cancellation, the Date of Claim of the Insured Event which gave rise to the

claim occurred before the date of cancellation and any arrears of Premiums have been paid up to

the date of cancellation.


If you have Income Protection insurance with either the two year or five year Benefit Period, it will

end on the date the Insurer pays a lump sum TPD or Terminal Illness benefit, subject to the


• Where your Total Disability commenced on a Date of Claim prior to the date the TPD or

Terminal Illness benefit was paid and you were entitled to an Income Protection Benefit on

that date, or at the end of the Waiting Period after that date, Income Protection Benefits will

continue to be payable while you continue to be Totally Disabled or Partially Disabled due to

the same Illness or Injury during the Benefit Period but your Income Protection cover will

cease in all other respects.

The Insurer's liability to pay any benefits which have not already accrued will cease on the date a

fraudulent claim is made, in respect of the claim for that benefit.

Cessation of your cover does not affect the Insurer's liability to pay a benefit that has accrued prior

to the date of cessation of the cover.

More detail on when your insurance will end can be found in the MLC Master Policy. Please call us if

you’d like a copy.

What happens when you leave your employer?

Once your employer tells us you're no longer their employee, we'll transfer your account to MLC

MasterKey Personal Super where all of your insurances will continue and will become fixed amounts.

You can apply to increase these amounts. Your premiums may be higher in MLC MasterKey Personal


Continuation option


� you are an Insured Member and employment with your Participating Employer ends, or you

are a 'Family Insured Member' who ceases to meet that definition and does not transfer out

of the Fund; and

� you are not eligible for cover under MLC MasterKey Personal Super; and

� your cover has not ceased because of duty with any armed forces (excluding the Australian

Defence Force Reserves not deployed overseas),

you may apply to exercise an option for continuation of your cover. If accepted, the cover will be of

a type available from the Insurer at the time of the exercise of the option.

The following conditions apply in relation to term life insurance continuation policies:

� you must be at least 5 years younger than the Maximum Insurable Age for the relevant type

of cover applied for;

� none of the Trustee, Participating Employer (on your behalf) or you may be claiming,

receiving or entitled to receive or claim insurance payments for total and permanent

disablement or any Illness or Injury under MLC Master Policy or any other insurance policy

issued by any insurance company; and


� you must have had cover for TPD Benefits under MLC Master Policy immediately prior to

becoming eligible to exercise the continuance option, and if you were an employee of a

Participating Employer under MLC Master Policy you must engage in Permanent Part Time

Employment acceptable to the Insurer within 90 days of ceasing employment with the

Participating Employer. The Insurer may require the person to supply satisfactory

occupation and earnings information.

In addition, the following conditions apply in relation to income protection continuation policies:

� you must be under 60 years old;

� you must have had Income Protection cover in place immediately prior to ceasing

employment with a Participating Employer;

� you must have started Permanent Part Time Employment in a similar Occupation in a

capacity acceptable to the Insurer for income protection insurance;

� you have not ceased to be an Australian Resident; and

� none of the Trustee, Participating Employer (on your behalf) or you may be claiming,

receiving or entitled to receive or claim any Total Disability or Partial Disability Benefits

under MLC Master Policy or similar benefits under any other insurance policy issued by any

insurance company, and you must not have previously received Total Disability Benefits for

the Insured Member's Maximum Benefit Period.

The Insurer may refuse to provide cover under the continuation option in the event the Insurer does

not market a term life insurance continuation policy or income protection policy which covers the

occupational risk of the person applying for the continuation option.

What happens if you leave the Fund?

If you transfer your super to another fund, your insurance will continue for up to 60 days. During

this time, you can let us know if you wish to apply for similar insurance with a personal MLC

insurance policy.

Making a claim

The Trustee must promptly notify the Insurer of an event giving rise to a claim under the Policy. The

Insurer will then provide you with a claim form which must be fully completed and returned as soon

as possible. Your Occupation category and employment type at the Date of Claim will be

determined by the Insurer to assess your eligibility for cover, type of cover and applicable Policy


If there is a delay of more than one year after the event giving rise to the claim before the claim

form is provided to the Insurer, then the Insurer's liability will be reduced to the extent the delay

prejudices the Insurer's interests.


