model s cover - lct oct 2013

Post on 18-Jul-2015






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Beating Uber At Their Own GameDon’t Cut Your Safety BudgetLanding BigSchool Contracts

Beating Uber At Their Own GameDon’t Cut Your Safety BudgetLanding Big School Contracts



Contents 10/13

Limo Digest (ISSN 1095-8436) is published 11 times per year by Digest Publications at 3 Reeves Station Rd,Medford, NJ 08055-9630. Periodicals postage paid at Medford, NJ and additional mailing offices. Phone (609)953-4900, Fax (609) 953-7707, Email:, Website: All statementsmade, although based on information believed to be reliable and accurate, cannot be guaranteed, and no faultor liability can be accepted for error or omission. All opinions are those of the author and do not necessarilyrepresent the views of Limo Digest, Digest Publications, or any of its advertisers. Subscription rates: U.S. oneyear $28; two year $42; Canadian and International rates $50. Postmaster, send address changes to LimoDigest, Circulation Department, 3 Reeves Station Rd, Medford, NJ 08055-9630.

S For SuccessGet up to speed on the fleet vehicleof the future: the Tesla Model SBY ADAM LEITENBERGER


On the Cover: Meet the newest addition tofleets across the country: Tesla’s Model S. PHOTOGRAPHY BY Tesla MotorsLAYOUT BY John Crawford

DepartmentsPublisher’s Notes 6Curbside 8Industry News 10Women in the Industry 20Association News 54Association Calendar 60Affiliate Spotlight 62Referral Guide 63International Connections 77Classifieds 79Advertisers’ Index 82

At the Wheel: We Review the Tesla Model S 28



Global DominatesGlobal Limousine is built ona legacy of experienceBY EVAN McCAULEY


Uber Can Save theLivery Industry... Really

How to beat rogue appsat their own game



Don’t Cram For the ExamBe prepared for school

administrators to test your company on safety


Don’t Cut Your BudgetWhen it Comes to SafetySome cost-costing measures can hurt you more in the endBY GREG W. CRESCENZO







y now, most of you know that our much-anticipated 20th anniversaryshow has been postponed. Our team felt it necessary to make this dif-ficult decision based on what we were hearing from all of you: con-

cern, confusion and frustration surrounding the unusual number of tradeshows competing within a narrow period of time, resulting in an increasing-ly negative atmosphere, which many began describing as the “trade showwars.” As our decades-old tagline indicates, our mission is to be your voice,and as such, we couldn’t with a good conscience contribute to the dilution ofyour show season. To advocate for a more unified industry, we felt it was ourduty to make this sacrifice.

Our team nevertheless worked incredibly hard to put together a first-rateeducational series, the results of which I am personally very proud—soproud, in fact, that I couldn’t bear to watch it go to waste. We’ve thereforededicated this issue to repurposing some of the best educational content wehad slated for the show’s seminars and workshops—specifically, those whichexplore the topics of safety and technology.

In this month’s featured company profile, Senior Editor Evan McCauleytakes you behind the scenes at Philadelphia’s Global Limousine, wherePresident Anthony Viscusi prioritizes chauffeur safety training by enforcingan in-house defensive driving program. Likewise, Greg Crescenzo of AtlanticInvestigations and Dr. Jolanda Janczewski of the Transportation SafetyExchange contribute their safety expertise in the featured articles on pages44 and 50.

Skeptical about safety and other issues surrounding tech-savvy rogue appcompanies? Learn how to beat Uber at its own game in the feature on page38, contributed by Dan Sutich of Perfect Chauffeur. Once you’re done learn-ing about the technological threats that face the industry, look back on thebright side of what technology brings to the industry with our cover story onpage 24, where Associate Editor Adam Leitenberger gets you up to speed onthe fleet vehicle of the future, the all-electric Tesla Model S. And—my per-sonal favorite read of the month—be sure to spend some time with CreativeDirector John Crawford on page 8, where he reveals the artistic processbehind the reinvented Limo Digest brand, and his vision for bringing ourwebsite into the 21st century.

It’s a good feeling to have such a rich and informative magazine to offeryou the first month in my new role as publisher of Limo Digest. Our dedi-cated editorial team and I are energized and focused on staying true to theLimo Digest mission of being the voice of the luxury ground transportationindustry.

Kay Weninger,

(609) 953-4900 n

EDITORIAL OFFICE3 Reeves Station Road, Medford, NJ 08053

PUBLISHERKay Weninger (x206) n


Dawn Sheldon (x236) n

SENIOR EDITOREvan McCauley (x252) n

CREATIVE DIRECTORJohn Crawford (x203) n



CONTROLLERKim Kustera (x208) n

Advertising Sales: (609) 953-4900


Dr. Jolanda JanczewskiDaniel Sutich

LIMO DIGEST EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARDAlan Candeub n Park Avenue LimousineJoe Cirruzzo Sr. n A Elegant International

Rob Hansen n Bayview LimousineTom Holden n Rose Chauffeured Transportation

Carolyn Nelson n Belaire LimousineAmondo Sapiro n M&L International Worldwide

Dave Shaw n Olympus LimousineRobert Vaughan n Best Transportation


Find us also on

Our Website Has Gotten a Makeover!

As part of our brand makeover (see page 8), the team atLimo Digest has recently relaunched our website—updat-ed regularly with breaking news and informative content.

See us at



CURBSIDE / Our New Look



hen it comes to brandingyour own company, ithas to come naturally.

Nothing about the process can beforced. So when I took over asCreative Director of Limo Digest, Ithought it would serve us best not torush into a complete overhaul, butrather wait until the new personali-ty of the brand evolved organically,stemming from the fresh vision ofour new staff. Put simply, we neededa reboot.

The first order of business was the name.Although Limousine Digest had been the officialname of the magazine for the better part of thepast quarter century, it gradually came to beknown as Limo Digest to our readers. The titlechange made all the sense in the world. It rollsoff the tongue more easily; the term “limo” canbe used to describe all luxury ground trans-portation, and fits nicely as the boilerplate onthe magazine covers—it just looks like itbelongs there.

Once the decision was made to change thename of the magazine, the logo needed to beupdated. The result is a bolder, more easily rec-ognizable alteration of the original with a mod-ern look that winks at the history of the brandbut marks a definitive step toward the future.

Now that we had a logo, we needed to settleon a new look for a more up-to-date, mobile-friendly website, incorporating our new brandcolors and reenergized mission.

Limo Digest is now formatted to include awealth of interesting stories, relevant articlesand breaking luxury ground transportation

news. The revamped website will be the enginethat drives our brand—a brand dedicated tokeeping our subscribers informed about allissues relating to survival in this incrediblycompetitive marketplace. Through our newwebsite, you can learn from the experts andstay updated on news events as they happenevery day.

Not only did we reinvent the look, feel andfunctionality of our brand, but have also beenretooling our monthly magazine to match. Wehope that, with each issue, you will start to seea new attitude emerge—a renewed dedicationto delivering better content in a more stylishand readable format.

We want to interact with the quiet majorityof our readers, and encourage you to reach outand let us know what you think of the changes.

Facebook us, Tweet us, contact us onLinkedIn, or visit and leave acomment. You can even contact me directly and let me know per-sonally what you think. Thanks and I look for-ward to your feedback!

In our inaugural installment of Curbside, CreativeDirector John Crawford talks about leading the aestheticreinvention of the Limo Digest brand, followed by his pickof the top 10 industry logos; plus, the results of ourmonthly poll and the best of your tweets, Facebook posts,and blog comments.



Minimal... Modern... Motion.

The original Limousine Digest logo had becomeoutdated and did not resonate with the newdirection our team resolved to move toward.

The new Limo Digest logo not only makes more sense asthe pillar to building a new brand identity, but visually rep-resents both our history and our magazine moving forward.


From the Web / CURBSIDE

Having been involved in design and advertising for over 15years, I know a good logo when I see one. A good logoshows that a company cares about the way they presentthemselves to the public. In my daily duties as the CreativeDirector of Limo Digest, I have become familiar with hun-dreds of luxury ground transportation companies’ logos.Here are my top 10 favorites.

10. LSW CHAUFFEURED TRANSPORTATIONLSW introduced a new logo a little over a year ago and theyhit a home run with the typography and logo choice. Thebest way to describe this logo is: BIG but unobtrusive.Quietly confident. And that’s a good thing in the luxuryground transportation industry.

9. ALLSTAR INTERNATIONALThere’s just something about this logo that sticks out tome, and I really can’t articulate it. Maybe it has to do withhow it all fits together so well. Nothing seems forced.

8. MONTREAL LIMOUSINEAnyone who has ever had the pleasure of visiting Montrealwill understand how well this logo articulates the look andfeel of this Canadian city. The understated motion andabbreviated “MTL” combined with the skyline of the city, aswell as the blue and gray color scheme, come together intoan icon that embodies trustworthiness and ease of travel.

7. KINGS WORLDWIDE TRANSPORTATIONThe Kings Worldwide Transportation logo exemplifies histo-ry and class, which resonates perfectly with the name andindustry. When it comes to demonstrating power, choosingred as your primary color is a touchdown in the logo depart-ment. This logo works for me because it parallels the com-pany’s personality and vision.

6. ANGEL LIMOUSINENot only is it the choice of colors, but also the choice offonts that conveys a sense of comfort and reliability. This isan example of an icon above the name standing alone withgreat effectiveness. The wings are symmetrical and thesubtle yet implied globe is a nice detail.

5. CLI WORLDWIDE TRANSPORTATIONHere is a logo that just looks dependable. It just demandsrespect without coming off as pretentious. The use of bothserif and sans serif fonts makes the logo look elegant andsteady. To be honest, this is a logo that I wanted to dislikebecause it follows a formula. But it’s just too good at fol-lowing that formula to ignore. Sometimes doing what isexpected isn’t the wrong choice. You just have to be goodenough at it to get noticed. CLI’s logo does just that.

4. OVERLAND CHAUFFEURED SERVICESOvertly simple yet stylish, the logo reads clearly and standsout in a crowd - just by being itself. And isn’t that what weall want in life? The big “O” defines classic and historic, butgives the viewer just enough motion to hint at progressive.I also love the subtle open “A” in “Overland” and how it mir-rors the “V.” It’s a seamless combination of motion andstability. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

3. LOGIC LIMOOn the opposite end of the spectrum is Logic Limo. Simplyput, it stands out not only in its composition but in itschoice of fonts and colors. You can’t stop staring at it andits originality makes the brand stay in your head long afteryou’ve turned away. Way to break the rules, guys.Sometimes that works, too.

2. GRAND AVENUENot only is this a personal favorite, but an overwhelmingfavorite of everyone in the Limo Digest staff. The typogra-phy and effective yet simple color scheme of greens andgrays balance out the progressive feel of the top half of thelogo. The best feature is that the icon above the name of thecompany can stand alone with equal brand identity. One ofthe other elements that I love about the logo is its inclusionof the company tag line: Be Driven. The whole formula addsup to a winning combination that exemplifies strength andconsistency of service with an eye on the future of luxuryground transportation.

1. ZETIAN LIMOUSINENot only did I love the logo, but again this was one everyonepicked as a favorite. The reason: it looks luxurious withouttrying to be luxurious. Maybe it’s the silver and black com-bined with a rich purple backdrop. Sometimes great artcannot be defined... it simply has to be experienced. This isthe case with the winning logo. It just came out on top.

There you have it. The ten best logos in the industry. A perfectly executed logo in the ground transportation indus-try can give your company a huge head start. Make themost of this important branding decision to make sure yourcompany's core values are communicated effectively.

Top 10 Logos in the Luxury Ground Transportation Industry

10 9 8 7 6

5 4 3 2 1

By John Crawford, Creative DirectorFor the full original blog post on which this article is based, visit

YOU DRIVEJ. Nathan HigdonMy article for @LimoDigest is out in electronic copy today! I’m biased, but I think it looks great!!

Dan Kelly@JNathanHigdon @LimoDigest just read your article. Very intriguing.


GA’s #logo was named #2 in Top 10 Logosfor Ground Transportation from @LimoDigest!@SeigenthalerPR did a great job.

ETS InternationalDid you know ETS was named MostCharitable Company by @LimoDigest in 2009 & 2011? See how we make dreamscome true:

LSW ChauffeuredCheck out this great article featuring our own Melissa Thornton in @LimoDigest #business #women #success

Limo DigestMan says state won't let him start low-cost limo service - WFSB 3 Connecticut …

Mike Pederson@LimoDigest we don't need any #halfpricedlimos driving prices down. Take a #taxi if u wanna b #cheap. Upkeep is expensive on a #Limo

Which of the holiday marketing strategies discussed in last month’sarticle by Arthur Messina do you findmost effective?


Hold Message

Holiday Greeting Cards

Gifts for Best Clients

In-Vehicle Flier

Poll QuestionWeigh in! To vote in this month’s

poll, go to




Seigenthaler Public Relations •

Limo Digest ranked Grand Avenue’s logo as #2 in theworld. We’re proud to be a part of their drive to the top!

Top Ten Logos in the Ground Transportation Industry ~Limo Digest




v All-New Mercedes-Benz S-Class is “Most Intelligent Car on the Road”v WTS International Congratulates Feinberg on Executive Role at USDOTv American Comfort Limousines Supports Lighthouse of Collier’s Annual Summer Children’s Campv Reston Limousine Receives Highest Safety Rating v Alliance Limousine Introduces New Mobile Appv Limo Digest Congratulates Inc. 5000 Honoreesv Buses Required to Stop at Pennsylvania Weigh Stationsv Go Showtime Receives Award for Eco-Friendly Fleetv Planet Halo Introduces Latest Multi-Channel Video Recorder for the Fleet Industryv AM General Acquires Vehicle Production Group’s Assetsv Limo Safety Law Passes in Californiav MTG Family of Companies Consolidates to Improve Operations

All-New Mercedes-Benz S-Class is “Most IntelligentCar on the Road”

THE ALL-NEW 2014 S-CLASS has raised the bar yet againwithin the automotive industry, featuring new levels of craftsman-ship, refinement, and overall luxury.Some of the new standard equipment includes 20 more

horsepower, rearview camera, Panorama Sunroof, All-LED lighting (entire vehicle, inside/out), Keyless Start, and Magic VisionControl. With its beautiful interior craftsmanship that featuresheated armrests and hot stone seating massage, ionized air purification via the Air Balance Package, first-class rear-seat lux-ury, and a Burmester sound system, its character and overall pres-ence is unmatched. It also includes an intelligent suspension sys-tem called Magic Body Control, which sees the road ahead andadjusts the suspension accordingly.“Every time we introduce a new generation, we have the oppor-

tunity to deliver more power, greater efficiency and unmatchedsafety, backed with an improved value proposition,” said SteveCannon, president and CEO of Mercedes-Benz USA. “Not only isthe new S-Class the most intelligent car on the road, it’s also asmart choice.”Mercedes-Benz focuses on real-world safety with the goal

of accident-free driving, and the S-Class offers a portfolio of more than 30 standard and optional active and passive safety technologies called Intelligent Drive.

For example, the Driver Assistance Packageoffers the following content:• Distronic Plus with Steering Assist:Radar-based cruise control system with semi-autonomous steering inputs that can work from 0-124 mph depending on road conditions.

• Pre-Safe Brake: Autonomously brakes the vehicle up to 31 mph with or without driver input, and can partially mitigate accidents up to 45 mph.

• Pre-Safe Plus: Rear-facing radar that sensespossible rear collisions and prepares the vehicle for a possible secondary incident into an active intersection.

• BAS Plus with Cross Traffic Assist: Reads cross-traffic encounters with stereoscopic cameras and adds appropriate brake assistance to prevent an incident in an active intersection.

• Active Lane Keeping Assist and Active Blind Spot Protection: One-sided braking.

Other Intelligent Drive safety features includeAttention Assist and Night View Assist Pluswith human and animal detection. For moreinformation, visit


For more on the Mercedes 2014 S-Class, visit our website at www.limodigest.comv



WTS International Congratulates Feinberg on Executive Role at USDOT

U.S. TRANSPORTATION SECRETARYANTHONY FOXX has announced thatSarah Feinberg will be joining the U.S.Department of Transportation as his chiefof staff. WTS International, the associationwhose mission is to build the future oftransportation through the global advance-ment of women, has historically had greatsupport from the USDOT for its programs. “WTS International would like to con-

gratulate Ms. Feinbergon her new post at the DOT,” said MarciaFerranto, WTS president and CEO.

“Secretary Foxx’s selection of a woman for an executive role illustrates his com-mitment to an administration led by a gender-diverse team. WTS looks forwardto continuing our work to attract, retain,and advance women in transportationwith Secretary Foxx’s team.”According to Secretary Foxx’s announce-

ment, Feinberg served in the ObamaAdministration as a special assistant to the

president and senior advisor to WhiteHouse Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel, serving as his liaison to the Obama economic team, the national security team, and the press and communicationsdepartments. Most recently, Feinberg managed Facebook’s Washington-basedoutreach and communications, as well as the company’s political and crisis communications. Prior to that, she servedas Director of Communications andBusiness Strategy at Bloomberg LP, whereshe managed Bloomberg’s Washington-based communications.WTS International and WTS Foundation,

headquartered in Washington, D.C., seek to attract, retain, and advance women in transportation. WTS Foundation has provided more than $1,000,000 in scholar-ships to deserving women throughout thetransportation industry, supporting the nextgeneration of transportation professionalsand advancing the principles of WTS.For more information, visit


• Previously served in PresidentObama’s administration as a special assistant to the president and senior adviser to White House Chief of Staff(now Chicago Mayor) Rahm Emanuel, serving as his liaison to the Obama economicteam, the national security team, and the press and communications departments.

• Managed Facebook's Washington,D.C.-based outreach and communications, as well as the company's political and crisis communications.




WHEN IT COMES TO CHARITABLEEFFORTS from luxury ground trans-portation companies, AmericanComfort Limousines is a standout.This summer, for the third year in a row, the Naples, FL company donated 80 hourly rides and transfers, at a value of over $9,000,to Lighthouse of Collier’s AnnualSummer Children’s Camp.

Lighthouse of Collier is anorganization thathelps over 20,000vision-impaired

and blind individuals in SouthwestFlorida. The foundation was estab-lished in 2009, and is the only organization of its kind in its region,with free programs that help blindand vision-impaired people becomemore independent in their everydaylives—“things that people with nor-mal vision take for granted,” said Jon Ziemba, president of AmericanComfort Limousines.The programs focus on life

skills to help participants lead moreself-sufficient lives, such as cooking,grooming, socializing, navigating,identifying money, using technology(such as computers with voice interfaces that “talk” to the user), and feeling safe in their daily environments.During Lighthouse of Collier’s

Annual Summer Children’s Camp—which ran from July 8 to Aug. 3 and experienced a 50 percent increasein campers over 2012—childrenenjoyed a range of activities and functions organized and presented by Lighthouse of Collier’s all-volun-teer staff. They learned about musicfrom around the world, played drumsand tambourines, took lessons on gardening and planted their own cactus gardens. They overcame theirfear of water, learned how to paddleboard, and were taught about nature,with the opportunity to pet an alliga-tor and a snake. “One of the neatest things, though,

was that they were able to play tennisusing what is called a sound tennisball,” said Ziemba. “The tennis balls

are oversized and contain a devicethat beeps, so that blind and vision-impaired children can hear the ball,hit it, and play a game of tennis.”In addition to the support they

give Lighthouse of Collier year-round,American Comfort Limousines pro-vided daily transportation for sixcampers from their homes to camp,and back home again at the end of the day’s activities. The company also donated rides to over 20 campersand volunteers for five different fieldtrips that took place during theSummer Camp. American Comfort Limousines is

a family-owned and -operated busi-ness, which was founded by JohnZiemba, his father Ron, and hisbrother Craig in 2007. The companyhas grown from two to eleven vehiclessince opening. “We all do a little bitof everything to run the business,”says Ziemba, “such as answeringphones 24 hours every day, takingreservations and answering emails,doing the accounting, doing somebasic vehicle maintenance, detailing

the vehicles, and sometimes jumpingin a vehicle to be the chauffeur forone of our clients.” American ComfortLimousines operates an all-black fleet of sedans, SUVs, passenger vans,stretch limousines and buses, and is the number-one rated company in the state of Florida,with a perfect score of 100 percent.For more information, the only Center for Blindness

and Vision Loss in Collier County,Lighthouse of Collier has claimed the responsibility of helping the area’s blind and vision-impaired children and adults become independent. The mission of theLighthouse of Collier is to promotethe development, implementation and ongoing evaluation of programsand services which foster independ-ence and enhance the quality of lifefor the blind, the visually impaired, and their caregivers. For more information, visit


Participants and volunteers at Lighthouse of Collier’s Annual Summer Children’s Camp, with American ComfortLimousine’s 14-passenger executive limobus and chauffeurs Frank Saitta (left) and Don McLendon. Saitta drovea passenger van for the camp’s field trips, and for those children who needed daily transportation to and fromthe camp; McLendon drove the limobus for field trips.

