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Proceedings of NAACL-HLT 2019, pages 2102–2108Minneapolis, Minnesota, June 2 - June 7, 2019. c©2019 Association for Computational Linguistics


Modeling Personal Biases in Language Use by InducingPersonalized Word Embeddings

Daisuke Oba1, Naoki Yoshinaga2, Shoetsu Sato1, Satoshi Akasaki1, Masashi Toyoda2

1The University of Tokyo, Japan2Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo, Japan

1{oba, shoetsu, akasaki}{ynaga, toyoda}

AbstractThere exist biases in individual’s language use;the same word (e.g., cool) is used for ex-pressing different meanings (e.g., temperaturerange) or different words (e.g., cloudy, hazy)are used for describing the same meaning. Inthis study, we propose a method of modelingsuch personal biases in word meanings (here-after, semantic variations) with personalizedword embeddings obtained by solving a taskon subjective text while regarding words usedby different individuals as different words. Toprevent personalized word embeddings frombeing contaminated by other irrelevant biases,we solve a task of identifying a review-target(objective output) from a given review. To sta-bilize the training of this extreme multi-classclassification, we perform a multi-task learn-ing with metadata identification. Experimentalresults with reviews retrieved from RateBeerconfirmed that the obtained personalized wordembeddings improved the accuracy of senti-ment analysis as well as the target task. Anal-ysis of the obtained personalized word embed-dings revealed trends in semantic variations re-lated to frequent and adjective words.

1 Introduction

When we verbalize what we have sensed, thereexist inevitable personal biases in word meanings(hereafter, (personal) semantic variations). Forexample, when we say “this pizza is greasy,” howgreasy can vary widely among individuals. Whenwe see the same beer, we may use different words(e.g., red, amber) to refer its color. The semanticvariations will thereby cause problems not only incommunicating with each other, but also in build-ing natural language processing (NLP) systems.

Several studies have attempted to personalizemodels to improve the performance on NLP taskssuch as sentiment analysis (Gao et al., 2013) anddialogue systems (Li et al., 2016; Zhang et al.,2018). All of these studies, however, tried to esti-mate subjective output from subjective input (e.g.,

estimating sentiment scores given by reviewers).These personalized models are thereby affectedby not only semantic variations in subjective in-put but also annotation bias (deviation of outputsgiven by the annotators) and selection bias (devi-ation of outputs caused by the deviation of input)(§ 2). This makes it difficult to understand the pureimpact of the personal semantic variations.

In this study, aiming at understanding seman-tic variations and their impact on NLP tasks, wepropose a method for modeling personal seman-tic variations with personalized word embeddingsobtained through the review-target identificationtask. This task estimates the review-target (objec-tive output) from a given review (subjective input)(§ 3), and is free from annotation bias since outputlabels are given a priori. Also, selection bias canbe suppressed by using a dataset in which the samereviewer evaluates the same target only once, so asnot to learn the deviation of output labels causedby the choice of inputs. To stabilize the trainingof this extreme multi-class classification, we ap-ply multi-task learning (MTL) with metadata es-timation of the review-target to effectively learn areliable model (personalized word embeddings).

We validate our hypothesis that words relatedto the five senses have large semantic variations.We first confirm the impact of personalized wordembeddings in the review-target identification us-ing a review dataset obtained from RateBeer, andnext evaluate their usefulness in sentiment analy-sis (§ 4.2). Analysis of the obtained personalizedword embeddings on three metrics (frequency, dis-semination and polysemy) reveals trends on whichwords have large semantic variations (§ 4.3).

The contributions of this paper are as follows:

• We established a method to obtain personalsemantic variations via multi-task learning ona task with objective outputs (§ 3).

• We categorized personal biases in NLP (§ 2).


• We confirmed the usefulness of personalizedword embeddings in review-target identifica-tion and sentiment analysis tasks (§ 4.2).

• We revealed trends in personal semantic vari-ations (§ 4.3).

2 Related Work

As discussed in § 1, biases considered by personal-ization in NLP tasks have three facets: (1) seman-tic variation in task inputs (biases in how peopleuse words; our target) (2) annotation bias of out-put labels (biases in how annotators label) and (3)selection bias of output labels (biases in how peo-ple choose perspectives (e.g., review-targets) thatdirectly affects outputs (e.g., polarity labels)).