Prior to paying a claim, the Insurer must receive satisfactory:

� proof of age; and

� proof of the occurrence of the Insured Event, including:

� the completed claim form;

� evidence to substantiate the claim and additional evidence reasonably required by the

Insurer, at your expense;

� evidence obtained from medical examinations or assessments the Insurer reasonably

requires you to participate in, at the Insurer's expense;

� for Death Benefit claims, a post-mortem examination report if required by the Insurer;

� for Terminal Illness and TPD claims, medical reports from two treating Doctors,

and payment will be subject to any other terms and conditions of the MLC Master Policy.

Income Protection claims

Income Protection Benefits are only payable while you are under the regular care and attendance of

an appropriately qualified Doctor and comply with reasonable advice for treatment given by that


Where a claim is ongoing, Income Protection Benefit entitlements will be regularly reviewed and:

� any further evidence is to be provided by you as the Insurer requires; and

� the Insurer may conduct a reconciliation of benefits to determine any overpayment or

underpayment in each year; and

� from 1 July 2016, where an overpayment is identified that arises from, or is contributed to

by, you providing incorrect information or failing to provide information:

� the Insurer will provide us with written notice that it wishes to seek recovery of the

overpayment and evidence as reasonably required that the overpayment arose from, or was

contributed to, by you providing incorrect information or failing to provide information; and

� subject to the Insurer proving to our reasonable satisfaction that the overpayment arose

from, or was contributed to, by you providing incorrect information or failing to provide

information, either:

� we may at our discretion either:

� appoint the Insurer as our agent to recover at the Insurer's discretion the amount of the

overpayment (irrespective of when the overpayment arose) and the Insurer may retain any

such amounts it recovers; or

� pay the Insurer the amount of the overpayment; or

� the Insurer may, after consulting with us, instead recover the amount of the overpayment by

offsetting it against any amounts that may subsequently become due in respect of you

under the Policy, including any TPD or Terminal Illness Benefit.




You can find the specific details about the terms and conditions of your insurance in the MLC Master

Policy. Just call us and we’ll send you a copy


Means an event where bodily Injury is caused directly and solely by external and visible means,

independent of all other causes.

Activities of Daily Living


(a) bathing and showering;

(b) dressing;

(c) moving from place to place, including into and out of bed and into and out of a chair;

(d) eating or drinking; or

(e) using the toilet.

Actual Monthly Income

Means, for all relevant Insured Members, except Ex-Employer Super Insured Members, Ex-Employer

Super Personal Option Insured Members, Ex-Super Solutions Employer Service Insured Members and

Ex-Super Solutions Employer Service Personal Option Insured Members:

i. the income you derive from your Occupation, during the month you are Partially Disabled,

including the value of any non-cash remuneration taken as a salary sacrifice approved by the

Insurer in the calculation of your Monthly Income; or

ii. where you are self-employed, a working director or a partner in a partnership, the income

generated by the business or practice due to your personal exertion or activities less your

share of necessarily incurred business expenses during the month in which you are Partially

Disabled, but does not include:

(f) director's fees, overtime payments, penalty or shift allowances, investment income,

income received from deferred compensation plans, disability income policies,

retirement plans or income not derived from vocational activities;

(g) commissions or bonuses generated by your personal efforts unless approved by the

Insurer in calculating your Monthly Income; or

(h) employer superannuation contributions.

Means, for Ex-Employer Super Insured Members, Ex-Employer Super Personal Option Insured

Members, Ex-Super Solutions Employer Service Insured Members and Ex-Super Solutions Employer

Service Personal Option Insured Members:

i. where you are self-employed, a working director or a partner in a partnership, the income

generated by the business or practice due your personal exertion or activities less your share

of necessarily incurred business expenses, during the relevant previous 28 days; or


ii. otherwise, the total value of remuneration paid to you by an employer, including salary,

fees, regular commission, regular bonuses, regular overtime and fringe benefits earned,

during the relevant previous 28 days.