American Comfort Limousines Supports Lighthouse of Collier’s Annual Summer Children’s Camp




Reston Limousine Receives Highest Safety Rating

RESTON LIMOUSINE AND TRAVELSERVICE, the Washington, D.C., metropoli-tan area’s largest limousine/shuttle service,scored the highest possible rating in anarduous, three-day Department of Defense(DOD) independent audit of all aspects of itssafety performance. With this achievement,

Reston Limousine isqualified to transportmilitary personnel andprovide transporta-tion services for feder-

al, state, city and county agencies. “We are pleased to be awarded these

designations, especially in light of recentpublic attention to several tragic limousineand bus accidents across the country,” saidKristina Bouweiri, president and CEO ofReston Limousine.

“The rigorous audit inspections were anextremely thorough test of our safety fit-ness,” said Reston Limousine’s safety andtraining manager Keith Johnson. He notedthat while the outside audit is “very intensein regard to qualifications for all commercial

vehicle drivers, it also measures otheraspects of a transportation company, suchas record-keeping, safety management pro-grams, operational procedures and vehiclemaintenance standards.”

Bouweiri added that while safety perform-ance has always been a core value for thecompany, the recent designations by DODand DOT are independent evidence thatReston Limousine “adheres to the highestpossible safety standards.”

Founded in 1990, Reston Limousine has260 employees and a 160-vehicle fleet,including buses, vans, limousines, andsedans. Reston Limousine serves the D.C.metropolitan area from headquarters in theDulles Airport corridor and a satellite loca-tion in Capitol Heights, MD. In addition to itsgovernment shuttle transportation services,Reston Limousine is well known locally forinnovative Virginia wine tours, D.C. brewerytours, wedding, social, and VIP transporta-tion.

For more info on Reston Limousine,


LOS ANGELES-BASED ALLIANCELIMOUSINE recently introduced a newmobile app for iOS and Androiddevices. The app allows customers tocreate new reservations, review exist-ing reservations and see service rates.

The app is called Alliance LimoMobile, and it includes options forcustomers to search for Los Angeleslimo services and other car servicesat LAX. Customers can create newreservations simply by entering theirname, desired pickup date and time,the type of car they would like to rentand confidential payment informationon the company’s secure network.The app allows customers who travelaround LAX frequently for work or fam-ily to save previous travel informationand automatically request it again.

For more information,


Alliance LimousineIntroduces NewMobile App



Limo DigestCongratulates

Inc. 5000Honorees

Inc. magazine’s 5000 Fastest Growing Private Companieslist is, according to Inc., the most comprehensive look atthe most important segment of the economy: America’sindependent-minded entrepreneurs. So it’s no surprise that sev-eral companies in the entrepreneurial world of luxury ground transportation are continually on this list.“For 32 years, Inc. has welcomed the fastest-growing private companies in

America into a very exclusive club. Make no mistake: The Inc. 5000 washarder to get into this year than ever in its history,” said Eric Schurenberg,editor-in-chief of Inc.

Limo Digest applauds the companies in our industry—no less than threethis year—who were named on the 2013 Inc. 5000. Complete results of thisyear’s list, including company profiles and an interactive database that canbe sorted by industry, region, and other criteria, can be found Congratulations to our industry’s honorees!

A leading technology provider of GPS fleet tracking software forfleet-based companies, GPS Insightwas ranked number 3,294 on thethis year’s Inc. 5000, with a three-year sales growth of 97 percent. This is the fourth consecutive yearthat the GPS tracking company hasmade the list. “GPS Insight is thrilled to have

experienced the growth it has over thepast eight years, which has earned usa place on the Inc. 500 and Inc. 5000for four years in a row,” said RobertDonat, CEO of GPS Insight.GPS Insight utilizes high-quality

GPS hardware and adds the cus-tomization and enhancements whichfleet-based companies demand. GPSInsight provides highly flexible solu-tions, which include a wide range ofcustomized reports, alerts, and otherinnovative features that can be tai-lored to meet specific customerrequirements and ensure maximumreturn on investment. Using the GPSInsight solution, companies realize asignificant increase in efficiency, andgain insight into all aspects of theirfleet operations. For more information on GPS

Insight, visit

For the seventh year in a row,Teddy’s Transportation System, a globalground transportation companybased in Norwalk, CT, has beennamed to the Inc. 5000. “We were very excited to make the

inaugural Inc. 5000 list in 2007, andare honored to repeat our success inevery succeeding year,” said CharlesWisniewski, president and CEO. “Withbusiness travel continuing its steadygrowth in our region, I’m delighted toreport that we have continued to turnin a solid performance in 2013.”Teddy’s revenue grew 25%

between 2009 and 2012, ranking thecompany number 4,579 on this year’slist. Teddy’s is the only chauffeuredground transportation company inConnecticut and the Tri-State regionto make the 2013 list. Founded in 1932, Teddy’s

Transportation System has redefined“professional transportation solu-tions” by forging a strategic networkof premium global partnerships andutilizing innovative technology thatprovides corporate purchasers, eventplanners and travelers with access toimmediate, real-time information. For more information, visit

This is the second consecutive yearthat James River Transportation, afull-service transportation providerand event planning organization, hasmade the Inc. 5000—ranked this yearat number 4,521 on the list.“Our success is due to dedicated

employees who are committed toserving our clients,” said StephenStory, president of James RiverTransportation. “Our Airport Service,Transit Service and corporate shuttlesare major contributors to our growth.”James River Transportation has

facilities in Richmond, Williamsburgand Norfolk, VA, as well as on-siteoperations at Richmond InternationalAirport and Norfolk InternationalAirport. Services include motorcoachand minicoach transportation, airporttransfers, transportation manage-ment, contract services and conven-tion shuttles. Additional informationon James River can be found company is a certified member

of the International Motorcoach Group(IMG). The IMG is an invitation-onlygroup of the top operators in NorthAmerica, dedicated to providing pre-mier ground transportation throughelevated standards of performance. For more information, visit

n n n





Buses Required to Stop atPennsylvania Weigh Stations

T H E P E N N S Y LVA N I A D E PA R T M E N T O FTRANSPORTATION (PennDOT) recently confirmed thatsome of their districts are installing the new “All Trucks& Buses Must Enter Weigh Station” signs on state andinterstate highways. PennDOT requested that all signsbe installed by the end of 2013.Corporal Rick Koontz confirmed that buses are now

expected to stop at any weighstation with the new sign.“Enforcement officers have

been asked by their superiors to visually look for obvi-ous violations, but have been instructed not to detain a bus unless obvious problems exist,” Koontz told thePennsylvania Bus Association (PBA). PBA Executive Director Elaine Farrell notes that any

bus with a BA or BN bus tag—which are generally buseswith over 16 passengers, but occasionally include vehi-cles with 11 to 15 passengers—are affected by this newregulation and are required to stop at weigh stationswith these new signs.If any bus driver encounters a problem at a weigh

station, they should contact PBA through their bus com-pany employer. Corporal Koontz will work with PBA infurther communicating to his enforcement officers anyproblems that come up. The PBA can be contacted at(717) 236-9042, and more information can be found


Go Showtime Receives Award for Eco-Friendly Fleet

GO SHOWTIME, a member of The GO Group alliance of airportshuttle companies, has made an effort to become more environmen-tally responsible—switching to biodiesel fuel for 36 of its 46 minibus-es, and converting another five to liquid propane. The company alsouses GPS technology for fuel-efficient routing to further reduce carbonemissions, and promotes recycling in both its office and maintenanceshop.

In recognition of these efforts, The Las Vegas Business Pressrecently honored Go Showtime with a “Green Award.”

“Adopting green practices isn’t good only for the environment,” said Lisa deMarigny, president and CEO of Go Showtime. “It is good for employee morale and confirms our commitment to the health and wellness of the Las Vegas tourism market.”

Other members of The GO Group, which is the largest airport ground transportationalliance in the world, have also switched to alternativefuels—either compressed natural gas or propane. GOGroup members transportsome 13 million passengers to and from 68 airports in theUnited States, Mexico, Canadaand Europe annually. For more information, visit


Planet Halo Introduces Latest Multi-ChannelVideo Recorder for the Fleet Industry

PLANET HALO HAS INTRODUCEDits production model PH4 vehiclerecorder, a unique recording devicethat incorporates two high-resolutioncamera lenses, a GPS module, audiorecorder, G-force inertial sensor, audiospeaker, and mini-DVR with SD card in

a 4”L x 2 ¼”H x1”D module.The mountingbracket for the

device includes input jacks for theincluded external cameras, a remotevideo monitor, USB connectivity andpower connection.

The PH4, which was designedspecifically for commercial fleet vehi-cles, captures video over the entire

interior length of the passenger com-partment, as well as views from thedriver’s perspective toward the front ofthe vehicle. External cameras, mount-ed on the sides of the vehicle, capturevideo along the sides and towards therear of the vehicle. These weather-proof, teardrop-shaped external cam-eras are only two inches long. A rear-facing camera can be affixed for avariety of uses, such as a back-upcamera or stop-arm monitor.

The PH4 also includes sophisticat-ed software which records and com-piles video data from all four cam-eras—while also recording continuousGPS positioning, speed, G-force data,and programmed or triggered events—

and displays them all on a user-friend-ly viewer. Using the PH4, managementcan track vehicle routes, speeds,stops and starts, and driver and pas-senger behavior, while viewing theactual video events as they occurredin high-definition color replay.

For more information on the modelP4 vehicle recorder, visit


The PH4 is a complete unified system that offers insurmountable features packed in to one tiny device.For more on the PH4 vehicle recorder, visit

“Adopting green practices isn’tgood only for the environment, itis good for employee morale andconfirms our commitment to thehealth and wellness of the Las

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Lisa deMarignyPresident and CEO

Go Showtime

Crisp, clear resolution allows camera imagesto be zoomed in on, revealing license platenumbers and other important details.




AM General Acquires Vehicle Production Group’s Assets

AM GENERAL has reached an agreement with the UnitedStates Department of Energy (DOE) to purchase the DOE’s securedloan to The Vehicle Production Group. VPG, which closed its doors

in March of this year, was the Miami-based company that originally devel-oped and manufactured the acclaimedMV-1 (featured on our Dec. 2012cover), the only American-built vehicle

specifically designed from the ground up to meet or exceed theneeds of wheelchair passengers and the guidelines of theAmericans with Disabilities Act. Previously, AM General acted sole-ly as the vehicle assembler for VPG. Following this transaction, AMGeneral will own and operate the reborn MV-1 business.

The agreement will result in a new company called MobilityVentures, which will acquire the assets of VPG. AM General willcontrol VPG’s MV-1 business unit, and will resume the assembly ofthe MV-1 vehicles at its world-class, 675,000 square-footCommercial Assembly Plant in Mishawaka, IN, which is fully tooledfor the MV-1 and ready to resume vehicle assembly. AM Generalhas also begun planning with the more than 100 suppliers of theMV-1 to support the accelerated restart of production and sales. Itis anticipated that resumption of MV-1 production and sales willstimulate the creation of hundreds of new jobs.

While this transaction is being finalized, AM General will contin-ue to provide service, parts and technical support to the network ofmore than 80 MV-1 dealers and distributors throughout the U.S.and Canada. For more information, visit


Limo Safety Law Passes in California

LEGISLATION APPROVED by the California State Senate,requiring limousines operating in California to have emergencyexits, has been signed into law by Governor Jerry Brown.Senate Majority Leader Ellen M. Corbett of San Leandro draft-ed the bill after two limousine blazes erupted in the SanFrancisco Bay Area earlier this year.

Under SB 109, limousines carrying fewer than 10 passen-gers are now required to have two push-out windows and tworear doors, which must be situated on opposite sides of thevehicle. The bill also requires limousine operators to instructpassengers on the safety features of the vehicle beforeembarking on any trip, beginning in January 2016.

Senator Jerry Hill drafted another bill, SB 338, which wouldhave expanded annual California Highway Patrol safety inspec-tions to limousines below the current 10-passenger threshold.

Under SB 338, these inspectionswould be performed at a cost of$75 to the limousine operator.The 1999 Lincoln Town Carstretch limo in the San MateoBridge fire was designed to carry

seven passengers, and therefore was not required to beinspected in any way. However, Gov. Brown vetoed this secondbill, saying the $75 fee was insufficient to cover the CHP’sinspection costs, and called for an otherwise-identical billallowing for better funding.




MTG Family of Companies Consolidates to Improve OperationsMODERN TECHNOLOGIES GROUP, the world’s largest supplier

of after-market limousine, Sprinter and bus parts, has relocated itsMidwestern subsidiaries, MastrAir and Elite Seating, to its NewJersey headquarters. This logistical consolidation, spearheaded byMTG’s VP of Operations Vince Romeo, was made in an effort toimprove operations within each respective company, and ultimate-ly deliver better products and services to their customers.

“The future of MTG,” says Romeo, “is in the four key areas thatare most important to our customers: quality, on-time delivery,service, and price. We are refocusing our efforts to improve thoseaspects of our operations.”

MastrAir, which specializes in manufacturing air conditioning sys-tems for Sprinters, buses, vans and limousines, is working activelywith vendors to tailor their product lines to deliver a higher qualitysystem and greater customer service. With a more focused array ofproducts, simplified based upon customer needs, the companyreports renewed confidence in their cost control structure and sales.

As an additional part of the consolidation effort, Elite Seatinghas also improved its operations by focusing on the same four keyaspects of customer service. “With our current product offering,we’ve done the same thing as we’ve done with MastrAir,” saysRomeo. “We’ve improved our quality and reduced our costs, whichhas provided us with a strong core of satisfied customers andrepeat business.”

The consolidation of operations to their headquarters has givenMTG and its subsidiaries an unprecedented level of control overthe quality and efficiency of their products and services. WithMastrAir and Elite Seating now under the same roof as their parentcompany, the newly restructured MTG family is poised for a futureof continuing industry leadership.

For more information about MTG, MastrAir and Elite Seating,visit


The future of MTG is in the four key areasthat are most important to our customers:quality, on-time delivery, service, and price.We are refocusing our efforts to improvethose aspects of our operations.

“ “



LD: Tell us a little bit about AmericanLimo & Transportation, and your position there.Margarita: I’m the VP of affiliate relationsfor American Limo & Transportation, so I’min charge of all the relationships with theaffiliates and all the corporate businessthat comes into Albuquerque and SantaFe, as well as special requests. AmericanLimo & Transportation has been in busi-ness for 15 years, and we have 22 vehi-cles, including both retail and corporate vehicles. We have the Executive Ls—thelast of the Town Cars that Lincoln made—and we’re looking into what we’re going todo next. We’re possibly going to make aswitch to Mercedes vehicles, as we wantto change our strategy a bit. Then we have

SUVs—the GMC Denali XL series. We justpurchased a Sprinter, and we have 31-passenger minicoaches, 15-passengervans, party limos, and Hummer stretches.Our fleet is the most diverse in theAlbuquerque and Santa Fe areas.

LD: As the VP of affiliate relations, how do you sustain and expand your affiliate business?Margarita: Well, sustaining is really thekey. It is very difficult to trust somebodyelse with your clients. So for me, takingcare of somebody else’s clients is some-thing I take very personally. We have affili-ates like Empire CLS, Limo Link, GemLimo and Flyte Tyme. These are peoplewho trust us, so we have to really make

sure we serve their clients.Acquiring new clients is a day-to-day

thing. I do things such as making calls inperson, sending emails and e-blasts, andgoing through the cards of people I madecontact with at the different shows, likethe Limo Digest Show and LCT in Vegas.Our company changes—we purchase newvehicles and so on—so we keep people upto date on what we’ve got.

As we get more and more affiliate partners, our referrals go up as well, ofcourse. And we’re so happy to hear that.Often times we don’t ask how somebodyfound us, but in the conversation they’llsay “Diamond Limo sent me from Florida,”for example, and it feels great to hear thatthey talk about us.


Not long ago,Margarita Pleasantwas working as asalesperson for YellowBook when one of herclients, Steve Garcia ofLucky Boyz Limos inAlbuquerque, NM, noticedher skills and thought shewould be a good asset tohis company. He recruitedher, and she became a driver and salesperson forthe transportation provider.In just five years, she hasrisen to the position of VPof affiliate relations forLucky Boyz’ sister company,American Limo &Transportation. We had achance to talk with herabout that rise to success,and the challenges and triumphs she has experi-enced along the way.




LD: What makes American Limo &Transportation an outstanding compa-ny, compared to your competition?Margarita: Good, friendly service. Ourclients are always able to reach some-one live, rather than leaving a voicemail.We always look for ways to make ourrides special experiences—such as offer-ing refreshing towels for those arrivingfrom the airport. Cold waters are stan-dard, but sometimes we’ll add chocolate,or something that has our name on thepackaging, so that people really remem-ber us. Sometimes, with the affiliates,we’ll ask questions, such as, “What doesMr. Ronald like?” so we can add it in avehicle at no charge. That’s how we’vebecome known.

The other thing is that we’re the onlycompany in New Mexico that is able tooffer gate meet-and-greet at the airport.So we are able to go all the way to thegate for our affiliates and clients, as wellas providing bodyguarding and serviceslike that for people who need protection.

LD: Tell us a bit about the challengesand the successes in your own rise towhere you are in this industry today.Margarita: I guess I could go back fiveyears to when I started, and was passingout cards and driving. At that time, Inever thought I would be responsible forcorporate clients, or our corporate clientlist. I can tell you an instance when I was intimidated—and I will not deny it. It was when I went to my first LimoDigest Show in Atlantic City. It was over-whelming for me to see all these men!It’s a man’s world! I thought, “holysmokes, how am I going to overcomethis? What am I going to say?” It’s intimi-dating to see all these suits around you,and very few women. But little by little,the less I thought about that and themore I realized that these are regularpeople, I was able to just focus on whatmy job is, and make my name known.

LD: Since you’ve started in this industry, what has surprised you most about the business?Margarita: There have been many surprises, but one that comes to mind is that I didn’t know the corporate worldwas so alive—that it was possible for so many people to fly in and out of town. We’ve been so busy at times, I’ve thought, “where do these peoplecome from?” That was a surprise for me, but now, of course, I only see it as a great opportunity, and that questionhas become, “how can we get them to

call us and not somebody else?”Also, as I mentioned, it’s a man’s

world. I’ve moved past that fear andintimidation, but I still feel sometimesthat men don’t listen to women. But, in the last four years at the shows, I’venoticed a lot more women involved inthis industry—a lot of intelligent womenmaking it, and that’s encouraging. So it does help to talk to women and seewhat they have to say about what they’ve gone through.