Existing studies have modeled (2) and (3) withor without (1) for NLP tasks such as sentimentanalysis (Li et al., 2011; Gao et al., 2013; Tanget al., 2015a,b; Chen et al., 2016), machine trans-lation (Mirkin and Meunier, 2015; Michel andNeubig, 2018; Wuebker et al., 2018), and dia-logue systems (Li et al., 2016; Zhang et al., 2018).However, it is difficult to untangle the differentfacets of personal biases, there is no study aim-ing to analyze solely personal semantic variations.Meanwhile, word embeddings induced for a sim-ple NLP task such as sentiment classification con-veys less information, which are not suitable foranalyzing semantic variations.

Computational linguists have utilized word em-beddings to capture semantic variations of wordscaused by diachronic (Hamilton et al., 2016; Szy-manski, 2017; Rosenfeld and Erk, 2018; Jaidkaet al., 2018), geographic (Bamman et al., 2014;Garimella et al., 2016) or domain (Tredici andFernandez, 2017) differences. In these studies,they have mainly discussed relationships betweensemantic variations of words and their frequency,dissemination (the number of users), or polysemyof the words. Hamilton et al. (2016) report that themeanings of more frequent words are more stableover time, and the meanings of polysemous wordsare likely to change over time since polysemouswords appear in diverse contexts (Winter et al.,2014; Breal, 1897). Tredici and Fernandez (2017)report that the meanings of words used by morepeople are more stable. In this study, we analyzethe personal semantic variations by inducing per-sonalized word embeddings, mainly focusing onhow frequent, disseminated or polysemous wordsare biased, following these studies.



Softmax Softmax Softmax

Beer Brewery Style ABVIPABrewdogPunk IPA 6.9

The(user1) taste(user1) smooth(user1)and(user1)strong(user1)is(user1)




Target Task Auxiliary Task

Figure 1: The overview of our model.

3 Personalized Word Embeddings

This section describes our neural network-basedmodel (Figure 1) designed for inducing person-alized word embeddings via review-target identi-fication. This model estimates the review-targetfrom a given review.

Model Overview: The whole process is as fol-lows. First, a given review, represented as a se-quence of words, is transformed to a sequence oftheir word embeddings via an embedding layer.Here, our model regards words written by differ-ent reviewers as different words for personaliza-tion. Next, we apply bi-directional long-short termmemory (Bi-LSTM) (Gers et al., 1999) to the se-quence of word embeddings and use the concate-nation of outputs from the forward and backwardLSTMs as a review representation. Finally, a feed-forward layer computes an output probability dis-tribution from the encoded representation of thereview.

Multi-task Learning (MTL): The extremelylarge number of labels (review-targets) makes itdifficult to stably train the target identificationmodel. To mitigate this, we jointly train auxil-iary tasks that estimate the metadata of the review-target along with the target task. This approachassumes that understanding metadata contributesthe performance of the target identification. Con-cretely, our MTL model contains a task-sharedembedding layer, a task-shared LSTM-encoder,and task-private feed-forward layers similarly to(Dong et al., 2015; Luong et al., 2016). In ourexperiments, these task-private layers consist ofthree layers for classification and one layer for re-gression (Figure 1). In the classification tasks, themodel computes log probability over target labelsas the output and cross-entropy is used as the loss


function. In the regression task, the output is themetadata itself represented as a scalar value andsquared error is used as the loss function.

Here, multi-task learning raises a new problem.In auxiliary tasks, since the same reviewer can se-lect the same label multiple times, the personal-ized word embeddings trained through the multi-task learning may implicitly include the selectionbias of the output labels depending on the review-ers. Therefore, to exclude those irrelevant biasesfrom the personalized embeddings, we introducepersonalized bias terms to feed-forward layers ofeach task. These bias terms are fixed to the priordistributions of outputs in the training set depend-ing on reviewers so that they absorb selection bi-ases instead of personalized word embeddings.

4 Experiments

We first evaluate the effect of personalization inthe target identification task. Next, to confirm theusefulness of the obtained personalized embed-dings, we exploit them to solve a sentiment anal-ysis task for extrinsic evaluation. Finally, we ana-lyze the degree and tendencies of semantic varia-tions captured by the obtained personalized wordembeddings.

4.1 SettingsData For training and intrinsic evaluation, weuse a huge review dataset about beers constructedfrom RateBeer1 (McAuley and Leskovec, 2013).It contains 2,924,163 reviews about 110,369 typesof beers with various metadata (e.g., breweryname, style, rating, etc.) written by 29,265 review-ers. From this dataset, we extracted 527,157 re-views about 83,049 types of beers written by thetop-100 reviewers who wrote the most reviews,to guarantee enough data size per reviewer. Af-ter that, we randomly divided these reviews intotraining (421,725), development (52,716), and testsets (52,716) in the ratio of 8:1:1. We refer to thisdataset as RateBeer dataset.

