modele_managerial leaderership behavior questionnaire

Post on 03-Dec-2014






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Managerial Leaderership Behavior Questionnaire

Introduction: Leadership is now recognized as being an important set of characteristics for everyone in an organization to develop. The following assessment surveys your leadership practices or beliefs when in a management role-managerial leadership.

Instructions: The following statements refer to the possible ways in which you might behave in a managerial leadership role. Indicate how you do behave or how you think that you would behave for each statement. Describing yourself may be difficult in some cases, but you should force a selection. Record your answers for each statement according to the following scale: 5 = Very Descriptive of Me4 = Fairly Descriptive of Me3 = Somewhat Descriptive of Me2 = Not Very Descriptive of Me1 = Not Descriptive of Me

1. I emphasize the importance of performance and encourage everyone to make a maximum effort.

Very Descriptive of Me 5 4 3 2 1 Not Descriptive of Me

2. I am friendly, supportive, and considerate toward others.

Very Descriptive of Me 5 4 3 2 1 Not Descriptive of Me

3. I offer helpful advice to others on how to advance their careers and encourage them to develop their skills.

Very Descriptive of Me 5 4 3 2 1 Not Descriptive of Me

4. I stimulate enthusiasm for the work of the group and say things to build the group's confidence.

Very Descriptive of Me 5 4 3 2 1 Not Descriptive of Me

5. I provide appropriate praise and recognition for effective performance and show appreciation for special efforts and contributions.

Very Descriptive of Me 5 4 3 2 1 Not Descriptive of Me

6. I reward effective performance with tangible benefits.

Very Descriptive of Me 5 4 3 2 1 Not Descriptive of Me

7. I inform people about their duties and responsibilities, clarify rules and policies, and let people know what is expected of them.

Very Descriptive of Me 5 4 3 2 1 Not Descriptive of Me

8. Either alone or jointly with others, I set specific and challenging but realistic performance goals.

Very Descriptive of Me 5 4 3 2 1 Not Descriptive of Me

9. I provide any necessary training and coaching or arrange for others to do it.

Very Descriptive of Me 5 4 3 2 1 Not Descriptive of Me

10. I keep everyone informed about decisions, events, and developments that affect their work.

Very Descriptive of Me 5 4 3 2 1 Not Descriptive of Me

11. I consult with others before making work-related decisions.

Very Descriptive of Me 5 4 3 2 1 Not Descriptive of Me

12. I delegate responsibility and authority to others and allow them discretion in determining how to do their work.

Very Descriptive of Me 5 4 3 2 1 Not Descriptive of Me

13. I plan in advance how to efficiently organize and schedule the work.

Very Descriptive of Me 5 4 3 2 1 Not Descriptive of Me

14. I look for new opportunities for the group to exploit, propose new undertakings, and offer innovative ideas.

Very Descriptive of Me 5 4 3 2 1 Not Descriptive of Me

15. I take prompt and decisive action to deal with serious work-related problems and disturbances.

Very Descriptive of Me 5 4 3 2 1 Not Descriptive of Me

16. I provide subordinates with supplies, equipment, support services, and other resources necessary to work effectively.

Very Descriptive of Me 5 4 3 2 1 Not Descriptive of Me

17. I keep informed of the activities of the group and check on their performance.

Very Descriptive of Me 5 4 3 2 1 Not Descriptive of Me

18. I keep informed of outside events that have important implications for the group.

Very Descriptive of Me 5 4 3 2 1 Not Descriptive of Me

19. I promote and defend the interests of the group and take appropriate action to obtain necessary resources for the group.

Very Descriptive of Me 5 4 3 2 1 Not Descriptive of Me

20. I emphasize teamwork and try to promote cooperation, cohesiveness, and identification with the group.

Very Descriptive of Me 5 4 3 2 1 Not Descriptive of Me

21. I discourage unnecessary fighting and bickering within the group and help settle conflicts and disagreements in a constructive manner.

Very Descriptive of Me 5 4 3 2 1 Not Descriptive of Me

22. I criticize specific acts that are unacceptable, find positive things to say, and provide an opportunity for people to offer explanations.

Very Descriptive of Me 5 4 3 2 1 Not Descriptive of Me

23. I take appropriate disciplinary action to deal with anyone who violates a rule, disobeys an order, or has consistently poor performance.