LD: Do you have anything in the worksfor the future, or any ideas you’d like toput into effect in the next few years?Margarita: As I mentioned, we’re thinking about redirecting our strategy.Sometimes it’s not as important to haveso many vehicles as it is to have verynice vehicles. I’m not sure exactly whenthe shift is going to happen, but we arealready focusing on quality over quantity,with vehicles such as the Mercedes-Benzproducts I mentioned before. Our vehicles are very nice—they’re 2012Executive Ls—but like I said, we dream of having MBs, and maybe BMWs, and offering those exclusively to certain people.

We also want to keep focusing on having quality chauffeurs. That’s one of the challenges. We have really goodguys, and there are also those who comeand go. We focus our efforts on makingsure our guys represent what we wantthem to represent, which is the bestquality and the best service.

LD: What training and other practiceshave you implemented to ensure thatthose chauffeurs are the best theycan be?Margarita: We meet with them once amonth, or sometimes more dependingon what occurs. They’re like family—these guys are here every day, and they wait around the office for runs,

so we want them to feel valuable to thecompany. We don’t want them to feel likethey’re just “drivers.” We encouragethem to take our training, which is TomMazza’s training, and to give us theirinput on what we can do to improvethings. We’re open to ideas from thembecause they’re the ones who are sittingin those vehicles, facing our clients. Sothey’re very important to us, and wewant to hear their voices.

LD: What would you tell other womenwho want to thrive in this industry?Margarita: Don’t get discouraged.Sometimes we feel like we’re unheard, orunseen, but everybody can contributesomething. And to woman owners, I’d saythat you have to depend on many peopleto support your ideas. You can’t do italone—and don’t try, because it’s a teameffort. So always think about your team.Always remember that you don’t have allthe answers, you don’t know it all, andyou’re going to need to rely on other people. Don’t try to do it alone.

Vice President of Affiliate RelationsAMERICAN LIMO &TRANSPORTATION



Everybody can contributesomething. You have todepend on many peopleto support your ideas.You can’t do it alone—and don’t try, becauseit’s a team effort.

FOUNDED: 1998LOCATION: Albuquerque, NMSERVING: Albuquerque, Sante Fe and surrounding areasFLEET: Over 20 limos, SUVs and Town CarsMANAGEMENT: Steve Garcia, PresidentBen Hernandez, Director of OperationsMargarita Pleasant, VP of Affiliate Relations


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COVER STORY / Tesla Model S

S FOR SUCCESSGet up to Speed on the Fleet Vehicle of the Future: the Tesla Model S

by Adam Leitenberger


f you haven’t heard of Tesla Motorsby now, it’s time to get up to speed.The fully electric vehicle revolutionis finally here, and for those in the

luxury ground transportation business, itmeans you no longer have to sacrifice luxuryin order to go green.



After a decade of catering to a robustniche market of electric vehicle enthusi-asts, Tesla has hit the main stage of theautomotive industry with the award-win-ning Model S, an all-electric luxury sedanas acclaimed for its efficiency and safetyas it is for its performance and style. Cu-mulative deliveries in North Americareached 13,000 by the summer, and the vehicle surpassed the Chevy Volt and theNissan Leaf as the continent’s top-sellingplug-in electric car in the first quarter ofthe year. Aside from its highly-praised perform-

ance and remarkable specifications (seepage 28 for a full vehicle review with de-tailed specs), the Model S reduces theoverall environmental impact of yourfleet, incurs fewer fuel and maintenancecosts, and comes with a tax credit to off-set your investment. Additionally, theModel S boasts a five-star safety rating,state-of-the-art interior technology, and astylish, spacious and comfortable ridethat will dazzle your clients. With a laun-dry list of tangible benefits to be had byimplementing the Model S as a livery ve-hicle, it is no surprise that an increasingnumber are being purchased by opera-tors across the country.

promotes general public awareness of thisnew technological trend. By March of thisyear, the number of public charging pointsreached more than 16,000 in the U.S.,and almost 4,000 of those were locatedin California, many of which are situatedat the major airports.As other cities are following suit in terms

of infrastructure and public education,compounded by Tesla’s versatile chargingtechnology that allows operators to afford-ably charge vehicles at their headquarters,the Model S trend is definitely gaining mo-mentum nationwide. In July, New YorkCity’s Farrell Limousine announced theirstatus as the first east coast service to addthe Model S, and back in January, New Orleans’ Limousine Livery announcedtheir plans to implement the vehicle this fall. Most recently, Music ExpressWorldwide Limousine, a company with 40years in business and corporate locations in Los Angeles, San Francisco, Washington, D.C. and New York, has announced their purchase of six Model S sedans—the largest fleet implementation of the vehicle to date.CEO and President Cheryl Berkman of

Music Express is very excited about thedelivery of the new electric additions to

Angel Worldwide Transportation, serving Northern California and the Bay Area, is a pioneer of Model S deployment, making news earlier thisyear as being arguably the first limousinecompany in the nation to purchase theelectric luxury sedan for its fleet. Sinceimplementing the Model S earlier thisyear, the company has hailed it as one ofthe best vehicles for executive trans-portation, citing its “high-tech, spaciousand quiet interior” as creating an “inim-itable experience” for passengers. Theycontinue to blog avidly about their initialexperiences working with the Model S,which you can learn more about operators seem to be

taking the lead with incorporating theModel S into their fleets. Quicksilver Town-car Service, also based in the Bay Area,and Strack Premier Transportation, basedin the Los Angeles area, have also madenews this year with their additions of thevehicles. This geographic concentration ofearly Tesla adopters within the U.S. groundtransportation industry likely stems fromthe region’s leadership in updating infra-structure with charging stations to accom-modate electric vehicles, which in turn

Tesla Model S / COVER STORY

At the end of the day, you can’t go wrong withthe best safety ratingof any car ever testedas a selling point.

COVER STORY / Tesla Model S


Tesla Motors’ goal is to accelerate the world's transition to sustainable transport with a full rangeof increasingly affordable electric cars. California-based Tesla designs and manufactures EVs, aswell as EV powertrain components for partners such as Toyota and Mercedes. Tesla has deliveredover 15,000 electric vehicles to customers in 31 countries. Learn more at

For more photos of Tesla Motors’ King of Prussia showroom,


her company’s fleet, and affirms theModel S as an innovative newcomer tothe executive sedan market that can fillthe big shoes of the discontinued LincolnTown Car. “A vehicle that is both luxuryand green is hard to come by,” she says,but the Model S is “green as green canbe,” while appealing to the high-end tasteof corporate clients at the same time. Onthat note, it seems Tesla’s timing couldnot have been better, because while lux-ury and eco-friendliness may have beenmutually exclusive vehicle aspects in thepast, the latter, according to Berkman,has become a growing demand amongcorporate clientele when selecting an ex-ecutive sedan. The best-of-both-worldsModel S is able to fill that new market de-mand beautifully.

At the end of the day, you can’t gowrong with the best safety rating of anycar ever tested as a selling point. Tesla’sModel S was awarded five stars in everysingle category across the board by theNational Highway Traffic Safety Adminis-tration. While the NHTSA caps publishedratings at five, the combined rating ex-

ment thanks to internal firewalls built intothe battery pack structure. “For con-sumers concerned about fire risk,” saidElon Musk, chairman, product architectand CEO of Tesla Motors, “there shouldbe absolutely zero doubt that it is safer topower a car with a battery than a largetank of highly flammable liquid.” The factremains that the likelihood of a fire is fivetimes higher in a conventional gasolinecar than in an electric one.

If you, like arguably all livery operators,are looking for a solution to replace theLincoln Town Car, the Model S is a clearcontender for filling the void left by the retired industry workhorse. If notfor the impeccable roster of features dis-cussed above, which is sure to exceedthe needs of both you and your clients,then for the insightful reason Motor Trendnamed the Model S its 2013 Car of theYear: “The mere fact the Tesla Model Sexists at all is a testament to innovationand entrepreneurship, the very qualitiesthat once made the American automobileindustry the largest, richest, and mostpowerful in the world.”

ceeded five stars and set a new NHTSAvehicle safety score record. The recentnews of the Model S collision that re-sulted in a fire should not cast doubt on this impeccable safety rating.

In a press release announcing therecord-breaking safety score in August, itwas reported that “the Model S lithium-ion battery did not catch fire at any time before, during or after theNHTSA testing,” and at that point in time,“no production Tesla lithium-ion battery[had] ever caught fire in the Model S… de-spite several high speed impacts.” Furthermore, a more recent release ad-dressing the accident specifically re-ported that, according to the road crewon the scene, a large, curved metal ob-ject that fell off a semi trailer and impaledthe vehicle from underneath appears tohave been the culprit. In other words, itwas basically a freak accident in whichthe owner was “able to exit the highwayas instructed by the onboard alert sys-tem, bring the car to a stop and departthe vehicle without injury,” as the firenever entered the passenger compart-


AT THE WHEEL / Tesla Model S


POWER TRIPT e s l a ’ s M o d e l S i s a R e b o o t o f t h e E x e c u t i v e S e d a n

by Evan McCauley

Tesla Model S / AT THE WHEEL


esla’s Model S is a super-car in a luxury sedan’sclothing. If you know any-thing about this car, youlikely know the numbers: 0-

60 mph in 4.2 almost-silent seconds(making it one of the fastest sedansever built), 416 horsepower, 250patents plus more pending, 265-milerange on a full charge, 90 mpg-e on thehighway, $0.06 per mile fueling costs. That four-second dash to 60 mph

also comes with an oppositely propor-tionate price tag: $89,900. Yes, thehyper-performance, top-range 85-kWhPerformance Model S (P85) runs like amonster… and is priced like one, too(although much less so than most carsof similar performance).But the Tesla Model S is indeed a car

that is relevant to our industry,because you can have all the prestige,novelty, image, fuel and maintenancecost savings, and most of the afore-mentioned performance of this revolu-tionary vehicle in your fleet for just$62,400—or around the same price asa similarly equipped BMW 5 Series,Mercedes-Benz E-Class, or Audi A6.The entry-level 60-kWh Model S—

dubbed the 60—has a base price of$69,900, and all Teslas, being all-elec-tric, zero-emissions vehicles, earn theirbuyers a $7,500 federal tax credit.And the 60 will still impress the hellout of you and your valued clients. Itcomes standard with 19-inch wheels,black textile and synthetic leather inte-rior, 17-inch touchscreen, seven-speak-er sound system with AM/FM/HDradio, mobile connector, and a J1772charging adapter, which enables charg-ing at Tesla and public charging sta-tions. And for those who are alwaysinspecting those acceleration numbers,it’ll hit 60 mph in 5.9 seconds.The 17-inch touchscreen, which is

standard on all Model S variants, is oneof the most impressive points on thisvery impressive car. It controls every-thing from the climate, audio, and nav-igations systems to physical features ofthe vehicle itself, such as lighting,brake regeneration modes, ride height,steering feel, and the opening and clos-ing of the charge port, sunroof, andfront and rear trunks. Your driver andfront-seat passenger can even surf theweb in full, unrestricted freedom.This system controls so many aspects

of the car’s functions that there areonly two buttons on the entire dash—controls for the hazard lights and glove

compartment door. But perhaps thegreatest thing about the car’s touch-screen-controlled digital system is thatimprovements for almost the entire carare like those for your smartphone: justan over-the-air software update away.

The Model S’ AC induction motor istiny—so small that it sits between therear wheels. This, plus placement of thelithium-ion battery packs along the floorof the vehicle, allows for a lot of impor-tant benefits. The car’s weight distribu-tion is an astounding 47 percentfront/53 percent rear—far more even-keeled than a typical vehicle, which hasthe mass of its behemoth gasoline engineweighing down the front. The center ofgravity on a Model S is just 17.5 inches,making this car extremely safe and vir-tually impossible to flip. Because thereare no mechanical parts that need topass down the center of the vehicle, thefloor is completely flat, providing threerear passengers with a level platform onwhich to place their feet, or two passen-gers the ability to stretch one leg overinto the center of the floor. And sincethere is no motor up front (or behind therear wheels), there is a small trunk

under the hood—perfect for coats, bot-tles of water, or the driver’s personaleffects—and a massive one under therear hatchback lid. Tesla offers anoptional third row of child seats whichflip up out of the rear trunk’s floor, mak-ing the Model S the first hatchback inthe world to offer third-row seating. Butfor our industry, not checking thatoption box means even more space forsuitcases—26.3 cubic feet total (58.1with the seats down), or about as muchas a midsize SUV.Yet another benefit of electric cars is

the lack of required maintenance.Without a gasoline or diesel engine,there are no fluids, no oil to change,and almost zero engine componentsthat can break down or require repairor replacement. Of course, an electricvehicle has its limits, too. You can’tsend a Model S out for 400 miles a dayand just have your driver refuel it asneeded. It has to come back to yourbase for recharging (there are super-charging stations located throughoutthe U.S., as well as public charging sta-tions, but those are of more interest tothe private consumer than to those inour industry). However, the 85-kWhmodel has a range of 265 miles, andthe 60 will go 206 miles beforerecharging—ranges that are more thansufficient for airport and around-townruns for your VIP clients. With a stan-dard 240-volt wall outlet, the Model Srecharges at a rate of 31 miles of rangeper hour of charging. Fleet operatorswill certainly want to invest in theHigh Power Wall Connector and twinchargers, which will enable their


Without a gasoline or diesel engine,

there are no fluids, no oil to change, and almost zeroengine components that can break down or requirerepair or replacement.


vehicles to recharge at 62 miles ofrange per hour. With this option, afull-range 60-kWh recharge takes just3.35 hours, or 4.27 hours for the 85-kWh variant. All Teslas can also becharged on a standard 110-volt outletin a pinch.The Model S excels in the safety

arena. As mentioned, the car’s centerof gravity is so low that it provides anextremely stable platform on whicheverything rides. The electric motor’sinstant torque allows for quick maneu-vers in traffic and while passing.Stability and anti-lock braking systemsare specifically tuned for the immedi-ate torque and regenerative brakingcharacteristics of the Model S’ electricpowertrain. And double octagon extru-sions in the front and the rear, as wellas a super-strong roof structure, ensurethat your driver and clients are wellprotected at all times. Tesla claims theModel S exceeds federal crash stan-dards, as it has been impact-tested at50 mph, while the mandatory standardis 35 mph.We drove two Model S SP85+ test

vehicles on two separate occasions (a60 was not available for testing), andwe were beyond impressed. The car issmooth as butter, whether strollingthrough a parking lot at 10 mph orinstantly and seamlessly (one gear =no shifting) rocketing to 60 in a fewseconds. Though the car is built forhandling and performance, it is alsosurprisingly well-mannered, and wefelt cushioned and coddled by the sus-pension and the leather seats when

sitting in the back. Although rearlegroom is certainly nothing com-pared to that of a Town Car, our legswere comfortably semi-stretched, andwe enjoyed being able to extend themout into the flat center floor. The AllGlass Panoramic Roof in both of ourtest vehicles was among the mostspectacular appointments visible fromthe rear seats, and we were amazed bythe near-absence of heat from the sunintruding into the vehicle on one hotand sunny day, even though we knewthe roof’s glass was blocking 98 per-cent of visible light and 81 percent ofheat. When we weren’t admiring that,we were transfixed by the beautiful17-inch display being used by thedriver to adjust vehicle settings.Needless to say, the Model S is a vehi-cle that impresses its passengers.With no immediate maintenance

expenses and such low fueling costs,the Model S is a car that in manyways pays for itself. Its design is gor-geous—both elegant and sporting atthe same time—and any client will beimpressed and amazed when they stepout of an airport, hotel or their hometo find this car waiting for them,whether they know about Tesla or not.If they do, they’ll be even furtheraffected, knowing what this car can doon the road, with so little relativeimpact to the environment. This is anAmerican-made car that everyonewants to see and be seen in. It’s nowonder the Tesla Model S is gainingmomentum in the luxury groundtransportation industry, as it allowscompanies to save money while goingabove and beyond what their clientsexpect. In this game, there’s no betterformula than that.

Wheelbase: 116.5 in.Length x Width x Height: 196.0 x 77.3 x 56.5 in.Seating Capacity: 5Headroom, F/R: 38.8/35.3 in.Legroom, F/R: 42.7/35.4 in.Shoulder Room, F/R: 57.7/55.0 in.Hip Room F/R: 55.0/54.7 in. Cargo Volume, F/R: 5.3/26.3 cu. ft.

Stability/Traction Control: YesAirbags: Dual front,

front side,F/R Curtain,Front Knee

Warranty (Basic & Powertrain): 4 years/50,000 miles EPA City/Hightway Fuel Econ: 88/90 mpg-e

Series 60 85 SP85Acceleration, 0-60 mph (sec): 5.9 5.4 4.2Horsepower: 302 362 416Torque (lb.-ft.): 317 325 443Range (miles): 206 265 265Base Price (w/tax credit): $62,400 $72,400 $82,400

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COMPANY PROFILE GLOBAL LIMOUSINEAnthony Viscusi, president of GlobalLimousine, stands with two of his vehi-cles at the top of the legendary stepsto the Philadelphia Museum of Art, fa-mous from the film Rocky. Viscusi oncedrove Sylvester Stallone exclusively forthree weeks straight.


hiladelphia is a city with a richhistory. Founded in 1682 byWilliam Penn, this former capitalof the U.S. was the country’slargest and most important city

for decades, the meeting place of the Found-ing Fathers and, of course, the locationwhere they signed the Declaration of Inde-pendence and the U.S. Constitution. TheCity of Brotherly was Benjamin Franklin’shome, the birthplace of the American zoo,and the site of America’s first World’sFair—1876’s Centennial Exposition.

Global Limousine is Built on a Legacy

of Experience

story and photography by Evan McCauley


[LEFT] Viscusi in his office at Global Limousine headquarters. [RIGHT] Global minibuses in the company’s 40,000-square-foot warehouse.

Philadelphia native Anthony Viscusi,president of the city’s Global Limousine,is a man with a rich history as well. An-chored in the luxury ground transporta-tion industry for over 40 years, Viscusi isa member of a very small circle of indi-viduals who have decades of experiencein this business.

That experience started for Viscusi inthe early 1970s, when he was the ac-countant for “The Mike Douglas Show,” anationally syndicated talk show producedin Philadelphia. In 1972, shortly aftercoming on board with the show, he estab-lished Esquire Limousine Service to servethe celebrities and guests on the pro-gram. He drove these stars for years,gaining an abundance of valuable knowl-edge in handling VIPs, and learning whatthey expect in service.

The show wrapped up its operationsin Philadelphia and moved to L.A. a fewyears later, as entertainment enterprisestend to do. Viscusi went with them, andin 1978—now with seven limousines butwithout the business needed to keepthem running—entered into a contractwith New York’s famed Fugazy Continen-tal (now Fugazy International) to openFugazy of California. But this seeminglyprosperous venture fizzled out within afew years, and Viscusi started searchingfor something new to sink his teeth into.

He found it in 1980, through a news-paper clipping carrying the announce-ment that industry veteran David Klein ofthe legendary Dav El organization waslooking to open a branch of his trans-portation operation in Philadelphia. Al-ready longing to return to his hometown,Viscusi met with Bill Fugazy in New Yorkand informed Fugazy that he was leavingthe California operation. Two hours later,

Viscusi was in Klein’s office entering intoan agreement to own and operate thenew franchise of Dav El in Philadelphia.

