module 3 - intro to bootstrap

Post on 17-Jul-2015






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Module 3

Bootstrap Framework

The most popular responsive,

mobile-first HTML5 and CSS3


What is Bootstrap?

• Free front-end framework for faster and easier web development

• Bootstrap includes HTML and CSS for typography, forms, buttons,

tables, navigation, image carousels…

• Optional JavaScript plugins

• Ability to easily create responsive designs

What is responsive web design?

Responsive web design is about creating web sites

which automatically adjust themselves to look good on all devices,

from small phones to large desktops.

What is a framework?

A framework provides code for common activities

performed in web development — so you don’t need to

reinvent the wheel every time you start a project

History of Bootstrap

• Developed by Mark Otto and Jacob

Thornton at Twitter

• Released as an open source product in

August 2011

• Currently on version 3

• Popularity and usage is rising

Goals for Module 3

What we’ll cover in Module 3 (Feb 10 and Feb 17)

This week (Feb 10):

1. Overview of what Bootstrap is and how it can be used

2. Experiment with the grid system

3. Experiment with other elements: tables and buttons

Next week (Feb 17):

1. Create a simple-one page site


Pros and Cons of Bootstrap

• Save time: use the predefined

design templates and classes

• Responsive features

• Consistent design across


• Easy to to use

• Compatible with all modern


• Open Source: free to download

and use

• Div-heavy code

• Relies on classes extensively

• Source code can be rather


• Larger CSS and JS files can

cause some loading lag time

• Popularity means lots of sites

are using it… may want to

customize to stand out

Pros: Cons:

Big pros of Bootstrap? (IMHO)

Start simple, get more complex as needed

Big pros of Bootstrap? (IMHO)

Built-in styles look clean, modern but can easily be customized

Big pros of Bootstrap? (IMHO)

Simple, easy to understand 12-column grid system

Class demos


1. Download:


(in eLearn - Module 3)

2. Unzip

3. Define a new site using

Dreamweaver, point it to

this folder


4. Open the index.html file

5. Note the links to the css files:

• bootstrap.css - this contains all the styles to create the


• bootstrap-theme.css - additional css for a visually

enhanced experience (DON’T EDIT THIS FILE)

• custom-styles.css - this is where you create custom

styles to modify the design

The grid and containers

Container element wraps contents and houses the grid system, options:

.container - responsive fixed-width container

.container-fluid - full-width, spans the entire width of the screen

Step 1: create a container

1. In the index.html file create a <div>

2. Apply the container class:

<div class="container">


The Grid

The grid creates page layouts with a series of rows and

columns that house the content

Blocks of content are created by specifying the number of

columns you wish to span

Media Queries

Key breakpoints in the grid system:

/* Extra small devices (phones, less than 768px) */

/* No media query since this is the default in Bootstrap */

/* Small devices (tablets, 768px and up) */

@media (min-width: @screen-sm-min) { ... }

/* Medium devices (desktops, 992px and up) */

@media (min-width: @screen-md-min) { ... }

/* Large devices (large desktops, 1200px and up) */

@media (min-width: @screen-lg-min) { ... }

Step 2: add a row

1. Inside <div class=“container”>, create a <div>

2. Apply the row class:

<div class=“row">


Rows and columns

• Rows must be placed within a container for proper

alignment and padding

• Use rows to create horizontal groups of columns

Grid options

• Including the class prefix options allows you to have

more control over how the columns stack/don’t stack on

smaller devices

Step 3: add a column

1. Within the row, create a <div></div>

2. Apply the class for a 12 column-wide column

using extra small:

<div class="col-xs-12">12 columns (x small)</div>

Looks like:

Note: I’ve added some custom styles in <link href="css/custom-styles.css"

rel=“stylesheet"> to show the difference between xs, sm, md and lg

Step 4: add columns at xs

1. Create another row:

<div class=“row">


2. Create a div and apply the class for 3 column width

using xs (extra-small): col-xs-3

<div class=“col-xs-3”>3 columns (x small)</div>

3. Copy and paste so there are 4 of these <div>s

Looks like:

Step 6: columns at sm

1. Create another row

<div class=“row">


2. Create a div and apply the class for 3 column width

using sm (small): col-sm-3

<div class=“col-sm-3”>3 columns (small)</div>

3. Copy and paste so there are 4 of these divs

Looks like:

Step 7: columns at md

1. Create another row

<div class=“row">


2. Create a div and apply the class for 3 column width

using md (medium): col-md-3

<div class=“col-md-3”>3 columns (medium)</div>

3. Copy and paste so there are 4 of these divs

Looks like:

Step 7: columns at lg

1. Create another row

<div class=“row">


2. Create a div and apply the class for 3 column width

using lg (large): col-lg-3

<div class=“col-lg-3”>3 columns (large)</div>

3. Copy and paste so there are 4 of these divs

Looks like:

Looks like this on a small device:

Notice how the teal and red rows (medium

and large) have stacked at a smaller size…

but the yellow and orange (xsmall and small)

continue to sit side-by-side

Using the class-prefixes allows you to define

how content will look on a smaller device…

Combine for more control…

• Want more control?

• Combine the sizes:

<div class="row">

<div class="col-xs-12 col-md-8”>xs at 12, md at 8</div>

<div class="col-xs-6 col-md-4”>xs at 6, md at 4</div>


Looks like:

Combining class-prefixes

allows for different layouts on

smaller devices

More great features…


Styles for headings 1 through 6


• Bootstrap's global default font-size is 14px, with a line-height of 1.428

• Applied to the <body> and all paragraphs

• <p> tags receive a bottom margin of half their computed line-height

(10px by default)

Making a paragraph stand out

• Make a paragraph stand out by adding the class .lead

Formatting options

Many other classes exist for:

• Inline text elements

• Alignment classes

• Transformation classes

• Abbreviations

• Addresses

• Blockquotes

One of my favourites…

Horizontal definitions:

• Make terms and descriptions in <dl> line up side-by-side

• Starts off stacked like default <dl>s, but when the navbar

expands, so do these


Open the table.html file

• Add the class “table" to the <table> tag

• Style creates an attractive, easy to read table

Try adding these classes: (e.g. class=“table table-bordered”)

• table-bordered

• table-hover

• table-striped

Responsive table option

Try adding a <div> around the table with the


• Note how the table behaves when viewed on a

small screen

Links and buttons

• Bootstrap has custom button and link styles

<button type="button" class="btn btn-default”>Default</button>

<button type="button" class="btn btn-primary”>Primary</button>


Links and buttons

Open the button.html file

• Note the buttons have the class “btn” applied

Try adding these classes:

• btn-default to the button in the left column

• btn-lg to the button in the middle column

• btn-block to the button in the right column

What is the effect of each class?

Putting it all together…

• Open theme.html

• Check out how some elements work

• E.g. the Carousel at the very bottom

• Shrink your window and see how the

layout changes and adapts

Next week we’ll take some elements

from this theme and build a simple,

one-page website

Interested in learning more?

• Check out the Bootstrap

website at

top related