modal verbs and be able to

Post on 04-Mar-2016






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Verbos modais





O que voc precisa saber sobre os Verbos modais ou Verbos modais auxiliares ?

So verbos auxiliares e, com tal, so usados para modular o sentido de qualquer verbo (principal) que o acompanha. Um modal pode expressar grau de intensidade ou certeza em relao a atitudes e pensamentos das pessoas. Com exceo de ought to , os modals no recebem a preposio TO ; ou seja, no se usa to nem antes do modal , nem depois do modal .



CAN = PODER COULD = PODERIA CAN + SOON,TOMORROW, ETC. BE ABLE TO = SER CAPAZ DEConstruo em frases... I can do something .Affirmative form :Ex : I can dance . / Im able to dance. ( Eu posso danar./ Eu sou capaz de danar.)Negative form : Ex : He can not /cannot swim ./ He cant swim./He is not able to swim.(Ele no pode nadar. / Ele no capaz de nadar.)Interrogative form : Ex: Can you run very fast ? Are you able to run very fast?( Voc pode correr muito rpido? Voc capaz de correr muito rpido?)

TEMPOS VERBAISPRESENT : CAN = ( am, is, are ) + able to Ex .: I can drive well = I am able to drive well. PAST : COULD = (was, were) + able to Ex .: I could swim very well when I was a child = I was able to swim very well when I was a child. FUTURE : CAN + SOON, TOMORROW, ETC . / WILL BE ABLE Ex .: I can help you soon. / I will be able to help you .


Habilidade futura :

Ex : Shell be able to drive with a few more lessons.(Ela ser capaz de dirigir com mais algumas aulas.)

Possibilidade futura :

Ex : Ill be able to go back to work in a few more days.( Eu serei capaz de retornar ao trabalho dentro de poucos dias.)

Usos de CAN

Proibio :

Ex.: You cant go in. ( Voc no pode entrar.)

Deduo negativa :

Ex : All the lights are off. They cant be at home. ( Todas as luzes esto apagadas. Eles podem no estar em casa. )

Com verbos de sentido (see, hear,smell...) :

Exemplos :

Can you see that bird over there ?

Can you hear me ? Permisso , pedido :

Muito informal : Can I borrow your pen ? Can I go now ? Informal : Could I use your telephone, please ?

Muito informal : Can you tell me the time, please ?

Informal : Could you close the door, please ? Could you lend me some money, please ?

May, might, will, would, shall, should,ought to e mustSo verbos auxiliares, portanto a negao feita com o acrscimo de not (nt) e a forma interrogativa feita colocando-os antes do sujeito.Exemplos :

You shouldnt overeat. May I speak to you in private ?

Com exceo de ought to, os modal verbs nunca so precedidos ou seguidos de to. We must to visit him . ( Ns devemos visit-lo) We ought to visit him. ( Ns deveramos visit-lo)Permisso / Pedidos/ SolicitaesMay usado mais formalmente . Will e Would so normalmente usados em solicitaes.Exemplos :

May I go to the restroom, teacher ?May I drink some water, teacher ?Could you buy some medicine for this headache ?Would you call me a doctor ? Will you reserve a table for me , please ?Deduo / PossibilidadeMust expressa uma forte possibilidade, baseada em evidncias.Ex.: This patient must have the flu. She has all the typical symptoms.

May, might, can e could expressam possibilidade real ou remota.Exemplos : I may be suffering from an eating disorder. A cure for cancer might be discovered in the near future. You could be developing bulimia. Obrigao/ Necessidade/ ProibioMust o modal verb usado para expressar obrigao/ necessidade. Usa-se tambm have to, have got to ou need to.Exemplos : I must learn to relax more.Do I have to / need to have an injection ?Youve got to check your blood pressure.Athletes must not take drugs in order to win a competition.Conselho/ SugestoShould e ought to so as formas mais comuns para expressar essa ideia.Exemplos : You should get professional help. We ought to take some vitamin C.

Usos de Shall e Will para ofertar ajuda .Exemplos :We need some aspirin. Shall I buy some ?Ill go to the drugstore for you.

Significado dos modais para expressar possibilidade, probabilidade .Modal Sentido Canpoder, podeCouldpoderiaMaypoderia ( talvez seja possvel )Mightpoderia ( depende , menos provvel que may )Mustdeve, deveria obrigatoriamenteShoulddeveria ( mas talvez no acontea)would(condicional) Habilidade/capacidade Sugesto, opinio Conselho Necessidade Proibio Certeza, concluso lgica Probabilidade Possibilidade Possibilidade real ou remota Pedido, permisso, solicitaocancouldshouldmustmust notmust should maymightcancouldcould haveshallhave to can notmust haveshould havemay havemight havecouldmightought tohad to cancouldmaymight haveshould haveneed to could have RESUMO

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