Viscusi operated his company underthe Dav El name for the next 24 years,and achieved some important milestonesalong the way. His franchise landed acontract as the exclusive limousine serv-ice for the Four Seasons Hotel of Philadel-phia; he opened a branch office of Dav Elin Atlantic City, NJ, and provided in-houselimousine service for Resorts Interna-tional Hotel and Casino; and he pur-chased Frederick’s Limousine Serviceand expanded his operations into theBally’s and Golden Nugget casinos.

Viscusi also founded the DelawareValley Limousine Operators Association(DVLOA) in 1984—which became thePRLA in 1998—and served as presidentof the DVLOA for nine years and presi-dent of the PRLA for four. He remains ac-tive with the PRLA today as a board

member, and was elected for anotherterm in September (see story, page 59).

In 2004, after 24 years running hisoperation under the Dav El name, Viscusidecided it was finally time to establishhis own identity. He ended his businessrelations with Dav El and founded GlobalLimousine, moving into a location he hadbought a few years earlier in preparationfor this decision—the 40,000-square-foothistoric brick building (originally thehome of Coca-Cola Bottling of Philadel-phia) where Global and its 48-vehiclefleet are headquartered today.

All of Viscusi’s decades of experience,and the wealth of wisdom he gainedfrom them, are infused into everythingGlobal Limousine does today—and itshows. Working with all those celebritieson “The Mike Douglas Show” in his earlyyears, Viscusi got a great education onhow a VIP wants to be handled, and heinstills that in every Global driver for theirtreatment of every client today. “Notmuch of that changes,” he says. “A lot ofother stuff does, but how you treat thecustomer and how they want to betreated stays the same.”

Viscusi and the Global team accom-plish this with intensive driver trainingand constant interaction with the drivers,as well as monthly meetings. “We just tryto focus on service, service, service,”says Viscusi. This mindset is apparent inthe appearance of the drivers as well,who wear custom Global Limousineties—silver with a black logo. “As our pas-sengers are coming down that escalatorat the airport, they’re looking for the sil-ver tie,” Viscusi comments. And, as partof Global’s enhanced service, the com-pany has bilingual chauffeurs, amongwhom all European languages are repre-

Anchored in the luxury ground

transportation industry for over 40 years, Viscusi is a member of avery small circle of individualswho have decadesof experience in this business.



sented, along with Japanese, Viet-namese, Mandarin and Cantonese.

But Global takes driver education farbeyond basic service training. The com-pany is one of the few providers any-where with an in-house defensive drivingprogram. The program is run by JoshHansford, Global’s operations manager,who teaches these National Safety Coun-cil courses every six weeks. Aside from asix-hour class and subsequent test, thecourses include road testing and evalu-ated drives to airports, hotels and otherpick-up points frequented by Global’sclients. When they pass the course, thedrivers receive a certificate, not to men-tion enhanced skills and morale. “I loveworking with the chauffeurs and trainingthem, especially the ones who maybehaven’t done this before,” says Hansford.“Teaching them how to be chauffeursand seeing their confidence level build isjust great.”

“It’s wonderful to start them there,because then when we have the chauf-

feur meetings we’re basically repeatingsafety and service issues they’ve beentrained on,” says Viscusi. “They can re-late back to what they were taught in theclassroom.”

Investments into areas like theirdriver training program have paid off forGlobal. The company is revered for itsservice and safety records, and most ofits 48 vehicles are out on jobs at alltimes. Global has grown more over thepast ten years than all of Viscusi’s com-panies, combined, had grown over his 30previous years in the industry. This iseven more astounding when one consid-ers that the majority of Global’s businessis obtained through word-of-mouth. “Wedo very little advertising for a servicebusiness,” Viscusi says. And, of course,when a company can succeed the wayGlobal has, while relying primarily on re-ferrals, it is testament to the quality ofthat company’s service.

Another way Global assures its suc-cess is through long-standing contracts.Viscusi says Global is currently “goingheavy in the minibus business,” usingthe vehicles for contracts with apartmentbuildings, airlines, and parking lots forshuttle services. “That’s certainly a nice

When a company can succeed the

way Global has,while relying primarily on referrals, it is testament to thequality of thatcompany’s service.

[ABOVE] Viscusi with one of the company’s new Lincoln MKTs.[INSET] Global’s building was originally the home of Coca-ColaBottling of Philadelphia.

(Continued on page 37)





Global Limousine is a pioneer in the Philadelphia limousine industry, providing limousine, sedan, van, SUV, and minibus service. Global Limousine is constantlygrowing and instituting changes to meet the latest market demands.

FOUNDED: 2004LOCATION: Philadelphia, PASERVING: Philadelphia, PA and the surrounding Tri-State area FLEET: 48 vehicles, including sedans,minibuses, SUVs and executive vansTOLL-FREE: (800) 727-1957PHONE: (215) 334-7900WEB:

[ABOVE] Viscusi and Global vehicles with the Philadelphia skyline, from the top of the stepsat the Philadelphia Museum of Art. [BELOW] A peek at Global’s 48-vehicle fleet in their ex-pansive warehouse space.

We used to give a chauffeur a set of keys,made sure he had a couple of quarters to hit the payphone, said a Hail Mary, and thatwas it.

Anthony Viscusi, President

Global Limousine



piece of the business,” he says, “be-cause once we’ve made the deal, all wehave to do is make sure the guy is in thevehicle every day, and it just runs andruns.” He adds that written contracts arerare in this industry, and he’s quite happyto have several of them—some of whichhave been running for decades. “For me,client retention is what really counts. Westill have corporate clients that I’ve hadsince 1980, and that means we’re doingsomething right.”

Viscusi also likes the added bonus ofthese shuttling contracts, which is thatthey put Global’s attractive black vehi-cles, emblazoned with the company’slogo and information, in front of the pub-lic every day. They become rolling bill-boards, he says, and lead to peoplecalling Global to do business. So thesecontracts, in turn, continually perpetuatemore business.

But Global is careful to avoid relyingon single, large contracts for revenue.Viscusi has learned to be wary of theselarge contracts—single sources that ac-count for 25 percent or more of his com-pany’s total revenue, the loss of whichany company may not be able to with-stand. “I’ve been down that road, whereyou’ve got one major client and they ei-ther close shop or move,” he says. Twoof the companies he’s purchased andmerged into Global were in similar situa-tions and saw no way out but to sell.“When I look at a dispatch screen for theday and I see 100 jobs and 50 differentclients, I’m happy,” he adds.

Most people take technology such asthat dispatch screen for granted thesedays, but for someone like Viscusi who’sbeen in this game since the early ’70s,the advantages of technology are some-thing he appreciates on a daily basis.Technology has made transportationbusinesses a lot easier to run success-fully than they were 30 or 40 years agowhen, Viscusi says, “We used to give achauffeur a set of keys, made sure hehad a couple of quarters to hit the pay-phone, said a Hail Mary, and that was it.”Today, Viscusi can keep an eye onGlobal’s operations from anywhere, by

watching feeds from the company’s se-curity cameras, logging into the reserva-tions system, and tracking the cars’ GPSsystems in the rare instances when heneeds to.

Global uses Voyager reservationssoftware (which Viscusi says is “justamazing”), Nextel communications withtheir drivers, and a host of other technol-ogy products, and is also in the processof creating a reservations app. The com-pany is active on LinkedIn, Facebook andTwitter, and receives a fair amount ofnew business through those channels.“Within the last ten years, social mediais something that’s certainly become alarger part of this business,” says Hans-ford. Viscusi, with his broader view of ourindustry over the past four decades, seesthe benefits of technology on a muchlarger scale. “Everywhere there was aweakness has now been compensatedby technology, on the communicationsand reservations side, and certainly onthe accounting end of it,” he says.

Technology will obviously continue toplay an increasing role in Global’s (andevery business’s) operations into the fu-ture. “It’s so easy to run the businessnow, with technology, that I could see my-self running it for at least another tenyears,” says Viscusi. And although he isnot currently acting on expanding the

hen it was opened in 1855,the Children’s Hospital ofPhiladelphia (CHOP) wasthe inaugural medical cen-

ter in the U.S. dedicated to providing careexclusively for children. Since then, manypivotal firsts in pediatric medicine wereborn at CHOP, and it has been the homeof hundreds of medical discoveries and in-novations that have advanced pediatrichealthcare and saved the lives of countlesschildren around the world.

Global Limousine has a tradition of in-volvement with raising funds for CHOP.Each year, Philadelphia radio stationWOGL produces a fundraiser for the hos-pital, for which Global provides rides andcontributes funds. This year, the companytried something a little different. “Wepledged two dollars for every trip we did inthe prior 30 days,” says Anthony Viscusi,president of Global Limousine. Throughthis pledge, the company was able to raisean additional $3,700 for the charity, asanother part of their ongoing supportfor CHOP.

Through the support of individuals andcompanies like Global Limousine, theChildren’s Hospital of Philadelphia hasbeen able to continuously provide the bestcare for children and find cures and treat-ments that save lives worldwide for nearly160 years. For more information,



Serving the Children’sHospital of Philadelphia

For me, client retention is what

really counts. We stillhave corporate clientsthat I’ve had since 1980,and that means we’redoing something right.

Anthony Viscusi, President

Global Limousine

(Continued from page 34)

For more info on Global Limousine, visit

Global Staff [CLOCKWISE FROM TOP LEFT]: Robert Scoleri, fleet manager; AnthonyViscusi, president; Christina Albizu, corporate account manager, group reserva-tions; Joshua Hansford, operations manager; Jeanette Sarne, dispatch.



company, he does have some visionsand loose plans. He’s interested in ex-panding the company’s strong corporatebase, as well as possibly moving intoother cities. Growth through acquisitionsis also something he considers—some-thing that was beneficial to the expan-sion of Global early on, but that thecompany hasn’t done in around eightyears. And the purchase of Global’s40,000-square-foot building 11 yearsago was a move that strategically al-lowed for the accommodation of a muchlarger fleet—up to 80 vehicles. But al-though these are obvious considerationsfor a company enjoying success and sta-bility the way Global is, Viscusi says oneof the reasons his business is a standoutis that he never wanted it to be a hugecompany. “I just want it to be a qualityoperation,” he says. “I’ve always really fo-cused on the quality.” The company willonly grow, he says, if he can assure thatthe quality of its service remains at leastas high as it is today.

That, and the longevity of Viscusi’s ex-perience in operating the business, is

what makes Global Limousine excep-tional. Again, he points to his roots in theDav El organization, and the opportunityhe had to serve the celebrities of the’70s, as the backbone of his legacy andhis abilities. “That’s where I learned theskills that we still use today for servicingthe public,” he says. “That was the foun-dation, because I was behind the wheeland dealing directly with these clients—from Sinatra and Sammy to Stallone andSchwarzenegger—on a day-to-day basis.”What he learned then, he has sharpenedand refined over 40 years in this indus-try. And that acumen is clearly evident ineverything—every reservation call, everybusiness move and every trip—GlobalLimousine does today. “We have a his-tory of service in a city of history,” hesays. With this tradition of excellence,Global Limousine is a standout in theworld of luxury ground transportation,and continues to glimmer as a shiningexample of what a limousine companycan be.




ogue apps are aserious threat toour industry, but

they have also exposed luxurytransportation to consumers whootherwise may have never consid-ered it. The apps have done thisat high prices, proving that customers are willing to pay apremium for convenience. If doneintelligently, we can convert thisthreat into a series of advantages.

By harnessing advanced technology, and byusing innovative social media marketing, rogueapps have become a threat that our industry can-not stop talking about. Users can book trips ontheir smartphones anywhere, anytime—andautomated dispatching allows low cost operation.Rogue apps have used social media to portray ourindustry as the bad guy, while painting them-selves as heroically battling an overly bureau-cratic industry that hides behind politicians. Butdespite their apparent threat, rogue apps mayactually save the livery industry—we can turntheir success in social media, pricing strategyand technological innovation against them.




Social Media: Strength in NumbersRogue apps, particularly Uber, move from city to

city, quietly building their businesses. This divide-and-conquer tactic has allowed them to fly under the radarwhile expanding. When the livery industry finallynoticed, it pushed back the only way it knew how: byflexing its political muscle. Anticipating this move,Uber triggered a massive backlash through social media.How did the livery industry respond? With silence. Wecontinue to wait for failing political action, but we donot have to—we can use social media, too.

Social media requires a large audience to be effec-tive. It may be an insurmountable task to run your ownsocial media campaign; these efforts will be more suc-cessful if companies pool their resources. Think of thefamous “Got Milk?” campaign created by the DairyFarmers of America. Limousine associations are perfectplaces for these types of campaigns to start at both theregional and national levels.

However, be aware that social media can seriouslybackfire. A social media campaign should highlight yourbenefits, not your competitor’s faults. While it is accept-able to use a competitor’s failure as a comparison point,it should not be the focus. Social media gone awry candrive consumers away, cast your company in a negativelight and even evangelize consumers in defense of yourcompetitor. Be prepared for unexpected responses andact quickly to stop or redirect failing social mediaattempts before they spin out of control.

And let’s never forget that we are not the bad guys.As a collective industry we are very large, but Uber, afterrecent investment rounds, has been valued at over $3.5billion, far outweighing any single company in ourindustry. Uber is known to engage in some shady prac-tices, such as gouging prices by raising rates at theirown discretion during busy times, automatically billingthe consumer and leaving no recourse. I do not, howev-er, recommend attempting a smear campaign.

A better approach is to highlight our positive attrib-utes, such as advanced bookings, which Uber does notallow. We can even extend the advanced booking capa-bility to book anywhere in the world through affiliatenetworks. Advanced booking provides the peace of mindthat the car will be there at the desired time. A savvymarketer can focus on these and the other differentia-tions discussed below to demonstrate why your compa-ny is the superior option.

Rethink Your Existing PricingMany consumers view rogue apps as low-priced

alternatives to black cars. Uber’s marketing team intel-ligently twisted the pricing models of two differentmarkets by using taxi-style rates in the black car indus-try. The result? Existing black car consumers perceivedthe taxi-style distance/time rates as bargains, whileexisting taxi consumers perceived the rates as only asmall premium to upgrade to a better alternative. Inreality, Uber’s rates tend to be competitive or moreexpensive. For example, Perfect Limo Service’s all

inclusive rate from my house to JFK Airport is $165;Uber’s rate is “$179-$238.” Although Uber’s rateseems like a bargain at only $3.90/mile (Uber’srate/mile for the NYC region as of Sept. 2013), its cal-culation tells a different story.

However, I strongly oppose using price competitionas a selling tool. It is the cause of many problems weface as operators. Many operators see no alternative, butUber teaches us that, for certain consumers, price is notas important as convenience. It is far easier to use arogue app than it is to calculate a rate and call multiplecompanies for price quotes—a convenience premiumconsumers are happily paying for. In the case of myhouse to JFK airport, that premium is 45 percent.

While corporations have become more savvy at nego-tiating low rates, individuals lack corporate buyingpower and are becoming lazier in their purchasing, atrend that will continue as the economy improves. Withimproved customer apps we can catch and exceed rogueapps’ convenience. In addition to mobile booking, newdispatching technology will allow us to compete withtheir ASAP response times. Combine these changeswith our unique ability to provide future and affiliatebooking, and you have a recipe for a lot of new revenue.

Uber also demonstrates that customers are not onlywilling to pay a premium for convenience, but for rapidservice as well. It may be time to consider adding a sur-charge for ASAPs, explaining to customers that thegrowing volume of ASAPs is driving up costs. Ratherthan increasing prices for everybody, the surcharge onlyincreases rates when absolutely necessary.

The other option—completely changing your rates—is a huge hassle. You need to generate new rate tables(unless your reservation system can auto-calculate rates),create new rate policies and train employees to commu-nicate the new rates. It may be easier to modify how youframe your rates. Go back to the rate I mentioned earli-

Uber teaches us that, for certain consumers,price is not as important as convenience.

U B E R C A N S A V E T H E L I M O I N D U S T R Y . . . R E A L L Y .


er, from my house to JFK airport. If I framed my pricein Uber’s terms, it would look something like this: $7(base charge) + $2.31/mile + surcharges + gratuity.Some companies may feel uncomfortable quoting pricesthis way. It seems shady—probably because it is.

The problem lies in what behavioral economists referto as the “reference value.” Regardless of how the priceis framed or if certain charges are left out, the first pricethat the consumer sees becomes the reference value.Repeated exposure to other rates can cause slight devia-tion in the reference value, but it has surprising stayingpower. The first price the consumer sees is the price theconsumer will use to decide if a rate is high, low or neu-tral, regardless of whether the rates came from entirelydifferent metrics (per mile vs. flat, for example).

Price can be the difference between huge profits andgoing out of business. Price changes need a detailedstrategy for implementation and communication.Employees need to be trained to communicate pricesand be prepared to field questions from consumersabout the new rates and policies.

Technology: Join the FrontierBrowsers and mobile devices have evolved to the

point where they can run programs just as powerful andcomplex as computer programs. New web services thatcan be used to enhance your company are created all thetime. Besides flight verification and tracking, mappingservices can be used to ensure accurate addresses as wellas search for points of interest. Affiliate networks, suchas RateButler, have web services that can be integratedto provide more rapid access to affiliate rates. Finally,reservation systems can create tools that allow con-sumers to automatically integrate trips into their calen-dars and travel itineraries, keeping everything in oneplace. On the dispatching end, most GPS providers offerweb services that fully integrate their data into reserva-tions systems, allowing for self-monitoring trips. Thisdata can also be used to ensure fast, accurate billing.

Countless tools are also available to track andimprove marketing, which reservation systems can inte-grate. Social media tracking and web search tracking,such as Google Analytics, provide tools you can use tomonitor marketing campaigns and identify how to betterspend limited marketing dollars. Integrating these toolsto track booking sources will allow accurate identifica-tion of which marketing channels are most effective.

It may also be time to update your reservations sys-tem—but keep in mind that switching reservation sys-tems is expensive and time-consuming, and all too often

that money and time are wasted when data is just copiedfrom the old system to the new. A system change is anopportunity to clean out junk data and remove/mergeduplicate items. Either you or your software providerneeds to do this to ensure a smooth transition. To main-tain service levels, you need to ensure that the softwarecompany properly trains you and your staff and provideseasy access to customer support. If you use a third partyanswering service, you need to ensure they can accessthe new system and that they are properly trained on itas well.

By using social media, pricing and technology moreeffectively, and combining them with the advantages ourindustry already has over rogue apps, we can learn fromtheir achievements and turn their strategies into ourown successes.

Our diverse fleets allow us to provide more bookingoptions than rogue apps. Uber has limited itself to han-dling only ASAPs. We have no such limitations and canharness affiliate networks to book transportation global-ly. Using a base of operations, we have ways to regular-ly check the quality of vehicles and chauffeurs, allowingus to deliver a higher quality product. The rogue app’sonly true advantage is its technology, which is easilyreplicated.

There are already web services that do what rogueapps do. GPS data can be sourced from in-car units orsmartphones, flight verification and tracking are alreadyubiquitous, and there are many quality mapping options.Browsers have evolved to be just as effective as installedsystems, while internet speed and uptime are now at ahigh enough level to confidently run an entirely web-based system. Expect to see reservation systems thatsolve most or all of these problems debuting this fall.

Once the technology is in place, we can turn therogue app business model against itself. We can providemore options and convenience, and we can be comfort-able modifying our prices to profit from that added con-venience. A kick in the butt from rogue apps may havebeen just what our industry needed.


