module 2, lesson 1 webinars that convert the pre …transcript.pdf · page 1 module 2, lesson 1...

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Module 2, Lesson 1 Webinars That Convert The Pre-Webinar Phase

Nailing Your Webinar Registration Strategy Hey there, welcome back to Module 2, Lesson 1, The Pre-Webinar Phase, Nailing Your Webinar Registration Strategy. What You Will Discover

! The Big Picture: High-Converting Webinar Registration Pages; what do they look like and how do you create them

! Best Times to Schedule Your Webinars ! Best Practices for a Webinar Registration Page and Confirmation Page if you

don’t know much about the confirmation page I will make sure you totally understand that whole process

! EXTRA! My Favorite Tool for Webinar Registration Pages; it’s easy, inexpensive, and it works really, really well so stay with me and I’ll make sure I get into that as well

! EXTRA! I’ll Show You a Bunch of Examples! One of my favorite ways is to show you and not just tell you so you will see a bunch of examples with registration pages in this lesson.

The Big Picture The registration page is a HUGE success factor in your webinar system. I always say it is both an ART and a SCIENCE. By that I mean that the ART is the copy, images, and branding. That is very important. The SCIENCE is the page design and the user experience. I have to say that the science of a webinar is much more important than the art. For some of you that might actually allow you to breathe a little bit more. It doesn’t need to look spectacular in order for it to convert well. I’m going to show you some examples of

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what to do and what not to do to help you with that actual layout of your registration page. Scheduling Your Webinar I get the question asked a lot, “What day of the week should I do a webinar and at what time?” I am going to give you some of the known information in terms of when it is best to do a webinar. When we are talking about best days of the week for a webinar, Wednesdays and Thursdays tend to be the best days to actually do your webinars. The second best options are Tuesdays and Fridays. Some marketing experts will say Friday is not a good day. They think people are checked out. I haven’t had that experience. I have actually done great webinars with nice attendance on a Friday. But, if you have to choose I would actually choose Wednesdays and Thursdays and stick with those. I would stay away from Sundays and Mondays. You can probably guess that Sundays are a day for family and a day of relaxation. A lot of people have religious functions to go to or honor that day in terms of their religion, so I wouldn’t do Sunday. Mondays…Who likes Mondays, right? Most people aren’t going to have time to jump on a webinar on Monday because they are just starting to get into the groove of the week. So, 100%, let’s stay away from Sundays and Mondays. The best time of day is all a little experimental. I want you to experiment with these times of day because I have seen some great results on other times as well. But if we are going to general, the average success time of webinars is around 12 p.m. or 1 p.m. EST. If you are doing a webinar I would start out with doing it at 12 p.m. or 1 p.m. EST and then if you want to do an evening webinar 7, 8, or 9 p.m. EST tend to work well. You have a little more flexibility in terms of the time of day. Again, experiment with this

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because I am going to be running a webinar at 3 p.m. (6 p.m. EST); we are going to try. Why am I doing that? I just always want to see what my audience is going to respond to most. My audience might respond like gangbusters to 6 p.m. EST where yours might not even show up because of their lifestyle, their habits, or their behaviors. The more you experiment with these times the more you can nail down the time that is perfect for you. If you are looking for benchmarks, here you go. Another thing I want to talk to you about, remember earlier on in the training I talked about possibly doing more than one live webinar during a promo? You might have seen when I did the live webinar promo for this program I had four different times. You might not have seen this depending on when you signed up. But if you signed up in the very beginning days when I started to market the webinar that I did for this program, you would have seen that I gave four options. Remember, if you are just starting out, I do not suggest you do four live webinars. That is very overwhelming. But as you get your sea legs and continue to do this more and more you will be a pro at this and four won’t be any kind of stress whatsoever. I wanted to show this (in the video/slide deck) to you because I create custom registration pages and custom pop-up boxes on my registration page. What that means is I actually have a programmer and designer work together in order to create my registration process. It is more expensive and more labor intensive. In my early days I did not do it that way and that is why I am going to give you a tool to test out so you don’t have to do it custom. I just wanted to show you that this is what it looks like when I do the custom registration pages and I offer all four times.