Very Descriptive of Me 5 4 3 2 1 Not Descriptive of Me

Sample Leadership Questionnaire Example

Name of the participant: ______

Age: _____

According to you what does a good leader means?


Name the three moral responsibilities of an effective leader?


Do you think you have the ability to become a good leader?



Not sure

How will you prepare the leadership agenda to control your team?

What are the important factors needed to be a successful leader?

Motivational skills

Inspiring Quotes

Right guiding directions

Dedicational support

Others, __________

What is the weakest part of leadership?

Emotional attachment

Poor commanding skills

Lack of control

Weak influence

Others, ________

How do you handle the weak employees in your management?

Support them to learn routine procedure

Expel him/ her from the team

Appoint someone to help the person

Others, _______________________

Do you think you can be elected as a leader once again in upcoming elections?

Yes. Sure


Not Sure

Mark the growth rate of output increased in your tenure?





How often do you change your strategies to handle team?

Once in a month

Once in a semester

Once in a year

Others, __________

Sample Student Leadership Questionnaire:

Name of the student: ___________

Branch: ______________________

Enrolment Number: ___________

Course/ Degree: ______________

Name the deserving student leader?


What quality do you like in the above mentioned candidate?


Do you have the leadership abilities?

Yes. Sure


Not sure

What kind of relationship are you having with your student leader?

Very good



Not good

If you are interested to become a leader, how will you grab the votes from student communities?

Daily meetings

Convince them with impressive speech

Offer them gifts


Others, _________

What will be your priority as a leader?

Taking care of students requirements

Imply new rules & regulations

Prepare friendly environment to comfort the students

Others, ___________

How will you handle, if any dispute takes place among different student groups?

Try to convince them on talking terms

Will make a proper investigation to understand the exact factors

Punish the guilty party

Do not pay much attention

Others, specify:____________

How will you measure the performance level of your student union?

Conduct a small survey among students

Conduct a poll

Meetings on daily basis

Attending students whenever required and taking their feedback

Others, specify: ___________

Sample Employee Leadership Questionnaire:

Name of the employee: __________

Department: __________________

Current Job Title: _____________

Employment Number: _________

What do you understand from the word” Leadership”?


Are you satisfied with the current employee leader?



Not sure

Do you think that you are not getting appropriate support from the employer management?



Not sure

According to you, what does the existing current employment management system lacks?

Existing policies are not clear

Not satisfied with current rules & regulations

Facing problems in discussing employment related issues

Others, specify: ______________

Are you fully satisfied with the behaviour of employee management?



Not sure

Do not think so

How many times have you visited your leader regarding your problems?

More than once

More than five times

More than ten times

Others, please specify: ____________

Please select an option to specify that what problems have been encountered by the other employees during

your tenure?

Behavioural problem

Attitude problem

Mismanagement issues

others, specify:______________

How does your leader encourages you in handling all professional difficulties?

Motivational speeches

Through daily meetings & discussions

By providing sufficient technical support

Others, _________________________

Whom would you like to nominate as your next leader?

Sample Transformational leadership questionnaire:

Name of the participant: ________

Age: _________________________

Department: _________________

What do you understand from “Transformational leadership”?


How this type of leadership is important in the management?


Write any two important factors, which play an important role in transformational leadership?


Do you think you are a successful leader?


Very sure


Not sure

Do you think motivational speeches and inspiring quotes are enough to help a weak employee?


Somewhat, yes


Not sure

How many times have you attended this kind of questionnaire?

This is the first time




More than this, please specify: ______________

Do you feel that after having daily meetings with you, the employee union feels empowered?

Absolutely Yes



Not sure

Specify the pattern you follow to interact with your employees?


Have you done any recent change in your leadership policies?

Yes. Many

A few

Not at all

How do you rate yourself as a leader?

10. Excellent

9. Very Good

8. Good

7. Fair

Do you think the employee union will re- elect you?

Yes. I am sure

May be yes


Not sure

Sample Quantifying Leadership Questionnaire:

Name: _____________________

Previous Job Designation: _________

Experience (in years): ____________

What do you think about leadership?


How do you define your leadership qualities?


Name the five factors important in leadership?


Do you have any experience of leadership?



Not sure

How do you motivate your colleges and subordinates towards their assigned targets?

talk to them

Give them new and innovative ideas

Instruct them strictly

No idea

According to you, what is the best method to lead the team in an effective manner?

Daily Discussion and meetings to know about their pending targets

Help them to understand the work more easily.