ABOUT THE AUTHORAfter graduating with a mechanical engineering degree from Northwestern University, DANIEL SUTICH returned to his family’s business, PerfectLimo. Dan left Perfect Limo to launch a software company, Perfect Chauffeur, which will be debuting its revolutionary new reservation system forthe luxury ground transportation industry, NS-1, at this fall’s shows. He can be reached at

U B E R C A N S A V E T H E L I M O I N D U S T R Y . . . R E A L L Y .

By using social media, pricing and technologymore effectively, and combining them with theadvantages our industry already has over rogueapps, we can learn from their achievements andturn their strategies into our own successes.


SAFETY / Transportation

In any business, it is necessary to continuously analyze thebottom line and implement cost cutting measures to ensureprofitability. This is especially true in today’s difficult eco-nomic climate and within the competitive luxury groundtransportation sector. When transportation companies seekto reduce costs, one area that often experiences cutbacks ispersonnel. Unfortunately, laying off personnel usually hitstwo of the most critical positions in the heart of a trans-portation company’s operations: fleet maintenance employ-ees and dispatchers. Hiring less expensive, poorly screeneddrivers is another choice made by some companies in anattempt to cut costs. However, all of these practices end upcosting these companies far more than they save up front.

CEOs and owners are often of the unfortunate opinionthat the repair shop is a money pit that reduces the overallprofitability of the company. Thus, when looking at the

“bottom line,” management usually looks first to themechanic shop when considering doing layoffs to controlexpenses. The average wage for a Class A certified mechan-ic ranges from $22.00 to $28.00 per hour. This Class Amechanic is responsible for maintaining the fleet of vehi-cles, with numerous tasks that include, but are not limitedto, PM services, brake adjustments, brake jobs, vehicleinspections and tire replacement. Perhaps more important-ly, certified mechanics are responsible for keeping up withand being aware of ever-changing laws, rules and regula-tions of the FMCSA and the USDOT. Federal and Stateagencies set forth the regulations for vehicle safety, but it is

by Greg W. Crescenzo

Don’t Cut Your Budget When it Comes to Safety



Transportation / SAFETY

the responsibility of the mechanic to keep the vehicles oper-ating safely and within these laws, rules and regulations.

Because the wage for uncertified mechanics can rangefrom $12.00 to $15.00 per hour, many companies are replac-ing certified Class A mechanics with uncertified individuals,in an attempt to significantly cut payroll expenditures. Somecompanies opt to outsource their vehicle maintenance, but donot inquire if the contracted shop has trained, certifiedmechanics on staff who are familiar with the types of motorvehicles to be maintained. These companies compare price—not knowledge and certifications—which can result inimproperly maintained vehicles. The failure of any majorpart of a vehicle can result in a catastrophic incident causingsignificant injury, and even death, to individuals on the road-way. In my experience, many of today’s serious motor vehicleaccidents and crashes involve poor vehicle maintenance as aresult of not having sufficiently trained mechanics. Equallyunfortunate is that laying off mechanics often starts a snow-ball effect that quickly gets out of control and causes suchserious problems that it sometimes leads to the complete col-lapse of entire companies.

Dispatchers are an equally important element of a trans-portation company’s safety department. The dispatcher con-trols drivers’ routes, hours of service and their cargo—whether it is household goods, HAZ-MAT or passengers.Having sufficiently trained dispatchers working and main-taining records for a transportation company can equate to anefficient, safe and profitable company with drivers and vehi-cles being operated in accordance with mandated laws, rulesand regulations. Such operations are safer for the employeesof the company, as well as the driving public in general.

Another cost cutting measure that ultimately can costcompanies more in the end is hiring the “wrong” driver.This can include hiring a driver who will accept less moneyto be employed, likely because of a bad driving record, andalso hiring someone without any background check (or witha background check that is incomplete) undertaken to ensurethe driver has the proper qualifications. The irony is that thecost of the background check is so inconsequentially cheapcompared to the ultimate costs of repairs, higher insurance,and lawsuits caused by these improperly qualified drivers.

Ultimately, all of the “cost saving measures” listed abovecan result in vehicles in need of repair, vehicles out ofadjustment, and so on, and these vehicles, when inspected,could possibly be taken out of service by law enforcementofficials or, even worse, involved in serious motor vehicleaccidents. And, due to the shortsighted nature of manage-

ment, these so-called “cost saving measures” eventually costthe company more than the proper maintenance and dis-patch of such vehicles.

An example of how lack of maintenance and dispatchingcontrols can result in a devastating accident is the muchpublicized catastrophic limousine fire on the San Mateobridge near San Francisco, in which five passengers werekilled. A three-month investigation revealed possible lapsesin maintenance and improper operations of the vehicle,which may have caused the fire, including a rear suspensionsystem failure and too many passengers for the vehicle. Itwas determined that the failure of the rear suspension sys-tem allowed the driveshaft to come into contact with thefloor panel, but the specific reason for the failure could notbe determined because the vehicle was too badly damaged.The failure ultimately led to a fire that completely engulfedthe limousine so much that the five passengers were killedbecause they could not escape the burning vehicle.

Whether or not the tragic accident could have been pre-vented by proper maintenance and proper dispatch controlswith respect to the number of passengers will never beknown. What is clear is that proper preventative mainte-nance and ensuring the number of people in the vehicle did

The failure of any major part of a vehicle can result in a catastrophic incident causing significant injury, and even death, to individuals on the roadway.


ABOUT THE AUTHORGREG CRESCENZO began his career driving an 18-wheeler, hauling gasoline and heating oil. In 1982 he enlisted in the Hammonton PoliceDepartment in New Jersey, specializing in fire and arson investigations, fire code enforcement, emergency management, emergency communi-cations dispatch, crime scene photography and commercial truck enforcement. Upon his retirement from law enforcement, he was hired as afleet safety director and shop foreman in the private sector. He is currently co-owner of Atlantic Investigations in Hammonton, NJ. AtlanticInvestigations, which consists of six retired law enforcement officers, is a consulting firm for 15 trucking, limo and bus companies. Greg can bereached at (609) 270-7821 ext. 12, or

SAFETY / Transportation

not exceed the vehicle’s passenger rating/load may havebeen beneficial, and in a tragedy as great as this, that mayhave made all the difference.

Today, many CEOs and owners think the laws of theFMCSA and the DOT are just regulations that needlesslycost companies money and sometimes put them out of busi-ness. But the reality is that such rules and regulations trackall roadside inspections, accidents, and summons/violationdata. This information is reviewed and analyzed, and resultsin regulations to protect owners, passengers and the motor-ing public. Every day, new failures, conditions and assess-ments of operations result in better regulations, based ondata and information obtained by federal and state agencies.Examples of regulations which have made the transportationindustry safer include recertification of driver medical cards,hours of service logs, the reduction in speeding over 15 mphof the posted speed limit, and aggressive driving and tail-gating infractions—many of which result in a suspension ofa CDL endorsement after a second infraction.

Owners sometimes put FMCSA regulations on the backburner. They do not update safety policies, maintain driveror maintenance files, track trending driver behavior or con-duct root cause accident investigations. Only when theDOT comes knocking do these owners scramble to updateand correct their files. The problem, however, is that a com-pany may have two years of information to correct, twoyears of files to review, and so on. This type of reverse engi-neering is not only expensive, but time consuming and awaste of valuable resources. Additionally, files not main-tained consistently and properly could result in fines,penalties, and in worst case scenarios, complete shutdownspending corrective measures. However, if a company’s filesand information are maintained on a consistent basis, thecompany has nothing to fear and will sail through a safetyaudit conducted by anyone. Once these policies are createdand in place, they are easy and simple to maintain. A smallamount of advanced planning and expenditure in creating awell-functioning system can yield significant savings in the

future, not only in audits by the DOT, but in day-to-dayoperations as well.

As a retired law enforcement officer and a DOTCompliance consultant, I am often retained by transporta-tion companies that have had unsatisfactory safety scoresand are facing significant penalties and fines. After initial-ly meeting with many owners it is clear that they do notunderstand why they find themselves in their predicament.Once I review their safety scores with them and explain thatthe low scores are in safety and maintenance, I ask themwhat, if anything, has changed in the past year. Theanswers, many times, include: “Our shop is shorthandedbecause of layoffs. Our drivers have been getting more tick-ets than usual—red light violations, speeding tickets, andout-of-hours and out-of-service violations.” These are typi-cal, preventable actions. All of them. I explain to them thatthe money they saved will be a fraction of what it is goingto take to get them back into compliance—not to mentionpaying higher insurance costs (insurance companies haveaccess to your company’s information), higher maintenancecosts to get vehicles back up to standards, costs for trainingnot previously conducted, and so on.

Benjamin Franklin once said, “An ounce of prevention isworth a pound of cure,” meaning it is much easier to dosomething to prevent a problem than to deal with it after ithas happened. Our industry can learn a lot from this manwho could not have envisioned the complex transportationsystem that so many people take for granted today, butwhose words were a prophecy for it nonetheless.

Remember: The money you save by cutting back on pay-roll and safety on Friday may cost you dearly on Mondayafter that preventable accident occurred on Saturday.

If a company’s files and informationare maintained on a consistentbasis, the company has nothing tofear and will sail through a safetyaudit conducted by anyone.



SAFETY / Transportation

Don’t CramFor the Exam...Be Prepared For SchoolAdministrators to Test Your Company on Safety

By Dr. Jolanda Janczewski


Transportation / SAFETY

s winter approaches, harsh weather conditions makeit even more critical for school districts, collegesand universities to feel confident that they aretransporting students to and from school-related

activities as safely as possible. There are typically multiple bus operators in any given region,

so college, university and district administrators and their triporganizers put each through close scrutiny when selecting one. Byknowing what these school officials will be looking for in your com-pany, you will be able to make the necessary preparations to be atthe top of their lists, and land those big transportation contracts.

The focus on safety in the motorcoach industry has increasedsignificantly in the wake of severe accidents during recent years.In 2007, a motorcoach accident involving the Bluffton University(Ohio) baseball team killed seven and injured 21 near Atlanta,GA. In 2009, a bus carrying a Utah high school band veered offa highway, killing the band director and injuring several students.In 2011, 26 band students were injured when their charter buscollided with an 18-wheeler in Texas.

Such accidents, and the recent government shutdown of sev-eral motorcoach companies for safety violations, highlight theimportance of school administrators and trip organizers taking anactive role in selecting motorcoach carriers for their school trips.Administrators and organizers must be able to prove due dili-gence in selecting safe motor carriers. If not, they risk significantliability exposure for neglecting this critical responsibility. Thisincreased liability on the part of schools, in addition to trans-portation companies, means passenger trip organizers will bedoing their research when attempting to identify and select thesafest bus companies in the industry to transport their students.

Administrators and trip organizers now compare carriers onmany different factors—not just on price. They are within theirrights to inquire into carriers’ safety policies, procedures andrecords—and they will. Your company should have clear, writtenpolicies and easy-to-implement procedures for the operation andmaintenance of your fleet, which are tracked and recorded byyour company. Trip organizers may request vehicle maintenanceand inspection records, and the qualifications of maintenancepersonnel.

Since most accidents happen due to driver error, it’s just asimportant for them to inquire about driver safety records, yourcompany’s alcohol and drug testing system, policies on drivers’hours of service, driver qualification files, accident registers andother such information. Individual driver performance should bea part of your overall safety records, as organizers will want toreview them prior to taking a road trip.

To further minimize school liability, it is also critical for admin-istrators and trip organizers to be certain that their selected buscarrier and transport vehicle are properly insured, and they willtherefore request that your company produce a proof of insur-ance. It is legally required that a carrier transporting more than

15 passengers has $5 million in insurance. It is also requiredthat any carrier crossing state lines be marked with the legaltrade name of the carrier and have its USDOT number displayedon both sides of the vehicle.

Third-party validation is also helpful for these administratorsand organizers in determining a carrier’s safety record, and itcan reduce the need for them to gather the safety information ontheir own from motorcoach companies. Many subscribe to theindependent safety rating organization Transportation SafetyExchange’s (TSX) list of operator companies that have beenapproved as safer motor carriers, based on its rigorous TSX-Comprehensive Review (TSX-CR) process, which is the moststringent and thorough review process in the industry.

To date, nearly 120 bus companies have begun or completedthe process of achieving TSX approval status. One TSX sub-scriber, GOGROUND Options, along with its clients, is transition-ing into using TSX-approved carriers exclusively. GOGROUNDOptions has long-term arrangements to provide safe transporta-tion for clients, including the NCAA, the Red Cross, the Universityof Texas at Austin, the University of Texas System, and Game DayManagement (the company that organizes the Super Bowl, NCAAMarch Madness, and other world-renowned events), among oth-ers. Imagine if your company could land a contract with a triporganizer like this.

Safety concerns do not stop after motorcoach selection, how-ever. Careful planning of the trip’s activities will help ensure thata trip is as smooth and safe as possible. Once you are selectedby a school or trip organizer, it is the responsibility of the organ-izer and chaperones to assist the driver in maintaining continuedsafety throughout the journey by minimizing driver distractions.Students should be required to stay in their seats while themotorcoach is in motion. If the motorcoach is equipped with seatbelts, passengers should wear them. Students should not beallowed to throw objects or horse around, pushing and shovingone another. Keeping the noise level down—no yelling or loudmusic—is also important.

District officials, administrators and trip organizers must rec-ognize that drivers cannot operate a motorcoach for more con-secutive hours than are legally allowed, and the current limit is10 hours with proper rest between shifts. They should also con-sider questionable weather conditions before and during trips,exercising good judgment to protect the safety of the driver andstudents when determining whether to postpone or cancel a trip.

Following these guidelines, your company can assure that it isdoing everything it can to provide safe service for student trips.When universities, colleges, school districts and trip organizerssee this, and can verify it in all the ways mentioned, they will putyour company at the top of their lists, and you can start landingthose big student transportation contracts—knowing that yourcompany is giving those students the safest rides possible whenyou do.


ABOUT THE AUTHORDR. JOLANDA JANCZEWSKI is president and CEO of Transportation Safety Exchange (TSX), a safe-ty rating organization that performs detailed investigations of motor carriers to ensure they aremeeting the highest possible safety standard available. She can be reached at (855) 890-8879.



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NLA Announces New StrategicCredit Card ProcessingPartnerships

LANJ Discusses DOT, Super Bowland NYC Mayoral Race

THE NATIONAL LIMOUSINE ASSOCIATION membershipcommittee, co-chaired by Ron Stein of Exclusive Sedan Serviceand Laura Canady of CLT Express, is once again proud of thework they did to offer a strategic partnership with two credit cardprocessing companies. The NLA’s thorough review process ofselecting a company/companies with whom to form relation-ships for credit card processing has come to fruition.

Century Business Solutions and Chosen Payments have beenselected for the value they can bring to NLA members’ busi-nesses, and for their willingness to offer a portion of their rev-enue as a rebate to the NLA directly.

In a recent letter to mem-bers, NLA Executive DirectorPhilip Jagiela spoke more onthe selection of ChosenPayments. “Over the years,Chosen Payments’ businesshas grown to capture a sig-nificant portion of the mar-ket share in the limo industrynationwide due to theirsuperior rates and service,”

he said. “We have been impressed with Chosen Payments andthe level of quality and attention they commit to their services.Equally as important, Chosen Payments has agreed to a level ofdiscount that should make their services even more appealingfor all NLA members.”

Jagiela added that the success of these partnerships lies inNLA members using their vendors, as well as the vendors keep-ing members happy. “If they can save you money or increase theefficiency of your business, while rebating money back to theNLA, it is a win-win for all,” he said.

Century Business Solutions specializes in credit card processing integrations with both accounting and retail POSsoftwares. For more information, visit

For more information on Chosen Payments, visit And for more information on the NLA,

n OVER 80 MEMBERS were in attendance for the LimousineAssociation of New Jersey’s Sept. 18 luncheon meeting, many ofthem standing due to the unexpectedly large turnout.

A board meeting preceded the luncheon, and one of the maintopics of discussion centered on recent actions by the U.S. DOT.Tim Rose, owner of Flyte Tyme Worldwide Transportation andpresident of LANJ, said that out of 16 companies recentlyinspected by the DOT, Flyte Tyme was the only one that passed.

“The DOT is becomingstricter on their rules andregulations with limousineoperators,” he said. “Forexample, Sprinters cominginto New York City have beengetting stopped outside theLincoln Tunnel to make surethey are within their 11-pas-senger limit.”

Other topics includedNew York City’s commercialmotor vehicle tax and may-oral race, and New Jersey jitney legislation (see LimoDigest’s story on LANJ andjitneys, on page 63 of ourAug.-Sept. 2013 issue).

At the luncheon meetingitself, a number of guestsand members gave presen-tations. Port Authority of NewYork & New Jersey DirectorDiane Papaianni addressedthe meeting regarding thisyear’s Super Bowl at NewJersey’s MetLife Stadium,

discussing courses of action and game day logistics. DerekPeske of CTEK, a battery systems company, explained that he isnetworking within our industry, as he believes there is a strongopportunity for operators to utilize battery-operated products inbuses to avoid keeping engines running. And Cadillac’s JimConnelly gave an update of Cadillac’s upcoming vehicles—specif-ically the 2014 XTS and the highly anticipated 2015 Escalade,which was previewed Oct. 8 in New York City.

For more information on LANJ, visit


“The DOT is becomingstricter on their rules andregulations with limousine

operators. For example,Sprinters coming into

New York City have beengetting stopped outside

the Lincoln Tunnel to makesure they are within their

11-passenger limit.”

“If they can save you money or increase the efficiency of your business, whilerebating money back to the NLA, it is a win-win for all.”

Philip Jagiela, NLA Executive Director


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WFLA Discusses Hillsborough County Minimum FareTHE WEST FLORIDA LIVERY ASSOCIATION met last month

at Ocean Prime Restaurant in Tampa, FL, with 36 members inattendance. WFLA President Dave Shaw gave a report from theassociation’s officers, noting that the WFLA will have a booth atLCT Show East in Atlantic City, NJ, asking for volunteers to manit, and advising that there will be “a great schedule of educa-tional seminars” at the show.

The most important and contentious item on the meeting’sagenda, however, was in regards to a lawsuit filed against theHillsborough County Public Transportation Commission (PTC) by

the libertarian-orientedgroup Institute for Justice.The suit alleges that thePTC is stifling free enter-prise with a rule mandat-ing that limo and sedandrivers charge at least$50 per ride—no matterhow long the ride.

Although Hillsboroughis the only county in thestate that has a publictransportation commis-sion, other counties alsohave minimum fares.Miami-Dade has a $70

minimum fare, forexample, although legis-lators in that part of thestate are trying to repealthat minimum as well.

Objectors to thePTC’s minimum fareclaim that it violates thedue process rights of

car service customers by “unreasonably and irra-tionally interfering with [their consumer rights],”according to the suit. But the $50 minimum fare isalso the reason Uber said it could not compete in theTampa market last year, which marks it as a valuableasset to our industry in the Tampa area.

After much discussion from both sides of this argu-ment at September’s WFLA meeting, “the majorityagreed that a minimum rate is important to the indus-try now and in the future, and the WFLA will convey thisto [the PTC],” said Shaw. In addition, Shaw recentlytold the Tampa Tribune that the rule was put in placeat the request of taxi and limo companies, with theintention of putting some “separation” between thetwo entities.

For more information on the WFLA, visit


The suit alleges thatthe PTC is stifling freeenterprise with a rulemandating that limo

and sedan driverscharge at least $50per ride—no matterhow long the ride.