Approved Country

Means Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Hong Kong, Italy, Japan,

Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, Sweden, the United Kingdom, the United States of America or

any other country which the Insurer may agree in writing.

At Work


i. for cover commencing, or increases to cover occurring, before 5 December 2014:

You are at work for your normal daily hours of work and are actively performing the full

duties of your normal Occupation for which you were employed or would have been had the

day not been a day of leave (other than due to Illness or Injury), public holiday or weekend


ii. for new cover commencing, or increases to existing cover occurring, on or after 5 December


You are actively performing, or capable of actively performing all of the duties of your usual

occupation with your employer for at least 30 hours per week and are performing your

duties free from any limitation due to Illness or Injury.

Australian Resident

Means a person who is an Australian citizen, or has come to Australia to live and has a current and

valid Australian visa permitting employment in Australia.

(A person who goes overseas temporarily is an Australian Resident for the purpose of this


Automatic Cover

Means cover provided without Evidence of Insurability except for cover provided under the Future

Insurance Benefit terms.


Means any of the Death, Terminal Illness, TPD, Interim Accident and Income Protection Benefits

(comprising Total Disability, Partial Disability, Rehabilitation Expense, Superannuation Contribution,

Bereavement and Interim Disability Accident Benefits) payable under the Policy.


Benefit Period

Means, in respect of Income Protection Benefits, the maximum period for which Total Disability

Benefits and Partial Disability Benefits combined may be payable. The Benefit Period commences

on the first day of the Insured Member's Total or Partial Disability after the end of the Insured

Member's Waiting Period.

Benefit Review Date

Means, in respect of Income Protection Benefits, the anniversary of the commencement of the

continuous payment of the Total Disability Benefits and Partial Disability Benefits combined in

respect of an Insured Member.

Casual Employment

Means being engaged in employment of a temporary nature (other than on a contract basis through

an employment agency) where continuity of employment is not guaranteed by the employer,

regardless of hours worked or the period of employment.

Commencement Date

Means the date your cover commenced under the Master Policy.

Covered Employment

Means, for Income Protection Benefits cover, the Insured Member is engaged in:

(a) Permanent Full Time Employment;

(b) Permanent Part Time Employment working at least 15 hours per week; or

(c) Fixed-term Contract Employment working at least 15 hours per week,

in an Occupation that is not a Special Risk Occupation or Uninsurable Occupation.


Means the Consumer Price Index (weighted average of eight capital cities combined) as published by

the Australian Bureau of Statistics or its successor.

This is based on the 12-month period concluding at the end of the last quarter prior to the Benefit

Review Date. If the index is not published, the increase shall be calculated by reference to another

retail price index that most nearly replaces it (in the Insurer’s opinion).


Date of Claim

Means, for a:

Total and Permanent Disablement Benefit:

� If 'Specific Loss' applies, the date on which you first suffered 'Specific Loss', being:

� the permanent loss of use of two limbs or the sight of both eyes; or the permanent loss

of use of one limb and the sight of one eye (where limb is defined as the whole hand or

the whole foot); or

� If the 'Homemaker' definition applies, the first day of the six month consecutive period that

you (for TPD cover commencing):

� (on or after 1 July 2016) are incapacitated from performing any Normal Physical

Domestic Household Activities solely through Injury or Illness;

� (between 24 May 2013 to 30 June 2016) are absent from your Occupation solely

through Injury or Illness.