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A lot of people will say not to give that many options. There is an old marketing rule that when you give more than two options people will choose nothing. I don’t think that’s the same kind of message I should give you when it comes to registration times for webinars. The reason for that is, as you can see, there are two webinars on one day and two webinars on another day and I am giving some different time options. I am keeping it concentrated between just two days but I want to give some flexibility. This tends to work really well for me. You get to do whatever feels right for you, but I just wanted to show you how I do it in case you want to model that. Again, this was all custom and that gets a little tricky and a little pricey. It is not necessarily the way you need to go. Best Practices: Webinar Registration Page Headlines First I want to talk about headlines. The headline is basically the first thing people will see at the very top of your registration page. Your headline should perfectly explain your webinar topic. We have already talked about your webinar topic in Module 1 so now you will likely have a good idea as to what you want to talk about on your webinar. Turning that into a title, the headline, is really important. In most cases the headline will be the title of your webinar. It should be specific, detailed, and enticing. It should also spotlight your Promise and speak to the Benefits. What kind of results do you want people to get? That is going to be in your headline. I am going to show you some examples of my registration pages and you will start to see how this all comes together. Bonus: “10 Irresistible Webinar Topics That Are Sure To Boost Sign Ups” – I want to remind you that I created this special bonus for you. You can find this bonus underneath the Extra tabs here in your membership area. You can go to that and if you

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are still trying to figure out your webinar topic don’t forget that I still have this bonus waiting for you. Copy Let’s talk about the copy on your registration page. If you are going to include bullet points on your registration page (which I do often), you want them to be exciting, results-focused, benefits driven, and detailed. In addition to that, you want your ideal customer to read those bullets and think, “This is EXACTLY what I was hoping to learn!” You want it to be exactly what they have needed. You want to read their mind with those bullets. You also want to make the bullets short, punchy, and spark a little curiosity with them as well. We are going to look at some bullet points in a moment so that you really understand how to craft those bullets if you choose to include them on your registration page. User Experience The user experience is more about the science behind the registration page. The user experience is so very valuable. If they can navigate through your page easily they are more likely to sign up. And let’s face it, this is what the registration page is all about, getting the name and email. With that, I usually only ask for first name and email. I don’t even ask for last name. If you ask for just a little bit of information you are likely going to get it. If you ask for too much information they will abandon you page and not sign up. For me, it’s just name and email (first name and not even last name) and I tend to have a lot of success with that. If you want to include a text feature, make sure the phone number field is optional. Don’t require that because you will lose a lot of people if you require the phone number field to be filled out. I’m not going to talk about this in the tech area because this is not something I do. But if you are going to offer that text feature you want to research that. You might need a

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little bit of help from a programmer because that’s a little bit more advanced in terms of making it work on your registration page. The registration button MUST be above the fold and in most cases I want you to have it in two places on the page. I will show you what I mean in just a moment. If your webinar platform integrates with Lead Pages that is my tool of choice for you. Lead Pages is an amazing tool that has a lot of different options for a webinar registration page. Inside my paid programs (like this one, of course) I offer a special discount. If you go to you can get 60 days for $1 through Lead Pages. That is a really good deal. If you want to try it out and don’t want to commit to it fully you can definitely check it out. Inside the tech videos I will also show you how I set up a registration page and will also talk about how it integrates with different platforms. That will be under the tech tab in your membership site but I just wanted to throw it out there. While we are talking about user experience, I will tell you that I usually see about a 65% conversion on my opt-in page. When I send traffic, whether it be Facebook ads or maybe traffic from my emails to my registration page to sign up for my webinar I am usually seeing anywhere between 60 to 70% depending on who I am sending there. If it is colder traffic it will be closer to 60% and if it is my own email list it is closer to that 70%. I have perfected this over the years. I want you to try to shoot for 40 to 50% in terms of your conversion rate. That means of all of the traffic you are sending to your registration page I want to make sure that you are at least getting 40 to 50% of those people to sign up. That’s what you want to shoot for and then, of course, you can make that even better as you start to experiment and get better and better at your copy and your user experience and all that good stuff.