WFLAWest Florida Livery





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met on Sept. 18, with Chris Burns of Fred Beans AutomotiveGroup hosting the meeting. The hot topic of the evening wasthe election of the 2014 PRLA Board of Directors. The votes

were tallied, and the 2014Board will consist of MarkBarnett from Best of TimesLimousine (secretary), LuxuryLimousine’s Perry Camerlengo(board member), Brian Engle ofWolfington Bus Company (trea-surer), Robert Euler from KingLimousine (board member),Rhoades Limousine’s Steve

Rhoades (vice president), Jim Salinger of Unique Limousine(president), and Global Limousine’s Anthony “Tony” Viscusi(board member).

PRLA President Jim Salinger thanked current Secretary andTreasurer Jeff Shanker from A-1 Limousine—who did not seekreelection, but will remain active as the liaison between theLimousine Association of New Jersey and the PRLA—and BoardMember Michael Barreto, for his multiple years of conscien-tious, dedicated service to the PRLA, the membership and theentire industry.

Other pressing matters were discussed, including the newlaws in Pennsylvania requiring any vehicle with a bus tag to enterall active weigh stations (see story, page 16). This includes char-

ter and shuttle buses, and vans tagged with bus license plates.Another topic on the table was that of buses and New YorkState’s rules surrounding NY article 19-A, which requires anybus and company that drives into or through New York to regis-ter with New York State Motor Vehicle Agency. Finally, the meet-ing’s attendees discussed the ongoing legal battle between thePRLA and the Philadelphia Parking Authority (PPA), and the rul-ing from the Pennsylvania Supreme Court which identifies thePPA’s rules and regulations as unconstitutional. However, thereis currently no conclusion to the issue.

For more information on the PRLA, visit



2013 and 2014 PRLA board members [LEFT TO RIGHT]: MarkBarnett, Michael Barreto, Anthony Viscusi, Steve Rhoades, JimSalinger, Perry Camerlengo, Bob Euler, Brian Engle and Jeff Shanker.


October 1 Ohio Valley Limousine & Taxi Association

(330) 652-8089 •

2 Charlotte Regional Limousine Association(704) 825-0666 •

7 Ohio Valley Limousine Association(330) 518-9185

8 Greater Orlando Limousine Association(407)

Kentucky Limousine Association(502) 458-1862 •

15 Colorado Limousine

West Florida Livery Association(727)

16 Minnesota Chauffeured Transportation

Wisconsin Limousine Association(920) 773-2270 •

21 Ontario Limousine Owners

22 Greater California Livery Association San Diego (866) 392-4252 •

23 Greater California Livery Association Sacramento (866) 392-4252 •

Minority Limousine Operators of America(404) 784-0070 •

November4 Ohio Valley Limousine Association

(330) 518-9185

5 Limousine Association of New

Ohio Valley Limousine & Taxi Association(330) 652-8089 •

6 Charlotte Regional Limousine Association(704) 825-0666 •

12 Greater Orlando Limousine Association(407)

Houston Area Livery and Charter

Kentucky Limousine Association(502) 458-1862 •

17 North Carolina Limousine Association(910) 409-4316 •

19 Colorado Limousine

Maryland Limousine Association(410) 663-7000 •

West Florida Livery Association(727) 258-1237

20 Limousine Association of New Jersey(609) 267-2855 •

Wisconsin Limousine Association(920) 773-2270 •

26 Long Island Limousine Association(516) 887-4577 •

27 Limousine, Bus, Taxi Operators of Upstate New

Minority Limousine Operators of America(404) 784-0070 •

December 2 Ohio Valley Limousine Association

(330) 518-9185

3 Ohio Valley Limousine & Taxi Association(330) 652-8089 •

4 Charlotte Regional Limousine Association(704) 825-0666 •

8 Houston Area Livery and Charter

10 Greater California Livery Association (866) 392-4252 •

Kentucky Limousine Association(502) 458-1862 •

11 Philadelphia Regional Limousine Association(800) 573-5466 •

17 Colorado Limousine

Maryland Limousine Association(410) 663-7000 •

West Florida Livery Association(727)

18 Wisconsin Limousine Association(920) 773-2270 •


Association meeting dates are subject to change.Please visit for the most up-to-date association meeting information.



Mission Statement: To advance the interest of the industry and its membersbefore the North and South Carolina Senate and North and South CarolinaAssemblies and other regulatory authorities, and to perform such duties as willbenefit the CRLA and its members.

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Affiliate Network Powered by

CO — Denver

Hermes WorldwideP: 303-577-7600reserve@hermesworldwide.comhermesworldwide.comNot the largest; simply your best optionfor Denver Metro and all Ski Resorts.Groups, Roadshows, Special EventsStrict Affiliate Representation Policy

CO — Denver

Presidential Worldwide TransportationServing Colorado for Over 25 YearsOperator of the YearP: 800-442-5422 F: www.PresidentialLimo.comSedans, Hybrids, SUVs, Stretches, Vans andMini-Coaches

P: 303-243-3900 F: 303-360-6514

Denver's Leading Transportation Provider

CO — Denver

DE — Wilmington

CT — Stamford/Greenwich/Westport

CA — San Jose

El Paseo Limousine651 Aldo AvenueSanta Clara, CA 95054P: 408-727-0000 F: 408-988-9294gibby@elpaseolimo.comwww.elpaseolimo.comSedans, stretches, superstretches, buses,vans, party vehicles, funeral, H2s, Excursions

CA — San Jose

Skylark Limousine Service1490 Berger DriveSan Jose, CA 95112P: 408-289-8064 F: 408-289-8069info@skylarklimo.comwww.skylarklimo.comSedans, Mercedes, Stretches, SUVs, VansServing San Jose, San Francisco and Oakland Airport

CT — New Haven/Hartford/Fairfield

P: www.HysLimo.comConnecticut’s Preferred Luxury Limousine andGround Transportation Provider Since 1951

Your CT, NY, NJ affiliate. Serving all airportsincluding BDL, HPN, JFK, LGA, EWR, NYC

CT — Stamford/Greenwich/WestportCA — San Jose

AAA Corporate Worldwide Chauffeured Transportation2079 Daryl View Ct., San Jose, CA 95138P: 800-214-5466 F: www.aaactrans.comSince 1989 serving SJC, SFO, OAKSedan, Mercedes, Cadillac, Stretches, Vans,and SUVs - 24/7 - Special rate for affiliates

Gateway Limousines1550 Gilbreth RoadBurlingame, CA 94010P: 800-486-7077 F: 650-697-7739razzolino@gatewaylimo.comwww.gatewaylimo.comSedans, stretches, buses, vans, party vehiclesAirports: SFO, SJC, OAKServing the San Francisco Bay Area

CA — San Francisco

FL — Fort Lauderdale

7370 NW 5th StreetFort Lauderdale, FL 33317

P: 877-587-7667 954-587-7667F: 954-587-7085 www.enovalimo.comSedans, stretches, vans, SUVs, minibusesServing Palm Beach (PBI), Broward (FLL),Miami-Dade (MIA) counties and airports

P: 203-542-0739 Toll-Free:

Serving Fairfield, Westchester, NY, NJ24/7 Voyageur Reserve Dispatch200% on-time guarantee.


P: 203-853-9666 Fax: 203-838-4522

reservations@gardellas.comOffice Staffed 24/7 Professional ChauffeursCorporate Fleet of Sedans, SUVS, Luxury Vans,Limos Mini & Motor Coaches. Wi Fi in all VehiclesLivery Coach, Fleet Book, Drive-Cams, GPS, IPads

15% Affiliate DiscountServing NYC, LGA, JFK, EWR HPN, BDR, BDL

A1A Airport & Limousine ServiceP: 800-611-6631 954-473-6631

www.A1ALimo.comServing Fort Lauderdale (FLL), Palm Beach (PBI) and Miami (Mia)

10% Affiliated Discount. We Reciprocate.Certified Chauffeurs.

24/7 Voyageur Reserve Dispatch200% on-time guarantee.

FL — Fort Lauderdale

Airport & Limousine ServiceA1A



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(609) 953-4900, ext. #236, or via email at



Palm Beach Tours andTransportation, Inc.5900 Georgia AvenueWest Palm Beach, FL 33405P: 561-655-5515F: 561-655-6626www.pbtt.comSedans, stretches, superstretches, buses,vans, party vehicles, SUVs

FL — Palm Beach

FL — Miami

Worldwide TransportationP: 305-271-4900 F: www.worldwidetransportation.comL-sedans, Mercedes, SUVs, stretches,Hummers, vans, minibuses, motorcoachesAirports: MIA, OPF, TMB, FLL, FXE, BCT, PBI

10220 New Berlin RoadJacksonville, FL 32226

P: 800-456-5466 F:

Serving: Jacksonville, Ponte Vedra, Amelia Island,St. Augustine, Gainesville, St. Simons IslandSedans, SUV’s, Limos, Vans, Mini’s, Coaches

NE Florida’s #1 Provider since 1977

FL — Jacksonville

3939 N.W. 26th StreetMiami, FL 33142P: 305-876-9343F: 305-871-7333

Sedans, Mercedes, SUVs, Limos, Vans, Executive Vans, Mini Buses, Limo Buses

Located directly accross from Miami Airport

FL — Miami

P: 407-422-2522 F: 407-264-5476TF: 866-271-6176

Info@DestinationMCO.comOffice staffed 24/7/365. Uniformed ChauffeursBlack Corporate Fleet of Sedans, SUVs, Vans,Luxury Vans, Stretches, Mini & Motor Coaches.Livery Coach, Fleetbook, Flightview, and GPSServing Central Florida Airports & Seaports

FL — Orlando

P: 305-256-0000 F:

Miami, Ft. Lauderdale, Palm BeachesMercedes S550, Lincoln, Escalade & Suburban

Stretches, Vans & MinibusesOur Chauffeurs! No Independent Operators

Your South Florida Partner

FL — Miami

Larrys Private Car & Limo ServiceP: 800-611-6631 954-473-6631F: 954-473-2559www.larryslimo.comServing south Florida over 15 yearsLive dispatch 24/7Sedans, Limos, SUVs, Vans, Buses

FL — Fort Lauderdale

“Luxury cars at less than taxi rates”

P: 239-262-5466 F: 239-417-6645Toll Free: 888-546-6117

www.AmericanComfortLimo.cominfo@AmericanComfortLimo.comSedans, SUVs, Vans, Stretch Limos

Fleet tracking by Fleetmatics10% Affiliate Discount - 24/7 Live DispatchAirports: RSW, APF, PGD, MIA, FLL, SRQ

FL — Ft. Myers/Naples

FL — Orlando

F: 866-244-9836 P: 866-866-2120

info@1aristrocrat.comTAMPA * ORLANDO * DAYTONA

“Ride The Cars That Drive The Stars”

FL — Palm Beach

P: 321-432-0262 24hr #:

www.brevardexecutive.comLate model “L” Sedans, SUVs, & StretchesServicing Melbourne(MLB), Orlando (MCO),

Port Canaveral (PC), and all localarea private FBO’s, NLA & GOLA memberWe welcome all new affiliates! 24/7 365

FL — Melbourne

FL — Palm Beach

P: 561-689-3663F: 561-689-3036

Serving Palm Beach Airport & Surrounding areas for 20 years

chauffeurs well acquainted with the areasSedans, SUV’S, Limos, Taxis, and Vans

Corporate Accounts Welcomed/Discounts Available Certified DBE (Lic# PBCVH153)

P: 904.525.8600 F: 904.565.8382 www.ectjax.comNorth Florida’s Premier Transportation Company

Serving Jacksonville, Ponte Vedra, Amelia Island and St. Augustine

Sedans, SUV’s, Vans, Limos, Minibuses, and Motor Coaches

FL — Jacksonville

P: 941-524-8185sales@CityKeyLimo.comwww.CityKeyLimo.comServing airports: Sarasota, Tampa, St. Petersburg/Clearwater, Ft. Myers and OrlandoOver 28 years experienceSedans, SUVs, Stretches and Buses10% AFFILIATE DISCOUNT

FL — Sarasota


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included in our Referral Guide, pleasecontact Dawn Sheldon at

(609) 953-4900, ext. #236, or via email at

FL — Orlando

Toll Free: 1.888.899.5466 Local: 407.812.810

Fleet includes Town Cars, SUVs, Vans, Stretch Limos, H2, & Party Buses



P: 260-486-5059 Toll Free: 888-428-0145aaElegantLimo@aol.comwww.aaElegantLimo.comVoted Fort Wayne’s Best ServiceOn Time to The ExtremeLincoln L-series Sedans w/wo partitionNine years of quality service

IN — Fort Wayne/Warsaw

IL — Chicago

P: 866-94-WINDY (94639)F: 847-455-2009info@windycitylimos.comwww.windycitylimos.comThe only place to call in ChicagoAny vehicle you need, commissions paidSedans, Limos, SUVs, Buses

IL — Chicago

Toll Free: 800-381-6222 F: www.tandclimo.comAll types of corporate vehicles availableDon’t take our word that we’re the best inChicago — ask other operators that youknow about us!

Atlanta, GA 30341P: 888-751-7078 F: 770-569-7757affiliate@atlanticlimo-ga.comwww.atlanticlimo-ga.comL-Sedans, limousines, S550 Benz, SUVs, vans,hybrids, Van Terras, limobuses, minibuses, coachesAtlanta’s premier transportation company forover 13 years

GA — Atlanta

2638 Woodwin RoadAtlanta, GA 30360Toll Free: 800-865-3252 P: 678-935-5000F: 678-935-5001www.nplimo.comSedans, stretch limousines, SUVs, vans,minibuses & motorcoaches

GA — Atlanta

Limo Corp of ChicagoP: 888-605-3500 773-774-2020F: 773-774-2884sales@limocorpchicago.comwww.limocorpchicago.comL-Series sedans, limousines, SUVs, vans and minibusesExtremely competitive rates for affiliates

IL — Chicago


Sedans, Stretch Limousines, SUVs, Vans,Minibuses, Limobuses, Coaches

Ranked #1 by Atlanta Business ChronicleMember of the Year, Atlanta Convention

and Visitors BureauCommunity Service Award, Limo Digest

GA — Atlanta

HI — Honolulu


YOURS!For more information about being

included in our Referral Guide, pleasecontact Dawn Sheldon at

(609) 953-4900, ext. #236, or via email at

Toll Free:

24/7 dispatch and reservationsAll uniformed Chauffeurs—trained & certified

Experience with any size eventWe use YOUR signs and logos


FL — Tampa

P: 706-882-7200 F: 912-748-0616

Serving Columbus, Callaway Gardens, Auburn ALSedans, Stretches, Superstretches, Van Terras

Coporate, Retail, ExecutivesServing ATL and CSG airports

GA — Columbus


FL — Tampa

Local: 727-442-9050 Toll Free: 866-508-9050reservations@ambassadorlimo.netwww.ambassadorlimo.netServing Tampa Bay & West Coast of Florida25 Vehicles from Sedans to BusesCadillac, Lincoln, Mercedes, Rolls Royce, Mini-Buses, Bus CoachesHighest quality and guaranteed performance

Toll Free:

Des Moines’ largest chauffeured transportation company

IA — Des Moines

ID — Boise


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included in our Referral Guide, pleasecontact Dawn Sheldon at

(609) 953-4900, ext. #236, or via email at

FL — Tampa

8020 Massachusetts AvenueTampa, FL 34653

Toll Free:

Sedans, Stretch Limousines, SUVs, Vans,Minibuses, and Coaches

Setting the Standard in Tampa Bay since 1996

GA — Atlanta

Casey Corporate TransportationToll Free: 866-688-5720Local: 404-688-5720

WE REPRESENT YOU!Staffed 24/7, LimoAnywhere



P: 866-675-2271 F: 410-768-0186Ashley Mcdonough (ext. 154) ashley@zbestexecutive.comwww.zbestexecutive.com24/7 Live Reservations and DispatchingL-Sedans, stretches, minibuses, vans, SUVs,limobuses, motorcoaches, and exotics

MD — Baltimore

P: 410-437-8200 www.bigcars.comCelebrating Over 25 Years of Excellence

BWI Airport 1 mile & 10 min. from Baltimore Marylands Most Diversified Fleet:

L-Series Sedans, Escalade SUV, Vans, Mini-Buses, VIP Executive Coach, Limos, Lincoln, Chrysler 300, Cadillac & Hummers

MD — Baltimore

Boston ChauffeurP: 978-921-4334 Toll Free 1-866-570-LIMOinfo@bostonchauffeur.comwww.bostonchauffeur.comNew England’s Premium Limo ServiceIndustry Leading 20% Affiliate Discount,24/7 365 Days Staffed OfficeSedans, SUVs Limos, Vans & Buses

MA — North Shore


www.blacktielimo.comProud to have been awarded “Large Operator of the Year”

Large Diverse Fleet of Vehicles AvailableOur staff is dedicated to precise and reliable

affiliate representation

MA — North Shore

Boston Car Service72 Kilmarnock StreetBoston, MA 02215P: 617-267-2100Toll Free: 888-548-3790

Sedans, stretches, vans, SUVs

MA — Boston



MA — Cape Cod & The Islands

The Cape’s Largest Limousine CompanyServing Cape Cod, Martha’s Vineyard,Boston, New York and ProvidenceSedans, SUVs, Stretches, Vans,

and Mini-Coaches 29/33

Toll Free: 877-954-LIMO (5466) P: 781-213-5400 F: 888-227-5052limo@bostonelitecoach.comwww.bostonelitecoach.comSedans, SUVs, minibuses, Stretches,coaches, and party buses We will meet or beat any existing affiliate pricing, live staff/dispatch

MA — North Shore

LA — New Orleans

Carey New Orleans/Signature Livery, Inc.518 S. Rampart StreetNew Orleans, LA 70113P: 504-523-6511Toll Free: 800-495-0201 F: 504-837-5607info@signaturelivery.comwww.signaturelivery.comL-Sedans, stretches, minibuses, vans, SUVsAirports: MSY, BTR

LA — Baton Rouge/Lafayette

(225) 622-5458 Fax (225) www.limolivery.comThe Finest in Luxury Transportation ServingBaton Rouge and the Surrounding Areas

Charter, Crew Moves, Group, Shuttle, SpecialEvents and Transfer Services AvailableSedans, SUVs, Van Terras, Classic Cars, Limousines, Stretch SUV, Limo Buses,

and Party Buses

P: 800-244-7085 F: 781-575-9107sward@abovealltrans.comwww.abovealltrans.comBoston’s #1 Affilliate

L-Sedans, Navigator L’s, Executive ShuttleBuses, and Party Buses

Attention to Detail With the Client in Mind

MA — Boston

IN — Indianapolis

P: 317-484-8484

24/7/365 Dispatch and ReservationsL-Sedans, Mercedes, SUV’S,

Vans, and Mini BusesPreferred Provider: Super Bowl and

Indianapolis 500 Mile Race

LA — New Orleans

P: 504-561-8777 F: 504-522-9048info@limolivery.comwww.limolivery.comLargest luxury transportation firm inLouisiana and Mississippi with over 65 vehicles, group transportation managers and 24 hour dispatch

KS — Kansas City

Overland Limousine Service P: 913-381-3504 Toll Free: 800-575-4845 www.kclimo.comAward Winning Service Since 1979

2007 Operator of the YearServing Greater Kansas City — MO/KSSedans, SUVs, Vans, Limos, CoachesService & Experience You Can Trust

KY — Lexington

Eddie’s Lexington Limo Company P: 859-797-8739

Specializing in Bourbon Tours and Airport Service

Lexington Limo Company

P: 504-888-5466 Toll Free: 800-253-1991F: 504-888-9913tierney@celebritylimoservice.comwww.celebritylimoservice.comServing Greater New Orleans, Baton Rouge,Gulfport, and BiloxiSedans, SUVs, Super Stretch, 14-pass. Limos,Stretch SUVs, Minibuses, Vans, LimobusesLocally owned and operated for 26 years

LA — New Orleans



11774 Missouri Bottom Rd.St. Louis, MO 63042Toll Free: 800-369-0769P: 314-731-1707 F: 314-731-1528www.gemtransportation.comL-sedans, stretches, buses, coaches, vans,SUVs, party vehicles, and funeral limousines

MO — St. Louis

P: 252-646-4490 F:

www.ADiamondLimousine.comSedans, Limousines,

Shuttle Buses, and Party Bus

NC — Morehead/New Bern/Greenville

MN — Minneapolis/St. Paul

P: 800-899-7433 F: 612-724-1268info@premiertrans.comwww.premiertrans.comLargest & Newest Fleet in Minnesota24/7 Live Reservations and Dispatchers Final Charges within 24 Hours“Real Time” Flight Tracker / GPS

Corporate Car & CoachThe largest woman owned service in Minnesota P: 651-696-9029


reservations@corpcarandcoach.comMinnesota’s Best Affiliate ChoiceGuaranteed On-Time Service24/7 Live Reservations and Dispatch10% Affiliate DiscountLocated in the Twin Cities & Rochester

MN — Minneapolis/St. Paul

MI — Detroit

P: 1-866-697-6925 F:

www.1866myroyal.comProfessional vehicles for any occasionDetroit's Premier Transportation Service

New Model Coach Buses, Sedans, Limousines,SUVs, Vans, Limo Buses, and Mini Buses

24/7 dispatch real time flight trackerSpecialty executive transportation service

MI — Detroit

P: 248-519-TRAN (8726) 888-335-8726F: 248-519-8000 info@JandBtran.comLuxury from start to finish. Late model

Cadillac’s, Chrysler’s & Mercedes S550, SUV’s,Passenger Van & Mercedes Sprinter Van.