� under any other TPD definitions, the first day of the six consecutive month period that you

are absent from your Occupation solely through Illness or Injury;

Terminal Illness Benefit

� On and from 1 April 2016, the date, or if two different dates, the later of the dates, on which

two registered medical practitioners, at least one of whom is a specialist practicing in an

area related to the Illness or Injury suffered by you, certify that your life expectancy is

reduced to less than 24 months;

� From 1 July 2014 to 1 April 2016, the date, or if two different dates, the later of the dates, on

which two registered medical practitioners, at least one of whom is a specialist practicing in

an area related to the Illness suffered by you, certify that your life expectancy is reduced to

less than 12 months; or

� Prior to 1 July 2014, the date the Insurer receives medical evidence which supported the

view that your life expectancy is reduced to less than 12 months. However, if:

(a) you suffer an Illness which would be reasonably expected to reduce your life

expectancy, to less than 12 months, while covered for an Insured Death Benefit; and

(b) the Insurer receives the medical evidence (referred to earlier) after cover has ceased in

respect of you,

then the Date of Claim will be taken to be the date cover ceased.

Death Benefit: the date of your death.

Interim Accident Benefit: the date of the Injury causing the death, Quadriplegia, Major Brain Injury

or total and irreversible inability to perform at least two of the Activities of Daily Living.

Income Protection Benefit: the later of:

� the first day of the first period of 14 consecutive days that you are Totally Disabled; and

� the date on which you first receive medical advice and are confirmed by a Doctor to suffer

from an Illness or Injury that is the cause of the Total Disability.


Death Benefit

A lump sum paid in the event of your death or Terminal Illness, subject to the provisions in the MLC

Master Policy. The amount of the Death Benefit will be determined on the relevant Date of Claim.


Means you are engaged in Permanent Full-time Employment, Permanent Part-time Employment,

Fixed-term Contract Employment, or (on and from 21 November 2011) Casual Employment, or (on

or from 29 November 2013) Seasonal Employment or Contract Employment.

Evidence of Insurability

Means a completed personal statement or other form as the Insurer may require and any other

evidence of health or insurability that the Insurer may require such as medical examinations and

reports, medical tests and health and activity statements and information about Occupation,

location, finances, lifestyle and leisure activity.

Excluded Employment

Means, for Income Protection cover, you are:

(a) engaged in Employment working less than 15 hours per week;

(b) engaged in Casual Employment;

(c) engaged in Seasonal or Contract Employment;

(d) engaged in a Special Risk Occupation or Uninsurable Occupation;

(e) a Homemaker

Family Insured Member

Means a person who joined MLC MasterKey Business Super as an eligible family member of an

employee member.

Fixed-term Contract Employment

Means a person engaged for a fixed period of employment of at least three months’ duration, which

was determined at the start of your employment.

You must also be entitled to conditions and benefits such as leave, sick leave and superannuation

normally associated with Permanent Full-time Employment.

Full Capacity

Means engaging in the normal level and nature of work undertaken by you prior to suffering from a

Total Disability.

Future Insurance Benefit

Means the option under the Master Policy to obtain automatic increases to your Death cover and

TPD cover at the time when a Specific Life Event occurs.


Heath Condition

means the option under the Master Policy to obtain automatic increases to your Death cover and

TPD cover at the time when a Specific Life Event occurs.


Means an Insured Member who:

(a) is not in paid Employment and has been classified by the Insurer as occupation category

Homemaker when underwritten; or

(b) permanently or temporarily ceases work for the purpose of performing all Normal Physical

Domestic Household Duties and not due to Injury, Illness or unemployment and who has not

resumed paid Employment.


Means a sickness, disease or disorder.

Important Duties

Means the duties essential in producing a Salary.

Income Protection Benefit

Means one or more of a Total Disability, Partial Disability, Interim Disability Accident, Bereavement,

Superannuation Contribution or Rehabilitation Expense Benefit.

The amount of the Total Disability or Partial Disability Benefit will be determined based on your

agreed benefit, subject to the maximum monthly benefit, your Monthly Income at the Date of Claim

and your Benefit Period.

Insurable Occupation

Means an Occupation that is not an Uninsurable Occupation.

Insured Member

Means a person who has been accepted for insurance by the Insurer under the terms of the Master

Policy and whose cover has not ceased.

