modernism on the passeig de gràcia - 1904 the textile industrialist josep batlló josep...

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Modernism on the Passeig de Gràcia

Camp d’Aprenentatge de Barcelona

Cicle Mitjà



Hi! We’re Marcel and Mariona, but everyone calls us

Cel and Ona. We live close to the sea in Barcelona

in the neighborhood called Poblenou. We like to

walk on the beach with our friends and bike to


We also really like to see buildings by Gaudì and

other modernist architects. On the Passeig de

Gràcia there are four of the most beautiful works in the entire city. After

looking at them, we hope that you’ll want to continue discovering them.

Cel and Ona

Cel and Ona teach us about Cel and Ona teach us about Cel and Ona teach us about Cel and Ona teach us about the Passeig de Gràcia. the Passeig de Gràcia. the Passeig de Gràcia. the Passeig de Gràcia.


In the zone of the Passeig de Gràcia, between the streets Consell de Cent and Aragó, three works can be found that, along with La Pa-drera, best represent the competition produced between the bourgeoisie of Barcelona to show off the most spectacular building in the city.

The three buildings are the work of three key architects of Catalan mod-ernism:

• The Casa Lleó i Morera, by Domènech i Montaner.

• The Casa Amatller, by Puig i Cadafalch.

• The Casa Batlló, by Gaudí.

1. La Mançana de Discòrdia 1. La Mançana de Discòrdia 1. La Mançana de Discòrdia 1. La Mançana de Discòrdia

The appearance of the three buildings produced a popular debate over which of them is the most beautiful. Because of the debate, this block (Manzana in Castilian) was compared with the classical myth known as the Apple of Discord; the castilianism mançana, used often at that time, gave the zone its name of Mançana de Discòrdia (Apple of Discord). The myth explains the origins of the Trojan War: During a banquet, Paris had to give a golden apple brought by the goddess Discord to the most beautiful goddess. His pick provoked the wrath of the los-ers.

La Mansana de la Discòrdia 1910-1920 (ICUB)


The ArchitectThe ArchitectThe ArchitectThe Architect Lluís Domènech i Montaner was born in Barcelona in 1849 to a family dedicated to book editing. Not only did he stand out in architecture but also in drawing, literature, history, luxury book editing, and politics. Along with the Casa Lleó i Morera, some of his most important works in Barcelona are The Palau de la Música, The Editorial Montaner i SimónThe Palau de la Música, The Editorial Montaner i SimónThe Palau de la Música, The Editorial Montaner i SimónThe Palau de la Música, The Editorial Montaner i Simón, The The The The Casa FusterCasa FusterCasa FusterCasa Fuster, The Casa Thomas,The Casa Thomas,The Casa Thomas,The Casa Thomas, The Casa Lamadrid The Casa Lamadrid The Casa Lamadrid The Casa Lamadrid and The Palau Monta-The Palau Monta-The Palau Monta-The Palau Monta-ner ner ner ner and above all, l’Hospital de Sant Pau.l’Hospital de Sant Pau.l’Hospital de Sant Pau.l’Hospital de Sant Pau.

Mark on the map the location of the Casa Lleó i Morera and write the complete address.

Lluís Domènech i Montaner


1.1. Casa Lleó i Morera


The Casa Lleó i Morera Casa Lleó i Morera Casa Lleó i Morera Casa Lleó i Morera was the work of Lluis Domènech i MontanerLluis Domènech i MontanerLluis Domènech i MontanerLluis Domènech i Montaner, who in 1905 reformed a 1864 building. Many artists and artisans collaborated to create mosaics, stained glass, paintings and sculptures. Among them stands out the sculptor Eusebi ArnauEusebi ArnauEusebi ArnauEusebi Arnau, creator of the human figures that decorate the façade. The architect’s intent was to reproduce the appearance of a Renaissance cas-tle-palace with the inclusion of the most characteristic elements of modern-ism.


First Floor First Floor First Floor First Floor

Observe the two photographs and

compare the appearance nowadays

to the original. What differences do

you find?

Upper Part and RoofUpper Part and RoofUpper Part and RoofUpper Part and Roof

What medieval defensive structure does the top of the Casa Lleó i Morera look like?


The ArchitectThe ArchitectThe ArchitectThe Architect Josep Puig i Cadafalch was born in Mataró (Maresme) in 1869. At 16 years old he already produced publications and conferences about Romanesque art in Catalonia. A disciple of Domènech i Montaner, his first works were for his hometown: a new market and modern sewer system. A few years later, he directed his most important works in Barcelona and began a political life that would carry him to the presidency of the Mancomunitat de Catalunya until the coup d'état by Primo de Rivera (1923). During the Spanish Civil War, he left the county until 1942. He died in 1956. Some of his most emblematic buildings in Barcelona are the Casa the Casa the Casa the Casa Amatller, the Casa Macaya, the Casa Terradas (Les Punxes), the Palau de Amatller, the Casa Macaya, the Casa Terradas (Les Punxes), the Palau de Amatller, the Casa Macaya, the Casa Terradas (Les Punxes), the Palau de Amatller, the Casa Macaya, the Casa Terradas (Les Punxes), the Palau de Quadras and the Fàbrica CasaramonaQuadras and the Fàbrica CasaramonaQuadras and the Fàbrica CasaramonaQuadras and the Fàbrica Casaramona....

Mark on the map the location of the Casa Amatller and write the complete address.

