mod 3 social influence and social change

Post on 21-Mar-2017






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Social influence and social change

Social influence and social change

Specification• The role of social influence processes in

social change.

Social influence and social change

• Asch found that a confederate that selected the correct line when the other confederates selected an incorrect line helped the true participant to resist group pressure to conform.

• This shows that when the unanimity of the majority is broken it is easier to resist group pressure to conform and can lead to social change.

Social influence and social change

• Asch’s line research shows that the social process of normative social influence can produce social change.

• Normative social influence has been used to produce positive social change in the behaviour of individuals.

• ‘Most people don’t drink and drive’.

Social influence and social change

• Milgram found that a disobedient confederate helped a participant to resist orders to shock an innocent person that made a mistake on a memory test.

• This shows that a disobedient role model can help an individual to disobey unjust laws and lead to social change.

Social influence and social change

• Minority social influence research has found that a consistent, committed and flexible minority can influence the majority and lead to social change.

• The snowball effect illustrates how a minority can produce social change slowly over time through the process of conversion.

Social influence and social change: snowball effect.

Social influence and social change: snowball effect.

Social influence and social change: snowball effect.

Social influence and social change

• Download the handout: ‘The role of social influence processes in social change’.

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