Tasks Our target task takes a beer review andestimates the target beer reviewed in it. Regard-ing the metadata estimated in multi-task learning(MTL), we chose style with 89 types and brewerywith 6,208 types for classification tasks and alco-hol by volume (ABV) for a regression task. Notethat these metadata are objective and our MTL isfree from annotation bias.


# Layers of Bi-LSTM 1Dimensions of LSTM output 200Dimensions of word embeddings 200Dropout rate 0.5Mini-batch size 400Initial learning rate 0.005Vocabulary size (w/o personalization) 23,556Vocabulary size (w/ personalization) 469,346

Table 1: Hyperparameters of our model.

In the sentiment analysis task, we estimate theratings of given reviews annotated by the review-ers. The ratings are integers and range from 1 to20. Here, we solve this task as a regression tasksince it is natural to treat the fine-grained rating ascontinuous values.

Models and Hyperparameters In the review-target and its metadata identification tasks, wecompare our model described in § 3 with five mod-els with different settings.2 Their differences are,(1) whether the model is trained through MTL, (2)whether personalization is applied to the embed-dings, and (3) whether personalization is appliedto the bias term in the output layers. When MTL isnot employed, multiple models are independentlytrained by tasks without sharing layers.

Table 1 shows major hyperparameters. We ini-tialize the embedding layer by pretrained skip-gram embeddings (Mikolov et al., 2013) inducedfrom the training set of RateBeer dataset. The vo-cabulary is defined by all the words that appearedmore than or equal to 10 times in the training set,and the top-100 reviewers have used at least once.For optimization, we train the models up to 100epochs with Adam (Kingma and Ba, 2015) and se-lect the one at the epoch with the best results on thedevelopment set.3

In the sentiment analysis task for extrinsic eval-uation of the obtained personalized word em-beddings, we train another set of models withthe same architecture and hyperparameters as thereview-target identification models in Figure 1 ex-cept that they have only one feed-forward layerfor the target regression task. The embedding lay-ers of the models are kept fixed after initializedby the word embeddings extracted from the corre-sponding review-target identification models withthe same settings of personalization and MTL.

2All of our models were implemented by PyTorch( in the version of 0.4.0.

3Regarding MTL, we select the model at the epoch withthe best results in the target task.


Model Target task Auxiliary tasksMTL personalized beer brewery style ABV(%)

emb. bias [Acc.(%)] [Acc.(%)] [Acc.(%)] [RMSE]

2.99 8.70 46.60 1.437X 3.32 7.88 44.52 1.462

X 3.81 8.03 44.12 1.425X X 4.14 7.41 43.74 1.467X X X 4.47 7.83 43.93 1.478

baseline 0.03 0.69 5.46 2.284

Table 2: Results on the review-target and its meta-data identification.

4.2 Results

Table 2 shows the accuracies on the three clas-sification tasks (product, style, and brewery) andRMSE on the regression task (ABV) through thetest sets. We can see two insights from the results:(1) In the target task, the model adopted all themethods outperformed others, (2) In the auxiliarytasks, MTL and personalization had no effect.

As for the first one, since the identificationof the review-target requires both detailed under-standings of all the related metadata and capturingbiases of word meanings, our proposed methodconsidering both elements achieved the best per-formance as a natural consequence. The secondone is not surprising since the metadata estimatedin the auxiliary tasks are weakly related to eachother. Thus multi-task learning and personaliza-tion did not contribute to the improvement of theseauxiliary tasks.

Finally, Table 3 shows the results of the senti-ment analysis task for extrinsic evaluation. Simi-larly to the review-target identification, the modelwith both MTL and personalization performed thebest. The personalization of output bias term alsoslightly improved RMSE. These results confirmthat the personalized word embeddings trainedthrough our methods successfully learned task-independent personal semantic variations. In otherwords, they were helpful even for solving tasksother than the review-target identification.

4.3 Analysis

In this section, we analyze the personalized wordembeddings extracted from the best model withMTL and personalization to confirm what kind ofpersonal biases exist in each word. Here, we tar-get on only the words used by more than or equalto 30% of the reviewers excluding stopwords toremove the influences of low frequent words.

Model sentimentMTL personalized rating

emb. bias [RMSE]

1.452X 1.406

X 1.447X X 1.381X X X 1.377

baseline 2.903

Table 3: Results on the sentiment analysis: embed-ding layers are kept fixed to those of the corre-sponding models in Table 2.