Josep Puig i Cadafalch

1.2 Casa Amatller1.2 Casa Amatller1.2 Casa Amatller1.2 Casa Amatller



Foto 2

The Casa Amatller Casa Amatller Casa Amatller Casa Amatller is the work of Josep Puig i CadafalchPuig i CadafalchPuig i CadafalchPuig i Cadafalch, who in 1898 transformed a 1875 structure for the chocolate industrialist Antoni AmatllerAntoni AmatllerAntoni AmatllerAntoni Amatller. The façade appears like a gothic palace with influences of Netherlandish architectural elements. One example is the stepped gable. You can find details of medieval inspiration everywhere on the building: floral orna-mentations, fantastic creatures, gargoyles... One standout is the sculpture by Eusebi Arnau Eusebi Arnau Eusebi Arnau Eusebi Arnau of Saint George killing the dragon.


Photo 3

How many doors and stairs are there to enter the hou-se? What purpose does each one serve?

Observe the following details of the Casa Amatller and locate the elements related to nature.

Photo 1

Photo 2

Photo 4

Photo 1:

Photo 2:

Photo 3:

Photo 4:


The ArchitectThe ArchitectThe ArchitectThe Architect Antoni Gaudí was born in 1852 in Alt Camp (High Country) (there is still debate wheter it was in Riudoms or Reus), son of family of caldron artisans. From 1873 to 1877 he pursued architectural studies in Barcelona and in 1878 he made his first profes-sional job: the Textile Cooperative of Mataró. Shortly after, he met Eusebí Guell, one of the richest people in the country, who became Gaudí’s patrón. For Guell, Gaudí constructed works like the Palau Güell, the Colònia Güell and Park GüellPalau Güell, the Colònia Güell and Park GüellPalau Güell, the Colònia Güell and Park GüellPalau Güell, the Colònia Güell and Park Güell; some of his most emblematic structures. Additionally, Gaudí’s most important buildings include the Casa Milà Casa Milà Casa Milà Casa Milà (La Pedrera), the Casa Batlló(La Pedrera), the Casa Batlló(La Pedrera), the Casa Batlló(La Pedrera), the Casa Batlló and of course, the Sagrada Familiathe Sagrada Familiathe Sagrada Familiathe Sagrada Familia, the last of which he was almost exclusively dedicated from 1883 until his death in 1923, run over by a tram in Barcelona.

Mark on the map the location of the Casa Batlló and write the complete address:

1.3 Casa Batlló

Antoni Gaudí

Do you want to know more about Gaudí? Visit search Materials didàctics> El Modernisme > Gaudí, arquitecte i artesà (vídeo)



In 1904 the textile industrialist Josep Batlló Josep Batlló Josep Batlló Josep Batlló commissioned Gaudí Gaudí Gaudí Gaudí to re-model an older, original structure. The most important change was the fa-çade with its peculiar appearance that has been grounds for various inter-pretations. For some, it symbolizes the legend of Saint George, for others Carnival. The ceramic mosaic taht covers the façade is the work of Josep María Jujol.


The central floors. Pay attention to the balcony railings. What do they look like?

The upper floor and roof.

Look at the roof. What could it look like?

The Façade




2 Casa Milà (La Pedrera)

Trace with a blue felt tip pen the lines that separate the dif-ferent floors, attic and terrace of La Pedrera. What form do these lines have? Of what do the remind you?

In 1906 Gaudí received the commission from Pere Milà and his wife Roser Segimon to construct a grand housing structure. They wanted him to make a very original and exclusive building (Milà loved the Casa Batllò). The building was so original that it resulted in many criticisms by the citizens of the time to whom the building only seemed like a mountain of stones. From this came the nickname La Pedrera (The Stone Quarry). On La Pedrera there is virtually no straight lines. It is like a grand sculp-ture that resembles a sea of stone or an undulating mountain. The building incorporates the advances of the time: basement parking, in-dependent elevators, central heating and hot water, and rolling window screens.


1 1st Floor 6 4th Floor

2 Semibasement 7 5th Floor

3 Mezzanine 8 Attic

4 2nd Floor 9 Terrace

5 3rd Floor

In each of the squares write the corresponding number of each floor.




The Attic

The attic was planned to serve as a laundry and drying room. Gaudí used the most economic material: brick. So that the clothes could dry easily, windows are distributed at different levels so that the air could circulate well.

What do you call the arches that form the atttic? Draw one!


The TerraceThe TerraceThe TerraceThe Terrace

Place the corresponding number to each name.

• Chimney

• Badalot (stairway)

• Cupola

Some have baptized the terrace as the Garden of Warriors (Jardí dels Guerrers) for its appearance. Because of the surging forms of the at-tic, the terrace floor is not only wavy but also forms different levels. You can see chimneys, badalots (stairway exits) and cupolas (distributed by the walkway around the terrace).

3 1





Recognizing modernist elements:

Details to observe At which building have

you seen it?

Elements from nature: flowers, leaves, animales...

More wavy lines than straight lines.......................

Lack of symmetry (if we divide the façade in half

we won’t see two equal parts from left to right).....

Little realism in representing objects....................

Dynamic forms that seem to have moviment.........

Very detailed decoration that leaves very little

empty spaces or corners.....................................

Medieval images: coat of arms, fantastic beings,

mythologic characters........................................

3 Conclusions3 Conclusions3 Conclusions3 Conclusions


Clic del Modernisme a Barcelona

When you have done this activity book you will be ready to do the “Clic del Modernisme a Barcelona”. You will find it at:


Clic Gaudí (

Clic Gaudí: dracs (



Education material created by the Camp d’Aprenentatge de Barcelona and edited for educational use. Create copies only for this expressed use. Edition: October 2008 Camp d’Aprenentatge de Barcelona Pg. Mare de Déu del Coll 41-51 08023 Barcelona

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