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I will say, if you use Lead Pages, you are likely going to see a higher conversion rate. They know the art and science behind those conversions. They know how to set up a registration page that will convert. If you try to make up your own registration page you are going to likely see fewer conversions. That conversion depends on what kind of traffic you are sending there as well. If it is a bunch of cold Facebook ad traffic and these people have no idea who you are you are likely to see a lower conversion. If you are targeting smart with your Facebook ads, of course you will learn that inside this program, then you should see a pretty good conversion rate from the point that the person clicks the ad and they land on your registration page and they opt in. I just wanted to give you some benchmarks to shoot for. Remember, I told you about the user experience? Let’s talk about this registration page (in the video/slide deck). I know this is kind of silly because I pretty much blurred out everything on this registration page. But I am a sensitive kind of girl and it would just break my heart to make anybody look bad because I know everybody is trying their best and are doing the best with what they have. I saw this on the web. I don’t know this person and I thought I would just basically blur out what you aren’t seeing in the headline and the bullet points and the description of the webinar. That part doesn’t matter. We are focused on the layout of the page. Let me tell you why this doesn’t work at all. The first thing is, when you come to the page the registration button is below the fold. That means I had to scroll down to actually find the button to register. I could see the name and email but I didn’t see the button. That’s a huge red flag. In addition to that, having the signup to the right is a terrible idea. It is almost like an afterthought. “Sign up for the FREE Webinar” just isn’t compelling enough. The headline was also really small and there was a lot of text before the bullets. The way the text was put together also didn’t help in terms of getting more people to convert.

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The thing that really stuck out to me more than anything is the “Register Here” button below the line of scrolling. In addition to that, I am not a fan of “Register Here”. I like to be a little more creative with my button text because studies have shown you likely can increase your conversion rate if you get a little more creative like, “Sign Me Up,” or “I’m In!” or “Secure My Seat!” Use something that someone might say if they are thinking about signing up. I’d have a little fun with that button if you can and not make it so corporate like “Register Here”. To say, “Sign Up Now” is probably fine but you might want to have a little bit more fun with that. Also, notice that the two buttons are totally different. You always want your buttons to look identical. That way people know exactly what to look for when they are ready to click. This is definitely not a good layout. Let’s talk about some layouts. This (in the video/slide deck) is one of my students, Andrea. I talked about her in Module 1. She is a superstar on webinars. With her webinars, she uses Lead Pages. This is one of Lead Pages’ templates. It looks really good. She has the “Register Now” button. It is the same color for “Yes! I Want To Register Now!” She is using “Register Now” and it works for her. I wanted to show that to you because here I am telling you not to use “Register Now” and then one of my best students is using it. I wanted to keep that in because you do need to experiment. I am going to give you some guidelines that I want you to run with first but then, when you start getting your sea legs and feeling really good about what you are doing, you should try some different phrases on your buttons. Maybe “Register Now” will work great for you. I just think it is a lot more fun to make them a bit more creative. Other than that, I think “How to Become A Certified Aromatherapist!” is excellent. She has some great text. You can spend a little time and come back to this slide or get my slide deck.

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Her bullets are really good as well. She tends to be a little bit more wordy with her bullets. You can be a little bit more short and punchy. But, again, it works for her so I would never tell her to change it. Andrea tried out another option and did a split test to see which one converted better. For me, the shorter version has been converting better. For her, the verdict is still out so we are not exactly sure but she is split testing both. As you can see, she has a bunch of information on the first option and then she has another option where she just has a little bit of information and a beautiful picture that grabs your attention with the color. I want you to see if you can split test both because when you split test both you are able to find out which one your audience is going to respond to most and you can stop using one and use the other one more to get higher conversions. Another lady kicking butt on webinars is Chantelle. I already talked about her a bit in Module 1 but I wanted to show you her registration page (in the video/slide deck). Notice her headline, “How NOT to Lose Students Over Summer”. One thing, when I teach headlines, I want to point out that you want them to be just like you want your webinar topic to be…Do you remember those three words? When I taught you in Module 1 how to create your webinar topic I told you that you want to consider three words. The first word is that you want it to be irresistible; the second, relevant; and the third, actionable. That is precisely what Chantelle has done with her headline. The first one is irresistible, “How NOT to Lose Students Over Summer”. If that is a pain point, if you have a studio and are constantly bleeding students over the summer then this is going to be very irresistible to you because you have to have this information to save money in your business. Relevant. It’s summertime. At the time she is putting this out it is summertime and people need to pay attention because you will lose students. Because it is so timely for her students, it works out perfectly.