Interim Accident Benefit

Means the Interim Accident Benefit described in the section of this Insurance Guide titled 'Interim

Accident Insurance'.

Interim Disability Accident Benefit

Means the Interim Accident Benefit described in the section of this Insurance Guide titled 'Interim

Accident Insurance'.


Leave of Absence

Means maternity leave, paternity leave, or other employer approved extended leave, but does not

include leave to join any armed forces, excluding the Australian Defence Force Reserves not

deployed overseas, or leave leading to engagement in other gainful employment or business activity,

unless otherwise specified in the Policy or agreed to in writing with the Insurer.

Major Brain Injury

Means physical head injury that results in permanent loss of at least 25% of either the brain's mental

function or its physical control function.

Medical Practitioner or Doctor


i. prior to 5 December 2014, a registered medical practitioner who is acceptable to the Insurer

and who is not you or your spouse, family member, business partner, employee or


ii. on and from 5 December 2014, a registered medical practitioner who is qualified in an

appropriate specialty and who is not you or your Relative, business partner, employee or


Monthly Income

Means, for all relevant Insured Members, except Ex-Employer Super Insured Members, Ex-Employer

Super Personal Option Insured Members, Ex-Super Solutions Employer Service Insured Members and

Ex-Super Solutions Employer Service Personal Option Insured Members:

i. one-twelfth of your annual income derived from your Occupation, which may include the

value of any non-cash remuneration taken as salary sacrifice (eg voluntary employee

superannuation contributions and company vehicles) as approved by the Insurer,

ii. where you are self-employed, a working director or a partner in a partnership, 1/12th of the

income generated by the business or practice due to your personal exertion or activities less

your share of necessarily incurred business expenses, for the previous 12 months prior to

you becoming disabled.

Monthly Income does not include:

� director’s fees, overtime payments, penalty or shift allowances, investment income, income

received from deferred compensation plans, disability income policies, retirement plans or

income not derived from vocational activities; or

� commissions or bonuses generated by the personal effort of the member unless approved

by the Insurer on a case by case basis; or

� employer superannuation contributions.

Monthly Income is to be determined at the commencement of cover, or where there has been a

subsequent alteration to the level of Monthly Income that has been agreed to by the Insurer, then at

the date of the most recent alteration.


Means, for Ex-Employer Super Insured Members, Ex-Employer Super Personal Option Insured

Members, Ex-Super Solutions Employer Service Insured Members and Ex-Super Solutions Employer

Service Personal Option Insured Members:

i. where you are self-employed, a working director or a partner in a partnership, 1/12th of the

income generated by the business or practice due to your personal exertion or activities less

your share of necessarily incurred business expenses, for the previous 12 months prior to

you becoming disabled; or

ii. otherwise, 1/12th of the total value of remuneration paid to you by an employer, including

salary, fees, regular commission, regular bonuses, regular overtime and fringe benefits

earned, over the last 12 months prior to you becoming disabled.

New Events Cover

Means cover for a Health Condition which is not a Pre-existing Condition.

Normal Physical Domestic Household Activities


(a) Normal Physical Domestic Household Duties; and

(b) leaving the house without the assistance of another person.

Normal Physical Domestic Household Duties


(a) cleaning the family home;

(b) shopping for food or household items;

(c) meal preparation and laundry services;

(d) looking after dependent children under the age of 16 years or in full time secondary

education, where applicable.


Means your profession, trade, line of work, vocation, calling or other occupation at the relevant

time, or if you have more than one such occupation, the main occupation at the relevant time

(whether engaged in with one or more employers). If you are not Employed, it means the main

occupation you engaged in immediately prior to not being Employed.

Partial Disability

Means, solely by reason of Illness or Injury, you are working in a restricted capacity in your usual

Occupation or a different Occupation, earning Actual Monthly Income less than your Pre-Disability

Monthly Income and under the regular care and following the regular and reasonable advice for

treatment from, a Doctor in relation to that Illness or Injury.