Toll Free: 800-456-1701F: 734-946-5908

Newer model Sedans, SUVs, Vans, Minis, Limos, Motor Coaches. Staffed 24/7/365. Professional & Uniformed Chauffeurs

Largest fleet in Michigan.

MI — Detroit

Toll Free: 877-277-7433 P:

YOUR #1 North Carolina AffiliateSedans, SUVs, Vans, Limos, Mini Coaches

and Motor Coaches Serving all of North Carolina: Raleigh, Durham,

Cary, RTP, Chapel Hill, and PinehurstAsk our Affiliate Manager for special rates

NC — Raleigh/Pinehurst

NC — Charlotte


Sedans, Premium SUVs, Lincoln & H2 Limos,Mercedes Sprinter Van, Mini Buses, & Coaches

Live Operators 24/7, Limo Anywhere

NC — CharlotteMO — Kansas City

MO — Kansas City

Overland Limousine Service P: 913-381-3504 Toll Free: 800-575-4845 www.kclimo.comAward Winning Service Since 1979

2007 Operator of the YearServing Greater Kansas City — MO/KSSedans, SUVs, Vans, Limos, CoachesService & Experience You Can Trust

NC — Charlotte

Office: 24 Hour Service — GPS Vehicle Tracking

.5 miles from Charlotte Airport & Wilson Air CenterServing the Carolina's since 1958Sedans, SUVs, Vans and VIP Buses

Charlotte Since 1985P: 800-377-6911 704-522-8258andy@riderose.comwww.riderose.comComprehensive Fleet Including Motorcoaches24/7 Dispatch and ReservationsOperator of the Year 2008Serving all of the Southeast

NC — Charlotte


YOURS!For more information about being

included in our Referral Guide, pleasecontact Dawn Sheldon at

(609) 953-4900, ext. #236, or via email at


YOURS!For more information about being

included in our Referral Guide, pleasecontact Dawn Sheldon at

(609) 953-4900, ext. #236, or via email at

MN — Minneapolis/St. Paul



NM — Albuquerque/Santa Fe

Star Limo LLCP: 505-848-9999 F: www.505starlimo.comServing: Albuquerque, Santa Fe &New Mexico Statewide“L” Sedans, SUVs, Stretches, Mini Buses, & CoachesTours, Charters, 24-hour Dispatch, near ABQ, & SAF

NJ — North

P: 800-246-2287 973-242-4437F: 973-623-2207www.countryclublimo.comLate Model Limousines, Sedans, Vans, andShuttle BusesCountry Club staff to speak with 24/7Exceeding Expectations Since 1975

NJ — North

NJ — North

P: 800-932-7789 F: 908-735-2574reservations@aaaworldwidetrans.comwww.aaaworldwidetrans.comServing NJ, NY, and Eastern PAEWR, JFK, LGA, TEB, MMU, TTN, PHL, ABELiveryCoach Livery — Livery ReservationsGPS Tracking & Navigation, DriveCamsSedans, SUVs, Sprinter Vans, Stretches


Certified WBENC Owned & Operated Company Servicing All Tri-State

Area Airports & FBO'SLate Lodel Mercedes, Sedans, SUVs, Limos,

Executive Vans, and Minibuses

NJ — Central

Toll Free: 800-367-0070 F: 609-452-0816info@A1Limo.comwww.A1Limo.comOnline ReservationsSedans, stretch limousines, vans, minibuses,motorcoaches, and SUVsNationwide ReservationsFor People Going Places®...

NJ — Central

Prime Time Limousines & SedansP: 919-708-5466 Toll Free: 877-610-3164info@primetimelimo.netwww.primetimelimo.netServing Central North Carolina since 1993Raleigh / Durham / Chapel Hill / RTPSanford / Southern Pines / PinehurstL Sedans, SUVs, Stretch & SUV Limos, Vans

NC — Raleigh/Pinehurst

NH — Concord

16 Water Street, Concord, NH 03301Toll Free: 888-781-4114 P: 603-223-6500

Professionally Dressed Chauffeurs24 / 7 Reservations

Serving Boston Logan / Manchester Airports“A” rating with New Hampshire BBB

Toll Free: 800-820-6117 P:

“Service Beyond Your Expectations”10% Affiliate Discount

Professionally Trained & Attired ChauffeursProfessionally Staffed 24/7

Serving: BOS, MHT, PWM AirportsSeacoast NH, Northern MA, Southern ME

Sedans, SUVs, Vans, Limos, & Mini Coach Buses

NH — Portsmouth/Seacoast Area

NJ — Central

P: (888) 688-1247 F: (919)

Triangle Area’s #1 affiliate providerServing Raleigh/Durham (RDU), Cary, Chapel

Hill, RTP, and PinehurstSedans, SUVs, Vans, Limos, Mini-Bus

We’re the Logical choice.

NC — Raleigh/Pinehurst

Albert’s TransportationP: 800-840-0015 856-222-9600

1126 Rt. 73 SouthMt. Laurel, NJ

Sedans, SUV, Limos, Vans, and Limo CoachAirports: PHL, EWR, JFK, BWI, DC, ACY

NJ — South

Since 1985

NH — Manchester/Portsmouth

P: 800-328-4544 F:

2011 L-Series, 2013 MKT Town Cars, SUVS,Limos, Vans, 20- and 30-pass. Coaches

2011 SBA Family-Owned Business of the YearBBB A+ Rated

NJ — South

Avalon LimousineP: 609-927-2201 F: 609-646-2243Toll Free: South Jersey CoastAtlantic City to Cape MaySedans, SUV’s, Limo’s, LimobusesMember LANJ, NLA


YOURS!For more information about being

included in our Referral Guide, pleasecontact Dawn Sheldon at

(609) 953-4900, ext. #236, or via email at


YOURS!For more information about being

included in our Referral Guide, pleasecontact Dawn Sheldon at

(609) 953-4900, ext. #236, or via email at

NM — Albuquerque/Santa Fe

Serving the corporate world in the Southwest.The only transportation company to provide gatemeet and greet. Now offering Sprinter vehicles.

Sedans, SUV’s, vans, Sprinters, mini coaches and the largest limo fleet in the state.

P: 505-877-7576 F: 505-766-9310

web: www.americanlimosabq.comemail:



NY — Long Island

US Limousine Service, Ltd.1827 Gilford AvenueNew Hyde Park, NY 11040P: 800-962-2827F: 516-354-0993 jsansone@uslimoservice.comwww.uslimoservice.comSedans, stretches, superstretches, buses,vans, party vehicles, funeral, Hummers,Excursions

NY — New York City

P: 914-509-1490 F:

www.privatechauffeurclub.comServicing NYC and the Tri-State Region

Clean Natural Gas L-SedansS550 Mercedes, SUVs, 15 Pax Van

New York’s Only Solution for Luxury TransportationBase #BO2394

NY — Westchester

Westchester, Connecticut & The Jersey ShoreP: 800-82-LEROSinfo@LerosPointToPoint.comwww.LerosPointToPoint.comDriving People Who Drive Business

Serving NYC and the Tri-State Region Since 1959

Toll Free:

NY — New York City


www.deluxtransportation.comServing NYC and Long Island

JFK, LaGuardia and MacArthur AirportsTown Cars, Limos, SUVs, Buses24 Hour Reservation Call Center

50 Years in Business

NY — New York City

P: 845-724-4403 F: 845-724-2205Emergency: 914-490-5748

Serving the Stewart Airport/Newburgh Areawith Local Expertise for Over 15 Years

NY — Newburgh/Stewart

P: 631-753-1234 F: 631-753-1294Tony Savarese,

www.allstarlimo.comSince 1982 Providing Executive Ground Transportation in The Tri-State AreaSedans, Stretches, Vans, and Buses

24/7 Dispatch

NY — Long Island

Giorgio's Limousine Service5464 Genesee Street, Buffalo, NY 14086P: 800-695-5515 F: 716-683-7456giorgioslimo@roadrunner.comwww.giorgioslimousine.comServing airports: Buffalo, Niagara Falls,Toronto, RochesterSedans, SUVs, stretches, super stretches, buses,vans, party vehicles, limobuses, mini coachesand coaches

NY — Buffalo/Niagara Falls

NY — Long Island

P: 631-587-850010 John Street, Babylon Village, NY 11702

www.dynastylimo1.comFor reservations:

Serving NYC & Long IslandJFK - LGA - ISP Airports

Town Cars, Limos, SUVs, Buses24/7 Reservation Call Center

- All Vehicles Company Owned -

NY — Rochester

Headquarters: Buffalo, NYCanadian Office: Niagara Falls, ONP: 800-599-2088 F: 716-834-6672The Only Buffalo-Niagara Falls Canada AffiliateThe Executive’s Choice for 50 YearsBuffalo • Rochester • Niagara FallsSt. Catharine’s • Hamilton • TorontoAll black: Sedans, Limos, SUVs, Vans & Buses

NY — Buffalo/Niagara Falls

Reno Tahoe LimousineReno, NVP: 800-660-4546 F: 775-348-0899Info@RenoTahoeLimo.comwww.RenoTahoeLimo.comSedans, SUVs, Super Stretch Limousines, Ultra Stretch Limousines, Mini Buses, Vans, and Limo Buses

NV — Reno/Tahoe

TCP 8185P MC 258670 CPCN 1101

P: 702-367-1000 F:

www.omnilimo.comThe #1 affiliate in Las Vegas

A true chauffeured transportation co.Sedans, SUVs, Limos, Vans, Mini Buses

Groups, Roadshows, Events

NV — Las Vegas

NV — Las Vegas

Executive Las VegasP: 866-367-7774 F: 702-367-0881info@executivelasvegas.comwww.executivelasvegas.comNew Model Sedans and VIP Sedans, VIP SUVs, Elegant Limousines,Stretch Limousines, VIP Stretch SUVsCorporate Vans, Shuttle Vans and MinibusesLas Vegas premiere ground transportation resource

AWG Ambassador ChauffeuredTransportation ServicesP: 702-588-5165 F: 702-795-0269vipreservations@awaxgrp.comwww.awaxgrp.comGT3/Odyssey Transponet #ALAN1224Sedans, SUVs, Stretches, Limo Coaches, Mini Coaches, and Motor CoachesLet AWG represent you in Las Vegas

NV — Las Vegas


YOURS!For more information about being

included in our Referral Guide, pleasecontact Dawn Sheldon at

(609) 953-4900, ext. #236, or via email at



OK — Tulsa/Oklahoma City

Royal Limousine Service 8324 W. Reno Ave.Oklahoma City, OK 73127P: 405-681-5000 F: 253-981-0474royal@royallimousa.comwww.royallimousa.comAll inclusive flat rates, 24/7/365Serving the entire State of OklahomaLicensed chauffeurs luxury sedans & SUVs,Vans, H2 Hummers & Lincoln limousines

PA — Philadelphia

Company Car & LimousineCleveland, OH 44114Toll Free: 800-413-2527 F: Serving Cleveland, Akron, and CantonSedans, SUVs, limo vans, limousines, vans & mini busesDoesn't everyone need a Company Car?

OH — Cleveland

OK — Tulsa/Oklahoma City

P: 405-733-5466 800-345-9475F: 405-737-3497info@kingsworldwidetrans.comwww.kingsworldwidetrans.comFleet: Mercedes, Lincoln "L", Suburbans,Escalades, Vans, Shuttles, LimosServing Oklahoma with live res/dispatch,24/7/365 since 1978!The only affiliate you'll ever need in OK!

Empire Corporate TransportationP: 513-860-3324 F: 513-858-2611Toll Free: 888-884-8103info@empire-transportation.comwww.ectohio.comAlso Serving N. Kentucky & Dayton, OHLargest and Most Diverse fleet in the area08 Lincoln L’s, Hybrids, & Bio-diesel technologyAffiliate and Corporate Discounts available

OH — Cincinnati

NY — White Plains/Purchase

P: 914-741-6276 F: 914-741-6278reservations@allstarinternational.comwww.allstarinternational.comYour best affiliate for NY, NJ, and CTServing HPN, LGA, JFK, EWR, and NYC

Global Limousine ServiceToll Free: 800-727-1957

Sedans, stretches, SUVs, VansMinibuses 20 to 32 passengersServing PA, NJ, and DE.

PA — Philadelphia


Anytime, Anywhere TransportationP: 800-726-5466 610-776-1516team@jjtransportation.comwww.jjtransportation.comSedans, stretches, SUVs and stretch SUVs,33-47-55 pass. buses, limobuses, and hybrid vehicles24/7/365 dispatch & reservationsServing PA, NJ and DE

PA — Philadelphia

P: 800-438-3336 F:

Save $$$ Best Rates Newest FleetOnly company with garages/offices in

Tulsa & OKCNo excess shuttle fees between cities

Upscale satisfactory service guaranteed or I will refund

Charles Cotton, owner—21 years of safe service

OK — Tulsa/Oklahoma City

Childers Limousine ServiceP: 419-535-7019 F:

www.childerslimousine.comServing Toledo And Detroit Since 1989

L-Series Town Cars, Escalades, VansShuttle Buses, Limousines,

Over The Road Coaches

OH — Toledo

OH — Cleveland


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(609) 953-4900, ext. #236, or via email at

P: 717-616-8995 F:

24/7 Dispatch & Reservations, No ContractorsSedans, SUV’s, Sprinters, Limos, and Buses

MDT, PHL, BWI, EWR, DCA, IAD, JFKHarrisburg, Hershey, Lancaster, York

5 Minutes From Harrisburg Airport (MDT)

PA — Harrisburg

P: 914-708-5775 F: 914-481-5859www.redoaktrans.cominfo@redoaktrans.comServing Westchester, NYC and all major airportsin the tri-state region including Stewart, HPN and TeterboroAll vehicle types available

NY — Westchester

NY — Westchester

PA — Pittsburgh


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TX — Dallas

P: 800-546-6508 F: 817-589-7007info@ajlinternational.comwww.ajlinternational.comServing all of the Dallas/Ft. Worth MetroplexSedans, Mercedes, Vans, and MotorcoachesLargest Fleet of SUVs in DFWNew 2011 Luxury Mini Buses

P: 800-743-3151

www.ecslimo.comServing Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex for 20 years

Sedans, Mercedes S550, SUVs, Stretch Limousines, Mercedes Sprinter Vans,

Mini Buses, and Coach Buses24/7 Live Reservations and Dispatch

TX — Dallas

TX — Austin

Toll Free: 866-681-5466 WE NEVER

www.austinelegant.comThe affiliate specialist serving south and central Texas. Sedans, S550s, SUVs,6,8,10 & 16 pax limousines, 14, 23

& 32 pax mini coaches; 14 pax executive minis, limo buses and motor coaches

TN — Nashville

P: 866-455-2823 615-714-5466

www.GrandAvenueLimo.comContact: Bill Faeth, COO

bfaeth@grandavenuelimo.comNashville's Largest Corporate &

Affiliate Transportation ProviderSedans, Mercedes S550, Lexus 460LH, SUV's,

Exec Van's, Limousines, Coaches

P: 901-853-5466 (LIMO) www.tstarlimos.comServing Memphis area, North Mississippi,

& Eastern ArkansasOn-time guarantee, GPS tracking,

10% affiliate discount24-hour dispatch,

L-Sedans, SUVs, Stretches, Limo Buses

TN — Memphis

Signature Transportation Services1306 Antioch PikeNashville, TN 37211P: 615-244-5466 F: 615-248-9818www.nashvillelimo.comSedans, stretches, stretch SUVs, minibuses,vans, SUVs, limocoaches

TN — Nashville

SC — Greenville

DL Limousine ServiceP: 864-877-3151 F: 864-877-3183Nationwide: 877-693-5550dllimo@att.netwww.dllimo.comAirports: GSP, GMU, GYH, CLT, AVL, ATL, CAEServing: Greenville/Spartanburg South Carolina

Signature Transportation, LLCServing SC, NC & GA

P: 803-252-LIMO (5466) F: 803-256-0818Nationwide:

Corporate & Affiliate TransportationServing the Southeast for Over 20 Years

Sedans, Limos, SUVs, Vans & Buses

SC — Columbia

RI — Providence

P: 401-435-LIMO (5466) Toll Free:

Discounted, Professional Corporate Travel,and Airport Transportation

Late Model Vehicles, only L-Series Town CarsServing Providence, Newport, Boston,

and Service to NYC

RI — Providence TX — Fort Worth

P: 412-527-5466 F: 412-884-2356qualitylimousine@aol.comwww.qualitylimousine.netMarco Tralongo, Owner

Diverse fleet of updated vehicles includ-ing coaches to satisfy your clients’ needs

Competitive affiliate ratesServing PIT and all surrounding areas

PA — Pittsburgh

First Class ChauffeursP: 787-296-LIMO (5466) F: 787-296-1758 www.limopr.comBentley Mulsanne, Rolls Royce Phantom,

Porsche Panamera, MB S-400 Hybrid, SUV’s,Sprinters, Limo-Vans, Mini-Buses,

Motor Coaches, Executive Protection


Global Sedan ServicePhone: (817) 907-5300 Toll Free: (855)907-5300affiliate@GlobalSedanSource.comFort Worth’s Premier Car Service ProviderSince 1986.No names, No Logos or CustomLicense Plates on ours cars.We represent you! Will match any pricesfor comparable services.


