modeling and analysis of electrical power systems for

Post on 18-Nov-2021






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Modeling and Analysis of Electrical Power Systems for Resilience

Austin Cameron, Mechanical Engineering SystemsMentor: Nathan Johnson, Associate Professor, Director of Laboratory for Energy And Power Solutions

The Polytechnic School

Problem Statement: Microgrids are rapidly increasing in demand as a solution to provide electricity to one billion people living in remote areas of the world. However, the scale of thisdemand cannot be met with conventional engineering practices. Designers need a rapid way to assess geographical, financial, and technical scope when planning development of microgrids.

Solution Statement: A case study of an off-grid village in Niger (Tagris) will be completed to illustrate how to reduce design time by 80% or more and provides a generalizable process tocreate viable technical and business solutions for sustainment and resilience of off-grid power projects.

Step 1: Acquire Village Data

Step 6: Complete Resilience Analyses

Step 5: Optimize Network Characteristics

Step 2: Translate GIS Data

Step 3: Perform Power Flow

Step 4: Assemble Full Network Model

• QGIS satellite imagery• Equipment location (shapefiles)• Network peak load profile

• ArcGIS, Python, Excel• Format data CSV files - generation

sources, busbars / loads, connections

• Motor starting impact: village water pump • Network voltage drop during initial,

starting, and running status

• Complete system model• Asset selection, sizing, and placement• Financial metrics

• XENDEE power system design / analysis tool (EPRI’s OpenDSS technology)

• Import data CSV’s

• Network voltage drop• Equipment loading• Identify system vulnerabilities

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