Permanent Full-time Employment

Means being engaged in permanent employment for a minimum of 30 hours per week where the

employer guarantees continuity of employment and where that person is entitled to conditions and

benefits normally associated with full time employment.

Permanent Part-time Employment

Means being engaged in permanent employment for only part of the normal working day or week

(irrespective of the number of hours worked) and being entitled to conditions and benefits normally

associated with Permanent Full- time Employment but on a pro-rata basis.

Pre-Disability Income

Means, for all relevant Insured Members, except Ex-Employer Super Insured Members, Ex-Employer

Super Personal Option Insured Members, Ex-Super Solutions Employer Service Insured Members and

Ex-Super Solutions Employer Service Personal Option Insured Members:

i. the income you derive from your Occupation, before you become Totally Disabled, including

the value of any non-cash remuneration taken as a salary sacrifice (e.g. voluntary employee

superannuation contributions, company vehicle etc) approved by the Insurer; or

ii. where you are self-employed, a working director or a partner in a partnership, the income

generated by the business or practice due to your personal exertion or activities less your

share of necessarily incurred business expenses prior to you becoming disabled,

but does not include:

(a) director's fees, overtime payments, penalty or shift allowances, investment income, income

received from deferred compensation plans, disability income policies, retirement plans or

income not derived from vocational activities;

(b) commissions or bonuses generated by your personal efforts unless approved by the Insurer

on a case by case basis; or

(c) employer superannuation contributions.

Means, for Ex- Employer Super Insured Members, Ex- Employer Super Personal Option Insured

Members, Ex-Super Solutions Employer Service Insured Members and Ex-Super Solutions Employer

Service Personal Option Insured Members:

i. where you are self-employed, a working director or a partner in a partnership, the income

generated by the business or practice due your personal exertion or activities less your share

of necessarily incurred business expenses, prior to you becoming disabled; or

ii. otherwise, the total value of remuneration paid to you by an employer, including salary,

fees, regular commission, regular bonuses, regular overtime and fringe benefits earned,

prior to you becoming disabled.


Pre-existing Condition

Means a Health Condition that existed prior to the commencement of your insurance or variation in

insurance, of which you were aware before becoming insured or before the variation in your

insurance, or of which a reasonable person in the circumstances could have been expected to have

been aware.

Previous Fund

Means The Universal Super Scheme, ABN 44 928 361 101


Means the permanent and total loss of use of both arms and both legs resulting from an Injury.


Means parent, child, spouse, de facto spouse, brother or sister

Restricted Monthly Income

Means (in respect of the Income Protection Benefit terms) only that part of the Monthly Income that

has been taken into account to derive either the maximum monthly benefit where the maximum

monthly benefit applies to you or the automatic acceptance limit where your monthly benefit is

restricted to that limit.

Seasonal or Short-term Contract Employment

Means you are not in Fixed-term Contract Employment but are employed or contracted:

� in your own name;

� in your business name; or

� through an agency;

to complete a specific job without guarantee of continuity of employment, irrespective of the hours

worked or the period of employment.

Special Risk Occupation

Means a hazardous occupation or an occupation which presents special difficulties in assessing the

Insurer's risk as described in the most recent 'Occupation Guide', as amended and published by the

Insurer from time to time.

Specific Life Event

Has the meaning given in the section of this document titled 'Increases without medical evidence'.


Superannuation Contribution Benefit

Means a benefit paid monthly in arrears into your MLC MasterKey Business Super account or

another complying superannuation fund of your choice, while you are Totally Disabled or Partially

Disabled. The amount of monthly benefit will be determined based on your agreed benefit, subject

to the maximum monthly benefit and your Monthly Income at the Date of Claim

Super Contribution Benefit Percentage

Means the percentage equal to the percentage paid by the participating employer as the

superannuation contribution in respect of you, as nominated by the employer and accepted by the


Terminal Illness

Means, for a Date of Claim:

(a) (on or after 1 April 2016):

i. you suffer an Illness or Injury that two registered medical practitioners (at least one

of whom is a specialist practising in an area related to the Illness or Injury suffered

by you) have certified, jointly or separately, is likely to result in your death within a

period (Certification Period) that ends not more than 24 months after the date of

the certification; and

ii. the Certification Period in each of the certificates has not yet expired; and

iii. the reduced life expectancy occurs while you are covered for an insured Death

Benefit under the Policy.