We first define the personal semantic varia-tions of word w, to determine how the represen-tations of the word are different by individuals, as:




(1− cos(eujwi , ewi)) (1)

where U(wi) is the set of the reviewers who usedthe word wi in the training set, euj

wi is the wordembedding of wi personalized to reviewer uj , andewi is the average of euj

wi for uj ∈ U(wi).Here, we focus on the three factors, frequency,

dissemination, and polysemy which have beenstudied on semantic variations caused by di-achronic, geographical or domain differences oftext (see § 2). Figure 2 shows the semantic varia-tions of words against the degree of the three met-rics. The x-axes correspond to (a) log frequency ofthe word, (b) the ratio of the reviewers who usedthe word, and (c) the number of synsets found inWordNet (Miller, 1995) ver. 3.0, respectively.

Interestingly, in contrast to the results reportedin previous studies (Hamilton et al., 2016; Trediciand Fernandez, 2017), personal semantic varia-tions correlate highly with frequency and dissemi-nation, and poorly with polysemy in our results.This tendency can be explained as follows: Inthe dataset used in our experiments, words re-lated to five senses such as “mild,” “dry” and“soapy” frequently appear and their usages dependon the feelings and experiences of each individual.Therefore, these words show high semantic varia-tions. Regarding polysemy, although the seman-tic variations acquired through our method mightchange the degree or nuance of the word sense,they do not change its synset. This is becausethose words are still used only in highly skewedcontexts related to beer where word senses andtheir meanings do not significantly fluctuate.


2 3 4 5 6log frequency








tic variatio


(a) log-frequency

0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0fraction of reviewers








tic variatio


(b) dissemination

0 20 40 60 80number of synsets








tic variatio


(c) polysemy

Figure 2: Personal semantic variations: The Pearson coefficient correlations are (a) 0.55, (b) 0.51, (c)-0.02, respectively. The trendlines show 95% confidence intervals from bootstrapped kernel regressions.

top-50surprisingly, nice, quite, light, pleasant, actually, though,buttery, grassy, really, bready, dusty, fruity, decent, mild,rather, little, toffee, earthy, woody, subtle, nutty, strange,even, still, dry, tasty, maybe, medium, bit, soapy, inter-esting, somewhat, malt, pretty, brewery, character, solid,lovely, floral, herbal, grainy, big, yet, nose, fruit, fairly,aroma, good, almost, metallic

bottom-50lasted, primary, system, secondary, personal, test, ac-quired, ii, greater, standout, roof, england, flow, scored, pur-chase, partly, colorado, spare, rocks, ounce, se, jug, source,shipping, fullness, denmark, center, diminished, greatly,met, spirits, burns, comments, surrounded, scores, expec-tations, carmel, crew, die, annual, laces, reading, consumed,handpump, disappeared, suits, husks, duck, rise, meal, hall

Table 4: Top-50 words with the largest (and small-est) semantic variations. Adjectives are boldfaced.

Table 4 shows the top-50 words with the largest(and smallest) semantic variations. As can be seenfrom the table, the top-50 words contain muchmore adjectives (58%) compared with the bottom-50 ones (16%), which are likely to be used to rep-resent our feelings depending on the five senses.

To see more precisely what kind of words havelarge semantic variations, we manually classifythe adjectives of the top-50 (and bottom-50) bythe five senses. From the results, on the Rate-Beer dataset, there were more words represent-ing each sense except hearing in the top-50 wordscompared with the bottom-50 ones.

Finally, we analyze the relationships betweenwords beyond the analysis focusing on the sin-gle word. We visualized the obtained personalizedword embeddings of the word “mild” and someclosest words in the embedding space as an ex-ample in Figure 3. From the results, intersectionof the clusters (e.g., “grainy” and “grassy”) meansthat the same meaning can be represented in dif-ferent ways by individuals.

Figure 3: Two-dimensional visualization of theword “mild” with some closest words.

5 Conclusions

In this study, we proposed a method of model-ing personal semantic variations with personalizedword embeddings induced through the review-target identification task. The experimental re-sults on the large-scale beer review dataset showedthat personalized word embeddings obtained bymulti-task learning with metadata identificationimproved the accuracy of sentiment analysis aswell as the target task. Our analysis revealed thatwords related to the five senses and adjectives havelarge semantic variations.

We plan to analyze relationships between se-mantic variations and user factors of writers whoused the target words such as age and gender. Wewill develop a generic method of inducing person-alized word embeddings for any subjective text.


This work was partially supported by Commis-sioned Research (201) of the National Institute ofInformation and Communications Technology ofJapan.



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