mobile applications development best practices

Post on 17-Jan-2017






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VajrakayaDesign | Develop | Brand

Mobile Applications Development Best Practices

VajrakayaDesign | Develop | Brand

Mobility is one of the deciding tech trends of recent years. It’s

now so popular that many users pass on purchasing laptop

computers and desktops. Mobile applications are a medium that

businesses can’t ignore.

VajrakayaDesign | Develop | Brand

Consider Your Audience

An essential part of the pre-development process is thinking

critically about your audience. This includes analyzing how you

want them to interact with your mobile app and what you hope

your mobile app will be used for. These kinds of questions are

important to consider upfront.

Check App Store

You probably think your mobile app idea is unique— and it may

be— but researching to make sure is a decisive part of a successful

mobile applications development strategy. This is the time to explore

the Android, Windows, and iOS app stores to make sure that you

aren’t designing a redundant product. If this is the case, you will

waste time and resources developing a mobile app that has a

slimmer chance of success. However, if a competing app already

exists, you can use it as a template for creating your own product,

with more or improved features.

Create Storyboard

Another important part of mobile applications development is

storyboarding. Laying the app out allows you to get a clear idea

of its functionality and general interface. That way, you can identify

potential problems and resolve them, as well as plan out every

facet of the design.

VajrakayaDesign | Develop | Brand

Streamline The App

Your app should be easy to interpret. This can mean furnishing

additional instructions and descriptions that can help users navigate

it. One common design problem is relying too much on images and

graphics. Rational use of words, as well as visuals, is the way to go.

Avoid Overuse

Graphics, animations and other visuals play a major role in

helping your mobile app stand out. However, these creative

elements must be carefully deployed. Otherwise you run the risk

of slow loading times and poor user experience. If you do use

graphics, vector graphics are a good idea because the file sizes

are small.

Size Matters

The mobile interface is smaller, which means that you have a

finite amount of space. The challenge for mobile app designers

is to avoid adding too many icons and buttons. You should also

acknowledge the size of fingertips, because if buttons are too small

users will have trouble navigating your app. This is also true for

having enough space between buttons and icons.

Create Core Application First

This involves building the most important features into a core

application experience first. You can add additional functionalities

and features later, through the use of plug-ins.Mobile applications

development takes time, effort and the right strategy. However,

these best practices can help ensure success before your

development process even begins. Another way to make sure your

app is profitable is by having the right mobile application developer

on your side.

VajrakayaDesign | Develop | Brand

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