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Actionable. Look what she says below, “Discover how busy studios keep over 85% of their students with this easy four-step system.” That is actionable. This is a perfect example of what I was saying earlier. I also love her bullets. If you want some inspiration with bullets I wanted to give you this information as well. They are fantastic:”

! How to avoid coming back to SMALL CLASS SIZES after the break with my TOP 4 LOYALTY BOOSTING strategies for student retention.

! How to break the ‘SUMMER CASHFLOW DROUGHT’ that leaves studios STRUGGLING TO CATCH UP by following my PROVEN RETENTION PLAN.

! What to do RIGHT NOW to set your studio up for CAPACITY CLASSES and MAXIMUM GROWTH when students return.

I love the use of CAPS on the most important words, and she bolded them. All of that stuff matters. That is the art in the art and science of a registration page. Another one of my students, Erica, is absolutely gorgeous. Erica does amazing webinars selling essential oils through a home-based business. She is actually getting people to register to be part of her down line. She does a great job using webinars to do so. She is enlisting people. What she has done really well (in the video/slide deck) is add a timer. Giving people a timer in terms of how long they have to sign up is a great idea. She uses WebinarJam, one of the resources on your resources page. I haven’t used WebinarJam before but, as you can see, the registration page is powered by WebinarJam. WebinarJam, instead of using Lead Pages to create your registration page, has a template you can use. I think this is a great template. I love it. I think it is really simple. It is to the point. It has a picture of the presenter and I always think that is a nice touch.

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You have the bullets and the “Reserve My Spot”. Yes, it is only on there once but this isn’t a really long page so you don’t need the button on there more than once. We found another registration page for Scott Lim (I actually do not know this person) when we were doing research all about this topic. I wanted to show you what I liked about it. I love the title, “The Secrets to Booking the $10k Wedding”. He knows that is what his students are looking for. He makes it really specific. I think his bullets are really well done and he asks for first name and email. But he asks, “How many weddings will your studio shoot this year” and “Which of the following best describes you?” Those are drop downs so people don’t have to fill out the information. They get to choose an option. I am not exactly sure what he used to set his registration page up. It could be custom and it could be one of his webinar platform registration pages. But, if you have the opportunity to do this and you feel that information could help you deliver a better webinar then, by all means, look into doing something like that. I don’t think he should have made it required, can you see the asterisks where they are required? However, I bet he will give amazing information so when he does his live webinar he can actually talk about who these people are on the webinar. I thought that was kind of brilliant. Hilary Rushford does a great job with webinars as well. I always like to choose people that I know are kicking butt with five-figure, six-figure, even seven-figure webinars. Hilary is one of those ladies for sure. She has a whole different style. I kind of broke this up for you (in the video/slide deck) to get it all on one page. See where it says, “Double Instagram Following”, that’s the top of her registration page. I like that it’s simple and she has a button. It is a pop up and you choose the best date and time.

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She also has fun Instagram images, because that’s what her webinar is all about. You get to learn a little in her Four Steps to Know Your Following. Notice most of these people are teaching a path. Remember, that’s the second word of the three Ps? You have your Promise, your webinar topic; the Path, which is how you teach it; and the Promotion is when you sell. She is going to do her Path in the Four Steps To Grow Your Following and Make Money With Instagram. At the very bottom she has “POUR YOURSELF A CUP OF TEA OR GLASS OF WINE. SIT DOWN SOMEWHERE COMFORTABLE & LET’S CHAT.” What I love about Hilary, if you start to follow her, is everything she writes is like she is just chatting with a good friend. That does make a difference in terms of the art of a registration page, making it conversational and really inviting. Her pop-up box (in the video/slide deck) is super girly. She mostly attracts women into her webinars for Instagram. Again, look what she is doing. She is asking for first name and email. I think that is the best way to go. Another Lead Pages example from Kisma, one of my students as well, has a title at the very top. She has her bullets. She has the date and a picture of herself. It is really simple. I wanted to include this because this is a great example of what you can do in Lead Pages. Remember, you can’t use Lead Pages if it doesn’t integrate with your webinar platform and we will talk about that in the tech section of this program. Lewis Howse is one of my great friends. I wanted to show you his opt-in page (in the video/slide deck) because it is really simple but it is really powerful. Notice, he has a “Register Now” at the top. He also has two “Sign Me UP” buttons and is using the same color to punctuate throughout. I like the design of this page. His bullets are fantastic. But I really like the look and feel of this in terms that it is very simple, it is very streamlined, and it is easy to navigate.