(b) (between 1 July 2014 and 1 April 2016):

i. you suffer an Illness that two registered medical practitioners (at least one of whom

is a specialist practising in an area related to the Illness or Injury suffered by you)

have certified, jointly or separately, is likely to result in your death within a period

(Certification Period) that ends not more than 12 months after the date of the

certification; and

ii. the Certification Period in each of the certificates has not yet expired; and

iii. the reduced life expectancy occurs while you are covered for an insured Death

Benefit under the Policy.

(c) (before 1 July 2014) an Illness you suffer which in the Insurer’s opinion, after consideration

of medical evidence, would reasonably be expected to reduce your life expectancy to less than

12 months. The reduced life expectancy must occur while you are covered for an insured

Death Benefit under the Policy.


Total Disability


� if you ceased work before 1 April 2009 by reason of Illness or Injury, in the Insurer's opinion,

you being continuously:

� unable to perform your Occupation solely by reason of Illness or Injury; not otherwise

gainfully employed or engaged in any gainful business activity; and are under the care of

and following the regular and continuous advice for treatment from a Doctor in relation

to that Illness or Injury;

� if your cover commenced before 12 December 2011 and you cease work on or after 1 April

2009 by reason of Illness or Injury, in the Insurer's opinion, you being continuously:

� unable solely by reason of Illness or Injury to perform the Important Duties of your

Occupation; not otherwise gainfully employed or engaged in any gainful business

activity; and under the care of and following the regular and continuous advice for

treatment from a Doctor in relation to that Illness or Injury;

� if your cover commenced on or after 12 December 2011 and you ceased work between 12

December 2011 and 1 July 2016, in the Insurer's opinion, you being continuously:

� unable solely by reason of Illness or Injury to perform the Important Duties of your

Occupation; not otherwise employed or engaged in any Occupation (whether paid or

unpaid); and under the care of and following the regular and continuous advice for

treatment from a Doctor in relation to that Illness or Injury;

� if your cover commenced on or after 12 December 2011 and you cease work by reason of

Illness or Injury on or after 1 July 2016, in the Insurer's opinion, you being continuously:

� unable to perform the Important Duties of your Occupation solely by reason of Illness or

Injury; not otherwise employed or engaged in any Occupation (whether paid or unpaid);

and under the care of and following the regular and continuous advice for treatment

from a Doctor in relation to that Illness or Injury.

Total and Permanent Disablement Benefit or TPD Benefit

A lump sum benefit payable in the event of you becoming Totally and Permanently Disabled, subject

to the provisions of the MLC Master Policy. The amount of the Total and Permanent Disablement

Benefit will be determined on the relevant Date of Claim.

Where it can be clearly established to the Insurer's satisfaction that you are likely to be Totally and

Permanently Disabled, the Insurer may, at its discretion, pay the TPD Benefit before you are absent

from your Occupation for six consecutive months (see the definition of 'Totally and Permanently

Disabled' for details about when the six month period will apply).


Totally and Permanently Disabled

Employment at Date

of Claim* :

Permanent Full Time

Permanent Part Time

at least 15 hours/week

Fixed Term Contract

(at least 15


* If you were in a

Special Risk

Occupation, the ADL

definition applies (see


(A) (Any Occupation definitions)

Totally and Permanently Disabled means, in relation to cover commencing:

� At any time (Date of Claim on or after 5 December 2014): You:

� have been absent from your Occupation solely through Injury or

Illness for six consecutive months;

� have been regularly attending an appropriately qualified Medical

Practitioner and undertaking medical treatment reasonably

recommended by an appropriately qualified Medical Practitioner with

respect to that Illness or Injury since ceasing work in your Occupation

solely through Illness or Injury; and

� are incapacitated to such an extent that, in the Insurer's opinion, after

consideration of medical and other relevant evidence you were, as at

the end of the initial period of six consecutive months absence from

your Occupation, unable to ever engage in or work in any occupation

on a full-time or part-time basis, for which you are reasonably suited

by education, training or experience.