Order them to complete targets within the deadline

Not sure

If you have just faced a negative feedback of your team, what will be your reaction?

Get angry & defensive

Think about the reasons behind it

Feel disappointed

No idea as to how will I react.

How will you help a weak member in your team?

Make him understand the job politely

Try to focus on his weakness & sort them out

Tell some team member to help him in his routine work

Shift him to some other department

Will depend upon the situation

Sample Transformational Leadership Questionnaire

Use the following key to answer the questions

* Strongly agree

* Agree

* Disagree

* Strongly Disagree

1. You display a sense of power and confidence _____________________

2. You instill pride in others for being associated with you _______________

3. You emphasize the importance of having a collective sense of mission _____________

4. You specify the importance of having a strong sense of purpose __________________

5. You think enthusiastically about what needs to be accomplished __________________

6. You express confidence that goals will be achieved _________________________

7. You think optimistically about the future ________________________________

8. You articulate a compelling vision of the future ___________________________

9. You re-examine critical assumptions to question whether they are appropriate


10. You treat others as individuals rather than just as a member of a group ____________

11. You treat others as individuals rather than just as a member of a group ____________

You can be able to assemble resources for certain task achievements _______________

You achieve goals through practical and realistic planning ___________________

Ability to make decisions quickly and firmly _________________________

Set goals and objectives for the rest of the team

Carry the vision of the organization and indoctrinate that to employees _______________

12. What are your leadership strengths?

Sample Leadership Styles Questionnaire

Please respond to the following questionnaire.

You are a leader of a group that has settled in for a meeting. No one is willing to open up and speak. What do

you do?

a. Give people time to speak

b. Encourage the group members to make suggestions about the meeting

c. Assign each person a specific task

The discussion that is being held by the group is lively and highly interactive. How do you ensure that this

atmosphere is maintained throughout the meeting?

a. Allow other group members to take on a leadership role during the meeting

b. Make sure that everyone participates actively

c. Ensure that you maintain your leadership role throughout

You notice that certain group members are dominating the meeting and other members have hardly spoken.

How do you get the quiet group members to participate more?

a. Silence the domineering group members and turn your attention to the quiet members

b. Talk about the importance of participating in the meeting actively

c. Keep quiet and avoid offending anyone

Group members begin to disagree and tempers flare during the meeting. How do you handle the situation?

a. Allow everyone to raise their concerns without interrupting

b. Give group members a chance to vote on the contentious issues

c. End the meeting

Sample Leadership Questionnaire Questions

Please answer the following questions carefully.

Do you spend a lot of time on the details of your work?


Do you believe in delegating work or do you prefer to handle everything by yourself?



Do you consider yourself to be an innovative, forward thinking individual?



In what ways have you been able to inspire other people?



What is your approach to problems?


Are you able to make decisions quickly?


For the two questions below please answer with;

a. Excellent

b. Good

c. Average

d. Poor

How would you rate your time management skills?





How would you rate your problem solving skills?


Sample Leadership Questionnaire Template

Please respond to the following questionnaire by answering the following statements. Use the key below to

answer the questions. Write your answer in the blanks provided. If you are not sure just write Not Sure in

the blanks. You can also include any other additional information on the blanks provided.

a. Very true

b. Rarely true

c. False

d. Not sure

I execute all aspects of my work diligently





I often try to stay a step ahead of everyone else





Problem solving is one of my skills





Attention to detail is important to me





I believe that the social aspect of an organization is essential





I believe that problems should be addressed in a timely manner





Management is important for any organization to succeed





It is important to acknowledge the emotional needs of individuals





I read between the lines





People gravitate towards me when they have concerns





I have a firm belief in motivation





Being strategic is vital for the realization of goals





Sample Leadership Skills Questionnaire

Please respond to the following questionnaire by responding to the statements. Use the key below to answer

the questions. Write your answer in the blanks provided. If you are not sure just write Not Sure in one of the

blanks. You can also include any other additional information on the blanks provided.

a. True

b. False

I am dedicated to the completion of my work




The response of other people to my concepts is important to me




I value the input and contribution that other people make




I lead by example




Detail oriented work is never a problem for me




I offer instant solutions to problems




Decision making should be done very quickly




Time is the most valuable resource at my disposal




People are the most valuable resource in an organization




I interact freely with people




I am an active listener




I believe that everyone in the team is important




Teamwork is an important factor




Problems are easier to solve when they are tackled immediately




I work better with other people than alone




I have the ability to motivate and inspire other people




Self motivation is my strength




Sample Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire

Please react to this multifactor leadership questionnaire by responding to the statements. Use the key below to

answer the questions. Write your answer in the blanks provided. If you are not sure just write Not Sure in one

of the blanks. You can also include any other additional information in the blanks provided.


a. High

b. Average

c. Low

Transformational Leadership




How do you rate your ability to build trust among people?