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Elite Coach LimousineP: 800-488-7775 412-281-1111



PA — Pittsburgh

TX — Dallas

A2Z Chauffeured Transportation / Executive Coach, Inc.The Ultimate in Elegant Simplicity

Dallas • Ft. Worth • Houston, TX • London, UKToll Free: 800-369-7241 Fax: www.usacoach.netServing the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex since 198424/7 Live Reservations and DispatchLincoln Sedans, Mercedes S550, SUVs, Range Rover, Rolls Royce, Escalades, Chrysler 300s, Limousines, Exotic Limousines, Minibuses, Party Buses, Luxury MotorcoachBuses – Coast to Coast Private Jet Accommodations



Stardust Limousine, LLCP: Black Lincoln Town Cars, Stretches,Limobus, and SUVsWe service Green Bay, the Fox Cities, Fond Du Lac Area and Sheboygan/Kohler area

WI — Sheboygan

LSA Worldwide Chauffeured Transportation2617 Pennsylvania AvenueWashington, D.C. 20020P: 866-419-5466 F: “L” Sedans, SUVs, vans, limousines, and buses24-Hour Dispatch, On-Time GuaranteesNear: BWI, IAD, DCA

Washington, D.C.

Bayview Limousine Service, Inc.15701 Nelson PlaceSeattle, WA 98188P: 425-453-6200 F: 425-277-5895rob@bayviewlimo.comwww.bayviewlimo.comSedans, stretches, superstretches, vans, SUVs

WA — Seattle

Stafford Limousine Inc.dba Love LimousineP: 800-546-6499 F:“Richmond’s Reliable Choice” — 24/7/365Late-model sedans, SUVs, and stretchesServing central VA since 1990

VA — Richmond

Washington, D.C.

Toll Free: 800-546-6141P: 703-478-0500 F: 703-471-0184Christina Diederich (ext. 510)cdiederich@restonlimo.comwww.restonlimo.comServing Washington D.C. since 198824/7/365 Live Dispatch & ReservationsSedans, SUVs, Limousines, Vans, Mini Buses,Coaches, and ADA Buses

Toll Free: 855-2GETSET F: www.getsetgo.usExecutive chauffeured car service inVirginia Beach, Norfolk, Chesapeake, VAServing ORF, PHF, CPK, PVG, SFQ, AMTRAKYour choice for a quality affiliate relationship

VA — Virginia Beach

Gallant Knight Limousine4711 Lien Road

Madison, WI 53704P: 800-725-5655 F: 608-242-7185

Sedans, stretches, superstretches, party vehicles

WI — Madison

P: 703-354-5466 Toll Free

All inclusive special affiliate ratesInvoice and receipt within 24 Hours 24/7 Live Reservations & DispatchSedans, Hybrids, SUVs, Limousines,

Vans and Luxury VansServing Washington DC Metro area since 2002

Washington, D.C.

P: 206-763-5466 F: 206-762-3394Toll Free: 800-274-3339office@seattlelimo.comwww.seattlelimo.comThe Newest and Largest Fleetof “L” Sedans, SUVs, Vans, and Stretches24/7 Live Reservations & Dispatch10% Affiliate Commission10 Minutes from SEA, Downtown Seattle

WA — Seattle

UT — Salt Lake City


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TX — San Antonio

Toll Free: 800-608-5466 WE NEVER

www.elegantride.usThe affiliate specialist serving south and central Texas. Sedans, S550s, SUVs,6,8,10 & 16 pax limousines, 14, 23

& 32 pax mini coaches; 14 pax executive minis, limo buses and motor coaches

P: 262-782-4225 F: 262-782-4185

Sedans, SUV’s, Stretches, and Limo CoachesCorporate Specialists

Dependable and on-timeServing Milwaukee and Waukesha County

WI — Milwaukee

TX — Houston

Royal Carriages Limousine9212 Rasmus Drive, Houston, Texas 77063P: 713-787-5466 F: 713-787-6227Toll Free: www.royalcarriages.comLate model Lincoln & Mercedes Sedans, Stretches,Excursion & Hummer Limos, 18, 30 & 32 LimoBus, Mini Buses & Motor Coaches

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Washington, D.C.

We don’t just want to be ONE of your Affiliates... We want to be your FAVORITE Affiliate

P: 800-900-4469 F:

* Large Diverse Late Fleet of Vehicles * 24/7 live dispatch and reservations

* Staff is dedicated to precise and reliable affiliate representation

Providing Superior Service Since 1990

Capital Limousine Service


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INDIA — New Delhi

P: +91-11-4079-4079 (24x7)Cell: Serving the India Region since 1996:India (45 cities), Bangladesh, IndonesiaSri Lanka, Nepal, Malaysia, and UAEBook latest Sedans, SUV, Mini Van, Coach, with English speaking & trained chauffeursfor Transfer, As Directed, Road Shows, & Tours

Montréal Limousines WorldwideP: 888-345-4499 514-422-8999F: www.mtllimoworldwide.comDiversified fleet of vehicles 2-3 years oldTime and charges within 48 hoursServing Montreal & surrounding area since 1991

CANADA — Montreal

International Referral Guide

CANADA — Victoria

Tristar WorldwideP: +1 866 686 0373 F: +1 978 927 www.tristarworldwide.comTristar’s operational hubs in the US, UK and Hong Kong offer consistently reliable chauffeur service in all major marketsworldwide

CHINA — Hong Kong

For more info, or to find out how you can be part of Referral Guide, please contact Dawn Sheldon at (609) 953-4900, ext. #236, or via email at

P: 800-803-9222 604-685-5600F: 604-685-2500reservations@starlimousine.comwww.starlimousine.comLargest and newest fleet of Sedans, SUVs,Limos, Stretched SUVs, Mercedes Sprinter Vans,Mini Buses and Luxury Limo Buses Servicing Vancouver area and Whistler since 1980

CANADA — Vancouver

CANADA — Victoria

P: 888-933-5466 250-391-9000F: www.lalimo.caVictoria and Vancouver Island’s Premier Ground Transportation Service ProviderDiversified fleet of late model vehiclesExceptional customer service, 24/7


P: 905-529-5466 Toll Free: www.hamiltonlimo.comL Series, Suburbans, Vans, Stretches, BusesServing: Hamilton, Toronto, Niagara Buffalo,

Kitchener WaterlooAirports, Road Shows, Wine ToursExperienced uniformed chauffeurs

Live 24/7/365

CANADA — Toronto

FRANCE — Paris

P: +33 1 4120 9510 F: +33 1 4120

Chabé Limousines, the undisputed chauffeuredcar leader in France since 1921

Paris, Cannes, Marseille, Toulouse, Bordeaux,Biarritz, Deauville, Lyon, and Courchevel

P: +33147310014 F:

www.cardel-global.comFrench based Operator specialized in

Corporate Travel, providing reliable Ground Transportation solutions all over Europe. Favorite Paris Affiliate by most American

Operators for over 13 years.

FRANCE — Paris

P: +49 6181 440888 F: +49 6181

www.globalmobility.deGlobalmobility is able to handle:

professional limousine service, private luxuryround trips, financial roadshows, congresses

and board meetings

GERMANY — Frankfurt/Munich/BerlinCANADA — Ontario

P: Late model fleet: Sedans, Vans, SUV’s, Limousines & Mini-CoachesRepresenting you with class and commitmentServing Ottawa since 1995


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YOURS!For more information about being

included in our Referral Guide, pleasecontact Dawn Sheldon at

(609) 953-4900, ext. #236, or via email at



Tristar WorldwideP: +1 866 686 0373 F: +1 978 927 www.tristarworldwide.comTristar’s operational hubs in the US, UK and Hong Kong offer consistently reliable chauffeur service in all major marketsworldwide

UK — London

ITALY — Naples/Rome

Italy LimousinePhone, Fax, US/Canada: 01139818080457 cell011393356732245reservations@italylimousine.comwww.italylimousine.comOffering Luxury Limousine TravelAirport/Port/Train Station TransfersPrivate Port/Ground ToursCustomized Excursion

Vachoux Limousine Service SARLChemin Frank-Thomas 64

CH-1223 Cologny Geneva-Switzerland

Phone: +41 79.2222.555Email:


Phone/Fax: +64 7 574

A boutique company servicing Aucklandand Central North Island. Luxury transport

with uniformed chauffeurs. Offering privatecustomized tours & excursions, weddings,

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NEW ZEALAND — Tauranga

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USA: 1-800-704-2942 MEX: (+52)

Mexico’s Premier Livery Service CompanyServing Cabo, Mexico City, and Cancun

Luxury Sedans, SUVs, LimousinesVans, Mercedes Sprinters, and Armored SUVs


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Globalmobility is able to handle: professional limousine service, private luxuryround trips, financial roadshows, congresses

and board meetings



Hollywood Limousine Shoots for the Stars


OLLYWOOD LIMOUSINE ishaving a good year, to saythe least. With a newly

expanded fleet, an exclusive contractwith the Winnipeg InternationalAirport, and a Winnipeg ConsumersChoice Award for the third year in a row, this star of Canada’s luxuryground transportation industry iscertainly living up to its lustrousbrand name.

Competing with more than 20other limousine companies in theProvince of Manitoba’s capital city—some of which have bethen en inbusiness for more than 30 years—Hollywood Limo has prevailed as aregional leader just seven years afterits inception in the summer of2006. The company’s persistenttrack record of firsts-and-onlys with-in the local market has earned it thereputation of having the most dis-tinctive and state-of-the-art fleet, aswell as the most consistently high-level customer service in Winnipeg.

“The key to our success,” saysPresident Ricky Brar, “is keeping an open mind, getting vehicles thatclients are used to getting in largercities, and keeping up-to-date withtechnology.” Hollywood’s diverse 35-vehicle fleet includes SUVs,stretch limos, SUV stretches, partybuses and their most recent addi-tions, six new Lincoln MKTs. Brarproudly reports that Hollywood isthe city’s only company that oper-ates MKTs, or any brand new vehi-cles for that matter. “All the othercompanies buy second-hand vehicles,so we actually were the first in2009, when we introduced the brandnew Mercedes Benz E-Class to ourfleet, and ever since then we’ve hadthe reputation of having the mostunique fleet in Winnipeg.”

Furthermore, Brar credits thepurchasing of new versus used vehi-cles to long-term cost-efficiency asso-ciated with having a more fuel-effi-cient fleet that requires less mainte-

nance and comes equipped with better technology.

Many of the vehicles in Holly-wood’s fleet are equipped with LiveBell TV, WiFi, tablets, POS termi-nals, and the latest GPS trackingand dispatching technology.

“Technology means efficiency,”says Brar, yet “nobody else inWinnipeg uses dispatch software,”which Hollywood has been using forthe past three years. Not only doesinvesting in technology make opera-tions more efficient for the company,but more importantly, Brar pointsout, it improves the client’s experi-ence. “Whatever we can do to makeit convenient for the client,” he says,“we try and do it.”

The company’s commitment to delivering customer service thatnot only exceeds expectations, butdependably does so every time, iswhat the Winnipeg AirportAuthority cites as their rationalebehind designating Hollywood Limoas the Official Limousine Service ofthe Winnipeg International Airport.“Hollywood shares our vision of

adding value to the traveling publicthrough the delivery of excellentservices,” said Barry Rempel, presi-dent and CEO of the WAA.“Creating a positive first impressionof our city and meeting or exceedingthe needs of customers is our sharedvision.” Brar happily reports thatthe spike in business since beingawarded the airport contract has“been unbelievable,” and he isthrilled to have such a large organi-zation validate that Hollywood Limois a dependable company.

“The main thing Winnipeg lacksin the limousine industry,” says Brar,“is consistency,” which he believes is

By Adam Leitenberger

Hollywood Limousine President Ricky Brar.

The key to our success is keepingan open mind, getting vehiclesthat clients are used to getting in larger cities, and keeping up-to-date with technology.

Ricky Brar, PresidentHollywood Limousine




Hollywood Limousine Shoots for the Stars

a key area of differentiation for hiscompany. Beyond having the bestluxury vehicles, the ability to delivera consistent customer service experi-ence clearly depends on the compa-ny’s staff of more than 40 chauf-feurs. Accordingly, the companyrequires all of their drivers to gothrough a training program designedspecifically for Hollywood Limousine,on top of the mandated chauffeurlicense from the Manitoba Taxi CabBoard. In addition, Brar saysHollywood is Winnipeg’s only limocompany with a uniform in effect—black and white, of course. “It’s thesame universal uniform wherever you go in the world, but no one elsein Winnipeg enforces that. A lot ofour clients are world travelers, and I think they should expect this inWinnipeg as well, because we arecomparing ourselves to the largercities—we want be compared to New York and Toronto.”Despite Manitoba’s capital city

being on the smaller side, with apopulation of just over 700,000,there is a certain serendipity toHollywood Limo’s big-city attitudeconsidering recent expansions toWinnipeg’s otherwise steady econo-my. With the renovation of theWinnipeg Convention Center andthe construction of around ten hotelsover the past few months, Brar hasseen a large influx of conferencescoming to the city, which hasbrought a substantial amount of corporate business to the company,the likes of which Brar has neverseen before. Along with a “long overdue” new airport terminal andthe Canadian Human RightsMuseum, scheduled to open nextyear, Brar says these new develop-ments have put Winnipeg on thesame scale as Canada’s major cities.While the local economic condi-

tions have historically been good to the livery industry, the main challenge to the region’s operatorshas typically been the geographiclocation and the weather that comesalong with its high latitude. “We’realso known as Winterpeg,” says Brar.“It’s just unbelievable how muchsnow we get, so trying to maneuveraround in the snow and the cold

temperatures is not easy on the vehicles or our chauffeurs.” Betweenthat and dealing with flight delayscaused by bad weather, the winters in Winnipeg can seem incredibly long to a limo operator—particularlybecause wintery conditions can lastsix or seven months. “That’s one ofthe reasons our company introducedthe MKTs,” says Brar, “becausethey’re all-wheel drive, which willhelp us to provide a safer ride to our clients in the wintertime.”The extreme Winterpeg condi-

tions, however, are nothing new to Brar and his father, Paul, who isalso vice president and co-founder of the company. A Winnipeg nativeand transportation industry veteranwith 30 years of experience, the senior Brar of the family business isthe go-to advisor of the operation.“He has a lot of knowledge andexperience,” says Ricky. “He’s seenpeople in the industry come and go,and because we don’t want to makemistakes that other operators havemade in the past, we always go tohim for advice before we make amajor—or even a small—decision.” Though the Brars were the first

to start the business in 2006,General Manager Jag Singh cameon board later that same year, andRicky describes him as “the go-toguy for pretty much everything.”Unified since their modest, one-vehicle inception, this successful triois one that always inspires Ricky’s

confidence. “Between the three of us, we can do anything,” he says.That momentum is carrying

Hollywood Limousine to the end of their most successful year ever.Fortified by all the new businessstemming from the airport contractawarded to the company, Brar hopesto refine their focus on corporateclients, and increase inbound affili-ate business. As a member of theNational Limousine Association, aswell as the Winnipeg and ManitobaChambers of Commerce, he is opti-mistic about the potential to buildaffiliate relationships by networkingwithin these “big extended families.”Continuing their tried-and-true

strategy of differentiating themselvesfrom their competitors, Brar’s goalfor the future is to expandHollywood Limousine to other majorCanadian cities. “Hopefully by nextyear,” he says, “we’ll expand intoanother large Canadian city, if nottwo.” To get there, the company willcontinue to invest in educating thepublic about why HollywoodLimousine stands out from theWinnipeg crowd, through billboards,TV and radio campaigns, internetadvertising, and many other avenues(they even have a YouTube video youcan check out on the word, Brar says, isimportant, but keeping that word is imperative.

It’s just unbelievable how much snow we get,so trying to maneuver around in the snow andthe cold temperatures is not easy on the vehicles or our chauffeurs.

Hollywood Limousine’s distinctive, state-of-the-art fleet.

For more info, visit


Advertise Here for Only$100.00*

(609) 953-4900

*Additional $20.00 for color

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Charles Cotton,owner

21 years of safe service

Statement of ownership, management, and circulation, required by the Act of August 12th1970, Section 3685, Title 39, U.S.C. of Limousine Digest. Limousine Digest is published 11times a year at 3 Reeves Station Rd, Medford, NJ 08055-9904. General business offices ofthe publisher are located at 3 Reeves Station Rd, Medford, NJ 08055-9904. There is nopublisher. Name and address of the editor-in-chief is Thomas Halligan, 3 Reeves Station Rd,Medford, NJ 08055-9904. There is no managing editor. Owners are Digest Publications, Inc.,3 Reeves Station Rd, Medford, NJ 08055-9904. Iric Cohen, 3 Reeves Station Rd, Medford, NJ08055-9904. Eric Alpert, 3 Reeves Station Rd, Medford, NJ 08055-9904. There are no knownbondholders, mortgagees, or other security holders owning or holding 1 percent or more of totalamount of bonds, mortgages, or other securities. Issue date for circulation data below:August/September 2013 Vol. 23 Issue 8. The average number of copies of each issue duringthe preceding 12 months is: 15(a) Total numbers of copies printed: 10,500; Total paid and/orrequested circulation: 6,250; 15(b1) Paid/requested Outside-County mail subscriptions: 5,776;15(b2) In-County paid/requested mail subscriptions: 0; 15(b3) Sales through dealers andcarriers, street vendors, counter sales, and other non-USPS paid distribution: 212; 15(b4)Requested copies distributed by other mail classes through the USPS: 262; 15(c) Total paidand/or requested circulation: 6,250; Free distribution by mail: 3,953; 15(d1) Outside-Countyfree distribution: 3,518; 15(d2) In-County free distribution:0; 15(d3) Free distribution by othermail classes through the USPS: 94; 15(d4) Free distribution outside the USPS: 341; 15(e) Totalfree distribution: 3,953; 15(f) Total Distribution: 10,203; 15(g) Copies not distributed: 297;15(h) Total 10,500; 15(i) Percent paid and/or Requested Circulation 61.25%. The actualnumber of copies of single issue published nearest filing date is 15(a) 10,000; Total paidand/or requested circulation 6,108; 15(b1) Paid/requested Outside-County mail subscriptions:6,019; 15(b2) In-County paid/requested mail subscriptions: 0; 15(b3) Sales through dealersand carriers, street vendors, counter sales, and other non-USPS paid distribution: 86; 15(b4)Requested copies distributed by other mail classes through the USPS: 3; 15(c) Total paidand/or requested circulation: 6,108; Free distribution by mail: 3,522; 15(d1) Outside-Countyfree distribution: 3,229; 15(d2) In-County free distribution:0; 15(d3) Free distribution by othermail classes through the USPS: 36; 15(d4) Free distribution outside the USPS: 257; 15(e) Totalfree distribution: 3,522; 15(f) Total Distribution: 9,630; 15(g) Copies not distributed: 370;15(h) Total 10,000; 15(i) Percent paid and/or requested circulation 63.42%. I certify that allinformation is true and complete. I understand that anyone who furnishes false or misleadinginformation on this statement or who omits material or information requested on the statementmay be subject to criminal sanctions (including fines and imprisonment) and/or civil sanctions(including multiple damages and civil penalties). Dawn Sheldon, Assistant Publisher

Annual Statement of Ownership



A-1 Limousine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Advanced Merchant Solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ambassador Transportation Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Atlantic Limousine & Transportation Worldwide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Bauer’s Intelligent Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Capital Limousine Service (CLS) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Classic Cadillac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Corporate Sedan Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Elite Coach Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Elite Seating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Executive Coach Builders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2,

First Class Customs, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ford Motor Company . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Global Alliance Worldwide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Highland Park Ford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Limo Digest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .55,

MastrAir . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Modern Technologies Group . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

North American Bancard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Northland Insurance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

One Way Limo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Pinnacle Limousine Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Republic Ford . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Rose Chauffeured Transportation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Rosewood Classic Coach . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

SmartTouch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Toyota Fleet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

VIP Limo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Walker Insurance Agency . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Willis Programs/Limousine Guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Zbest Executive Global Transportation Service . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

For display advertising or classified information, call Dawn at (609) 953-4900 (x236).


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