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You might have seen this registration page (shown in the video/slide deck) when you signed up for the webinar promoting this program. If you signed up through a webinar you likely saw this page. It looks a little bit different on mobile because we took out my picture on mobile to make it a little bit more compact. Let me walk you through it. It has the title at the top, the countdown timer, the “Reserve My Seat” (we went with seat to make it a little more actionable), and then when you scroll down you will see that I tell you what you are going to learn. We used a fun, pointing finger for my bullets. You can come back and read these later to see how specific I got with my bullets. I tend to be a little bit wordy. One thing I do on my registration pages is a little blurb about myself. If you don’t know who I am I want to make sure you have a little bit of information. We ran a lot of cold ads to this webinar so if you are running cold ads to a registration page you want to tell people a little bit about yourself so they know they can trust you in terms of knowing your stuff. I also like to include what others have said about Amy’s webinars. Remember, this is fully customized. You can definitely show this design to a designer and have a designer create it for you and have a programmer program it for you. I wanted to show it to you in case you want to go that route. I am doing a webinar about webinars so I thought it would be valuable for some testimonials to be on the registration page as well. Again, you have the “Reserve My Seat” button. That is my registration page. And, of course, you saw the pop up. When people click there they have a bunch of different times and options for the webinar. Another registration page I use for my Jumpstart Facebook 101 automated webinar (in the video/slide deck); we actually used this look and feel for the webinar course as well to split test. This one always does really well. At the time I am recording this I don’t know which registration page is going to work best for my webinar program because I am recording this in advance for you. But I do know that this registration page converts

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best for my Jumpstart program if you are going to compare this to one with a bunch of bullets on it. If you have an image of yourself looking at the box Lead Pages does have something similar to this. Again, this is custom. But you can use something similar to this on Lead Pages and very little information because my ad says exactly what they are going to sign up for. If your Facebook ad gives the details or maybe your email gives all the details, sending them to a really simplified registration page might be the way to go to get more registrations. My business coach, Todd Herman, does a video series but his ad can be used for a webinar. I just wanted to show you his because he crushed it with this layout and I wanted some men in here. There are so many women so I wanted to give you some examples. When you click the box you get a pop-up box. Another gentleman, one of my very best friends, Rick Mulready, did an opt-in page and his was through Lead Pages. I would like to walk you through it because I want to give you some examples that you could come back to the slide deck and read through if you are looking for help with your copy for your registration page. This is the top (in the video/slide deck) and then you work your way down. He includes bullets and he has more information. He actually did a pretty text-heavy one. He actually added a little bit of information at the bottom to say that if you sign up for the webinar you will also occasionally receive free helpful tips and strategies. Remember, we are building our email list with our webinars. You don’t need to add the information but it is something Rick wanted to add. I don’t typically add that. But, it is a cool thing just to say, “Hey, you are also going to get some emails from me down the road.” Remember, webinar registrations are the best way to grow your email list so we are kind of killing two birds with one stone. We are building our email list and we are getting people on our live webinar.

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When you click “Claim Your Free Spot Now!” you actually get a pop-up box where he also used the pointing finger. Someone was saying that they did a test and the pointing finger crushed it on a pop-up box. If you use Lead Pages, like Rick has done here, you can actually upload that image into your Lead Page template. I love Lead Pages so much because it is literally a drag and drop kind of thing so you can easily add images like Rick has done. I just wanted to remind you this is what my pop-up box looked like (in the video/slide deck) for my registration page. I thought I would put it here just to remind you that you can do multiple times/dates if you are doing live. If you are doing an automated webinar, I know I am trying to stay away from the automated talk until Module 5, but if you are doing an automated webinar the tool you will usually use for the automated webinar will give you the options to do multiple dates and times. That is built into their registration process. Some of you want to do a webinar with somebody else. If you have two hosts, Lead Pages also offers a two-host kind of template. My assistant, Trivinia, and her husband, Chris, did a webinar all about how to hire the right VA the first time. This is a Lead Pages template and I wanted to show you that you can definitely have two people on a webinar and do a really well designed opt-in page. ***Where You Might Get Stuck*** Lead Pages, as I said before, is the easiest solution for registration page creation. However, it’s not always compatible with your webinar platform. Right now EasyWebinar and Lead Pages don’t necessarily play nice together all the time. We’ll talk about that in the tech section of this program but I just wanted to tell you to do the best with what you have. If you have to use a registration page through your webinar platform provider then go with that and just use these principles you have learned here to choose the best