For the purposes of this definition ‘medical and other relevant evidence’

includes, but is not limited to:

� the prospect of improvement in your capacity after treatment and

rehabilitation that could reasonably be expected to be undertaken by

you, and

� whether reasonable retraining or reskilling would render you able to

engage in or work in any occupation on a full-time or part-time basis.

� On or after 24 May 2013 (Date of Claim before 5 December 2014): You

were absent from your Occupation solely through Injury or Illness for a

period of six consecutive months and are incapacitated to such an extent

that, in the Insurer's opinion, after consideration of medical and other

relevant evidence , you, as at the end of the six month period were

unlikely ever to engage in or work for reward in any occupation for which

you are reasonably suited by reason of education, training or experience.

Employment at Date

of Claim:

Permanent Part Time

less than 15


Fixed Term Contract

less than 15





Special Risk


(B) (ADL definition)

Totally and Permanently Disabled means, in relation to cover commencing

on or after 1 July 2016 (Date of Claim on or after 1 July 2016): You have

been absent from your Occupation solely through Injury or Illness for six

consecutive months and after which time you have, in the Insurer's opinion

after consideration of all evidence obtained:

� suffered a total and irreversible inability to perform at least two of the

Activities of Daily Living; and

� are unlikely to ever engage in or work for reward in any occupation

for which you are reasonably suited by education, training or



Permanent Part Time

less than 15


Fixed Term Contract

less than 15





Special Risk


(B) (ADL definition)

Totally and Permanently Disabled means, in relation to cover commencing

between 24 May 2013 to 30 June 2016 (Date of Claim on or after 29

November 2013): You were absent from your Occupation solely through

Injury or Illness for six consecutive months and after which time you have, in

the Insurer's opinion after considering all evidence obtained, suffered a total

and irreversible inability to perform at least two of the Activities of Daily


Employment at Date

of Claim:


(C) (Home Duties definition)

Totally and Permanently Disabled means, in relation to cover commencing:

� On or after 1 July 2016 (Date of Claim on or after 1 July 2016): You have

been incapacitated from performing any Normal Physical Domestic

Household Activities solely through Injury or Illness for a period of six

consecutive months, and at the end of the six month period, in the

Insurer's opinion, after consideration of medical and other relevant

evidence, are incapacitated to the extent that you are completely unable

to perform any Normal Physical Domestic Household Activities and

unlikely to ever engage in or work for reward in any occupation for which

you are reasonably suited by education, training or experience.

� Between 24 May 2013 to 30 June 2016 (Date of Claim on or after 29

November 2013): You have been incapacitated through Injury or Illness

for six consecutive months and after which time you were rendered, in

the Insurer's opinion, after consideration of all evidence obtained,

completely unable to do any Normal Physical Domestic Household


Age 65 years or older On or after 29 November 2013, you will be assessed under TPD definition

(B)(ADL) above if you have applied for, and been accepted for cover up to

the age of 70.

Uninsurable Occupation

Means an Occupation so hazardous that the Insurer is unable to accept the risk, as notified by the

Insurer to the Trustee from time to time.

Waiting Period

Means the period that you are Totally Disabled or Partially Disabled during which no Total Disability

or Partial Disability Benefits are payable. The Waiting Period starts on the Date of Claim and

requires the Insured Member to be Totally Disabled for at least 14 consecutive days from the start of

the Waiting Period.


For more information visit or call us from anywhere in Australia on 132 652 or contact

your financial adviser.

Postal address

PO Box 200

North Sydney NSW 2059

Registered office

Ground Floor, MLC Building

105 – 153 Miller Street

North Sydney NSW 2060


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