How do you rate your self integrity?




How do you rate your ability to inspire other people?




How do you rate your innovation?




Transactional Leadership




How do you rate your reward system?




How do you rate your ability to monitor mistakes?


Sample Leadership Questionnaire

Please respond to the statements below. Choose any of the answers given in the rating key below. If you want

to add some other information please add it in the blanks provided. If you are not sure of the answer please

indicate that on the blanks.

Rating Key

a. True

b. False

I pay attention to detail when I am doing my work



I am able to predict how people will respond to my ideas



I am able to find solutions to problems



Problem solving is easy for me



I never procrastinate



I take time to understand how an organization is structured



I can manage people effectively



I enjoy interacting with other people



I address issues as soon as they arise



I believe in motivating other people



I use and allocate resources effectively



I am a resourceful individual



My strength is in conflict resolution



I believe in flexibility when it comes to structural change



People are comfortable around me



Leadership is a service that is provided to others



I believe in consultation and sharing ideas



I handle people individually



Sample Situational Leadership Questionnaire

Tick the answer that best describes your agreement with the statements below

* Strongly agree

* Agree

* Disagree

* Strongly Disagree

Your employees have not been following your directions and conversations about their welfare thus their

performance has been reducing greatly. You are most likely to

Lay emphasis on the implementation of standard procedures in each task


Talk to your employees and discuss the importance of achieving set goals


Ignore any formation of intervention _______________________________

Hold a meeting with your employees and create a forum for discussion about the issues affecting

performance ________________________________________

You realize that your team’s performance has been increasing significantly since you have been talking to

them about their responsibilities. You are most likely to

Do nothing ________________________________________

lay more emphasis on the importance of deadlines as well as the tasks _________________

Encourage your team members on __________________________________

Offer more support to your team members ______________________________

Your employees have been unable to solve problems that they have, you

Intervene and give directions on what should be done ________________

let the team find the solution on their won ___________________

provide support that the team needs to solve the problem _____________

engage the team and try to find a problem together with them ___________

Sample TP Leadership Questionnaire:

1. Do you like to take the ownership of being the spokesperson of the group?

a) Always

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Seldom

e) Never

2. Do you encourage the team to work overtime?

a) Always

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Seldom

e) Never

3. Do you encourage the team to follow the set standard procedures?

a) Always

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Seldom

e) Never

4. Do you bring changes in the standard working pattern and bring in new ideas to finish the work at a rapid


a) Always

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Seldom

e) Never

5. Do you put stress on team members to be ahead the competing team?

a) Always

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Seldom

e) Never

6. Do you decide at crucial situations that what should be done and how it should be done?

a) Always

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Seldom

e) Never

7. Do you allow the team members to give their judgment?

a) Always

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Seldom

e) Never

8. Do you encourage team members to come up with new ideas?

a) Always

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Seldom

e) Never

9. Do you incorporate the new ideas brought in by team members?

a) Always

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Seldom

e) Never

Sample Leadership Behavior Description Questionnaire:

1. Is your leader partial towards any group member?

a) Always

b) Frequently

c) Seldom

d) Never

2. Does he or she do anything to make things unpleasant for any member of the group?

a) Always

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Seldom

e) Never

3. Are you able to understand him or her clearly?

a) Always

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Seldom

e) Never

4. Does your leader bring in new ideas to improve the working environment?

a) Always

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Seldom

e) Never

5. Does your leader understand your problems and have a personal interaction with you to give solutions?

a) Always

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Seldom

e) Never

6. Does he or she pay attention to the needs and shortcomings of all the group members?

a) Always

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Seldom

e) Never

7. Is he or she very critical or insults if one of the group members underperforms?

a) Always

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Seldom

e) Never

8. Is he or she good at decision making?

a) Always

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Seldom

e) Never

Sample Leadership Opinion Questionnaire:

1. Does a leader have a personal interaction with every team member?

a) Always

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Seldom

e) Never

2. Does the leader encourage or plan any team outing outside office hours?

a) Always

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Seldom

e) Never

3. How often does the team go out on team outings?

a) Always

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Seldom

e) Never

4. Is your leader successful in handling the weak members of the team?

a) Always

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Seldom

e) Never

5. Do the ideas incorporated by the team leader help in achieving team goal?

a) Always

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Seldom

e) Never

6. Did you ever notice your leader shouting at any team member if the team member makes a mistake?

a) Always

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Seldom

e) Never

7. Does the leader provide coaching or arrange for training if working procedure needs to be revised?

a) Always

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Seldom

e) Never

8. Are the suggestions given by the leader cost effective?

a) Always

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Seldom

e) Never

Sample Leadership Trait Questionnaire:

Name of the leader: _____________________

Name of the respondent: _________________

Sex: _________ Age: _____________

Address: _____________________________ State: ________ Zip: _________

Phone Number: ______________

Email Address: ______________

Q1. Which of the following traits do you see in the leader mentioned above?

Effective communication

Insightful perspective

Self confidence

Self assured and secure





Outgoing and extrovert


Q2. The leader in question can articulate well and communicate clearly with others.

Strongly agree




Strongly Disagree

Q3. The leader in question believes in himself or herself and his/her ability.

Strongly agree




Strongly Disagree

Q4. The leader in question stays fixed in their objectives and achieves the goals.

Strongly agree




Strongly Disagree

Q5. The leader in question can take a firm stand when required and is driven by determination.

Strongly agree




Strongly Disagree

Q6. The leader in question can be trusted and inspires trust among other people as well.

Strongly agree




Strongly Disagree

Q7. The leader in question is extremely reliable and consistently fulfills promises.

Strongly agree




Strongly Disagree

Q8. The leader in question sensitive and emphatic towards others

Strongly agree




Strongly Disagree

Sample Leadership Self Assessment Questionnaire:

Name of the respondent: _________________

Sex: _________ Age: _____________

Address: _____________________________ State: ________ Zip: _________

Phone Number: ______________

Email Address: ______________

Q1. How often do you apply innovative approaches or solutions to existing problems?


Quite often

Once in a while



Q2. How do you deal with disagreement or conflicts?

Take them head on and try to reach a solution

Think calmly and assess the situation or problem first

Blame someone for the disagreement

Blame everyone

Run away from situation

Loose my temper and shout

Q3. How often do you achieve your objectives or goals within time?


Most times

50% of the times



Q4. How do you react to feedback from others?

Take it in a negative way

Feel as if they are criticizing

Feel as if they are blaming

Don’t care about the feedback at all

Think about it but never work on it

Take it in a positive

Write it down to retrospect on it later

Q5. How often do you take risks for the greater good?


Most often



Once in a blue moon


Q6. What type of relationships do you maintain with others?

Strictly professional

Personal and informal

Strictly formal

Go out on social events with others

Take time out to listen to others

Sample Servant Leadership Questionnaire:

Name of the Servant Leader: _________________

Organization:____________________ Designation: _____________________

Sex: _________ Age: _____________

Address: _____________________________ State: ________ Zip: _________

Phone Number: ______________

Email Address: ______________

Q1. How good is your relationship with other employees?


Very good




Very bad

Q2. As a servant leader, which of the following attributes do you have?

Friendly and outgoing

Kind and generous

Decision maker

Good listener

Patient and understanding

Risk taker


Q3. Which of the following qualities makes you a good servant leader?








Q4. As a servant leader, how do you rate your communication skills?

Extremely good

Very good





Q5. When someone criticizes you or your ideas, how do you react?

Lose my temper


Shout abuses

Don’t react

Reflect upon them later

Q6. As a servant leader, how do you approach a problem?

Take the problem head on

Find the fastest solution possible

Find several solutions

Leave the solution finding part for others

Disappear when the problem arises

Q7. As a servant leader, you empathize with others?

Strongly agree




Strongly Disagree

Q8. As a servant leader, which of the following activities do you do?

Take time out to retrospect

Take time out to create self awareness

Try and gain as much knowledge as possible

Try to be proactive and take initiative

Try to take risks for the greater good

Sample Leadership Competencies Questionnaire





Contact details:

Please mention your relationship with the person (leader) whose competencies are being analyzed by way of

the questionnaire

a. Self

b. Team member

c. Junior

d. Intern

e. Boss

f. Other please specify ______________

Kindly answer the following questions:

1. How well would you say the individual handles the whole team:

a. Well

b. Not well enough

c. Poorly

d. Other specify______

2. Would you say that the individual is open to all the ideas and suggestions given by the team mates and pays

equal attention to all:

a. Yes,

b. No.