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template. Don’t let this stop you. If you can’t use Lead Pages there are other options inside your webinar platform. Best Practices: Confirmation Registration Page The confirmation registration page (I call it a reg page) is the page you see after people opt in for your webinar. After somebody opts in for a webinar they should land on the confirmation page. When they land on the confirmation page this is a great opportunity for viral sharing. Confirmation pages are another great opportunity to grow your audience numbers. Most companies miss this opportunity by failing to optimize these pages for maximum attendance. You can add share buttons for Facebook and Twitter, you can experiment with That is one that is so cool that people click a button and it automates a tweet and the tweet might say something like, “Hey, I just signed up for Amy’s webinar all about Facebook, click here to sign up too.” You can write that in advance and when people click it, it opens their Twitter account and they can tweet it without having to do anything but click “Tweet”. So, ClicktoTweet is a really cool tool. Also consider adding some details about Gmail to ensure your registration emails are received. I will show you what I mean in a moment. Most systems that you are going to use in order to set up your webinar will allow you to add the confirmation page. We’ll talk about that in the tech videos but you should easily be able to use Lead Pages for your confirmation page. Again, we will talk about that in the tech videos. Again, I just want to give you the link because I didn’t include it in the slide deck before, will get Lead Pages for 60 days for $1.

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Let’s talk about that confirmation page. One of the confirmation pages I have used in the past is all about how to make sure people can get my emails, especially if they are using Gmail. This has worked well for us. We basically tell them to bring me over to your primary tab if you are using tabs or else we will get lost in the promotions tab and you will never see it. Why is this so important? I am going to teach you how to create pre-webinar onboarding email sequences. You are going to send a whole host of emails before the webinar. We need to make sure people see those emails. The way to do that is to remind them to set up their Gmail to get your emails. Another great one that is much more simple is from Todd Herman. He just has share buttons for Facebook and Twitter. Or, you can click “Take me to the video” because he did a video series versus a webinar. I wanted to show you how simple this could look. It’s a pretty cool picture too. When you are taking pictures for your business, if you are the face of your company, definitely take pictures where you are to the right or left so that you can create some cool things like this (in the video/slide deck). This is custom but there are similar pages to this inside Lead Pages. The confirmation page is a place you can easily add share buttons. I like to say Lead Pages is best for confirmation pages and they tend to integrate well with most webinar platforms and I will show you how to do that later. Here’s a great confirmation page that I am pretty sure is a Lead Page template (in the video/slide deck). It’s one of Rick Mulready’s confirmation pages. Check this out, you can share it on Facebook and Twitter and LinkedIn. He also adds a testimonial. Adding testimonials to registration pages and confirmation pages tends to up the ante with your social proof. So that’s always a good thing to do as well.

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The Profitable Webinars Rule I gave you tons of examples for both the art and science of your registration page. But I want to tell you the registration page is both an art and a science. The art (font, images, colors) matters. But here’s the rule, the science (the user experience) matters more. I want you to pay more attention to the layout and the template you choose or the custom design that you want to put together from a designer and programmer. Pay attention to the user ability, where the buttons are, how people navigate, how easy it is to sign up. That’s more important than the look and feel. For me, I like to pay attention to both because I want my brand to look good and I want people to sign up and I want that page to convert at a high level. Do The Work – Make It Real Your action: With your webinar platform of choice in mind, I want you to research your registration page options. What are your options? What does it integrate with. I talk a little bit about that in the tech portion of this training. But at the same time, I can’t research everything for you depending on your platform. You might need to give a call to the platform you want to choose or send a support ticket and ask if they integrate with Lead Pages. You can ask how to get a registration page up and whether they integrate with any other businesses that do registration pages. Ask some questions, do your research and that way you can feel really comfortable with the registration page setup that you decide on. Now that you know how to get your registration page up and running let’s go ahead and move on to the next video.

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