3. Do you believe the leader has great influence on his/ her team members and others:

a. Yes,

b. No.

4. Does the individual gets the tasks assigned completed in time:

a. Yes, always.

b. Most of the times

c. Sometimes

d. Never

5. Does he/ she help bring about some quality to the work that is being done:

a. Yes

b. No

6. Do he/ she give inputs to the work or is it the rest of team that makes efforts?

Sample Leadership Evaluation Questionnaire





Contact Details:

Mention your relation with the individual or your designation:

a. Boss

b. Team member

c. Junior

d. Subordinate, specify _______

e. Other, please specify________

Kindly answer the following questions:

1. Does the individual brings the team together and helps maintain coordination

a. Yes

b. No.

2. Would you say that the individual has a command over his/ her team members:

a. Yes

b. No.

3. Do all the team members respect the individual for his or her work:

a. Yes

b. No

4. How well would you say the individual handles whole of his team and helps move towards the target or



5. Does the team under the leadership of the individual ever fail to meet the time limit or the deadline given to

complete the task:

a. Always

b. Never

c. Sometimes

d. Other specify_______

6. Do you believe the team members are satisfied with the leadership, his/ her inputs and management:

a. Yes

b. No.

Sample Leadership Effectiveness Questionnaire





Contact details:

Kindly fill the following blanks with utmost sincerity:

1. Mention your relationship status with the respective leader or individual:

a. Boss

b. Other superior ________

c. Subordinate

d. Client

e. Other specify _________

2. How would you rate the individual on a scale of one to ten on the factor of spontaneous decision making

whenever needed?

3. Would you say that the leader takes into account all the relevant factors and makes proper observations

before making any judgments/ decisions?

a. Yes

b. No.

c. At times but not always

4. Does the individual allows all his team members or members involved to freely innovate and give ideas,

while also considering all when making decisions?

a. Yes

b. No.

5. Would you say that the individual is arrogant towards other and is dominating?

a. Never

b. Yes.

6. Does the individual follow all the rules and regulations and then expects other to follow the lead?

a. Yes

b. No.

Sample Empowering Leadership Questionnaire




Email Address:

Contact Details:

Kindly answer the following questions/ fill the blanks:

1. Mention your job profile/ position in the company:


2. How would you rate the current working environment of the business?

a. Very good

b. Good

c. Average

d. Bad

3. Would you like to suggest any changes to the working conditions of the business? Specify.


4. Do you believe that your superiors are well organized and handle all the responsibilities/ the office staff



5. Would you like to bring any changes to the current management situation? Specify.


6. How would you describe the equation amongst the employees?


7. Describe the employee relation with the superiors or the management leaders of the firm.


8. Would you like to suggest any general changes in the policies or plans of the firm which you believe will

help improve performance? Specify.


Leadership Potential Questionnaire

The leadership potential questionnaire contains set of questions which are framed in a manner so that they help

the leader to judge his/ her potential as a leader. The questionnaire can also be used by the superiors of a

business when deciding whom to make the future leader of a certain project or division. The questions judge

the individual’s decision making power, his/ her influencing ability etc. The questions given below cover all

the relevant aspects. The questions are well framed, easily understandable and apt for the situation. The

questionnaire can be filled by the subordinates, superiors or peers etc of the individual.

Sample Leadership Potential Questionnaire



Job profile/ position:

Email Address:

Contact Details:

Kindly fill in the answers to the following questions:

1. Do you believe that the respective individual can work well under pressure and handle all the decision

making requirements as a leader?

a. Yes

b. No.

2. Is the individual talented enough to be a leader in your opinion?

a. Yes

b. No.

c. Yes, but needs training

3. Would you say that he/ she is a team player and can coordinate with everybody in whichever situation?

a. Yes

b. No.

4. Do you believe that he/ she are capable of monitoring the activities of a group of employees while also

maintaining harmony?

a. Yes

b. No.

5. In your opinion does the individual have the potential to extract best work from each of his/ her team


a. Yes

b. No.

6. Would you like to give some comment or information about the individual, which has not been conveyed?


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